#archiving firm
thegroundhogdidit · 10 months
did i ever show y'all my very important tma chart
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officialmiintee · 5 months
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oh ye i made sad heart pirates art inspired by this in twt
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smeegamae · 1 year
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how bout that french barbie movie poster
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corruptlabyrinth · 2 months
if the parallels between tma and tmagp is the beverages. tea and coffee, i just kinda wonder what would be the signature beverage for a 3rd one.
its probably not going to happen but im just imagining a alternate universe where they're so done with the fears or whatever is plaguing their universe so they just drink wine and whiskey while cataloguing the said unspeakable horrors beyond human comprehension.
I call it The Magnus Law Firm
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doppel-dean-er · 11 months
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imagine being the person this guy fed off of. like damn, you saw THIS trainwreck, approached him, and told him YOUR BIGGEST TRAUMA? not to bash the victims of the eye, obviously they did nothing wrong, i'm just saying that COULD NOT be me......
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saym0-0 · 5 months
listen im a bi georgie truther but the idea that she identified as a lesbian, started dating pre-transition jon, he transitioned, she identified as bi for a bit bc she still liked him, then went back to identifying as a lesbian after they broke up, will not leave my brain its so hysterical to me
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usernameyettocome · 1 year
Shoutout and happy pride month to this Jonmartin sketch I did all the way back in November
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cayennecrush · 3 months
Sorry for the spam liking. I just remembered this set of really beautiful Steven Universe fanart you did and I was desperately trying to find it so I could see it again. There was an underwater one. I remember that much. It had Pearl and Amethyst holding hands with Jasper and I think they were showing her an underwater cave?
omg no apology necessary, im delighted when people like a bunch of my old stuff!! ☺️ also i know exactly which one you mean, this one right?
this is probably one of the fanart collections im most proud of!! thank u for sending this ask, im so happy you loved this post so much!
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stew4 · 6 months
okay but Brandon Sanderson had the choice to reincarnate leshwi into her preferred body for all of ROW but instead we get trans leshwi and she’s chill, badass, and she flies. it’s just nice to have the extra nuance for the fused and what they do in that situation so thank you
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actual-dead-girl · 6 months
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Issey Miyake archival “aqua firm” summer/spring 1999 collection.
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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im a little embarrassed to post this one but i spent so much time on it so here
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orchidbreezefc · 5 months
i am a vassal and you are my lord. i have sworn to serve you and you have sworn to protect me. this is an expression of mutual care and support but also of mutual threat.
i am a good weapon, a strong weapon, and i am more than capable of any destruction you could ever wish to inflict. i am helpless but to obey any order you could ever wish to give; i swore an oath.
you could wield me against targets i don't want to harm for ends i don't want to pursue. but so too did you swear an oath, and so too are you helpless but to protect me. remember that a shield is meant to be moved into the path of an enemy sword and struck. it would be easy to find an enemy sword.
it was smarter for us to be allies than enemies. our vows are knives we hold against the other's throat, and still this bond keeps us safe from each other. what is trust if not giving someone the ability to destroy you in the confidence that they will not use it?
an attack dog can be a beloved companion. just remember that its teeth would know no difference between your enemy's flesh and yours.
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frankensteincest · 5 months
initially listening to tma characters grappling with morality, free will under unknowable systems, and ‘who’s a victim and who’s an agent’ &c. was soso interesting but now it just low-key pisses me off bc I know it all gets homogenised into The Single Right Take. polyphony died a slow, painful death and me I also don’t feel so good
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basilpaste · 9 months
waugh im combining interests again!!!
yuma and makoto are both SOOO heart players to me.
"They are excellent at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them." is a quote from the extended zodiac that is So Real for makoto but yuma too, i think. and heart is all about soul, whats core to a person, the things that make them alive and real. someone without their memories and someone who was created to be a 'better version' of a 'real' person??? that is some HEART SHIT!!!!!
theyd be a heir and a knight respectively.
heirs are adaptable. they adapt themselves and their aspects to their environment. thanks to his pact with shinigami, the souls of culprits bend to his deduction. he cares so deeply about others, though, that he invites people to change their hearts. the thing that makes yuma as dangerous as he is is that in his pursuit of the truth, he never reaches the bottom of how much he cares.
knights are... also adaptable. just in a different way. they use their aspect as a tool to serve themselves and others with. people either do not like or do not know makoto. he uses the uneasy trust he has with yuma to reach the end her wants for himself, using his knowledge to twist his search of self. makoto is all splinters, its why he wears those masks. his work is tireless, relentless. because he loves kanai ward more than anyone.
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MAG 5 - 'Thrown Away' - Expected failure.
In the conclusion of this episode Jon talks about Martin conducting the follow-up interview, and immediately afterwards explains how he expected it to fail. This brings up an interesting possibility.
Sometimes when we assign assumptions to people, we subconsciously adjust our behaviour towards them to make it right. It's like the concept of the self-fulfilling prophesy but placed upon another. In Jon's case, this seems to take place in the form of giving Martin tasks that will probably be useless, or likely to fail. It's easy to keep believing things about a person if they're not in a position to prove you wrong.
This would be just as harmful, if not worse for Martin himself. He already has a low self esteem, and even if you figure out that you're being guided down a path to failure its hard not to blame yourself. Martin's obviously very good at talking to people, and seeing himself unable to obtain useful information (even if nobody else would've been able to get it) would be confusing and frustrating; this, inadvertently causing him to feel the same way that Jon feels in his job.
They say that you shouldn't jump into the water to help someone who's drowning, as their instinct will be to push you down to pull themself up... Perhaps this also applies in emotional contexts.
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eldritch-scuttle · 2 years
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some pathetic little archivists in celebration of me completing my magnus relisten and the coming of tma 2 eletric boogaloo
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