#are we really going to have a shit ton of cursed asks 2 days in a row
canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
flat ass gabriel is more charming to me honestly
no ass. no pronouns. the ultimate failwife
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Never Hold Back Your Step... Part 13
This really is getting down to the end here. I'm already at the Mind Flayer in the spot where I'm at in the story so...yeah. Then it would just one chapter after that. Maybe. I don't know. But it's sad to see this one go, too.
Of course as with "Can Anybody See Me?" once this is done, I will begin work on the final story which will take us all the way to the end of the fourth season. Which I hope to get done before season 5. Ideally.
It will have a line from a song in a musical just like the last two (1776 and The Scarlet Pimpernel respectively) so you have any songs you think will fit the theme of the third book (which will be Steve and Eddie clashing over nerds vs sports until that fateful day in March) let me know in the comments or tags or even a DM or ask. It took me months to come up with the title for this one, so any help would be great.
Here we have the dipshit detectives trying to figure out the message and the "secret tunnel".
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Once they explained everything to Robin, she told them about what the message said. And no given the context of the message coming from the mall it suddenly made too sense.
“The clock tower, the shoe shop and the Chinese place,” she crowed. “It’s got to be.”
“You sure you translated it correctly?” Steve asked. “Because what the fuck does blue meeting yellow have anything to do with the clock tower?”
Robin rolled her eyes and huffed out a deep sigh. “The hour and minute hands are blue and yellow and meeting in the west would be 9:45!”
Eddie tilted his head to the side. “AM or PM?”
Robin stared at him for a moment in shock. “Oh. I don’t know. Could be either I guess.”
Eddie looked at his watch and cursed. “As thrilling as all this has been, I have to get to band practice.” He gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. “Be careful, Stevie. Okay?”
Steve nodded and squeezed Eddie’s shoulder back. God, he just want to kiss him goodbye, because it might be his last opportunity to do so. But Dustin and Robin were watching and probably half of the mall too. “As careful as I can be.”
“How can you be so super chill about this?” Robin asked after he left. “Like Russians are running around our mall and Eddie acts like this is a normal Tuesday for you?”
Dustin and Steve shared a glance.
But Steve just scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Like I’ve had the worst year. My girlfriend broke up with me, I got my head bashed in by Hargrove, I got harassed by the basketball team, I nearly got water dumped on my head because I won the part fair and square, then the same asshole tried to scramble my brains further, I didn’t get into the right colleges and was forced to work here instead of the rec center pool like have for the last three years, and a fuck ton of other things. Now Russians have set up shop in my home town? This is just the cherry on top of a very shit filled cake.”
Robin and Dustin winced. Dustin knew that Steve’s year was actually way worse than the truncated version he gave Robin, but they couldn’t tell her about the tunnels, El, monsters, and secret labs. Hence, fuck ton of things.
“Okay,” Robin conceded, “it does sound like your average Tuesday.” She looked up at the clock. “You’re supposed to be off, anyway. So shoo and take the genius child with you.”
Dustin beamed up Steve smugly, but Steve just knocked his hat off on his way to clock out.
“Hey!” Dustin shouted after him. He turned to Robin. “Can you believe this guy?”
Robin just shrugged. “You’re the one who’s friends with him, not me.”
Steve walked out moments later, twirling the hat on his finger. He walked past Dustin to the mall food court. He stopped and turned around.
“Are you coming or are you going to keep harassing workers?” he huffed, putting a hand on his hip.
Robin burst out laughing as Dustin hurried to catch up, scooping his hat off the floor in haste.
Steve shook his head as they walked through the mall. “Hey if we grab my binoculars, I bet we could stake out the mall and look for Russians.”
Steve looked at his watch and sighed. Eddie wouldn’t get done with band practice until much later tonight and he didn’t want to go back to his large empty house, because of course his parents fucked off to the Caribbean for the summer. His father had forced him to give up a job he loved for the most humiliating retail job imaginable and then fucked off to some place pleasant, leaving him to rot.
“Yeah, okay.”
Dustin let out a whoop and jumped up and down. “You won’t regret this!”
Steve buried his head in his hands. “I already do.”
Steve and Dustin were hiding behind a large potted plant with Dustin’s binoculars watching people go by.
“What are we supposed to looking for, anyway?” Steve asked, scanning the crowds.
Steve tore himself away from the binoculars to glare at him. “Thank you for that unhelpful assessment. I know I’m supposed to be looking for Russians, but what do Russians look like?”
“I don’t know,” Dustin huffed. “Tall, blond, scary looking dudes, I guess.”
Steve rolled his eyes and kept looking. He spotted Anna Jacobi flirting with Mark Lewinsky and huffed out a a noise of disgust.
“You have got to be kidding me,” he said with a sigh. “Anna can do way better than swamp ass Lewinsky.”
Dustin smacked his shoulder. “Can you please take this seriously? You’re supposed to be looking for Russians, not your next date. Besides you already have the perfect girl right there!”
Steve rolled his eyes and went back to looking through the binoculars. “Don’t say Robin.”
“Robin.” Was the immediate response.
“No, man,” Steve said as Dustin grabbed the binoculars from him, “she’s not my type. She’s not even in the ballpark of my type.” Considering that she had boobies and not a dick, pretty much sealed the box on any chances of that romantic relationship going anywhere.
Dustin looked over at him and sneered. “And what’s your type again? Not awesome?”
Fuck you. But Steve sneered and stuck his tongue out. “Thank you.”
Dustin grinned back at him with a little hum.
“Look,” Steve said, “for your information, she’s still in school. And she’s weird. But not like Eddie weird. Weird, weird. And she’s hyper. Like worse than Eddie. At least if you put a book in his hand, he’ll settle down. She’ll tap her fingers and twirl her gum. She was also one of those kids in drama who didn’t think I deserved the role of Thomson. That’s a bad look. And she’s in band? But not a rock band like Eddie, a fucking trumpet.” He twisted his lips in disgust. “No.”
Dustin turned to face him. “Now that you’re out of school, that means you’re an adult. And don’t you think you should move past primitive social constructs like popularity?”
Steve looked at him as if he was joking. “Popularity? Are you fucking with me right now? Did you forget I wasn’t popular for the last four months of high school? Primitive constructs, I tell you. Where the hell did you learn that shit? Camp Know Nothing?”
“Camp Know Where, actually,” Dustin huffed, “And no, it’s shit I learned from life. Instead of dating someone you think will make you cool again, why not date someone you enjoy being around for a change? Like me and Suzie.” He smiled broadly. He turned back to watching the through the binoculars.
Steve was soo close to just telling the little shit that he was dating someone he enjoyed being around, someone who did make him look cooler, someone who loved him for him and not in spite of him. But instead he took a deep breath and said, “Oh Suzie. Yeah, you mean hotter than Phoebe Cates. That Suzie. And let’s think about how exactly you scored a girlfriend?”
He scratched his head, appearing to think about it, then he snapped his fingers. “Oh yeah, with my advice. Because that’s how this works, Henderson. I give the advice and you follow through. Not the other way around, all right?”
Dustin sighed. “I just think you could really benefit from being with someone like her, you know?”
Steve rubbed the top of the kid’s head. “I’m doing better than you think I am. Better then everyone thinks I am.”
Dustin stared at him skeptically, but left it alone. Steve knew that there was no way he was going to leave it alone. He just knew that it was going to come back and bite him in the ass in the worst way and at the worst time. He could feel it.
“There is a secret room under the mall,” Steve said slowly, not quite wanting to believe this. “And we can get there through the air vents in the break room?”
Robin nodded emphatically. “Yeah, isn’t that cool?”
He had no idea how to tell her how uncool that actually was, because Jesus fuck, the deeper they got into this, the more over his head he felt.
“Let’s go see your secret tunnel,” he said with a sigh, rubbing his face, just suddenly exhausted by the whole thing.
He followed them to the back and looked up at the vent in utter despair. Sighing, he got a ladder and set it up, then hunted around for a screwdriver. Once he found one, he tucked it between his teeth and started climbing. He reached the vent and unscrewed the screws holding the vent in place.
“Oi!” he called out to Dustin. “Hold these!” He held out the screws for him to take. “Don’t lose them, otherwise people are going to ask why there is a great big gaping hole in the wall.”
Dustin rolled his eyes, but did as he was told. Steve put the screwdriver back between his teeth and took off the vent cover.
“It’s a tight space,” he murmured. “Hey, Robin you think you could fit? You’re pretty thin.”
Robin put her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “While I appreciate you thinking I’m skinny enough to fit, I question your sanity if you think I’m going down the creepy tunnel.”
“Vent!” Dustin huffed. “You’ve both called it a tunnel. It’s not a tunnel, it’s a vent. And none of us are small enough to fit.”
DING! DING! “Hey!” someone called out from the front of the store. “Is anyone here?”
Steve who had been climbing down the ladder, stopped and shared a look with Dustin. A slow smile took over their faces.
“Erica!” they said together with glee.
They ran out to the front with Robin fast on their heels. They skidded to a stop and their smiles grew to actual grins when they saw that she was alone and not with her many friends.
“Erica...hey,” Steve said smoothly, leaning against the counter. “What can I get you?”
She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “Why are you suddenly being so nice?”
Just then Dustin and Robin burst out of the back room and stumbled into front and Erica was even more suspicious than she was before.
So Steve bundled her over to one of the booths and tried plying her with all the ice cream a little girl could conceivably eat, while Dustin filled both Robin and Erica about the messages and all their clues and how they put it all together. It was a hard but impressive sell.
“So will you do it for America?” Dustin asked.
“Well, you can’t spell America without Erica,” she said smugly. “A life time supply of Scoops Ice Cream and you’ve got a deal.”
Robin and Steve shared a glance. Then Steve reached across the table to shake Erica’s hand.
Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
And if you remember something else there from WIP Wednesday... yeah. It wasn't fitting with the rest of the story and had to be cut. Sadness.
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @blondie1006
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @angels-of-hades
7- @mugloversonly @y4r3luv @greeniebean911 @birbsauce @acingthecounts
8- @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @ravenfrog @dreamercec @sadisticaltarts
9- @clockworkballerina @bluelightsinthevoid @blcksh33p1987 @i-go-pink-in-the-night @mamafaithful
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8880908cure · 1 year
hi hi! I'm a bit uncertain about asking this but, do you know any good games for someone trying to get into horror stuff? I have a bunch of friends who enjoy horror movies and games, so I wanted to try some out. I only watched my first horror movie in full last halloween, definitely scares me a lot but I know I enjoyed the overall experience, but I have enjoyed more unsettling stuff for years. not sure how to end this but um. bye! :)
Some horror games go into some icky subjects outside of death nd spooks so I will have to give a general content warning.
Games that are more thriller than they are super spooky are games like Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, and I thiiiiink Little Nightmares? Little Nightmares didn't strike me as something super terrifying but we each have our own pinch points, yeah?
If you want to go into something more narrative based, Soma is always a cool one to start with. Uhhh it is considered deep sea horror and it does have some deep sea moments so tread lightly if that shit scares you.
Which means I'm obligated to mention Subnautica. Not a horror game initially but it's pretty scary because, y'know, deep sea fears.
Quintessential horror games that are older but still hold up to this day are Silent hill 1-3, Fatal Frame 2, Siren Blood Curse (baby's first siren) Dead Space (It was recently remade and it's pretty good!) Eternal Darkness, Clock Tower, Kuon (a little jank) Rule of Rose (SUPER JANK), Haunting Ground (naicu). I'm sure there will be suggestions below as time goes on.
A lot of these games are super old and hard to get your hands on so emulating them isn't out of the question. Alternatively, you can watch silent playthroughs. Those are always fun.
no commentary: Survival Horror Network, Alpha Beta Gamer
commentary: ManlyBadassHero, John Wolfe
they all play a variety of horror games ranging from indi to AAA
I'm kind of against recommending FNAF as someone's first jump into horror because it's a ton of jumpscares with a whole lot of uhhh very simple gameplay. Nothing wrong with it at all, but I have reservations when it comes to having horror newbies get the shit scared out of them by unrelenting jumpscares. Not fun.
OH UHHHH okay. Gregory Horror Show is kind of survival horror. Kind of. it's really goofy and really cute. Kind of tense. but look at it:
Tumblr media
Look at it.
Tumblr media
look at this character design. this is perfection. check it out as in emulate it or watch it on yt because it's insanely rare and pricey on ebay.
uhhh yeah! I hope these are beginner friendly for you. Save Silent Hill PT for a party viewing or something. That's like, end game boss stuff right there.
Feel free to swim around for indi horror games too! ich.io deep dives. Anatomy and anything from Kitty HorrorShow is a good treat. Actually yeah, play Kitty Horrorshow games, everybody.
commentary: ManlyBadassHero, John Wolfe
they all play a variety of horror games ranging from indi to AAA
Hope that helps!
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youcantkillamutant · 2 years
The Advocate: Two Weeks Before Finals
Author: youcantkillamutant
Fandom: Marvel (Black Panther)
Pairing: Erik Stevens/Killmonger x Black!OC
Summary: Lex is just trying to get through senior year without failing anything massive, so when she sees a lamb on her running route she ignores it, mostly.
Warnings: Cursing, Mention of Death (Human & Animal)
Words: 3.7K+
A/N: Hi….Remember me? Yeah. I’m still here, this time with a God!Erik AU. *shrug*. I only own my original characters of course, Marvel don’t sue me I’m broke.
2 Weeks Before Finals
“I knew it! I knew gods were real! And now one needs your help. This is the most amazing thing to happen in the history of forever. I mean can you beli—What are you doing?” Ruby’s head turned to Lex, where she saw her flipping through something in her periphery. “Why are you studying?”
“Finals are in two weeks Ruby.” In all honestly, Lex was just scanning the pages and hoping that the information would be absorbed. She was too busy thinking about the golden goddess and her message.
“You have been chosen as an Advocate by the gods of Wakanda…”
“Who cares about finals! A goddess just appeared in our living room Lex! With a freaking quest.” By the time she finished speaking, her voice was nothing but a squeak.
“She didn’t say it was a quest Ru.” She said her nephew needed help. Do gods even have nephews? Weren’t they all born out of clay and shit?
“Ertumke, the god of Predator and Prey requests your assistance in a Trial to be held…”
“Fine a task. Maybe even a favor! You can’t ignore a goddess Lex!” Lex slammed the book shut, mostly to stop replaying the scene in her head, but also to scare Ruby into shutting up. Just a little. It was a moot point either way. The chance of that happening after tonight are about as slim as having a goddess appear in your apartment while you’re dripping wet in a towel.
“Do you really believe a goddess just popped by our apartment? I mean seriously Ruby, maybe there was something in our cereal this morning or the smog is—” Ruby’s mouth dropped open in shock, brows scrunched together.
“Lex, you cannot be serious. We don’t even live in a city! There is no smog!”
“You don’t have to live in a city for smog to—”
“Say smog one more time. I dare you.” Ruby looked like she meant it, and after the day I’d just had, I wasn’t interested in whatever payback she was thinking about delivering if I took her up on the dare. “Lex, we just saw a goddess in our apartment and you think it was what? Some weird cereal trip? You don’t even eat cereal!” Ruby’s tone had gone from placating to disbelieving in a sentence, but Lex brushed it off, determined to forget anything happened at all.
“You offered food and drink to an animal he holds sacred. You have initiated a connection…”
“Fine it was a mass hallucination.” Lex waved her hand like the idea of hallucinating at all didn’t send shivers down her spine. Drugs were never her forte.
“There’s only two of us.”
“Then we’re both crazy!” Ruby rolled her eyes so hard she knew she’d have a headache. “Ruby, finals are in two weeks. I am not wasting four years and a shit-ton of student debt for any God.”
“Lex, a Wakandan god just asked you to be their Advocate. That shit only happens in legends. Legends that I’ve studied Lex. There’s no way that this is just som—” Lex could see that Ruby wasn’t going to let this go. They’d been through this before. Well not this exactly, but Ruby had spent all of sophomore year trying to convince Lex that fairies were absolutely real. They still don’t agree and Ruby didn’t speak to her for about a week when Lex had blown her off in the middle of some ‘documentary’ about it.
“Ruby I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” Lex turned on her heel and took the few steps she needed to get into her room. It was early still, the sun only now starting to set, but Lex got in bed anyway. She didn’t want to think about the golden woman and her request. Didn’t want to think that she just might have the life of a god in her hands.
“The rest is up to you nephew.”
That’s all his dear Auntie gave him. Sure she’d gone and told the girl about being an Advocate, but his chosen advocate didn’t seem all too impressed. Apparently, all she’d done was politely shake her head and promise this is the only time she’d speak to a hallucination before asking Ramonda to leave. What kind of mortal asks a god to leave?
“You’re pacing cousin.” Erik jumped. Trust Shuri to sneak up on him.
“Wouldn’t you be? I assume you heard about my Advocate?” Erik’s voice bordered on contemptuous. Shuri’s brow rose. “She doesn’t even believe in Gods Shu! She thought your own mother was a hallucination.” Shuri snorted at this.
“I know you find this hard to believe cousin, but not every mortal dreams of being visited by gods, especially not now a days. Their gods are much closer than we ever were.” Erik snorted at this. He’d heard of the humans now, dropping their worship of true gods to bow at the feet of musicians, writers, and liars (actors, if you ask anyone else). “You’ll just have to keep working at it. I’m sure you’ll think of something soon enough, you’re mildly clever.”
Shuri disappeared in a metallic flash and Erik did his best not to sniff at her exit. The least she could do was be helpful if she planned on visiting. He couldn’t even be sure why she bothered to come if all she wanted to do was judge his ineptitude to convince one mortal to—
Erik huffed a laugh. Of course, mortals don’t dream of gods. At least, they haven’t in centuries. Erik would have to change that. Leave it to Shuri to inspire and berate him. He knocked on the glass of his cell and shut his eyes.
Much to her surprise, Lex found sleep, but not rest. Her dreams were filled with silent lambs, rotting fruit and outstretched palms. Whether they were offering or reaching, she couldn’t tell, but she knew the dreams were strange. It was as though she was watching the images on a screen, somewhere else, far away. 
The air was cold and there was complete and total silence. Like someone had reached delicate fingers into her mind and pulled the aux cord. Just as the silence veered from strange to alarming, she heard the rush of a wave coming towards her from somewhere overhead. Lex hurriedly gasped a breath and closed her eyes. Seconds, minutes, hours could have passed, but when she blinked her eyes open, she released a relieved gust of air.
She was in her bathtub, soaking in warm, black water and shrouded in steam. Silver orbs dotted the water, glinting when she looked closer, so instead of looking, Lex closed her eyes. She could hear waves lapping at a shoreline she’d probably never see, and soft padding footsteps. Like a cat, a big cat. Lex pulled her eyes open, turning her head towards the sound. 
A woman appeared, at least, she seemed to be a woman. She was an obsidian Venus, voluptuous and gleaming. The world seemed to bend around her, pulling the stars above to her head like a crown and the night blue sky wrapping around her like a second skin and rich earthen soil guiding her feet along. Or maybe she was the world, or at least the night. Silver starlight dotted the darkness of her form like moles and her face was all too brilliant and beautiful that Lex had to blink and blink and blink to actually get a sense of what her face looked like at all. She didn’t get much.
The black Venus leaned into Lex’s space, resting her face so closely to Lex that she could feel her slow, measured breaths in time with the waves crashing on that unseen shore.
“Advocate, your God would like to speak to you…” She didn’t so much say the words as she breathed them out. Her lips barely moved but Lex could feel the woman’s words drifting through her ears. Before Lex could marvel at the woman any longer, she was gone.
The sounds of the waves was abruptly replaced by howling winds and heat. Blinking, Lex looked around and found miles and miles of sand. Perfect dunes of blood red sand. She sank deeper into the tub, the water cool enough to anchor her in this heat. Before she knew it, the sounds of the windy desert were lulling her into a calm she’d never felt before.
“So you’re the Advocate my family is so excited about.” Lex jumped, sitting upright so fast that the inky black water sloshed over the tub and sizzled on the sand. She could hear footprints in the sand, circling the tub, but when she glanced to her left and right, there was only desert air. “Not very talkative, but I suppose I can see the appeal.”
Lex wrinkled her brow and opened her mouth to say…something, but between once breathe and the next, a man appeared at the foot of the tub, brown arms crossed and smirking.
“What the fuck!” The man kissed his teeth, brows lifted in surprise and maybe a hint of mirth. Lex didn’t know the…whatever this guy was well enough to figure it out. She did know however, that she was naked in this tub.
“Hmm, I would have thought you’d have better manners considering my cousin picked you out.”
“You’re one to talk about manners.” Lex leaned forward in the tub, shifting to her knees and exposing her back instead of her chest. “Who the hell are you?”
“You really can’t guess?” The man seemed annoyed by this and continued on as though this entire conversation was a chore. “I’m Ertumke, and you’re my Advocate.”
“What did you say he looked like again?”
“Ruby!” Lex had been explaining her dream to Ruby all morning. Ruby had clearly been listening selectively.
“What? He sounds hot.”
“This is not helping.” And it wasn’t. It really really wasn’t, especially because after her dream, Lex woke up…wet, like she’d been dumped from the tub in her dreams right onto her bed. “He said his name is Ertumke and he seems like an asshole. Have you studied any gods like that?” Ruby snorted and rolled her eyes.
“Plenty.” Lex groaned. “He really didn’t say anything else? Nothing about your quest—” At Lex’s withering look Ruby stopped short. “I mean your…mission?”
“He told me his name like it was supposed to mean something, leered at me in the tub and condescended to me so hard I thought about breaking his nose.” I woke up before I could make that happen, but my annoyance lingered.
“On the off chance that this is actually happening and I just met a god in my dreams,” Lex huffed “I want it on record that I do not plan on helping him at all. I never agreed to be an Advocate and I sure as shit ain’t helping that dickhead.” Ruby winced like the dickhead in question could hear me, but nodded.
“That’s fair, but honestly…You’re gonna be hard pressed to find a god that isn’t an asshole if my nearly finished mythology degree is anything to go off of.” Lex groaned again.
Lex couldn’t focus. She’d been at the campus’s largest library for three hours, and all she’d accomplished was color coding her notes. She hadn’t read a word of them. All she could think about was that dream. That stupid, weird, distracting dream. Well, she also couldn’t stop thinking about the text Ruby had sent her with a link to…well she didn’t quite know what the link was for yet, but Ruby’s message had made it clear that it was about the god from her dreams and Lex was trying to establish boundaries about this. Specifically boundaries that would encourage her to write the last few days off to exhaustion and go back to her super, super normal life.
It wasn’t working.
After another 15 minutes of staring at her computer screen, she caved and clicked the link. Oh great, while lex was doing everything she could to forget about the god in her dreams, Ruby had pulled everything she knew about the god in her dreams and delivered it to her in a very organized, perfectly color coded google doc. Perfect.
Ruby might be the most vocal in the necessity of taking a break from studying, but when it came to her work, she was nothing if not thorough. The document itself was about 30 pages with a hefty table of contents, blue links dotting the pages and a bibliography to boot. I recognized some of the books she’d cited because they were often strewn about our dorm. Ruby was not messing around on this. To start, I skipped straight to the section about the ‘Advocate Tradition’, Ruby clearly wanted me to start with the gods themselves, but I couldn’t, didn’t want to think about that. Not yet.
“The gods are not particularly known to be fair to mortals, but amongst their own kind, they make an effort. No god truly wants to see the ichor of another dripping down the hilt of their incabuka, no matter the strength of their anger. To prevent this, and any loss of godly life, the Elders created a system of judgement. A trial of sorts, more of a tribunal would be held against the offending party. They would be required to stand in front of the elders and hear of the grievances of the gods, but they would not be permitted to speak, the gods are persuasive, even to their own kind, and so the Elders decided that an Advocate, a mortal must be the mouth of the god on trial. It was only fair, mortals may be able to sway one another with pretty words, but a mortal mouth can’t do much against a group of gods and certainly not the Elders. No, this was fair, putting the life of an accused god in the hands of a mortal the Elders thought. Very fair. ” — African Gods and Legends, p.72, 1978, Zuri Kahandu
Lex sighed and cracked open a new tab.
From what Lex could find, the God Ertumke was totally a dick. He had been given his dominion over Predator and Prey to curb his trickery. Trickery that apparently got his cousin cut in half (the effect easily reversed with a spell from the Queen Mother, whoever that is), flooded an entire country with snakes stolen from another (not easily reversed, but part of his punishment was to cull the population in their new country) and even stopped the birth of new lambs for a decade after being offended by a mortal daring to question his power.
Total dick.
Still, Lex had to admit she was curious. What could he possibly have done now that warranted a trial if none of his previous stunts had?
“Oh good, you’re still here!” Ruby plopped into the chair across from her, slightly sweaty but managing to look glowy. She tossed a book into Lex’s arms, and the colorful tabs on the side flashed in the library light. “I brought you some reading.” Lex turned over the book, noting the gilded symbols on the cover and a title in a language she couldn’t read.
“It’s about Ertumke, or well, his pantheon of gods.” Lex narrowed her eyes at Ruby and she raised her hands placatingly. “I know you said you wouldn’t be his Advocate, this is just incase you change your mind.” Lex’s shoulder’s dropped with a sigh. She still wasn’t sure about any of this, but something pushed her to keep learning. She’d tried to stop it after the whole ‘goddess in our living room’ crap because she knew an obsession when she saw one, and Lex simply did not have time for a new obsession.
“Can you give me the Cliff’s Notes?” Ruby squealed so loud that the librarian left her desk to give them a dirty look.
Night fell over campus like a blanket, tucking the smarter students in and allowing the careless partygoers to don it like a cape. Lex and Ruby arrived at their place laden with gas station snacks, entirely too much fried chicken for two people and melted brains. They’d spent hours pouring over the book Ruby had brought, the websites Lex had found, and a few more reference books from the library. Lex had come to the conclusion that the gods, in all their omnipotence, were actually absolutely ridiculous and lowkey too sensitive to have all that power.
She and Ruby were cackling about how Gods reacted to “slights” from mortals as they pushed through the door and dropped everything onto the coffee table in front of the couch.
“And the god…what’s his name? W’Kamte? When he built a giant anthill on the home of some human who said ants weren’t as cool as snakes. I mean come on, could you be more ridiculous?” The girls fell back onto the couch, giggling.
“I agree, W’Kamte always has had a flair for the weird.” Breathless, the girls looked at each other. The voice that had shared that tidbit wasn’t theirs. It was light, with a musical lilt. Lex might even call it playful and Ruby definitely would. The two sat in silence for a moment, and between one breath and the next a golden figure shimmered into existence. And then another. And another.
“Do you see three golden figures in our living room?” Ruby whispered to Lex.
“Unfortunately.” The first figure laughed like a song, and for a moment Lex wondered if this is what every church choir in existence had tried to replicate. A soft and melodious sound that swept you away for just a moment, making you think you’d heard just a bit of heaven in those notes.
“I like you! Mother, you chose well for Ertumke.” The second figure looked more familiar now, taller than the first and exuding some sort of energy that made you want to ask for motherly advice. The figure only nodded towards Lex as the first figure hopped, literally hopped in front of Lex.
For all Lex didn’t want to believe this was happening, she felt the heat coming from the figure as it leaned into her face. Her eyes burned as she tried to keep her eyes on the figure invading her space, blinking rapidly when the figure finally leaned back with a sigh.
“You don’t have to believe in us to be an Advocate.” The figure said this casually, and it brought Lex up short. “We still need you. My cousin, he needs you.” There was something in the figure’s voice now. On any mortal, Lex supposed it would sound like pleading, but in the mouth of this god, it was imploring.
“From what I’ve read, your cousin is a dick.” The third figure, taller than the rest, snorted. The sound was deep and tiredly amused. The first figure nodded and waved an arm.
“Be that as it may, he needs an Advocate. He needs you.” Lex looked to Ruby for some kind of confirmation that what was happening right now was crazy. Ruby’s gaze was locked on the golden figures in the room. “My cousin is not particularly noble, or honorable, or moral by the standards of a mortal, but he is loyal. He has defended my family, our lands, and the lands of his allies for millennia. He is unwavering in his fealty and he deserves the same from us.” The second figure nodded again, though begrudgingly this time. The third figure took a step towards me before speaking.
“Ertumke is being blamed for a crime even the Elders will not explain.” The figure paused for a breath, though Lex had the sneaking suspicion that he didn’t need it. “That alone is concerning, but considering the rest of the…upsets happening in our realm, this case, Ertumke’s need for an Advocate…It’s…worrisome. I do not like to see my cousin in chains and I do not trust the Elders to pass judgement, not now. Not—” Before the figure could finish, the lights in the room blinked into darkness. The figures no longer glowed gold, but flickered to a steaming silver. Lex didn’t dare breathe, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t find air in the room if she tried.
The second figure put a hand over the third’s arm. Restraining him? Soothing him? Lex couldn’t decide and let the thought drop as the second figure spoke.
“Watch how you speak of the Elders my son. Remember that they are the makers of our world. Of us.” And with those words our light flicked back on. The silver figures burned gold again and a wave of unrelenting heat rolled over the room. Only for a minute, but enough for Lex to know that the Elders were not to be fucked with.
“I’m sure you know by now that we cannot reveal our true identities to you, but we can help you, should you chose to become Ertumke’s Advocate.” The second figure said this calmly, but Lex could see the tension in the figure’s shoulders. In fact, she could feel the tension sloughing off of all the figures like a slow avalanche. It hit her then, that this was real. Mass hallucinations and sleep deprivation couldn’t create a tension this palpable. Ertumke’s family clearly loved him, knew he was deserving of that love, and now…now they were going to the mat for him. And Lex was their secret weapon. Oh God. Gods? Shit. Lex released a sigh before she spoke.
“Tell me everything you can.” And they did. They told her about the worst things Ertumke has done, the murders and the creations he’s borne. They told her about the battles breaking out in their realm, spreading like a sticky spiders web. They told her about the Godsickness that appeared, leaving the strongest of their pantheon leaking ichor and magic and power. They told her about the worst of it, and then they left. Faded into mist leaving Lex and Ruby to blink the gold out of their eyes. The two girls sat in silence as the moon rose and fell, and when they finally breathed in the reality of their apartment air, cold fried chicken and the strong honeyed scent left by those golden gods they turned to each other.
“You know, the leasing agent should have told us that this apartment was a beacon for Gods.”
“Ruby!” Lex tried to sound indignant, but she couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up, and if it was a little hysterical, Ruby wasn’t the type to judge.
A/N: Let’s all pretend I didn’t leave this story alone for two years. Cool? Great! I hope y'all are doing well! Life punched me in the face, helped me back up and then dropkicked me and I didn’t have the capacity to write. 
My goal is to finish this story before the end of the year, so if you’re still reading this, thanks for sticking around and I hope to give you an ending you’ll love! 
As I said before, I’ve had this idea rolling around in my head for a year and some change now (I think), and I was inspired by Champion by killmongersgurl.
Let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off the taglist :)
Taglist: @princessstevens @muse-of-mbaku @k-michaelis@queenamaniii@dreadedphilosphy@killmongurl@thelovelyliterary@elaindeereads @thedom223 @muse-of-mbaku@bidibidibombaclaat@panthergoddessbast @writingmarvellousimagines@someareblindtoitsbeauty@jozigrrl@iamrheaspeaks @purple-apricots@thadelightfulone@janelledarling @killmongersgurl
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olympusthief · 2 years
ooc: a god verse for luke, and I think i have touched on it before, but I kind of want to flesh it out. most of it either revolves around hermes disappearing a la pan (seeing as these two are distantly related in terms of things iykyk), or hermes dying which would be difficult because in general gods don’t “die” ya know.
but like the remaining pantheon is in like a nervous breakdown because hermes is important all of them are, but like hermes is one of the few gods that in my opinion actively helps modern day society and so they gotta replace the messenger ASAP.
now hermes has a shit ton of kids, they could go to any of them. but it is common knowledge to literally all god and god adjacent people that Luke is the most obvious replacement. And if you think that greek gods are freaking out, the roman counterparts are like we did not think this through cause guess what (to my knowledge) they don’t really have a strong contender who is a son of mercury to put forward.
so on both sides they are like alright we gotta find luke. the thing is Luke was not only personally blessed by his father, and claimed by his father in person, he is one tricky bitch to find, especially since he makes good with those around him they wont rat him out. so when luke doesn’t want to be found he isn’t going to be found, that is just how he is. that is perk of his particular gifts of his dad, being a man of roads and trade Luke knows how to fucking disappear and go right off the grid.
Luke is hard to find. And it is at a point where their is more or less a bounty on finding him just so the gods can ask him to take place of his dad but guess what things are going nuts cause communication is like so hard because with Hermes overseeing it what he did is falling onto the non-main pantheon gods and they already have alot to handle without the burden of Hermes’ responsibilities onto them.
Luke is found and flat out rejects the idea, and it more or less looks like catch me if you can as luke cons his way around the world so the gods do not catch him. Luke has and always will have a very complicated relationship with the gods and particular Apollo and his father.
He finally gets caught again and asked again. He does not want this, he very much learned his lesson when he tried to get power last time. Nothing about this sounds good to him. But he agrees on two conditions. (1) Apollo remove the curse from his mother and heal her of the curse’s affects on her life, and help her come to terms with what happened. and (2) Each of the main pantheon at least must follow in the footsteps of his father and fade and/or die and allow a successor to take their place.
Now the gods are like no. so luke is like “peace out” and it is quite literally a stand still for a while with the gods slowly seeking luke out like one by one trying to appeal to him but he wont budge. but its obvious why they are uncomfortable with the idea. particularly the second one.
however luke is just as hard about his first condition must be met. and apollo is a hold out when their is finally an agreement to the second. and luke says he will never agree if his mother dies still under the grasps of the curse that should have been lifted when Apollo got his new oracle. then he brings up old history about how this goes beyond payback from the fucking cows that hermes already apologized for and even created apollo’s famed instrument as part of said apology.
so it eventually happens. and it is a huge fucking deal particularly because luke is infamous, but also famous. there are many who are hesitant about this, but his ceremony to becoming a god is like a huge fucking deal and many of those who knew hermes comments how much luke looks like his father which irks him to no end.
so luke goes through this ceremony terrified because he knows what it feels like, in a sense. he is scared. and he is pretty much alone because he doesn’t really have friends anymore and he definitely wont once he sits upon the pantheon. he is scared and has no one to reveal this too and it is a weakness in him, that will plague him in his godhood, which just fits for the god of trade and commerce and travelers to be scared about how lonely he is because that is what started the mess all the way at the beginning in the first place.
things start to right themselves in the way of the world when luke officially takes on Hermes’ mantle using the god’s former name as a title only and still referring to himself as luke. It becomes something a bit silly as he is “The Hermes” now which he will figure out a way to change but he doesn’t know a better title in all honesty because it kind of just fits. As a roman he is just The Mercury. Those who know him call him Luke otherwise it is via the title. whether the other eventual replacements continue with this naming convention is up to them but it is what luke decided for himself
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Love Language|| Jujutsu Kaisen
“I wanna be fluent in your love language. Learning your love language.” 
A/N: If you didn’t guess from the tagline this is inspired by the song love language by Kehlani. I’ll probably do more of these with different shows and what not because why not. If I missed anyone lmk and I can make a part 2. Also please tag spoilers appropriately esp for manga readers, that being said spoilers for the prequel? manga on Yuuta’s part.
Characters: Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, Inumaki, Okkotsu, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
Warnings: said it b4 but spoiler warnings in general but esp on Yuuji, Yuuta, and Maki’s parts
Plot synopsis: The 5 love languages; physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving and acts of service, and how each jujutsu kaisen character shows their love and affection for you. Ft. a gender neutral reader!
Word count: 2352
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Itadori Yuuji
Love Language: Quality time and physical affection
Ok listen-
So for physical affection, Yuuji’s just that kind of person
He is all about giving to you
He’s holding hands with you if you’re ever walking anywhere, and if you’re not a hand holder pls pls pls let him hold your pinky he likes the reassurance
No but seriously he loves to hold you like yall could be walking in completely opposite directions and he’ll try to find some way to hold onto you until the very last second
And even then he’s all ‘:( babe imy’
‘Yuuji we just talked 2 minutes ago’
Another way he shows his love is through quality time
I think for him this is the biggest thing overall, esp as a jujutsu sorcerer bcus you never know yk but also because you’re important to him
Like remember how he literally went to occult club so that he could get out of school in time to go visit his grandpa...ye :(
He also loves finding dumb touristy things to do with you while in Tokyo or anywhere yall go together on a mission 
If you get together before he died and came back then that time he had to spend away from you literally killed him
Like my mans was goin THROUGH it
He almost considered spoiling Gojo’s secret
When he sees you again, he’s not gonna let go for like a solid day
Fushiguro Megumi
Love Language: acts of service and words of affirmation
This boy loves you so much
He loves to tell you all the things he loves about you when you’re alone
But he’s a little awkward with his words sometimes, hence where acts of service come in
He’ll immediately offer to hold your things, run to help you train or study, and if you’re cold? He’s fully prepared to never see his jacket again
Also he can’t cook but he’s fully prepared to suffer hearing Sukuna and suffering through Yuuji’s antics if it means he can learn how to make your favorite food
He also will surprise you by making you a playlist of all the songs that you’ve had stuck in your head and sends it to you randomly out of the blue one day like ‘thought you might like this’
However the best of both worlds is when he leaves you little notes throughout the day or sends you texts asking if you need anything or just encouraging you to keep going 
Negl he’s lowkey the president of the Y/N support club bcus-
You need anything? It’s yours
Cravings? Sad? Angry? What do you need bby, I’ve got it for you
Also he’s totally the type to be like you need help fuckin this person up? 
Also before yall started dating, Fushiguro was a mess
He was constantly asking to spar with you and go on missions, basically anything he could do to be near you  
End of the day, Fushiguro loves you and makes sure you know it whether it’s through his actions or his words
Kugisaki Nobara
Love Language: physical affection
So, she’s not the best with words, she tries but like someone help her bcus she is LOST
Like when she had a crush on you she was like “c’mere dumbass i wanna give you a hug”
In fact, she still is like “c’mere” but now you are dating :)
She loves you though and at first she doesn’t really know how to show it 
But one day you both come home from training and you just look at each other like ‘yeah today sucks’ and yall both just held each other for the rest of the day 
After that, she decided that she wants to do that with you but like always
She’s holding your hand, kissing your cheek when you go shopping, etc. etc.
She really loves to cling to you because she always has this fear that maybe one day you’ll get killed or just disappear so she figures might as well hold onto you for as long as we’ve got
After missions, she’s running up to you and if you aren’t prepared for the tackle, you’re probably gonna fall
On dates too, like if you guys have to meet up for a date, she’s tackling you
On the subject of dates...
She doesn’t mind PDA, and while she might hold your hand or arm so that you don’t get separated
She also doesn’t mind wiping food off your face and eating it, only to then kiss the spot on your face the food was previously at
She will split her shopping load between the two of you, however she will be slightly pouty if she’s carrying more than you (she then cheers up when she realizes she can do more shopping to “balance” the two of you)
In private she’s very cuddly and kissy which honestly isn’t that bad until it gets hot
At which point she’ll just say turn on the ac or convince you to walk around in a tank top (or something like it) so that she can continue holding you
Tbh she prefers the big spoon, but if she’s ever upset you let her be the little spoon >:(
All in all a very loving girlfriend who tries her best to show how much she loves you by glomping you at any given moment. 
Zenin Maki
Love language: acts of service and quality time
So you’re telling me that Maki wouldn’t immediately go out of her way to make sure her and her s/o can spend as much time together as possible?????
Like she’s super observant (which can cause her to be a bit harsh, see Yuuta) but she can always tell what’s bothering you
So if you’re upset that you haven’t been spending enough time together due to her being out on missions or otherwise busy she’s immediately running to finish her stuff and spend time with you.
((She’s very sorry, but on the bright side she brought your favorites!))
Maki is also an acts of service type
This mostly ties in with her kind of direct action way of thinking
She thinks she’s slick but you can always see her sneaking around to do small things like grabbing your laundry for you and folding it
She’s very much like if you love someone, you gotta prove it
Overall, dates with her are very intimate and personal to the two of you
Like she’ll take you to a frog pond you landed in during a fight once
Or you’ll take her to a street fair that serves this exclusive food that Maki mentioned wanting to try 
However, Maki shows her love through quality time and acts of service and while she does receive love from these to a degree, she is very much a words of affirmation gal
She’s not insecure in her day to day life but she has her moments, everyone does
Sometimes, she’ll feel like shit and a failure and all she wants is for you to say that she’s doing amazing and that she’s a great girlfriend.
Inumaki Toge
Love language: Physical affection
Because of his curse, he can’t exactly express how he feels about you through words
He does text you frequently throughout the day (I’ll have to do a hc abt that someday)
But he’d prefer not to be on his phone to communicate if you’re right in front of him
So he does the next best thing and just smothers you in physical affection
He loves kissing you the most
Like he could spend hours just kissing you if you let him (please let him)
But in public, he gets if you’re not a big fan of pda he’s willing to tone it down as long as he gets kisses later in private
He’d still prefer it if you held his hand or linked pinkies maintaining touch in some way
Also, unrelated, but it means so much to him if you try to understand his sushi language
He knows realistically the foundation of any relationship is communication so already he’s at a disadvantage because of his curse 
But if he sees you like take notes after he says something or start to need him to text you to translate, his heart is swelling
Like ‘omg this person loves me enough to learn a whole new language <333′
Another tangent but before you were together he was struggling so muchhhh
Like how does one express their feelings for someone without words?
If you’re Inumaki, you buy some flowers and text said person to meet you at a cafe
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to realize it was a date, but once you did, you ever so gently linked pinkies with Toge
Okkotsu Yuuta
Love language: words. of. affirmation. 
He’s literally so sensitive please tell him you love him regularly
In return he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you too
He knows that he can’t really be there for you as much as he’d like but he likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you
Doesn’t matter the time, if you call, he’s answering
If he doesn’t he’ll cry he’ll immediately call you back and is apologizing for missing your call
You assure him it’s no big deal but the man has his volume turned all the way up and changed your ringtone to one specific for you by the time you’ve even said hey
Aside from that, he really is sensitive
He’s been through a lot especially with Rika as well as growing up alone and bullied 
So for him, it’s everything to hear that you like having him around and don’t think he’s too much or anything like that
Of course, he gets better with time, trusting you and having the confidence in himself to not need constant assurance
That being said, if you ever just whisper in his ear, “I love you, Yuuta.”
That’s not your boyfriend, that’s a puddle of love on the floor
(Maki, Panda, and Inumaki had a field day when they saw him, Fushiguro now questions if Yuuta really is a respectable 2nd year.)
Gojo Satoru
Love language: gift giving and quality time
So Gojo doesn’t exactly get to spend a ton of time
Between missions, him beefing with higher ups, and you and him playing parent the baby sorcerers yall don’t exactly get time to go out much
In which case Gojo tends to default to two options:
He’ll either go the extra mile to try and spend time with you 
Whether that be an at home date where he tries and fails to surprise you with a home cooked meal
Or a date out at a restaurant or cafe (which you tend to visit after his home cooking efforts)
OR he’ll bring you various souvenirs from his missions
He loves to spoil you, and if he could he’d probably bring you back a whole store’s worth of stuff
But alas, airport security regulations
Anyways, he loves to spoil you especially if he can spoil you with sweets because it benefits him in two ways 
He treasures all the time you spend together, and he does try to overcompensate for his absence with gifts
Despite your assurances, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point (just let him, trying to argue just goads him on further)
He doesn’t only buy you small things, he enjoys buying you outfits
And he especially likes seeing you in them 
Kento Nanami
Love Language: acts of service
Y’all remember the episode where he killed that curse that was bothering that baker lady?? Yea that
He’s literally such an acts of service boyfriend it’s not even funny
Before you got together, he would memorize your coffee order and bring you a cup pretty much everyday like clockwork
Now that you’re togehter, he wakes up before you so h=that when you wake up there’s the smell of coffee throughout the house
When you come out of you’re shared bedroom and he’s just scrooling through his phone like “mornin’”
Of course you already made the bed and ironed his clothes because relationships are give and take
And then when you leave for your jobs in the morning, he kisses you and holds the door open for you
He’ll draw a bath for you if he gets home before you, if you let him join or not is up to you
Also, if you ever get sick, he’s actually the best
Like he isn’t the best cook but he can heat up soup and tea
He’ll run to the store while you’re asleep and when you wake up, there’s like a whole tray of food in front of you and he’s like ‘it’s important to eat and drink so your body can heal’
And when you inevitably fall asleep after eating and taking medicine at his insistence, he tucks you in and clears away the dishes, exiting with little more than a kiss to your head
Ryoumen Sukuna
Love Language: gift giving and acts of service
So like Sukuna never says he loves you...ever
But he does notice if someone or something’s making you uncomfortable, and if so, said entity’s head will be presented to you later that day
You also just so happen to be the only person he can tolerate being around him for longer than 20 seconds
He also loves to give you jewelry, he likes seeing you adorned in something from him
He also isn’t gonna just handle all your problems for you, he will push you to become stronger by training with you 
He’ll also expect this energy to be reciprocated, as long as you’re pushing yourself to be better, he’s content with that
(He wants to see you grow because he’s scared that if he ever gets caught lackin one day you’ll end up dead)
He’ll never tell you or admit it, but Sukuna truly does care for you and hold you in a regard that he doesn’t have for others
So be grateful jkjk
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mionemymind · 3 years
Chapter 3: The Harsh Treatment
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Fake Memories
Series Summary: After Y/n is caught cheating on Wanda with Carol, Y/n would do just about anything to get Wanda back into her life. But was it even Y/n’s fault that she cheated? Or was it the new enemy set on revenge?
Chapter Summary: What will happen to Y/n as the team pushes her past her limits? 
A/n: I lied, I decided to be nice and post it now. Honestly, the amount of support that I’m receiving from this fanfic has literally made me smile so much. I really love all of you who read and/or comment. You mean the world to me. Let me know what you think. :) (Not my GIF)
Warnings: Starvation, harmful thoughts, curse words, self-doubt, mentions of blood, injuries, angst
Word Count: 5k
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
Y/n abruptly woke up at the feeling of pressurized gas coursing through her body. She quickly sat up, unable to see anything in the white fog. The cold feeling only lasted a couple seconds before F.R.I.D.A.Y stated, “Fire has been contained.” Y/n hugged herself for warmth as she waited for the fog to disappear. This was the 13th time this month that she was woken up with pressurized gas. At first, it was foam but someone in maintenance had changed the system after the 5th time she woke up. 
Y/n looked at her surroundings and sighed at the damages to her sheets. There were burn marks along with small amounts of frostbite from the gas. “At this rate, I won’t have money for food.” With a grim face, Y/n got up from her bed and proceeded with taking everything off her bed, a routine she unfortunately started to learn. 
Y/n didn’t know when things got worse. If she had to guess, maybe it was after the whole fiasco with Wanda. The team had been on edge ever since then. “They probably thought I hurt her,” Y/n thought at the time, but it was far from the truth. She had wanted to explain herself to the team but dismissed those thoughts with, “What’s the point in trying? I’ll always be guilty to them.” 
As for Wanda, the still heartbroken girl didn’t dare to speak to the team about that night. Even she didn’t quite know what happened. Since that night, she only lied to herself stating that maybe Y/n had done something. It would probably remove the guilt she had when she thought of the blood running down Y/n’s face. But even the lie couldn’t repress the truth from her thoughts. 
After she collected her bedding, she threw it away in the trash can along with the other damaged beddings. Y/n grabbed her wallet off her night stand and opened it. She couldn’t feel it, but her heart dropped at the sight of the lack of money she had. Only a $20 dollar bill as well as a couple ones were left. She closed her eyes and tried her best to keep herself calm, to try and act like the world wasn’t closing in on her. It was a couple minutes later when she opened her eyes and looked at her wallet again. “This was supposed to last me for the rest of the month.” Y/n rubbed her forehead, feeling the overwhelming stress from her lack of funds. 
One might ask, “Aren’t you an Avenger? Shouldn’t you make a shit ton of money.” And at one point, Y/n would say yes, she did. But it all came back to that night. A week after, she had overheard a conversation that went…
“I just don’t understand why you’re doing this to her.” Y/n was about to go around the corner, but decided to wait at the sound of Steve’s voice. “It’s simple Rodgers - unless I have to remind you why we needed to redo the glass in the conference room.” Steve sighed at Tony’s simple minded actions. Y/n could practically feel him crossing his arms in a disapproving manner. 
“Well she did work fair and hard for her money Tony - this just feels wrong.” Y/n heard a couple clicks before Tony replied with, “This is for Wanda. Anything to get Y/n out of here by her own means is worth it. If you have a problem with this, you must not care as much for Wanda as I thought.” Steve sighed again seeing as he was morally put in an awkward position. It was either care for Y/n or care for Wanda. “That’s what I thought.” Tony left with a smug look on his face as he clicked more on the screen in front of him. 
It didn’t take long for Y/n to see the effects of Tony’s decision. Her pay day was the following day and the overwhelming sense of panic and anxiety rose up within her as she only had $400 to survive until the next pay day, which was a month later. Since then, her food portions have been small to say the least. Y/n learned that she only had enough money for the month to eat at least once a day and even that was cutting it. The dramatic changes to her diet had slowly affected her powers but it recently had an exponential increase. 
This was her fourth month of hardly eating when her powers started to flare at night. It has gotten to the point that Y/n couldn’t control them in her sleep leading to F.R.I.D.A.Y having to deal with her fireside. But her powers weren’t the only thing that has changed. If anyone were to actually look, they would see that Y/n had gotten skinnier. Her literal glow was getting duller and duller the more time passed.  
However, Y/n refused to feel sorry for herself. The sentence “I deserve this” was burned into her head. The brain tricks she puts herself through even allowed her to convince that Tony's decision was right. That Wanda didn’t need to tell the truth to the team. That Steve didn’t need to defend her. And that the team certainly was allowed to make her feel like nothing. Because to Y/n, if she didn’t deserve this, then why would you possibly treat a person like this? Just why? 
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Of course, Wanda didn’t notice these changes at all. The girl was trying her best to avoid Y/n as much as possible. She always had exit strategies in place in case she were to be in the same vicinity as Y/n. However, Wanda also didn’t notice that lack of Y/n’s presence. Much to her dismay, Y/n’s efforts were the reason they didn’t see each other much. 
What Wanda did notice though was the slow and gradual decline of snacks in her cubby. It left her to question whether Natasha was done doing these small favors for her. But her reports were still getting done. 
The red head didn’t have much room to think though as she got slammed down on the mat from the other red head. “Take a ten - you’re distracted and we can’t keep going like this.” Wanda grumbled at another failed attempt to flip Natasha over. Hand to hand combat was one of the few subjects that Wanda hated the most. With the help of Natasha, Wanda got up and walked over to the waters on the other side of the room. She was gulping down the remaining when Natasha’s words caught her off guard. “What happened?” 
Wanda cocked an eyebrow while still drinking her bottle, needing more elaboration. Natasha faced Wanda while hundreds of thoughts racked her mind. Luckily for her, Wanda had trained her on how to make them quiet enough that Wanda wouldn’t be able to hear. When Natasha found the right words, she said, “I am not doubting you. I am doubting her…” Wanda closed the bottle and looked around the room to avoid Natasha’s eyes. This had been the first time that anyone from the team had remotely even asked her about that night. To be frank, she hadn’t expected Natasha to be the one to break the ice. Usually it was Steve that would act like the team’s counselor. Guess things change. 
Wanda sighed and recollected her memory for the night that continued to haunt her. “One minute, I left to get a drink from the bar. - she said that she needed to go to the bathroom. The next minute, I come back to see her all over blondie.” Wanda’s grip on the bottle tightened at the words she was going to say next. “I thought it was a mistake - that she could have been too drunk that night - b-but her thoughts were so - loud.” Wanda slammed her fist at the table in front of her, tears already falling down her cheeks. “A-a-and I saw everything-” 
The broken hearted girl didn’t have much energy left in her to continue. She dropped to her knees and sobbed into her hands. Natasha kneeled beside Wanda. She pulled the poor girl into her arms, trying her best to physically comfort her. But nothing could really make Wanda feel better. What could you say to a girl that saw every moment where her girlfriend has cheated on her? Nothing - you say nothing. 
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“It’s quite pathetic actually,” Tony said as he spun the rod, causing his player to score in foosball. He was currently versing Steve as the two decided to quietly speak about Y/n’s actions for the past couple weeks. Going on the defense again, Steve shot back but Tony was quick to block. “She’s probably just trying to get her money back.” Steve huffed from the sudden slap shot as well as Tony’s rude words. 
For the past couple weeks, Y/n had gone from trying to win Wanda back to trying to win the whole team back. The first thing they noticed was all the completed mission reports and the continuation of it. Clint was the first to jokingly comment, “Bruce must really love mission reports.” But the genius bore a confused look before replying with, “It wasn’t me. Even I haven’t had anything to do in my stack for a couple days.” Bruce had a displeasured look on his face. Clint just assumed it was either he wanted to do his stack of reports or the comment was actually true...or maybe both. 
When it was time for the meeting, Clint had asked everyone in the room, minus Y/n, on who was completing the mission reports for everyone. “Well, I’m doing Wanda’s and mine,” Natasha claimed as she sat in her usual spot. No one was able to detect her lie, but then again, Natasha was always good at lying. 
Clint was quick to figure out that the only person remaining must have been the person responsible. With a straight forward voice, he explained to the team that Y/n had been completing everyones, besides Wanda’s and Natasha’s, reports. Still, Natasha sat there, copying the confused looks on everyone’s faces. She didn’t care to tell them the truth, it wasn’t worth it. However, the meeting proceeded with little comment on Y/n’s actions. She wasn’t worth the mention. 
“What if she actually is trying to say sorry to us?” Steve couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for Y/n, but Tony’s words made the guilt go all away. “Oh - so miss Hydra over here actually wants to apologize - hilarious Steve.” With that, Tony quickly spun the rod and scored the final point, making him win the game. What the two failed to realize was the fact that Y/n had overheard their conversation. She no longer felt hungry for the day and had retreated back to her room, feeling overwhelmingly numb from the confession she heard.
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It was a new and different day for Wanda. She had managed to want to try and sit in the common room with her team seeing as sitting in her room no longer gave her the same satisfaction anymore. Scrolling through the tv, she was about to pull up Bewitched when the following words appeared on the screen:
Bewitched is longer provided on Netflix. Please see related tv shows. 
“What do you mean it’s no longer available?” Wanda frustratedly questioned. And here she was trying to have a good day. “Sorry kid, I guess Netflix took it off their streaming service,” Clint said as he leaned over the couch. “No why would they do that?!” Wanda said with an exasperated look. Clint simply shrugged, Netflix did have an awful reputation for getting favorites removed or canceled. “No clue, but you could try other shows.” Wanda crossed her arms and huffed at his suggestion. “I was really feeling Bewitched today.” Ruffling her hair, Clint left after saying, “Try to feel for something else.” 
However, Wanda had failed to feel anything but angry for the remaining of the day. It wasn’t until she sat in her room for the night, aimlessly finding shows in her room when she noticed Bewitched on her home screen. She quickly clicked on it noticing that all eight seasons are there for her own viewing. Her mood immensely increased for the night as she fell asleep in the middle of season two. 
Outside of her room, Y/n had been cleaning up the compound for the night. It was getting harder and harder to clean the kitchen when everything in her wanted to just take a couple of snacks for herself. Her hunger was constantly on her mind as well as the stupid flashes that have sporadically appeared more and more everyday. But she wanted more than anything to prove to the team that she is a good person. Stealing, no matter how minor, was probably the last thing she needed to be labeled as. 
When she completed for the night, she returned to her room but paused outside of her door when she heard the Bewitched theme song loudly play in Wanda’s room. A small smile appeared on her face as she walked back into her room and slept on the floor tonight.
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“Did it ever occur to you that I love you - like a lot?” The couple were laying in Carol’s room decorated with punk rock posters and pictures of their team. Small plants were placed around the room while Malcolm in the Middle was used as background noise. 
“Nah. I haven’t heard you say it in approximately - 10 minutes?” Carol laughed as Y/n glanced at her watch. They laid on their sides as they faced each other, their faces being only inches away. “Well I do.” Carol cupped Y/n’s cheek as she soon grew mesmerized. 
There are words to always describe feelings with someone but they all felt overused or incomplete. Because everything felt like this daydream colored borders with warm tones and retro filters as she glanced at Y/n. She felt like she was watching a show that she would never get tired of. Even if the show was in color or black and white, new or old, slow or fast, she would watch just to see her. Just her. 
“You do what?” Carol flicked Y/n’s forehead at her response. “Kidding - kidding.” Y/n said as she rubbed her forehead. Carol rolled her eyes and kissed Y/n’s head as she cuddled into her arms, legs tangled within the sheets. “I do love you.” Y/n kissed her hair as she combed it with her hand. “I know,” she whispered, hoping Carol would pick up on the secret reference. Because to Y/n, yeah, she’s worth a whole galaxy. 
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It was the middle of the night when Steve woke up from a nightmare that shook him from his slumber. Rather than staying in bed to force himself to sleep, he got up and headed to the kitchen for a late night snack. 
Heading into the pantry, Steve pursed his lips noticing that Y/n’s cubby had been empty for weeks it seems like. The guilt that was slowly forming inside him kept building and building. Although he knew he could try to do something about it, the loyalty he had to his family - to Wanda. That was something he didn’t want to break. 
The relationship with Wanda and Steve was something similar to a father and daughter relationship. Steve had always wanted a kid of his own and Wanda had lost her father. The irony of it all just happened to work for the two. Even though Wanda nor Steve would admit it out loud, they viewed each other as the roles that needed to be filled in their lives. They needed each other regardless of titles.
But then there was Y/n. The troubled girl that made Steve absolutely nervous with how quick her and Wanda seemed to like each other. It absolutely didn’t help Steve’s case when the whole team found out about Y/n’s past. His anxiety had practically skyrocketed. It eventually led to a one on one talk with Wanda about how sometimes we need to protect ourselves before letting people in. 
But Y/n was still there. Breaking down Wanda’s walls. So just like any Dad would, Steve watched over. Making sure his girl was always happy and safe. So while Natasha may have refilled Wanda’ cubby and did her reports, Steve had carried Wanda to bed during nights she couldn’t sleep. He made her tea for times that she didn’t want to talk, which was often. He tucked her in at night and cuddled with her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. He was just there. 
But so was she. She was there whenever Wanda cried at night. She was there when Wanda would sometimes forget to eat after busying herself all day. She was there to take care of Wanda. She was there when Steve wasn’t. And that meant everything to Steve. So why couldn’t Steve be there for Y/n? 
There were a lot of unanswered questions roaming around Steve’s head. Rather than pondering more about them, he walked around the tower, eating a pack of cookies for himself. Just as he was turning the corner, he glanced towards the conference room to see Wanda asleep in front of her reports. However, the more alarming part was the girl that happened to be right in front of Wanda. Steve quickly grew on high alert and observed Y/n’s actions. However, after a couple minutes of harmless actions, Steve forced his shoulders to relax. “She’s just doing reports - calm down,” Steve thought. 
But he couldn’t calm down. The guilt had maneuvered it’s way back up to his throat as he actually noticed the pale state of the once bright girl. For someone that had literal fire abilities, she lacked the glow of any raging fire. Feeling nothing but guilt all over, Steve felt compelled to say something - anything. But he froze. He didn’t know what to say. 
However, the opportunity soon was lost as Y/n finished everyone’s stack of reports. Steve hid around the corner as Y/n passed him. Hearing a door close was when Steve stepped out of hiding. He glanced towards the direction of Y/n’s room, feeling every need to go to her. But his footsteps led him to Wanda. He picked her up and carried her to her room. Wanda will always be first in Steve’s heart. And nothing could change that. 
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“We have to stop this treatment Tony.” Steve waltzed into Tony’s lab the very next day. For once, he couldn’t sleep for the remainder of the night. Y/n was all over his mind. The guilt was practically eating him alive. 
Tony rolled his eyes at Steve’s dramatic fashion for entrances. “Oh - good morning Tony - how are you - I’m actually pretty good.” Steve rolled his eyes as he stood in front of Tony, a hologram in between the two. 
“Cut the crap Tony - I’m being serious.” Steve crossed his arms. This needed to end. “And you think I’m not Rodgers?” Tony was quick to respond, already growing irritated by the conversation. 
“This isn’t right - none of this right.” Steve wiped the hologram to finally get a clear view of Tony as he grew frustrated by the second. Tony simply swiped it back, not wanting to deal with the issue. “Well maybe if she just quit - we wouldn’t need to worry about anything. It’s not my fault Fury hired Ms. Hydra - and if he finds out I fired her, he would not allow it at all.” 
“But can’t you see that your stupid plan isn’t working? All we’re doing is abusing the girl.” Steve wiped the hologram again but Tony simply walked to a different station and continued his work. Angry with his response, Steve walked around the table and stood beside Tony. 
“This needs to end Tony,” Steve said through his gritted teeth. The man was clenching his jaw so hard, it almost looked as if he was going to break his teeth. However, Tony quickly glared at Steve at the mention of his threat. 
“Don’t you fucking dare. Can’t you actually see that I’m trying to protect Wanda.” Steve tilted his head at the awful reasoning for his actions. “How is this protecting Wanda? Why are you even trying to protect her?” 
Tony slammed his fist into the table, feeling his anger rising by the second. “We - no - I need to protect her Steve!”
“Why Tony? Why?” 
“Because I’m the goddamn reason her parents and her country is dead. I’m the reason that everything she ever loved is gone. I’m the reason for her sadness. She, of all people, deserves happiness. And I sure as hell won’t let anyone else hurt her anymore - no more Steve.” Tony didn’t give Steve a chance as he walked out the facility needing a day drink more than ever. 
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It was lunch time and all Wanda could think about was the need to cook paprikash. She didn’t know when the last time she had actually cooked. And seeing as the majority of the team was on missions, she could actually cook without interruptions or lingering eyes. 
Walking into the kitchen, Wanda tied her hair up and started to take out the necessary ingredients for the meal. It was when she was talking the spices out when Vision had appeared out of nowhere, nearly scaring the girl. “Vision!” 
Sensing a slight rise in her heart rate and anger, Vision had quickly apologized. “Sorry Wanda.” Wanda shook her head and quickly resumed prepping. “I will try to work on making my presence known. If I may ask, what is it that you’re doing?” 
“I’m making paprikash.” Vision’s mind grew curious at the word and quickly searched his database for it. “I see. A traditional Sokovian food.” Wanda didn’t realize it, but she had felt a little annoyed at the synthezoid’s presence. It wasn’t anything he did, but Wanda desperately wanted alone time for herself. 
Before she could ask, Vision had said, “Good morning Y/n.” Wanda’s quickly grew wide as she avoided glancing in Y/n’s direction. She hadn’t stayed in the tense position though as Vision announced, “Oh - it seems she had left before saying hi back.” 
Feeling ever more frustrated with people’s presence, Wanda was about to ask him to leave but noticed the confusion written all over his face and didn’t hesitate to ask, “What is it Vision?” Vision pursed his lips and contemplated his words. It was visibly obvious to see that he was trying to wrack up what to say. “I think...it’s just…” He sighed knowing that this was going to be a sensitive subject to the witch but knowing everything she's been through, lying was not the best option. “It’s just that Y/n-” Wanda quickly cut Vision off in desperation to know what Y/n had done to Vision. If the girl were to even lay a finger on him, she was sure to deal with it herself.  “What did she do? Did she hurt you? I swear-” Seeing her eyes turn red, Vision immediately explained himself. “-No no no. It’s not that, the complete opposite actually.” Wanda’s eyes slowly turned back to normal. When Vision saw that her heart rate was close to normal, he continued. “It’s just that...Y/n’s vitals have been decreasing in a fluctuating matter. Some days it would be a small decrease, but some days it would be a big decrease. Overall, her health has been poor.” Vision looked back at where Y/n once stood. If he hadn’t quickly analyzed her, he wouldn’t have noticed that today’s vitals was record worst. “Although she does have physical injuries, she seems to continue to radiate pain throughout her body even when those injuries have healed. It starts through her head and it spreads like a radio wave through her nervous system. I’ve done my calculations and the leading cause could be migraines...” Vision soon was in deep thought, trying to recalculate just to make sure what he was about to say was correct. “...but it doesn’t make sense.” 
Wanda tilted her head. Processing this information was hard seeing as at her darkest moments, she wanted nothing but Y/n to be hurt. She deserved it for all the pain she caused her to go through. But hearing it now? That was a different story. It was like an internal conflict was going through her. Should she even care about Y/n’s health? “What doesn’t make sense?” Vision looked hard into Wanda’s eyes as he said, “Migraines shouldn’t cause her heart to stop multiple times.” 
Wanda stared at Vision, processing the information that the love of her life is practically dying. “A-are you sure?” Vision slowly nodded. “However, after some calculations, I do believe she will be okay. She only needs a good source of food for her healing regeneration to fully heal this.” Wanda relaxed at Vision’s words. Although she has been through immense pain through these past couple months, having Y/n gone from her life like that would hurt more than anything. 
Before Vision could continue his explanation, F.R.I.D.A.Y stated, “Emergency alert. All available Avengers please head to the quinjet per the request of Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers.” Quickly, the two headed to the plane as the important part of Vision’s explanation was missed. Little did Wanda know, Y/n would not heal any time soon. 
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The trio arrived on the quinjet and wasted no time trying to figure out the mission that was ahead of them. There was a serious feel in the atmosphere sensing that this had to be bad. There was no way that it couldn’t have been. Because if it wasn’t, they certainly wouldn’t have invited Y/n to this mission. 
Lately, the girl has been assigned to only solo missions. Y/n couldn’t quite remember the last time that she was on a mission with any team member nevermind the fact with the whole team. 
“Backup is needed immediately after touch down. Vision and Wanda, meet up with Steve and Sam at the Northeast corridor. Y/n, you are assigned to the entrance,” Tony stated through the intercom. 
The feeling in Y/n’s stomach worsened. Not only was she hungry and sleep deprived, she didn’t also have a partner with her. It also didn’t help the fact that the flashes have gotten worse. Y/n couldn’t help but pray for a miracle. After all, they were dealing with the very people Y/n hated - Hydra. 
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Y/n couldn’t quite tell when things on the mission got to shit. Maybe it was the fact that as soon as they touched down and went to their assigned positions, Y/n received a massive swarm of Hydra agents. It didn’t help that her health regeneration was not at its peak or these agents actually were decently trained. Or was it during the third wave, that was currently happening, where Y/n tested the limits of her body. 
Seeing the onslaught of agents coming her way, Y/n decided it was time to test out her new ability. She rapidly swung her right arm, building momentum as the fire within her right side blazed. As soon as the enemies were close, she released a fire tornado in their path. It had managed to take out at least half of the wave, but more and more kept coming. 
Pressing her comms, Y/n said, “Can someone send back up my way?! There’s too many for me to handle.” Y/n kicked back the agent that was about to stab her in the back, but was too distracted to the point a different agent was able to cut her leg. “Fuck.” 
Y/n quickly released an ice wall that at first glance, appeared to be the same height as the Great Wall of China. She hoped the barrier would give her enough time for her backup to appear. Focusing all her energy on her fireside, Y/n aimed at any agent near her, using her arm as a flamethrower. 
However, worry immediately grew when no one had responded to her call within a couple minutes. Before she could request again, Nat had spoken bitterly in the comms, “On my way.” Sighing in relief, Y/n continued to fight off the agents the best she could. 
But no matter how hard she tried to buy herself time, it seemed that Natasha was taking forever to come. It had gotten to the point that multiple lashes already appeared. Her healing regeneration couldn’t keep up at all. Not only that, but her body was either giving up from exhaustion or blood loss. It was only during the last couple agents when Natasha had shown up and quickly killed the remainder. 
Y/n glanced at the assassin and noticed the lack of any injuries on her and it was as if she barely broke a sweat. “What happened? I almost got killed.” 
Natasha glared at Y/n as she responded with, “I helped Bucky and Rhodey on the way, they needed it.” Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat knowing the redhead in front of her had practically lied. If backup was needed, it was always voiced through comms. 
Even if Y/n had wanted to confront Natasha about it, she couldn’t. Natasha had already left to head to the quinjet. Y/n simply limped a couple feet from her. When Y/n arrived, it seemed that everyone else was already prepared for take off. Feeling ever more guilty, Y/n simply sat at the closet seat to the entrance that was away from the team. But something inside her broke even more noticing the lack of any questions or concerns from the team in regards to her injuries. 
Not even bothering to buckle up, Y/n sulked in her thoughts when she realized, “Why doesn’t anyone care about me?” 
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Tag List: @halobaby​ @arelyitsherec8​ @blackxwidowsxwife​ @cristin-rjd​ @madamevirgo​ @trikruismybitch​ @paradiselost916​ @mmmmokdok​ @morbid-gaymer​ @dailyavengering​ @itsnottilly​ @helloalycia​ @randomshyperson​ @tomy5girls​ @daenerys713​ @ensorcellme​ @lezzzbehonesthere​ @imagine-reblog​ @sighsam​ 
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 9
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 2,000+
⚠️Warning⚠️: Mature Content
Minutes, perhaps hours went by as the scenes continued to shift in front of you. Some scenes were consistent, such as Triton’s bedroom, the main hall or the back garden, while others, not so much.
After seeing Triton’s and Poseidon’s first meeting you haven’t made a peep. Choosing instead to listen carefully to the grand voice that controlled this plane or what was happening in the scene in front of you. You wanted to take in all that was happening.
Soon, perhaps too soon, the final scene appears. Just like where they had met, this final scene took place in Triton’s bedroom.
Triton, now 1 year old, was alone with Scylla as she attempted to teach him how to walk. Hoping to get him to walk a little bit before his father stopped by for the day.
“Come slowly to me, Master Triton.” Scylla coos out at the child. Shaking Triton’s favorite toy in the boy’s direction to get his attention. “Try to lift—“
Scylla is startled as suddenly Maria, a laundry maid and her friend, comes barreling through the door.
“Maria? What’s the matter?” Scylla asks the younger woman as she picks up Triton and makes her way over.
“Y-You need to hide! Lady Amphitrite caught wind of you spending time with Poseidon-n when you were taking care of Lord Triton and took it the wrong way. She’s on her way right now.” Maria frantically explains as she wipes the sweat off her brow. Instantaneous getting to work to hide Triton’s toys. Knowing that if Lady Amphitrite found such nice things she would get suspicious of Lord Poseidon’s feelings for Triton.
All of a sudden a long crashing noise rings out from outside, frantically Scylla runs to the window to look outside. It was Amphitrite. She didn’t have much time.
“Maria. Take Lord Triton and hide him under the clothes in your basket as you make your way to the Laundry room.” Scylla frantically explains as she hands Triton off to the younger woman.
“B-But what about you?”
“I can’t worry about myself right now. If she comes here in her current state of mind, even Triton won’t be protected from her wrath.” Scylla mumbles out, fear dripping in her veins as she pushes Maria out of the room. Making sure no one was near, she grabs the basket and, with Maria’s help, carefully covers Triton in the dirty sheets. “Please be safe, my Lord.”
“Be safe yourself, Scylla. Try not to anger Lady Amphitrite more than she already is.”
“I will try.”
And with that, Maria leaves. Running away from the scene as Scylla shuts the door to Triton’s room. Accepting her fate.
“Please, Lord Poseidon. Make it back in time. For Lord Triton’s sake—“
“Where is she?!” A booming screeching voice resounds from out in the hallway. One that even sent shivers up your spine as you watched on.
It only takes a couple of seconds for Amphitrite to find Scylla. Breaking down the door to Triton’s bedroom in the process. Her usual neat fiery red hair was a mess, tangled and astray in every which way. Her eyes were mad and furious, looking crazily at the nymph who kneeled on the ground before her.
“YOU.” Amphitrite booms out, furiously stomping her way over until she stands inches away from the Nymph. She scans the room, seeming to attempt to find something before turning to the guards, “Go find the Child.”
“Yes, My Lady.”
“M-My Lady. I beg of you, let me explain.” Scylla sputters out as she shakes in fear in front of her master. “Ah—“
Scylla quickly bites her lip to stop herself from screaming in pain as Amphitrite digs her heel into the back of Scylla’s hand.
“Explain what?” Amphitrite venomously spits out at the nymph.
“I-I was only trying to get Lord Poseidon to become closer with Lord Triton.”
“Trying to get them to become closer?” Amphitrite repeats through gritted teeth, digging her heel once more into Scylla’s hand before pacing away. “As if that asswipe would care about his own son. He doesn’t even look at his own wife. His beautiful gorgeous wi—“
Amphitrite’s rant comes to a screeching halt as Poseidon barges into the room. His eyes are cold and hard as he stares down his wife, his trusty trident clutched tightly in his fist. So tightly, you could even see his knuckles turning an unsightly white.
“Oh, if it isn’t Lord Poseidon. Here to save your whore?” Amphitrite bitterly spits out to her husband before laughing maniacally to herself as she tugs at her hair.
It was official, she had gone even more bad shit crazy than she already was.
“Enough. How many times have I told you to cut it out with that shit—“
“Poseidon!” Scylla shouts out as she makes her way to her feet and runs over to Poseidon. What in the world was she doing? Was she trying to anger Amphitrite?
“Maria. Maria has Triton.” You overhear Scylla murmur into Poseidon’s chest as she leans against the god. Poseidon seems to freeze a little and you understood why.
He either had to fight Amphitrite here, which could take a while, or go try to grab Triton before the guards find and take him.
“Poseidon, I love you. Please protect me.” Scylla shouts out as she pretends to weep. However, from where you and Poseidon were standing, you could see her mouth the words ‘Go’ and ‘leave’.
You feel your stomach drop. Scylla was putting up an act in front of Amphitrite so the attention would be on her. Giving Poseidon an excuse to leave and enough time to save Triton.
Poseidon seemed to know this as well as his grip tightened even more on his trident as he shook his head at the elder servant in front of him, “You fool.”
“We are caught. Do what you must.” Poseidon's voice booms out as he lowers his trident and walks away. Choosing not to even spare a second glance as he turns the corner.
As Amphitrite lungs at Scylla a blinding light over takes the room, officially ending the scene. The spirit of the mirror seemed to have done you a favor by sparing the gory and curse details that would happen only moments later.
Shaken up, you collapsed to the floor as you found yourself face to face with the mirror. You were back where you started.
“Lady (y/n)?” Startled out of your trance-like state, you turn to Scylla. The present day Scylla.
“S-Scylla I—“ You stutter out, scrambling to your feet. “I-I’m…”
“It’s fine.” Scylla states out with a sigh, seeming to already understand what you were trying to say. As she had already heard it many times before, “You don’t have to feel bad for—“
“Could I give you a hug?”
The elder woman pauses for a moment, “A hug?”
“A-Ah sorry. Is that disrespectful in any way? I just felt like you really needed a hug and…” You take a pause as you anxiously rub the back of your neck, “…I really need to give you one after seeing that.”
It’s silent for a moment as Scylla ponders your offer.
“…Fine.” Scylla sighs out as she massages her forehead. The wrinkles on her face smoothing slightly as she does so.
At Scylla's confirmation, you throw yourself into the sea monster’s arms. Being extra careful not to squash the Pomeranians that were attached to the front of her body as you do so.
Scylla lets out a small sigh before eventually wrapping her arms around you as well. What was she going to do with you?
She was old. Having been born around the same time Lord Poseidon and Zeus’ mother was born and she had seen many souls in her lifetime but…never like yours. It seemed normal when she first saw it, like any other human.
But, perhaps that’s what made it so special in the first place. For the simple fact that you were a normal human. Caring, empathy, weakness. Containing so many things higher beings are repulsed by.
Yet, you seemed to wear them with pride.
“What am I going to do with you, Lady (y/n)…” Scylla whispers lowly under her breath as she finally relaxes into your touch.
“Lord Poseidon. I just got the files from—“
“Put it over there.” Poseidon mutters out to his attendee, not even lifting his gaze from the paperwork he was working.
“Of course, sire.” The attendee, quick and quietly, places the papers down before exiting the room. Knowing not to disturb his lord longer than needed. As soon as a small thud of the door closing resounds, Poseidon’s pen stops and he finally lifts his head up.
He should be getting all this paperwork done in preparation for the upcoming cold season but he just couldn’t seem to focus.
What was it….
Poseidon usually wasn’t one to ponder on trivial things. After all, he was a god. If need be, all he had to do was say something and the problem would be taken care of swiftly. But, he couldn’t do that in this case.
Poseidon rubs his temple with a small grunt as he attempts to shake out the scene from last night out of his mind.
That blasted scene, again.
Shaking his head one last time, Poseidon stands up from his seat and walks over to the couch nearby. He needed to figure out what to do about you and, especially, Triton.
Foolish Brother.
If Zeus hadn’t egged Amphitrite on so much, he wouldn’t even be pondering this right now. He would simply just ignore the boy until those annoying feelings went away once more. But, he couldn’t do that with all those assasination attempts being made from Amphitrite.
Three Maids have already been caught trying to sneak weapons into the premises and Five more have been caught trying to poison your food. And that didn’t even begin to cover all the number of poisonous and deadly sea creatures that were sent into the area.
“What if our only Heir tried to eat her food, you blasted Woman,” Poseidon scoffed as he poured himself a glass of wine. He needed it after all, with the sun already setting and tons of paperwork still needing to get done, it was going to be a long night.
A loud knock suddenly comes at the door.
“Come in.”
“Hello, My Love.” Poseidon feels his eyebrow twitch in annoyance at Amphitrite’s sugary sweet tone. Great. It seemed another distraction had come knocking at his door.
“You should rest. Look at how tired you are.” Amphitrite coos out as she makes her way towards her husband, taking a seat on his lap before he could argue or shove her away. Gently and slowly, Amphitrite takes her fingers and traces Poseidon’s jaw line. “You're so tense. Let me help you relax.”
Poseidon grunts out in distaste as Amphitrite places a kiss on his throat. Slowly, beginning to place more as she goes on.
This woman…
Poseidon sighs out lightly as he shakes his head. Let her do as she pleases for now. If she causes a tantrum now, it will only cause more trouble later.
As Poseidon takes a particularly deep sigh this time, he accidentally catches a wift of Amphitrite’s perfume on her neck.
Jasmine and Sandalwood, He can’t help but note. Two very strong, sexy scents. Ones that even more solidified Amphitrite dominate and Sultry personality. Any other man would probably be drooling on the spot from such a scent but not Poseidon. Never Poseidon. To him, it only overwhelmed his senses so much that it was starting to give him a headache.
What a pain.
As Poseidon tries to slip deep in his thoughts to ignore the oncoming headache, his thoughts accidentally slip back to you. As if summoned, the warm scent of cedar wood and vanilla overtake his senses. The same exact scent he caught on you when you were leaning against his shoulder while he was carrying you yesterday.
Damn it. Poseidon grits his teeth. Why can’t he seem to get her out of his head? He definitely needed to investigate this more. For this wasn’t normal. Just hours prior, he was reimagining her ghost-like touch on his hand.
“Tch.” Poseidon lets out as he is broken from his thoughts. Instantly grabbing onto his wife’s hand that, while he was lost in dreamworld, had travelled down much further than he appreciated. “Enough.”
“Don’t lie, My Lord.” Amphitrite purrs out, as leans more into her husband, “I could feel how hard you were starting to get for—“
“Enough.” Poseidon repeats again, this time pushing Amphitrite off of him so that she falls to the floor in front of him. “You are foolish to think I don’t know what you are up to.”
“Am I not allowed to spend t—“
“I’ve already heard from the servants about how you’ve been drinking and consuming things to boost your fertility recently.” Poseidon reveals as he swirls the wine in his glass, “If you think I’m going to knock you up once again with a child, you are gravely mistaken.”
Taking his gaze away from the wine, he glares down at Amphitrite, whose mood has now greatly soured. Practically foaming at the mouth from anger.
“If you are going to have a pathetic temper tantrum then leave.” Poseidon orders out, closing his eyes as he decides she is not worth looking at.
It is only at the deafening sound of the door being slammed that he opens them again once more. Amphitrite was long gone, her only traces being the cracks left on the wall from the door and a lingering scent of Jasmine.
However, Poseidon couldn’t care less. She could throw all the tantrums she wants but he would never have sex with her. For the one, and only, mistake he ever admits to making was accidentally getting her pregnant.
And, he has no intentions of making that same mistake again.
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Author Note: As I warned before, Poseidon scene is a little weird. Like Bro, pull yourself together. But at least now that the reader nows what is going on from Scylla so Plans and events will be in motion. Especially since reader has to decided if should hate or possibly help Poseidon with his relationship with Triton. Onto the next chapter :)).
Also Decided to post this Chapter earlier since the other one got posted late yesterday’s
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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hangovercurse · 4 years
The GQ Couples Quiz
You, a famous actress, and your boyfriend, MGK, do an interview about your relationship for GQ.
Request: “Can I get a Colson Baker imagine where you do the couple interview for buzzfeed please”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I changed it to the GQ interview because I couldn’t find the one for Buzzfeed, sorry!
Word Count: 2480
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“Hey guys I’m MGK”
“And I’m Y/S/N”
“And this is the GQ couples quiz.” You both said at the same time before busting out in laughter at the corniness.
“I think you know way more about me than I know about you.” Colson said, a nervous look on his face.
You giggled, “I think I know some stuff that could get you into trouble.”
The producers behind the cameras laughed at that. “Okay, I’ll go first.” Colson picked up the cards in his hand. “What is my full name?”
You smiled, “Starting off with the heavy stuff here, guys.” You said, looking behind the cameras with a laugh. “Your full name is Richard Colson Baker.” Colson made a face at the use of his first name which made you giggle.
“Yeah, but if anyone calls me Richard or Richie,” he pointed straight into the camera, “I will come for you.” You giggled at his silliness, looking at your own card which held the same question.
“Okay, what is my full name?” You looked up at him, “If you get this wrong, I will walk out of here.”
His eyes went wide, “I think I know my own girlfriend’s name Ms. Y/F/N.” You giggled, nodding in approval, and letting him continue. “Where was I born?”
You rolled your eyes, “Houston, Texas. Easy. Where was I born?”
“Y/B/T” He said with a grin, flipping to the next card.
“What is my secret talent?”
“You say this is your secret talent, but you talk about it all the time so I don’t know if it counts.” You said, “but you can juggle.”
He nods, “That’s the only talent I have so it counts.” You giggled, shaking your head. “Yours is that you can balance shit on your head, right? Like cups and plates and shit.”
You nodded, “together we make a whole circus act.”
You both laughed, his entire body moving as he did. Eventually, he calmed down and looked at the next card. “I’m gonna look like such a shitty boyfriend.” You laughed, waiting for him to read the question, “What’s my favorite meal?”
You laughed harder, “you don’t know my favorite meal?”
He threw his head back, “I know what you eat a lot but like, I couldn’t tell you what is specifically your favorite meal.”
You giggled, “yours is Soul food. Like chicken and mac n cheese and all that.”
He nodded, “I was gonna say chicken wings, but you’re right.”
“Every time we go to Cleveland you drag me to that one place and you get so excited about it.” You told him and he smiled. “Do I wanna ask you what mine is?”
“Dude, you are gonna make me look so bad.” He shook his head, but tried anyways, “I mean, I know you like making breakfast with me and Case, but I don’t know if that’s your favorite meal or not.”
You grinned widely, excited that he got it right. “No, you’re so right. Like, it’s not the best food,” he pouted, “but the fact that we all make it together is really cute.”
He blushed, reading the next card. “What is my favorite song to sing around the house?” He started laughing in the middle of the question, making you laugh with him.
“Oh my god, what doesn’t he sing around the house?” You said to the crew behind the screen. Slim and Baze were standing to the side, laughing with you. “I guess normally its whatever he’s working on. Like I swear, no one is more obsessed with his music than he is.”
His cheeks were red and he buried his face behind his cards. “I’d like to disagree but I really don’t have a favorite song to sing around the house. It’s just kind of whatever’s in my head.’
“So, then I still get the point, right?”
“I guess you still get the point.” He sighed.
“Okay this one is different for me, what is my favorite song to dance to?” You asked, grinning slyly at him.
He rolled his eyes, “if you play anything by 24kGoldn, she will be dancing to it. If you play anything I’ve come out with, she skips it.”
You gaped, “I do not skip it you ass! You just don’t make good dancing music. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just can’t dance and cry at the same time.” By the end of your statement, you were both laughing like little kids. “But Goldn, he makes some dance-worthy music.”
Colson shook his head but continued. “What was the name of the first song I ever released and my first album?”
“Lace up.” You announced, making the x symbol with your hands. Colson nodded, smiling at you fondly. “Uh, your first song was…” you trailed off, thinking. “It wasn’t Wild Boy, was it?”
He shook his head, “nope, earlier than that. It was never on an official album.”
Your eyes shot open in realization, “Oh! Alice in Wonderland!” You shouted and he nodded, smiling proudly.
“I swear to God I look so bad right now.” He complained.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “We’ve gotten the same number of questions right! I wouldn’t have gotten that if you hadn’t told me it wasn’t on an album.” He let out a sigh but you continued, “what was the first piece of film I ever appeared in?”
You could tell he was thinking, “like commercials and stuff count?” You nodded, “you were in that Febreze commercial when you were like, 12, weren’t you?”
You laughed really loud, your head going back and your eyes shutting. “I hate that you know that.” Colson pumped his fists in the air, celebrating his correct answer.
“If you were to ask like your first actual like movie, it was Nerve, cause that’s how we met.” He said, a wide grin on his face. You nodded, matching his energy. He looked at the card, his eyes going soft. “Okay this one’s cute, when was our first date and what did we do?”
You giggled, remembering the long path to your relationship. “Our first actual date was on April 23rd, 2019. We went to a little drive-in movie and you borrowed Baze’s truck and we sat in the bed and uh… let me just say we didn’t do much watching.” The crew members started laughing with you, so much that you had to take a few seconds of a break.
“We’ll cut the break out, don’t worry.” The assistant director said. Colson’s face was red, trying to hide his laugh as you went back to the video.
You cleared your throat, “when was our first kiss?”
He chuckled, “It was not that night, funnily enough.” You both giggled, hiding your face in embarrassment. “Our first kiss was the night before. It was my birthday and we were in this huge house and there were a ton of people around and I realized that you were the only person I actually wanted to be with at that moment in time. So, we snuck out to the backyard with a bottle of something and spent the rest of the night getting drunk with each other. And at some point, I kissed you.” You smiled, the memory of that night coming back to you. “And then I asked you on said first date.”
There were a few scattered “awes” from the production team, which you laughed off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was cute, next question.”
He shook his head at you but read the next question, “Ugh, these are all so cheesy. When did I first say I loved you?”
You chuckled, “You were on tour and I hadn’t seen you in like two months except on the phone. So, when you got back, you took me and Casie out for lunch and then we went to this skate park. I remember I was teaching Casie how to skate and you just kind of blurted it out. And Casie and I both looked at you like “what the fuck did you just say?” and you got really embarrassed about it and then Casie said “finally!” like she had been waiting for it.”
You were a giggling mess, happiness flooding your body as you remembered the moment. “No,” he started, “you don’t understand. Casie figured it out like weeks before me. We were talking on the phone, and this kid, my nine-year-old daughter, started teasing me about how nervous I was to tell you.”
Your grin widened. “I swear Casie would’ve killed me if I hadn’t told you that day.”
“I will have to thank Casie at some point.” You said as you flipped to the next question. “What is my favorite movie and TV show? You gotta get them both right.”
He put his head in his hands, letting out a sigh. “I know your favorite movie is Nerve for obvious reasons,” he motioned up and down his body, “however, I know you’ve seen The Dirt about a hundred times, so.” He pointed his head at you and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s so egotistical.” You said to the camera. “But you’re right, Nerve is my favorite movie not only because its how we met but also because it was the first movie I was ever in. But if you were to ask my favorite movie that I’m not in, it would be The Dirt. You get 2 points for that one.”
Colson nodded, “hell yeah. Okay, what do I consider my biggest career accomplishment?”
Your eyes went wide as you realized you didn’t know the answer. “I could say like three or four different things right now.” You whined, looking to him for help. “When Miocic started coming out to your song, when you recorded with Crue, when Cena started using your song. You’ve done so much shit.”
He chuckled, “yeah but what’s the most important one, like to me?”
You tilted your head, “Was it when you performed on New Year’s?” You asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.
He laughed, “you’re a goddamn mind reader, I swear.” You smiled, sighing in relief, “yeah, it wasn’t like the biggest thing but it was the most important to me.”
You smiled, “we’re just on the same wavelength.” He rolled his eyes at your goofiness. “Okay, okay. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
He chuckled, looking down at his hands, “if its something I did and we’re like, in public, you just won’t talk to me and like you won’t let me touch you.” He turned to the camera and the rest of the room, “like we are both very touchy people, so if she stops holding my hand or something, I know I fucked up.”
You giggled, nodding in agreement, “but if I really mess up, she’ll let me know.”
“We’re very big on communication.” You smiled, both of you stifling laughter at the many memories of you arguing over stupid things. “But it’s why this works, y’know?” You said to the camera.
“You should get this one, what’s my biggest fear?” He asked, the room falling silent.
You turned to look at him, a soft smile on your face. “Losing Casie.” You said, “or me, but mostly Casie.” You both knew how much he loved Casie. It was what attracted you to him so much in the first place. And since you’d known him, Casie had become equally important in your life.
He nodded, “yeah. I’ve had, like, actual nightmares about it. Scariest shit.”
You let the answer linger in the air for a second before pulling out the last card. “Okay, last question. When did we first meet and when did you first realize you liked me?” You grinned up at him and he blushed.
“First day we met was the day of the Nerve read through and we hit it off immediately. But I realized I “liked” you,” he used air quotes when he said the word liked, “when you did that ladder scene. I remember thinking like, “damn, that girl is fucking metal.””
You laughed, “I was so terrified but I was trying to keep calm because I wanted you to think I was cool.” You squeezed your eyes shut, “I was freaking out.”
Colson laughed with you, pausing to catch his breath, “but the first time I realized I loved you was when I was on tour. Normally I called you before I went out after the show, but this one night I was really burnt out and the only thing I wanted to do was to sit on the bus and facetime you. And even though I was like four hours behind you and it was like 5 am where you were, you stayed up with me and we just talked for a while. And then you fell asleep without hanging up and I couldn’t bring myself to hang up. So, I just, as creepy as this shit sounds, I just watched you sleep. And I had that thought of like, I could do this every night and not get bored of it. And that’s when I realized that I loved you.”
The look on your face explained your emotions perfectly, and it was something the internet talked about for a while after the video was released. Colson blushed, “now you gotta say when you first realized you liked me so I don’t look like a little bitch.”
You laughed loudly, body shaking. “Ok, first time I realized I liked you was when you brought Casie to set. Like, the way you acted with her and everything was so sweet. Like I was already attracted to you but that was the point where I was like, woah.” You made wide eyes to prove your point. “I realized I loved you the same facetime call. I hate being woken up and I was really mad when my phone rang. But then I saw it was you and my heart literally did a little backflip. The next morning, I woke up to the call still going and you were asleep on the other end and I realized that I would never answer a facetime call at 5 am for anyone else.”
He smiled fondly at you, “we’re so in sync.” You giggled, agreeing.
“Okay, that was our really cheesy GQ couple’s quiz. Thank you guys so much for watching. Stream Daywalker by MGK and Corpse.” You said to the camera.
“And go see Y/N’s new movie out on Netflix!” Your boyfriend said giving a thumbs up to the camera.
The director gave you the signal to cut and you let out a sigh of relief, looking over to Colson, who was already looking at you. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too, dork.” You mumbled, moving from your chair to his, resting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓹𝓽. 2)
 character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader 
a/n: ok so i just started writing on tumblr and honestly in my opinion for my first time posting smth on this the first part did really well thank u for all the likes :) (told from second pov; e.g you, your) reblogs are greatly appreciated :))
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: a lil bit angsty 
warnings: cursing, jealousy, mutual pining, slow burn romance, aged-up to third year, love triangle (square?), physical injuries, kirishima gets a little toxic, also shirtless bakugou (awooga), a crap ton of time skips bc i can’t write action scenes for shit, bakugou is a flirt (lowkey but yeah), mentions of blood 
word count: 2112
pt 1 , pt 3
- - - 
kirishima had broken the skin on his lower lip with how hard he was biting it. he stood in the bathroom, rinsing his mouth, ignoring the slight sting the water brought. 
y/n was currently being blasted by bakugou, and they were fighting back. 
jealousy panged in his chest. 
bakugou had never let him know about how he felt about you, however kirishima was sure he felt something for them. you and bakugou were both a jumble of prideful and longing stares towards each other from across every room. the tension was thick enough to slice through. and while kirishima would never make a move in fear of ruining the friendship between him and bakugou, as well as him and y/n, gosh it didn’t stop him from wanting to. 
he’d stood on the side, cheering you on to no end. the sports festival last year, the year before that, training exercises, he was always there. kirishima was always there. 
whenever you needed him, whenever you wanted his company. so what did bakugou have over him? sure, the blond was strong and had bigger goals than kirishima, but why should that matter? 
what did bakugou have? why would you want him more when he was never near you? never made an effort to see you to be there when you asked for help. 
it was popular belief that bakugou was a noisy idiot, but he was actually quite a quiet boy. he didn’t bother to raise his hand in class, however he always knew the answer. he spoke rarely and only made conversation with those he was close with if they were the ones to make the effort to converse with him first. 
jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. kirishima despised it. 
whenever did he begin wanting to beat bakugou at something? 
the cloud of guilt welling up in his chest was going to become unbearable, and soon everything he ever wanted to say was going to come up like word vomit at the worst possible time. 
you swiped at your cheek, brushing off the crumbling dirt. your timing had been off, and their flip backwards had landed you in an awkward position. a vulnerable one. 
honestly, though, it wasn’t like it really mattered. bakugou was a bit transparent himself. he wore a smug look like a golden medal, and held back his power just enough to keep you on your feet. 
his cocky attitude was irritating and it drew you in like a moth drawn to a lamp. 
sweat was beading down your temple. the day was exceptionally hot, the sun beaming down on your back like a proud child. 
you and bakugou had been at it for a while. with anyone else, you would have quit by now. it’s not that you gave up easily. no, not ever. but fights could get boring, especially if you were just smashing away at them with your quirk and they were acting like they could take it. 
perhaps you were being cocky. 
this fight, though. this was interesting. not only because it was bakugou; also because you knew so little about him. 
it was likely he never shared anything important to anyone. he was quite introverted. 
it was interesting for another reason. 
it was hot, bakugou sweats a lot. gosh, he looked delicious without a shirt on. he had a built figure accompanied by strong arms and a broad chest. 
he’d filled out quite nicely the past few years. you hadn’t noticed until now how much he’d grown. 
“don’t get distracted.” 
your eyes snapped up from his chest to his eyes. bakugou became a blur, shooting himself off the ground and flipping once in the air before propelling himself back down. 
before you could do anything, bakugou had you pinned, one leg pinning yours, both his hands wrapped around your wrists. he’d ditched his gauntlets, leaving the metal assistants in the sweltering heat, claiming he wanted to give you an equal fight. 
he panted atop you, hands tightening. 
tokage didn’t bother to leave her dorm today, thank goodness. it had just been the three of you. you, bakugou, and kirishima. 
the red head had suspiciously vanished halfway through the fight, though.
bakugou’s crimson eyes bored into yours. neither of you blinked for a moment. perhaps just a small eternity each of you silently reveled in. 
his erratic breaths slowed, and so did yours, although you stayed the same. unmoving, faces neutral but eyes giving away long-held secrets. 
your ears flushed, and butterflies came rising up uncontrollably. you should have pushed him off. instead you gave him a wicked grin, which earned a look from him and you couldn’t tell if he was confused or annoyed. 
“your big ass forehead is blocking the bright-as-hell sun. stay like this,” you mocked, wrenching your wrists from his grasp and snaking your arms around his neck. 
his cheeks burned red. “w-what?” 
“you heard me.” 
he scoffed, tugging you off his neck and standing. “shut up, shitface. we aren’t even done yet.” he readied himself in a fighting stance once more. 
“i thought you said you wanted to stop when you won?” you brushed yourself off as you stood. 
“i know what i said. you probably weren’t even giving it your all.” 
“’course i was.” you cocked your head. “why wouldn’t i?” 
“you’re strong, damn idiot.” 
you feigned surprise, pressed a hand to your fluttering chest. “the bakugou, dynamight himself, complimenting a humble soul like me? oh, i really must be good, then.” 
“not as good as me.” his face dropped from a smile. bakugou never got enough training no matter how early or late he stayed up, or how many hours on the weekends were spent kicking a bag or sparring with friends. hard workers did all of the work there was a still wondered if they were doing enough. the number one spot wasn’t empty, but it was still reserved for dynamight. 
y/n had collapsed on their bed. kirishima was itching to tell them how he felt, however he was stuck at the doorway. 
they weren’t even dressed for bed, nor were they showered. 
he settled with leaving his friend alone, and shut the door softly to find bakugou standing right behind him. 
kirishima jumped back, closing his eyes in relief. “bakugou. what the heck man?” 
“you’re creepy as shit.” 
“i- what? you were the one staring at me while i-” 
“while you peeped in on y/n?” 
“i wasn’t peeping. i walked them back after the fight and they just collapsed. you were off doing something else and you worked them too hard.” 
it wasn’t a shock that bakugou was still riled up from the duel. this boy had the energy of a mad man. 
when bakugou didn’t say anything, kirishima said once again, “you overworked them.” 
bakugou swat away the comment. “only because they’re not working hard enough.” 
kirishima raised an eyebrow. “they work hard. they’re perfectly fine.” 
“they’re amazing.”
“i know that, shitty hair. you think i’m blind?” 
“everyone can make improvements at their own pace.” kirishima’s voice dropped. 
“you train with me.” 
“it’s an hour before curfew.” 
bakugou jut a thumb in the direction of the door. “so? maybe you need some more practice, too,” he joked. 
“you’re an ass, bakugou,” kirishima released a breathy chuckle. 
the two wandered off to one of the training grounds. it was open, a wide court where they’d both kicked someone else’s ass. 
the sun was just setting, a new cool breeze coming to fill the spot of the violent sun rays. 
it was routine to fight each other out of nowhere. kirishima was usually quite playful, spewing jokes once in a while and taunting his friend. 
this fight was different. his face was stone-cold. kirishima often took the defensive role, as his quirk didn’t allow him to project any direct attacks to bakugou.
it wasn’t like kirishima was angry at bakugou, but as soon as they started charging towards one another, he couldn’t hold back. his chest tightened, arms hardening and joints becoming strong and stiff. 
with one clean sweep of his arm, bakugou was backing away from kirishima, propelling himself to the edge of the arena with a small blast. he’d always been up for a challenge. kirishima was willing to give him one. 
his sudden competitive demeanor seemed to be egging on bakugou’s. the blond tongued the inside of his cheek, grunting as he shot forth, hair flying wildly. 
swiftly, kirishima dodged, just barely missing a blast. his torso wasn’t hardened, so if he’d dodged any later, his stomach would have been scorched. 
bakugou always took their fights seriously. he knew better than to underestimate the boy who had put together his very own rescue mission. 
kirishima’s opponent stumbled from the momentum. he took his chance and brought a hardened elbow down on bakugou’s back, hearing a satisfying crack. 
bakugou was crushed to the ground with the hit. his face smashed into the sandy ground. he coughed, turning over and spitting dirt to the side. 
it took a moment for him to register what he did, but kirishima was at bakugou’s side within seconds. the sun was nearly gone, a pale blue sky flickering with the first sights of stars. 
it was hard to make it out at first, but not impossible. kirishima saw the blood dripping and smeared just above bakugou’s lip. he groaned, cupping his face in both hands as he sat upright. 
“argh” bakugou gasped. “shit, kirishima. what the hell?” 
“i...i’m sorry dude, i didn’t mean to.” i wanted to, but i didn’t mean to. 
bakugou raised an eyebrow and let a smile seep through his pain. “you’re improving, though.” 
“are you alright?” kirishima traced the small cut on his lip from earlier with the tip of his tongue. 
“i’m fine, i’m fine.” bakugou swatted his hand away. he struggled to get up, refusing kirishima’s help. 
“we should head back before this gets any worse.” 
bakugou kept his large hands hovering under his chin to catch the dripping and occasional chunks of blood.  
although he wanted the duel to continue (it was finally interesting) bakugou wasn’t stubborn enough to keep going. so he nodded, once again denying kirishima’s efforts to help him out. 
you were in the common area, fiddling with a rubik’s cube. it was just you, as everyone else was spending the night among each other. ashido had invited you to her dorm a while ago, but you’d denied, wanting to spend a few more giddy moments to yourself. 
the door rattled, and in came your two friends, one with furrowed brows and the other with blood drenching the front of his shirt. 
bakugou’s head was tilted up in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing down. his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the blood trailing down the back of his throat. 
“oh my gosh,” you gasped out, racing to the bathroom. you came back with sanitary wipes in one hand and tissue in the other. “what happened?” 
“we were training,” kirishima started, taking a few tissues from the box and handing them to his friend, “and i accidentally hit him too hard.” 
“you didn’t hit me that hard. you barely did any damage!” bakugou objected. you approached him, and through his fingers, bakugou peered down at you. 
you asked him with your eyes, and he gave you silent permission to pry his arms away from his face. “are you okay?” 
“i’m just dandy,” he scoffed. 
“dude, i’m really sorry—” 
“shut the hell up kirishima. i don’t want your pity. i swear this is the only time i’ll surrender to you, you asswipe.”
you didn’t laugh, not even a chuckle. “bakugou, you need to see recovery girl.” 
“what the hell? no way. all she’s gonna do is give me one of those shitty slobbery kisses and scold me for being careless.” 
“your nose is broken,” you said gently. 
“so? can’t you fix it?” 
you raised a questioning brow. “you want me to help you?” 
“can you or can you not?” 
“i can try to set it but you’re better off going to recovery girl instead of settling with―” 
“all i need is possible. i don’t want to deal with that old lady’s shit right now.” using the tissues kirishima had stuffed into his hand, he caught the remaining blood dripping down his nose. “let’s go.” 
you were more than unsure. he would end up with a crooked nose if you made any small mistake, but he didn’t think twice as he grabbed your shoulder and led you in the direction of your dorm. 
kirishima wished he hadn’t broken bakugou’s nose. not because he felt bad, though. 
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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darthwheezely · 3 years
with you - f.w.
summary: based on the song ‘with you’ from ghost the musical
warnings: y’all this is a dead!fred fic strap in i’m so sorry :,), anger/resentment, a shit ton of death mentions
a/n: i love you, Freckles.
i picked up your shirts this morning
i don’t know why
i don’t know why
The bedroom hadn’t been touched since May 2, 1998. A slew of clothes strewn about the room. A broken painting. A faint memory of him holding you. You didn’t know what was more messy, what happened to him or the world he left you with.
You started to clean.
every place we ever walked and everywhere we talked
i miss you
you never leave my mind
so much of you is left
Diagon Alley in September was a fever dream. It always was, children and their parents hopping from place to place to collect school supplies, teenagers wandering aimlessly to meet up with friends, go on dates, etc.
Diagon Alley in September was Fred’s favorite time of year.
You watched him at the shop light up and bounce about like a beach ball the moment a child asked for assistance, or even just carrying in an inventory box.
Fred would be frequently exhausted at the end of the day, but demand to take you out to the Cauldron for fish n chips, or buy you a butter beer (or four) or take you to Eeylops. You always agreed.
“One day we’ll be doing this for our own kids, Y/N,” he said softly, looking at the storefront for Wizard Wheezes, the tall animatronic lifting a rabbit from his hat slowing down for the night, even in the healthy chaos of Diagon Alley.
You looked at him then, really looked at him, the tears pooling in your eyes.
You hated Diagon Alley in September.
took my days
with you
took my nights
with you
You had never really lived after Fred.
How does a person live after watching their person get crushed under a wall?
How does a person live after they run to said wall and scream, cry, beg for mercy from some being up in heaven for this to be a nightmare?
How does a person live after trying to push a wall far too heavy for force and being carried away by another while they cried so hard they lost air?
How were you supposed to live after Fred?
those unfinished conversations we used to have
still speak to me
“Y/N?” He shouted over the enveloping noise, spells and curses being fired so hard you’d think the ceiling would cave in.
“Fred, this isn’t a really good time-“ you yelled back.
“When we make it out of this-“
when he makes it out of this
“-I’m building us that nursery you hear me?”
No one built the nursery.
all this wishful thinking gets me nowhere
i can’t stay
though my heart is broken
it keeps breaking every day…
Sometimes, on a good day, you’d get the boom box out of the closet. You always tell yourself you’ll never touch it again, but there you are, touching it again.
That mixtape he made you will get fed through the muggle machine, and then it will spit out the song Crazy by Aerosmith.
“Come on, love, get up-“
“Fred, we’ve been assembling this bed frame we can’t just give up on it-“
“Say you’re leavin’ on a seven thirty and you’re head in’ out to Hoooooll-ay-wOOood - come on Y/N, bum up and get groovin’ with me!”
You two would dance until you were kissing and then he’d hold you standing up because to Fred Weasley, there was nothing on this planet but you.
You didn’t get through the whole song this time.
took my hopes
with you
took my dreams
with you
Kingsley Shacklebolt had left a message on the phone:
“Hey Y/N…I’m sorry to call you on a Monday night of all days - just busy lines everywhere else. I’m um…I’m really sorry but we um…we can’t have you as an Auror right now. We don’t want to ah - speed up your…your process right now. We know you’ve had a - hard - time recently and that job’ll only make it worse. Call me back if you want and maybe we can get you back in at Magical Accidents, they’ve got an opening. Alright. Well. See you, Y/N.”
i keep thinkin that you’ll be callin
everyone says that it’s all in my head
and i can’t accept it yet
You could’ve sworn you heard him.
You felt him in the shop (when George could force you to go.)
You saw him in every laugh and giggle little Dominique made.
Fred was everywhere and nowhere. It confused you, rage swelling in your chest like a hot air balloon only awaiting gas to take flight.
You had yelled. Told him going on that mission was selfish when you’d both been too risky for the Order as is.
“You can push me away all you want, Y/N-“
“Fred, stop-“
“No you need to listen to me for once in your life and it’s that i’m not going anywhere, I’m going to do that damn Seven Potters mission and I am coming home to you, do you hear me?”
You looked at him.
“I am always coming home, Y/N.”
“What a good joke, Fred, but where’s the punchline?”
i can’t comprehend this
and pretend that i don’t care
any place i wanna be
i wanna see you there…
“Hi, Freddie,” you hoarsely called to the barren-ness of the house.
“I hate sleeping here, did you know that? I feel way too close to telling myself that we’re okay, that I’m okay, kinda dumb isn’t it?”
No one answered.
“‘S alright, you always did hate the serious stuff. I’m just heading out to Gin and Harry’s for the night okay? I promise I’ll come back tomorrow. Will you be here?”
No one answered. You smiled, tears falling on your lips.
“That’s okay, I understand.”
You choked out a laugh and shrugged. “I love you! Have a good night, sweetheart.”
You shut the door.
took my life
with you
took my world
with you…
taglist! @lumosandnoxwriting @billyhxrgrove @wandsandwheezes @harrysweasleys @fredweasleyisart @luvfrommars @luvshack @babyjordy @jillys-feral-fandoms @vibraniumwing @vixen @goddessofdawns @sagittarius-flowerchild @sinfulweasley @animprxperworld @daedreamss @lilypad-55449 @i-love-scott-mccall @omghufflepuff @vivianweasley @wh0reforthemarauders @amrtxntias @sunrisefairy @theorangedrummer @loony-loopy-lupinn @band--psycho @melmalone
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
fifth time’s the charm? (m.)
pairing: johnny suh x female reader
genre/warnings: explicit sexual content | mentions of recreational drinking/ drugs (weed) | fluff | jaehyun being, well, jaehyun
words: 5.2k
summary: sometimes the universe aligns for you. and sometimes, it really doesn’t
1. There’s a delicious warmth between your thighs, growing with every slow grind of the guy’s hips. You don’t know his name and there’s no chance to ask, not with the way your lips are practically glued together, his tongue doing wonderful things as he licks at the seam of your mouth. He nips at your bottom lip at the same time his hand slides up your thigh, stooping just short of the hem of your dress, and you jolt, whining loudly.
He’s got a cocky smirk on his face when he pulls back to catch his breath, lips swollen and eyes dark. You stubbornly try to pull him closer, wrapping your legs around his waist and grinding your hips up more desperately. The two of you are as close together as the kitchen counter allows you to get. The muscles in his back flex under your fingertips and you’re so turned on that you think you could cry.
You’re just about to ask his name but then his lips are on your neck, leaving a trail of marks down the delicate skin. His hand squeezes at the meat of your thigh and you moan, tossing your head back and smacking it against the cabinet. A soft curse leaves you but the pain doesn’t really register, not when you’re being touched like that. His fingertips are so, so close to your core but he doesn’t dare move there yet. That spot is reserved by his dick, the impressive hardness dragging deliciously against your core.
There’s a commotion next to you and you turn your head to look, immediately regretting it. A guy from one of your classes- Jaehyun, you think- is emptying his stomach contents all over the floor. Your nose wrinkles and you rapidly tap your hookup’s shoulder, trying to get him to pull away. He does, a little confused, but then he follows your gaze just in time to watch Jaehyun throw up again, this time on the opposite side of the same counter you’re sitting on. Your arousal fizzles out and you groan, trying to ignore the wave of nausea that replaces the lust.
“Oh, for fucks sake Jae.” Your hookup groans, running his hand through his messy hair. He turns to you. “I gotta go take care of him, sorry.”
“Friend?” You ask as he lifts you off the counter.
“Best friend. And roommate. Which means I’m probably gonna hear him all night.” He sighs, glancing over to where Jaehyun’s got his face shoved under the faucet. “Thanks for this, though. It was fun.”
You smile, pulling him in for one last kiss. “Sorry we didn’t get to finish.”
He winks as he walks away, throwing a “next time, then.” over his shoulder. You watch as he rubs Jaehyun’s back soothingly, whispering something in his ear before picking him up. “Don’t fucking throw up on me.” Your hookup tells him, adding a “please,” as an afterthought. It makes you laugh.
It isn’t until you get home that you realize you never got his name.
2. You’re on the couch at yet another party when you see him again.
“I’m Johnny.” He offers you a joint and you take it gratefully, placing it between your lips. He even lights it for you. What a gentleman.
“Y/N,” You finally respond after taking a deep hit, watching all of the smoke leave your mouth and float overhead. “Nice to see you again.”
His eyes drift to your mouth when you take another hit and you let your head fall back to expose the column of your neck. “It is.” Johnny murmurs quietly, tongue wetting his lips.
It doesn’t take long before you end up on his lap, his hands grabbing desperately at your hips as you grind down, kissing him with the same ferocity as last time. The only difference now is that you’re high, you’re so, so high, and Johnny feels so good against you that you’re drowning in him.
Johnny pulls away to take another hit, tugging your mouth back to his so that he can pass the smoke between your lips. You accept it easily, loving how the burn in your chest matches the burn in your gut.
“Mhmm, if you feel this good now, I can’t imagine what it’s gonna feel like when I finally get to feel your pussy.” Johnny groans, bucking his hips up against your core. “Bet you’re so wet, so fucking tight.”
“Just for you.” You whisper in his ear, giggling at the deep groan he lets out in response. His hand makes its way under your skirt and you gasp, fully prepared to let him finger you on the couch in front of everyone.
His fingertips graze your core over the thin fabric of your panties and you whimper, swiveling your hips. Johnny’s a tease, just lightly petting your folds, not quite giving you what you want. You open your mouth to beg when a hand clamps down on your shoulder.
You jump when you realize it’s not Johnny’s hand, turning to find a very nervous looking Taeyong.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. Uh, the house is currently on fire so we’re evacuating everyone.” He explains, trying valiantly to keep his eyes from wandering to where Johnny still has his hand under your skirt.
“Oh, fuck. Is everyone okay?” You ask, standing on shaky legs.
Taeyong nods. “Yeah, I think we’ve got it under control. But we don’t want to take any chances.”
Johnny nods. “Yeah, for sure man.”
Taeyong walks away after bidding the two of you a goodnight. You and Johnny look at each other, sighing deeply before he breaks into laughter.
“Damn, we are so unlucky.”
You groan, laughing despite yourself. “It’s unbelievable.”
3. The last time you’d seen Johnny wasn’t perfect, but at least you got his number.
Johnny texts you like you’ve known each other for years. He doesn’t bother with ice breakers- thank god, because you can’t stand small talk. It’s all memes and stories about how chaotic his day was and honestly? It’s refreshing.
Especially because he always takes the time to ask about your day, letting you rant and giving you support. He doesn’t leave you on read for hours at a time, either- you’re pretty sure the longest you’ve had to wait for a response was about an hour, and that was because he’d been in a class.
Surprisingly, there hasn’t been one suggestive message from either of you. You’d certainly been expecting it, considering the nature of how you met. But Johnny keeps everything family friendly, with the exception of a few dirty jokes and curses.
The most suggestive text he’d sent was a “hey, wanna come over and watch a movie?” But even then, you can’t guarantee that it’s going to lead to sex. You can certainly hope, but it isn’t determined.
Of course, you still shower and throw on your sexiest lingerie. Hell, you even lotion your legs.
Which you’re very thankful for as of right now, because Johnny’s got one hand up your dress and the other cupping your breast. He’s half on top of you, his lips pillowy and insistent against yours. You moan and pull him closer, tugging at his soft hair.
The movie is still playing from his laptop and you lean up to close it, reaching to set it on the floor. You’d hate for it to fall off the bed and break later on.
“I can’t believe it’s taken us this long to fuck.” Johnny huffs a laugh, pulling away to catch his breath. You giggle, tugging at his shirt to get it off.
“Hey, we haven’t fucked yet.” You remind him, sliding your hands up his toned stomach, feeling the firm muscles. He flexes and you slap his chest lightly.
Johnny leans back down to connect your lips, finally moving your panties to the side to run his finger along your drenched entrance. “Well lucky for you, I have a solution for that.”
The door creaks open before the first finger can even slide in. “Johnny! Taeyong baked us a shit ton of cookies, you want some?” You and Johnny jump apart at the speed of light, your hand flying to smooth down your dress while Johnny pats down his hair. The impact of your back hitting the headboard has you grimacing and you distract yourself by focusing all of your energy on glaring at the intruder.
Fucking Jeong Jaehyun. This is the second time he’s interrupted you, although if you take into account that it was probably him that caused the fire, it’s the third. You’re fully prepared to kill him, though you suppose you’ll spare him if he gets the fuck out of Johnny’s room.
He doesn’t.
The idiot’s looking down at his phone, so he doesn’t even notice what position you and Johnny had been in, and he somehow doesn’t even notice how both of you are panting and sitting in unnaturally stiff positions. Finally, he looks up from the device. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to notice that Johnny’s shirt is off and that he has multiple hickies scattered across his skin, but he doesn’t! Jaehyun smiles and lifts the tin of cookies.
“I’m okay.” Johnny says shortly. He’s holding a pillow over his lap and he looks absolutely murderous. 
“Suit yourself.” Jaehyun shrugs, wandering further into the room. “Were you watching a movie?” Doesn’t this kid know how hookups work? He had to have seen the two of you together at one of the last parties, has to know that there’s a reason you both have swollen lips and messy hair. 
“Yeah. Inception.” Johnny responds, clearly hoping that the complicated nature of the film will have Jaehyun sprinting away. 
“Oh, I love that movie!” Jaehyun drops the cookies onto your lap and clambers in between you and Johnny, excitedly opening the laptop. “Oh cool, you’re only fifteen minutes in!” He presses play.
Johnny groans. You shove a cookie into your mouth.
4. To say that you’re sexually frustrated is an understatement. 
You like Johnny, you really do. Spending time with him is fun. Texting him is fun. He’s a good person overall, and you want to get to know him better. Another thing you desperately want? His cock.
Every time you try to hook up, you get rudely interrupted. Maybe it’s a sign that you should actually start a committed relationship. Maybe it’s a sign that you and Johnny aren’t meant to be. Or maybe, just maybe, the universe hates you. 
It’s late, way too late to text him to come over, but you’re horny and annoyed and your imagination just isn’t doing it for you. Your attempts at fingering yourself are fruitless, and even though you’re so turned on that you think you could explode, you just can’t get wet. It must be a curse. Probably Jaehyun’s fault, you grumble, though there’s absolutely no way it could be his fault considering he isn’t here.
Your fantasies keep failing you and despite you having clear ideas of what you want Johnny to do to you, it’s not enough. After a full minute of consideration, you grab your phone.
[Me] 11:43pm
You up?
[Johnny] 11:45pm
Of course I am
It’s not even midnight yet
What’s up?
[Me] 11:46pm
Thinking about you
[Johnny] 11:46pm
Oh so I’m boring now
The little quip has you huffing a laugh, smiling down at your phone. You bite your lip and roll onto your stomach, propped up on your elbows.
[Me] 11:46pm
I mean I guess I could change my mind if you prove me wrong
[Johnny] 11:48pm
You only think I’m boring bc I haven’t had the chance to show you how much fun I am
I might even be too much fun for you
[Me] 11:48pm
Prove it
It’s not surprising that your phone starts ringing, the stupid selfie Johnny had taken last time you hung out popping up on your screen. Your stomach jolts in anticipation, teeth finding your lower lip as you answer it.
“Hello?” You roll back over, shoving your pillow under your head. Your free hand rests on your stomach, drawing shapes into your skin.
“Hey baby,” Johnny’s voice is a low purr over the phone and just the sound of it has your stomach flipping, the pet name drawing a soft whimper from you. “It’s awful late for you to be thinking of me. Mind sharing what’s on your mind?” You consider it, sinking further into your mattress and drawing your knees up a little. “Mhmm, I dunno. I’d rather you share what’s on your mind.” That draws a soft laugh from him. “Oh, nothing much. Was just debating if you’d rather come three times on my cock or three times on my tongue.” The bluntness of his words has you sucking in air through your teeth, though your chest is so tight that you doubt you got any oxygen. “Oh.” Your voice is small and you may have been the one to initiate it, but you have no idea how to continue it. “Oh, fuck.” “Yeah?” Johnny laughs lowly on the other line. “Well, which one is it?” “Both.” You try to sound confident but you’re a mess, hand trembling with how hard you grip the phone.
“Greedy girl.” Johnny clicks his tongue, and you can almost see him shaking his head. “How are you going to earn it?” Your mind is blank, nothing but warm arousal shooting through you. “I-” You try to start, finding yourself unable to finish the sentence. The words are too filthy to be spoken out loud.
“Would you suck my cock baby? You’d probably like that, hmm? I know I would.” Johnny’s voice sounds breathless, and you can vaguely hear the slick sounds of him jerking off. “Would look so pretty with your mouth full. Do you want that?” “Yes.” You manage to gasp out, letting your hand find its way between your thighs. Two fingers dip into your core before moving up to trace quick circles into your clit.“Wanna be stuffed full.” A deep groan leaves him. “Fuck, I’d stuff you so full, baby. Do you think you can take my cock?”
“Mhmm, yeah, I can take it.” You moan, finally starting to pleasure yourself the way you want to. Fingers fucking into your core quickly, palm hitting against your clit. “Oh god Johnny, I’m so fucking wet.” “You sound so good princess. Makes me want to-” His voice cuts off and you hum, urging him to continue. He doesn’t.
“Johnny?” You ask, frowning at his silence. A sigh leaves you when he still doesn’t respond and you draw your hand out of your panties to pick up your phone. Your confusion turns to annoyance when you're met with a black screen and a spinning circle. “God fucking damnit!” You scramble for your phone charger but it’s too late, the dead battery symbol popping up when you try to turn it back on. 
You flop onto your bed and scream.
5. It’s been a long time since you’ve had sex, and it’s all you can think about.
Now look, you’re not unreasonably horny. You think about sex the normal amount, and it never actually interferes with your life, but there’s something about Johnny that’s just fucking you up. He’s nice and considerate and makes you laugh so hard that tears stream down your face, and you catch yourself smiling at him fondly even when he’s not doing anything besides frowning at his laptop. Everytime your phone lights up with a notification, you dive for it to check if Johnny had texted you. You’re not in love, but he’s got you wrapped so tightly around his finger that it almost hurts.
It doesn’t help that he’s fucking hot. He’s tall and strong and sexy, and carries himself with so much confidence that you find yourself swooning. You’ve gotten just the slightest taste of what he’s like in bed, but you want the full experience. The whole legs going numb, eyes rolling back, head empty experience. Preferable without any cockblocking roommates.
So no, you don’t think that you think about sex too much. Even if you do end up paying Jaehyun twenty dollars to go see a movie and get dinner so that you and Johnny will finally have the apartment to yourselves. Honestly, you think that locking him in the abandoned storage room would have been more efficient, but this is definitely the more legal option.
Johnny doesn’t look surprised to see you when you knock on his door, letting you in with a smile on his face. He dips down for a kiss and pushes your jacket off of your shoulders, hanging it over the back of a chair. 
“My baby.” He whines, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight to his chest. “I missed you!” 
You giggle and melt into his embrace. “Let’s make up for lost time, then.” “Did you have something in mind?” Johnny pulls away a little to look you in the eye, an amused smile on his face. He brushes his thumb over your cheek and you press into the touch like a cat. His smile widens. “You know, Jaehyun’s not here tonight. We have the whole place to ourselves.”
You act like this is new information. “Oh, well then it looks like we’ll have to make the most of it.” 
Johnny hums. “Wanna watch a movie? I’ve got some popcorn waiting to be popped and some wine just begging to be drunk.”
“We could do that.” You humour him, smiling and pulling away when he leans in for a kiss. He pouts and you giggle, pressing your lips to his cheek before moving closer to his ear. “Or you could fuck me.”
Johnny stiffens for a moment and you swear he stops breathing, but then a deep groan rumbles in his chest. “Fuck baby, you can’t just say that.” You giggle and pull back to look up at him with innocent eyes. “I can’t? Why, do you not want to fuck me?” It’s meant to be rhetorical, because you know just how badly he wants you. He’s made it plenty clear. You turn to walk away and Johnny grabs you by your shoulders, anchoring you to him, your back to his chest. He brings his lips to your ear and leaves a lingering kiss on the skin just under your lobe, pressing his hips to your ass. There’s already a sizable bulge there and your stomach flips, mouth suddenly dry.
“Does it feel like I don’t want to fuck you?” Johnny asks, rolling his hips into you. “I want to fuck you so badly that it hurts, baby. Do you know what I imagine doing to you?” 
His breathing gets a little heavier when you grind back on him. “Mhmm, no. Why don’t you show me?” Johnny effortlessly spins you around and picks you up, the squeal you let out muffled by his lips. He laughs softly and the corners of your mouth twitch up. “What?” You whine, pouting at him. “Why are you laughing at me?”
“I’m not.” He doesn’t sound convincing at all. “I’m not! You’re just too damn cute.” The pout on your face is kissed away by his insistent lips and he closes the door to his room with his foot, setting you down on the edge of his bed. 
There’s still a teasing smile on his lips but his eyes are dark. You swallow thickly as he drops to his knees in front of you, the heat of his palms on your bare thighs nearly too much for you. “Will my cute baby let me show her what I’ve been imagining?”
His words have your breath hitching and your head feeling fuzzy but you manage to find the energy to nod, a shaky “yes,” passing through your lips. Johnny moves his hands higher up your thighs, thumbs playing with the waistband of your shorts. Your stomach jolts when his thumb brushes over the bare skin just under your belly button.
“I’m gonna eat you out.” There’s no hesitation in the way he speaks, his gaze determined. Your core clenches at the thought of having his mouth on you, his pretty lips and tongue working to please you. “Help me take these off?” You stand up just long enough for Johnny to tug your shorts and panties down your legs, kicking them off so that they land somewhere far away from you. And then Johnny’s pushing you back down onto the bed, palms on your thighs to push your legs apart, and you nearly scream with the anticipation. You’ve waited so long for him that you feel like you might die if he doesn’t touch you right this second. 
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” Johnny groans, staring at your pussy like he’s in awe. He parts your folds with his fingers, tongue coming out to moisten his lips. “You’re so pretty.” He kisses your inner thigh and hooks your legs over his shoulders, dipping down to press a kiss to your clit. You inhale sharply, and Johnny looks up at you with nothing but lust in his eyes as he begins to eat you out eagerly.
You have to throw your head back when he drags his tongue up your entrance, dipping the muscle inside just slightly before moving up to suck at your clit. It’s too much too fast and you feel like you’re falling, head spinning and feeling fuzzy with all the sensations he’s giving you. His hair is soft between your fingers when you reach down to grab a hold of it, trying to simultaneously pull him closer and push him away.
Johnny moans into your core and pulls away to smirk at you. The lower half of his face is covered in your arousal and his plump lips glisten. “Feel good, princess?” There’s a filthy noise as he spits onto your cunt, using his thumb to spread the saliva around. “Because you taste fucking divine.”
Breathless curses of his name leave you as your elbows finally give out, your body hitting the mattress only to arch right back off of it. Your hands fist in the sheets and your head rolls from side to side, your body not quite sure how to handle this much pleasure. “I’m gonna cum,” You whimper, pressing your heels into his back to draw him closer. “Johnny, keep- keep doing that, ‘m gonna cum.” It comes out as a plea, and another few cries of his name leave you before your orgasm washes over you, drowning you in the pleasure. 
The fog finally clears from your mind and you pry your eyes open to find Johnny still kneeling in front of you, licking his lips clean of your release. “Feel good?” You scoot back a little to allow Johnny room to join you on the bed. “Amazing. Knew you had pretty lips for a reason.”
“Aww, you think my lips are pretty?” Johnny teases, making an exaggerated kissy face. You scoff and steal a slow kiss from him, slipping your tongue past his lips at the same time you slide your palm over his dick, feeling the shape of him through the confines of his pants. He moans and tries to pull away but you catch his lower lip between your teeth, nibbling gently.
“I think you’re pretty. I also think we should take care of this, hmm?” You squeeze him gently and his thigh jerks. Johnny laughs breathlessly and reaches down to untie his pants, pushing them down his thighs just enough to free his cock. You waste no time wrapping your hand around the thick length, stroking him slowly. And Johnny makes such a pretty sight, his eyelids fluttering closed and his mouth hanging open. You shuffle back a little further on the bed, moving to lower your mouth to his cock, but he stops you.
“Too impatient,” He pants out, stepping off the bed and throwing his shirt off, kicking his pants to his ankles. “Wanna fuck you.” “I think I’m okay with that.” Your core clenches painfully at the thought of being filled up, and some of your arousal leaks down your thighs. He laughs at your response and reaches for a condom, rolling it on while you rid yourself of your shirt.
You throw your bra at him in an effort to get him to move faster, but it has the opposite effect. He looks at your bra for a moment before moving his gaze to your breasts, swallowing thickly. Both of you groan, but for different reasons.
“Babe, you can look at my boobs while you fuck me.” You whine impatiently. Johnny nods, tongue licking across his bottom lip slowly, eyes still locked on your breasts. It takes him a moment to crawl over to your body, settling between your legs and drawing you into a deep kiss. His dick brushes against your thigh and you wrap your legs around his waist.
Johnny’s always been a tease but you didn’t think he’d be this bad, holding what you want right in front of you, just out of reach. He presses the tip of his cock to your pussy, drags it through your folds, bumps your clit, does essentially everything except for what you want him to do. “Ready?” “Yeah, please,” You sigh, trying and failing not to sound desperate. And yet he still doesn’t put it in. He bends down to place a kiss on each of your nipples, swirling his tongue around one of the buds before moving to the other one. It has you sighing out in pleasure, and his teeth graze the sensitive skin at the same time he finally slides in.
The way his cock stretches you out has your eyes rolling back, your walls clenching around him desperately to adjust. Johnny swears and buries his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck, babe, you gotta- you gotta stop doing that.” “I can’t,” You arch against him, the action only pushing his cock deeper. “Johnny, you’re so big.”
“You’re just too small.” Johnny quips back, but it’s lacking the normal bite. This time it sounds strained, and your stomach flips at knowing he’s just as affected as you are. “Jesus Christ, how are you so fucking tight?” He finally bottoms out with a groan, grinding into you with a little half-thrust before moving to pull out again. “Guess I’ll have to change that.” Johnny fucks like he simultaneously has all the time in the world and like he has none at all. His thrusts go from hard and fast to slow and deep, the overall effect leaving you with your head spinning and your body burning with pleasure. Your nails dig into his back and you chant his name like it’s a prayer, and he responds by fucking you even harder, sucking bruises into the soft skin of your neck.
One of his hands grasps at the sheets near your head, the other resting on your breast. He gives it a loving squeeze before moving his hand up your arm to lace your fingers together, lifting his head up to find your lips. Both of you are panting heavily but Johnny kisses you like oxygen isn’t important, messily sucking at your bottom lip and meeting your tongue with his own. He lets out a deep groan and breaks away from you, dropping his face back to the crook of your neck. His grip on your hand tightens. “I’m not gonna last much longer.” “Mhmm, okay,” You squeeze his hand back. “Touch me?” He lets go of your hand to clumsily work his hand between your bodies, rubbing tight circles into your clit. Your eyes roll and you arch against him, gasping out his name. Your orgasm is so close, you just need that extra push…
Johnny gets there before you can, teeth sinking into your shoulder to muffle his groan. His hips stutter and his rhythm grows sloppy but he keeps desperately fucking into you, fingers still frantically rubbing at your clit. He presses a messy kiss to your shoulder, moves up to your ear. “Come on, baby. Wanna see you cum for me.”
It only takes a few more of his dirty words, a few more desperate thrusts, a few more presses of his thumb to your clit before you’re coming, legs locking around his waist and nails digging into his back. He swears at how your walls lock around him in a vice, his hips stuttering again as a hiccupy moan leaves him.
He all but collapses on top of you after, rolling to the side and panting heavily. You giggly breathlessly and curl up next to him, head on his chest. His entire body shivers when you press a kiss to his nipple, and he misses the shot when he tries to throw the condom into the trashcan.
“Did it live up to your imagination?” You finally catch your breath enough to ask. 
Johnny shrugs. “I guess.” He cackles and catches your hands in his own when you slap his chest and make an indignant noise, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m kidding! But actually, it might’ve been even better. We might have to try this again soon, just to be sure.” “Right.” You drag the word out in one long syllable. “Is this your way of saying you wanna go for another round?” “That depends,” He says carefully. “Do you want another round?” You laugh and shake your head. “You’re insatiable.” The air is cold when you roll out of bed and help yourself to Johnny’s closet, slipping one of the sweatshirts that you’ll ‘forget’ to return later on over your head. “But yes. Later though, I’m starving.”
The popcorn Johnny had offered you earlier gets stuck in your throat when Jaehyun barges into the apartment, the door slamming open with way too much force. Johnny snickers and pats your back, moving your water closer.
“Hey man, you have fun?” Johnny asks, only half paying attention as he tries to make sure you don’t die. You manage to dislodge the kernel and give him a thumbs up.
“Yep, nothing better than a free movie!” Jaehyun states happily, chugging the red bull in hand before opening the fridge for another one.
Johnny furrows his eyebrows. “Free? How’d you get free tickets?” 
Your eyes widen and you try to motion at Jaehyun not to say anything, but he’s as oblivious as ever. “Y/n bought them for me.”
“Oh, did she?” Johnny grins, the pieces clicking into place. He turns to look at you, grabbing your hands in his own when you try to bury your face in them. Jaehyun’s already wandered away and Johnny shakes his head in disbelief. “You had this planned, didn’t you?”
“It’s not my fault!” You whine, pouting at him. “Can you blame me for wanting to have sex with my hot boyfriend?”
“Yeah, I am pretty hot.” Johnny sighs, laughing with his entire body when you glare at him. He coos at you and pulls you into his chest. “But am I your boyfriend?”
Your face goes hot and there’s a moment of sheer panic before you shoot your shot. “...yes?”
“So that makes you my girlfriend, then.” His smile looks even brighter now. “Well girlfriend, it looks like we’re gonna be buying Jaehyun a lot more movie tickets now.”
You groan. 
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 3
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC
Part 1 ; Part 2
Part 3 -
Music was blasting in the boys’ cabin and John B made sure to keep the lights dimmed to a maximum, adding to what he referred to as ‘the groovy ambiance’. Caroline and Sarah entered the cabin, leading the way for all of their fellow girl counselors. Word spread faster than a wildfire around the Wildcat Lodge and now everyone was attending what was meant to be a welcoming party for just the boys. Caroline leaned against the ladder of one of the bunk beds and crossed her arms as her and Sarah waited in anticipation for their grand scheme to play out.
“Caroline, Sarah!” John B’s voice alerted them as he snuck up between them, hooking an arm around both their shoulders, “Right on time for the big surprise!” he said, walking dramatically towards what the girls already knew to be his luggage. He turned the music down on his way there, “Alright everybody, listen up!” he said, stopping by his bed, gathering everyone’s attention, “I’m sure to most of us, if not all of us – camp Willowdale is a token of light, a beacon of faith, an ode to nostalgia, if you will,” he spoke dramatically, waving his hands around, making Caroline and Sarah chuckle, “Which is why we have all gathered here tonight, and for that reason, I have done my due diligence and prepared a special surprise for all of us. Girls and boys, allow me to introduce to you,” his hands went to unzip the bag, “Ton-” his eyes widened in horror as he unzipped the bag, revealing it to be totally empty, except for his scarce clothes and the limp body of what appeared to be a dead owl at the bottom.
Everyone around him seemed either disappointed or confused as he frantically ran around the room, looking for his alcohol stash. Caroline and Sarah, however, gasped at the sight before them.
“Shit,” muttered Sarah, “What the hell is that? When I said I was hoping there wouldn’t be animals in there I didn’t think there’d actually be animals in there…”
Caroline shook her head, “Screw what it is! The real question is – who put it there?”
The girls were so focused on their conversation they barely noticed JJ showing up, “You girls know anything about this?” he said, making both of them jump.
“JJ!” Caroline said, trying to mask all sense of worry in her voice, “How could we possibly know anything about this?”
“We did it,” said Sarah quickly, “We stole the alcohol, but we swear to God we have no idea who put that pigeon in there!”
“Sarah!” hissed Caroline, only making Sarah shrug.
“What?” the girl said, “If there’s some psycho playing tricks on us, we might as well have a guy on our side!”
JJ raised an eyebrow, a small smile spreading on his face, “You’re telling me you two are behind this?”, he said, looking at Caroline impressed, “Gee, Carrie, didn’t picture you to be the bad type,”
Caroline’s cheeks heated up immediately as Sarah rolled her eyes and turned to look at JJ, “Earth to Maybank, are you listening to me? We only stole the booze, we didn’t put that in there!”
“Relax, girls,” said JJ, “Knowing John B, that little fucker probably sat dead at the bottom of his bag for a while before you even got to the alcohol,”
Caroline and Sarah both scrunched their noses in disgust, however what JJ was saying did make sense.
“You’re probably right,” sighed Caroline, “Booze is in our storage room, me and Sarah will go fetch it now,” she said, pulling Sarah out of the cabin.
“Are you crazy?” Sarah hissed at her, “Do you really want to give them all that alcohol back? Jesus, Carrie, how the hell do you expect me to last all summer sober? It’s bad enough I have to bunk with Madison Hague…”
“Relax, Sarah, I’m sure there’s gonna be a handful of teenagers with secret stashes of alcohol just waiting to be confiscated,”
Sarah sighed in relief, “You’re totally right, C,” she said, shaking her head as they walked the few steps up to their cabin’s door, “We’re just gonna rob our teens! What could possibly go wrong?”
As she said that and pressed onto the door handle, an ear-piercing scream echoed through the forest, making the hairs on the back of her arm stand.
“What was that?!” she quickly turned to Caroline, who was just as frozen as she was. Counselors started coming out of the boys’ cabin, the music dying down again suddenly. JJ and John B quickly made their way towards the girls, both visibly concerned.
“Are you alright?” said JJ.
Caroline nodded, crossing her arms, “I am, but whoever’s in there doesn’t sound like they are,” she said, tilting her head in the direction of the thick forest from where the scream came.
By this point, Pricilla and the rest of the head staff appeared from the staff lodge, all looking slightly tipsy as they paced through the path to the counselors’ cabins.
“What in the world is going on here?” Pricilla said, trying not to slur her words.
“Sounds like we should be asking you the same thing,” John B muttered under his breath, earning a chuckle from JJ.
“Our guess is as good as yours, Miss P,” explained Topper, shrugging, “We were all hanging out in there when we heard the scream and came out,”
“Well whose was it?” enquired Pricilla, looking slightly annoyed that her night had to be cut short for these teenagers’ shenanigans. When no one could give her an answer, she rolled her eyes and waved them over, “Come on then, off to Wildcat Lodge. We’re gonna have to do a count,”
Once everyone was gathered in the lodge, Pricilla waited for Mrs. Darbyshire, who also seemed a bit too drunk to be taking any of this seriously, to bring her a list of all the counselors’ names.
“Alright,” she said once the list was in her hands, “I’m gonna do a name call. Once we figure out who’s missing, you’re gonna go into that forest and look for them.” This earned her a bunch of annoyed comments and groans, making Pricilla snap back, “Don’t give me that shit, you lost ‘em, now you gotta find ‘em.”
“This is bullshit,” Caroline crossed her arms, “We’re literally minors, what are they gonna do?”
“They’re gonna finish their party,” interjected JJ.
Caroline shook her head in annoyance as Pricilla started reading out everyone’s names one by one.
“Jenna Kinley?”
“Kelce Johnson?”
“Barry Smith?”
“Madison Hague?”
No answer.
This made Pricilla stand up straighter, looking around the pool of counselors in front of her, “Madison are you here?” when there was no reply yet again, she sighed loudly, “Has anyone seen Madison?”
“Last time I saw her, she said she was going to the girls’ cabin to pick up a jacket,” chimed in Topper.
“Oh, for the love of-” Pricilla groaned loudly, “This better not be a stupid prank, or I swear!”
“I should’ve just given her one of my jackets…” muttered Topper, “Now I feel kinda guilty,”
“Hey, it’s alright,” said Caroline, tapping him on the shoulder, “I’m sure she only saw a bug or something,”
“I trust you’ll all disperse and look for your friend now,” said Pricilla, “In the meantime, us adults will be supervising the Wildcat Lodge,”
“Supervising from what?” asked JJ confused.
“In case… Madison comes back here, of course!” Pricilla quickly lied, “Now off you go, Maybank, you ask way too many questions!”
“This is ridiculous,” moaned Sarah after bouncing down the stairs of the girls’ cabin with a bag on her arm, “As if this summer couldn’t get any worse,”
“Pipe it, princess,” bit back JJ, “If you didn’t insist on stopping by the cabin before we went into the woods, maybe we’d have called it a night by now.”
“Don’t big yourself too much, Maybank,” she said, leading their pack into the trees and looking around to see whether the coast was clear, “You see, while you were moping around outside, I picked up some provisions,” she said, a devilish smirk spreading on her face as she pulled out a bottle of whiskey from her bag.
Caroline’s jaw nearly broke off, “Sarah, are you serious?”
Sarah only shrugged, “What? I told you I’m not gonna make it through tonight sober, besides, if I’m gonna be looking for the bitch I was hoping wouldn’t be here in the first place, I’d rather be shit-faced when I find her,”
Caroline rolled her eyes, snatching the bottle from Sarah’s hands, “Yeah, well, if I’m going to be looking for the bitch with you, I’d rather be shit-faced too,” she said, taking a rather large swig of the alcohol and hissing at the taste.
“Sweet,” said JJ, picking the bottle up from Caroline, “This is better than the party,”
John B agreed as he got hold of the bottle last.
The group walked through the forest, flashlights in hand, taking the whiskey bottle in turns and laughing as they went. John B had argued that if Sarah could pick something from her cabin, then he could pick his speaker from his, and so the four of them found themselves nearing the clearance by the lake, drunk and singing along to some cheesy song that was currently playing loud enough for only them to hear.
“It’s a good thing Pricilla wanted us here a day early,” slurred John B slightly, “Now you girls have set up the bonfire area and we can chill there,”
Sarah rolled her eyes, “Yeah, you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”
John B raised an eyebrow and turned to Caroline, “What’s she talking about?”
Just as Caroline was about to answer, they reached the bonfire area, which much to her dismay – had been totally wrecked, once again.
“This,” she said, anger quickly replacing the previous buzz she was feeling from the alcohol.
“Whoa, who did this?” said JJ, flashing his flashlight in the direction of the discarded logs and pillows.
“What do you mean who did this?” snapped Sarah, “Why’d you think we stole your alcohol?”
“Sarah, we didn’t do this,” John B shook his head.
Sarah stopped dead in her tracks, her face becoming slightly worried “What do you mean you didn’t do this? Then who did?”
“Guys,” Caroline chimed in from across the bonfire area, where the fire was supposed to be lit the following night, “Come check this out,”
The three teens made their way towards Caroline who was flashing her light at one of the rocks at the base of the fire pit. There was something written on it with a gooey substance the origin of which none of them wanted to question.
“I don’t know who did it, but whoever it was,” said Caroline, stepping back from the rock so that her friends could see what was written more clearly on it, “Probably did this, too.”
And there on the rock, written with what looked an awfully lot like blood, were plastered four words:
Come and find me
Part 4 here x
A/N: Finally something is happening haha I hope you're enjoying so far, let me know what you think and if you want to be added to the taglist, please notify me! Story is about to get juicy from now on hehehe
Link to masterlist here. xxxx
taglist: @k-k0129
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Leave a Message
Summary: No matter how many times they call, all they get is the answering machine.
Warnings: angst, cursing, fluff, dates might not be correct (deal with it)
Reader: Sister Winchester Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sister!reader, Sam Winchester x Sister!reader, John Winchester x Daughter!reader, slight Bobby Singer x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 3,481
A/n: Y/n/n = Your nickname Y/d/n = Your daughters name
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December 19th, 1996 - 9:17 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, Y/n/n, it’s Dean. Where are you? Dad won’t tell Sammy and I anything. You’ve been gone for two days. Please, just tell me you’re safe. Call me back,”
March 5th, 1997 - 1:32 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“It’s Sam... You’ve been gone a long time... Dad won’t talk about you anymore, he gets mad when we bring you up. He won’t let us look for you but don’t worry, Dean still does and I help him where I can. I don’t know where you are but we’ll find you. We’ll bring you back. Love you,”
October 31st, 1997 - 8:49 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“...It’s Halloween... Remember when you would make Sammy dress up in some stupid costume and take him out trick or treating for a little bit? Dad would always get mad but you had this way of just lightening him up. I swear we would gain so much weight eating Sammy’s candy when he went to bed *small chuckle*… You’ve been gone for almost a year and I’m no closer to finding you than when I started... I’m not gonna give up though. I know you’re out there even if Dad won’t say anything. I just hope that wherever you are... you’re safe. Please, call back,”
December 25th, 1997 - 10:23 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas, Y/n. I miss you... a lot. Dean says you’ll come back but I don’t know if I believe him anymore. We should have found you by now right? Dad should be helping us *aggravated sigh*… He’s been drinking a lot lately... I just want you to come back. Nothing’s been the same since you left. I don’t know where you are but I hope Dean finds you. We need you here. We Love you,”
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas, Y/n/n... Sammy demanded that I call you and tell you that... He thinks you’ll come back if we talk to you or something like that... I don’t know... I’m starting to think you’re not actually missing... I think you and dad fought and you left us. I don’t think you want to be found... *sigh*… I thought you were happy here, with us. I don’t know what dad said to make you leave but please just... come back... Sammy needs you. I... *heavy sigh*… Come back,”
February 10th, 1998 - 2:30 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, Y/n. Nothing has really changed in the last couple of months. Dad’s wanting to take me on more hunts but Dean’s holding him off. I know I’m ready to take on more of the big stuff. I just have to prove to Dean that I’m ready, that I can handle myself. You should come back and help me convince Dean I’m not a little kid anymore...You should come back... Love you”
June 1st, 1998 - 11:41 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Sammy got hurt today... We were hunting and... I don’t even know what happened. One second he was behind me and then we were separated and then he was hurt. Dad got pissed. Dad told me Sammy wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you were looking after him... I know he’s right... You were always better at looking after him than I was... Hell, you’re better at looking after me than I am... I don’t know how much longer we can keep going on without you. We’re falling apart here. Dad’s either hunting or emptying a liquor store. I’m trying to look after him and Sammy but... I can’t do this alone. I don’t know why you left or if you’re even- fuck... if you’re even getting these messages...”
October 31st, 1998 - 9:02 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Happy Halloween... Dean said I shouldn’t call... That you wouldn’t answer. That you’re probably not even listening to the messages... That might be true but still... You’re my sister and I miss you.”
December 25th, 1998 - 12:13 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas from Dean and I...”
December 17th, 1999 - 4:55 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“It’s been three years, Y/n... God, it’s been three years... I miss you like hell...Damn, I just... I just miss you”
December 17th, 2000 - 7:00 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, it’s Dean. Just checking in... Everything’s fine on our end. Dad and Sammy are both doing good. It’s been four years and... I guess we’re just now figuring out how to work without you *small laugh, sniffle*… Sammy’s doing good in school. I can finally drink *laugh* legally that is. I know you’re getting these messages cause Sammy and I have left a shit ton and the box isn’t full yet. That means that you’re deleting them. I guess on the bright side that means you’re alive... I don’t know whether to be happy or pissed... I guess a little bit of both... I miss you. Sammy misses you. Hell, even dad misses you even if he doesn’t say anything. I hope you’re listening to these and not just deleting them... I guess it makes me feel better to think you actually listen... Guess it means a small part of you still cares enough to at least listen to me ramble on... *sigh*… I want you to know... You can come back. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been gone, you can still come back. I want you to come back. Hell, I’d be happy for a damn phone call or even a fucking text! Something!... Just give me something...”
December 17th, 2001 - 6:26 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, it’s Dean. *Large sigh* I’m just... Just checking in... God, I wish you were here... More than anything... God, I need you. Text me where you are and I promise I will drop everything to come pick you up. Hell, I won’t even ask a damn question. Sammy and Dad have been going at it... It seems like it never ends. I can feel him pulling away. I know Sammy wants to leave and if Dad doesn’t lay off we’re gonna lose him just like... Just like we lost you... I can’t lose him.. I lost... I-I lost you an-and now *throat clearing*… If you come back then you can fix everything like you always could. You know, like, you could just... you can fix us... You can calm Sam down and make him stay... You can get dad to relax... I can’t keep this family together, they’re slipping through my fingers. Please, come back...”
July 8th, 2002 - 4:09 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“...Sammy’s gone... *slow sigh*… *sniffle*… I-... *quiet sob*…”
September 28th, 2006 - 6:37 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hello, this is Stacey with the - hospital. I’m calling for a Y/n Winchester. I have news about the passing of a John Winchester...”
May 1st, 2008 - 11:59 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Uh... Hey, it’s uh... It’s Sammy - err - Sam. *Throat clearing* It’s been a long time since I called... Dean didn’t want me calling and I didn’t think I would have too but I can’t put this off anymore... Dean made a deal with a demon... His contract is up in a couple of weeks. I’m doing everything I can to get him out but... *shaky sigh*… I don’t know if... It would be nice if... If we could just see you. Leave the past behind us, ya know?... I doubt you’ll respond but I just... I had to let you know...”
Sam sigh’s hanging up the phone. It fidgets with the device in his hand, hunched over his knees. He could feel his heart dropping in disappointment. Even though he knew you wouldn’t answer there was still a small part that just... hoped.
He turns his head when he sees something moving in the corner of his eye. Dean leans against the doorway with his arms crossed. Sam looks into his eyes.
Neither of them have to say anything. They just understand.
It killed Dean that no matter what they said to you over the phone, you never called back. You never sent a text. You sure as hell never showed up. You simply dropped off the face of the Earth 10 years ago. No matter how hard they looked, they couldn’t find a trace of you.
You were always the best. You were the best hunter, being the eldest of the three. You were the best ‘parent’, being the unofficial mother figure. You somehow managed being both mother and sister. It’s what made your disappearance so hard. The boys weren’t just losing a sister.
Despite the fact that they couldn’t track you, you could track them. In fact, you had been doing your best to keep your eye on them. You’re father had demanded that you leave, never come back, and never contact them. You tried your best but you loved your brothers, you had to make sure they were ok.
However, they’re Winchesters. Keeping tabs on them wasn’t always easy. There would be months where they would be the ones that fell off the face of the Earth before suddenly reappearing somewhere. 
You listened to every single voice mail they left. You would cry your eyes out every time. You couldn’t put into words the pain you felt when you heard their voices begging you to come back. You always looked forward to their calls but it never failed to send you into an anxious depressive mess for weeks, sometimes longer, afterward.
It didn’t matter though, you had to keep moving. You had to keep living. It’s not just you who you have to worry about. 
In a couple of months your daughter would be turning 10. Y/d/n Winchester. The father disappeared a couple hours after conception. You had tried to track him down but it wasn’t your main priority. 
Telling your father was extremely hard but him forcing you to leave was the hardest. He wouldn’t let you say goodbye to your brothers. He just told you to pack your bag and get in the Impala while the boys were asleep. He bought you a bus ticket to the furthest place that the bus went too and told you to stay away from the life.
He knew if you talked to your brothers you would be pulled back in. If you were pulled back in, your daughter would be caught in the supernatural mess. John knew a war would be coming and a little baby shouldn’t be in the middle.
As much as you love your brothers, your priority is your daughter. You loved her from the moment you found out she was in your stomach. You had to protect her, no matter what. It didn’t matter what happened to you, your daughter was going to live a happy life.
You always dreamed of a day where you could introduce your daughter to her grandpa and uncles. You dreamed of different scenarios. You prayed they would come true.
When you learned of your father’s death you wanted to cave that instant. You wanted to pack your things, pick your daughter up from school, and go to Bobby’s. You knew the boys would be there. They could cover their tracks but sometimes they were just down right predictable. 
But then you remembered how he died. The nurses had explained the weird things going on and you got the security footage. You watched Dean teeter between the living and the dead before miraculously recovering. Not long later, your father dies. You were able to put two and two together.
Watching the footage would be the first time you saw Sam and Dean since you were a teenager. You didn’t think it would be possible for them to be so tall. The longing for your brothers amplified but they were in deep shit with demons. That isn’t the life you could bring to your doorstep. That isn’t the danger you could bring to your daughter.
However, when you got Sam’s call your world stopped. Hearing that Dean would be dead in a few weeks, dragged to hell by those damn hounds, made you fall to your knees. Hearing about your father’s death, hell seeing it on camera, was one thing. But to lose your brother is something you never wanted to go through.
Sure, you haven’t talked to him but you knew he was alive. You knew he was still kicking ass and taking names. But now you knew he was going to die and there wasn’t a damn thing you could to about it.
But you could do one thing.
“Where are we mom?” Your daughter asks in the back seat as you pull up to a motel. You don’t answer her. Your eyes are glued on the sleek, black Impala. Suddenly you’re 19 again being dropped off at the bus station by your dad who’s telling you to never come back again. “Mom?” You shake the thoughts out of your head. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” You whisper.
You were not fine. Your anxiety is so high that someone would need an oxygen take to climb to the top. Your nerves are shaking your hands. You couldn’t sit still. You felt as if you were on the verge of a panic attack. You managed to keep yourself together not wanting to have such an attack in front of your daughter.
“Sam,” You whisper. You’re youngest brother walks to the Impala, not sparing your car a glance. You watch him open the truck and rummage through it.
“That’s Uncle Sam?” Your daughter asks. Your daughter knew almost everything about your family. She had an idea about the supernatural but not a lot.
“Yeah,” You whisper.
“When was the last time you talked to him?” 
“Too long,” You respond. Sam closes the trunk and begins to walk away. “Stay here,” You say sternly. “I’ll come back for you,”
“Ok,” Your daughter barely answers before you’re out the car following your brother. You were so nervous about the fact that you were about to approach your brother for the first time in a decade that you had forgot one thing. He’s a Winchester.
Sam rounded the corner and you quickly followed. What you weren’t expecting was for him to grab you and slam you against the wall with his forearm digging into your throat.
“Who are you?” He snapped.
“Damn, Sammy,” You choked. Sam frowns his eyebrows and you give him the best Winchester smirk you could muster. “What? Don’t recognize your own sister?” You joke nervously. Sam frowns his eyebrows even more as he takes in your features. “You were the one who called me...” Sam eases back a bit but isn’t completely sure if he trusts you. “Unless you plan on cutting me with some silver or splashing me with some holy water, mind stepping back?” You grab your brothers arm and pull it to the side allowing you to slip away from the wall.
“Y/n?” Sam whispers.
“The one and only,” You wink at him.
“You’re actually here?” Sam asks. You nod.
“I heard that Dean’s in a tough spot,” Sam ignores your comment. “Thought I’d come see you assholes,” The edge of Sam’s lip raises a bit.
“Mom?” Your head snaps to your daughter. Sam slowly follows your gaze.
“I told you to stay in the car,” You growled. 
“I wanted to meet Uncle Sam,” She says walking up cautiously. You sighed and motioned for her to come.
“Uncle Sam?” Sam whispers frowning his eyebrows.
“Sammy, this is Y/d/n,” You introduce glancing at your brother. “My ten year old daughter,” Sam meets your gaze and you can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
You slowly nod your head.
“Well, technically not yet but I will be,” She says running a hand through her hair. “It’s nice to meet you,” Y/d/n says holding out her hand. Sam looks down at her and instantly begins to notice the resemblance. He slowly begins to smile and shakes her hand.
“I’m going to assume Dean is with you,” Sam looks back to you.
“And Bobby,” You smile at the mention of his name. “Come on, they’d love to see you,” 
“I’m not sure if love is the right word but they sure as hell will be shocked,” You say following after him. Sam grins a bit but doesn’t comment. “Y/d/n, I want you to stay behind me or by Sam, alright? I don’t know how Uncle Dean and Grandpa Bobby are going to react but don’t be scared. If it gets too much, step outside, alright?”
“Ok,” Y/d/n nods. You smile kissing the top of her head. Sam glances back at you and his niece. A fond smile coming to his lips.
“We’re in here,” Sam mutters opening the door. Dean doesn’t even glance up but Bobby does. The instant Bobby sees you he drops the beer he was holding.
“What the hell, Bobby?” Dean snips when some of it splashes on him.
“Use your eyes and look, boy,” Bobby snapped back. Dean looks at Bobby and then to you. You notice Dean pale.
“Hi, boys,” You whisper.
“What’re you doing here?” Dean asks, after a long silence.
“I came to see you Dean,” You tell him. Dean scoffs.
“What do you want?” He rephrases his words.
“Nothing,” You shake your head. “Sam called-”
“We both called,” Dean snapped. “Hundred of times we called,” You press your lips together. “Did you even listen to them?” He asks standing up.
“Every one of them,” You whisper.
“And you never thought to call back?” He growls stepping closer to you. “What about the time Sammy begged you to come back? What about when I begged? When I told you we needed you? Where the hell have you been?”
“Taking care of me,” Y/d/n speaks up. Dean’s head snaps over to her. You look at her as well. She looks nervous but you smile proudly as she puts on a brave face and walks up to Dean. She looked scared but she didn’t waver as she stopped in front of your angry brother. “I’m Y/d/n... and I’m ten... almost,” 
Dean stares at her, his mind processing everything. He slowly looks from her, to you, back to her. She shifts a bit but continues to look strong.
“It’s my fault she had to leave,” She continues.
“Baby-” You try to interrupt but she wont let you.
“I don’t know the whole story but I know she misses you and Uncle Sammy and Grandpa John and Grandpa Bobby a lot,” You glance at Bobby. The old geezer has tears in his eyes as she says ‘Grandpa Bobby’. “She told me all about the pranks you would pull together and how you would all look after each other. She would tell me stories every night. She wanted to go back to you but she wouldn’t because of me...” She whispers.
“Y/d/n, we talked about this,” You say, slowly turning your daughter to face you. “None of this is your fault, ok? I love you and I don’t blame you a bit because it’s not your fault. Yes, I missed my brothers and your grandpas but I love you so much that I would stay away. There’s so much you don’t know still and I’ll tell you when you get a little older but-”
“It was safer for you two to stay away,” Dean whispers. You glance at your brother. He’s staring at you. “She just wanted to protect you, she did what she had to do. She was always good at doing the right thing,” You smile a bit.
“There’s a few things I could have done differently,” You shrugged.
“A text would have been nice,” Sam muttered and you smiles a bit.
“How about letters?” You ask. Y/d/n pulls a large stack of letters out of her bag. “They’re addressed to all of you,” You say tearing up. “There’s some for dad too but...” You sniffle a bit.
“You’re here,” Dean whispers, disbelief clouding his eyes. You glance at him. For a moment you’re looking at teenage Dean.
“And I’m safe,” You smile a bit. Dean’s smile widens just a bit. “I just have to figure out a way to keep you safe... Can’t leave you boys alone for a second,” You tease tearfully. Dean smiles and pulls you into a tight hug. Sam comes up to you as well and you wrap your arms around your little, yet taller, brothers. “I love you both so much,” You whisper.
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yoonjinkooked · 3 years
Chemistry | JHS (6 (pt 1))
Part 6 - Just Do It
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(pls ignore my old URL, i’m too lazy to change it now RIP)
Pairing: Hoseok / Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: FWB, university AU, smut
Warnings: blonde Hobi (yes, that’s a dang warning), heaps of dirty talk, public groping, lots of sex discussion, them being responsible adults and getting tested before doing it, cursing, drinking. It ends on a bit of a cliff hanger cause this is just an intro of the smut fest that the next chapter will be Also, IMPORTANT: the ‘Spring Cleaning’ party that I am describing is fictional (that I know of at least) and I BEG OF YOU, please don’t mix your drinks. Just don’t. It won’t end well. Don’t mix drinks, don’t drink and drive, don’t drink what a random person gives you and never ever ever leave sight of your glass. Please. Drink responsibly and stay the f away from it if you are underaged. That also means you need to stay the f away from this story, too 💜
Word Count: 3k
Summary: After a few years of being immune to Jung Hoseok’s charms, you suddenly fall into them, head first. All it takes is one night, too much alcohol and a lot of balls.
A/N: Again, DRINK RESPONSIBLY! The smut fest part 2 is coming super fast (no pun intended). Unedited, so please forgive me, I needed to get this shit out to you and i just need more Hobi. these are drabbles after all lol
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“I’m clean,” Hoseok informs you with the widest grin possible. “Got the results emailed this morning. 100% clean and ready.” 
 You don’t register his words at all - first of all, he had startled you, appearing directly in front of your path, probably seeing you from afar, making your way to the study hall where the first class of your day takes place. And on top of that, you are way too shocked with his appearance to even bother understanding the words he was telling you. 
 “You’re… you’re blonde,” you mumble as you stare at his hair, wondering if it’s your mind playing tricks on you. Sunlight makes hair lighter, doesn’t it? It doesn’t make it almost platinum, though. Looking him over, you realize that nothing else has changed - still the same height, still the same weight, still his signature casual but colorful clothing - but the blonde is there and it’s magnetic - it’s impossible to look at anything else before your eyes are glued to his new hairstyle again. It suits him so damn well. If someone had told you he’d look this good blonde, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
 “Oh, yeah,” he waves his hand off, laughing, as if it’s a completely irrelevant thing. Honestly, to him it might be, but not to you. “More importantly, I am clean,” he repeats his earlier words and this time around, you do get to properly register them, as well as the meaning behind them. Clean. Safe to have sex. No worries in that department. You should be overjoyed but not only are you still hypnotized by his sudden change of looks, you’re also refusing to focus on that particular information. 
 It’s weird - you did stuff, discussed even more, agreed on everything. You blushing at him informing you that it’s finally safe for him to fuck you and finish inside you is weird. 
 “You’re blonde,” is all you can say, and it earns you an eye roll from Hoseok. 
 “Oh come on Y/N,” he whines. “If you’re going to be like this just take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
 “Hey!” you snap, smacking him on the shoulder in retaliation, which only makes him laugh. “Have mercy on me here, give me a moment to get used to this new look of yours. If I showed up with a completely different hair color, would you be able to focus on anything else?” you demand, absolutely positive that he’d be equally as lost as you are. 
 “If you telling me that you’re clean and we can finally fuck, yeah, I wouldn’t be focusing on hair, even if it had all the colors of the rainbow in it,” he answers honestly. 
 “Okay, okay, we get it, we’re on the same page - you’re stupidly hot, clean and want to fuck,” you laugh at him, although you would be a fool to deny that it’s getting to you - the way he is so upfront about liking you and being attracted to you is impossible to ignore - it makes you feel a lot more confident than you have felt in a long while. 
 “Oh Y/N, you know me so well,” he acts as if he’s genuinely touched and it’s this reaction that makes you melt and laugh. No matter the hair color, no matter how casual he references his intention to get his dick inside you, it’s Hoseok. And that’s all that matters. “Seriously though, we both have our results so whenever you’re ready, if you’re still up for it…” he doesn’t finish the sentence but the raise of his eyebrow says it all. 
 “I’m not missing out on that piece of ass if that’s what concerns you,” you joke, looking him up and down as you speak. It’ll never cease to amaze you how he can whisper the dirtiest things to you, or even say them casually out loud, but turn as red as a tomato when you do the same thing. “What are you doing tonight, do you have any plans?” you ask. 
 “Aren’t you going to Namjoon’s?” he frowns in confusion. “Spring Cleaning party season?” he reminds you and starts laughing immediately, probably at your look of realization mixed in with disgust. “Is this about Namjoon or about the Spring Cleaning party season?” he laughs. 
 What you guys refer to as spring cleaning is exactly what it sounds like - all the leftover alcohol that somehow managed to survive the past year is gathered in one place in the ‘bring-your-own-booze’ manner. It’s usually a mixture of hideous drinks and half empty bottles and once it’s all gathered, you make it even worse, combining it into borderline poisonous mixtures. Everyone attending and everyone drinking does so on their own responsibility, fully aware of how the night might end. 
 A year ago, it was still fun. Now, you know you’re too old for that shit. 
 “It’s about both,” you answer Hobi’s question in a whine. “I don’t wanna deal with wasted frat boys who’ll spend half the night throwing up and Namjoon is insufferable.” 
 “Namjoon is one of your best friends,” Hobi laughs. 
 “I know - that’s why I’m well aware of how insufferable he is,” you grunt in annoyance. “I know it’s tradition and all but can we skip all of that? Coochie in exchange for avoiding a party we’re too old for anyways?” you suggest. 
 “Wait,” Hoseok’s eyes widen and you can imagine a lightbulb turning on above his head. “You think Namjoon’s insufferable?” 
 “Incredibly so, yes.” 
 “And you want to make his life a living hell in retaliation?” he continues asking. 
 “Absolutely,” you reply in a heartbeat, despite loving Namjoon like he was your family. You adore him but you cannot stand him at times and ever since this little thing with Hoseok had started, he had not stopped teasing you. It’s time for him to suffer. 
 “Hear me out,” Hoseok moves closer to you, as if he is about to share a conspiracy theory that no one except you is allowed to know about. “How about we go to the party and stay there a bit - laugh at the idiots, dance to bad music - just a regular Thursday. And then, when the shitshow starts, and it will start, we go upstairs and seal the deal?” 
 “You want us to fuck in Namjoon’s house?” you start laughing. 
 “Is there anything that would annoy and traumatize him more than knowing two of his closest friends fucked in his house?” he points out. 
 “Yeah, if he walks in,” you burst out laughing. “Honestly, sold. Fuck it.” 
 “I plan to,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you in the most sleazy manner possible - jokingly, of course. He knows he has you hooked and he can play around with it. And you’ll love it. 
 “Ugh, stop doing that,” you laugh, smacking him on the shoulder again. “Don't try too hard, you already have me, blondie.” 
 “I look that good, huh?” he laughs, hitting the bullseye. 
 You don’t answer that question - you offer him nothing more than a smile and a shrug before you slowly walk past him and make your way to a class you’re probably already late for. He knows you enough to realize that to you, yes, he does look that good. And you cannot wait to find out what other things he can do to you, hoping that the movie is as promising as the trailer was. 
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  Standing across the room, Hoseok keeps his eyes glued to you, the same way he did from the moment you entered the house. You aren’t hiding from it either - you make direct eye contact with him, smiling in a knowing manner as you listen to whatever it is that Taehyung was yapping on about. You tried to listen - you really did, at first. But the problem is that Hoseok’s very presence demands your attention - it’s something you can’t control. If he’s around, if he’s in the room and if you have this feeling of the two of you alone knowing something, knowing this secret about what’s going to happen tonight - no one else stands a chance, not even your friends.
 “Are you seriously ogling Hoseok while I’m asking you for relationship advice?” Taehyung sounds exasperated and you feel guilty - even more so when you realize that the only reason he did manage to get your attention was because he had mentioned his name. 
 “Ugh, I’m so sorry Tae,” you don’t try to defend yourself, knowing you’re guilty as charged. “My mind is a mess, I’m a useless friend. I just… can’t focus on anything else,” you admit sheepishly, not really wanting to go into details. They know that something is happening and that’s it. You don’t want to share more, neither does Hoseok, nor do you think any of your friends is particularly thirsty for details. Except perhaps Jimin, but tough luck for him. 
 “Then go!” Tae urges you and for a moment, you think that he is angry at you - the urgency with which he said it makes you wonder if he’s pissed with you for not listening to him carefully - but when you look up at him, you see his signature smile. He’s not angry - he’s cheering you on. “Go and get your guy!” 
 You want to  sigh, roll your eyes and remind him that Hoseok is not your guy - but in a weird, fucked up way that only you and him understand, he kind of is. It’s you he’s looking at - not any other girl, and there are plenty. It’s you he’s had his eyes on ever since he first saw you - it’s you he’s waiting for. 
 So you go for it - the same way you did the night it all started. Without thinking twice about it, you approach him, walking through a crowd of people to get to him - his eyes follow you every step of the way, standing straighter as you finally get to him, mere inches separating the two of you. 
 It’s electric. The feeling between the two of you, it’s purely electric, making you wonder if he’d burn to the touch if you were to reach out. In your mind, he always was the epitome of the Sun, so it wouldn’t be no surprise. You notice his smile despite not breaking eye contact - he smiles at you with them too, the signature wrinkles appearing on the edges. 
 “Well, don’t you look lovely tonight,” he tells you, giving you a quick once over. “Black has always suited you.” 
 “Now’s the time when I say something quirky yet charming like, ‘it matches my soul’,” you joke, laughing along with him. “Thank you - I had to dress in my finest, seeing as it’s a special occasion after all.” 
 “Is it?” he laughs. “I thought it was just a Spring Cleaning party.” 
 “Hoseok…” you shoot him a warning glare. 
 “I’m just messing with you,” he laughs, pointing out the obvious. “Can I… kiss you?” 
 This question takes you by surprise - you have decided to be public with whatever the hell this thing is - simply to avoid confusion, especially since you’ve agreed that you won’t be sleeping with other people while this deal of yours is standing. It’s a nice surprise, though - the fact that he still wants to ask, the fact that he is making sure that you are comfortable with it - whether it’s with the kiss itself or it being in public. It warms your heart to know that even though you had never planned any of this with him, he ended up being the right choice. 
 “Hobi, honestly, we’re past the point where you need to ask,” you admit, wanting him to know that you’re not going to back out and that you do feel comfortable. 
 He says nothing, instead deciding to kiss you immediately. It’s slow and gentle, lazy and languid, in a way that shows no rush or urgency. It’s obvious that he is enjoying it, and so are you, every move of his tongue against yours, every breath of yours that mingles with his. To the two of you, the rest of the room no longer exists - the sounds toned out, the people long forgotten. It’s almost as if it’s you and you alone - and the rest of the world doesn’t matter. You move your body closer to his, anchoring your hands around his neck as you press against his front - as you have found out, making out with Hoseok has plenty of merits, and one of the bigger ones is simply the feel of his body against yours. 
 His hands wander, slowly and likely aware of the audience around you - it’s highly unlikely that anyone spared you more than a glance, but despite what it feels like in your mind, you are definitely not alone. So when his fingers graze your ass, he doesn’t grab it firmly like you know he’d like to - he simply rests his hand there, with pressure that promises that there’s more in his mind than a simple touch. You know very well that if the two of you don’t slow down soon, he’ll pop a boner in the middle of Namjoon’s kitchen and even though you’re hardly keeping this a secret, that would likely be a bit too much for him to handle. 
 With your mind heading in that direction, you begrudgingly stop the kiss, but you don’t move too far away from him - your hands still around his neck and his hands still on your ass. For what seems like minutes, neither of you says a word, simply looking at each other, your eyes scanning the face of the other - the way his lips are wet and how he nervously licks at them, the way his cheeks also changed shades (and you know alcohol is not to blame for it) and the glint in his eye that likely mirrors yours, with both of you knowing what’s in the other one’s head. Tonight is the night, the night you will finally seal the deal. 
 And if all goes well, start something that will make you explore things and areas you dared not speak of, much less try them before. All of it, from the sweetest and most romantic to the nastiest, kinkiest shit imaginable - you want to do it all with him and it’ll start tonight. 
 “So...” You start, in what you hope is a sexy voice. “Are we going to go and piss Joon off by fucking in his house?” you ask, making sure that the sexy voice you’re trying to use is also low enough for no one else but him to hear. You take it a step further, pressing your lips to his ear, whispering. “I want to suck you off before I ride you until I can no longer hold myself up. Then, I want you to fuck into me with all that strength you have and fill me up, watch the cum drip out of me and then watch me finger it back inside my cunt.” 
 Pulling away just in time to see him swallow a lump, you move one of your hands from around his neck, down his chest and stomach, very slowly, before grazing it over his already noticeable growing dick - you don’t tease him more than that, knowing that even though you might not feel them, you likely do have eyes on you by now - you simple careers the area where his jeans are starting to stand out, a sign of his eagerness that completely mirrors the way your underwear is sticking to your core. Both of you are horny as all hell and if you don’t act on it soon, you’ll jump his bones right here, right now, on Joon’s kitchen sink. 
 “How ‘bout I use my fingers to push the cum back inside you and when it dribbles out again, I eat you out until you want to scream my name but you can’t, ‘cause you’re sucking on my fingers, licking every drip of cum left on them?” he suggests and you for a second, you think your knees are going to give out and you’ll fall flat. You don’t, likely because he still has his hands pressed to your backside. 
 “Oh, I’d want nothing more,” you shamelessly admit. 
 “Then we’re not doing it here,” he announces, laughing at the immediate sulky reaction it elicited from you. “Don’t be like that, it’s better if we go to my place,” he chuckles at you, gently squeezing your butt. “I want us to enjoy the night, go for as many rounds as our bodies can take and then do it again in the morning. We can’t have that here while some freshman is doing a keg stand and anyone can walk in on us at any second. We can piss Joon off later - but it’s the first time we’re gonna do it and damn it, I wanna do it right.” 
 “You wanna do it right?” your eyebrows rise. 
“I could stand here all night and list all the things that I want to do to you, and you to me, and still remember more on the way home - and we’ve already discussed a bunch. I want to treat you good and give you the best fuck of your life - I promised as much and I want to deliver. We can fuck in Joon’s house any other day, honestly.” 
 “Do you want to… use something tonight?” you ask, pressing your hand against his crotch a little bit harder this time. “I have some toys back at my place but we won’t be alone there.” 
 “Nah,” he shakes his head immediately. “I have my cock, mouth and fingers - I don’t need much else to make you want to never do anyone else. We’ll have plenty of time for all the toys - and when I say all, I mean all. I’d go for anything with you.” 
 “If you keep talking like that, I’m just going to cum right here, right now,” you admit. 
 “While that would be a sight for sore eyes, I have other plans. Let’s go,” he takes you by the hand and away you go, making your way through the crowd, not caring if anyone notices how quickly you’re leaving or how you’re walking hand in hand. 
 You simply don’t give a shit, at all. All you care about is Hoseok right now - his dick, mouth and fingers and all the things he plans to do with them. 
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