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illsadboy · 1 year ago
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Mi sono guardato negli occhi e ho visto che dentro c’era tutto e niente, tutto era una illusione come un arcobaleno 🌈
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Foto ig:strega_salamander
La diversità sta in chi vuole vedere
L'amore altrui
Nessun amore
Può essere definito diverso
Chi ama
Qualunque sia il suo amore
Non è diverso
Da nessun altro amore
-la ragazza dal cuore nero♡
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twistedwhitesnow · 8 months ago
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Drinking Buddy
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cecy83 · 1 year ago
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lindaleira · 2 years ago
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lory78blog · 8 months ago
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Terzo arcobaleno 🌈 di oggi 😯
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camilleisback · 16 days ago
Quota famiglia arcobaleno 🌈🌈🌈
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shiromochinbirb · 7 months ago
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my arcobaleno husbandos 💚💛 🌈
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lixenn · 11 months ago
KHR Ask Game
No clue if something like this already exists but I was inspired while cooking and decided to make this, because why the fuck not?!
Have some very specific weird ass questions:
🔥What would be your Flame type?
🌈Who's your favourite Arcobaleno?
💘This character could step on you and you would thank them
⚰️Your go to way of getting rid of a body
📕Which languages would you learn to become one step closer to Varia Quality?
🍽️You got into a Food Fight Vongola Style! What type of food are you going to throw at people? Bonus question: Who are you aiming at?
🗡️Your weapon of choice in a life and death battle?
🏫Congrats! You were named heir of some rando Mafia Family! Who would you want as a tutor to prepare yourself for the new job?
🎶You're on a roadtrip with the Varia. Who would you trust with the music selection for the entire trip?
😺*BAM* You've been Checkerfaced and are now an Acrobaleno. What's your animal companion?
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principessa-6 · 2 months ago
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La felicità è come una tavolozza di colori, ad ognuno il suo.
Tuttavia l’artista della felicità sei tu, soltanto tu.
Intingi la tua anima nei colori, perché un arcobaleno se prima non lo crei dentro,
non lo vedrai neanche fuori...🌈
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sara-saragej · 2 years ago
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Il sole è alto, i colori brillano... ma solo se apri gli occhi e il cuore a ciò che di bello c è riesci ad essere felice per un buongiorno,un caffè,un sorriso... per la vita.
Ti auguro di cuore una giornata di sfumature stupende colore arcobaleno
🌈 -Sara
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The sun is high, the colors shine... but only if you open your eyes and heart to what's beautiful, can you be happy for a good morning, a coffee, a smile... for life.
I sincerely wish you a day of beautiful rainbow color shades
🌈 - Sara
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ci0k · 4 months ago
🌈🍂🪢🦔🩺🌻🌙💌: cosa simboleggiano per te?
🌈 la mia famiglia, arcobaleno, ho due mamme
🍂 amo l'autunno, la natura, le foglie secche, lo scricchiolio delle foglie sotto i piedi, i colori
🪢 arrampic(av)o
🦔 è una parte del mio carattere, quando non sono tranquilla o succede qualcosa mi chiudo a riccio
🩺 sono infermiera
🌻 è il mio fiore preferito
🌙 amo la notte, più del giorno, la luna mi rappresenta molto perché cambia sempre ed è affascinante
💌 sono romantica, mi piace scrivere lettere, leggerle, riceverle
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cuteskytv · 8 months ago
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Arcobaleno 🌈
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roxan-world · 3 months ago
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É cosi che vorrei diventasse la mia vita
Un meraviglioso arcobaleno 🌈
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quandolarte · 2 months ago
No, non è un dipinto e non è stato photoshop. Questi sono arcobaleni di fuoco estremamente rari.
Gli arcobaleni di fuoco vengono a formarsi quando la luce del sole si rifratta attraverso cristalli di ghiaccio in nuvole di cirri ad alta quota. Questi cristalli di ghiaccio devono essere posizionati proprio per piegare la luce, producendo colori vivaci, simili a un arcobaleno che si arcano attraverso il cielo. Il termine "arcobaleno di fuoco" deriva dai colori intensi, simili alle fiamme.
Affinché appaia un arcobaleno di fuoco, il sole deve essere alto nel cielo, almeno 58 gradi sopra l'orizzonte, e la luce deve colpire i cristalli di ghiaccio con un angolo preciso. Queste condizioni rendono gli arcobaleni di fuoco più comuni in estate e a medie latitudini. Quando accadono, spesso si diffondono attraverso grandi sezioni del cielo, creando uno schermo radioso e colorato che può sembrare quasi di un altro mondo.
#creation #LSCDC
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juudaimes-true-form · 11 months ago
In case you don't get other asks sent in, I really wanna see your anyways to all those for the KHR Ask Game! 💕✨
hi!! Thanks for stopping by! I was holding onto this until I was sure there weren’t going to be any new asks!!
🔥What would be your Flame type? Personally, I’ve always resonated with Storm.
🌈Who's your favourite Arcobaleno? I hold a special place for Skull (it’s lowkey his fault I found this show 😭) but I don’t have a fav! I like them all pretty equally!
💘This character could step on you and you would thank them Lussaria 🥰
⚰️Your go to way of getting rid of a body answered [here]
📕Which languages would you learn to become one step closer to Varia Quality? 1) Igbo <- I can hear it but not anything else 2) Korean <- I know like the basic basics of its grammar 3) Italian <- obviously 4) Japanese <- obvvies 5) Spanish <- rn I know enough to stumble through a simple conversation 6) Yoruba <- West African languages are fun 🤷‍♀️
🍽️You got into a Food Fight Vongola Style! What type of food are you going to throw at people? Bonus question: Who are you aiming at? Okra soup. It’s sticky and will absolutely ruin whoever it lands on >:D I’d be throwing it at Verde because his white coat needs to look less pristine. Will I eventually regret this? Yes. Right now? No, it’s most hilarious thing I’ve ever done.
🗡️Your weapon of choice in a life and death battle? A ring blade disguised as a hula hoop. It’s an idea I’ve been toying with, but basically, there'd be a mechanism to reveal the metal part as an outer ring and a retraction mechanism to make it regular hula hoop!
i think it could be pretty versatile. 👍
🏫Congrats! You were named heir of some rando Mafia Family! Who would you want as a tutor to prepare yourself for the new job? Fon! He’s patient and calculating, I’m sure I could learn a thing or two from him without as much trouble as any of the others would give me 👍
🎶You're on a roadtrip with the Varia. Who would you trust with the music selection for the entire trip?
also lussaria. he has music i'd like, probably.
😺*BAM* You've been Checkerfaced and are now an Acrobaleno. What's your animal companion?
SQUIRREL! the ones with red fur. like this vv (below)
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