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peapod20001 · 2 years ago
there's this venomified drag queen from the web weaver (the Gay(tm) spiderman) comics... she is so shirley to me
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She really boots’d the house down realness sis *sassy snap* *tongue pop*
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nochangeintheplan · 10 months ago
hiii! just want to say how happy I was to find your page. it seems like everywhere on the internet (except tumblr- but even then I've seen some hate) DESPISES yakuza 3.. like they won't even acknowledge the good the game has. is it the best? no! but they would sooner brush off the plot the game set up and the amazing characters to say it's ass and looks bad, just say ur going through a quality drop from yakuza kiwami 2. yakuza 3 brought us MORNING GLORY. THE PLACE THAT IS KIRYUS MAIN MOTIVE?? like it's the whole reason kiryu went into hiding.. it set up the future games. (also humanized him soo much but that's a topic for another day) THEN I CAME ACROSS THIS PAGE! your love for this game clearly shows through your introspective art and beautiful ask blog! I spent ab a whole night going through ur page gushing bc 'omg someone who writes mine and daigo correctly! and doesnt make mine's ONLY character trait about being obsessed with daigo!!' keep up the amazing work!! I also look forward to seeing your other works that are unrelated to yakuza! have a wonderful day!
(In case u see this ask again somewhere else I sent it to the wrong blog at first LOL)
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Thank you so much for sendin in your ask! I'm really glad you've enjoyed the stuff I've been throwing up on the internet about my favorite little guys.
And yeah, for a good while in most fan spaces people had a pretty big dislike for Y3, and I think a lot of it just comes down to fandom bandwagoning dissuading people from playing it or giving it much of a chance. Right now actually I've seen somewhat of a shift in some spaces where suddenly 3 is underrated and people are apparently (?) dogging on 2 where it used to be considered peak. It's all cyclical really, but I'm glad when 3 gets the attention I feel it deserves.
I do understand where people's dislike comes from honestly, but it is definitely my personal favorite! For all its faults, I think it has some of the strongest character moments of the games, personal stakes, and drama, with stellar animation that more than makes up for the older graphics that might put some people off. And of course, Mine lmao. I can't say how right I am in how I characterize Mine and Daigo since I'm sure I fall pretty short of even my own standards of how I see them (and am guilty of simplifying them because its funny lm ao), but I'm happy folks like my take on the guys! I have A LOT OF THOUGHTS on these dudes (obviously) which I'd love to write up sometime. I have an ask about my Minedai HCs where I will probably dump it, but that and a lot of asks have been put on the backburner until I get the time to address them all to the extent I want to.
If you wanna look at my non-yakuza stuff, I have a main which I basically do not use; but it does exist!
Anyway, thank you again for writing in! I really do appreciate it a ton, and I love all the lil things y'all send me.
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txgoldn · 6 years ago
YoonMin Fic Rec #3
neon bright, train headlights by sugahikikomori
Every night, Jimin spends his train commute home from uni with a well-dressed stranger in a mask. They always end up beside one another, until one day, when the train is particularly crowded, Jimin can’t help but have his bum teasingly pressed up against the man’s front.
Language:English Words:6,460 Chapters:1/1
if i saw you on the street, would i have you in my dreams tonight? by sugahikikomori
Jimin tells himself that it's too late to find his soulmate. He abandons the prospect of someone being out there for him and turns to people online through his camboy livestreams.
Except, Yoongi very much exists. And he's been waiting a lot longer.
Or, Yoongi believes that soulmates belong to one another, and Jimin shows his body to everyone else.
Language:English Words:16,630 Chapters:1/1
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty by sugahikikomori
“Didn’t they tell you, hyung, I passed all of my exams. I know what I’m doing.”
Passively, Jimin extends his arm, his hand brushing Yoongi’s thigh, though he doesn’t have much of a grip and lets his arm fall. He looks distraught over this.
Yoongi knows that he has to say it, has to make himself clear to prevent any further anguish on Jimin’s behalf, even if it might only inspire more.
“Jimin, I didn’t buy you to have sex.”
or, Yoongi's buys a kitten hybrid to be less sad and promises himself and everyone else that it's strictly platonic. Jimin ends up being a lot more work than he expected.
Language:English Words:27,953 Chapters:2/2
Dick Picturesque by pornographicpenguin
youre pretty cute tho also why were u sendin some dude who u never texted before nudes that’s like a really bad idea u shold be smarter i’m drunk
Language:English Words:12,524 Chapters:17/17
Got Milk? by pornographicpenguin
"I just, um — " Jimin starts, as if Yoongi's hesitation is permission for him to keep speaking, which Yoongi supposes it is. "I just — you know, I know, I just didn't know you — you know. And it's not, um, I don't — you know, I know it's weird, I just, uh — you know. Um."
A beat passes. "No," Yoongi says.
Jimin stiffens. He looks a bit like he's been slapped.
Yoongi shifts, digging his fingers into Jimin's wrists. "I mean — no, I don't know." He stares at Jimin for a long, long moment. “I have no fucking clue what you’re trying to say to me.”
Language:English Words:16,864 Chapters:2/2
Burn It Up by pornographicpenguin
"Hey," Yoongi says. "It's okay, what's up?"
"I — " Jimin stutters. "They — I dunno, hyung, I don’t — I think they might have fucked up my dosage or — I don't — " His voice cracks and he swallows, a little involuntary noise spilling out of his mouth as he tries to catch his breath.
Yoongi's eyes widen in realization, something cold and numb slithering around his heart and squeezing so tight he feels like he’s suffocating.
"I think I'm in — "
Language:English Words:22,395 Chapters:2/2
Lavender Mochi by glaux_03
A burglary is easy enough, Jimin thinks. You get in, you get the most valuable stuff without waking anyone and then you get out, never to be seen again. For some reason, though, Jimin is woken in the middle of the night by the alpha that has broken into his home. Who apparently didn’t think it was necessary to cover up his scent or take anything valuable, only stealing Mochi, Jimin’s ancient childhood plushie. To make it worse Jimin keeps running into the scent and its owner everywhere. But at least the thief had the decency to bring Mochi back to him- Wait, what?
Or how Park Jimin finds his true mate by the theft of his favorite plushie.
Language:English Words:20,910 Chapters:1/1
After Hours by yoonminology
Jimin has hated Yoongi ever since he could remember.
Yoongi has always thought there was some deep reasoning behind it as the omega was always short and unresponsive to him.
Truth be told, Park Jimin doesn't really hate Yoongi. What he hates is the fact that the alpha had rejected him back in kindergarten when he was just four years old.
Language:English Words:52,826 Chapters:5/5
Assist and Protect by autumnjade
Yoongi comes across an omega in heat on his way home from work. He protects him from the leering alphas in the train car. The omega ends up following him home, and changing his life forever.
Sneak Peek:
“Hey, how’re you doing, Jimin?” he asks softly. The omega seems to like his tone, arching his back and staring heavily at him with his mouth hanging open. His shirt rides up to reveal his smooth stomach. Yoongi automatically reaches to tug it back down. The gesture is simply routine; when they come across omegas in heat on shifts, their instructions are to Cover, Assist, and Protect. Cover up bare skin. Assist the omega in getting hydration and staying as comfortable as possible. Protect the omega from other alphas or potential unwanted sexual activity.
Language:English Words:5,911 Chapters:1/1
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vitalpen · 7 years ago
Been a rough week and I wanna write
So here, enjoy this story that I’m literally writing for the first time in this post, giving myself like an hour tops and then posting it no matter where it stop.
Artie hadn’t been seen in three days.  It didn’t look good for anyone when an enforcer was gone for that long.  Boss was uderstandably annoyed, but Artie “Bronze” Meddler was a good man with strong loyalties, he wouldn’t just go AWOL without a real good reason.  So Louie was sent to find him.  Louie wasn’t the biggest guy around, in fact he barely broke five feet.  But he was tenacious and no afraid to stab a son of a bitch if he got mouthy.  Above all, the people up top trusted him.  Artie trusted him.
So when his rhythmic knock on the door was immediately greeted with a “come in”, something felt off.  He was about to consider the idea that artie was dead, when a the deep voice came slowly through the door, “Whossere?”
“Artie, it’s Lou, Boss is ready start sendin’ out posses, where you been?”
The voice was strained, “Look, I know I got a lot to explain, but a lot of shit went down last week.  I had to some stuff to take care of.”
“What stuff?”  Lou asked, unsatisfied with the explanation.
No answer.
“What stuff, Artie?”  He pressed.  “And will you let me in so I’m not talkin’ through the door?”
““O... okay.  But you gotta promise to listen to me before you go sayin’ anything.”
That raised alarms, but they weren’t getting anywhere like this.  “Alright, fine.”
The locks on the door were undone and Art slowlly pulled the door open.
The first thing Louie noticed was Art.  He looked like hell.  He had bags under his eyes , his clothes were disheveled, he his face had multiple cuts and bruises.  The second thing he noticed was Art’s place.  It was clean, or the floors and tables were cleared at least.  It was the neatest he’d ever seen it.   The thing and final thing was the little girl bundled up in a blanket on his couch.
He squinted at the little girl, then looked back at Artie, then back at the girl, then back at Artie.  “Holy shit!”  It was the only response that felt right.
“Hey, don’t swear in front of her!”  Artie snapped.
“Artie,” Lou began, ignoring the scolding.
“Now, Lou, you said you would listen,” the big man reminded him.
“Artie, what the fuck is this!?”
“Hey, I said no swearing in front of the kid!”
“Why is there even a kid to be in front of!?”
“That’s why I wanted you to listen,” Art tried to explain.  On the couch, the little girl shifted uncomfortably, pulling her legs into her arms underneath the blanket.
“Do you have any idea how this looks?!”  Artie didn’t get the chance to answer, “The answer’s bad, Art; real bad!”
“There ain’t nothin’ bad here.  If you just let me explain-”
“You have a small child in the home of a known mob enforcer.  The cops are gonna get Christmas early if they find out about this.  Kidnapping is the best thing they can pin on you, especially with your history-”
“LOUIE!” The boom of the big man’s voice rose far above anything Louie could manage.  The little girl’s hand shot from the folds of her cover to her ears, cringing.  The two men held each other’s gaze for a moment.  “Can I talk now?”
“Fine,” Louie replied without breaking the glare.
“Alright, first things first,” Artie turned back to the kid and put on a softer face.  “Hey, kiddo, you alright?”
She nodded, but the expression contradicted.
“I’m sorry.  I’ll warn you next time.”
She nodded more vigorously in agreement.
With that, Artie turned back to Louie.
“I didn’t kidnap her, she’s not a...” he paused, looked back at the girl, and leaned in close to Louie, speaking in low tone, “p-r-o-s-t-i-t-u-t-e.”
Louie rolled his eyes as Artie straightened.
“I’m just taking care of her,” he concluded.
“Just taking care of her, huh?”  Lou raised an unconvinced eyebrow at him.
“Yeah,” Art broke eye contact and headed for the couch, sitting on the opposite side of the kid.  Louie took the easy chair just next to it.
“So where’d she come from?”
Artie looked over at the girl, who was enraptured in the TV.  “You wouldn’t believe me.”
“Probably not, try me anyway.”
Artie shook his head.
“C’mon, have I ever not heard you out?  Ever?”
The bigger man sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose  “Remember that meteor shower a few nights back?”
The look Louie gave him was nearly enough to make Artie laugh.  The little man didn’t answer for a minute.  He finally took a good look to focus on the girl.  The bridge of her nose was more prnounced than any other he’d ever seen.  Her eyebrows both curled up on the outside edges.
“Yeah Lou?”
“I need a favor.”
“What’s that Lou?”  There was no grin on Artie’s face, but he had the half closed eyes and pursed lips that said “go ahead, give me the chance to be condescending.”
“I need you to not tell me that kid is a space alien.”
Art rubbed the back of his head.  “That’s gonna be tough Lou, cuz I think she’s a space alien.”
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