#aren’t that great or special either
waugh-bao · 1 month
Do you think in the "Out of Tears" video the cameras just happened to be rolling when Charlie went in the telephone booth to call Shirley and ask her to come pick him up from this bloody music video set and then captured his disappointment when he realized it was just a prop? I do.
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Our comfort
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Platonic!Yan!Camp Half-Blood x Comfort!Goddess!Reader. (Percy, Annabeth, Grover)
—£ Yes I know I haven’t finish the book but I actually couldn’t wait anymore. So, this is me with little knowledge so bare that in mind.
—£ Warnings: Book/show spoilers, Yandere! Behavior, Being bound to a place, Possessive behavior, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Characters fighting for the reader’s attention. Short.
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You weren’t a known for too long goddess, much younger then rest of the gods. A teenager like age compared to them. It was strange to have more powerful gods look to you for comfort but you love it. As you are the goddess of comfort.
But, as the other gods started to have many demigods you saw how miserable they could get. You hated the fact they didn’t care for their children so you decided to stay at the camp for half-bloods when the time came.
The campers cling to you. You bring a comfort they never quite felt before. It was like a warm hug, like the ones they wanted from their parents.
You couldn’t leave, and at the beginning you were glad to accept that fate.
Almost always you are found surrounded by demigods and they just relax in your comfort. You are the one they go to with every worry in their mind.
Being close to Aphrodite, her seeing you as a sister and a younger child. Stories of your love for one another are still told today, as she gave ideas to the mortals of how great your relationship was. But in reality there wasn’t much to tell.
So her children have a mentality that they are your favorite and because of their mother, they have some sort of claim to you above the others. But that never works because you love the children equally.
The demigods have less nightmares with you around and watching over them.
Ares children fight often for your affection. They will constantly get into fights with others to show they deserve more time with you. Which you always scold them but it never sticks. They kiss their weapons each time to you, like a sign of good luck. Aries children are one of the worsts ones because they get aggressive at times, even with you. But the golds make them stop by punishing them, mostly their father.
Hermes children are hard to explain really. They aren’t aggressive, but they are mischievous. They take their revenge of stealing things from the other campers, pulling pranks. Or trapping some of them up and go straight to you before they can get there. Luke for instance, is always looking around for you and talking about his day. He’s either laying down next to you, or making you watch him train.
Many games of all houses take place just for you.
AnnaBeth, is constantly by your side when she has free time. She scares off people with a glare behind your back, knowing that she could put plan them. She also trains and makes you watcher her and needs your praise. Maybe, somehow you are her older sister. But, sometimes she just chills by your side not saying anything, she’s like a lost duck at times.
Grover however is actually a lost duck. You comfort him when his past missions fail and he loses kids. You are so nice to him and makes him feel special and brave. When he has to leave he keeps a coin in his pocket with your face on it and prays a lot. He’s not possessive much. He’s willing to take what he can get and is just happy to be there. But maybe if someone comes in when he’s “crying” and having you fuss over him then he’ll be a bit mad but never does anything about it.
When a new camper arrives you devote your time to them because they need it a little more. They come into a world they know nothing of, waiting for the parent they hardly know to claim them. You claim them like your own until the time comes.
So when Percy comes you feel something off with him, like he is special and in need of a lot. He lost his mom, taken from the world he knew.
Percy becomes the most possessive out of all of them.
He feels out of place but you are always there to listen to him. It doesn’t help that you follow him to make sure he’s okay. At the beginning you’re both following each other around.
“It’s okay, Percy.” You brush his hair lightly like his mother used to do. “You’ll get claim, and you’ll have glory.” And he doesn’t care if you say that to everyone because you make him feel special. 
Also, you protect the new bloods. So you’ll show up when he gets bullied and just raise one brow and they all back off. Can’t risk making you mad at them.
When Percy gets claimed he’s all alone again, no friends and the campers looking at him funny. Being one of the top threes son isn’t fun or easy. He shares a cabin all to himself.
So he starts to be the worst of them all. Raising his voice when you try and leave him and he manipulates you to stay with him. Can’t you see how alone he is?
He can’t sleep unless he knows your watching over him.
You pick no sides of the war. Your family will figure it out themselves, while you take care of their children.
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lexirosewrites · 4 months
What about omega prison guard Steve and alpha prisoner Eddie Munson.
Steve should sue that prison for workplace endangerment and I’m so sorry for how late this is. I have others still in my inbox too that I will get to eventually!
That being said... alpha prisoner Eddie flirting with nervous prison guard Steve!!! Steve who's been told to be wary of inmates trying to intimidate him with threats, but he was never warned that he'd fall in love with the charming weirdo in Block D who's always telling him how pretty he is.
At first, Steve assumes that inmate Munson is trying to get extra time in the yard or a better work assignment, but he never does. He greets Steve like a friend, asks how his dog is, and even makes sure that other prisoners don't mess with him despite being an omega working in an alpha prison.
It feels too good to be true, but five days a week, Steve clocks in and instantly finds himself drawn to Block D. Even if it's not his assignment for the day, he makes a point to say good morning to Eddie. Sometimes he does sneak him an extra granola bar from commissary if he's feeling generous, even though Eddie would never ask.
"Morning, officer beautiful."
Steve laughs at that, sticking his hand in his pocket to quickly find the pack of gum security had allowed him to bring inside. Not necessarily following protocol, but he figures that it's innocent enough.
"Good morning, Munson," he greets.
Eddie gets off his cot and comes over to the bars of his cell, his smile widening when he catches sight of the bright pink package of gum in Steve's outstretched hand.
He has to be subtle about the special treatment, but Eddie’s good about that, accepting the present and pocketing it quickly.
"Surely you can come up with a better petname than that, baby? You've had damn near a whole year to pick one for me,” Eddie teases in a whisper.
Steve brushes it off with a laugh, putting a little more space between them.
Having a soft spot for a handsome prisoner wouldn’t look good to the other inmates or his fellow correctional officers. Everyone already thinks he’s not fit for this job and he can’t afford to lose it. It’s the best paying job he’s ever had and the benefits are great.
“Alright, Munson. Mind your manners.. What’s on the agenda for Block D? Are you running your little club this morning?”
The alpha typically leads some weird club for the prisoners on good behavior. Steve has never understood their funny game, but he always volunteers to oversee it.
Eddie smirks, throwing him a wink as he returns to his bunk and picks up a full box to show Steve.
“Big plans for today, actually.”
He chuckles at that.
There are no big plans in prison. Every day is more or less the same. Eddie either has a work assignment or his club. Sometimes he attends a special workshop or class for some college credit, but it’s not exactly the Ritz-Carlton.
“Sure, Munson. Whatever you say,” Steve says, rolling his eyes.
Eddie pouts.
“Don’t you want to know why all my stuff is packed up? You aren’t the least bit curious?”
He looks around the cell, suddenly noticing how bare the walls are— devoid of Eddie’s monstrous drawings and plans for his game. In fact, his bed has been completely stripped and none of his books are lying around the place anymore.
“Eddie? What— what’s happening here?” Steve questions frantically, his heart racing now at the idea of his favorite prisoner being transferred elsewhere.
He’s had good behavior lately, but maybe he got caught in a fight on Steve’s weekend off?
Eddie can’t leave. He’s unintentionally become Steve’s best friend here and honestly, he’ll really miss the guy. Even the extra attention and flirting too!
The alpha drops his box and comes all the way to the bars, close enough that he can reach a hand through and take Steve’s. He squeezes it gently, settling Steve’s panic a little with his calming scent now.
“Hey now, baby. I thought you’d be happy for me? Are you really that upset that I’m getting out finally?”
Getting… out? Holy shit. Eddie is leaving prison. For good.
“You— your time is up?”
Eddie leans down, glancing around to make sure nobody sees him press a kiss to the omega’s knuckles.
“Yeah, sweetheart. I told you I was gonna be on my best behavior for the parole board. How else was I gonna take you on that date I promised?”
Everything he says always sounds confident and a little cocky, but for once, Eddie seems vulnerable and sincere.
He actually wants to take Steve on a date.
Steve shakes his head, but doesn’t pull his hand away from Eddie.
“You didn’t really mean that,” he protests. “I know you were just messing around or whatever, Eddie.”
“Oh, so now you know my name?” the alpha teases.
Steve rolls his eyes, wanting a real answer.
Eddie grins.
“Alright, alright. No need for all of that, honey. I just thought I’d give you a heads-up in case you wanted me to leave you alone when I get out. I didn’t really expect you to let an ex-con take you out, but it gave me something to aim for and I wanted to thank you nonetheless for being such a good friend, even if you don’t want to see me outside of here.”
Steve hesitates for a moment.
Of course he didn’t realize that Eddie was getting free any time soon when the alpha joked about taking him out and “showing him a good time.”
But does that really change anything?
If Eddie wasn’t an inmate, would Steve be interested in him? The answer seems clear, but he’d never had to think it through before now.
He clears his throat, giving Eddie a smile as he comes to a conclusion.
“I think… I think you could thank me with dinner, Munson. I’m assuming you have a place to stay already? Do you have a number I can call too?”
Eddie grins like a kid in a candy store and runs to grab a piece of paper out of the box, writing on it frantically before shoving it into Steve’s open hand.
“I’m staying with my Uncle Wayne. He got me a position at his garage since I got all my certs here. My first paycheck is all yours, Steve. You find the fanciest restaurant in town and I’ll book the table, sweetheart,” Eddie promises. “You won’t regret this.”
He blushes at the intense stare from the alpha, feeling surprisingly eager for him to follow through with this.
“I’m going to hold you to that, Eddie. Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
Steve loses his favorite inmate that day, but ends up with a different kind of mate a few months later.
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7s3ven · 7 months
MY LOVE. luke (pjo)
( master list )
IN WHICH… the half-blood campers live in a world where everybody is granted a soulmate. Everybody but the favoured child of Aphrodite, who was always destined to live a life without true love.
“My love is mine, all mine. I love mine, mine, mine. Nothing in the world belongs to me.”
( inaccurate details )
Warnings : Slight angst, not proofread (grammar mistakes)
A/N : late Valentines special… oops
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Depending on what type of person you were, the concept of soulmates were either a blessing or a curse. To Y/N L/N, it was neither because she was never given a partner. The unseeable red string tied around her left ring finger never led to anybody else. Her skin never replicated the wounds of another person. Her world was always a scope covered in bright colours instead of depressing grey hues.
To others, her lack of a soulmate was great. She was free to love whomever she wanted without having to worry about a so-called soulmate. To her, it was hell. While it was true that she could like any person she chose, she would never be their first option. She was smart and beautiful and charming but their ideal pick would always be their soulmate.
It was sad, honestly. Especially when she knew boys would like her if soulmates didn’t exist.
Even when Y/N arrived at Camp Half-Blood, she was an exception. No soulmate meant no love life in other people’s eyes so it shocked everyone when Y/N was claimed by the very person who created the idea of fated partners. Aphrodite.
Y/N was awoken by loud giggles. She cracked an eye open, staring at her siblings across from her. “Why are you all up so early?” She almost groaned. It was seven in the morning and she knew her siblings always valued their beauty sleep. “Is Elvis Presley here or something?”
“No.” Silena grinned at Y/N, her cheeks flushing a pale pink colour, “Even better. A new boy just arrived last night and rumour has it that he’s cute. Cuter than Malcom.”
Malcom was an Ares kid. Ares and Aphrodite children always got along for some reason and because their parents had a complicated love relationship, so did they.
“Malcom isn’t that good-looking. What about Ben?” Y/N retorted, kicking her blankets off.
“I think Nigel is better.” Another sibling piped up, causing the whole cabin to burst into muffled laughter.
“That’s because you’re gay, Andrew!” They all exclaimed in unison, trying not to wake the other cabins.
Y/N leaned her head against her fluffed up pillow, gazing at Silena. “So, what’s this cutie’s name?”
“Luke.” Silena immediately answered, proud of herself for remembering the new camper’s name. “He came with Grover and a little girl.”
“Annabeth.” Andrew added. Y/N quietly hummed.
“Don’t be too loud.” She muttered, “I still want to sleep.”
As the commotion amongst her siblings died down, they too went back to bed. Y/N watched as Silena traced her soulmate tattoo before lying down, gently smiling. Y/N glanced at her own wrist, imagining her own mark inked onto her skin. What was it like knowing you were destined to love someone and they were destined to love you?
It must be reassuring.
Y/N didn’t remember when she drifted off, but she did and when she opened her eyes again, the sun was seeping through the light pink curtains.
Y/N lightly sighed as she sat up, running a hand through her perfect hair. That was a peek of having Aphrodite as her mother.
“Oh, you’re finally up. We thought you were sad. Too bad you aren’t.” Drew Tanaka was as cruel as ever. She was sitting at the vanity, applying a layer of pressed powder onto her face.
“Even if I did die, Drew, Silena would be the next cabin counsellor.” Y/N nonchalantly uttered as she stood up, stretching. Drew quietly scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“At least I have a soulmate.” She grumbled.
When Drew Tanaka hit hard, Y/N L/N always made sure to hit back harder.
“Yeah? Well, at least my ‘soulmate’ doesn’t hate me because of a rumour about me sleeping with his best friend. Which, by the way, was true.” Y/N quickly snapped back, leaving Drew speechless. Y/N was never one to act out but when someone asked for it, she delivered a killing blow.
Like any normal Aphrodite daughter, Y/N took her sweet time in doing her makeup. She could feel Drew’s glare on her as she swiped a red tint across her lips.
Y/N arrived at breakfast a little late, just in time to see the new kids stumble into the pavilion. Girls turned to whisper to each other, subtly pointing at the boy and blushing.
“That’s Luke and Annabeth, right?” Y/N questioned as she took a big gulp from her golden chalice. Silena quickly nodded, glancing at Luke.
“See, I told you he was cute.”
Y/N shrugged but Silena did have a point. Luke, with his perfect side profile, sharp jawline, and pretty curled hair, was a pleasant sight for sore eyes.
Y/N was caught off-guard when Luke sat down at the Hermes table and immediately lifted his head, his gaze settling on her without hesitation. Y/N quickly looked away, glancing at her wrist like she always did in hopes a tattoo would appear by some miracle.
Drew saw her moment of weakness and instantly commented on it. “Still no soulmate, Y/N?” Silena sent her half-sister a disapproving stare.
“Yeah. I’ll just fuck yours, I guess.”
Drew’s face sank for the second time. “Stay away from Sulan.” She hissed, glancing at the Demeter boy who wanted nothing to do with Drew.
Fate always drew people together so it was no surprise that everybody in Camp Half-Blood had their soulmates in the same place. There were multiple ways you could find your soulmate, depending on your mark.
Silena had her matching tattoo. Drew had that damned red string that only she could see. And Andrew could only sed the world in black and gray until his soulmate arrived, which they hadn’t yet.
Across the pavilion, Luke lightly nudged a teen named Chris. “Who’s that?” He asked, pointing at the H/C-hIred girl who was sitting with a group of unnaturally attractive kids.
Chris laughed for a short moment. “Y/N L/N. She will eat you alive, boy.”
“Has she found her soulmate yet?”
Demigods weren’t much better than their parents. They played around until they found their soulmate and that’s when they settled down. At least, for most. Some still had flings here and there, proving that they were just like the gods.
Luke’s question causes Chris to pause. He lightly chewed the inside of his mouth before stabbing his fork into a piece of bacon. “She doesn’t have a soulmate.” He murmured.
“How come?”
“We don’t know. She’s wondering the exact same question.” Chris shrugged before going back to his breakfast, “You can talk to her if you want but she’s a little mean so be careful of that.”
Luke quietly hummed, circling his finger around the rim of his cup.
The first time Luke talked to Y/N was when he and Annabeth were separated to go on different tours. Luke ended up with Y/N, who beamed at him and crinkled her eyes.
“Hi.” She effortlessly greeted him, waving.
“Sup.” Luke choked out, his voice accidentally going up a pitch higher. He cleared his throat. “I’m Luke.”
“So I’ve heard. Y/N.”
They walked side by side in a comfortable silence until Y/N spoke again. “Where’s your third person?” She questioned. “And I’m not talking about Grover.”
Chiron had tried to keep Thalia a secret but the gossip still managed to reach Y/N’s ears.
Slowly, Luke pointed at the tree that had mysteriously appeared this morning. It guarded the barrier between the camp and the mortal world.
“He turned her into a tree.” Luke grumbled, clearly displeased.
Y/N didn’t have to question who he was. Zeus, the king of the gods and ruler of the sky, had decided to turn his only daughter into a tree.
“Yes. The gods have always been a little… questionable. Shall we continue with the tour?” Y/N guided Luke forward. She did most of the talking while he listened, or at least tried to. It was hard when an absolutely stunning girl was standing in front of him.
“And last but not least, the strawberry field. Pretty, isn’t it?” Y/N smiled as she stared at the fresh strawberries. Luke let out a small ‘yeah’ but he was still staring at her. Y/N clapped her hands together, finally bringing Luke back to reality. “That marks the end of our tour. Any questions?”
Luke shook his head.
“Great. Oh, and if you’re worried about your soulmate, they’ll show up at some point. All the new kids freak out over it. If you’re a demigod, it’s almost guaranteed that so is your soulmate.” Y/N smiled again, making Luke’s knees weak.
Where was a matching tattoo when he needed one?
“So, uh… your soulmate… what are they like?” Luke knew he was most likely overstepping a boundary when he asked that. But Y/N, used to the shame and embarrassment of not having one, merely shrugged.
“I wouldn’t know. For some reason, my mother wants me to spend my life alone.” Y/N laughed but Luke could see the pain that flashed through her eyes. The same exact agony that Luke had been experiencing after all his peers found their soulmates expect him.
“If it makes you feel better, I don’t have one either.” Luke piped up. “I guess we can be lonely together.”
Y/N carefully gazed up at him. She felt a glimmer of hope spark inside her chest but she shoved it down. She refused to get her hopes up. “Everybody has one, Luke. You do too. Maybe my mom just wanted me to play the role of Cupid.”
Y/N walked off before Luke could say anything else. Annabeth instantly replaced her. “What did you say to make her leave?” For a young kid, she sure had a sharp tongue.
“Don’t even, Annabeth.” Luke’s cheeks heated up in embarrassment. He never had a problem with getting girls to like him because of his good looks, but they never stayed. And Annabeth took every chance she could to remind him of their awkward moments.
“What did you say, though? Did you mention your pet crocodile again?”
“First of all,” Luke retorted, “It was a spider. It was not a crocodile. And someone set him free! I really liked him too. And, I only asked her about her soulmate.”
“You’re an idiot.” Annabeth deadpanned, “Why would you ask that? Can’t you see that it’s a sore topic for her?”
“Not everybody is blessed with your wits, kid.” Luke playfully ruffled Annabeth’s hair while she huffed in frustration.
She quickly swatted his hands away. “What’s if she’s your soulmate?” Annabeth blurted out. “She doesn’t have a soulmate. You don’t have one. At least, you don’t have the common signs. What if that’s your soulmate bond?”
Luke chuckled. “I don’t think it works that way.”
“Maybe not… but either way, she’s still staring at you.”
Luke had never turned his head so fast. Y/N was perched on her cabin porch, leaning against the pretty wooden railing. And just as Annabeth had said, she was looking at him.
“Soulmate bond.” Annabeth repeated in that annoying singsong voice of hers.
Even as Luke walked back to the Hermes building, he couldn’t shake Annabeth’s words. Was Y/N really his soulmate? The person he had spent his entire life searching for?
Maybe. Standing next to her just felt so… right. He knew the moment he saw Y/N step out of her cabin that she’d have his unwavering attention.
Months passed by like seconds and years passed like days. Luke found himself becoming an expert at wielding a sword and not even Clarisse could disarm him. Y/N never bothered to try, always wanting to keep her appearance pristine under the hot sun.
“Do you ever get bored just lying around?” Luke questioned as he stood in front of Y/N. She was lying down under a large tree, enjoying the cool shade.
“No.” Y/N answered, closing her eyes. “I just don’t find it fun swinging around a sword in the hot sun.” The heat from the large star was unbearable during summer. Y/N hated the feeling of her clothes sticking to her skin so she was commonly found under trees during the hottest season.
“Why not try swinging around a sword at night? It’s cooler at that time.”
“I’m good.” Y/N truely was a daughter of Aphrodite, caring about her appearance above all else.
“I heard Silena found her soulmate.” Luke uttered as he sat down, keeping his distance in case Y/N didn’t appreciate his company. But she said nothing so he assumed it was fine.
“Yeah. At least he’s nice. I’d hate for her to have an annoying soulmate.” Y/N laughed yet that familiar look of envy and sadness flashed across her eyes. Y/N did well in concealing her facial expressions but her gaze never lied.
Luke and Y/N were seventeen now, almost eighteen. They had known each other for years and Luke had managed to notice some of Y/N’s subtle habits.
He also knew her opinion on soulmates. She craved for one and found the courage to despise her mother for her lack love. She prayed for one when offering a sacrifice. She dreamed of finding her other half and every time she woke up, she was disappointed that it wasn’t a reality.
Y/N knew there was more to life than relationships but why didn’t she have a soulmate? That was a query only Aphrodite herself could answer.
“Still no soulmate for you I suppose?” Y/N asked, glancing at Luke who shook his head.
“The main reason I was looking for you was because I had some sort of… theory.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, suddenly curious. She gestured for Luke to continue.
“I don’t have a soulmate mark. You don’t have one either. What if, in a way, our lack of soulmate marks is our bond? If that makes sense.” Luke almost stumbled over his own words, suddenly feeling far too nervous.
“You think… I’m your soulmate?” Those words felt foreign as they slipped past Y/N’s lips. She was staring at Luke in slightly disbelief. “I don’t know, Luke. Maybe we just don’t have soulmates.” Y/N chuckled at the end of her sentence.
Luke’s breath nervously shuddered. “Okay… so if we don’t have soulmates then I can like anybody I want?”
“Technically, yeah.” Y/N aimlessly shrugged.
“Then I chose you.”
Y/N stared at him with her eyebrows furrowed. “What? Why me?”
“Because why not? I’m not taking pity on you, Y/N. I genuinely like you. As more than just a friend. The moment I saw you, I knew that if I had a soulmate, I would want it to be you. We can take it slow if you want. I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”
Y/N could only muster up a nod, still in shock.
She didn’t know what she was expecting to happen after her indirect acceptation to his confession but finding a small bouquet of roses on her bed was not what she had in mind.
“Oh, those are pretty. Who are those from?” Silena was at Y/N’s side in an instance, curious to see the flowers.
“Luke.” Y/N muttered as she flipped over the card, staring at the messy handwriting that was undeniably Luke’s.
“So my manifestation did work!” Silena exclaimed, happily clapping her hands together. “I’ve been shipping you guys since, like, forever! And I knew you wouldn’t make a move so I manifested Luke to.” Silena proudly beamed as she rocked back in forth on her heels, “I’m so happy for you two!”
Drew, on the other hand, was not.
“Cute pity bouquet, Y/N.” The ravenette said as she waltzed into the cabin.
“I will slap you with the thorns.” Y/N fired back.
At dinner, Y/N ended up sandwiched between Silena and Drew. For two girls who seemingly hated each other, Y/N and Drew sure spent a lot of time together.
“Here comes your lover boy.” Silena teased as she watched Luke guide a new camper towards the Hermes table. Y/N wasn’t sure if she should stare or look away but Luke was already locking eyes with her, smiling so widely that you’d think his deepest wish just came true.
“He’s not your soulmate.” Drew uttered.
“I know. We don’t all have to follow the rules of soulmates, do we? You should know that better than anyone else.”
Drew scoffed, angrily stabbing her fork into a piece of meat.
Y/N didn’t eat much. Her stomach felt too queasy whenever Luke so much as glanced at her. Was she nervous? Her leg was continuously bouncing up and down so she must be.
She left the pavilion early, expecting Luke to follow after her and feeling proud of her guess when he did. “Did you like the flowers?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Of course.” Y/N answered.
“I really like you, Y/N. Please, just give me a chance. Who cares about soulmates? You may as well be mine.” Luke engulfed Y/N into a tight hug, his hands resting at her waist and refusing to let go.
“I don’t know, Luke.” She whispered. She had spent so much time alone in the dark that she forgot what love even felt like. Was it the butterflies in her stomach? Or perhaps the loud pounding of her heart? Or maybe her cheeks that were flushed a bright pink hue under the moonlight?
All her worries seemed to effortlessly melt away as Luke suddenly kissed her. He stepped back just as quickly but Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him towards her again.
She wasn’t sure what was happening but she could feel small beads of tears roll down her cheeks.
“Why are you crying, pretty?” Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. Y/N swiftly wiped her tears away. As stupid and it sounded, that was her first kiss. And it was the first time someone showed a genuine interest in her, someone without a soulmate.
“If we do this, Luke… you have to promise not to leave me too quickly.” Y/N whispered so that only he could hear her voice.
“I don’t want my soulmate, if they even exist, Y/N. I want you.”
Those words echoed in Y/N’s head. I want you. Those three simple words set off fireworks in Y/N’s stomach. She felt her heart skip a beat.
She really shouldn’t have indulged in her own feelings when Luke might have a soulmate of his own but she couldn’t resist him when he was looking at her with those puppy dog eyes.
After that fated night, Luke rarely left Y/N’s side. He seemed to be attached at her hip and even when Clarisse laughed at him, he ignored her. Y/N was happy for a while.
It was the new girl that caused her fragile relationship with Luke to shatter into pieces. She really should have seen all this coming. She always noticed the bruises that lingered on Luke’s skin. Bruises that weren’t his but ones he simply brushed off as small injuries from all his hard training.
Y/N was the first to walk out of her cabin and, by default, that meant she would be showing the new camper around.
She had arrived early in the morning and while she was supposed to be resting in the infirmary, Y/N found her under the tree she usually sat at.
“You should be resting.” Y/N uttered. She could only see one side of the girl’s face but nevertheless, she was still pretty. Dyed blonde hair with heavy bangs framing her delicate and pale face and light grey eyes that nervously shifted from the ground to Y/N.
“They kept pestering me about my scar.” She mumbled, refusing to show Y/N her full face. “It’s my soulmate mark but they kept saying it wasn’t. Apparently… my soulmate has already found someone.”
She finally turned her head to reveal the scar. It was a jagged line, perfectly mimicking Luke’s. Y/N stiffened as the dread began to set in. She felt like she was going to collapse. Luke always preached about choosing Y/N over fate but would he do so now that his soulmate was here?
“Right.” Y/N choked out. “Well, let me show you around first.” It took all her energy to hide her true feelings. She didn’t want this girl to know that she was slowly but surely cracking under the pressure.
“I’m Lila, by the way.” The blonde muttered, fidgeting with her fingers.
As usual, she saved the strawberry fields for last. Lila seemed impressed by the big, red berries that the Demeter kids had grown. “One last stop.” Y/N said as she led Lila to a certain cabin. She knew she would come to regret this but the matching scars weren’t exactly subtle.
Y/N knocked on the door and just as she hoped, yet dreaded, Luke answered. “Hey.” He grinned widely at her as he leaned against the door frame.
“Someone’s here for you.” Y/N stepped aside to reveal Lila. Luke paused before he chuckled.
“This is a joke, right? Y/N?”
But she was already walking, more like jogging, away.
Y/N watched from afar as Luke conversed with the girl who had the identical scar to his. It trailed over the same eye too and it wouldn’t take a genius to realize what that meant. Luke had finally met his soulmate.
And Y/N was alone. Again.
The favourite child of Aphrodite. The golden star. The beautiful role model.
She was always destined to spend her life alone and perhaps she should have fully accepted that instead of falling in love with Luke, someone she couldn’t have no matter how hard she tried.
She ended up skipping breakfast and merely sitting in front of the vanity mirror, soullessly staring at her reflection. She wanted nothing more than for an ugly scar to taint her pretty face just so she could claim Luke as her soulmate.
She traced a faint line over her eye with light brown eyebrow and imagined that it matched with Luke’s. That, in another life, she could finally call someone hers.
The cabin door opened. Y/N didn’t have enough time to wipe the eyeshadow scar off before Drew walked in. The black-haired girl made an immediate beeline for her half-sister. Y/N thought Drew was going to taunt her as usual but she was shocked when the cruel girl hugged her instead.
“Soulmate or not,” Drew whispered, “He should choose you.”
PJO TAG LIST (FULL) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @justanotherkpopstanlol @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @kamiliora @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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diorchids · 8 months
over the phone, coriolanus snow.
cw: masturbation, swearing, phone sex, peacekeeper coryo, & more
being a peacekeeper is hard, rigorous training, unfortunate housing, and not having anyone to help you cum.
coriolanus’ mates were off to a pub, leaving him alone in their dormitory. his fingers fidgeted with his uniform collar, not knowing what to do without the company.
you were at home because of your father. he had never liked coryo, his name leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. you tried to explain that coryo was a peacekeeper, that he would keep the district's population safe, that he wasn’t like that.
you were bored, running your fingers through your hair as you’ve basically been held prisoner. you needed coryo.
coryo was a determined peacekeeper, making sure he did well during training and exams, also making a direct impact on panem. so he got special privileges from the head peacekeeper. longer outside hours, better hygiene products, and a phone. the phone wasn’t that bad, either, just not completely up to date. it was just fine.
you’d written your number down for him the last time he’d seen your face. his thumb ran over your lips before kissing you one last time. “i’ll see you, right?” you asked him.
coryo quickly nods his head while he craned his neck downward to get a good look into your eyes, “yeah, yeah. of course.” reassuring you.
he called occasionally, checking in on you. asking about what you’ve eaten, if you needed anything, and just calling to hear your voice.
but tonight was different. he hasn’t been able to see you for some time, and he feels different. you aren’t ever really away from him for too long, being able to sneak in a quick moment before he was leaving again.
he couldn’t bear being away from you. his lips missing your neck and lips, hands missing your chest and hips. he needed something from you.
your phone rings from beside your bed, loud and startling. you don’t need to think twice before answering it, though. “hello? coryo?” you blurt out, needing to confirm he was there. that he needed you too.
“hey. missed you,” his voice sounds tired, voice all gravelly and hushed. he missed yours, though, fingers running over his crotch as soon as he heard it. “miss you, too. a lot.” your door creaking while it closes, can’t let your dad hear.
his hand creeps down into his boxers, fingers running over his tip when you tell him how much you missed him. “bet y’ look so pretty right now. what are you wearin’?” his voice growing low and harsh.
“pajamas, it’s late, y’know that.” your lips curling into a smile when he asks the question. “what pajamas? c’mon, tell me,” he pushes, “i just need a visual.” becoming needy. but you tell him, in great detail.
what you’re wearing under your shirt and shorts, what color your panties are, what color your bra is. he’s already pulling his pants off of him.
his cock sits up against his tummy when he pulls his boxers off, the cold air hitting his tip leaking with pre cum. “good, good. god, i miss you. the way you sucked my cock. need that badly.”
his teeth dig deeply into his lip when he runs his finger over his slit. “wanna hear you, need to hear you moanin’. go ahead.”
“want me to cum? yeah?” you’ve pulled off your panties by now, fingers running over your clothed clit. “mhm, touchin’ myself, keep talkin’, baby.” he coos into the phone, hips bucking up as he tries not to fist his cock viciously to the sound of your voice.
his tempted finger spreads his pre all over his cock, slowly grasping it before slowly jerking it. “you make me crazy, y’know that?”
he imagines your tight cunt squeezing his fat cock with every buck into his hand. you whimper into the phone to let him know you heard him, finger rubbing your slick clit.
your thighs slightly writhe when you prod your finger at your entrance, already slightly leaking from his words.
coryo is long gone, fisting his cock slowly to the sound of fingers moving in and out your wet cunt.
you let out animalistic moans when you curl your fingers so deeply into yourself. “fuck – feels so good.” your lips graze over the phone, tongue sliding along the roof of your mouth.
he can’t help but buck into his hand, all wet and sticky from his pre cum. “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” his hips slam into his palms, wet sounds engraved into your brain while he furiously jerks his cock.
he misses you and your cunt, your ability to squeeze him and take him oh so perfectly.
your moans and whimpers feel like music to his ears that can only egg him on while his legs shake under the abuse of his hand.
it’s silent. both of you combating the attainable, addictive high that comes along with fucking yourself to the point of no return. “‘m gonna cum, coryo.” the phone laying beside your head while you rub your swollen clit and thrust your fingers in and out of your cunt simultaneously.
“go ahead, be loud for me.” his eyebrows furrow at the thought of your cunt sucking your fingers in so well. your pussy throbs when you lie your finger on your clit. you have to cum to his voice, it’s like an obligation.
your stomach tightens when you practically dig deep into your cunt, walls squeezing your familiar fingers snugly. wet lips being bitten harshly when you thrust a few more times, cunt spasming around your fingers.
your stomach releases while your pussy convulses and your legs writhe. “made me c-cum, coryo.” you’re still shocked from the juices spilling from your bruised cunt.
your moans instinctively make his breath hitch while he bucks up into his fist one more time, groaning into the phones mic, “gonna – fuck – cummin’.” he groans one last time before thrusting in and out of his fist, hips stuttering pathetically.
his cock twitches after he runs his finger up over a vein, thinking of your warm, comforting lips wrapped around him.
cum coats his fist, legs shaking when he doesn’t stop moving his hand up and down. eyes rolling to the back of his head when he touches his sensitive slit. “sh – fuck.” he moans into the speaker.
his chest rises and falls as you pull your shorts back on and lie flat on your stomach, swinging your feet.
“made you cum over the phone,” you laughed.
“missed your cunt, i’ll see you tomorrow.” his labored breaths made him sound even more serious.
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airas-story · 2 months
Wrong Number (The Right Person)
“Hello,” Stephen said, half asleep as he answered his phone. He squinted at the clock. 4.19.
Who the hell was calling at four in the morning?
“Bruce. I figured it out,” the words on the other side of the phone were rushed, eager. “The serum is supposed to rebuild on a cellular level. I just—“
“Who the hell is this?” Stephen asked, annoyed. “Because I’m not Bruce.”
The voice cut off. “You’re not—“ A quiet curse and a distant, “JARVIS!” echoed over the line, before a faint click indicated the end of the call.
Stephen blinked tiredly as he tried to figure out what had just happened. He shoved his phone away; he’d deal with that tomorrow. Or later today.
Stephen eyed the number on his cell. He had the vague memory of someone calling and waking him up. Which normally didn’t necessitate anything from Stephen as long as they only did it once. But he had the faintest recollection of the words ‘serum’, ‘rebuild’ and ‘cellular level’ which… all right, Stephen would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious.
He called the number.
It rang for a moment before someone was answering. “Who are you and how did you get this number?”
Stephen arched an eyebrow. “You called me, that’s how I got this number,” he said. “As for who I am, this is Doctor Stephen Strange.”
“I called—” the man on the other side of the phone spluttered. “I did not call—” He cut off. The next words were distant as though someone was covering the speakers. “I did? Really?” A pause. “And you didn’t stop me?” A moment of silence, then the person was back. “So, apparently I called you. It looks like I do not have Bruce’s number memorized the way I thought I did.”
“Clearly,” Stephen said dryly.
“Right, great, so…” the man on the other end of the line paused. “Wait, why are you calling? Did you call to make me apologize? Because that’s a waste of your time. I’ve got to say, apologies aren’t my strong suit.”
Now that the man mentioned it, an apology really would be a good place to start. Stephen hadn’t been planning on asking for one, but he had to admit that, now that he’d been denied one, he was rather peeved with the notion.
“The ability to apologize shows good character,” he said. He took a moment to be grateful that Christine wasn’t around to hear him say those words. She would never let him live it down.
The man scoffed. “What makes you think I care about having ‘good character’? But if that’s why you were calling, I’m going to—”
“Wait,” Stephen interrupted before the man could hang up. “You said something about a serum last night. You also mentioned rebuilding on a cellular level.”
“Okay, hanging up—”
“I work in nerve regeneration,” Stephen interrupted again. “It’s a special focus of mine.”
There was no immediate answer, but the phone wasn’t hung up, either, so Stephen took that as a win. “Whatever you're working on sounds… well, impossible, but like it will change the world of medicine. I want to be involved.”
The silence lingered a moment longer.
“Doctor Stephen Strange, you said?” the man asked.
“Columbia. Top of your class. Got your MD and your PhD at the same time. Considered one of the top neurosurgeons in the field at the moment despite the fact that you only recently finished your residency.” The man let out a low whistle. “Got to say, you look good on paper.”
Stephen didn’t ask where he’d gotten that information. “That doesn’t come close to what I’m capable of,” Stephen said.
The man hummed. “You know what, why not. I’m going to send over an NDA. If you want in, you sign it.”
“Done,” Stephen said quickly. He’d read it through, of course, but this was rebuilding on the cellular level. That was the sort of research that he wanted to be involved in. 
The man laughed, but he sounded almost confused, as though he wasn’t quite sure how they’d gotten here. “All right. Well then, I’ll get that NDA to you. Once you sign it you can come to my lab and we can talk.”
“Where’s your lab?”
The man paused. “Right, I guess we never covered that part. Stark Tower.”
Stephen had once heard that SI had a tendency to hire the best in their fields. That was a promising sign for his future collaborator. “Do I get a name to go with that?” Stephen asked. “If I’m asking the receptionist—”
He got a second laugh at that. “Tony,” the man said after a moment. “Tony Stark.”
Stephen froze. Wait, what?
The man—Tony Stark—let out another laugh, as though he knew just how Stephen had reacted. “I’ll see you in a few days, Doctor Strange. I look forward to working with you.” The phone clicked with the end of the call. Tony Stark had just hung up on him, but Stephen could only spare that fact the slightest bit of his attention.
Tony Stark.
Well, this was sure to be interesting.
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taesankisser · 9 months
bf!taesan thoughts <3
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warnings: fem!reader, super soft fluff, i am in love with this man and it shows (honestly no genuine content warnings!)
song rec: if you want to by beabadoobee or serenade by boynextdoor!
writing under the cut!
bf!taesan, who loves customizing things for you. if you want him to paint on everything you own, then he gladly will! you would come to him with two brand new pairs of white converse and he’d ask why you bought two, and you’d say with a smile that you wanted to match. he’d spend so much time making sure they were perfect and would wear your matching pair with so much pride. everything he made for you, you would cherish so deeply because you knew it was made with so much love. you would make a point to take extra care of the things he makes for you because of how special they are as he always puts so much time and effort into them!
bf!taesan, who goes out of his way to film everything for you if the two of you are apart from each other. if he’s away for whatever reason, he’ll make a point to record or take pictures of everything. the boys are being silly and he wants you to laugh along with them? it’s recorded. he sees a cute puppy? it’s snapshotted. it’s literally the most endearing thing ever how he wants to include you in on the highlights of his day. he doesn’t expect you to do the same either, but if you do he’s absolutely ecstatic! he just wants you to feel included in his life even though the two of you aren’t physically together.
bf!taesan, who sticks to you like glue. he looks so outwardly cold and intimidating, but on the inside he is so warm and gentle. he really loves to have his hands on you whenever he can. he’s not like super majorly into physical touch, but you’re his person, so he enjoys it with you. he loves when you reciprocate his touch too. if he leans on you, resting his head on your lap, and you start to play with his hair, he’ll let out a sigh of relief. that’s his own personal heaven; his favorite girl playing with his hair and just enjoying each other’s company.
bf!taesan, who is so romantic that sometimes you don’t even know how to react. he sometimes doesn’t outwardly say his feelings to you, but rather, he shows his love through actions. he’s not expressive in the sense that he’s extremely lovey-dovey with his words. instead, he’ll write you a song, making it extra special by detailing a shared memory between the two of you in the lyrics. he’s really thoughtful and despite not being super over the top about his feelings, you never go a day without feeling his deep adoration for you.
bf!taesan, who is an introvert and would prefer to be alone, but allows you in his personal bubble at all times. not just that he allows you, but he wants you around him all the time. you two can sit in comfortable silence with one another and sometimes that’s more than enough because what matters is that the two of you are together!
bf!taesan, who looks at you with so much love in his eyes. he looks at you like the earth would look at the sun, as if you’re the center of his universe. you didn’t notice how intense it was at first, until one of your friends took a candid picture of the two of you. you weren’t paying attention to his facial expressions as you were on your phone in said picture, but the look on his face says it all. his smile is so wide, his eyes turned into little crescent moons, and his heart on his sleeve. you never told him about the picture because you don’t want him to be aware of the way he stares at you, but your friends have made it known on many occasions that taesan looks at you like you’re the girl who stole his heart and he has no intention of getting it back.
author’s note: eeek my first bonedo post!! i’m so excited to write for them & ofc had to start with my bias! i hope you enjoy & have a great day/night!
- lots of love, solar
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saintsenara · 1 year
Thoughts on Ron and Hermione as a ship?
thank you very much for the ask, @thesilverstarling!
i’ll state my position straight away: book ron and hermione are the best of the canon couples.
they will have a long and extremely happy marriage made rich by great and stalwart love, lust, fun, and faithfulness, rather than held together by duty and couples’ therapy like so many readers and authors (including jkr, who seems to have decided to spend the years since the conclusion of the series failing to understand anything about her own characters) tend to think.
i will state another position straight away: lest i seem like i’m just a fan with blinkers on, i think this even though hermione is, by far, my least favourite member of the trio. if she were real i would detest her, and i dislike how she is treated by the narrative as always justified in her negative characteristics. i like fanon hermione - perfect and preternaturally good - even less.
as a result, i think that it’s ridiculous that jkr has said that she thought ron needed to ‘become worthy’ of hermione. they belong together as equals - which is what they’re set up in the narrative as being from the off - and i hate seeing that undermined.
because ronald weasley? he’s an icon. and he doesn’t get anywhere near the respect he deserves in fandom.
there are multiple reasons for this - ron’s narrative purpose is to be the everyman sidekick, and so he is able to be less special than harry or hermione (the helper-figure); the amount of aristocracy wank in this fandom means that the weasleys’ ordinariness is less appealing to writers than making harry have twenty different lordships and call himself hadrian; the narrative interrogates ron’s flaws - especially his capacity for jealousy - much more intensively than it interrogates either hermione’s (cruel, inflexible, meddling) or harry’s (reckless, self-absorbed, judgemental) - but one i feel is particularly significant is that ron is such a british character that many of his traits are not understood as intended by non-british readers.
in particular - as is outlined in this excellent meta by @whinlatter - ron’s sense of humour isn’t indicative of immaturity or a lack of seriousness, but is, in fact, evidence that he’s the most emotionally aware of the trio.
ron is shown throughout the series to understand how both harry and hermione need to have their emotions approached - and i think there is no piece of writing which says this better than crocodile heart by @floreatcastellumposts:
That was what she liked most about Ron, she thought vaguely. He was very good at being suitably outraged on your behalf. For Harry, for her, for Neville. That sort of thing mattered, when you were hurt or embarrassed or wronged in some way. You needed to have someone else on your side, to be as emotional as you felt, maybe even more so, so that you might feel a bit more normal. It was very decent of him, and she was not sure he realised he did it.
ron’s inherent emotional awareness is an enormous source of comfort to other people. he does the work which isn’t flashy or special - he makes tea and tells jokes and is just there - but which is needed in healthy human relationships far more frequently than a willingness to fight to the death for the other person.
[as an aside, this normality - even though i think it is assumed rather than justified by the text - is also what ginny provides for harry. if you believe that hinny are a good couple but romione aren’t… i can’t help you.]
but let’s look at some specific reasons why ron and hermione belong together:
their communication styles mesh perfectly. ron is the only person hermione knows who feeds her love of being challenged and debated, and who is able to engage in this way of communicating without becoming irate when she refuses to back down. ron is good at picking his battles, but he’s also good at recognising that hermione’s tendency to argue isn’t intended to be confrontational a lot of the time - it’s just the way she works through feelings and problems. he’s far more easy-going about her tendency to nag, interrupt, try to provoke arguments, or speak condescendingly than he’s given credit for - and hermione evidently respects this, since when he does tell her not to push a situation (above all, when she’s trying to needle harry into talking about sirius), she listens to him.
that ron and hermione’s tendency to bicker is taken by fans to be a bad thing is because it’s something harry - from whose perspective the narrative is written - doesn’t understand. harry is extremely conflict-avoidant - he tends to take being pushed on views and opinions he has to be insulting; and he has a tendency to assume that he is right which is just as profound as hermione’s. he and ginny communicate not by debating, but by ginny having no time for his rigidity and refusing to indulge it - but ron and hermione bickering about everything is not a negative thing within their specific emotional dynamic.
[as another aside, this glaring chasm in communication styles is why harry and hermione would be a disaster as a couple.]
they each provide validation the other needs. it’s clear - reading between the lines - that hermione is a tremendously lonely person. the friendlessness of her initial few weeks at hogwarts seems to be a continuation of her experience as a child, and - outside of ron and harry - that friendlessness endures through her schooldays. i’m always struck, for example, by the fact that, when she falls out with ron in prisoner of azkaban, she has no-one else to spend time with, and that this is only avoided in half-blood prince because harry decides not to freeze her out. i don’t think her friendship with ginny is anywhere near as close as fanon seems to imply (ginny has no interest in being nagged either), nor do i think that she’s anywhere near as close to neville (not least because she is so condescending to him) as she’s often written to be.
and this loneliness seems to stretch beyond hogwarts. the absence of hermione’s parents’ from the narrative is - in a doylist sense - clearly just a device to maximise time with the trio all together, but the watsonian reading is that she doesn’t have a particularly good relationship with them. hermione’s obviously upper-middle-class background - the name! the skiing! the holidays in the south of france! - can be presumed, i think, to come with a series of expectations from her parents which she feels constantly that she’s not entirely meeting, particularly expectations attached to academic success.
[for example, the grangers - were she a muggle child - would undoubtedly have ambitions for her to attend an elite university and then go into a prestigious career. tertiary education of the type that they’re familiar with doesn’t seem to exist in the wizarding world - most careers seem to be taught by apprenticeship - and this, alongside all the other divides between the magical and muggle worlds which contribute to the distance between them, would be one very obvious area in which she felt the need to prove herself to them.]
ron, too, has quite a difficult relationship with his position in the family - voldemort’s locket is not wrong to point out that he seems to receive considerably less of his mother’s emotional attention than ginny or the rest of his brothers - and he too is constrained by expectations which he doesn’t know how to explain he has no interest in - above all, molly’s desire for her sons to achieve top grades and go into the ministry.
he also suffers while at hogwarts from being ‘harry potter’s best friend’, something which harry never appreciates. but hermione does. she recognises ron’s jealousy and never allows harry to minimise it (and she and ron are very much aligned on having no respect for harry’s saviour and martyr complexes). she appreciates ron’s strengths - above all his kindness and his sense of humour - and makes him feel as though he’s achieved things with them. and ron does the same for her; he is hugely observant when it comes to her, and he challenges and defends her.
the two of them clearly spend a lot of time together one-on-one while harry’s involved in his various shenanigans (including outside of school - hermione has often arrived at the burrow days or even weeks before harry, and they seem to write to each other frequently when apart). they do this within a relationship which is fundamentally equal. one issue with hinny is that, post-war, harry is going to have to get used to seeing ginny as a peer, rather than as someone he has to protect. but ron and hermione never have that issue - equality is baked into their relationship from the off.
because, to be quite frank, fandom overstates the role that jealousy plays in their relationship. it’s true that ron certainly doesn’t acquit himself brilliantly when it comes to hermione’s relationship with viktor krum (it’s because he’s bi and doesn’t know it yet), and a tendency to externalise his insecurity into trying to make others also feel insecure is one of his primary negative traits (hermione does this too, via her patented lofty voice when she’s trying to condescend to people). but this is often taken as the initial red flag for how the relationship would crash and burn, and ron’s toxic jealousy is often used in fan-fiction as the trigger for emotional and physical violence towards hermione which, frequently, seems to drive her into the arms of either draco malfoy or severus snape… who are, of course, the first people we think of when we hear the words ‘not prone to jealousy’...
but i think it’s important to point out several things in defence of ron’s jealousy over krum. firstly, hermione evidently regards his jealousy as ridiculous - she’s upset by it, yes, but her upset must be understood as being caused by the fact that she wanted him to ask her out. she doesn’t think he’s being possessive, she thinks he’s being stupid. secondly, hermione is equally as jealous over ron’s crush on fleur delacour and relationship with lavender brown. she behaves just as cruelly when it comes to lavender as ron does when it comes to krum - and the narrative only treats her actions as more sympathetic or justified both because harry dislikes lavender too, and because, by that point in the series, jkr has dispensed with any inclination to ever criticise her.
but, outside of this teenage pettiness, ron is never jealous of hermione over things which matter. he is never jealous of her intelligence or competence or ambition or success (indeed, he defends her constantly from attacks designed to undermine her in these areas). for someone who struggles with being overshadowed by harry, he is never upset at being overshadowed by her. he is clearly going to be happy to support her in any of the career ambitions she can be written as having post-war.
and, on this point, i think it’s worth interrogating why so many readers still seem to feel uncomfortable with the idea of ron and hermione having a dynamic where she is the more ‘powerful’ one. [it’s always a bit trite to say ‘but what if the genders were reversed?’, but actually that’s not irrelevant here]. if hermione ends up taking the ministry by storm and ron becomes a stay-at-home father or has a job which is just to pay the bills, what, precisely, is wrong with that? why, precisely, should hermione regard ron making that choice for himself as a negative thing? hermione so often seems to leave ron in fan-fiction because of a lack of ambition - something which seems to be particularly common in dramione - but, in canon, she is shown to not particularly care if ron and harry do the bare minimum when it comes to studying etc. she nags them to do their work so they don’t get in trouble. she doesn’t nag them to do it to the same standard that she would.
and, actually, i think that ron being less ambitious than hermione is something which is key to how well they work. because ron provides not only emotional support, but emotional clarity.
hermione is shown throughout canon to - just as harry does - have a tendency to become obsessive to the detriment of her own health. she is also often - as harry is - emotionally or intellectually inflexible, and finds it hard to move on when what she feels or believes is proven to be wrong. both she and harry are micro-thinkers, who lean towards knee-jerk assumptions and stubborn convictions (and, indeed, hermione has a remarkably hagrid-ish tendency towards blind loyalty).
ron is none of these things. ron is a big-picture thinker (it’s why he’s so good at chess). he’s a pragmatist. he’s the least righteous of the three. he understands that faith and loyalty are choices, and that sometimes these choices will lead to outcomes which are bad or hard. he is the one of the three most willing to own up to having made mistakes. he is the one least likely to act on gut instinct (and, therefore, the hardest to fool - i think it’s worth emphasising that he clocks that tom riddle is tricking harry immediately, the only one of the trio to do so). he understands that things are a marathon, not a sprint. he is the least obsessive.
and these traits contribute to aspects of his character which are underappreciated. ron worries about hermione making herself ill during exams, or when she is using the time-turner, and makes an effort to get her to set healthy boundaries and redirect her anxiety. ron stands on a broken leg in front of sirius or goes into the forest to fight aragog not out of righteousness, but out of choice. ron takes over the burden of preparing buckbeak’s defence when it is clear that hermione is approaching burnout. ron is completely right that harry hasn’t done any long-term planning for the horcrux hunt, and his anger does force harry to tighten up after he leaves the trio. ron has a clear head in the middle of battle. ron makes harry and hermione laugh. ron is unafraid of human emotion. ron arrests harry’s tendency to brood over the little things by looking at the bigger picture. ron will always come back.
ron is bringing his politician wife regular cups of tea and making sure she doesn’t work all night. he is helping his lawyer wife to feel less upset over losing one case by reminding her that she’s won ten others. he is noticing stress creeping in and whirling her off for a dirty weekend, or even just a takeaway on the sofa. he is teaching his daughter to be proud of her ambition and his son to treat women as equals and both of his children that all you can do when you fuck up is apologise and try to do better. he is making hermione smile on the worst days of her life. he is helping her strategise her long-term goals when she gets stuck on the short-term ones. he is telling her straight when she needs to get it together. he is seeing a misogynistic head of department call hermione a ‘silly little girl’ and choosing to tell him exactly what he thinks of that.
ron is the ultimate wife guy. hermione is a very, very lucky lady.
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lonelym00n · 1 year
You stole my heart (but you're too young)
Sam Carpenter x Reader
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Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: Sam thinks you deserve better than her, you couldn't disagree more.
Warnings: Nothing? Age gap but everything is legal (I left it up to interpretation but Sam is like 26 while R is 20ish). Kissing, if that's a warning.
A/N: Based off of this! Marrying my love for music with the scream franchise one fic at a time <3!! This one uses Tyler the Creator's song, Fucking Young/Perfect!
Day that I met you girl, knew that it was something special
With heavy footsteps and a yawn, Sam Carpenter made her way up the endless stairs leading to her apartment. Her boots thudded against each step particularly loudly today, a direct result of the ache in her legs that came with working a shift for not just one of her shitty jobs, but both of them.
At long last, she approached the door that signaled she’d finally made it through her tiring day. Sam momentarily struggled with opening the series of locks on the door- as it turns out, unlocking a door is especially hard when balancing her work bag and two boxes of pizza. 
She manages to unlock and open the door eventually, and steps into the comfort of the apartment. Like a hot shower after an extra hard gym session, her overworked mood fades away at the warmth of her home. 
Sam calls out a greeting and makes her way over to the table, setting down the pizza. Her bag is tossed onto the nearest chair, and once her hands are empty, she takes a moment to roll out her tense shoulders, groaning softly.
After some long overdue stretching, she shuffles towards the living room to announce the arrival of the pizza and to take a mental note of the apartment’s occupants. She’d heard Tara speaking with someone when she’d walked in, but had a greater need to first set her belongings down, and then engage in her daily check-in of how her sister’s day had gone.
“Tara,” Sam calls out before rounding the corner that leads to the living room, “The pizza’s here.”
Tara’s sitting on the floor, surrounded by papers, two different notebooks, and a few pencils. Her laptop is propped up in front of her. To her sister’s right sits a girl Sam has never seen before and she pauses slightly at the sight. 
Tara huffs at her notebook and lets the pen she’d been holding fall out of her grasp. She looks up at Sam.
“Thank god,” she whines dramatically, “I needed a break.”
The small girl stands, lightly brushing herself off. Tara turns toward your seated form.
“Come on, pizza time.” The girl’s scarred hand enters your vision, breaking your intense concentration by offering some help in standing up. 
You take it gratefully, letting her pull you up. 
Sam, who’d been sneaking glances at you throughout the whole interaction, sucks in a breath now that she can fully make out your features. Your eyes twinkle and your preferred style of clothing suits you perfectly. You’re effortlessly beautiful, and Sam is utterly captivated by the allure that you exude.
She’s snapped out of her slight daze at the sound of Tara’s voice.
“Sam, this is Y/N. We have Chemistry Lab together.”
You wave, wiggling your fingers slightly as you do so. A tiny smile is on your lips and she swears you’re batting your eyelashes up at her, either that or her tired mind is playing tricks on her. Probably the latter.
“Hi Sam, it’s great to meet you.”
She hates the way your smooth, sweet-sounding voice almost causes her to let out a shudder. You stretch out a hand and suddenly she’s nervous, hoping her own aren’t too rough like they sometimes could be.
She meets you halfway, ensuring she’s extra gentle about clasping her fingers around yours. The contact has a spark shooting up her spine, and she clenches her jaw to bite back the gasp that almost escaped.
She clears her throat, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
You pull away, and her hand almost feels cold at the lack of warmth. All too suddenly, Tara’s quickly pulling you towards the waiting pizza.
Sam stays rooted to her spot, rapidly trying to process the sudden pounding in her chest. The light laughter trailing from the dining table knocks her out of her stupor. She blinks and retreats to her bedroom to take a much needed shower, hoping it’ll not only help lull her into a more relaxed state, but clear her mind too.
She sets the water to the hottest temperature and strips out of her soiled clothes. A small hum slips out of her chest when the scalding water makes contact with her body. She stays in the shower longer than necessary, and throws on a tanktop and shorts when she exits.
The apartment is quiet when she resurfaces from her room. The digital clock on the oven reads 11:27 PM, and she ignores the small pang in her chest that rises up at the realization that you’ve likely returned to your own home by this time. 
Sam heads over to the dinner table where the pizza boxes (thankfully) still sit, grateful that Tara only had one friend over tonight because it meant there was still plenty of food leftover for her to eat. As much as she loved Mindy and Chad, they had a habit of eating first and being considerate second. It’d left Sam to have to scrounge up a meal for herself on several different occasions, but she cared more that everyone was eating and getting fed, so she never complained. Besides, she’d always put the twins and Tara before herself, the older girl felt the strong need to protect them because of the hell that they’d gone through together back in Woodsboro.
Tara pads into the kitchen while Sam’s polishing off her second slice of pizza.
“How was work?”
Sam swallows the last piece of crust, then answers. “Long, boring.”
The younger girl nods. “Thanks again for getting the pizza. By the way, sorry I didn’t tell you about Y/N coming over, it was kind of a last minute thing. She offered to help me with the pre-lab.”
Sam shrugs, “No big deal.” Then, cautiously, “She seems nice.”
A small smile pulls at Tara’s lips, “She is, super smart and funny too. You should see her and Mindy together, they’re hilarious.”
Sam unknowingly files the new found information away. She hums, “I bet.”
“Actually, I invited her to game night tomorrow. Are you gonna be home in time?”
Every Friday night the sisters hosted some kind of get together, whether it be a movie night, craft night, or their most recent obsession, a game night.
Sam mentally runs through her schedule, luckily enough she didn’t have a shift at the bar, so she’d be home by six.
“I get off at 5:30, so yeah.”
Tara smiles, “Good, you could use some fun.”
Sam rolls her eyes and lightly punches Tara’s shoulder, “I have fun!”
The shorter girl laughs, “Keep telling yourself that.”
The two girls share a brief hug before Tara heads to bed. 
Sam tucks the leftover pizza into the fridge, double checks the locks on the door, and goes to her room. She climbs into bed and burrows into her pillows. She drifts away with the quiet excitement of getting to see you again tomorrow.
We met through mutual friends and this is where the story and confusion began // ‘Cause I was at Nirvana but I had to pretend that I wasn’t
Tara was right, you and Mindy were hilarious together, Sam can’t stop herself from chuckling at your shared antics.
“Uno,” you smirked. 
Mindy slammed her hands down on the table, narrowing her eyes, “There’s no way! You have to be cheating!”
You lean towards Mindy, whispering teasingly, “Sorry to break it to you, but I’m just that good.”
Mindy grumbles. “Someone hit her with a plus four, for the love of God.”
You laugh heartily. 
Tara plays, then Chad, Anika, Ethan, and Quinn take their turns.
“None of you had anything?” Mindy asks incredulously.
She has a skip, but with Sam sitting between the two of you, it wouldn’t be useful to play it. She groans and throws down a yellow two.
“Do something Sam, she can’t win again.”
Sam laughs and scans through her cards. She has a pretty good hand, and surprisingly a few different cards that could stop you from winning. The card she chooses to play, however, is a simple five.
What? It’s not like she wanted you to win or anything, she just liked seeing Mindy lose.
Dramatically, you slam your hand down on the top of the pile, ridding yourself of your last card and giggling gleefully as you go. 
“You had a wild card as your last card?!”
You smile so brightly at Mindy that Sam’s sure the other girl might go blind.
“Read it and weep, Meeks!”
“I hate you!”
There’s some brief discussion on which game should be played next, and everyone agrees when Quinn suggests Pictionary. 
“Let’s do it in pairs,” Chad chimes in, throwing his arm around Tara.
“I get to pick first, since I won!” You gloat.
You scan the members of the table, searching for whoever would be best to assist you in scoring another win. When your eyes land on Sam, you know exactly who to pick to secure your victory. Plus, you might’ve been harboring a secret crush on the girl, so it’d double as a good bit of bonding.
“Wanna join me, Sam?”
She gulps, but nods rather furiously. Her words come out so quick, she nearly stumbles over them altogether. “Yeah, yeah count me in.”
You grin at her and her heart flutters. 
Tara and Chad pair up, and Mindy chooses Quinn, which Anika snorts at. She and Ethan happily team up, even though the choice was out of their hands.
The game goes exactly as you thought it would, with you and Sam in the lead by two points.
“Suck it Mindy, another point for us!”
Mindy fights back a scream of frustration, “You’re only winning because of Sam!”
You shoot her a cheeky grin, “Yup I know! I’m not afraid to admit that she’s carrying our team, it still means I’m winning!” 
You place a hand on Sam’s bicep, patting it softly as if you’re thanking it for its drawing skills.
Okay, so maybe you’d been dying to feel the hard muscle, watching it flex as she sketched out each prompt, but that was for you to know and you alone.
“Sammy’s unstoppable, so glad that I have such an amazing partner.”
Everyone laughs, with the exception of Mindy who glares. Sam is eternally grateful for her tan skin, because it hides the blush that erupts on her cheeks at both the nickname and the compliment.
You and Sam win. You cheer and hop out of your seat, dragging Sam up with you. You dance around while she grins, just watching you. Suddenly, you’re leaning up to throw your arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for a victory hug. When Sam’s hands land on your waist to return the embrace, it’s as if time slows. She’s completely engulfed in the scent of your flowery perfume and it makes her head spin deliciously. You’re so warm against her, and she can’t ignore how the two of you fit together so perfectly. It feels right to have you in her arms, and the thought scares her slightly.
When you pull away, she swears that her heart goes with you. 
You flop back into your seat to gloat at Mindy a second time. Sam sits gingerly. She feels anxious, like one of her friends might be able to see how the rhythm of her heart shifted during the hug to match the pace of yours. 
She wasn’t used to this feeling. When she was with Richie, he never made her feel things so intensely. And god, this was all because of a hug? A hug with one of Tara’s friends, no less.
Sam sank further back into her chair, realizing how utterly fucked she was. 
Now me and she held hands and we danced, nothing more // She kissed my hand a couple times, FaceTime when we’re bored
You were a frequent visitor to the Carpenter’s apartment after the game night. You’d find any excuse to come over, whether it be helping Tara with chemistry or gossiping over a cheap bottle of wine with Quinn. 
Tonight was one of those nights, where you and Quinn were sipping wine in between exchanging stories. Both you and the redheaded girl were sophomores whereas everyone else in the group were still freshmen. It helped having someone to recount the horrors of the frat-obsessed days with, and Quinn was nice enough to drop by the corner store to supply the wine, so it was always a welcome occasion to spend some time with the other girl.
Normally it was just the two of you, since Tara was usually off with one of the twins or Anika and Sam was almost always preoccupied by work.
Today though, was one of those rare dares where the older girl ended her work day early. She’d already finished a shift and gone to therapy, so with nothing else to do, she headed home.
Upon noticing that you were in the apartment, Sam tried her best to keep her distance. Her plan was to hide inside the walls of her bedroom and drown out the lovely sound of your laughter with some TV, but it was quickly spoiled by Quinn.
“Sam, you’re here! Come sit with us.”
She smiled nervously and made her way over to the couch. Quinn was of course already taking up the lone chair, so she was left to join you on the loveseat. 
Ever the observer, Sam’s dark eyes took in the flush that rested in both yours and Quinn’s face, and the half-empty bottle of wine. 
A light slur fills Quinn’s voice, “Y/N was just about to tell me about this girl she met last year.”
Sam’s ears perk up, and she turns to fully face you. Her knee bumps into yours as she shifts to be more comfortable, her skin burning where it had made contact with yours.
You snort out a laugh, “She was kind of cute, I guess. I met her at some bar. She was tall, and like lean, and totally my type and all so I started giving her little signs to buy me a drink or something.”
Sam’s nostrils flare at the talk of your attraction for this girl. Her dark eyes are boring into you, tracing over your entire body while you speak.
“She came up to me and started flirting pretty heavily and then out of nowhere, some guy came up to us and threw his arm around her shoulder. It was weird ‘cuz she just kept flirting with me and then he started flirting too and then all of a sudden they told me they wanted a threesome.”
Quinn laughs hard, leaning over to shove your shoulder. The alcohol has made her limbs heavier, and she pushes you with a lot more force than she likely planned, toppling you over and onto Sam’s lap.
Sam reacts quickly, catching you by the waist to stop you from tumbling off the couch. She internally screams at the feeling of her hands on your bare midriff, the cropped shirt you were wearing leaving part of your lower torso uncovered. 
You squeal and break into laughter, uncaring that your limbs are now tangled up with Sam’s legs.
You make no move to readjust yourself, so she doesn’t either. The way your weight is partially leaning up against her is too good, feels too right. 
Quinn’s phone rings and she gasps, waving her phone around for you and Sam to see. “It’s Max! I gotta go, he’s the one who actually manages to get me off.” 
The girl races up to get ready.
Sam, the protective person that she is, calls out to her.
“Quinn, be careful! Take an uber or something.”
She runs out the door, leaving the amalgamation that is you and Sam behind.
You untangle your arms from her legs and flip over to face her. Her legs open to instinctively make room for you, and you lay yourself in between them, your cheek resting on her tight core.
She’s panicking at not just the position, but your proximity. Though she had spent a considerable amount of time with you due to your recurring presence in her apartment, she’d never stopped being slightly nervous around you. She understood it was because of the feelings that she harbored, but she wished some of her usual confidence could translate over to the time she spent with you too. It was slightly embarrassing to be a clean six years older than you and still fumble around like a schoolboy. 
You turn and blink up at her from your spot on her abdomen. She stares down at you in response.
Things are still for a moment, as you look at each other, wondering what the other is thinking. 
The liquid courage helps you break the silence.
“You’re really pretty, Sam.”
She’s stunned, because she’s been called hot, even sexy on a few different occasions, but never pretty.
Her heart sits high up in her throat.
You nod, all soft and encouraging, and she has no choice but to believe you because you look so sure.
“You’re strong too, not just physically, but mentally. You’re caring and always look out for everyone.”
She’s not sure what brought on this onslaught of compliments, but it causes so many different emotions to rise up in her chest. She’s lost on what to say, but she doesn’t have to speak because you continue.
“Sam, you're the most selfless person I know. You do so much for other people, it’s crazy!”
She laughs lightly, but it comes out more watery than she’d planned it to be.
Your shiny eyes twinkle up at her, and you shimmy up her body so that you’re now lying on her upper chest, near her shoulder.
She could lean her head down and brush her lips against yours so, so easily. But she doesn’t.
No matter how much she wants to, she holds herself back.
And god does she want to, more than anything, because you’re looking at her with a gentleness she’s never seen before. With your eyes on her, she doesn’t feel like the schizophrenic daughter of a serial killer who’s rumored to have covered up a series of murders. She doesn’t feel broken, or like the mistake that tore her family apart. You’re looking at her like she’s whole and like she’s worth something good. 
She knows that if she kisses you, she’ll probably never be able to stop, because you’re everything that someone like Sam Carpenter needs.
Loyal, loving, uplifting.
But she’s scared, because every good thing she’s ever had, she’s broken. She couldn’t risk bringing that upon you, because it’s you and you don’t belong on the long list of people who have gotten hurt because of her.
You’re too good, too perfect, too fucking young. 
Her heart hurts. As much as she needs you, she won’t let herself have you.
As if you’re able to hear her internal battle, you continue your previous thought, “You do so much for other people, but never anything for yourself. I wish you’d do more for yourself.”
A tear slides down her cheek, but in your tipsy state, you remain blissfully unaware. Instead, you’re playing with the ends of her hair and twirling it around your fingers. You don’t even know it, but your touch comforts the vulnerable girl immensely. 
You sigh heavily, press a quick kiss to her clothed shoulder, and push yourself off of her. You stand and move to gather your stuff, clearly getting ready to leave.
“You’re leaving?” She asks, despite it being obvious that you are planning to.
Wobbling slightly, you slip your jacket over your shoulders. “Mhm, it’s late.”
She sits up and moves to stand by the door, grabbing her trusty bomber jacket. 
You tilt your head confusedly, “What are you doing?’
Sam looks at you like it’s obvious, “I’m gonna walk you home. It’s dark, you shouldn’t go alone.”
A series of giggles bubble out of your mouth, “No, you stay here Sam. Besides, if you walk me home, I’ll have to walk you home so you aren’t alone in the dark.”
She smiles despite the stupidity of it all. Then, a thought crosses her mind. She probably shouldn’t, she knows, but she can’t help herself from offering it up as an option.
“How about you spend the night here?”
Your eyes are wide, doe-like, and you pause to consider the offer. “Hmm, okay. That’s the most fair thing to do.”
Sam’s pleased with herself, glad to have found a happy medium where neither of you would have to worry about the other’s safety. 
“Take my bed for the night, I’ll do the couch.”
You shake your head vehemently. “No, no.”
You walk over to her, grab her hand, and tug her towards her bedroom. She doesn’t protest.
Once inside her bedroom, you nudge her so that she’s standing in front of her bed. 
“You sleep here, I’ll take the couch.”
She goes to argue, but you shush her.
You lift your still-joined hands and press a kiss to the top of hers.
“Goodnight, Sammy.”
You release your hold on her and shuffle out of the room. 
The next morning, she smiled at your sleeping form as she passed the couch on her way to work. 
Things shifted in your relationship after that night. Sam still told herself you two were just friends, despite the way you both acted like more. 
You started coming over to the apartment just to see her whenever she was free. The two of you would cook together, flirty comments thrown in here and there as the food was prepared. Other times you would watch a movie on the loveseat, sat so close together that your thighs touched.
When you were too busy to travel through the chaotic NYC transportation systems to visit Sam, you’d FaceTime her. Though you claimed to be bored, you both knew the real reason for the calls.
Her feelings for you grew, and yours did too. 
Though you had a sneaking suspicion that she returned your feelings, you didn’t want to pressure the older girl. She’d gone through far too much, and so you’d be patient and wait for her to come around to the idea of something more.
And when temptation calls, I never pick up
Sam’s urge to kiss you popped up a few more times.
You were always so thoughtful, she couldn’t help it.
On days when you knew she’d worked a late shift the night before, you’d appear at the door with her favorite coffee and a muffin the following morning.
You texted her nightly, reminding her to eat if she hadn’t already. 
You’d go to parties with Tara, not because you wanted to, but to keep an eye on her for Sam’s sake.
You memorized her therapy schedule and made sure to send a heart or some sweet little message right when the session ended.
Safe to say, Sam had fallen for you despite her desperate attempts not to. 
Though she was tempted to say something to you, she always made sure to hold herself back.
She was deeply traumatized and had the scars to prove it, you deserved better than someone like her, someone your age who was actively building a future for themselves instead of working two dead end jobs and struggling to afford the city’s high cost of living.
More than that, she had her younger sister to consider. She didn’t know how she could possibly tell Tara, wasn’t sure if the shorter girl would find it weird for her to be dating someone practically the same age as her.
You were just too young and it would never work out between you two because of it.
You bring me joy, joy, joy, joy and you fill a void that was once missing
Sam had been avoiding you for a while, and you were upset. You’d grown used to spending all of your time with the older girl and quite honestly, you missed her. 
So you did what any person would do and showed up on her doorstep. You were slightly nervous, Sam usually sent you her weekly schedule so you knew when she’d be working but she hadn’t this week.
You aren’t sure if you’ve done something wrong or if something has happened, but you’re sure that you’re about to find out.
Sadly, you aren't, because it’s Quinn that opens the door. 
“Oh hi, sorry I’m just looking for Sam?”
Quinn gives you a small smile, waving you in. “She’s not here, I think she’s working late at the bar tonight. You can come in and wait though.”
“Okay.” You enter the apartment and chat idly with Quinn for a bit. She shares a few stories of her recent hookups before she has to leave to attend her evening class.
You’re alone in the Carpenter’s apartment, so you decide to make yourself useful and prepare a dinner for them. They almost never had time to do so, practically living off of cheap takeout, and you’re more than happy to try to sneak in a few solid meals for them here and there.
Sam always looked at you so gratefully whenever she came home to a nice dinner, so maybe it’d get you back into her good graces. If it didn’t, at least you’d know she got some sort of nutrition in her diet.
Lucky for you, someone has gone shopping recently, so you get to work on making a spaghetti dish with a salad to go with it.
Along the way, you lose track of what you’re doing. When you’re finally finished with cooking, you realize that you’ve unconsciously set the table and dimmed the lights to create a more calming atmosphere. 
The apartment door opens, and in walks a very tired looking Sam. Her shoulders are hunched over, and she kicks her boots off, uncaring of where they land.
You make a small noise and she halts, snapping her head up and gasping at the sight of you and the display of food on the dining table.
“Hey Sam, sorry, Quinn let me in and I kind of got carried away but I can go if you wan-”
Her firm body slams into yours, and she wraps you up into a tight hug.
You sigh and melt into the contact, tucking your head underneath her chin. A pleased sound rumbles through her chest and she pulls you impossibly closer. 
When she pulls away, she tilts your chin up gently so that you’re looking into her eyes. The deep brown color is swirling with emotion and you’re struck by the beauty of them.
“Thank you,” she says softly, “This week has been so shitty and you just made everything better.”
Your eyebrows knit together, concernedly, “I’m sorry to hear that. Here, go sit.”
She obeys, and sits in her usual spot. You fix her a plate, making sure to grab an extra bowl so she can serve herself some salad.
You place it in front of her and move to sit across from her.
Sam eats while you make little jokes and teasing comments, and she’s sure that this is the way things are meant to be. All her troubles are pushed out of her mind. Her father’s voice is silent. The people that hate her are so momentarily insignificant she forgets they even existed in the first place.
You make her so happy, and with you, the person she was before she was attacked, before the drugs, before her father walked out on her, that person feels safe enough to come out. The piece of her that was missing returns, and it’s all because of you.
You’re washing her dishes, and carefully listening to her talk about her horrible week, and Sam finally feels herself snap.
When you’re drying your hands on the small towel that hangs beneath the sink, she’s grabbing you by the shoulders and twisting you around to face her.
Her lips are on yours, no hesitation, no going back. You’re too stunned to return the kiss for a moment, but god when you finally do? It’s perfect, too perfect. Your soft lips against her slightly chapped ones drive her wild, along with the soft little gasps and groans you’re releasing. It’s everything, but she’s waited so damn long for this that it’s still somehow not enough.
Her hips are pinning yours to the sink, her hands clutching both sides of your face. It’s then that she growls lowly, bites your lip, and slips her tongue into your mouth when you moan in pleasurable pain.
Sam’s kisses are incessant, furious and intense, just like her. You want to get lost in them forever, would gladly do so.
But then, all too soon, she’s pulling back and touching her lips as if her mind has finally caught up to her actions.
You should find someone else // I’m not the one for you, shit, I’m still growing up by myself
“Wait, wait, we can’t.”
You’re still dazed, not quite sure what she means. “Huh?”
“I can’t do this, I-” She runs her hands down her face, clearly in distress.
“Sam, it’s okay, calm down.”
She shakes her head, “No, I can’t.” She continues, “I’m sorry, but this will never work. You deserve better than me.”
She’s sighing, raking a hand through her long hair, “I’m older than you, I’m fucked up. I’m not what you deserve. I don’t have anything figured out. You’re young, you should find someone else, someone your age who’ll be grown up by the time they’re my age.”
You’re frowning at her. “Sam, none of that is true.”
Boy I know that we could be more than just friends // But you’re scared
She’s scoffing, doubtful. 
But you refuse to give up so easily, “Sam, look. It doesn’t matter, okay? I don’t care that you don’t have a stupid college degree or a 9-5 job.”
She looks at you so sadly, “But you should. I’m a mess, and that’s not what you deserve. We’d never work.”
You’re frustrated. “Look, I don’t care about what I deserve! It doesn’t matter to me, not when you exist.” 
You step forward, moving into her personal space. You cup her cheek, thankful that she doesn’t move away from the touch. Your thumb strokes her skin softly while you talk, “We both know that we aren’t just friends. We could be so much more, and it would work, Sam. You’re scared, and I get why, but this is what we both want. Please don’t punish yourself for thinking I deserve more than you. You’re what I want, the only one I want.”
You lean up on your tiptoes and press a chaste kiss against her lips before pulling back.
“I love you, Sam. So much. All you have to do is let me, and I will.”
Sam searches your eyes, and finds only love looking back at her. 
She’s been selfless for so long now, maybe it’s time she started thinking about herself and what she deserves, what she wants, what she needs.
She deserves to be happy with you, she wants to, and she needs to.
So for once in her life, she stops being so worried about everyone else, and lets herself have you.
With a sweet, meaningful kiss to your lips, you get your answer.
“I love you too.”
And girl I know that you’re the one for me
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karasukarei · 2 months
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 1 – Fuurin, Memories of a Summer (Part 1)
I received a translation request for the drama CD that came with the first anime DVD/Blu-ray, thank you! It's quite long so I'll be doing it in sections. You can listen to it here!
I'll just be doing the script, if there's anyone keen to time it with the audio feel free to hit me up! Video editor found!
Translation masterpost here!
Note: I took some liberties with translations this time to make it read more smoothly. As always, if there’s any mistakes, feel free to let me know!
Shorthand because some names are really long:
Sakura – Sakura
Nirei – Nirei
Suo – Suo
Sugishita – Sugi
Kiryuu – Kiryuu
Tsugeura – Tsuge
Hiiragi – Hii
Umemiya – Ume
Scene 1 – 0:09~3:14
Nirei: Wahhh!
Tsuge: The blazing sun! The sparkling waves!
Nirei: This is the feeling of summer!
Tsuge: Kuu, I’m getting excited!
Kiryuu: How are they so full of energy? I’m about to melt~
Suo: Ahaha! It’s definitely really hot today!
Hii: They’re probably the kind to use up all their energy in the morning. (t/n: not quite sure if I heard this right; feel free to let me know if this is wrong!
Kiryuu: Nirei-chan, those are trendy sunglasses!
Nirei: Ehehe, I like this style! Eh, I’m getting too carried away, aren’t I?
Suo: I think it’s fine to go for a different vibe from usual! Of course, the usual Nirei-kun is great too!
Nirei: Thank you very much! (t/n: WHAT A PURE GOOD BOY)
Sakura: *grunts of anguish*
Hiiragi: Sakura? You’ve been quiet since just now, what’s wrong?
Kiryuu: Oh yo~? (t/n: THIS IS SO CUTE THANK YOU TOSSHIIIII) Sakura-chan, your face is all red, are you ok?
Tsuge: Do you have heat stroke?! You can have some of my special sports drink to replenish your fluids!
Suo: It’s all good! Sakura-kun doesn’t have heat stroke!
Nirei or Tsuge (edit: Thanks @/pikiiro!): Really?
Suo: Yup! He probably just can’t take the surrounding atmosphere.
Nirei: Surrounding?
Kiryuu: Ooh~ (t/n: this is with a cute down intonation <3) There’s a couple there, there’s a couple there, ah, there’s also a couple here.
Nirei: Speaking of which, it seems that this beach is popular as a date spot for couples!
Suo: You’ve just become embarrassed, haven’t you Sakura-kun!
Kiryuu: Sakura-chan is so cute~
Sakura: Shut up!
Hiiragi: You guys shut up.
Suo: Ah yes. Hiiragai-san, thank you for inviting us today!
Hiiragi: It’s fine, sorry for the short notice. Umemiya suddenly asked to invite you all.
Nirei: But it’s amazing isn’t it! He won first place in a lucky draw at the shopping street!
Hiiragi: That guy does tend to win these lucky draws… (t/n: Ume-chan can you gimme your luck for my ichiban kuji draws)
Tsuge: It even comes with a stay at the inn, I’m all fired up! (t/n: I can’t hear exactly what he said, it was either 2 or 3 nights’ stay. As for the inn itself, think of it as renting out a summer house where you can do whatever you want, it’s not a ryokan where there are people at your beck and call.)
Sakura: Anyway, where is that Umemiya?!
Suo: Now that you mention it, he hasn’t come yet.
Hiiragi: That guy, he’s late again… (t/n: rip Hiiragi’s stomach)
Ume: Hey everyone!
Nirei: Umemiya-san! Good morning!
Ume: Sorry about making everyone wait!
Sakura: You’re (“omae”) the one who invited everyone you shouldn’t be late!
Sugi: It’s not “omae”, it’s “Umemiya-san”!
Ume: Sugishita, don’t fight here ok? (t/n: he sounds like he’s talking to his pet dog LMAO)
Sakura: Also! Why is this guy here?!
Kiryuu: That’s true, Sugi-chan seems to hate stuff like this…
Ume: I invited him! Since it’s summer, let’s do stuff befitting our springtime of youth! (t/n: ok I took some liberties with this translation, but I think this sounds cooler)
Sugi: Thank you very much for inviting me.
Ume: I told you guys when you entered the school right? “This summer let’s all go to the beach!” Don’t you guys remember?
Sakura: He was serious about that?
Hiiragi: This guy is always serious.
Ume: I invited Kaji and gang too but they had plans today… next time it’ll be all of Fuurin!
Nirei: Isn’t that a tall order?
Ume: Anyway let’s get into the sea! Don’t you guys find it hot just standing around here?
Hiiragi: We were waiting for you!
Ume: Oh yeah, that’s right!
Hiiragi: *groans of acidic anguish*
Suo: Hiiragi-san, it’ll be nice if you won’t need to use your stomach medicine today ^^; (t/n: reading back on this it sounds as though he’s telling Hiiragi not to use his medicine. It’s closer to “man, I sure hope you won’t end up being forced to use your medicine today” – I hope this makes sense x_x)
Nirei: Ah, hahaha…
Scene 2 – 3:14~4:59
Hiiragi: I think we can leave our stuff here.
Nirei: Eh, is that so, Sakura-san?
Kiryuu: Hmm, what is it, what’s up?
Suo: It seems that this is Sakura-kun’s first time at the beach!
Tsuge: That’s rare!
Sakura: Is it that bad? It’s not like I had any reason to come anyway…
Ume: Isn’t that fine! Since it’s your first time, it means that you can start to have fun here from now on!
Sakura: *gulps of embarrassment*
Ume: Hehe, make memories together with us. Hey everyone, let’s go!
Sakura: Oi, don’t pull me!!!
Kiryuu: Ooh- They’ve left.
Hiiragi: *sighs* You guys go too.
Nirei: Hiiragi-san, aren’t you going?
Hiiragi: We need someone to watch our stuff.
Nirei: Then I’ll stay behind. We can’t leave Hiiragi-san to take care of our stuff!
Hiiragi: Don’t sweat on it, we can take turns later.
Kiryuu: Ah, I’ll be staying behind so it’s ok~ I’m not going into the sea~
Tsuge: You’re not, even though we came all the way here?
Kiryuu: Hmm, I don’t like getting all stick from the seawater, and I also haven’t cleared my login bonuses today~ (t/n: this man has his priorities right)
Nirei: As expected of Kiryuu-san, your resolve is firm!
Tsuge: He’s displaying his virtue here! (t/n: the literal translation was “I can smell his virtue” but it’s… kinda weird lmao)
Suo: I’ll be staying behind too.
Nirei: Suo-san, you too?
Hiiragi: By the way, you guys are wearing parkas on top of your rash guards, isn’t it hot? (t/n: think of a light beach jacket, not a literal winter parka)
Suo: I don’t want to get sunburned!
Tsuge: Oh, that’s a virtue too! That’s great, I want to learn more about everyone’s virtue!
Suo: Eh… aren’t you going into the sea? (t/n: I see what you did there Suo)
Tsuge: Oh yes! Come Nirei-kun, let’s go!
Nirei: Yes!
Hiiragi: For crying out loud… I’ll be leaving our stuff to you guys.
Suo: Of course! Please take care!
Kiryuu: Everyone has so much energy~
Suo: Yes, it does seem that way.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Not sure if this is like, allowed to be answered and feel free not to of course. But reaction to Levi finding out someone tried to assault his s/o, or just hurting them in general like a more targeted instance rather than a battle, even before they are partners and could just be friends, you think more of a quick death or Levi would get sorta sadistic?
Have a great one 🐞 and thanks for always feeding us amazing works
Hi dear! Ah, no one has called me "bug" in years!!! Haha, thank you—that was so sweet of you!
Don’t thank me! Thank you for reading and stopping by my blog.
I really like this ask… Maybe because I’ve had a similar scenario in mind for my fic, but I just can't seem to find the right approach to it. I’ll try my best here! I’m 100% a "violence doesn’t solve anything" kind of person, and even when someone is truly horrible, I can't stand seeing them get hurt, especially physically. I’m that "sensitive" type, sorry haha. I feel Levi would say something similar to what my mother always tells me: "Don’t try to be more Catholic than the Pope" (a saying we have in Argentina, meaning "Don’t be too nice because people will take advantage of you. Be a little bit tough when necessary").
So, I’ll be completely honest with you: No, this ask doesn’t make me uncomfortable. But I do believe that Levi would resort to violence in certain situations. Levi killed a couple of guys just because they messed with Isabel’s hair. If his special someone (be it a friend, girlfriend, etc.) got hurt or was assaulted, Levi wouldn’t wait to see if she filed a report or went to the police.
He would simply stare at her and demand, "Who was it? Do you know them? Can you identify them?"
If it happened recently and she still shows signs of the struggle, she might try to downplay it. "It’s over now… It doesn’t hurt that much—"
"I didn’t ask if it hurt or if it was over. I asked who did it," he’d reply firmly.
She might avoid giving straight answers, trying to brush it off, perhaps out of shock, embarrassment, or fear—fear for Levi and the trouble he might get into. "I already filed a report and—"
"Have you ever seen any of those bastards behind bars because of a report?" Levi would counter. "Who was it? Give me a name."
"I pressed charges—"
"I’m sorry to break it to you, but men aren’t scared of charges. They know they can get away with it. They know they have friends who will bail them out, who will erase the charges, who will stand up for them," Levi explained. "Do you know what the only thing those assholes fear is? Being treated and beaten down the way they treat others. Beasts like them only understand their own language."
If the person responsible is someone Levi can’t directly deal with, like a higher-ranking officer or an MP, he’d still find a way to make them pay. He’d beat them up so thoroughly and probably in public to humiliate them. Levi knows the military can't afford to lose him, so while he might not be able to kill them, he’d ensure they couldn't sit straight for a long time. The most sadistic I can imagine him being is if he beats them so badly that they end up begging for mercy. And then Levi, lifting them by their hair, would say, "Don’t beg me—beg her."
Now, if the perpetrator is a regular citizen… they’re dead without a second chance. I can’t see Levi being sadistic in the sense of torturing someone, but he wouldn’t give them a quick death either.
So, that’s it. I hope I managed to write this well enough!
Thank you so much!
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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daenerysstormreborn · 6 months
The whole concept of left brain/right brain isn’t super solid but I think it’s the most accurate way to describe the difference between Arya and Sansa’s skill sets. I think with training either girl could be a politician or a warrior. I think they both could’ve survived if their roles were swapped. Both have demonstrated the ability to adapt.
Arya specializes in the concrete and logical, in immediate observations and perceptions, and intuitive reactions to those. Arya is quick on her toes and great at making on-the spot assessments and reacting appropriately. She’s extremely observant and perceptive and these things come very naturally to her. She’s great at learning language, but isn’t said to write poetry and doesn’t take marked interest in story or songs. Her focus is typically on her immediate environment and current situation. She doesn’t spend time ruminating or crafting distant future lives for herself. She is alert and attuned to the facts and the present.
Sansa is more abstract and artistic, focusing on the qualitative aspects of life, engaging in creative pursuits. She loves the romantic and fantastical and is more attuned to ideas and concepts than the facts of her immediate surroundings. She absorbs history and heraldry and has a knack for aesthetics and mastery of her native language (i.e., writing poetry and being an eloquent speaker. Learning new language is “left brain” whereas mastery of your native language is “right brain.”), but isn’t said to be very good at math and her romanticized lens inhibits her perception of fact at times. She has a vivid imagination and spends a lot of time ruminating on her past and conjuring fantasies of idealized futures, comparing her own life to familiar narratives instead of being 100% present in her surroundings.
Which isn’t to say these skill sets are mutually exclusive to the girls. Arya can be very creative (she is excellent with performing and getting into roles as a faceless man) and Sansa can be quick on her toes (like when she saved Dontos). These skill sets also are not opposites and the girls do not “complete” each other. Both are full complete people on their own who are learning to apply their natural strengths to navigate their worlds.
What’s interesting to me is that they’re both a little aimless right now for different reasons relating to what I described above. Arya is great at taking action but doesn’t have a vision of her ideal future (at least not that we’ve seen) so she doesn’t know where to go next. Her biggest desires are “go home” and “go to the wall to see Jon” but those aren’t options to her so she ends up a bit directionless, traveling across the ocean and becoming a faceless man because she has to do SOMETHING because she’s a doer, but doesn’t know what to do. Meanwhile Sansa has goals for her future of being a lady with a loving husband and a family, but she is not a doer and doesn’t know what steps to take to escape her current situation, so she goes along with Littlefinger’s plan. Arya has inertia but no direction and Sansa has direction but no inertia
Of course, for both girls, age and and trauma are factors in them going down the paths they’re on and I expect that we’ll see them both grow!
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norrisreads · 5 months
you belong with me #OP81
PLOT : so what happens now, that you've confessed your long term crush towards your very own bestfriend. Will everything turn out great and smooth for you, or will there be someone else to replace that heartache of yours?
PAIRING : oscar piastri x reader! lando norris x reader!
WARNINGS : slight angst, fluff!
a/n : i’ve decided to disregard the inspiration from ag “we can’t be friends” & my english isn’t fluent so pardon the errors 🙏🏻
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Was avoiding the oscar piastri, who happened to be your very own bestfriend who you’ve confessed to, possible? The answer to that question is no.
You’ve found yourself gotten closer to lando, with him aiding you and providing you with support you’ve never knew you needed. You currently just landed a job with Mclaren, focusing on social media marketing, which could’ve meant there’s a huge chance of you bumping to Oscar for work purposes.
Things have been so much worse for you eversince the confession, countless rumours were spread wildfire on the internet, comments on your social medias was all related to oscar’s and you friendship, it had gotten out of hand to the point you’ve decided to create a new instagram page and deactivating the previous instagram page.
Currently, you were out with your/bff/name to celebrate lando’s birthday in a big club located in Monaco. You aren’t really a huge club enthusiast but since it’s Lando’s special day, you’ve decided to go ahead with the plan and the future you should’ve stopped you.
Because, here you are currently emptying your guts out while sitting in the freezing tile restroom of the loud club you're now in. Eventhough the purpose of this club outing is celebrating Lando's birthday, but here he is holding your hair and wiping away your smudged liner tears, caressing your back smoothly.
With your best friend, guarding the restroom door while admiring both of you, and then you hear a click sound
"not to ruin the mood, but you guys should totally date" showing lando the photo she’d just took, “send me that”
"really, now? not the time”
Sobbing while still trying to empty more of what you have drank in the last few hours
"i am just saying, look who’s here being lovey dovey taking care of you, eventhough he has to be out there to entertain his own birthday party?”
rolling your eyes, “you shouldn’t have forced me to drink that many cups, lan”
glaring at lando, which he successfully avoid
“did he ever contact you?”
“he, as in oscar piastri” your/bestff/name added on to her previous question
shaking your head letting her know a “no”
“Dickhead” you could hear Lando’s muttered
“hey, don’t let this affect the friendship the both of you had”
lando sighs, “he’s not talking to me, i’m just doing the same”
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lafilledhiver just posted a story
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seen by oscarpiastri landonorris charles_leclerc
lafilledhiver happiest birthday my london boy landonorris luv you forever (do not take me out for the next 24/36 hours)
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It has been a few months since lando’s birthday celebration, both lando and you were currently seated on the second floor of the mclaren’s hospitality.
Lando has successfully convinced you in accompanying him to the current season grand prix, and here you are currently in the suzuka circuit.
Though, following lando for the current season grand prix, has it’s pros and cons. Rumours regarding you started to grow, especially as the wag’s instagram page managed to let your instagram page get known to the whole world, and now your comment section has just been filled with either your situation with both of the McLaren boys.
And, the one rumour that has been rising up for the past few days, was regarding lando’s current relationship with you.
Yes, you are currently dating the mclaren driver, lando norris. Did you ever expected this to have happened? no.
Few months back, just a week after lando’s birthday, he had confessed to you drukenly.
You were taken aback, but you thought back on what your/bestff/name said when it was the night of lando’s birthday party and you agreed, on dating lando norris.
Dating lando norris, healed you. Everything you did with oscar, you’ve done it with lando, except it was 100% better because you finally knew that this is how love feels like.
while you were trying to engulf yourself to your current workload, lando has just been right beside you, going though with his team on strategies for qualifying. You’ve tried giving them the space the team needed, but lando refused to and pushed you back to your sear which was beside him.
Then you felt, a phone sliding between the space of lando’s and your’s computer. There was another article stated, “Mclaren drivers tension explained, and it was all because of y/n”
“explain, now. Both of you” there oscar was, standing there with rage
“there’s no explanation” shrugging your shoulders
then oscar faced lando, “you’re pathetic, going after own my best friend” punching lando to the ground
“what the fuck oscar?” trying your best to seperate the both of them, with max holding on to lando
“what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n. What is wrong with you. Why him? My own teammate?” oscar voice has gotten louder and louder, which you’re so glad that all of you were currently in the staff’s area and thankful that it’s soundproof
ignoring oscar, you told lando that you’ll be back and you just needed a talk with oscar, which Lando agreed on
“let’s go”, grabbing oscar’s hand and pulling him to his driver room, and slamming and locking the door behind you.
“talk” oscar could sense that you were angry with the sudden change of your demeanour , and when you’re angry he knew it’ll be tough for him to explain
“look, i don’t know what has gotten to me alright? Lily showed me that, and i guess anger just took over me?”
you shook your head, “not reasonable for you to punch my boyfriend, explain or i’m never giving you a second chance”
he sighed, “lily broke up with me”
and with that coming out of oscar’s lips, you couldn’t help but to be shocked
“what? how did that happened?”
“this”, oscar pointed to the space between us, “lily thinks i am in love with you”
“well, are you?” you asked him, while raising your brows
he nods, which made u automatically faced him
“oscar, what?” and before you could continue whatever you’ve wanted to say, oscar cut you off
“look, when you left, something in me died, it’s as if i don’t look forward to anything anymore. At first i thought, it’s because you were always right beside me and i had to get used to being alone but it’s not that.
way before i met lily, i really liked you, but i was just scared. Scared that it will ruin whatever friendship we had, and i treasure the friendship more than ever. Then, when you left lily and i had a talk, she’s the one who showed me the article of lando and you”
“keepings tabs on me, i have a fan” you scoffed
“she liked you, she was just jealous over you. She broke up with me, because she wanted our friendship to reconcile, and she pushed me to kinda have a talk with you. y/n, meeting you will always be my favourite memory but you being a memory will always break my heart ” oscar’s palms were now on your shoulders, which meant you were forced to face oscar’s face
“osc, i no longer have feelings for you. It’s true, i am dating lando, and i’m happy. He makes me feel seen. Whenever, i am around him, he makes me feel the happiest person in the whole world. I use to feel that way with you, but now it’s a different person”
you felt oscar’s palm slowly releasing from your shoulders, “i am happy for you y/n and I understand, i guess something just took over me when i realise i’ve lost you to lando. Something that was once could be mine”
“I should go, you should have a talk with lily. Fix the relationship between the both of you, you are each other soulmates”
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lafilledhiver_ instagram page
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lafilledhiver_ just posted
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liked by oscarpiastri landonorris maxfewtrell and others
lafilledhiver_ receiving princess treatment from my very own london boy landonorris
↳ landonorris who is that fine babe??????????
↳ maxfewtrell that fine babe is your girlfriend
↳ oscarpiastri gross, ew
↳ lafilledhiver_ he’s lost plesee pick him up lilyzneimer
↳ lilyzneimer on it 🙏🏻
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Eversince oscar and you had the talk, things between the both of you has gone exceptionally well. Oscar relationship with lily is getting better, and there were times that the both of them would join lando’s and you dates.
The four of you were currently on a double date, oscar and lando both at the supermarket getting some groceries while lily and you were both in your shared house with lando
“thanks for hearing out oscar by the way, he loves you alot lily, trust me” smiling towards lily
“i’m sorry about the way i act towards you back then, i was jealous on how kind and soft osc was towards you, and now i finally realise. You’re really too kind for the world, y/n”
And just a few minutes afterwards, you could hear the door lock getting unlocked which signalled that the boys were back.
Both lily and you stood up to help the boys with the groceries, “are you feeding for the whole village?” with the amount of snacks, instant food in at least 2/4 bags
“we got distracted” oscar laughed
“clearlyyyy” lily’s rolling her eyes sarcastically
then u felt lando’s arms around you, “ i got you those puffs that you loved, you are running out of them. Got you those frog chocolates too that you seem to love so much with the amount that i’ve seen you sneaked in my bag. There’s others, it could filled the fridge for at least while i am gone”
Facing towards lando’s face, and giving him a quick kiss on the lips, “you’re the best, this is why you are my boyfriend”
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Lando had left you for the Azerbajian grand prix, you decided to take some time off and have time to yourself.
Did you miss Lando? Of course you did, but it helped with lando facetiming you every time he was given a short free period, with him explaining his day, the car, the strategy
You’ve also decided to stop working under Mclaren, and instead found something to do that you’ve always been wanting, opening up your very own small cafe in the neighbourhood that oscar and you grew up in
Lando was iffy about it at the start but slowly supported you, giving you advices on what he had learnt from his current company, going furniture and equipment shopping with you, following you to the store every time the renovation team called for you
You’ve never not once regret getting lando norris as the love of your life, and oscar piastri as your best friend because it is reallt the best of both worlds.
lafilledhiver_ just posted
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liked by lewishamilton maxfewtrell lnfour and others
lafilledhiver_ i said yes
↳ y/bff/n i manifested this, congratulations luv!!!!!!
↳ maxfewtrell finally 👋, no refunds y/n
↳ lafilledhiver_ there’s a year warranty
↳ maxfewtrell not applicable for sale items sadly 😔
↳ landonorris guys??? really????????
↳ lilyzneimer i’m so happy for you 🥹
↳ lafilledhiver_ oscarpiastri you’re next
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ author note ˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆
Thank you so much for waiting, originally there was another plot that i had in mind to publish, but i've realised that tumblr has deleted my newest draft which led to the plot to be changed! Do let me know if you would like an alternate ending, where reader will end up with oscar! Once again thank you so much for the support, i've never knew that people would actually enjoy reading what i've put out so far in my blog!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ taglist ˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆
@vicurious28 @epsiespace @hopefulcupcakerebel @randomgirlnumber13 @leclercdream @yourbane @hellof-1 @evie-119 @saachiep81 @invictusrey @cmleitora @icedoutmay @mimosa6 @d3kstar @daemyratwst
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Ideas for subverting popular character tropes? I've started a story and am having difficulty making my cast of characters unique. I'd love it if you had any fresh takes on tropes like the mentor, the sidekick, etc...
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A character trope, sometimes called a character archetype, is a “recognizable element within a story or plot that defines or conveys information about a character. Character tropes can either define a character's entire role in a plot or the character's personality or motivations.” (source: arcstudiopro).
Many people bash “tropes,” but what you have to remember is that there is no such thing as a unique idea; everything has been done before, and the reason why tropes are so popular is because (a lot of time) they work!
It is totally possible to have a "normal" trope in your story without making it a cliché. However, if you’re looking to subvert these expectations, here’s a list of ideas I’ve come up with!
(This is me brainstorming on the fly to help get your gears turning, so I apologize if these aren’t fully fleshed out or if they’ve already been done before!)
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The “Chosen One” is a trope where “one character is framed as the inevitable hero or antihero of the story, as a result of destiny, unique gifts, and/or special lineage” (source: Wikipedia). The Chosen One is often depicted as naive or unwilling at the beginning, and has a progression of growth through the narrative when they “accept their destiny.”
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Frodo (The Lord of the Rings)
Neo (The Matrix)
1. The protagonist who was believed to be the chosen one from the very beginning discovers that it was actually someone else the whole time and must come to terms with the realization that they no longer have this title that they’ve based their entire life (and perhaps personality) around. (Bonus points if the new Chosen One is someone they’re close to).
2. Every solstice, the “Holy Order” sends a Chosen One to defeat the monster that has been ravaging their town. None ever return. The protagonist is selected as the next Chosen One, only to find that being Chosen does not mean “Chosen to defeat the monster” but rather “Chosen as the sacrifice to appease the monster.” (Bonus points if the reason the Chosen Ones always die is because the “Holy Order” misguides them (gives them broken weapons/drugged food/faulty armor/directs them into traps/etc.)).
3. Having the Chosen Power comes with a price. After someone is Chosen, it is a death sentence. The protagonist must find a way to defeat the villain AND purge themself of the Chosen Power before it’s too late (Bonus points if the villain helps them purge the Chosen Power).
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The sidekick is a friend and helper of the main protagonist. They are often depicted as a loyal comic relief character made to emphasize the hero’s greatness, and may be killed off to advance the hero’s journey.
Robin (Batman)
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Chewbacca (Star Wars)
Pan (His Dark Materials)
1. The “sidekick” is actually the hero of the story; the narrator just has an inflated ego and believes themself to be the hero. Meanwhile, their “sidekick” is the one saving the world.
2. Sidekicks are often depicted as younger than the hero. Perhaps an older sidekick might do good to spice things up (Bonus points if it’s without turning them into the mentor trope).
3. The sidekick is a former hero who had to watch their own sidekick sacrifice themself, and was convinced to leave hiding by the current hero. (Bonus points if the sidekick dies in a poetic way that is a narrative foil to the way his own sidekick died, perhaps in a “I didn’t understand why they would sacrifice themself for me but now I get it”).
4. A ridiculously strong/powerful Mary Sue type character is the sidekick to a Normal Guy™ (Bonus points if they are incredibly content in this position).
5. The sidekick is not a willing sidekick; they were kidnapped by the hero because they have an object/bloodline/power/etc. that is essential to defeating the villain.
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The Mentor is the protagonist’s teacher, who helps them transition from a “normal” person into a hero. The Mentor is often depicted as wise and virtuous, teaching the protagonist not only the ways of fighting or magic, but also the ways of good and evil. The mentor is often killed off to advance the hero’s character arc, due to the fact that they are sometimes seen as a parental figure.
Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Yoda (Star Wars)
Uncle Iroh (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid)
1. The mentor is the narrator. After spending so much time training the Chosen One and raising them like their own child, they must hear news that they have been killed by the villain. While still grieving (or perhaps fueled by revenge), the mentor must venture out and defeat the villain themself.
2. Have the mentor be a woman! You would be shocked at how overwhelmingly male-dominated the “mentor” archetype is!
3. The mentor turns on the protagonist that they trained…not because the mentor has turned evil, but because the mentor believes that the protagonist has become a monster (à la Kung Fu Panda). (Bonus points if the mentor is actually right and the protagonist really has become a monster).
4. The bright-eyed Chosen One thinks the world of their mentor, only to realize through experiences with others that the mentor trained them horribly, and that the mentor only used their training to boost their renown—without expecting them to survive their fight with the villain. (Bonus points if the protagonist is an unreliable narrator, and we as the readers feel just as betrayed by the mentor because we, too, thought they were a great person).
5. The mentor is the former Chosen One, desperate for the current Chosen One to not make the same mistakes. The current Chosen One resents the mentor for pushing them so hard and treating them so cruelly, but in reality the mentor is just overprotective (Bonus points if it’s not revealed that they were the legendary “Defeated Chosen One” until later).
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Although a Damsel in Distress is often associated with female characters, any character is capable of falling into this archetype; mostly known for being a passive figure who exists mostly as an object for the hero to save.
This is one of the few character tropes that is difficult to break the negative stigma, due to its root in misogyny and the disadvantages that come along with having a character without personal goals or motivations. In my opinion, if you have a character that follows this archetype to the T, perhaps you should consider some revising.
Lois Lane (Superman)
Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Mary Jane Watson (Spiderman)
Ann Darrow (King Kong)
1. The passive, meek damsel in distress whom the hero has been working relentlessly to save actually turns out to be a villain! Their supposed rescue efforts were used as a distraction while the evil plot unfolds, and ends with a fight to the death!
2. The damsel in distress gets in a huge fight with the protagonist when they come to the rescue; they were undercover the entire time, and the protagonist has ruined their plans!
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The femme fatale is usually characterized as a mysterious woman who seduces and entraps men with her body. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a gendered archetype, but often errs into sexualization and misogyny (especially in works written by men).
Jane Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
Nikita (La Femme Nikita)
Catwoman (Batman)
Catherine Tramell (Basic Instinct)
1. The Femme Fatale doesn’t know they’re a femme fatale. They are a master of seduction and gaining valuable information through licentious wiles, but it’s all an accident; they just-so-happen to sleep with rivals and they just-so-happen to say important information. The femme fatale casually brings this information up in conversation, rendering the team awed by their “impressive skill set.”
2. The Femme Fatale is male or nonbinary (Bonus points if they will seduce any gender).
3. There is a Femme Fatale team; an icy power couple dedicated to killing through threesomes.
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The Geek, or the Mad Scientist, is the character known for knowing everything. They often have a lack of social skills, and their vast knowledge of random things helps the characters when they’ve been backed into a corner…though they sometimes tend to be a quick fix for writers who’ve written their characters into a corner and need an easy solution.
Sheldon (The Big Bang Theory)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Spock (Star Trek)
L (Death Note)
1. The Geek has leadership skills and ability to inspire others. Awkward is not the complete opposite of charismatic; just because someone may have trouble talking to people doesn’t mean they can’t foster intense loyalty from their comrades. (Think along the lines of L from Death Note. Bonus if they’re the leader of their organization, and their subordinates would face God and walk backwards into Hell for them).
2. Combine the Geek with another archetype, perhaps an antithesis archetype like the Dumb Jock. For example, a Geek that enjoys the outdoors and extreme sports like rock climbing (but rather than to get buff, they just want to look at the fantastic granite deposits on the side of the mountain they’re climbing). Or perhaps a Geek Femme Fatale, whose “special interest” is the psychology of seduction.
3. The Geek hates what they do. The “passion” that Geeks usually have for machines/non-humans/their chosen expertise is forced upon them because they’re super smart. In reality, they’d wanted to take it easy going to business school but nooooo the world was at stake so they had to become an expert in the intergalactic space-time continuum.
4. The Geek is useless. Their musings are more mania than genius, their explanations and ideas incomprehensible to a normal human being, and the group only keeps them around with the hopes that one day they’ll come up with an idea that actually makes sense. (Bonus if that idea comes at the climax of the story).
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The dumb jock, also known as “the brawn,” is an archetype that is often categorized by being all buff and no brains. They often are, or at least begin as, the antagonist of the story, and if they aren’t, they’re considered the “Himbo” character (with character traits being buff, dumb, and respectful to women), who are often reduced merely to their attractiveness and stupidity, without much depth.
Jason Carver (Stranger Things)
Mitch Downe (ParaNorman)
Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
1. The himbo and/or jock is frustrated with the way that their comrades always reduce them to the brawn. They feel left out and isolated because they can’t understand the lofty conversations of their peers, and know that they, in a way, look down on them for not being as smart (Bonus if this becomes a major plot point in the character’s arc, causing a huge blowout fight that fissures the group because of it).
2. The himbo/jock’s stupidity does not reduce them to comic relief. The himbo/jock is well-respected and has incredible emotional intelligence and charisma/street smarts, but merely lacks in textbook intelligence.
3. The himbo/jock is a woman! Break through the stereotype of dumb strong people being men and put some herbos in your story (Bonus if you don’t sexualize her and just let her be herself).
4. An idea from the jock/himbo becomes an integral part of the plan to save the world!
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The antihero archetype is categorized by their lack of conventional heroic attributes, their execution of their goals through morally gray means, and their frequent reluctance to be the one saving the world. Their motivations may be vengeance, hatred, or any other less-than heroic inspiration besides “the greater good.” In fact, the antihero is sometimes the antagonist of the story, but due to the fact that the audience is seeing things from their perspective, they often tend to root for them.
The antihero used to be its own subversion of the “Chosen One” archetype, but became so widespread that it itself became its own archetype. That’s why antiheroes are so varied, to the point where you may not even need a subversion due to how many possible ideas there are to choose from. (This was the hardest list to make!)
Barry Berkman (Barry)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Cassie Thomas (Promising Young Woman)
Deadpool (Deadpool)
1. The antihero feels guilt. Oftentimes, an antihero is depicted as stone-cold and dead-set on their actions (and sometimes they’re right! If someone killed my family, I wouldn’t care about “being the bigger person”). However, an interesting subversion may be guilt or self-awareness surrounding their actions playing a large role in the execution of their goals.
2. The antihero is not a lone wolf, and develops meaningful and positive relationships with others rather than having it be 90% snarky banter. Sometimes, antiheroes suffer from a lack of three-dimensionality due to most of their dialogue being cheeky one-liners. Anchor them solidly into the story by building a web of relationships to support them! (They don’t have to all be lovey-dovey, either! Even enemy relationships can be more than snark).
3. An honor code. Giving an antihero with an interesting honor code regarding killing, stealing, or any of their other morally gray deeds could be an excellent subversion! Having characters who are stone-cold killers but draw the line (perhaps in an odd way, such as refusing to steal cars or kill pets), somewhere can be a great way to develop their personality and show the readers their motivations.
Hope these all helped, and happy writing!
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katsu28 · 4 months
hi Kait! congrats!! ☕️ "Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” with bradley bradshaw please!! ily
thank you! this is unbelievably late so i apologize but you know what the french say! soo la voo, or whatever (that's from tiktok, french tumblr girlies (gn) pls don't come for me)
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x roommate!reader (2k)
“I had a really nice time tonight, Jake.” 
“Yeah?” Jake smiled, letting your joined hands swing between the two of you as he walked you to your front door. “Me too.” 
“We should do this again sometime.” Was it too bold of you, asking for a second date when you were only moments away from the end of your first? Probably. But Jake was nice and charming and made you feel special all night. 
“Can I kiss you right now?” 
Your smile grew even bigger at his words. Of course you wanted this very sweet, very handsome man to kiss you. You were hoping he’d do it this whole night. “Please.” 
Jake slid a hand around the back of your neck, bringing you closer and closer until your lips connected. The kiss was everything you’d hoped it would be, but before either of you could deepen it, you faintly heard the sound of the locks unlatching from inside your apartment. Before you could warn Jake, the door swung open with a gust of wind. 
“Well hello there, you crazy kids!” 
You fought the urge to scream at your roommate’s smug as shit voice, pulling away from Jake with what you hoped was an extremely venomous glare aimed at Bradley. The smile on his face matched his tone of voice, shit eating and absolutely enjoying it. 
“Rooster.” Jake nodded awkwardly. He stepped back like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, rubbing at the back of his neck. He avoided Bradley’s gaze, looking to you for any ounce of comfort you could provide, but there was little you could do when Bradley got like this. 
You’d been living with Bradley Bradshaw coming up on a year now, and for the most part it had been smooth sailing. He was a great roommate and tidy to a fault, always keeping his space neat and the shared space even neater. You probably had the Navy to thank for that. In addition to that Navy instilled tidiness, as a person he was kind and funny and a little bit of a dork, but you loved that about him. 
Something you didn’t quite love about him, however, was the way he acted whenever you went on dates. 
You couldn’t even really call it jealousy because you’d never been together—not that you hadn’t thought of it occasionally. With someone as perfect of a person as Bradley, the thought was bound to cross your mind sometime. It wasn’t quite territorial, but definitely more than him just looking out for you. 
“Hangman.” Bradley responded coolly. He mirrored Jake’s crossed arms, leaning against the door frame. “Getting back a little late, aren’t we?” 
“Shut up.” You said, words a near hiss through a tight smile. You turned back to Jake, splaying a hand across his chest. “Ignore him.” 
“He can’t ignore me, he’s standing on my doorstep.” 
“Bradley, I swear to god—” 
Jake patted your hand, giving it a squeeze before stepping away. “No it’s fine, I can take a hint. I’ll be on my way.” 
“Okay.” You sighed, trying hard not to sound too defeated. “Text me when you get home?” Jake nodded, but judging by how quickly he walked back to his car, it was safe to say there would be no second date. You stormed into the apartment without waiting for Jake to drive away, shouldering past a madly grinning Bradley with a frustrated huff. 
“You’re an asshole, Bradshaw.” You scowled, throwing your sweater at him. He dodged it easily, tossing it across the back of the couch with a snort. 
“I don’t like him!” 
“He’s from your squadron. He’s your friend.” You deadpanned, raising a brow. “You’re the one who introduced us to each other, and now you don’t like him?” 
“I don’t like him for you.” He corrected himself, crossing his arms over his chest. “He used to be a playboy, you know that, right? I don’t want him playing with your feelings!” 
You whirled around on your heel, fixing him to the spot with a glare. “Then why did you set me up with him?” 
Bradley’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, like he was searching for any excuse to answer your question. He could say he just wanted to help. He could say a whole lot of completely bullshit things, anything but the real reason. Bradley couldn’t give an honest answer to your question, not without exposing his own feelings for you. So he just shrugged, letting his hands slap against his thighs helplessly. 
“Don’t act like you did me any favors, Bradley. I don’t know what you have to gain from messing with my love life, but however funny you think you are, you’re not. So just stop it, please.” 
“Y/N, I—” 
“I’m gonna head to bed. See you in the morning.” 
You left him behind at that, hurrying to your bedroom before he could get in another word. 
Bradley’s knuckles rapped against your door, echoing through the empty hall.
He wasn’t used to you being upset with him (not that he didn’t deserve it this time, because he definitely did). There was usually some sort of noise coming from your room, whether it was music or the show you were binging, or even just you having a conversation with yourself in the confines of your own space. Things that annoyed him a little at first, but soon grew to love about you. 
The silence right now felt weird. Foreign. Just another sign that he’d massively fucked up. 
“Hey. It’s me.” No answer. He knocked again, a little more insistent this time. “I’m sorry for being a dick.” Still no answer. “C’mon, Y/N. I hate it when we fight. And I really am sorry. Feel free to open the door and kick me in the nuts or something.” 
The door swung open with a creak, and Bradley squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation for a foot to the nether regions that thankfully never came. He cracked one eye open to see you retreating over to your bed. 
You’d changed into your pajamas in the time that it took him to formulate an apology in his head. Showered too, judging by the whiff of your citrusy shampoo he got when he came to settle at the edge of your mattress. 
“Thanks. For not actually kicking me in the nuts.” 
“I was thinking about it.” 
“I deserve it.” 
“You do. You were petty earlier, Bradley. Kinda mean too.” 
He bobbed his head quickly, agreeing. “I was. And I’m sorry.” 
“You set me up with Jake only to sabotage any chance of a relationship with him. And you can’t even tell me why.” 
“It doesn’t matter why.” Bradley blurted. He cleared his throat, composing himself despite the disbelieving look you threw his way. “I know it was wrong of me to do what I did, but Hangman wasn’t right for you.” 
“That’s none of your business though!” You said shrilly, rising from your seat with anger. You all but stormed across the room, putting enough distance between Bradley and yourself so you wouldn’t feel tempted to strangle him. He was being impossible and way out of line. “My love life—who I date, who I like, it’s none of your business!”
Bradley was growing angry too, but not at you. At himself, for letting his feelings for you get to this point. “It is! It is my business when I know there’s someone better out there for you. Someone who understands you and supports you and loves you—who would never even think about treating you like anything less than the amazing person you are.” 
“You’re not making any sense. Why do you even care so much?” 
“Of course I care! I care about you, Y/N, you know that!” 
“I know you do, but that’s not—” You let out a frustrated huff. “Why are you so mad?” You exclaimed, genuinely exasperated at the way he was acting. 
“I’m not mad.” Bradley scoffed. “I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
“Like who, Bradley? Who’s this someone better you keep talking about?” 
“Me.” He said simply. It was blunt—maybe a little too much so, but maybe it was necessary. Dancing around the fact hadn’t done any good, so maybe this unexpected approach would give a different result. A better one. 
All your anger dissipated in a flash, replaced with hurt. He had to be kidding. This had to be some sort of fucked up joke, because there was no way Bradley Bradshaw had feelings for you. Not in the same way you felt about him. “Bradley, that’s not funny.” 
“I’m not trying to be.” He insisted, shaking his head. “I mean it. I saw you from the side window, him walking you up to the step, and when I saw him kiss you, I just—there was this feeling…like I’d been kicked in the chest. And when I see you, every morning, every night, every day, I feel like I—” 
“Stop.” You whispered, barely audible. Bradley’s voice died mid-sentence, brows knitting together at the sight of your seemingly pained expression. “What are you doing? What do you want from me, Bradley?” 
“I want you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. All I still want.” 
You didn’t reply for a scarily long time, and when you did, your voice shook. “If you cared about me like you say you do, you wouldn’t have done what you did earlier.” 
Bradley’s stomach dropped, tendrils of guilt creeping their way up the back of his neck like vines. He hadn’t even thought of it that way. He’d been so preoccupied with his feelings, he hadn’t even stopped to consider yours. From your perspective, Bradley was doing this all out of spite. (Which wasn’t at all true, but things weren’t looking too good for him.)
“It was stupid. A mistake, I know. One I’ll try my damndest to amend.” He insisted, reaching out with a reassuring hand on top of yours.
The moment his hand touched you, you stiffened. Didn’t pull away, didn’t retreat like you’d been burned, but it had the same effect. Oh, he’d definitely fucked up. You’d never reacted to him like that before, never had any reason to. Now you did, and the reason for it was entirely his own doing. 
“I think you should leave.” 
“...The apartment?” 
Your shoulders crept up to your ears, dropping in a haphazard shrug. “No. I don’t know, just—let me be alone right now?” 
He murmured out a soft okay, rising from his seat. He knew when to leave things be. Or he did now, at least. 
What he really wanted to do was to reach out as he passed you, to hold your hand or brush along your cheek or something, anything, to make you understand that he hadn’t told you to hurt you. But he didn’t, because he knew it would only make things worse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I—yeah, I’m just…sorry.” 
You didn’t respond, just kept your eyes trained on your socked feet like they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. It made his guilt grow a thousandfold. He lingered at the threshold of the room a moment, hoping you’d garner one last glance at him and see just how sorry he was. 
You didn’t. 
Bradley let the door click shut behind him on his way out. He let out the biggest, heaving sigh, letting his head tip down towards his chest, because seriously, he was such an asshole.
He’d never been good at the whole “talking about his feelings” thing, and it was clearly showing, bleeding into his words and actions as if it were some sort of excuse for him to be acting the way he did. 
He hated how it made you feel like he was trying to sabotage your love life. It had never been his intention, but intentions didn’t matter in this situation.
How could he even begin to try and make this better? Would you even let him have the chance? 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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nicromancytarot · 7 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you need to know about how you can manifest all of your desires faster, pick a card to find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2
Pile 3 ———> Pile 4
Firstly, I see that you need to focus on one or two things at a time, you may have a tendency to overindulge when doing manifestation rituals, and that may make you. feel as though it’s a fantasy rather than a possibility.
I again see you need to focus on what you REALLY want, and ground yourself in that idea. Let go of this want for other things you don’t actually want and instead live life like you already have what you desire.
You may also need to focus on those who are around and let go of those who do not serve you anymore. There’s a big sign that you may not believe in manifestation and I assume that this is caused by what the people around you have to say about it, the only thing I can suggest is really trying your hardest to let go of any doubts, you can even take the time meditate prior to manifestation, or reprogram your subconscious mind if you feel like that will help you.
You need to do something which will raise your spirits and make you excited, you might even have a hard time focusing so for this I would recommend dancing while singing songs about what you want, you could even create a little rhyme to hum or sing during the day.
Moon water may help you, so try making some next full moon.
You also may benefit from creating a special, quite and calming place to really centre yourself in.
Firstly, I see for you that you need to let go of any disappointment you have, you really need to allow your doubts to flow away and throw yourself into this new beginning when it comes to manifestation. I see you’re trying to manifest all of your desires and all while that is great, you may need to pinpoint one or two things you want first (you may have been attracted to pile 1 because they had this message too.) I notice that money, soulmates/love are very prominent in your manifestation journey. Spirit is saying that you need to let go of your doubts when manifesting these things because you have the ability to manifest all you want. You excel best when you allow yourself to forget about what you are manifestations and just allow it to happen.
Be possessive and protective of your energy, I would recommend not telling others about your manifestations or desires as the people around you have the tendency of unintentionally, maybe even intentionally interlinking their energy with your own and stalling your manifestations.
Allow yourself to attract all you want!
Stop trying to manifest your ex back. It won’t work. I can’t lie, when I was channeling, one of my spirit guides literally said “get a job” so either they are telling you to focus on other important things rather than exes, or they are trying to tell you to use manifestation to get yourself a job. Focus on what you NEED and not want you want.
Hang out with friends and ignore rumours to keep your vibrations high.
I see you may need to focus on helping others, maybe even charity work would benefit you. You need to really focus on building relationships and figuring out what you want from them rather than what you think you want. Build your own empire, you don’t need to focus solely on love.
Charge straight into it, don’t overthink it. I see you’re mainly manifesting money, or spirit is saying that the most important thing is for you to manifest money. I see that you need to stop being fussy with what you want, you need to put your mind to one thing (all piles had this message lmao) and go your way at getting it. If you are religious, you can definitely gain from praying to your personal god, if not then maybe even deities or spirit guides you may work with.
You may benefit from doing this alone, without another person who may tamper with your energy.
Weirdly specific message, but you may be going through some legal troubles right now? If you are, then manifest that you will win whatever battle you’re going through.
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