eleonoramilner · 1 year
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Padiglione degli Stati Uniti d’America alla 18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura - La Biennale di Venezia @labiennale-blog Everlasting Plastics, progettata da SPACES, organizzazione d'arte alternativa con sede a Cleveland, Ohio.
"I polimeri petrolchimici che chiamiamo plastica, sviluppati negli Stati Uniti all’inizio del Novecento, sono stati accolti come materiali rivoluzionari, capaci di ridurre le barriere socioeconomiche nel garantire l’accesso a beni prima disponibili solo alle classi agiate. Oggi, la plastica è prodotta a ritmi esponenziali e allarmanti, nonostante la crescente consapevolezza del suo impatto tossico. Everlasting Plastics nasce in risposta all’urgenza del momento e riunisce opere appositamente commissionate a Xavi L. Aguirre, Simon Anton, Ang Li, Norman Teague, Lauren Yeager le cui pratiche creative si concentrano sull’analisi e il recupero dei rifiuti plastici. Analizzando il modo in cui questo materiale permea la vita contemporanea, la mostra rimodula gli atteggiamenti e gli approcci alla gestione della sovrabbondanza di rifiuti plastici nelle acque, nelle discariche e nelle strade. Everlasting Plastics riconosce la dipendenza globale da questo materiale e propone un attento ripensamento del modo in cui conviviamo con la plastica e delle possibilità di quest’ultima di diventare agente di cambiamento."
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sistazai · 5 years
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#Repost @communityreadingroom ・・・ Please join Dr Denise Chapman and special guests Sista Zai Zanda, Maxime Banks, Amarachi Okorom and Achut Thuc for ‘(Re)Storying our Freedom’ - an evening of poetry and storytelling exploring the impact of oppression on the mind and the body.  The artists will discuss a range of methods for understanding / troubling / resisting / speaking to oppressive social structures and power. FREE and all welcome. . Image: a grainy black and white photograph of a microphone nestled in the curled mic lead. It sits on top of a PA speaker. Text in the top left corner reads: “tonight 6:30-8:30pm Testing Grounds, Achut Thuc, Amarachi Okorom, Denise Chapman, Maxime Banks, Sista Zai Zanda. . . Testing Grounds is accessible for people using wheelchairs. Bathrooms are gender neutral and there are baby change facilities. . . Black Tourmaline is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and the Carstairs Prize, funded by a private donor and administered by the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA). #navagrants . . #testinggrounds #communityreadingroom #counternarrative #readingroom #blacktourmalineproject #narrm #birraranga #melbourne #publicpedagogy #communityeducation #communitylibrary #archiveproject #discursiveproject #books #artbooks #margintocentre #decolonisetheacademy #poetry #storytelling #resistance https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaI487Acrq/?igshid=6ljbl11k28mp
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featheredpipe · 4 years
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“The Feathered Pipe founding group was so multi-cultural and inter-faith: India was raised Jewish but practiced Hinduism; Laughing Water was Buddhist; Tom was raised Catholic; Heidi was Jewish. I was raised Methodist, and I liked to study Krishnamurti because his philosophy really resonated with me. One of the things I always appreciated was that everybody had strongly held spiritual beliefs and nobody tried to influence each other into or out of anything. We did a lot of sweat lodges, and Pat Kennedy came down to hold Native American ceremonies. It opened me and a lot of others up to different perspectives and ways of thinking.” —Gail Wilson, gardener, mother, dreamweaver and long-time friend Gail and Paul have lived in the caregiver’s cabin for over 30 years, watching over the Ranch property, being a second set of parents to all the kids who were raised here and giving their green thumbs and big hearts to this community. Read the full interview in the Roots section of our community page. Link is in the bio! #community #storytelling #archiveproject #preservehistory #herstory #montanalife #spirituality — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3l8LyUJ
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itsbrittney-blog1 · 8 years
Archive Project
For my archive project, it was on the Webrecorder.io and it was towards my obsession of a media marker known as Nicholas Sparks. I love to read which is why I am an English major and why I chose him as my obsession. Yes, he is an author who writes love story, but he has a way of creative things and making them real. He has been writing for about 20 years and just celebrated that. He has a way with words and makes to think what he is thinking. Sparks bring you into a whole new world of imagination. 
With the archive project, we are looking at Nicholas Sparks and getting to know him better and see why he is one of my obsessions. The archive project allows you to see what I found about him. You get to look at his website he has and see how it shown. Then with the website you get to look at his biography and get to know him a little more. For example, where he lives, all the books he has written,and the books he wrote. With this, any information you find has been saved while your recording. Then we went to Wikipedia to find more information about Sparks because his website only gives a taste of what he is about. With Wikipedia, you can see how old he is, if he has any family, any children, if he is married and more. After that, we went to google and looked at images to see what he looks like. The images allow you to really see what he looks like and gives you many options. Then we went to to Barnes and Noble to see all the books he has written with the little summary about what the book is going to be about. We particularly look at the book The Choice because it is one of my favorite books and it was just made into a movie. 
Then we go to the twitter, login to your account, and we look at his page. We search his twitter page and look at what he tweets and see what his twitter page is about. Obviously, it is going to be about all his books and anything he has coming up. Then we go to YouTube and look at a video where he does a interview. The interview is about his books and how he comes up with the ideas. Where he gets his inspiration from and more. After that, we go to his Facebook fan page. See what he posts and anything other people post. Then we got to my email to see the narrative that I made for the recording on google docs. Last but not least, we go to Tumblr and look at the post called archive project. 
This project is pretty cool because while your searching everything is getting recorded and doesn't get lost. You don`t have to retrace your steps because everything is rerecorded right there for you. You get to look at anything you want while recording and it will be saved. People should know more about this and can actually use it for projects. This can help anybody get the information they need. It is a different way of communication and it tells a story while you are recording.  
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eleonoramilner · 1 year
Old vs new gas station ⛽️🏗🚘
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sistazai · 5 years
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#Repost @communityreadingroom ・・・ Please join Dr Denise Chapman and special guests Sista Zai Zanda, Maxime Banks, Amarachi Okorom and Achut Thuc for ‘(Re)Storying our Freedom’ - an evening of poetry and storytelling exploring the impact of oppression on the mind and the body.  The artists will discuss a range of methods for understanding / troubling / resisting / speaking to oppressive social structures and power. FREE and all welcome. . Image: a grainy black and white photograph of a microphone nestled in the curled mic lead. It sits on top of a PA speaker. Text in the top left corner reads: “tonight 6:30-8:30pm Testing Grounds, Achut Thuc, Amarachi Okorom, Denise Chapman, Maxime Banks, Sista Zai Zanda. . . Testing Grounds is accessible for people using wheelchairs. Bathrooms are gender neutral and there are baby change facilities. . . Black Tourmaline is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and the Carstairs Prize, funded by a private donor and administered by the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA). #navagrants . . #testinggrounds #communityreadingroom #counternarrative #readingroom #blacktourmalineproject #narrm #birraranga #melbourne #publicpedagogy #communityeducation #communitylibrary #archiveproject #discursiveproject #books #artbooks #margintocentre #decolonisetheacademy #poetry #storytelling #resistance https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaI487Acrq/?igshid=6ljbl11k28mp
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