#areal gf
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soapgraves · 1 year ago
Drafts getting full. (I cant stop being insane abt connie i love mu gf so bad.)
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sarcasticlesbian · 5 years ago
drunk af wanna just talk talk talk
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zumpietoo · 4 years ago
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Oh Milly, no she didn’t....plus, dude, Cole’s previous GF identified as pan while they were together and it never created an issue for them (and their relationship was FULL of issues). And SH regularly and publicly went to strip clubs together as foreplay. Plus, really? You think Cole didn’t know Lili identified as bi?
I mean, as it is, she’s been giving hints all along, anyway...
My god you guys are fucking morons. Lili’s even said her friends and family have always known this....additionally, SH were only publicly a couple beginning in late 2018, she could’ve easily come out at any point before that....and there wouldn’t have been any allusion to her boyfriend (because they pretended it wasn’t even a thing).
This is a complete fabrication of what she said....I believe it’s more like Lili stated she didn’t want it to appear like she was doing it for attention....tho, OFC, it was interesting timing for when she did so along those lines...
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No, Ken wants attention and is a liar, just like y’all
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I love how she outs her ignorance of “the industry” by lumping them all together....like how PedoT used to. Plus, funny how the only people ever claiming this are one pap, two trolls and nobody else.....the actual peeps in the industry rave about Cole’s professionalism, in fact
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Not sure how I’m “acting like an offended child”, but hey, whatever helps you get thru your butthurt. Also, yeah, Milly, you don’t “hate” Cole, you just run a blog dedicated to “canceling” him because you looooveee him....
And so it’s my fault you run a hate blog? Because you need to inform the world? Wow, you guys really have taken up PedoT’s mantle, haven’t you?
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A) you guys areally are like nine years old, huh? Again, SM follows, etc are meaningless
B) the irony here is that Lili’s admitted to having been highly, almost pathologically jealous of Cole sometimes....he’s always been fairly trusting. However, TBF, we also know she cheated, so if he was doing so, apparently he had good reason...
C), Dude, they were headed back to Vancouver and, I’m pretty sure Cole would have better ways of “keeping an eye” on somebody than following their insta
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I’m not gonna shred this, cause it speaks for itself, but I do love how Milly thinks herself and her one maybe actual buddy constitute “the public”.
Funny how Cole won and Lili lost, anyway, no?
Oh and none of Cole’s slated projects are “teen movies”, That’s what Lili and the rest of the cast are still doing. On streaming.
Oh and yeah, “Decider said”-----they also ship Barfie and love KokeJ.
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gigon-guyer-fs21-neumarkt · 4 years ago
Der Migros Neumarkt ist ein zweigeschossiger Grossverteiler mit einem Zugangsplatz, Einzelläden, einem Restaurant an der Altstetterstrasse und einer doppelgeschossigen Eingangshalle mit Rolltreppen. Die Anlieferung und Zufahrt zur Tiefgarage erfolgt von der Baslerstrasse im Norden. Der Grossverteiler funktioniert sehr gut, im Gegensatz zu den Einzelläden und dem Restaurant, die zusammen mit dem Eingangsplatz und der -halle neu konzipiert werden sollen. Damit soll eine neue Adresse mit öffentlicher Ausstrahlung entstehen. Die Ausnützung beträgt heute ca. 160% und soll auf 250% bis 280% erhöht werden. Das Areal ist im Richtplan 2040 als Schwerpunkt mit grossem Verdichtungspotential ausgewiesen. Es liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Lindenplatz, der mit seiner Bebauung aus den 50igerJahren und der alten Kirche auf dem Hügel das Quartierzentrum Altstetten darstellt. Dieses Ensemble soll mit der höheren Ausnutzung auf dem Neumarktareal vom Verdichtungsdruck entlastet werden und in seiner jetzigen Erscheinung erhalten bleiben. Die zusätzliche Nutzung sind neben Retail und Gastronomie im Erdgeschoss, Dienstleistungen und Büros in den ersten Obergeschossen und vor allem Wohnen mit quartierverträglichen Mieten in den Aufbauten. Im nördlichen Teil des Areals sind entweder Wohnen mit einem kleinen Park oder eine öffentliche Schule (5000m2 GF) mit entsprechenden Aussenräumen vorgesehen, die die Stadt übernehmen würde. Die Mehrwerte für die grössere Ausnützung sind ein attraktiver Platz mit Läden entlang der Altstetterstrasse, ein kleiner Park oder eine städtische Schule, eine West-Ost-Durchwegung und vor allem preisgünstiges Wohnen. Die städtebauliche Absicht ist das Quartierzentrum Altstettens zu stärken und gleichzeitig den Lindenplatz mit seinem denkmalgeschützten Ensemble zu entlasten.
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jrileywx · 6 years ago
Sick and Tired of The Rain? Me Too
Rainfall has been relentless across Mississippi over the past few days! Since last Friday (02/15), Columbus has picked up 3.80″ of rainfall. That puts us at 11.90″ already for the year! Unfortunately as we head into this weekend, we could potentially double this number.
The trough that has been in place out west has our area sandwiched between it, and a high pressure system that is located over the Bahamas. The placement of these two systems is allowing for an increase flow of moisture from the southwest. This is what has been driving the heavy rain over the past several days. There has been very little movement in the location of the Jet Stream, which is why we have had such a prolonged rain event. 
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The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a Flash Flood Watch for northeast Mississippi from Noon on Thursday (02/21) until Midnight early Sunday Morning (02/24). Another 4 inches of rain could fall in the green areas below, significantly increasing the risk of flash flooding across the region. Areas within the lighter green regions are under a Flash Flood Warning, and areas shaded within the darker green west of the Alabama state line are currently under  a Flash Flood Watch. Counties in Alabama are under an Areal Flood Watch. 
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A Flash Flood Watch differs from an Areal Flood Watch because within a Flash Flood Watch, the potential for flooding occurs over a shorter period of time, whereas in an Areal Flood Watch, flooding usually occurs over a longer duration of time.
As we head into this weekend, that perky trough is slowly going to work its way towards the twin states! This will eventually lead to a break in the rain on Sunday, but we may have to pay a price for some sunshine. As this trough approaches our ares, we will continue to see heavy rainfall.
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Between now and Saturday, our PWAT anamolies remain well above normal. This means that we will keep the abundant supply of moisture around through Saturday, which will lead to more flooding across the region. Once the trough pushes through on Sunday, will we get to dry out for a little bit! Sunshine will even return to the area on Sunday! 
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The GFS and EURO models both show quite a bit of rain accumulation over Mississippi and Alabama between now and Sunday. Most areas will pick up between 1 to 3 more inches of rainfall, with a few isolated amounts closer to 5 inches! As of now, it looks like the heaviest of the rain will fall across north and northwestern portions of the twin states. These same regions are the ones currently under the Flood Watches. 
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The moisture will continue to flow into our region through Saturday of this weekend. Flooding rainfall will occur. If you come across a flooded roadway, please do us all a favor and turn around. It only takes a couple of inches of flowing water to push your vehicle off of the roadway. Then, your life is at risk, as well as the lives of the first responders who would have to save you. Stay dry and stay safe!
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itsyerisworld · 7 years ago
💌using 5 recent emojis, create/describe a date with your bias and send this to 10 people 💌 spread the love!!
🌞🐠🌊🌚⭐️this is super cute shdjksldf i’d love to go to the beach and then watch the stars at night
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