yesvac · 6 years
ok i love the eddie has a little sister thing and i just have 2 say. she and georgie are friends and he teaches her how to make the little paper boats . he never dies also
YEAH. YES THEY ARE FRIENDS THEY HAVE PLAYDATES TOGETHER... lily is a little bit older but they’re around the same age. when they get older they both make fun of bill and eddie for being losers
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31st · 6 years
🌸 if u want to !
Tumblr media
midoriya izuku from bnha!
send me ur fav emoji and ill assign u kin!
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marblehornetz · 7 years
O'Malley also watch the movie dorkwad
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: is very protective of thhe people he cares about and will alsways stand up for themworst quality: voice. the voice. thhe v oic eship them with: doc, forever and always. brotp them with: gary. most of the frags (not sigma) but mostly gary. and texneeds to stay away from: uhhhhh sigmamisc. thoughts: is horribly depressed and you can physically fight me on this. also trans hes very trans
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ircnsman · 7 years
pegasus + centaur
Pegasus: Last movie you watched? spiderman: homecoming probably
Centaur: Last book you read? the hammer of thor
thanks for asking !!
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kashimasyuu · 6 years
get to know me!!
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better
tagged by: @darkfaethedestroyer
nickname: nat, my name is natalie
zodiac: pisces!! i'm a fish
last movie i saw: being john malkovich, that was..... wild
height: like 5' 3 and a half?? something like that
last thing i googled: the name of the last movie i saw lmao
favorite musician: ahhh??? emo kid habits die hard so probably panic! at the disco (or brendon urie if you want just a person, same thing basically) also shoutout to masayoshi ohishi
song stuck in my head: i'm listening to music while i'm doing this so that kinda interferes, currently hekireki by last alliance is playing
do i ever get asks: yeah sometimes!!! i've been getting more random asks lately which is awesome, they're so fun (i love asks please don't hesitate jdkdhks)
following: 345 right now!!
amount of sleep: the semester just started so that number's changed dramatically lmao, generally like 8-ish hours?? maybe a little less
lucky numbers: 22!! also 2, it's bc my birthday is 2/22/2000, all the 2s
what i'm wearing: a blue patterned blouse-shirt-thing and gray jeans that are distressed at the bottom (this sounds like a bad wattpad fic sorry)
dream trip: i'm too indecisive for this but i'm planning on studying abroad at some point while i'm in college and i'm probably gonna go to japan so !!!!! that
dream job: honestly i think it would be really fun to be a voice actor?? i did a lot of theater in high school and i've just always really loved characters and stories, and i think being able to share that with people would be amazing
do you play instruments: i played flute for like 7 years and probably still can somewhat, and i'm taking a drumkit class this semester just for funsies
languages: i'm only fluent in english, i took two years of french in high school and am taking another class this semester
favorite songs: oh god?? it changes constantly but some i really like right now are king of the clouds by p!atd, birthday by all time low, infinitesimal by mother mother, and aliens! by autumn kings (i'm gonna include some fave ops/eds too since that's relevant: kimi ja nakya dame mitai by masayoshi ohishi, fiction by sumika, rhapsody of blue sky by fhána, and coolest by customi z just to name a few ksjdkshsk)
random fact(s) about me: my first fandom was one direction in like 2012..... oh man what a different time
describe yourself as things: fluffy clouds, blank pages, worn and loved erasers, the first bloom of spring (is this aesthetic enough?? i'm calling it good)
tagging: @sugawaras @aizawashoutah @kenmasfoot @shiikamarus @nico-chansenpai @sauwumura @ootsukis @burritoowu @haiijii @suneaaters @usagiyamah @kawaizumis @nejiiz @haijiskiyoses @haikayuu @kenmakozume @kiirishima @areacomplete @tobioshouto @toono-s @kiritonarukami (no pressure!!! just do it if you want :) i didn’t realize i had more than 21 mutuals tbh but any mutuals i missed i’m tagging if you wanna do it too!!)
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kaheyama · 6 years
bold your preferences and tag 10 friends
tagged by: @kashimasyuu​ this is late sorry but ty for tagging me 🤗
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative classic & instrumental
freckles or dimples (THEY’RE BOTH CUTE I CAN’T CHOOSE)
snakes or sharks
mountains or field
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagging: @sugawaras @areacomplete @aizawas-goggles @shiroqanetakashi @oikaiiwa (not compulsory ofc, and anyone else who wants to do it can do so!!)
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areacomplete · 6 years
if I may ask what was your old url bc I think we are mutuals n I feel bad for not remembering lmfao
my old urls were areacomplete, polaroidstan, sedanley, streddie, & urised ! its in my about but jfskf
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lordesslove-blog · 8 years
I actually got the chance to take studies with puzuzu
He was A really Strict and Dark being with much knowlegde turned into wisdom , he was mean in ways by teaching dicipline and making sure we took the right path and not some fake illusion seen by others.
He teaches Respect, kindess and love to this dark world🌚 patient's & Intuition will always be the first level to reach before steping into the next field. These lessons will give you the gift/skill of Creativity ⭐
(A.K.A Tarot card 01 Major Arcana )
How to Cast a Circle: 
A circle can be cast for all magickal acts. The size of a circle varies vastly – it should be able to comfortably fit those using it. Certain actions must be performed and certain words said in a loud, clear voice. An altar should be placed in the circle – in a north, center or east position. 
1.  Cleanse yourself and you chosen area. You should have a bath and clear the areacompletely. Set up an altar with the following items: a flat pentagram symbol, two white candles, an athame or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, a chalice and a saucer. 
2.  Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say: “With this sacred blade I cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a sacred circle beyond time andspace. Let it be a meeting place for all
good, and may it deter all wickedness.”
3.  Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: “In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, I cast this my working circle.”Afterwards, ring your bell. 
4.  Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: “Bear witness, Spiritsof the North, guardians of Wicca.” Go to the East, South and West and repeat at each. 
5.  At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade into the bowl of salt, saying: “I exorcise thee, so that it may be purified and may aid me well.” 
6.  Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into thewater. Lower the blade of your athame into the water, saying: “I cleanse and consecrate thee,Water of Life, and ask you to bless this circle. In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!” 
7.  Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle again (stillclockwise), and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle, saying: “I consecrate this sacred circle by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his honor.” 
Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the chalice back on your pentagram. This completes the casting of your circle.
Specific activity can now be performed here, such as a Sabbat ritual, making a charm, or healing. It is absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until your activity is complete, and without properly closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move on to closing the circle. 
How to Close a Circle Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. I bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell.”Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and back to the North again.
Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scaredcircle closed. So mote it be.” Ring a bell to complete the closing and step out.
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yesvac · 6 years
👥 no limits
when i looked at your icon i thought it was max from an extremely goofy movie
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southie-dakotie · 6 years
you've been gnomed!
Fitz what the Fock does this mean
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yesvac · 6 years
wat its ur bday happy birthday!! i hope the rest of ur day is better nd also tomorrow :-) thank u for bein a cool mutual
it IS my birthday!!!!!! thank you fitz!!!
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marblehornetz · 6 years
uhh 10-20!
10. What is the last beverage you had?
cold hard bepis
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
like TWO
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
all the jeans i have are skinny jeans
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
not sure! wanna have a boyz night?
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
probably food… or fire emblem orbs
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
i don’t even know who i kissed last so no
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
i sure hope so! healing is a constant process!
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
moss, you’re a close second
18. The last time you felt broken?
not in a long time.
19. Have you had sex today?
no! i just got home!
20. Are you starting to realize anything? 
starting to realize that i… might end up okay. things might work out for me.
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