#arctic base bby
chocobothis · 1 year
Solus Ve'tra Profile
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Name: Solus Ve’tra (previously Solly Vetra)
Nickname(s): The Tiny Ve’tra, Vaar’ika (runt), Jabiimi Butcher
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Sephi-75%, Human-25%
Birth Year: 40 BBY
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic, Polyamorous
Romantic Status: Single-ish (whatever her and Lumi have surpasses romance)
Love Interest(s): Pre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze, Lumi Kirrin
Enemy: The Republic, The Jedi Order, The Separatists, The New Mandalorians, The Sith, etc. Look, she’s a former Senior Padawan turned political terrorist in Death Watch. It’s almost easier to list who actually likes her.
Hobbies: Art, Strategy Games, Reading, Hunting,
General Likes: Museums, History (any sort really), Piloting, Mechanic Work
General Dislikes: Most Senators, Jedi Order, Bland Foods, Speaking Basic
One Word To Sum Them Up: Devoted
Noun to Describe Them: Mandokar (the right stuff, the epitome of Mando virtue - a blend of aggression, tenacity, loyalty and a lust for life)
Temperament: She’s rather even tempered with an excellent poker face when it’s necessary. Chaos doesn’t bother her, making her excellent at handling stressful situations from medical wards to battlefields. As a Jedi Commander, her troopers adored her and when settled into Death Watch that rings true there as well.
Other’s First Impression of Them: Appearance wise, she’s almost dainty (5’5”) with an elven beauty about her causing people to underestimate her might. Then personality wise, she comes off as very charismatic with a keen eye for politics.
How did they get here: Even before going to Mandalore as a representative of the Jedi Order and Republic she was having doubts about things. Meeting Pre, getting acknowledged again as Mandalorian, and spending so much time with Satine sealed how much she hated her life. Having a minor mental breakdown, learning of a specific kind of Republic Rot, and she just finally broke. She tore through a false Mandalorian Clan on Nar Shaddaa to get proof, destroyed an information network, and then contacted Ursa. She wanted in on what Death Watch had.
Fun Fact: As much as she fulfills the role of Rally Master, with the context of Death Watch and greater Mandalorian Culture, she’s grumpy about the title. The traditional rally master armor is bulky and entirely red; she likes neither of those things. Her preferred armor style is a sleekier assassin style in blacks, grays, and silvers.
Free Space/Ramble: Because of how I write Sephi (Thustran based specifically) with some vulpine traits and being highly adept to the cold it makes her a little bit arctic fox-esque. Her grandfather (the man she’s the smaller, almost identical feminine form of much to her ire) has the Silver Fox going while she’s a slight prankster. Yes, she will abuse the Force to move a stylus a few inches away from someone without them seeing to be annoying.
Armor Notes: Solus specifically sticks her preferred color scheme in line with what her Clan would traditionally wear. This includes her left pauldron being black with the clan's signet in a muted gold. It's a display of millennia long solidarity between Clan Ve'tra and Clan Wren. Otherwise, she adopts the style of Death Watch, specifically the Nite Owls. Later on, when she has her twins, she tends to decorate her chest plate with one of their hand prints on each side.
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sol-luminosus · 7 years
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Wanted to draw in KND art style but art block is already bad as it is at the moment so meh.
Anyway, here’s a next generation child/operative/OC.
Short Profile:
Name: ???
Codename: Numbuh 64
Age: 11
Drill Sergeant, Eventual Supreme Leaduh.
Only Drill Sergeant in KND history to be all smiles to cadets. Definitely gets in trouble a lot for that. Doesn’t exactly wear uniform properly either. Greatly talented anyway and trains cadets well. Has surprising resistance to cold weather/climate. (Earned his alias “Jackfrost of Arctic Base” because of it)
So far, no operative has ever known his actual name. One of the “7 Mysteries of KND”. Loves Yipper and outwardly finds Rainbow Monkeys to be cute.
Rumor has it he’s also pretty skilled in espionage, but is never confirmed.
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Types of Mythical Creatures🧚🏼‍♂️
Hi bby’s!✨A lot of you requested I do a mythical creature based on your astrological placements so I created a reference to all the mythical creature options. If there’s something you think I should add or change than let me know - this is all just for fun!✨
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✨Ocean Mermaid: This is the mermaid that we most often imagine when we hear the term “mermaid.” These are the mermaids that have hearts of gold and a wanderlust spirit due to their ability to travel and swim for long periods of time within the ocean. They’re very playful, curious especially with each other!), & the most likely to be “spotted” by humans, probably due to their curiosity and their associations with land, however, that doesn’t take away from their naturally cautious nature as I’m sure these mermaids have seen and heard some scary & destructive shit in their day - especially when it comes to humans. Oftentimes their tails are deep blues & greens in order to blend in to their surroundings.✨ They can be very shy & hard to really get to know, maybe even seeming standoffish, but once you do they are very loyal, friendly, & have lots of personality despite their independent and careful nature when it comes to humans and other dangerous/scary species.
✨Tropical mermaid: This is a type of mermaid that, obviously, lives in a more tropical & warm climate. Due to this their tails mimic a lot of tropical fish or coral colors/patterns in order to blend it to their surroundings for survival reasonings. These mermaids can definitely be omnivores but many of them enjoy a lot of land fruits & vegetation. Like most mermaids they have very adventurous and curious personalities, however, they don’t travel as far or as long as the open ocean mermaid does but instead stays in their warm comfort zone. Like many mermaids, they are naturally cautious but they are more likely to be around areas with humans, just deeper down near the bottom floor with the coral reefs. As I mentioned earlier these mermaids are more inclined to staying in their comfort zone which I feel really speaks to their friendly and “bubbly” nature - however, it’s important to keep in mind that these mermaids, like the open ocean mermaid, can be very cautious of humans and the scary stories that come with them.
✨Freshwater mermaid: These mermaids live in lakes, ponds, rivers, etc. & so their tails are usually greens, browns, golds, and other earthy tones that help them blend in for survival. Their skin itself can even have an earth toned hue to it in order to help blend in with their surroundings and the murky water/area. They can definitely be much more social than that if saltwater/ocean mermaids, probably because their living environment isn’t nearly as toxic with stories of humans. They very easily stay more close to home around their family/pods rather than adventuring out as much as other types of mermaids and they are very social creatures with a beautiful bubbly, earthy, and happy personality. Their energies are very calm, much like their down to earth habitat.
✨Deep sea mermaid: Deep sea mermaids live in the ocean just like the tropical and open ocean mermaids, however, they live further out and much deeper down where the water is darker, cooler, and more temperate. Their hair and tales are usually much darker in color & their tales are usually black, dark blues, dark greens, & dark purples. Deep sea mermaids, much like the freshwater mermaid, do travel in packs/pods but they aren’t as social as other kinds of mermaids - they mainly stick to their own thing and vibe on away from everything and everyone else. They are very independent in that sense and they usually don’t have as much of a curious or adventurous spirit as the other mermaids but instead stick to what they know and in their comfort zone. They’re basically the introverts of the mermaids lol
✨Arctic mermaid: These mermaids obviously live in the colder/arctic regions and their coloring reflects that with a lot of cooler and pale colors. Their tales and overall coloring are usually cool blues, whites, silvers, grays, and other pale tones. They are mainly omnivores as there isn’t much vegetation in cooler climates and they often have extra layers of fat to keep themselves warm ✨ Arctic mermaids are very isolated due to them living in such a cool climate so they can be very oblivious to the outside world, only knowing things from what they see so they can be very cautious. They live in dark water and caves so they aren’t used to things outside of their realm but they do enjoy eating & staying warm & independent ✨
✨Angel: Angels are always depicted as ethereal, divine, & spiritual beings. Of course how they are viewed depends on what religion/mythology you look into but I’m sticking with the more spiritual/stereotypical interpretation. Angels ooze a calming, loving, and beyond this world/realm energy. They are nothing short of light & love and they have this way of making anyone feel safe, protected, and loved. They are the healers and the intuitives and they can very easily pick up on others energies and intentions as well as spread light with their presence alone. 👼🏻✨
✨Nature Fairy: A nature fairy is the type of fairy that we all usually think of when we hear the term. Every fairy has its own uniqueness but like humans, they can be biased and have their own likes and dislikes. With that being said, they can be very cautious and choosy with the people they meet or come across or are around. They gravitate more towards humans who have a love of the earth and take after it as they are like nature angels in a sense because they are here to take after the natural world and preserve it in the best way. They can, however, be pranksters and have a mischievous demeanor towards those they aren’t fond of. How you treat them is likely how you’ll be treated back. Fairies are very upfront and genuine. They love to have fun and they love nature and if you respect the things they respect (such as the earth) than they will likely respect you. ✨🧚🏼‍♂️
✨Asrai Fairy: These fairies are actually water/aquatic fairies and their appearance very much resembles that. They have a very youthful or childlike appearance and energy and their hands and feet are webbed in order to fit their environment. They are very small in height and their skin is cool to the touch. These fairies are very youthful in personality and their biggest fears are being confused or captured and being in the sunlight as the sun can kill them. They are very shy and introverted in personality, often being very shy towards humans as humans often try to capture them which can kill them if they are taken into sun. They are very beautiful and they live for hundreds of years. ✨
✨Apsara Fairy: These fairies are mainly found in Buddhist and Hindu culture ✨ They are nicknamed “sky dancers” and they are fairies of the sky/air and of music. They are often depicted as celestial beings and beautiful women who are beautiful dancers, singers, and musicians but they are also shapeshifters. They enjoy celebration and are often present and ceremonies and important events such as weddings, giving birth, and other beautiful life changing events. ✨
✨Pixies: Pixies are very small and beautiful creatures who have an intense love for being mischievous and having fun. They are small in height, have blue/green tinted skin, & they have slightly pointed ears. Pixies often spend most of their time in wooded areas or meadows - usually places that are a lot more naturey and foresty. They love dancing, singing, music, and overall having a good time. They can be extremely childlike and curious in personality and nature and naturally, they have a jokester side to them - especially with humans. Also just to be clear, pixies are not fairies! 🧚🏼‍♂️✨
*I’m going to update this ✨
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beaniegara · 6 years
ten (10) songs currently stuck in my head
tagged by @jenruggrello thanks bby!!!
I haven’t been listening to a lot of music lately simply bc I’m usually home and doing something else? but,
contramão - pitty, tássia reis, emmily barreto
this compilation, for some reason
bohemian rhapsody - queen
bloody motherfucking asshole - martha wainwright
gashina - sunmi
pressure -  muse
thought contagion - muse
the dark side - muse (basically everything from their new album that’s yet to come out)
four out of five - arctic monkeys
tranquility base hotel & casino - arctic monkeys (also this entire album thank)
to sum it up: moody lol 
tagging @thatmademadej @queerunsolved @yaboybergara @haunted-gays @panthermouth @ghoulboyboos and anyone else who wants to do this! <3 ETA: tagging you too, @gaylittlepieceofsh1t !!
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
1-92 mofo
(lov u)
i took off the ones abt sex except for 1 bc i can 
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
on tumblr…. it was u babe so take that how u like 
on imessage… no my dude 
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
ehhhhh idk possibly 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
no but like he’s in my classes?
6. What are you excited for?
yr 10 formal and finished for the year 
7. What happened tonight?
i made fajitas watched youtube and read fic,,, but it’s only 7pm 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no do what u want… i just get annoyed when straight girls are suddenly making out with every other girl in sight BC BITCH Y CAN’T THE GAY GIRL GET SOME
9. Is confidence cute?
y e s self love is super hot 
10. What is the last beverage you had?
tea11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
like one or two? 
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
refer to 7 
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
bus fare 
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
what kiss 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes what the hell 
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
uhhhhhhhh like leah, the space gals, and my pal steph 
18. The last time you felt broken?
probs yesterday 
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i can’t study and i hate having feelings for people 
21. Are you in a good mood?
eh im in neutral u made it better tho lmao 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
yea y not 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no i am harry potter in which i have my Mother’s eyes
24. What do you want right this second?
more fajitas 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yes but i think due to the sun it’s a bit lighter than usual 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no omg humour is important
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
the vid u sent me 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yep my mother 
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
i think so but there’s a line between 2 chances and 50 and if you have to give someone more than like 2 extra chances drop them lol 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no he’s a butt but he’s ok and he helped me make fajitas 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
look i honestly don’t know but if he doesn’t then H O W 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
lmao no i wish 
34. Listening to?
africa by toto, next in the queue is paint by the paper kites
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
yes my last test was in pencil 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
again w the whole NO ONE HAS KISSED ME THING 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no love is not purely based on appearance lol 
38. Who did you last call?
the guy who i’m doing my psych pres with
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
my pal nat in a stationary shop 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
props like the last time my history teacher brought them to class
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
nope lol 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
whats tanning dont know her 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
nope i wish tho 
47. Who was the last person to call you?
my dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
hell yea i do 
49. Do you dance in the car?
hell yea i do 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
yea twice 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
like 3 weeks ago for a school thing but the angle was gross 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53. Is Christmas stressful?
ok i can’t be bothered to do the the format like that anymore rip nice structure
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
a wot
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
apple and blueberry 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
vet or journalist, still wanna write to some degree lol 
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
i think there is something beyond what we see but idk 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
yes omg sometimes before i travel to somewhere new i dream abt the place and then i get there and im LIKE I HAVENT BEEN HERE BEFORE WHY DO I KNOW IT and it’s bc i dreamt abt it
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
nah dressing gown tho 
62. What do you wear to bed?
t shirt dress or men’s shirt 
63. First concert?
taylor swift im sorry 
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
nike but i dont wear either 
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
peanuts dude
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
currently sparks fly or the live back to december 
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
lowkey want to marry a painter or a designer 71. Can you curl your tongue?
yeee boii 72. Ever won a spelling bee?
nahh 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
YE at my sister’s wedding and at the disco last year lmao 
74. What is your favorite book?
hp, trc, or i’ll give you the sun 
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
nah got a wax burner
77. Ever been in love?
ppffft i wish 
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
hozier, arctic monkeys, the lumineers, dua lipa, lorde, hippo campus, the weeknd
79. What was the last concert you saw?
taylor swift but i’ve been to like festivals since then? 
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
hot but since summer is a comin 
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
white choc macadamia 
83. Can you swim well?
i could before i got boobs
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
baND (mostly bc last time i went to a wedding w band the singer was HOT and she could sing like beyonce) 
87. Ever won a contest?
uhhh i think so?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
nope lol 
89. Which are better black or green olives?
don’t eat either!
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married? 
i think so but also i cannot understand why anyone would want to marry me 
ok i lov u more than i love steve harrington have a good night lad ! this was v long i hope ur happy 
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Tagged by: @ofglasshorses (thank you bby!! <3) Tagging: @multamusae​ , @intheireyes​ , @theperditorian​ / @plciadcs​ , @samaelnomcre​ , @watsonofagun​ , anybody who wants to who I may have neglected on accident as I went to bed at 4:45 this morning!
NICKNAME: None really that have stuck IRL, none online as of yet, but I’d love one! HEIGHT: 5′6″ CURRENT TIME: 9:50 AM (well, 10:07 as of posting, I’m EST) FAVE MUSIC ARTIST: Okay so I love so many artists oh my goodness? But right now I’m pretty into The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, The Lumineers, Florence + The Machine, OMD, and Echo and the Bunnymen as those were latest in my watch history on YouTube. Feel free to hit me up for a full list because honestly if I were to list them all here it would take up the majority of this meme and everybody would be mad at me. LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  A special theatrical showing of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind which I was very excited about!
LAST SHOW WATCHED: Diagnosis Murder, at my aunt’s house. Either that or Fawlty Towers or Whose Line Is It Anyway, I sort of watched them all at the same time. WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: I think May of this year but I didn’t make it active until June? Wow... WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: Threads, memes, asks, aesthetics, graphics, too many various and sundry posts about my life, frequently how it’s spiraling downhill at any given moment... Typical stuff, you know? WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: It’s from a quote from Sign of the Four, “It is the unofficial force--the Baker Street Irregulars”, as the OCs on this blog were originally called the Baker Street Irregulars in my headcanon/when I wanted to do a fully constructed ficverse with them. I still kind of want to, but I don’t know if that would be too self-indulgent or if anybody would even read them.
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Honestly I have no idea? I’ve gotten Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff on quizzes, but, as we’ve established, I suck at all things Harry Potter. POKEMON TEAM: Uh, I think Mystic, but I haven’t played Pokemon Go in forever and I liked the other teams too, I just think Articuno is badass/it’s my favorite legendary bird so I picked based on that. I’d rather stick to the mainline games, thank you. FAVOURITE COLOUR: Pastels! But if I had to pick a set color, probably orange, blue, or white. AVG HOURS SLEEP: 3-10, depending on where I am. At school, probably 3-7, at home, probably 8-10. LUCKY NUMBERS: 12 HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH?: On my school bed right now I have three, at home in the winter I can have upwards of like four or five plus a heating pad. Winters in the Northeast are hardcore. FOLLOWING: 69 (give me more blogs to follow, please!) FOLLOWERS: 44 (and I love each and every single one of you!)
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tmntsworld · 7 years
@jacalineiscomingforyou this is for you bby. Part one of four. Creds go to @tmnttrashcan and @dragonslover1 because it's their Playlist that I'm basing this off of.
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This is how you would dance to "Arctic Monkeys; Do I Wanna Know?"
Leo would notice your absense, firstly. You're not playing video games with Mikey-The-Girlfriend-Hogger or even in the living space in general. Then he looks in the dojo, you're not there either.
Confused, Leo frowns and places his hands on his hips in thought. Did you leave?
No, he thought, No way, she'd tell me.
It would've been unusual. You always tell him when you're leaving; it's so he can take the liberty of suggesting that he walk you home, or steal a goodbye kiss before you left. Maybe you would even tell his brothers before him so they can send the message, but he always came to say goodbye.
So he does the next best thing; he checks his room space and there you are.
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The moment he finds you, Leonardo forgets what he wants to say, for you're just so beautiful and just--the way you're twisting and turning to the smooth rhythmic lyrics, headphones blasting what was quiet to his ears.
You, eyes closed, you're completely in the zone, undisturbed, clad in nothing but an oversized T-Shirt and your underwear. The scandalous yet innocent look attracts his eyes as they trail along your figure, lingering on the shape of your smooth, freshly-shaven legs. He would marvel at your figure forever if he could.
You were just so engrossed in the music that even when the song ended and you took the headphones off, you didn't open your eyes.
Then you turned your head to look at him, and Leonardo's mouth felt dry all of a sudden, his face flushing, releasing a breath that he didn't know he was holding.
"Enjoy the show?" You teased, feeling a flush rising in your own neck.
He had to lick his lips before he spoke. "W-Well, ahem," He cleared his throat, shaking off his trance as he approached you. "I was looking for you, and then...I find you here, looking like this."
"Maybe you should knock before entering, Fearless." You countered smoothly, looking up at him with a smirk tugging at your lip. He had one pulling at his cheek, much to your satisfaction.
"Just be glad that it was me and not one of my brothers."
Especially Mikey; he would flip if he saw you.
"Well, at least they know how to knock."
Bullshit, but I'll take it.
He took note of your jeans laying across his bed and leaned down to bump his nose against your forehead. "Maybe if you didn't have the music so loud, you'd hear me."
You know damn well he didn't knock.
Tilting your head up, you met his gaze in the midst of your little game. "Well, take note next time."
"Who says there's gonna be a next time? It's my room, and you're half-naked."
You rolled your eyes, his face so close that your lips were grazing his. They were so close, so far away. But you wouldn't give in.
"So?" You challenged in a throaty murmur, placing your hands on his lower plastron, fingertips pressing into the hardened surface. "I was just having fun..."
He felt his chest tighten, his gut sinking into his feet. Shifting his weight, he slowly pressed his hands against the wall, leaning over you with his towering stature.
"Maybe you should put them back on." He said in your ear, his voice fainter than normal.
No, you shouldn't...
You merely smiled, hands smoothing over his toughened sides, your head tilting upwards, breath hitting his neck and trailing along his cheek.
His breath caught in his throat when you neared the corner of his lips, turning ever so slightly to try and meet them.
Your lips were so close.
"You're right," You whispered in his ear.
Then you pull away, slipping under his grip to casually grab your jeans. The audacity of your actions made the mutant dip his head in astonishment, breathing out a shocked laugh before pushing himself away from the wall.
"You're a real tease, (Y/N)." He stated, crossing his arms while watching you button your pants.
You just winked at him, tossing him the borrowed headphones. Of course, he reflexively caught it without any effort.
"And you've got some real music taste, Fearless. Catch you later."
With that, you saunter off, your hips swinging with each step.
Hearing your receding steps, he let out a sigh, running his hand over his very warm face.
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3, 10, 15, 16, 18, 50, 65 ;)
Aw hey girl, thanks 3. Favorite band/artistProbably the 1975, maybe Young the Giant, I got really into them this year10.If you could see any band/artist live, who would it beMmmm I so wanna see Bruno Mars live I feel like that would be so much fun15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your weddingHome by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros16. 5 Songs to have sex to1. Redbone - Childish Gambino2. Arabella - Arctic Monkeys3. A Little Death - The Neighborhood 4. Gorilla - Bruno Mars5. No One's Here To Sleep - Naughty Boy, BastilleIf I don't get to at least 3rd base while any of these songs are playing, consider my sex life a failure. And Kelsey I'm sure you'll be the first to know if I ever do. 18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is itI'm thinking a life with only 24k Magic in it is still a pretty dope life50. A song that you would rock at karaoke Waking Up in Vegas - Katy Perry 65. A song that you think everyone should listen to Weird Science - Oingo Boingo B)Thanks bby girl
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memowee · 8 years
rules: answer the question on a new post and then tag some peeps you wanna get to know better Name: Emilie 
Nickname: Em, Mem, Memowee/Memawii, Emmie 
Star sign: Scorpio Height: 5'7″ Time right now: 3:31 in the pm Last thing I googled: MBTI types since I couldn't remember mine when I was looking at the questions for this! (before that was taegi fics oops) Fav Music artists: The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, P!atD, Fall Out Boy, Halsey, BTS, Seventeen, Monsta X, GOT7, Twice, 2NE1 stuck in your head: Like Ooh-Ahh by Twice (don't do it it's so catchy) Last movie watched: ...fuck I don't know. OH WAIT I saw Rogue One two weeks ago. Last TV show watched: I'm currently watching Project Runway Junior lol What are you wearing: black jeans, gray work polo, flannel, mismatched socks (I've lost so many socks that I've given up on my principles) When did you create your blog: ...my blog turned 6 in december can you fucking believe I've been on hellsite so much What kind of stuff do you most post on your blog: I've turned into a kpop thirst blog I'm so sorry. before that I was really into supernatural so it was a lot of that. I still try to incorporate all the memes and other fandom-y things i see! Other blogs: nope lol one is enough when u got three twitter accounts 
Gender: female 
Hogwarts house: basic gryff 
Pokemon team: valor 
Moral alignment: lawful neutral Fav color: orange, pastel pink, teal Fav Characters: Dean Winchester & Castiel (SPN), Steven Universe, Amethyst, Usagi (Sailor Moon, the ultimate bisexual I love her so much), Hansung my hwarang bby, Spock Dream job: I don't even know anymore to be completely honest. something in forensics? hopefully autopsy based? I'm not even sure I'm gonna like that but for now that's what I think I'd like Who am I Tagging: @t3t0bean @13-gallon-trashcan @smallcakeee @za-pasta @im-a-banana0 @cloudlessrayne @jazm00n I know I'm friends with all y'all but I like seeing your answers to these things also @alienbunnybot @danisonthefire @sassysheepsenpai @dynamitebirdboy some of the cool mutuals I could think of off the top of my head! if you're a mutual and you wanna do it I'd love to see your answers! I just can't remember all of you awesome people :)
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reveriesforyou · 7 years
I love your writing so much!!! Would you do one with Tom based on 505 by the arctic monkeys??
Thank you so much bby💘 and YES!! I love that song!
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