pokemeda · 3 months
MedaClan Cover
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The MedaClan story follows two ex-clan cats who have ventured to create their own clan, MedaClan.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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gaggedalise · 1 month
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This is Alice's art, I hope you enjoy her work.
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WolfsfootClan clan moons 201-401
- Boneflower brought home three kits, MoonKit, RootKit, GravelKit
- WishWhisker has kits, RookKit, TornKit, PineKit, 
- VinnieJump has two kits, SwallowKit and PebbleKit 
- SorrelBounce and PosyRain are both expecting kits 
- MottledHeart is made a warrior! 
- HollowPaw is made an apprentice
- KitePaw is made a med apprentice 
- MarshFall is made deputy 
- SorrelBounce has one kit, WheatKit
- PosyRain has two kits, SloeKit and NectarKit
- BirchSnout is expecting kits 
- WillowIce is expecting kits 
- AdderDusk dies and SwallowKit is killed by a snake 
- BearPelt, RubbleStripe, HickoryClaw, BraveBush, StrikeSpeck, PurryLeaf, BrindleBlaze, QuietStem, BurntDawn, QuailWhisker, MyrtleBelly, ThornHeart, ShortThistle, PranceWhisker, BoneFlower, WishWhisker, WillowIce, RoachDaisy, BerryStorm, BugHeart, ElmSpots, PaleLight, FishHeart, OneStem, BirchNeedle, BirchSnout, BadgerDrift, ThunderKit, PebbleKit, SpruceKit, HickorySpots, SnapHorse, ThymeStripe, VinnieJump, BurdockFish, TornKit all die from a flash flood. 
- RobinStreak, CragStrike are both expecting kits 
- SunnyBark brings home three kits, GorseKit, WisteriaKit, BeaverKit, 
- Reece brings home two kits, HopKit, SpotKit
- MottledHeart is expecting kits!!! 
- CragStrike has four kits, ThornKit, PounceKit, BrushKit, CedarKit 
- RobinStreak has two kits, BassKit and HollyKit. 
- RootPaw, MoonPaw, GravelPaw are made apprentices 
- MottledHeart has four kits, CoyoteKit, BriarKit, CuttleFishKit, ChamomileKit 
- RookPaw, PinePaw are made apprentices 
- BeaverKit has chronic joint pain 
- ChamomilePaw and CuttleFishKit dies of kitten cough 
- RookMinnow, GravelHeart, PineTooth, RoseClaw, MoonStream, RootSplash all earn their warrior names 
- RainKit is found dead, Monika dies of yellowcough 
- LavenderSnout is made a warrior 
- DriftTooth and FurledBee are made warriors 
- Reese died of green cough 
- GorseEater, WisteriaPelt, BeaverPelt, HopRose, SpotStripe are made warriors 
- Ploverdawn has four kits, MouseKit, HoneyKit, LeafKit, SloeKit, 
- Hollowfur is expecting kits 
- BassNeedle, HollyTooth, ThornPelt, PounceTalon are made warriors 
- SnapPaw is made an apprentice 
- QuietRunner brings home three kits, EgretKit, TuftKit, ClawKit, 
- MottledHeart is expecting kits 
- CoyoteTuft, BriarScar, is made a warrior! 
- MarshFall is expecting kits 
- HollowFur has five kits, MoorKit, MumbleKit, RapidKit, FleckKit! BirdKit, 
- FurledBee dies 
- MottledHeart has four kits, OrangeKit, SandyKit, NeedleKit, DawnKit
- MarshFall has three kits and dies giving birth, frecklekit, bravekit, arckit
- Gold died 
- DarkClaw has GannetKit, MothKit, DarkKit 
- RookMinnow is made deputy 
- TuftPaw, ClawPaw start their apprenticeships 
- MoorPaw, BayPaw, RapidPaw, is made an apprentice 
- Broccoli brings home three kits, RushKit, TigerKit
- MartenLotus has two kits, MantisKit and BlossomKit
- Flutter is expecting kits 
- IvyLake died of greencough! 
- SnakeStar is expecting kits! 
- QuillThroat had four kits, LilyKit, ClawKit, BiteKit, BurrKit
- FernGaze has one kit, MartenKit
- Flutter has four kit, ShiningKit, BreezeKit, DayKit, CherryKit 
- FernGaze, OspreyFur, GravelHeart, HareBracken are found dead 
- MudKit and RapidStripe die of heat stroke 
- SnakeStar has two kits, LionKit and RosyKit 
- RookMinnow is expecting kits! 
- LarkFoot brings home an abandoned litter, BirdKit, StagKit 
- ShiningPaw, CherryPaw, DayPaq Start there apprenticeships 
- RushPaw learns of a prophecy 
- ClawCall is expecting kits 
- MartenPaw, LilyPaw, BitePaw, ClawPaw, BurrPaw start their apprenticeships 
- QuickBlink has CrestedKit 
- RookMinnow cheated on lavendersnout and has a single secret kitten with MoorStripe! PikeKit 
- RookMinnow loves LavenderSnout, is crushing on RootSplash, BeaverPelt, and MoorStripe! 
- ClawCall has three kits, 
- TigerHail, RushClover are made warriors and med 
- LionPaw and RosyPaw are made apprentices 
- Mantisdusk and blossomfreckle are made warriors 
- FirHeart dies of whitecough 
- SloeFreckle and HopRose are murdered 
- ShiningRapid, CherryAcorn, DayCry, BreezeDusk 
- DarkWhisker has five kits and is absolutely refusing to talk about them or acknowledge them at all, MilkWeedkit, BayouKit, SkyKit, BloomKit, DappledKit 
- MartenTail, BiteTuft, BurrWater, LilyTooth are made warriors 
- PounceTalon brings home four kits, JaggedKit, ShortKit, ConiferKit, MottledKit
- BirdFoot has six kits, WebKit, FurledKit, BriarKit, BreezeKit, ArcKit, SweetKit
- PikePaw is made an apprentice 
- StagMoon is made a warrior 
- HoneyKit dies from a hawk wound 
- LionWillow and RosyMinnow earn their names 
- MartenLotus adopts a litter, LeafKit, LarkKit, BumbleKit 
- MothWhisker had two kits but is absolutely refusing to talk about or acknowledge them at all, GarlicKit and TwigKit 
- TigerHail and JaggedKit died of greencough 
- ConiferKit is killed by a snake 
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft lure GarlicKit, BayouKit, and MilkWeedKit out of camp and abandon them in an active fox den
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft kill SkyKit, BloomKit, TwigKit
- MottledKit died of kitten cough 
- CrestedSlip is made a full mediator 
- ClawCall is expecting kits 
- SiltShine dies of whitecough 
- DappledPaw, LeafPaw, LarkPaw, BumblePaw are made apprentices 
- CurlyBranch is killed by a dog 
- Flutter died from snake venom 
- Broccoli and PikeHeart are found dead 
- Pretty much all kid are made apprentices
- Zorro, now BrambleBounce joins the clan 
- ClawCall has TangleKit, and WhisperKit 
- StagMoon brings home five kits, HazelKit, DrizzleKit, FrostKit, GullKit, KinkKit 
- BraveLeap has six kits, PaleKit, WebKit, b QuailKit, BrambleKit, TimberKit, MapleKit 
- CoyoteTuft and RoseClaw kill WebKit, BrambleKit, KinkKit, WhisperKit 
- SwampRapid and DawnSpotsvare both expecting kits 
- BirdDusk brings home four kits, MottleKit, HayKit, HavenKit, TulipKit 
- HavenKit and TulipKit die from greencough 
- CedarClover brought a litter of three kits home, PranceKit, KaleKit, and CicadaKit 
- PranceKit and KaleKit are killed by RoseClaw! 
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft argue, and Coyote refuses to kill anymore kits. She kills RoseClaw! 
- SwampRapid has HootKit, SheepKit, 
- DawnSpots has SandKit, BarleyKit, GreyKit 
- MottledHeart, RookMinnow, CoyoteTuft are all expecting kits! 
- BriarFawn is expecting kits! 
- RookMinnow lost his tail to a dog! 
- MottledHeart has three kits, AlmondKit, WhistleKit, SageKit
- RookMinnow has three kits, FennelKit, LichenKit, IrisKit 
- CoyoteTuft has two kits, SundewKit and HopeKit 
- GorseEater dies of whitecough 
- BriarFawn has four kits, FerretKit, LakeKit, OddKit, RushKit 
- QuailPaw and DawnPaw died of greencough 
- LarkFoot died from a claw wound 
- MoorStripe brought home four kits, FlickerKit, BrookKit, SkyKit, PatchKit 
- ShiningRapid has one kit, GooseKit 
- FlashBlotch and TimberPaw die of greencough 
- bumblepelt and moonstream are killed by rogues 
- Doestripe died 
- LarkPelt died of greencough 
- So many more apprentices 
- KiteFoot is expecting kits 
- CrestedSlip has two kits, EagleKit and SilkKit
- SwampRapid has three kits, AntKit, DappledKit, SkipKit 
- SnakeStar succumbs to cancer after secretly losing lives to it for years 
- RookStar is made the leader, and appoints CoyoteTuft as his deputy 
- RavenSong was killed by a fox 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- Kitefoot and SnakeStar have one kit, SerpentKit
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits! 
- ArchBack dies from whitecough 
- Drizzlebloom brought home tow kits, WishKit and Leopardkit 
- TinyFoot, MantisDusk are both expecting kits 
- BraveLeap has four kits, FogKit, MurkKit, DuskKit, CragKit 
- RookStar has two kits, WolfKit and LightKit
- CoyoteTuft has one kit, SnapDragonKit 
- OrangeSpeck died of whitecough 
- WhistleFeather, AlmondFur, SageBee, FennelLeaves, LichenHorse, IrisWhisker, SundewTwine, HopeWater are made warriors 
- MantisDusk has two kits, LotusKit and SwallowKit 
- TinyFoot has two kits, QuietKit and LarchKit 
- OddShadow, RushHeart, FerretBerry, LakeFlame, 
- SorrelBounce was found dead 
- DawnSpots, QuietRunner, BeaverPelt, ThornPelt, SharpStone, CedarClover, LeafSpeckle, MoorStripe, BrushStrike, ClawCall, BirdFoot, NeedleGaze, MothWhisker, BlossomFreckle, BurrWater, BirdDusk, SweetHawk and HayBlaze are swept away in a flood! 
- FennelLeaves dies of yellowcough 
- ShortBee has one kit, woodKit
- ClawSpring has four kits, CoyoteKit, HareKit, DandelionKit, SnapKit, 
- SundewTwine has mantisKit 
- BrookSpots, DrizzleBloom, SkyFrost die 
- ArcHeather is expedients kits 
- CragStrike, DarkClaw, FrostPelt, TinyFoot, MumbleSky, PounceTalon, RootSplash, PinkBlink, BreezeDusk, StagMoon, SandClaw, ArcShade, SilkPaw, FlickerRose, RushHeart, MurkPaw, GorsePetal, PaleStripe, BriarFawn, SwampRapid, BuzzardClaw, BayClaw, StrikeFern, LilyTooth, GannetBush, IrisWhisker, GooseWave, SnapKit, all die from an outbreak of wolfcough. 
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits! 
- ArcHeather has three kits, TumbleKit, BeetleKit, BirdKit
- SheepPelt had four kits, TipKit, BayKit, DaisyKit, RaggedKit, 
- HareKit dies from wasting disease, 
- HazelClaw brings home one kit, 
- SerpentWing is made a warrior 
- CoyoteTuft has one kit, FalconKit 
- LightDust, SnapDragonBerry WolfFade are made warriors  
- DandelionPaw, WoodPaw, MantisPaw, CoyotePaw are made apprneinces 
- SageBee died from a mangled ta 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- PloverDawn was killed by a fox 
- KiteFoot has three kits, BlotchKit, PheasantKit, RosyKit 
- MartenLotus died of old age, 
- RookStar has three kits, RussulaKit, QuickKit, CordyCepKit 
- BreezeRun dies to a snake 
- ShortBee adopts BassKit 
- BeetlePaw, BirdPaw, BayPaw, TipPaw, DaisyPaw, RaggedPaw, BitternPaw become apprentices 
- CordyCepKit dies of heatstroke 
- RussulaPaw and QuickPaw are made apprentices 
- ArcHeather is expecting kits 
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits 
- ArcHeather has SleetKit, CliffKit
- CoyoteTuft has SnakeKit, OneKit 
- Fogbright has one kit, SpikeKit 
- SnakeKit dies of kitten cough 
- BriarScar has PiperKit, SlightKit 
- CrestedSlip has FreckleKit, KestrelKit, RussetKit 
- QuickChime and RussulaRoot earn their names 
- BaiselTail joins the clan 
- KestrelKit has a seizure 
- coyotelily is expecting kits 
- QuillThroat is found dead 
- CliffPaw, FoolsPaw, SleetPaw are made apprentices 
- CoyoteLily has four kits, CliffKit, EgretKit, ShiningKit, JayKit 
- SpikePaw is made an apprentice 
- HollyTooth and LarchMoon drowned trying to save eachother 
- CliffKit died 
- BaiselTail has three kits, HoneyKit, ChaffinchKit, PearKit 
- AlmondFur is killed by a snake while saving a kit! 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- DahliaKit joins the clan 
- RosyMinnow is burnt alive while saving FalconBeam from a fire! 
- SkipFern has QuailKit, FinchKit, CaveKit 
- QuickChime has ChirpKit, SparkKit 
- SerpentWing is expecting kits! 
- FoolsRapid earns their name 
- SnapDragonBerry has three kits, PinkKit, RippleKit, BroomKit 
- Mantisjay is killed by a snake 
- RussulaRoot is expecting kits, 
- SerpentWing has four kits, CicadaKit, PuddleKit, BluebellKit, BarleyKit, 
- AntHorse brings home two kits, BrindleKit and LotusKit 
- BassPelt, EgretPaw, SparkKit die 
- RussulaRoot has two kits, RacconKit and NettleKit 
- DappledSpot has three kits, BoulderKit, BayouKit, BlueKit 
- RussulaRoot died of greencough! 
- ChirpPaw dies of frostbite 
- BirdFeather is expecting kits 
- LionWillow has four kits, JumpKit CypressKit LocustKit TallKit 
- BassNeedle, BriarScar, DaisyFur2, LionWillow, CragTail, SwallowJaw, CoyoteLily die from sickness 
- BirdFeather has two kits, 
- RussetPelt is found dead 
- BlueBellPaw, PuddlePaw, CicadaPaw, LotusPaw, BroomPaw, 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- BoulderPaw is killed by a snake 
- TallPaw died of kitten cough 
- PiperDrift died of heat stroke 
- SnapDragon and QuietHare have three kits, CuttleFishKit, BassKit, TunaKit 
- LichenHorse died of yellowcough 
- BroomWave died of greencough 
- Bayou paw died of a mangled tail 
- LavenderSnout is expecting kits
- CicadaWing, LotusStorm, PuddleEars, BrindleEyes are made warriors 
- Woodpelt is found dead, BaiselTail is found dead 
- LakeFlame died of yellowcough 
- LavenderSnout and RookStar have one kit, ApricotKit 
- BassPaw, TunaPaw, CuttlefishPaw are made apprentices 
- CoyoteTuft retires 
- FurledLotus died from a snake bite 
- OrangeTuft died 
- JayStrioe is found dead 
- ShiningRapid had QuillKit, HayKit, FallowKit 
- TangleHeart has two kits,  CurlewKit and GannetKit 
- HoneyPath dies from a snake bite 
- LavenderSnout is found dead 
- Slight cloud died from poison 
- WhistleClaw is expecting kits 
- Bitternaw brings home three kits, MudKit, PebbleKit, ConiferKit 
- BrambleBounce is killed by a badger 
- CurlewKit died from a claw wound 
- QuickChime died from a mangled tail 
- KiteFoot dies 
- CuttleFishCall, BassFlood, TunaSplash are given their names 
- ArcHeather, CrestedSlip, DarkWhisker, ShiningRapid, SloeFur, SandySwoop, CherryAcorn, BirdFeather, ShortBee, BiteTuft, DayCry, SheepPelt, FerretBerry, SkipFern, BirdSky, DandelionEyes, AntHorse, RosyClaw, CliffBurr, FreckleWing, ChaffinchSight, ShadowFire, CaveBeam, BlueThroat, RippleStep, LotusStorm, BrindleEyes, WheatSpirit, SpotStripe, ThriftTalon, PineTooth, ConfierKit all die in a flood 
- WhistleClaw had four kits, FlyKit, FallingKit, WaspKit, DustKit 
- DappledSpot has four kits, HeavyKit, DogKit, AppleKit, CloverKit
- RushLightening is killed by a fox 
- OddShadow dies of greencough 
- SundewTwine dies of yellowcough 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- PatchHeart is expecting kits 
- FallingPaw died in a training accident 
- QuietHare and SnapDragonBerry have a single kitten, ThymeKit 
- WebIce is expecting kits
- WhistleClaw is expecting kits 
- FallowBush brings home two kits, SparkKit and ScorchKit 
- WebIce and FoolsRapid have two kits, PineKit and BlackKit 
- WhistleClaw has two kits, PuppyKit and WhirlKit 
- BrindleBloom died 
- CoyoteTuft died from age complications 
- PuddleEars brings home four kits, HopeKit, CocoNutKit, AppleKit, DuskKit 
- CuttleFishCall brings home three kits, ThornKit, FidgetKit, RatKit,  
- MottledHeart is grieving deeply for CoyoteTuft, and she has given up on the world 
- LeopardBird has four kits, JuniperKit, RowanKit, SoftKit, StoatKit 
- RookStar is mortally wounded by a fox! 
- BluebellSpring died of greencough 
- MottledHeart wanders out and is found dead 
- DahliaNut is expecting kits 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- CicadaTail is expectinf kits! 
- DahliaNut has four kits, StemKit, PineKit, RunningKit, AmberKit 
- RookStar has two kits, CatfishKit and GoldKit 
- CicadaTail has three kits, SheepKit, WeedKit, ArcKit 
- SparkPaw PuppyPaw ScorchPaw BlackPaw WhirlPaw JuniperPaw RowanPaw StoatPaw SoftPaw HopePaw CoconutPaw ApplePaw DuskPaw ThornPaw FidgetPaw RatPaw all start their apprenticeships 
- CicadaWing is expecting kits 
- WolfFade is expecting kits 
- PuddleEars died of a mangled tail! 
- RoawnPaw was found dead 
- WolfFade had four kits, LarchKit, PlanktonKit, JetKit, StreamKit 
- CicadaWing had three kits, RushKit, Iris, SpotKit, 
- WhistleClaw died of severe burns 
- CuttlefishCall and LittlePelt drowned! 
- BlackBloom, SparkJay, ScortchToe, SoftToe, WhirlAster, JuniperToe, StoatLeaf, SoftToe, HopeBee, CoconutTooth, AppleTail, DuskCatcher, ThornThistle, FidgetBurr, RatMuzzle are made warriors 
- RookStar loses his last life and passes
- CicadaStar is made leader
- WolfFade is made deputy 
- RunningHare, AmberBush, PineStripe, StemThroat
- SparkJay is killed by a snake 
- HoneyWhisker and BraveLeap are expecting kits 
- HoneyWhisker had three kits, ShineKit IvyKit HailKit 
- RushClover died of heatstroke 
- CatFishcrown, GoldTooth earn their names 
- BraveLeap has curlykit, DaisyKit
- PearFlower has one kit, 
- CoconutTooth is expecting kits 
- BeetleBeart is expecting kits 
- TangleHeart has two kits, PlumKit and PineKit 
- StreamBlink died from poison 
- CurlyKit died of kittencough 
- PlanktonPearl, SpotBurr IrisMist RushFur JetThorn LarchFlower ArcFur WeedSpeckle SheepFang are made warriors 
- BeetleHeart had two kits, PranceKit, IcyKit, 
- PebbleWhisker is expecting kits 
- CoconutTooth has three kits, FallingKit, ClawKit, GoldfishKit
- FoolsRapid was burnt alive while trying to save SerpentWing from a fire!! 
- RunningHare died of yellowcough 
- GrassAsh died 
- TangleHeart and PearFlower died of yellowcough 
- PebbleWhisker had three kits, JayKit, DawnKit, BasilKit 
- fidgetburr died of infected wounds 
- DryMoth and ThymeTail are both expecting kits 
- BlackBloom and DryMoth had three kits, BarleyKit, CondorKit, FallenKit 
- BraveLeap was killed by a badger 
- ThymeTail has four kits, PrickleKit, SnakeKit, PantherKit, PlumKit 
- HootBerry died 
- PineStripe has three kits, ReedKit, MallowKit, RiverKit, 
- StoatLeaf has four kits, ElmKit, SongKit, BristleKit, ChiveKit 
- HazelClaw died 
- TumbleBrook died 
- GoldFishFur, ClawHeart, FallingNight, IcyStripe, PranceBlossom, PineGrass, PlumShade are made warriors 
- IrisMist, RushFur, SpotBurr, DaisyPelt, HailFoot, DappledSpot, ArcFur, AmberBush, RatMuzzle, StemThroat, JuniperFur, AppleTail, AppleLeaf, CloverShadow, BuckPlume, NettleStem, kestrelBee, DaisyPelt, BlotchLotus, RaggedSeed, FinchSeed, FogBright, ShiningMark, PineGorse, DahliaNut, BassFlood, QuillClover, CypressBright, SpikeFire, DustHeart, HollyPelt, ScorchToe, JetThorn, GoldTooth, SoftToe, FleckSpark, BristleKit, SnakeKit, MantisDusk, ApricotDapple, LeopardBird, PlumShade, die in a flood 
- BeetleHeart chooses to see the world and leaves the clan 
- ClawHeart died from yellowcough 
- Triscuit Jon’s the clan 
- QuailFoot had three kits, BrambleKit, YellowKit, WolfKit 
- LocustWhisker had five kits, Badgerskit, BrindleKit, GoldKit, TulipKit, BounceKit 
- Speckle has four kits, FawnKit, SilverKit, SleekKit, PoppyKit 
- DryMoth and SerpentWing are both expecting kits 
- SerpentWing had two kits, WolfKit and ErmineKit, 
- DryMoth and BlackBloom have four kits, but DryMoth died in labor. YellowCressKit, BuckeyeKit, PloverKit, ThunderKit 
- ThornThustle had five kits, PetalKit, DriftKit, TawnyKit, SiltKit, LarkspurKit 
- Apprentices are made apprentices 
- ClawSpring is found dead 
- HopeBee had three kits and won’t acknowledge them, MoonKit, MistleKit, AnemoneKit 
- MudStream has three kits, BreezeKit, BriarKit, TallKit
- HoneyWhisker brings home three kits, CarpKit, GorseKit, MossyKit 
- Sleetmark and pinkfoot expecting kits 
- Many, many apprentices are made 
- GannetFur is expecting kits 
- WeedSpeckle is found dead 
- SleekMark has one kit, DoeKit 
- PinkFoot had moonkit, sleetkit 
- GannetFur had lightningkit 
We’re now approaching WolfStar’s reign in the final post of WolfsfootClan
final part 3:
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mossyantlerss · 1 year
So! Five months have passed and a lot has happened, we went from 10 cats to 25 in a span of 5 months!
Month 1: Firepaw had a argument with Peatdrop. Afterwards, Peatdrop and Whiskerash found a wounded loner who decided to join BitternClan. Their name is now Barkwater.
Month 2: Peatdrop thinks they are going crazy. And Whiskerash is developing a crush on Hazelswoop, who also has a crush on her too. For some reason Lightfang can't stop talking about Troutface. Firepaw has been fighting with his mentor, Cinderheart while Troutface is feeling guilty about hurting Cinderheart's feelings. I'm thinking Firepaw and Cinderheart had a argument and Troutface took up for Firepaw but said something to Cinderheart that hurt her feelings. Next, Hazelswoop and Daypaw went on a patrol together while Cinderheart and Firepaw did too. Both patrols brought home two queens, both with litters. The first queen that Hazelswoop and Daypaw found, was a molly named Bayougrass and her kits Arckit, Spottedkit, Softkit, and Leafkit. The second queen was a molly named Mothneedle with her kits Buzzardkit, Aspenkit, Shadekit, and Tumblekit.
Moon 3: Daypaw became a warrior! Her name is now Dayfoot! Mothneedle decided to retire and Barkwater brought a litter of kits to the clan, saying they were hers but refusing to tell their origin. Her kits are Duckkit, Iriskit, and Burntkit. Firepaw broke the warrior code by eating prey before catching some for the clan.
Nothing happened during the fourth month.
Month 5: A kittypet named KD joined the clan. I decided to make Whiskerash and Hazelswoop in a gay relationship.
Here's the updated allegiances!
Haystar - Long furred ginger and white spotted tabby furred molly with hazel eyes. She is 109 months old (senior adult). She is responsible and a good hunter with somewhat experience.
Hazelswoop - A short furred silver and white molly with hazel eyes. She is 74 months old (adult). She is Dayfoot's former mentor. She is bold and a great fighter with average experience.
Medicine Cat
Swanfeather - A medium lengthed furred white tom with very light brown and brownish white marbled ears, tail, and heart shaped patch on his side, and blue eyes. He is 175 months old (senior). He is lonesome and a dream walker with high experience.
Cinderheart - A medium lengthed furred silver and white molly with blue eyes. She is 90 months old (adult). She is currently mentoring Firepaw. She is bloodthirsty and a great teacher with average experience.
Peatdrop - A long furred light brown bengal furred molly with amber eyes. She is 47 months old (young adult). She is compassionate and a great teacher with somewhat high experience.
Whiskerash - A long furred silver molly with dark blue eyes. She is 54 months (adult). She is charismatic and a excellent speaker with high experience. She is the mate of Hazelswoop.
Lightfang - A medium lengthed pale ginger spotted tabby and white tom with a snake bite scar and hazel eyes. He is 100 months old (senior adult). He is loving and a good teacher with high experience.
Troutface - A short furred pale gray tabby molly with dark blue eyes. She is 81 months old (adult). She is daring and a excellent fighter with average experience.
Dayfoot - A medium lengthed furred ginger rosetted tom with a scar over one of his yellow eyes. He is 14 months old (young adult). He was mentored by Hazelswoop. He is daring and a great teacher with low experience. (I don't know why I thought he was also brown in the last post)
KD - A medium lengthed dark ginger tom with a darker face, legs, ears, and tail, and yellow eyes. He is 61 months old (adult). He is strick and formerly a kittypet with slightly low experience.
Firepaw - A short furred ginger and white rosetted tom with blue eyes. He is 11 months old (adolescent). He is being mentored by Cinderheart. He is loving and a excellent speaker with slightly low experience.
Barkwater - A medium lengthed silver marbled tabby point furred molly with yellow eyes. She is 60 months old (adult). She is responsible and formerly a kittypet with high experience. Her sons are Duckkit, Iriskit, and Burntkit.
Bayougrass - A long furred silver tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes. She is 61 months old (adult). She is fierce and formerly a loner with high experience. Her son is Leafkit and her daughters are Arckit, Softkit, and Spottedkit.
Mothneedle - A medium lengthed dark ginger (trans?) tom with pale green eyes. He is 122 months old (senior). He is adventurous and formerly a loner with high experience. He will be fully retired after his kits are apprentices. His sons are Aspenkit, Shadekit, and Tumblekit and his daughter is Buzzardkit.
Arckit - A medium furred light brown molly with yellow eyes. She is 3 months old (young). She is a daydreamer. She is the daughter of Bayougrass and the sister of Leafkit, Spottedkit, and Softkit.
Spottedkit - A long furred gray tabby calico molly with pale green eyes. She is 3 months old (young). She is a daydreamer like her sister Arckit. She is the daughter of Bayougrass and the sister of Arckit, Leafkit, and Softkit.
Softkit - A short furred dark gray molly with yellow eyes. She is 3 months old (young). She is charming. She is the daughter of Bayougrass and the sister of Arckit, Spottedkit, and Leafkit.
Leafkit - A short furred very light gray ticked tabby and white tom with yellow eyes. He is 3 months old (young). He is daring. He is the son of Bayougrass and the brother of Arckit, Spottedkit, and Softkit.
Buzzardkit - A long furred silver bengal point molly with dark blue eyes. She is 3 months old (young). She is charming. She is the daughter of Mothneedle and the sister of Aspenkit, Shadekit, and Tumblekit.
Aspenkit - A long furred dark brown smoky tom with a white nose bridge, a white dash on his face, a white dash on his chest, two white paws, and green eyes. He is 3 months old (young). He is a attention seeker. He is the son of Mothneedle and the brother of Buzzardkit, Shadekit, and Tumblekit.
Shadekit - A medium lengthed dark gray ticked tabby tom with amber eyes. He is 3 months old (young). He is nervous. He is the son of Mothneedle and the brother of Buzzardkit, Aspenkit, and Tumblekit.
Tumblekit - A medium lengthed pale ginger tabby and white patched tom with blue eyes. He is 3 months old (young). He is the son of Mothneedle and the brother of Buzzardkit, Aspenkit, and Shadekit.
Duckkit - A medium lengthed white furred tom with blue eyes. He is 2 months old (young). He is a daydreamer. He is the son of Barkwater and the brother of Iriskit and Burntkit.
Iriskit - A short furred gray spotted tabby tom with a white face and amber eyes. He is 2 months old (young). He is a daydreamer like his brother. He is the son of Barkwater and the brother of Duckkit and Burntkit.
Burntkit - A medium lengthed pale gray rosetted tom with hazel eyes. He is 2 months old. He is noisy. He is the son of Barkwater and the brother of Duckkit and Iriskit.
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sp-ud · 2 years
Spiderclan, Year One, significant happenings.
Warrior ceremonies: Pantherfur, Molefoot, and Lavenderspeck
Deaths: Crowpaw died of an infected wound on his tail, Fallowfoot died to a large dog, Logstrike died from water in his lungs
New Clan Members: Loner Carriethroat, Kittypet Mochawish with her kit Arckit, Kittypet Montedusk
Other: Wisteriapounce was chosen as the new deputy after Fallowfoot's death, Arcpaw becomes an apprentice to Rowanwhisker
Moon 1:
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Moon 3:
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Moon 4:
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Moon 7:
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Moon 8:
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Moon 9:
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Moon 10:
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Moon 11:
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Moon 12:
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End of Year:
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exploremars · 6 years
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Repost from @themarsgeneration using @RepostRegramApp - Join Us TODAY for Day 3 (Wednesday May 16, 2018) of the #TrainLikeAMartian Challenge! To find today’s challenge click the link in our bio! Make sure you participate to be entered to win prizes, including our grand prizes which include #ArcKit architecture building kits, and more! To check out today's challenges, including the Jump for the Moon fitness challenge, click the link in our bio. It's not too late to sign up to qualify for the prize drawings - we are giving out a bunch of cool space swag! For more info and to sign up, visit: http://www.themarsgeneration.org/train-like-a-martian/ If you want to donate to help us reach our $10,000 fundraising goal for this event and help send kids who lack financial resources to Space Camp, please visit: http://www.themarsgeneration.org/event-donate/ ***Don't forget there are prize drawings for participation and also rewards for donating!
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andystechgarage · 7 years
First @arckitmodel by Andy. These things are so cool!!! On to the bigger models! Thanks #santa . Learning everything we can about #architecture . #stemed #stemprojects #stemproject #arckit #arckitecture #arckitmodel #stemandy #stemeva #stematg #andystem #evastem #atgstem @andystechgarage #andystechgarage #atg
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mikeshouts · 5 years
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This Stadium Model Kits Let Build The Sporting Stadium Of Your Choice
It's not LEGO, but somehow, we still drawn to it.
Follow us for more Tech Culture and Lifestyle Stuff.
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pjoheadcanonsbyid65 · 7 years
Just found out about arckits and it's my duty to spread the headcanon that Annabeth Chase has every single set
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👏 every 👏 single 👏 set👏
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kickstarter · 7 years
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What would your dream city look like? A bustling metropolis full of soaring skyscrapers? A sleepy town dotted with colorful bungalows? 
Build your ideal domain from the ground up — and envision the future of city planning — with Arckit’s modular building-block kit, which allows aspiring architects and enthusiasts alike to create detailed three-dimensional cityscapes. 
See more and support the project here.
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pokemeda · 3 months
MedaClan Allegiance
This will be updated as the story goes along, but this is how the Clan started out/current characters in the comic!
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Combstar: She/Her Leader Adopted Mother of Arckit Founder of MedaClan
Personality: -Beloved Kitsitter -Learner of Lore -Daring
Based off of Metabee
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Arckit: He/Him Kit Adopted Son of Combstar
Personality: -Unruly -Oddly Observant
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They/She Rogue
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ap-designmemories · 7 years
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Arckit Cityscape & Arckit Masterplan ____
Arthur and Puff are everywhere … Facebook  |  Stampsy  |  Tumblr  |  Soundcloud  |  Pinterest  |  Instagram
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dezainnet · 7 years
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Arckitが開発した建築や都市計画を学ぶためのビルディングキット (dezeen) Easy-to-assemble building kits aim to inspire new generation of architects (dezeen)
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Building With ARCKIT [1500x1000]
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exploremars · 6 years
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Repost from @themarsgeneration using @RepostRegramApp - Let the games begin! Join Us TODAY for Day 1 (May 14, 2018) of the #TrainLikeAMartian Challenge! We have a fitness challenge, a STEAM challenge, and a bio-hack challenge for you to try! To find today’s challenge click the link in our bio! Make sure you participate to be entered to win prizes, including our grand prizes which include special @Lottie_Dolls packages, #ArcKit architecture building kits, yummy #IndulgeSweets Fudge and more! To check out today's challenges, including the Mission: Control fitness challenge, visit the link in our bio. Make sure you participate to be entered to win prizes, including our grand prizes! For more info and to sign up, visit: http://www.themarsgeneration.org/train-like-a-martian/ If you want to donate to help us reach our $10,000 fundraising goal for this event and help send kids who lack financial resources to Space Camp, please visit: http://www.themarsgeneration.org/event-donate/ ***Don't forget there are prize drawings for participation and also rewards for donating!
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