Supercorp fics if you hated the identity reveal & reconciliation
some alternate identity reveals...
A Girl From Midvale | ThisOldThing
L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor thinks her girlfriend, journalist Kara Danvers, is just a girl from Midvale, and not telling Lena the truth about her identity as Supergirl is eating away at Kara. She doesn't tell Lena because Alex and the DEO have asked her not to, because they are suspicious about L-Corp's possible ties to Lex, Lillian and their anti-alien terrorist activities. What happens when their truths come out? Can they all forgive each other when things fall apart?
We Deserve Only Good Things | ThornedRose44
“Are you Lena?” The girl jolted in her spot on the sofa, hugging the bear closer to her chest. “Yes.” Even though Kara had known it from the second she had laid eyes on the child, the confirmation still managed to take her by surprise. “Who are you?” Lena asked, trying to sound as confident as she could. “Oh, my name’s Kara.” Kara replied warmly, taking a step forward, eager to move closer to offer reassurance before halting the second she saw the younger version of her once best friend flinch. “It’s okay,” Kara quickly soothed, “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” Lena peered over the top of her bear’s fuzzy head, “Promise?” Kara knelt down and smiled brightly, “Promise.”
Following Lex’s defeat, Kara and Lena are struggling to rebuild their friendship and let go of the hurt caused on both sides when Kara and Lena work together to help an alien return home. To show their gratitude for being saved the alien provides the two of them a chance to close the rift still between them. How? By getting them to meet each other's younger selves.
neon signs | contagiousiridescence
It’s not that Kara doesn’t want to repair the broken bridge between Supergirl and Lena-- quite the opposite, in fact, but Lena had been excruciatingly clear with how she felt about Supergirl now. Kara had reeled from those words days after. They settled deep in her chest and crackle with pain every time she breathes. They are a grim reminder of what Kara had done, and what she continues to do. Mrs. Arias had been right; she could bury it deeper and deeper, but it would always come back to blow up in her face at triple the strength. She’s caught between love and hate, and it’s a very odd position to be in.
Maybe We Were Destined For Tragedy | Me
You’ve never been just Kara Danvers to me… You really were my hero.
Post season 4 identity reveal, Lena deals with the reality that her best friend has been lying to her for years. Her champion. Her home. The one person who she felt truly understood her in this cruel world. Her person.
In which Kara and Lena make their way back to one another - aka the season 5 replacement.
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Supercorp fics if you want some 3a.m. fluff/humour
where lamps go to die | WastedOn
When Lena finds out Kara and Supergirl are lovers, of course she’s happy for them. Ecstatic, even. She’s always sworn no one could be good enough for her Kara, but Supergirl comes close. Nevermind that Supergirl abandons Kara on dates, drags her onto dangerous battlefields for “the story,” and doesn’t seem to give a flying hunk of kryptonite that Kara is constantly being kidnapped to bring Supergirl down. No, Lena is thrilled.
The DEO stages a relationship between Kara Danvers and Supergirl to foil Cadmus. Lena doesn’t handle it as well as she could.
Extra! Extra! Read All About it: Lena Luthor cheats on girlfriend with Supergirl? | me
Before Lena can hand over her credit card, Andrea is giving the barista her own with a, “It’s on me.” She turns to Lena with a cheeky smile. “It’s the least I can do, you know, for stealing your girlfriend.”
“Excuse me?” Lena gapes.
“Oh.” Andrea’s teasing smile is replaced with a confused eyebrow raise. “You didn’t know?” she asks with a small frown.
“Didn’t know what?” Lena practically snaps, feeling her patience thinning.
She hears an "oh shit," somewhere to her right and realizes that half the customers are watching them with bated breaths. One woman near the back even has the audacity to take a few photos. Lena gives all of them her signature Luthor glare, and with a twinge of satisfaction on Lena's part, they advert their eyes and find their respective phones quite interesting.
OR: National City’s newest and hottest couple deal with their personal lives being broadcasted to the whole world.
An interrupted press conference | MyCatIsMyEditor
Lena's press conference for L corp's newest line get's an interruption thaat leads her to her answering some unexpected questions about her personal life.
this feeling in my chest | zor_elluthor (0gasstationcoffee)
Five times Kara saves Lena's life due to something pretty gay
Trust me to catch you (and I’ll dip you down) | me
Years later, when thinking about this moment, the details may be fuzzy.
She may not remember the time.
Or the day.
Or the conversation.
Had Kara’s hair been up or down?
Was she wearing her glasses?
What was that song called?
What had they been doing earlier?
But despite all this, Lena knows… she’ll always remember how it feels. The feeling of gliding across their apartment, laughing the whole way. The feeling of warmth in Kara’s arms. The feeling of knowing, just knowing… that she wanted to be with Kara for eternity.
The best thing of all is only just started | me
Lena barely has time to put the bracelet around Kara’s wrist before the blonde’s pressing her lips onto her girlfriend’s—finance’s. She almost falls back from the force of Kara crashing into her, but she quickly recovers and throws her arms around Kara’s neck. Lena isn’t sure if she is dreaming, but if so, she never wants it to end.
It wasn’t until much later when Lena re-told the story to her friends and family, that she realized it was perfect. Sure her hair was still dripping wet, she still had the goggles rung around her neck, Kara had a twig in her hair, and both their clothes were soaking wet… but Lena found that she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
musings from 504 | sapphic_luthor
“We got Supergirl’s mail again,” a voice calls from behind a massive, unidentifiable sculpture as it steps through the door. He sets the piece down just as the words leave his mouth, and then the dark-haired boy spins to face you, hand outstretched to drop a letter onto the countertop, and he breathes, “Oh, fuck.”
You look toward your new roommates, and register the panic on their faces. “Wait,” you say, but your mind is jumping to conclusions that your mouth is far too embarrassed to vocalize, so you find that you don’t have any follow-up. “Are you--” you start, but you know it’s true even before you ask. “Seriously?”
inspired by @jailerat and @eiwenmaclor on tumblr.
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