#are they running barefoot? do they wear sandals?
fisheito · 3 months
now that i've seen the DIK fight island obstacle course and how it's. a course. not just them swimming all day makes me wonder who would do best at running through sand. bc you gotta have a technique. or a certain kinda muscle built up. sand is difficult terrain but by pitting garu-dante-quin against each other... hmmm... that's tricky bc they ARE pretty evenly matched. a trio of athletic little lads
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luveline · 6 months
That family holiday kbd was soo cute😭
Can we get a blurb about playing at the resort’s pool with Steve and the kids? 🫶🏻
kbd — the harrington’s go poolside !! mom!reader, 1.4k
“Can we hold hands?” Beth asks. 
You throw your hand out to her showfully. She giggles as she takes it, rejuvenated after a good night's sleep and a huge breakfast from the buffet. You and Steve are probably happier about her gorging than she is; it’s never a bad day when Bethie eats well. 
Steve holds a toddling Dove’s hand, leaning down to accommodate her tiny stature, while Avery walks just ahead. “It’s gonna be fun, bubby,” Steve’s saying, “I promise.” 
Dove’s been to the pool a couple of times, but never for long. Last time she’d been in Steve’s arms for the whole session, while you shepherded Beth, and Avery played water games with her Aunt Robin. You’re a little scared to be taking them now with just the two of you, but Steve reassured you that everyone would be perfectly safe in the kids pool under both your supervision and the lifeguards, and you tend to trust his judgement. 
You leave the hotel lobby and step out into the resort’s back, white concrete and bright green sections of grass cut by paths that lead down to the pools and water features. Steve shouts for Avery to stay close, your oldest girl gasping with excitement as you draw near the pool and families already swimming in the sun. Her flip-flops slap the ground. 
“Mom, it’s too sunny,” Bethie whines. 
“This is why we all have hats. Do you want a hat?” 
“No.” She frowns. “I can’t see.” 
“You can’t see?” you ask. “I might have something that can help. Let’s just get to some seats and I’ll show you.”  
There are rows of blue plastic chairs and sun loungers outfitted with tables near the kiddie pool, more further down toward the adult pool. Families have already set up in places, but there’s plenty of room for you, your family, and your huge baby bag. 
Steve hoists Dove onto a sun lounger. Avery next, though she stays standing, her excitement catching. A sprinkler shaped like a flower rains generous streams of water down onto a laughing little girl and her mother. Avery watches them over Steve’s shoulder. “Can we swim? Please, dad, I want to go under the sprinkler!”
“Yeah. Let’s take your nice dress off first, sweetheart, put your arms up. Up, up!” 
She holds up her arms for Steve to help her out of her dress. You and Beth take the sunlounger opposite, where she’s quick to climb into your lap, hiding her face from the sun. 
You knew Beth wouldn’t wear a hat. She hates them, just like she hates flip flops, sandals, and any shoes without socks. Luckily she’s fine to go barefoot from here —you begin to untie her laces. “I have something new for us to try. I think you’re gonna love it, but maybe you won’t, I don’t know.” 
“What is it?” 
You unzip the bag and pull out a round blue container. It clicks open, unveiling a toddler-sized pair of sunglasses made of a strange soft plastic. 
“You can match daddy,” you sing-song, attempting to entice her. “And keep your eyes away from the sun.” 
“Will they stay on when I swim?” she asks. 
“Maybe not, but I’ve got you goggles for swimming. Are you ready to swim? Or are we gonna sit here for a bit in the sun?” 
Avery jumps down off of the sunlounger. The skirt of her swimsuit bounces as she runs to you, hands vying for your bag. “Mom, I want goggles too.” 
“I got you some, don’t worry. Let daddy do it. He has to make them smaller on your head.”
Steve outfits Avery in her goggles, and takes Dove’s dress off to leave her in her swimsuit (or scuba suit). Beth doesn’t wanna swim yet, but you take her dress off and begin the long process of covering each child in SPF. 
“There,” you say, wiping a smudge of sunscreen from Avery’s arm down into her hand. “Tada! You’re now safe from the sun.” 
“I love the sun.” 
“I know, but the sun doesn’t love us. It gets too hot.” 
“That’s why we have to drink.” 
“Exactly, baby, exactly.” You frame her face with your hands. “Hey, you look beautiful today. You do! Look at your lovely smile, so pretty, better let me have a little kiss.” 
“Mommy,” she giggles. 
“Just a little one, Avey, just one–” You kiss her cheek twice, one near her nose and the other her ear, before pulling her in for a slightly slimy hug. The sun warms the back of your neck, and her shoulders are warm where your arms slide over them. 
“That was two,” Steve says. 
“You rat,” you say, grinning as he leans down to hug you from behind. 
“Better give me one to make it even,” he says in your ear.
“Don’t think that’s how it works.” 
He gives you a quick kiss. “Hey, Dove! Babe, where are you going?” 
“Guess we better get in,” he says, thumb in your shoulder and then suddenly gone as he chases your waddling barely-toddler before she can get too far away. 
“Ready, Beth?” you ask. 
“You’re coming in?” she asks you. 
“Yeah, I’m coming in,” you say, forcing a smile. 
You've had three babies. You know you don’t look like you did when you and Steve first met, don’t look like somebody you’d see on TV or in the background of a Madonna video. He sees you naked all the time and he’s never had any complaints (the opposite, always), but these people aren’t used to you. You have a doughy stomach and the baby weight sticks to your chest and thighs; you’re so worried you’ll be judged for how you look you start to resent yourself for not trying to fix it. 
You pull your dress over your head hesitantly. 
An immediate wolf whistle echoes from the poolside. 
Steve’s ankle deep in the kids shallows, his fingers still in his mouth, the other arm wrapped around Dove. The sun turns his hair a dirty blonde, his mild tan lightened. 
“Steve, don’t,” you scorn, immediately flustered at the attention it draws. 
“That’s my wife,” Steve says to Avery, unaffected. 
You grab Bethie, kiss her under the chin, and try to act like you aren’t embarrassed as you meet them in the water. 
“Well hello, gorgeous,” he says, grabbing for you, not quite reaching. 
The water’s cold. “Stop, Steve.” 
“You’re so beautiful, come here, I need a kiss.” 
“Seriously?” he asks. 
You hug Beth. “Maybe one more.” 
“Mom, you’re beautiful!” Avery shouts. 
“Yeah, mom, you’re beautiful,” Beth says. 
Steve smirks from over Dove’s head. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” 
You and Steve kneel in the pool. The water isn’t that deep at its deepest, and the girls can stand without being submerged. Avery and Bethie hold hands under the sprinkler flower to stop from either girl getting lost, while you and Steve watch with Dove held in his arms. “How’s that, Dovey? Are you having fun?” you ask saccharinely. 
Steve sighs. “You really are so, so beautiful.” 
“Daddy’s feeling silly,” you say to Dove, “he doesn’t get it.” 
“I get it.” 
“You don’t think people wonder what you’re doing with me?” you ask, mostly joking, ninety percent as you give your stomach a self-deprecating squeeze. “You look like you're still twenty-two.” 
“No I don’t. I used to have abs.” 
You push through the water to poke his lean stomach. “Feels solid to me,” you say. 
He laughs and pulls away from you. His eyes dart between you and the girls, softened with his laughing, “Get off of me, you rascal.” 
You laugh worse. 
Steve’s predictable. He makes sure Dove is alright floating in the water with his one hand on her back before he leans across to kiss you, a wet hand to your collar, his lips persistent as he pecks you twice, three times. “Love you, pretty girl,” he says. 
You flush with heat from your face to your fingertips. That’s a rare one. “I love you too.” 
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Which Link do you think would wear sandals? Wild for sure, and Hyrule probably. Legend would probably wear one if he have to, tbh I think he'd do pretty much anything if he have to, but he won't like it. And I think quite a few would be horrified by them, but I'm wondering who would have the strongest opinion.
On the topic of footwear, Four would be so attached to steel capped boots. Protects your toes from dropped tools AND destroys (other's) ankles in a single kick? Yes please.
WIND, he comes from an island i know the others have to force boots onto him in order to protect his feet. I headcanon he prefers sandals or to just run around barefoot, but that’s not the best idea when on rocky terrain or in a forest, so he does have closed toe shoes but he doesn’t like them very much. he definitely hates the texture of socks too
I could see Sky wearin’ sandals but not super often, Twi too
Warriors I think would be against the idea of any form of footwear that wasn’t boot-like because how is he supposed to hide a knife or dagger in a sandal? (dont let him think too hard about it, he’ll find a way)
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helloabominacion · 2 years
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QUERENCIA. (N) a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, the place where you are your most authentic self.
Paring ⇀ kukulkan, Namor x Alien!reader Summary ⇀ Something told you that this primitive planet could be the new start after your unfortunate past. But after living three years among humans who were distrustful and aggressive toward you, hopes were crushed like stepping on a snail. But after meeting a dangerous mythological legend and a girl obsessed with jewelry and marine animals, you thought this couldn't get worse.
A/N ⇀ i'm excited for this one cause it's gonna be multiple chapters instead of one shots fics. also i don't use the ' y/n 'e. my native language is not english so there might be some grammar errors! feel free to let me know if you see any! :)
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«… 🌟 … »
Everyone has a childhood memory that will come back to them. It doesn't matter if it was happy, sad, uncomfortable, or traumatic. You will never forget it, and your memory that, despite not being joyful, your conscious will remind you of it in difficult moments. You don't know if it's a cruel way of your brain to make you recall bitter memories, and it always does it out of the blue. You wish you could restart your brain sometimes, but that would require going to a hospital full of locals who are not very friendly with you.
You can't blame them, and you cannot hold ill feelings toward the local's villagers, with infinite beliefs that this world could offer you. You learned them when you discovered this planet. Similar to your home, with different structures and weather but an identical society. Although a bit primitive, how can planet Earth's habitants assume they are the only ones in space? With so many galaxies in space and massive planets, that cannot be compared to the sun. Oh, that splendid sun that your skin loved on the first day you arrived. Bathing in its warm rays, you were fascinated by its captivating sunsets and sunrises. You never got tired of those.
Your planet was not like this, covered by immense clouds that did not allow the sky to show, immense oceans but not as deep as the earth, and mountains. Your planet was known for using the minerals of the mountains and active volcanoes, using their energy to create life, and cultivating a beautiful culture that, from generation to generation, has passed through several decades.
Only to be eradicated by a madman.
A gloomy shadow fell on your gaze, a heavy exhalation flew from your nose, slumping against the hammock. A nightmare woke you up before your alarm went off, and you couldn't catch up on sleep afterward. So now you were gazing at the ocean, waiting for the sun to rise. Your hut was constructed out of the materials of your fallen ship and natural resources. Of course, you were inspired by the designs of the local Yucatecans.  
Three years have passed since you crashed on this planet, keeping a safe distance from civilization, although humans have their mutants, superheroes, and 'gods.' But with you, it was different. You still kept receiving indifferent looks, with fear or disgust. You weren't going to hide your body, it was impossible to conceal your pointy ears, and the idea of hiding your precious tail with some pants was ridiculous.
Your people do not hide.
With the first rays of the sun, you stood up from the hammock, ready to go to the town and work. Wearing an old red tank top, green cargo shorts up to the knee, and a pair of sandals. You don't need them, but they were a gift from a mother who saw you all barefooted in the streets, insisting and almost scolding you for not wearing footwear.
Your people don’t need to wear ‘shoes’, their feet were stronger and made to run in the forest and climb mountains. With your backpack prepared with your supplies and lunch, you headed to Progreso, starting another mundane cycle again with the humans.
With a glance over your shoulder, the soft breeze swayed the palms surrounding the hut, your home, which you glared at it. How can it be home to you if it's always empty? You prayed that would change soon.
The streets of Progreso were boasted with locals and tourists, excited to begin a new day to either work or explore. You marched the same road to avoid stares and strangers who dared to ask why you have a tail. You can handle children with sticky hands who are overcurious about your tail, but grown adults trying to touch your ears? That's a big no-no.
You work in a popular restaurant name El Pargo, but you were not a cook, a waitress, or a barista. None of that, you work in the back, receiving heavy cargo that no human could get off the delivery trucks. Sometimes the manager would send you to the dock to ensure their deliveries were safe, which confounded you. Did someone wanted to steal their shrimp and lobster?
Crime was common here, too common because people didn't seem bothered if someone was killed in the streets or kidnapped. Your people had their rules too, if you steal they cut off your hand, but those were radical times. You were wondering if that could help them. You took another bite of your guava, the juices dripping onto your handkerchief. It was your first break of the day, and you were observing the people go by the restaurant, families enjoying the sun and their sweets, and couples holding hands as they looked at each other in love. Some of your coworkers have pointed out and teased why you were observing like a hawk. Perhaps you like to analyze and imagine what if it was you walking in those shoes.
You beamed at the nickname and turned around to lock eyes with the owner, Maritza, with a vulgar mouth but a nurturing woman who likes to smoke those cigarettes twice a day. Throwing the rest of the fruit in a trash can and wiping your hands on the handkerchief, you asked what you can do for her.
“I need you to go the dock, el Peter y Chucho no vinieron andas crudos,” Maritza huffs as she texted her smartphone.  “Can you go there and give them a hand, Mija?   Shows those lazy bums some muscles, si?” Peter and Chucho have a hangover.
You nodded as you followed her to the back room to get your phone. “What are we receiving today?”
“Octopus, lobster y una cajota de huachinangos como te gustan!” Maritza winked in your direction as you tried to prevent those purple-manicured nails from poking your ribs, but you did beam at the idea of those delicious red fishes. They tasted so great with lemon, white rice, and boiled vegetables. It was the perfect meal.
“Andale, take the bike so you can get there faster, vamonos Shu!”
You caught the keys in midair, tail wagging as you grinned at her, nodded gratefully, and exited the half-full establishment. Maritza was in a good mood, allowing you to drive her motorcycle only happens once a year.  Your first time driving a bike, you almost drowned in the ocean along with it.  The engine's purr vibrated between your legs when you ignited the vehicle, and you started to drive on the poorly fixed street.  Trusting in your driving skills, it took about twenty minutes to get to where the local boats unload and where sometimes people liked to fish and release.
“What’re you doing here, fenomeno?” freak
“Can I at least remove the helmet?” You deadpan as you get off the bike muttering in your native language, ‘annoying little shit’
“What did you say?” Jose question with a glare.
Finally you paid attention to Maritza's son, the proclaimed future owner of the restaurant, scowled at you with disdain. He is a pubescent boy who hardly knows about the world, that's what Maritza told you, but you knew the boy had a hatred towards you, perhaps due to the lack of a father figure in his young life.
“I said, hi Jose, how are you today?” You smirked at him as you left the helmet on one of the handles. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“Because I’m already handling it, so I don’t need your help.”
“That’s not what your mother told me.” But before you could approach the dock steps, Jose stepped in the way.
“Como te lo dije fenomeno, I don’t need your help. So go the fuck away.” like I said freak.
Your pointy ears fold back, feeling the anger in your throat with the urge to smack him on the head. Insults never dishearten you. You've heard worse, but the resentment towards you. What did you do to deserve such treatment? When you took a threatening step and invaded his space, delight passed when you saw Jose shrink and your vibrant eyes scowled him down.
“If you don’t move, you’re going to force me to move you, boy.” You snarled quietly as your cat eyes like glared at him. Jose gulped and smirked nervously.
“If- if you touch me, I’ll call on you the police.”
 The weak threat made you huffed amusedly as you side-step him.  “As if anyone wants to touch your disgusting human body. I do not respond to threats, Jose. I make them. So, I suggest you change your attitude before something happens.”
And right away you went up the stairs, ignoring the angry words of Jose, who followed you, trying to have the last word. The waters of the pier were deep, and where no one dared to swim since there was no sand to step on. Your eyes found the boat with the restaurant logo, and you greeted some workers, some greeted you, and others gave a look that you didn't even care about and began to help them disembark. Quickly picking the heaviest box and putting it on the hand truck.
But how were you going to work with someone yapping down your neck?
“I could tell my mom that you said that to me! ¡Te despedirá si se lo digo!”
“Go for it.”
You hoped the impassive glare you sent over your shoulder could make him walk away, but he continued to complain. And you felt second-hand embarrassment since other bystanders were glancing at the young adult as if he was a nutcase, and he is, but Jose couldn’t care less. He wanted to speak his piece of mind.
“I will! And then you can get the fuck away from my home.”
“I didn’t know you own the whole state.”
“You know what I mean, pinche fenomeno!” fucking freak
Workers who watched the interaction shook their heads in disbelief, used to these childish tantrums from the young boy you believed. Finally, with the last heavy package set, a guy took away the hand truck to load on the car waiting at the end of the pier. The other male workers took this as a sign to breathe and sit on the boat while waiting for another hand truck.
“Ya dejala en paz Jose, estamos trabajando aquí.” Leave it alone Jose, we are working here
“Ya chamaco vete a perder a otra parte.” Alright kid, get lost somwehre else
Jose scowled at the workers in disbelief.  “Why are you letting this alien work with us? She doesn’t belong here!”
“Am I a freak or an alien? Pick up your damn mind.”  Your remark got a few chuckles from behind you as you faced Jose, tail wagging left and right, frustration bubbling to a fit of anger you might not be able to contain.
“You know what you are,” Jose sneered. “A fucking – “
“DEMONIO!”  Demon
Everyone jerked at the loud shout from the other side of the pier, and they saw an older man struggling with his fishing rod, as if something was trying to pull him down.
“¿Señor, está bien?”  Someone asks him from the boat.  Sir, are you alright?
“Hay un demonio en el agua! Un demonio.”  There is a demon in the water! A demon"
Two men quickly approached, helping the man try to pull the catch, and you also drew near to the edge of the pier. Why would he scream demon? Could it be one of those monster fish you sometimes see in the magazine? A frown pulls your brows as you scrutinize the turbid water trashed around where the line was disappearing.  But when you crouched down to get a better look at what it could be, your eyes widened in bemused, briefly between the men’s pulling back and forward. You briefly caught two small hands pulling the thread of the fishing rod. It wasn't a demon, that was a child!
“Stop, stop! That is not a demon, that is a kid!”
But none of them listened to you as they were on the verge of collapsing, whatever it was down there, it was strong and didn't seem to budge. Someone lost their grip with the water thrashing and splashing on the slippery wooden pier, and the older man was yanked down.  And you dive in, ignoring the scared protest from your coworkers.
Your eyes adjusted to the murky ocean water as you swam down, trying to locate the man with the white shirt, but the salt water was stinging your eyes, but you kept kicking your legs. Sinking even further, relief flooded you as you located the man a few feet away from you, floating unconscious. You swam over to him, and before you could even grabbed him by the bicep, something from down below floated to you, and you almost lost all the air as you gasped dumbfounded.
A child, there was a child glaring at you. But your keen eye catches the big gash on her forearm, blood flowing as the kid cradles her arm near her, and with a last mad glare she sent you, she swam down and disappeared into the dark water.
Who are you? What are you? Where do you come from? So many questions but limited time for your lungs. Remember you’re not like your other distant relative who are design to breathe underwater. Desperately you grasped the man's arm and swam up with all your might, lungs starting to burn inside your chest. Sweet relief filled your lungs the instant you broke out from the surface. A long stick appears in your line of vision, and you grip it, letting the man pulling you to the pier. A pair of hands hold you from your biceps and pull you up, clothes clinging to your soaking wet body.
The paramedics immediately took the unconscious man to the hospital, one of them gave you a thick blanket to cover yourself with, and you accepted it. They applauded you for your brave action, patting your back as you smiled at them, but your mind was elsewhere. Who was that child in the ocean? It wasn't your imagination, perhaps a mutant you sometimes saw on the news.
“Oye Xola, que vio esa viejo en el agua? Was it a demon? Did you saw it too?” One of the fishermen asked you, all of them gazing at you with morbid curiosity.   Should you tell the truth?  Lying was against the law on your planet, but then again, this is not your planet, so you shrugged. Hey Xola, what did that old man see in the water?
“No, it wasn’t a demon. I think it was a small shark or something else, but I couldn’t see it clearly.”
Humans speculate among themselves. A shark, a sea monster, or an older man should search for another age-appropriate hobby. And before you reached the stairs from the pier, you gave one last look where you jumped into the water. The soft waves moved the water in a rhythm that prevented you from observing its depths.
It's settled. You are going to explore more about the depth of the ocean.
Everyone went about their day, prepared to share what had happened on the pier with their friends, family, and others. Maritza lent you one of her clothes, and she was excited to see you in them. Your closet includes shirts that expose your shoulders, shorts, or long skirts to comfort your bottom.  The white crop top with no sleeves was a beautiful local white stitching, and the long flowy green skirt was perfect for your tail, with free mobility.
You said goodbye to Maritza with a wave and a smile, promising you would bring her clothes back tomorrow. All day you were thinking about how you're going to investigate your little encounter. The public library was 1 hour from the city, and you needed more energy to use public transportation. The internet could help, with its infinite knowledge of the world, surely there will be something about children capable of breathing in water and stronger than an adult. Your feet wandered through the streets while you savored a large bowl of fruit full of hot sauce and other sweets that the vendor prepared for you. But someone drew your attention, and a happy grin pulled your cheeks.
“Abuela Aurora!” You called out to the elderly woman ahead of you and trotted towards her. Her wrinkled brows rose in surprise, then fondness at the sight of you, and open her arms to embrace you in a gentle hug.  The smell of marzipan and roses filled your nose, enjoying the warm contact from her purple and pink shawl.
“Mi dulce Xola, como te fue hoy? Cuéntame.” My sweet Xola, how was your day today? Tell me.
You related your day, every detail you did, every thought, and every word you had with someone new. And you pause, unsure if it would be a good idea if you tell your encounter with the child to the grandmother. Would it scare her? Alarm her? Then again, she always gave you good advice. She always did when you wanted to create a life in Progreso.
“Hubo un accidente en el muelle, un pescador cayo al agua y estaba ahí para rescatarlo.”
“Ay que peligroso, pero mi dulce niña estaba ahí para salvar el día. ¿Qué fue lo que atrapo ese pescador?”
“No era un qué sino un quién…”  The older woman halted and looked at you curiously, waiting for your answer.
“Vi a una niña, vestida en harapos y con collares de dientes en su cuello.”
That innocent curiosity in the brown eyes of the older woman changed to one of affliction, and with a speed that surprised you, Aurora grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes.
“Olvídate de lo que viste.  Tu no viste una niña en el agua, fue tu imaginación.”
“Pero abuela yo –"
“No! ¡Olvídate de eso, es un mito y nada más! ¡Él es un mito!”
You slipped out of the older woman's grip, and uncertainty invaded you as you took a step back and looked at her suspiciously. And without explaining her outburst, the grandma spun around to continue her stroll as if nothing had happened.
What the fuck just happened? After thirty minutes of wandering all alone with your rambling and perturbed thoughts. You met grandma in a public park, she offered you a taste of one of her empanadas when you admitted that you had never tried them. It was a fact, she knew something about that underwater child. Tomorrow morning you will have to be persistent and get answers. But what if she's protecting you from something? Is he a myth? Who is a myth?
Your pensive gaze rose to see your cabin illuminated, with its decorative lights on the railing, the warm and gentle breeze swaying the palms leaves, making your skin nippy due to the sweat. So peaceful. Nothing disturbed you.
Your tote bag slipped from your shoulder, falling on the sand with a quiet thud. You didn’t left the backyards lights on.  It’s like a ritual to you, turning all the lights before going outside.   Instinct invades you, slits black pupils narrowed, attempting to search for any sign of threat.
There were three classifications among your people who had unique gifts. For example, a group was for the community, healers, and builders. Another group was for working minds to voice the complaints and wishes of the communities to avoid conflict between tribes.
You knelt without breaking contact with your home and grasped a fist of sand, a familiar warmth spread in your right hand, turning the little sand into a glass-looking lance.
Then there's your group, fiercely protecting the community with their lives. Who attack first and asks questions later.  But you gotta be cautious cause this is not your planet; this environment is not filled with humongous beast or neighborhood tribes who wished to raid your hom.
Earth doesn’t have that.
“Come out before I’ll drag you by the throat.”  Your threat was loud, making sure whatever was inside your home could hear it. A rustle from your left was heard, loud and approaching you, bending your knees into a defense position, raising your spear to your shoulder.
“Much ma' in meentik loob…”  Please, don’t hurt me.
Your gaze immediately softened, and you lowered the spear. Your heartbeat delayed its frantic pace, realizing you were not going to fight your life. A huge relief for you because you were wondering how you would hide the body. There was the cause of your inner turmoil.  Giving you the biggest puppy eyes you have ever seen, wet hair still dripping, which indicates she must have been hiding in the water not too long ago, but a whiff of copper made you blink. The little girl was still holding her arm to her chest, there was no bleeding, but the gash on her forearm looked red and angry, needing treatment.
You took a step forward but halted when she quickly took two steps back. Her widened eyes were staring at something, and you looked down, ah right how could you forget the dangerous weapon in your hand. Slowly you kneeled down, keeping eye contact with the girl, dropping the glass weapon, and the second it made contact with the white sand, it returned to its original form.
The little girl gasped with wonder as she walked towards you with new courage, speaking in her mother language you could not understand.
“Teech juntúul k'uj?  K'a'abéet a beel juntúul bey le intia'al, Kukulkán!”  Are you a god?  You must be one like mine, Kukulkan!
 You crouched correctly to her eye level as you raised your hands. “Woah, woah, I – I cannot understand you,”
The girl paused as she heard you speak, frowning.  
“Ah, you don’t understand me, okay….” You muttered to yourself, feeling conflicted about how to communicate with her.  “That nasty wound will get infected if it isn’t treated.”
The girl tilted your head as she blinked at your word. You pointed at her wound. “What happened to you?”
 She glanced at it briefly and shrugged. “  Yaan u ts'akik chúunk'in, le xiibo' estúpido lúub yóok'ol tin yéetel in la'achik.”  It will heal later, that stupid man fell on me and scratched me.
You understood the word stupid, but you could not decipher the rest. However, inside your home, you could use your native technology to help her and be able to translate what she said. You straightened to your height and offered your hand. The little girl stared at it, then at you. Curiosity but caution gleamed in her brown eyes, clearly not trusting you fully.
Using the same hand, you offered you pointed where your heart was. “Xola,” You offered your hand again, hoping the little girl would understand your intentions. You just wanted to help her and perhaps know more about her origins.
It took her seconds to understand you, and a smile pulled her chubby brown cheeks. “Yalit,” Your hands gently grasped the small hands from Yalit and pulled her towards your home, and for the first time, you had a  guest in your lonely home.
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koifishart · 6 months
I want to be Your Koi Fish
Warning: +18 content, criminal underworld, intercourse, strong language - and so on
Fanfiction based on: "Baki" by Itagaki Keisuke
The clean air of Okinawa was soothing to him, but the balance in the universe was kept by his wife's stubborn grandfather, still counting on Hanabi to leave husband to take over the school. Fortunately, she clung to his side, giving Shigeru no hope of changing her mind. The night before, they had given him a taste of the failure of a great plan to break their marriage. It started out innocently enough, sweetly, delicately, that finally Hanabi would scream at the whole house how much she loves Hanayama and how much he has to keep going. He had noticed long ago that for her the concept of shame didn't actually exist, the more willingly started to implement his little project, knowing that she would most likely be pleased. Thought it would bother him, but he liked the earring in her tongue, cool and hard, lending a special sensation. Hoped the schemer hadn't fallen asleep, and if he could, woke up.
They were sitting in the living room, shutters wide and doors leading to the inner garden. They drank green tea, so amazing...he never had the chance to drink. It turned out that Shizuka, despite a complete lack of talent for cooking, was brilliant with the traditional brewing of matcha. Even Tokugawa praised the skills of the red-haired woman to the heavens, to which she merely bowed with a slight smile. The astonishing calm was interrupted by the noise from before the entrance. If you think about it, during the trip from Tokyo, Tokugawa mentioned that someone was missing... Kaoru sensed someone's presence, familiar, strange and strong. He, Hanabi and Baki went out to see who they were dealing with. In front of them stood a man over two meters long, with short-cropped blonde hair and pale blue eyes, built tighter than he remembered.
- Onii-san? - young Hanma was surprised. - What are you doing here? And... Are you kind of...taller?
- Or you shrunken. - he replied evasively. - Tokugawa gave me the address and ordered...ooou...
Jack clearly focused on the person behind them. Hanayama turned around. Tall, blonde, green-eyed, again dressed in tight jeans and a bright floral corset, she fastened a strap of high-heeled sandals around her ankle. She regarded the newcomer with a critical glance, without a trace of emotion. Elder Hanma looked as though his brain had flown through his ears. An effect so similar to all those guys drooling over his wife. Indeed, with all four of them, it seemed, most men's minds would run away to nothing, being replaced by wild lust. Immediately after the eldest of his father-in-law's daughters, Kureha appeared unhappy.
- ...he said to be present, but nothing about the lovely company. - he finished swishly, so unlike himself. - Hi. Are you a predatory kitten?
- If only I don't bite you something, little boy. - she replied impassively.
- I'd love to check it out. - he muttered as she stood next to him.
He barely registered movement. Ayame reacted immediately, delivering a high kick straight into the tall blonde's jaw. Apparently, the heels had their advantages. Maybe that's why Hanabi was so eager to wear them. Her oldest sister didn't really need her height - she was 175cm barefoot, if not a little bigger. Hanma hit the ground with great force, spitting blood. Baki was stunned and Shinogi seemed to be pleased with the development of events.
- Pff...sucker. - she said, straightening her blonde hair. - Bunch, come on, no time!
At dinner he tried again. It was a pity to see Jack Hammer go to waste. His sister-in-law was a relentless woman, and he didn't seem to see it. He pressed on to her, tried to get attention, and she was successfully ignoring him.
- Oh, don't tell me I'm not moving you... - he muttered, leaning over to her.
- ENOUGH OF THIS. - she growled firmly, reaching her hand toward his bruised jaw.
Think he was counting on a kiss, and in return Ayame...dove with chopsticks in Canadian mouth. She grabbed something and took it out. Tooth. Sizeable, with quite a bit of roots, but somewhat crooked, like a tree that has been forced to grow amidst obstacles.
- Beautiful eight, boy. I don't think I've ever seen a wisdom tooth like this. Completely degenerated, the enamel is almost gone, even though the dentin looks healthy. Do you bite metal nails with it or what? - she assessed, sitting down in her seat.
- How do you... - he groaned in shock. - But my jaw is made of steel!
- Oh, your teeth are indeed strong, I don't deny it. Most would hurt like hell in this condition! - she snapped. - They're not holding up well, that's their problem. You stuffed yourself with steroids, anabolics and other crap to gain muscle strength while your body was paying heavy taxes. Are you proud of yourself?
- How dare you, woman... - he hissed, propping his arms on the table.
- Are you such a tough guy? Let's check it. - she replied bravely. - Tonight, in the training room.
She wasn't kidding. She was waiting for him in a traditional-style red top and light-colored pants. She tied her blonde hair in a high ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. The three children sat on the side, perfectly still. She stood up as he appeared in front of her, wearing only shorts, snapping his knuckles. The style she used must have been very old, until Retsu, after a moment's thought, deciphered that it was northern Shaolin kung fu. In fact, shouldn't have known it, and for some reason she was at least a master of it. Dodged attacks with ease, quickly unleashing her own, very explosive.
- I told you Kitsune learn very quickly. - Shigeru said with a shrug. - The highest degree of initiation and skill in the art that suits their temperaments is only a matter of time. Ayame is like a flame, just upset her and she will explode and incinerate everything in her path.
As soon as Jack tried to pin her again, she jumped back for a kick. The force she put into it, put her opponent on his shoulders. Hanayama wasn't sure he heard the crackle of the floor under the mats. Baki, sitting next to him, couldn't believe his eyes...as probably all the people gathered.
- Mom is like Master Tigress from "Kung-Fu Panda". - commented dark-haired Rozu.
- You have such brilliant genetic potential and physical conditions, and through your idiotic rush you ruin everything... - Ayame huffed, resolutely refraining from spitting next to him.
She couldn't watch people like that go to waste. Maybe it was because she grew up in a family where you must be the best in your field, maybe she was just like that herself...but she couldn't let him go to waste. And he had been doing it successively, in her eye for several years. She lied about his teeth. They were indeed sandpaper-wiped-out, but she pulled out the one had damaged in front of the house with one smooth kick. She hoped it would wake him up. Sighed heavily, lowering her bare feet onto the cool grass in the inner garden. Ayame liked to sit outside on the terrace from time to time and not think about anything, although the latter, as a rule, never worked out.
- Can't you sleep, sucker? - she asked quietly, still looking ahead.
- How did you know about chemistry? - Jack said, sitting down next to her.
- I'm a good observer. - she muttered evasively. - If you don't take care of your health, you slap a wheelchair in your fifties, or even faster. I guess at such a young age you hardly think about it, but believe me, you don't want to.
- I'm not going to live long. - the man snorted. - The plan was that I would do whatever I can to be the strongest...
- So what, are you doing good? Probably not, because you get weaker with each dose. - she assessed, glaring at him. - My guess is Kureha's behind it. He is usually well-meaning, but he is bathed in hot water, especially on the subject of sports...
- He warned me once that I would kick the calendar faster than I think.
- So why...
- Teach me. - he demanded. - I want to be even stronger.
- I have neither the predisposition nor the time to teach anyone. However, if you stay in Okinawa and ask Yui nicely, she will definitely take you in. - she replied firmly, standing up and heading for her room. - Relax, my sister doesn't bite. However, I'm afraid that you will be forced to give up what you consider necessary...
He slowly began to drag on. He missed the hustle and bustle of the city he was used to. Fortunately, Kizaki called saying that they absolutely had to come back. He and his wife were leaving just as Shigeru and Tokugawa locked themselves in their room to discuss the possibility of another tournament. He didn't think his affinity with Master Soga would make him participate, quite the opposite.
For several days, he had heard information about a strange person wandering around the city. He was...specific, traditionally dressed, with two swords attached. The police became interested in him mainly due to the openly carried weapon. News on TV every now and then informed about his next actions, killed people, but still no one knew his identity. He hadn't heard of any incident on Hanayama territory at the time, nor was there any indication that he was a member of any of the mafia families. He came out of nowhere, many wanted him back there. He neither burned him nor chilled, until he stuck a finger into Clan Fujiki. But it started to get dangerous, so much so that the Chief Police General, Utsumi Shunzo himself, knocked on Hanayama's door. He never had a problem with Hanabi hanging around somewhere, but this time he couldn't let her listen to the conversation. He had an overview of the matter, guessed what the man was coming with, and knew just as well what his wife would say. She couldn't find out what he was planning, she had to be safe, and this time safety meant ignorance. She wasn't pleased, but looked as if had come to terms with his decision. He received the guest as he should, there was even a whiskey on the table. He could see that Chief was wondering if had hit the right place. In fact, not every twenty-year-old looks...like him. He thought that mere presence was enough for the interlocutor to weigh his words, but the Utsumi tried to speak to his conscience - he was to lend his skills to DEFEND THE COUNTRY. Ha! Good! Need the nerve to propose something like this to a representative of the underworld. He spoke beautifully about how his proposal would most likely be welcomed by a man of this caliber and status. Kaoru guessed that they were getting some training in flowery talk or successive persuasion at the higher levels. It didn't work this time, he wasn't going to suddenly start working for the police, not even for a moment. The distance between them was too great. He wasn't even convinced by the story of a half-cut friend. Until Kizaki came with the information that the TV man was indeed Musashi Miyamoto, one of his next victims was Retsu Kaioh, and he himself...was heading towards Shinjuku.
It would be rude not to welcome a visitor to your lands.
* Onii-san - the term "big brother" or sometimes the person towards whom we feel fraternal 
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reikaryu · 2 years
beach (bitch) date ♡ txt cbg
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pairing — choi beomgyu x fem!reader
genre — one-shot, angst
summary — who knew your stroll to the beach would be your last date together ?
iffah’s bimonthly fics ♡ february edition
warning(s) — light kissing
word count — 1.0k words
author’s note — very first fic of my “iffah’s bimonthly fics” series 😍 thank you my lovely ipah for the spotify premium !! hope everyone enjoys this !
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You stood in front of your full body mirror, twisting your body here and there to check your outfit and fix the weird parts of it.
You had decided to don a yellow sundress, since you were going to the beach, after all. You paired the dress with a pastel yellow hair tie in case the wind was unusually strong later on. Your footwear was simple: a white and yellow beach sandal that you reserved specifically for beach dates with your boyfriend.
(You two went often, as both of you like the sound of the waves crashing against the coast, and the freshness of the air.)
You smiled after confirming with yourself that you were all ready. Right after that, the doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of your date.
You rushed downstairs to swing open the door and grinned almost maniacally at the man standing on your doorstep. He was wearing matching clothes with you.
He mirrored the expression on your face, but you noticed something amiss with that smile you usually see. It barely reached his eyes. And his eyes — they held the tiniest bit of sadness. It left you feeling unsettled, but you brushed it off as him being tired. You couldn’t let it ruin your mood.
“Are you here to pick me up?” you teased, going back inside to pick up your phone from the little table beside your couch.
Beomgyu smiled at your question, looking down with his hands in his pockets. “Of course. I could never let my beautiful girl walk the streets alone,” he replied in the same tone. You chuckled as you walked back to him at your doorstep and hooked your arms around his neck. You pulled him closer and his hands found themselves on your waist.
You looked into his eyes as he did yours, then leaned in to plant a light kiss on his lips. It was mostly you initiating these kinds of stuff. Beomgyu was always too shy to.
Minutes later, you found yourself barefoot on the sand, your boyfriend beside you, holding your hand. He swung them back and forth slightly, enjoying the breeze.
You loved these quiet moments between the two of you. Just enjoying the sound, the scent, the beauty of nature was what you and Beomgyu loved to do together. Mind you, I said together. You wouldn’t do it if you weren’t by each other’s sides. It was a promise the both of you made. You signed a contract with him — and the consequence of breaking this promise and going against the contract would be deadly, apparently.
Walking by the coast and letting your feet get washed over by the incoming waves, you turned your head to look at your boyfriend. He hadn’t said much on your way here. It was mostly you talking about your days while you were apart and ranting about school stuff. Adding on to the look he gave you previously, everything was starting to get increasingly strange.
“Are you alright, Gyu? You seem a little off today,” you spoke gently, caressing the back of his hand with your thumb. He took a second too long to look at you, and when he did, there was grief in his eyes. Guilt. As if he had done something very wrong.
“I have something to tell you.”
His demeanour, his expression, his words. Everything was starting to piece together and you were worried what his next words would be. Did he commit a crime? Was he being hunted down by the police? Or did he get into a fight with a gang and now he’s on the run?
Beomgyu stopped in his tracks, and you followed suit.
“Let’s break up.”
His words hit you like a thousand bullets. Your stomach lurched and your vision was starting to get blurry. You felt dizzy.
But you hadn’t processed his words just yet — they hadn’t gone through your head fully. They went through your brain like a bullet train, not letting you register the information even for just a second.
You choked on your words as you stuttered out, “S-sorry? Could yo— you say that … ag— again?” You wanted to curl into a ball and bury yourself deep into a hole. Never had you let yourself be so vulnerable in front of Beomgyu. Especially not when he was going to say the two words you have always feared.
Your (soon-to-be ex) boyfriend didn’t bother wiping away your tears as you once thought he would. He simply stared at your shaking figure with pity all over his features. The features you came to love and adore. The features you might never see again, unless you are lucky that the gods will hear your pleas.
“Let’s break up,” he repeated more firmly, holding your hands tighter with each word. To ground you, you realised. To ensure that you won’t come running to his house the next day, claiming you had the most ludicrous dream the previous night. “I have no romantic feelings for you anymore, as I did five years ago when I asked you out at prom.”
He didn’t wait for a reaction from you. He left you on the beach, sobbing quietly, as he walked away and towards the concrete. He didn’t look back once, and you wondered — with what was left of your blurry and unresponsive brain — if he will ever think about you again. Maybe when he gets married to his new girlfriend, or when he has his first child. Or when he looks through his gallery and finds pictures of you and him. Perhaps he might even delete them the moment he got home.
Three minutes later, you crumbled and fell, knee first, onto the crunchy sand. Your knees hurt like hell, and you knew they were probably already bleeding from the impact, but you couldn’t care less at the moment. Not when your high school crush had just broken up with you, stating that he had no romantic feelings for you anymore. The man you often dreamt of spending your whole life with. The man who made butterflies erupt in your stomach whenever he simply looked at you.
The twenty-first of February, 2023.
You found your heart broken into pieces and thrown into the vast sea.
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reblogs are appreciated ! ♡
taglist — @i520sn @piakae
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mtvwildboyz · 2 years
im so into the idea of the jackass bimbo and the jackass skater girl but their personalities have to be switched. The girl who dresses in low rise fuzzy pink mini skirts, g-string, platform sandals, bra-for-shirt will be the first person to jump into action. she’s the one to put on boxing gloves to punch the shit out of ryan. she is skating barefoot (can’t skate in the sandals!). she’s on set w wildboyz trying to catch different bugs and animals for them to talk about because nobody else will. skater girl wearing baggy jeans and band shirts she stole from the guys will not do any of that. they come at her with a snake and she’s running away. and it’s always, “get that fucking thing out of my face so help me god,” with everyone laughing but she is so very serious. she barely can stand the nasty shit they do.
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vanishingreyes · 3 months
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TIMING: Various. LOCATION: Various. SUMMARY: Just some snapshots of Xóchitl's life! CONTENT WARNINGS: Child death, implication of alcoholism. Also if you haven't read The Lottery by Shirley Jackson there's like, vague spoilers for that!
September, 1999.
She’d begged her moms to just let her stay home. School couldn’t be that important, and she wasn’t going to know anybody, and she’d never spoken English except for when they went out places and the people there didn’t speak Spanish or Haitian Creole. 
Those languages made her feel safe, feel wanted, feel steady.
Her parents had said she had to go, though. Education was important or whatever, and she supposed she should’ve expected that from a neurosurgeon and art curator.
Xóchitl still thought it was a dumb idea, and the frown in her ‘first day’ photo was enough to prove that. 
She’d gotten on her shirt and skirt, and her new PowerPuff Girl lunchbox (the lady at the store had said it was super cute, and so Xóchitl couldn’t resist getting one – or rather, begging her parents to get her one), and her fancy buckle shoes, and bright blue socks with lace around the cuff.
She’d been coaxed into smiling for one photo with the promise of being able to take Duvalin and watermelon Salsagheti. Which, of course, she’d taken, because she wasn’t stupid, and it made her moms happy to see her smiling, so it was an all-the-way-around win.
Soon enough though, it became clearly worth it. The little girl with bright blonde hair and an even brighter smile asked her to be friends and Xóchitl agreed right away.
July, 2001.
Mackenzie had declared popsicles the best part of summertime, and so Xóchitl agreed. She also liked swimming in the ocean and then devouring burgers and fries on the beach. The two of them were going to start second grade this fall, and Xóchitl knew it was going to be the best year ever, even without her friend saying so.
Which was like, totally forward-thinking and self-aware, right?
They were going to wear matching Billabong shirts three sizes too big for them and do their hair matching in braids. They were going to be twins all summer and also in the fall, and they’d for sure sit next to each other in class and Mrs. Walden would let them because she was nice, even if she was sort of old.
Xóchitl felt herself jerked out of her thoughts by Mackenzie’s words, melted popsicle covering her hands. 
“You can’t catch me!”
“I’m so gonna get you, just watch!” 
Running off barefoot. Happy.
Because being seven and turning eight next year was good. It was the best, and one day they’d go to college together and be roommates and then they could eat all the ice cream and popsicles that they wanted.
February, 2009.
“For a minute, no one moved, and then all the slips of paper were opened.” Mr. Vincent read the story out loud. It was a cold day, though it hadn’t snowed in weeks.
Xóchitl skimmed ahead, just barely, and felt her stomach drop.
Rocks. Used for killing.
“I – uh,” she felt her whole mouth go dry.
“I need to – uh. Go.” She shot up out of her seat and rushed toward the classroom door, ignoring Mr. Vincent’s calls of her name, ignoring the confused murmurs of her classmates.
She navigated her way through the school’s hallways before pushing the front door open and collapsing into herself on the front steps.
If Mackenzie had been here, they would have laughed about all of this. If she was here, it wouldn’t have been scary and stomach churning. But she wasn’t, and so it was.
She pulled out her phone and typed a quick text to her mothers:
Can you pick me up? Not feeling good.
Thankfully, Elena Reyes and Medjine Augustin-Reyes didn’t ask many questions.
She went through a whole box of popsicles that afternoon.
May, 2014.
The laurel branch tattoo was only semi visible under her sandal. Which was good. It meant Mackenzie was still mostly hers, but also a little bit everyone else’s.
Her first-year roommate in college had been a curly-haired red-head who smoked too much weed and listened to music at 2am. Her name had been Angela and she hadn’t been bad, but Xóchitl hadn’t realized just how disappointed she’d be that Mackenzie wasn’t her roommate, even eight-odd years on.
Still, they bought a world map together and Xóchtil did her best to sound interested when Angela talked about wanting to study abroad in China.
At graduation, Angela Simmons got an award for her senior thesis on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Xóchitl congratulated her, and the two of them went out for drinks afterwards and wound up in Angela’s downtown apartment and Xóchitl left later that night smelling like oranges and whiskey.
May, 2021.
She’d never intended to get a doctorate, but it was something to do, something that kept her distracted.
She’d written her thesis on trauma and memory. Her advisor had called it ingenious.
Xóchitl thought it was ironic, given how many of her memories she pushed down as far as she could and how much of an expert she’d become at denying her own trauma.
The dedication page of the thesis read:
For Mackenzie.
I-ay ove-lay ou-yay..
– X
June 18th, 2024.
“We’re shutting down for the night.” It was Mackenzie’s birthday.
“I – okay.” Xóchitl wasn’t sure what time it was, she only knew that it was the worst day of the year.
She pushed herself up, grabbed her phone, and put money on the bartop. 
“You really should make a popsicle-themed cocktail. It’d sell well.” 
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imsoquarky · 1 year
Making design notes is one of my favorite things ever. I don't know why but making a list of them brings me so much joy.
I made one for MK awhile back and I'm getting the itch to do some for my own original characters. Sure my ocs do have set designs, but writing them down feels good.
Anyways. If you've never written a list of design notes, highly recommend. They don't have to be in-depth but here's some I wrote for a post-s4 MK design I haven't made yet
(Below the cut just to make sure I don't flood y'all's page or whatever)
Bodily Changes:
- Spread vitiligo to reflect new monkey markings (Dot on each upper cheek, patch covering the bottom lip to chin)
- Mullet hair
- Sideburns now reach lower and there is now sparse facial hair on his chin alongside the facial hair that was already on the edges of his jaw
-Fur covering his arms and back
- Striped gradient monkey tail
- Forehead scar running from hairline to a little below his eyebrows
- Fangsssss (Not as prominent as SWK or Macaque, more like Pigsy or Sandy's)
Wardrobe Changes:
- Sleeveless blue hoodie with one big white stripe and one small one
- Yellow Monkey King themed leather jacket (usually sensory hell, but he's got furry arms now)
- Still has the baggy, red cargo pants, but add on the overall straps that aren't being used like they should. Just decoration
- Cargo pants also have a tail hole now
- Headband is stitched up down the center, got damaged in the fight with Azure.
- Now wears sandals and goes barefoot during training
Other changes:
- His ears can twitch now, tho they still appear human. Hearing is also more sensitive, but not anything like Wukong and obviously nowhere near Macaque's
- Nose is also more sensitive, again, not quite like Wukong or Mac
- Is actually a bit faster than Wukong now, though SWK still far surpasses him in sheer strength and stamina
- Deals with migraines and meltdowns more often due to the higher senses and after effects of fucking HEADBUTTING A SWORD
- Still has human feet, but they're slightly bigger and he's more in control of their movement and can pretty reliably pick stuff up. This makes close-toed shoes very uncomfortable now
A few extra MK hcs that aren't listed here and didn't really change:
Transgender FtM (He/Him)
(All subject to changes or additions as I see fit)
Tbh, if enough people find this interesting I'll do them for all the characters. Even ones I may never draw, like Sandy (I LOVE him, but he's such an intimidating character to draw, muscles are strange and I still struggle with drawing my Red Son design.)
I'll also do non LMK characters, from basically any of my fandoms. These are so fun to me. It's my happiest form of feeding my hyperfixations when Im dealing with art block or just a lack of time.
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hurricanewindattack · 5 months
So like, I saw your post a long while ago about barefoot shoes but haven' found any recent updates on your journey (tho that might be my shitty searching or me using the app.
I'm curious about your current thoughts now. Do you still wear barefoot shoes? Are you enjoying it? What are your thoughts on the effect it had on you? Any more observations you made? Do you still wear the vivo's from your post or have you moved on to a different pair or brand?
Hope this ask isn't too weird XD
Hey anon! Yes I still wear them and I love them! I am definitely used to them, 'normal' shoes feel very odd now. I can speedwalk in them, go as far as I could before, run as much as I could before without pain.
It's a bit hard to say what effect it has had because I have not taken benchmarks of qualities I expected to change, but I will try my best - my feet seem stronger, my calves and thighs bigger for sure, my balance and squatting ability better, my smaller toes more movable and less like appendages? I also walk on the balls of my feet now.
I do still wear that pair of shoes, those are the only pair I have! I do also have minimalist sandals from Xero though, I love them too (will take them out when it gets warm again!)
It's not a weird ask, don't hesitate to come off anon, I don't bite :)
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rosalind-of-arden · 1 year
I picked specific questions this time mwahahaha: describe their shoes, and where does their disposable income go? For Morgan and Wolfe.
Let's start with Wolfe:
Shoes: Fuck, I know nothing about men's shoes. Something nice-looking, black leather to match his robe. After Rome, he spends some time mostly wearing sandals that are easy to slip on while he's recovering, only to refuse to ever wear them again after recovering enough to manage shoelaces. He can't stand being barefoot after Rome, so he wears shoes in the house. For missions he wears combat boots. He'll polish them if he needs to look nice, but it only took one time having to run away from Burners in dress shoes to convince him to wear something more practical. After Rome, he wears combat boots at home more often, too. They make him feel prepared for the attack he knows is coming. All of Wolfe's shoes are well maintained. When he's not well enough to take care of them himself, Nic does it for him.
Disposable income: He likes theater and eating out, so he spends a fair amount on date nights with Nic. If they manage to somehow go a few months without being sent on a mission somewhere, he gets the urge to travel, too, and he does not travel cheap. First class train tickets, nice hotel rooms, all the good stuff. He donates to literacy-related causes like schools in towns too poor to have a Serapeum. He absolutely is not the one who makes large anonymous donations to the orphanage where he was sent after the Iron Tower, who on earth would you dare accuse him of that? Also wine. He has expensive taste in wine. After Rome, he spends less in part because he's afraid to go out with the Archivist plotting his death, in part because Nic is too paranoid to go out, and in part because he's saving up in case they need to run away. It takes him a while to get back to his normal habits post-canon.
And now Morgan:
Shoes: A pair of boots held together by patches and hope to start with. Someone gave her money for new shoes in Alexandria. Postulant stipend of some sort? Wolfe? Khalila? She got the sturdiest pair of boots she could afford because she was planning to run as soon as she could. In the Iron Tower, she was supposed to wear delicate silk slippers like the other Obscurists but refused and kept her boots. She wasn't planning on staying. Keria didn't push. Gregory did.
Disposable income: Morgan does not understand the meaning of disposable income. She's from a war zone. There was never any money to spare. After that, if there was a way to get money at all (postulant stipend? Do Obscurists get paid? Probably not, unless the Library is running a company store in the Iron Tower or there's Codex Amazon or something?) she would have squirreled it away to finance an escape. In a #morganlives AU, she's either frugal to the point of absurdity or gleefully blows every paycheck on treats and trinkets just to celebrate that she can.
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wuxiaphoenix · 1 year
Worldbuilding: The Agony of De Feet
Footwear. Very important. Yes, I know there are people who like to wade or walk on the beach barefoot. I wouldn’t advise it. If the water’s warm enough to swim in the shore is often hot enough to burn your feet.
Not to mention when you mix water and humans having fun, there’s often broken glass, and a shard in the pad of your heel can lead to months of misery even if it doesn’t get infected. Maybe especially if. Guess how I know.
I consider footwear one of the lifesaving human inventions, because when you’re running from lions, tigers, and bears, it doesn’t help to get away now and die of a thorn in your toe later. What are your characters wearing on their feet?
If you just want to go with generic boots, shoes, or atmosuit mag-soles, you’re probably fine. As long as your characters are wearing something that fits local conditions, it’s a reasonable handwave. On the other hand, if you do want specifics, this is an excellent way to get in some worldbuilding.
Shoes are never just shoes. They’re human-made (unless you’re dragging in fay or aliens), meaning they’re a product of the materials you have available, the skills you have to make them, and the environmental conditions, physical and social, that you have to deal with.
For example, if you have sea-pirates who never touch land, and they have classic buccaneers’ leather boots, then either that leather’s some kind of fish or cetacean skin, or they trade with people who do live on land. Likewise, if you live where the streets will flood, or there are four-inch thorns ready to punch through skin, you’re not going to be wearing straw sandals. Upper-class shoes are likely to go with leather, lots of it, and tougher materials if they’re available. Peasants? Wood clogs or geta are good bets. Poke around. Look up oddities like the first rubber shoes. The history of footwear can be fascinating.
And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of shoes and fashion. Emergency Jimmy Choos and several-hundred-dollar sneakers are only the latest manifestations of humans showing off. Earlier incarnations include porcupine quill-beaded moccasins, foot-high oiran’s geta, and Renaissance footwear with toes so long you had to tie them near the knee. Yikes.
If that’s not daunting enough, sometimes fashion details can be plot-important! I read a snippet once of a cop lurking undercover at a mob funeral to pick up info. He had the suit, the haircut, the slang, everything seemed to be going well....
Except the mobsters were staring at his shoes. His very practical, relatively cheap cop’s work shoes. Next to everyone else’s imported Italian leather.
...Needless to say, the cop quickly put heel and toe to the use for which they were designed, and beat feet before someone beat him.
Consider shoes! After all, if we send our heroes walking these mean streets - they’re going to need a lot of sole.
(Cop anecdote was in, I think, Connie Fletcher’s What Cops Know. Neat book.)
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unhinged rainbow magic post 11 of 12
Ok most of this is insane rambling but for one part of it you’re going to need to remember Bethany the Ballet Fairy’s tragic backstory of having a gay quarter life crisis because of a homoerotic ballet rivalry with a girl who she loses the lead role in a show to please and thank you
MAGICAL CREATURES FAIRIES (hurray for cute animals again!)
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Ashley Dragon looks like a dragon version of nessie the loch ness monster, which is a great design tbh DRAGON ON THE JEANS YES Also different versions of dragons! we love diversity Outfit does not match but she makes me not care! It’s different colours but its the right shade of each colour (this is such good colour theory knowledge El well done) HAIR EXCELLENCE Pockets! Sandals are not the right shade of yellow, it should match the top or the dragon on the trousers - also the chunky looking design is ugly, she needs to either go barefoot or have jesus sandals
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Lara So well put together oh my god This is a witch not a fairy Adorable kitty! Cat lady vibes (cardigan) but super super cool (skinny jeans and boots) I am WEAK for those boots omg Lovely hair as well
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Erin How is her hair literal fire??? Idk but I am Loving It Lara’s a witch, Erin is a goddess Freckles!!!!!! THIS is how you do a headband! The honeysuckle fire flower thing? ADORABLE Viking esque fur neck thing is NICE it has how to train your dragon vibes She’d take me to a pagan ritual involving a bonfire and I’d enjoy it Dress? INSANE This is a GOOD BELT TAKE NOTES it’s a lovely asymmetrical waist ribbon band thing!!!!!  Her delightful sandals have greek goddess vibes I’m living Girl could set me on fire and i’d thank her
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Rihanna AHHHHH THE LIL BUBBLE AND THE SEAHORSE ARE SO CUTE Congrats on having decent blonde hair! Barefoot + anklet = beach ass vibes babey Her dress gives me the feeling of being underwater and looking up at the sun Mamma Mia vibes! Groovy and beachy and blonde This dress is kinda growing on me ngl The hem looks good on her and I like the shape of the neckline, but it should be a thinner line of green Rihanna absolutely votes for the Green Party btw
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Sophia  Her creature is a cygnet cos it’s small and raggedy but it’s white instead of grey? First impressions she kinda looks like a bad art project but still cute I really like her hair tho its very cute with the ribbon Movie sleepover vibes This girl is wearing slippers. A pyjama top. And a really nice skirt. Is she halfway through getting dressed???? Feathery inspiration of her skirt is good, it looks like she’s halfway through a swan transformation Colour scheme is very cute and dreamy vibes
HEADCANONS: please remember Bethany’s backstory again thank you! This is the girl who takes the role of Odette in Bethany’s dance company, and the girl with whom Bethany has a homoerotic rivalry. Sophia weaponises flirting because it amuses her, especially aggressive flirting, like Bethany can be leaning against a wall and Sophia will come and put her leg up on Bethany’s shoulder. Sophia just delights in getting really close to her all the time. Sophia is into Bethany, Bethany is into her, Bethany knows neither of these facts. She has a high ponytail when she’s doing ballet and it just makes Bethany's brain go offline. Later in life they’ll run into each other, when Sophia has a high-powered ballet girlfriend and Bethany has her wife the costume designer and her really chill life. Sophia will apologise for making Bethany freak out but she really was into Bethany, and Bethany will reply yeah you fucked up my life for sure, but I don’t think I would have quit without you so thanks. Also your leg gave me horny nightmares. 
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Leona (unicorn) Shit this is horrific I hate it all Well done on having a cute animal and absolutely nothing else Long flowy blue dress with more renaissance vibes please (see below picture) 
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ok good we fixed it moving on
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Caitlin (ice bear) The bear is so fluffy and it looks like shiver from barbie and the magic of pegasus awwww Swiss ski resort vibes are top notch Colour scheme? Yes Fluffiness? Yes Cosiness? Yes The haircut is really cute but I want more of a brown shade with less green in it thanks
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 year
Inu-oh Part 12
The Dragon Commander,
The day of the shogun's party had finally arrived. Many nobles and aristocrats had gathered by the castle lake to see the show eager to find out the face hidden behind the mask of Inu-oh. The biwa priest were invited as well to support Tomoari. Tomoari's troupe stood behind him as he heard Inu-oh pacing back and forth. The priest was wearing a loose purple kimono exposing his chest with a kanji symbol painted on with a yellow sleeve on the left side, geta sandals, his hair tied up in a top knot bun with a few loose strands hanging down the side of his face. Inu-oh was wearing a white Noh mask with long black hair, around his shoulders was a long pink silk hagoromo scarf, red pants with frill around the waist and ankles, completely barefoot.
"Where's Hana? The show's about to start." Inu-oh murmured, softly.
"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Tomoari assured him as he held Inu-oh's scarf. Inu-oh's father stood a few feet away.
"Maybe she's not coming after all." He laughed. "If she was, then where is she?" Suddenly, everyone heard footsteps running towards them and saw Hana, heading towards Inu-oh and Tomoari.
"I'm here! Sorry, I'm late." She panted. She was wearing a light-yellow thin kimono with a flower design on it that reached down to her knees with red sleeves, geta sandals, her hair was let loose flowing down to her back. Inu-oh's eyes widen when he saw the fox mask that she was wearing. The same one that he had given her the night on the festival.
"Hey, that mask. Isn't that-"
"I'd figure that I would take it off with you when you take yours off." Hana spoke softly.
"It's almost time." One of the shogun's assistants announced to everyone. Inu-oh's father walked away to sit with the other nobles.
"Don't lose your head."
Tomoari frowned as Inu-oh's father left while Hana wrapped her arm around Inu-oh's. "Come on. Ignore him." Inu-oh nodded and the three of them along with Tomoari's troupe, pulled back the curtain and stepped out.
"Are you sure that you are up for this?" Inu-oh whispered in concerned to Hana as they walked.
"I'll be fine. I can still move around. I just can't overdo it too much with the flips." She reassured him.
On a small island across from them the shogun, Ashikaga and his wife watched them. "Inu-oh!" Nariko cheered when she saw them walking outside. She quickly turned to her husband, excitedly. "Do you think that we'll see the dragon this time?"
"Please don't get excited, my dear. You're in a delicate condition." He spoke.
"But Inu-oh is about to perform for us! How can I sit still?! Everybody loves him! From commoners to aristocrats and even the samurai! You should support him more if you want to keep him on our side, better than obsessing over Fujiwaka!" His wife laughed.
As they headed over to the other building with three floors, Inu-oh, Tomoari and Hana noticed a few red spirits floating around, following them. "The spirits are more excited than usual." Tomoari replied.
"They know that it ends here. This is it. Either they finally find their peace, or I lose my head. Either way it's over. For us, this could be our last show." Inu-oh spoke, gravely.
"Come on, we're only just getting started. The spirits will find their peace soon enough. We still have a long way to go." Tomoari assured him. Several people cheered and Inu-oh waved to them, so did Danjo and Kamari. Inu-oh turned to Tomoari and Hana.
"No matter what happens-"
"We're right here." Hana spoke.
"Everyone put a fist in!" Inu-oh shouted. The whole group leaned in, gathering around in a circle and put their fist in with Inu-oh. "Let's do this!" They broke away heading to their spots while Inu-oh turned and faced the shogun Ashikaga and his wife.
"The Dragon Commander, by Inu-oh" Several white curtains dropped down. The shogun's wife gasped. She pulled out her fan and looked up when she noticed that the moon in the sky as well with the sun.
"The moon's getting close to the sun." Nariko murmured in awe. A fog rolled in, and the curtains rose up, revealing Inu-oh standing on the third floor. 
"Your body drifts out to the sea
The past, present, and future become one.
Inu-oh climbed onto the railing and did some flips then some backwards, landing gracefully with each flip.
Are you alive or are you dead?
Like a spirit unable to find your way"
Inu-oh stopped and threw away his scarf and it blew away in the wind. He reached up and took a rope that was handing from the building and strapped it on. He undid a long striped pink ribbon and leaped off and flowed behind him.
"Remember your name again,
Who you were once, Commander of the Heike.
Remember who you were!
Dreams and illusions, beyond the Palace of the Dragon King."
Suddenly, ethereal voice sang out, matching with Inu-oh's and everyone gasped when they saw Hana standing on the lower floor. They were completely mesmerized by her beauty as well as Ashikaga as he stared intensely at her as she continued to sing.
"Truth and loyalty, what did they once mean?"
The sky began to grow darker as the sun and moon began to eclipse. Inu-oh undid the strap and dropped down onto the water. He landed on a hidden wooden platform and danced as if he was walking on water.
"You threw yourself into the sea, believing,
You would find the Palace of The Dragon King.
"If you seek peace, with faith unwavering, you will find your way!"
Suddenly, Inu-oh noticed the red spirits began to circle around him. "Something's wrong. The spirits won't leave me alone. Why? What are we missing? Why can't they find peace?" He thought to himself. So did Hana, and Tomoari as they continued to sing and strum along with Inu-oh.
"They're trying to tell us something?" Hana wondered.
"There is one more story to tell." Tomoari frowned, wondering as well. "We just have to find it."
Inu-oh quickly pulled himself back onto the structure and a red light shined behind him. Drums began to beat faster while a blue light shined above, revealing the two dancers and a green light below with Tomoari along with his troupe and Hana.
"There is only one path to the dream,
this is the way of the Heike.
Forgotten memories of the fallen clan,
saved by a monster, a woman, and a blind priest.
It's time- Tomoari sang.
To dream- Then Inu-oh.
Dare to seek. Then Hana.
A vision so bold you will laugh in disbelief."
Multiple colored lights shined on the lake lighting up the sky. Several people stood up clapping their hands.
"Where are the voices? Why can I hear them?
Answer us! Give us an answer!
What is it? What is it?
Something is keeping you here,
Break through! Break through!"
Tomoari began to strum faster.
"Time for us to reveal the truth, dive deep and find it!"
Then the priest was suddenly pulled into a vision as the spirits revealed what they were trying to show them. Tomoari was shocked to see that he was younger again had regained his sight, temporarily. He found himself swimming in the sea and quickly swam up and saw a boat. It was the incident which caused Tomoari to lose his sight and his father. He saw the people from the shogun steering the boat, looking completely terrified. One of them was holding the cursed legendary grass- cutting sword.
"I already know this story. Show me Inu-oh's!" Tomoari murmured.
Then Tomoari blinked and he was still in the ocean again. He saw a large ship caught in a battle with another and realized that it was the battle of Da-no-ura. Tomoari blinked, confused. Why was he seeing this? It happened almost 200 years ago. He saw a boy holding the sword fall overboard into the water. Water bubbles began to grow lesser and lesser on the surface seeming that he had drowned. But then he breached the surface, coughing and gasping for air. There was a girl, holding him as she swam the two of them to safety away from the battle, pulling his unconscious body to shore. Tomoari watched in confusion. "Huh? Why am I seeing this? Show me Inu-oh's!"
Tomoari saw a pregnant woman singing to her unborn child, beating a small spin-twist drum, while her other two children slept beside her. Inu-oh's father was practicing his performance in the rain but was unsatisfied.
"No! No! NO! It's not enough! This isn't what I want!" Inu-oh's father shouted, angrily, pounding his fist into the puddle. Then a face appeared in the reflection of a purple mask with wide eyes.
"What is it do you want?" the demon mask asked him. "What do you desire?"
"I want to be the greatest star alive!" Inu-oh's father shouted.
"If that is your wish. I shall give you special stories to tell. In the secret villages where the last the Heike survived; they are hidden. Tales of greatness beyond your wildest dreams, sealed away from the world. The biwa priests over there have uncovered these stories. But they can be yours, if so desired. A simple trade, one story for each priest." The mask explained. Inu-oh's father did as the mask requested him to do, and he found and slaughtered the priests, stealing their stories.
"It's not enough. It's still not enough! I need you to give me more stories!" Inu-oh's father shouted.
"I can, for a price. If you are willing to give the radiant innocence of your unborn child." The mask said. Tomoari's eyes widened in horror.
"He can't!" he cried out.
"That is the agreement." The mask spoke.
"No! Don't!" Tomoari shouted. A twisted smirk appeared on Inu-oh's father's lips.
"Go on, take it. You can have whatever you want!"
Tomoari saw Inu-oh's body began to wither, slowly twisting becoming deformed, his skin turning grey. "Stop! He'll die! Inu-oh will die! How could he do this!? Help him! Somebody please! Someone help!" Tomoari screamed.
Just as the heartbeat almost stopped, it continued to beat slowly before it got stronger. The red orbs of the lost Heike spirits quickly began to surround Inu-oh, reviving him, his skin turning back to normal but still deformed.
"Found it!" Tomoari gasped. Inu-oh and Hana stood next to him as the others continued to play their instruments.
"Yeah." Inu-oh nodded.
"Did you see it?" Tomoari asked.
"We did." Hana told him.
"I saw everything." Inu-oh spoke. It was his father all along. He sold his body to a demon for fame. Why he turned out like this way...cursed.
"Look up. Somebody's jealous." Hana pointed. The two of them looked up and saw Inu-oh's father had snuck away and was glaring down at them from the other side above them in an attic of some sorts. Inu-oh turned away and continued to sing and dance while Hana and Tomoari did so as well.
"Even memories float among dreams,
This is where the Heike are found.
A large red dragon shined from the three-floor building and shot out, soaring through the crowd as they watched in awe and amazement, heading up into the sky.
"In this tale of dreams, we gather here to sing The Dragon and Beast Sutra.
Our song is all we have to reach the palace under the sea."
Inu-oh's father stomped his feet as he scowled down at the group, pressing his face against the wooden window.
"No! This is right! I should be on that stage!" He shouted. "Why!? Why not me!? Why that monster!? I'm the star! I should shine the brightest!"
"What's the matter? Are you not the brightest star?" The demon mask questioned appearing behind him.
"I'm not, but I should be! This is all wrong!"
"Then tell me, do you wish for more?" The mask asked.
"Of course, I do! Get rid of that monster!" Inu-oh's father shouted and pointed at Inu-oh, dancing on the stage with Hana. She spun around with him and did a single flip.
"Are preferring to the child that you gave to me?"
"Yes! Destroy him!" Inu-oh's father shouted. "Get rid of that monster, now!"
"Is it there?
(Is it there? Is it there? Is it there?)
(Is it there? Is it there? Is it here?)
Is the palace here?"
"You make a promise to me, are you taking it back?" The mask questioned, a little angrier.
"Then destroy that woman!"
"She is with child as well. Everything that child, the one you gave up, belongs to me. You're telling me to destroy what you've already given to me!?" The mask shouted, furiously. Inu-oh's father gritted his teeth.
"Destroy them now!"
"If so, then I shall destroy YOU then!" Inu-oh's father scowled before he yelped and looked down at his finger. A pool of blood began to form around the nail before his entire body exploded, splattering the walls.
The crowd watched in anticipation sitting at the edge of their seats as the performance was nearly reaching its end.
"(Is it there? Is it there? Is it there?)
(Is it there? Is it there? Is it there?)
The palace of the Dragon King
It's there, it's there, the palace is right there.
No longer lost after waiting so long,"
Hana took off her mask, revealing her face. Almost every aristocrat and noble blushed, taken back by her beauty, as well as the shogun. Inu-oh slowly rose his hands placing each on the edge of his mask.
"To be found by the seekers, delivering it by song.
We've finally reached the Palace of The Dragon King."
Inu-oh quickly closed his eyes and took in a deep breath then ripped off his mask, revealing his new gained face. The curse had been broken! His long dark green hair fell down to his back. Shimmering light grey blue eyes with green eye shadow and lipstick, shaven eyebrows, his face was painted with white powder and had red shaped triangles makeup painted on his cheeks.
"Our hearts here together as one."
Immediately, every single person stood up and cheered and clapped, giving the group a standing ovation! Inu-oh turned to Hana, who was surprised to see his new face. "How do I look?"
Hana smiled and stepped closer and reached up touching his pale cheeks. "The same as always, devastatingly handsome."
"I guess I can kiss you properly now." Inu-oh chuckled and he pulled Hana closer placing his hands on the small of her back. He pressed his lips against hers. "I prefer either way." Hana spoke and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him more passionately.
"I'll give you some more tonight." Inu-oh laughed.
"Hey, you two save it for the wedding!" Tomoari whispered to them, laughing a little. Inu-oh and Hana blushed realizing that they have been making out this entire time in front of everyone. But they didn't care.
The curse had been finally lifted and now they had found their newly found peace for a while.
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kariachi · 2 years
Random Taur Shoe Stuff
Whether or not fuckers even wear shoes varies depending on the type of taur, the terrain, how active they are, etc. After all, getting dressed in the morning can already be a bitch and if you don’t need them...
Shoes are more common if you’ve got softer hooves, are very active on hard surfaces, are going to be hauling things, or need the added traction
You also of course have medical shoes, but those are their own thing
Boots are commonplace, having a single rubber sole, a rigid fabric or leather body that wraps around the hoof(hooves), and an ankle strap, closing at the front
You can also find a more sandal-like shoe, which comes up to cup the back of the hood and straps on around the front. These tend to be more common on even-toed taur, as these come in a paired version- unlike boots- allowing for those who prefer to keep maximum hoof flexibility to have their wish
Most formal shoes are the sandal-like variety, though there are formal boots as well
Sandal-like boots are also used for entertainment and flashy events, as their soles tend to be thinner and less conspicuous than boot soles and can also be finished with metal to produce sparks on stone or just as a pretty flash
There are also, for the sake of fashion and for those who only need shoes for weather, the pad-style shoe- most commonly used by odd-toed taur, they’re quite literally a single pad of leather, rubber, or even woven plant matter, held onto the bottom of the foot with lines running up to an ankle strap. Rivets can be installed in leather and rubber varieties for improved traction
Pad-style shoes are commonly only worn for brief periods, such as while traveling short distances or over steep terrain, and individuals who wear them in daily life also typically go barefoot otherwise
While these are the main variety of shoe, they all come is various forms to fit the various feet of taur
Most areas will have stores that carry shoes befitting the more common forms of taur in their area (mid-sized deer and bovids have the best of it worldwide) and are willing to order in whatever they don’t have available
Despite this, most taur who aren’t in the majority- whether in form or size- in their area prefer to shop online or via catalog for the convenience of it, and many families have a time-honered tradition of going through the top catalogs on their region and ordering as a family. Many families also buy accessories at this time as well, as these catalogs often have sections for them
Some individuals to choose to get professionally done up with metal or rubber shoes like those used for horses and oxen, for reason including- ease of maintenance (you get shorn and you’re set until your next trim), medical recommendation, personal expression, etc. These can be nailed or glued in.
Trimming of hooves/nails can be done at home or professionally, though most individuals find it easier to have a second person do the job wherever they are. Depending on the taur trimming may be anywhere from every month to twice a year
Let me tell you a farrier can make a good living, charging on average ~$60 per trim, upwards of $110 for putting on long-term shoes if they offer the service, and most will do a full measurement of a client’s feet for a small fee. Average income for a self-employed individual with a building and employees, once business expenses are paid and before taxes, is about $100k a year in the US. Self-employed individuals who work in their client’s homes make on average $70k a year in the US.  Individuals working for someone else may make as little at $50k a year.
Farrier is a trade school job that costs about $17k  and 8 months to learn and receive licensing for
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Day 2: Diary
I know that I have been doing the wrong challenge, in terms of the year. But, I have already settled to do it with that one so... sorry
Words: 807 yes it is really short sorry. (Chokako's name is Chikako, but Reina as misspronounced it since she was a baby and everyone knows her by her misspronounced name. She actually likes it, finds it cute. Also, yes Chokako is a trans character and she stated her gender very early and since that moment everyone has addressed her with the correct pronouns and name. So, I hope that nobody comes talking about it so everything is clear. )
-Cho-The lovely lady smiled at her broadly, showing her teeth without shame - You will be in charge of Reina for today okey? - Cho replied laughing happily. - Yes, I am with the baby!! - shouted. She immediately took her humble sandals and started to walk around the compound towards the Aburame home. - Hello!!!! Good morning!!- shouted the girl who was just 5 years old. -Choo- could be heard equally vividly by a tiny squeaking voice. In the garden a toddler. Reina was wearing a shirt too big for her and her barefoot was touching the grass. She giggled when she saw her and started to run to her sister. Chokako hugged her firmly -Chookakoooooo - said the toddler who kept elongating the vowels laughing while doing so. Cho tried to take her in her arms, the soft voice of Takeo looked at them - Chokako are you going to help me with this rebellious bumblebee? - the tall man approached both girls holding a big guard, he then put it on his back. The girl smiled seriously - It’s today’s mission, sir yes sir - Reina was bubbling some words trying to imitate her. 
The small group started their walk towards the rice fields. Reina did not have shoes for her, but the toddler seemed to not care about it. Chokako held her hand firmly while guiding her, they were straight behind Takeo. Aburames were usually in charge of everything related with the agriculture in that place, the overflow of chakra than the seed produced led quite usually to huge plagues that endangered the town’s supplies, or better said Kamo’s cargo. Aburames took good care of all of it, Chokako had lately accompanied her mothers to the repair and construction sites, learning the profession they would tell her; although it was more about learning about everything that was expected from her. However, today they need help keeping an eye on Reina. Nobody told her how, but Shiori’s serious face made her uncomfortable. Something happened, she was sure about it…but what?
-Apa apa gapa ? - said the toddler
-Let grandpa rest, ladybug - Chokako look at Reina
-Buna is ill?- Reina answered by munching her shirt. Nobody answered either of the toddlers. When they reached the rice field, Takehiko and Chio were already there. They just wave their hands. 
-Girls, stay near me okey? - both nodded with their tiny heads. Takeo started to work as was expected of him. He took the guard off his back and opened the jar. He then did some signs using one hand and started to concentrate his chakra, some insects left his body and started to do their routine checking the state of those big fields. While the insects started to work on that, Takeo went into the rice puddles, and started to harvest the rice. The girls looked at him amazed 
-Daice - laughed tiny Reina while giving little jumps. The man looked at both girls - Let me see your palms darlings - both girls offered their hands and the man put some rice on them
-Is brown? - said Chokako amazed by the look that unclean and unprocessed rice had before it was ready to be eaten. Reina tried to munch it - Nooo -shouted and took the rice off. A very agitated conversation started among both toddlers about why they shouldn’t eat that rice. Takeo laughed low and kept working. 
After some hours the girls run out of ideas to play with. Takeo had cleaned almost a whole field, experience and the fact that he was a shinobi for real allowed him to work faster than any worker. He got closer to the girls - What are you doing? - they were drawing with a stick on the Earth. 
-Is a picture of you! -
-PAPA - said Reina, sometimes she got her words right. He felt his heart break in two any time she said that word. - I should write that in a diary.
-What 's diary?
- It’s like a book, but the pages are empty and you write what you want there. Most people write about their day. - The tiny Chokako looked at the mud thinking - Let’s make a diary Reina
-Deina- repeated her. Both girls started to draw in the mud their own particular diary. Chokako could actually write her name and her clan name, but Reina just made a huge mess of sticks and figures. 
-No Reina is not like that - reprehend the kid.
Those were good times, but not the best of them. They kept playing with the mud, practicing more their letters and stick figures, forgetting about the rumbling in their stomachs and about the sounds that visitors made to the rice fields. Forgetting that they were trapped there, so did Takeo.
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Takeo Aburame teaching young Chokako Akimichi and Reina Aburame to write their names and family name.
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