arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Hey love bugs, please keep in mind our rules state not to use gif icons smaller than 100 without prior main approval, and I’m beginning to see ones as small as 65/70 from people who have not asked. We have a few members that simply cannot see these, especially if they are dark gifs. Please be kind and courteous to others, as well as follow the rules we have in place so we can make this a fun environment for everyone! This is a friendly reminder, however if the small gifs continue, we will have to put on our mean cop pants and message people individually, and nobody wants that!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Recently, we have had a few members request that the following kinks not be added to apps. This does not mean your characters cannot have them, or that you cannot play them on the dash, but as they are fairly triggering, we ask that if they are to appear on the dash, they are heavily tagged as well as put under a read more, and equally just not present in apps.
non-con, dub-con, rape play
We won’t be asking anyone to fix old apps, but just refrain from adding these things in the future, please and thank you!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Remember to tag ALL nsfw content my loves, even if it is just text!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
Guess who nagged Anna! We will officially open for roleplaying at 9:30 pm CST!! That would be in about 45 minutes my dears!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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In the history of roleplay, I have never once seen issues solved by anons, no matter how many, and no matter from how many (because there is no way of telling if it is just one person sending multiple messages or multiple people). I truly am sorry to each and every person who feels left out, but as of right now we cannot help anyone who does not come talk to us. We can do nothing but post a general message about being more inclusive, which we all know does nothing, and I’m sure that message has been conveyed by the anons we have answered.
From now on Anna and I will not be answering anons if they are over the same issue, instead we will catalog them and try to think of a way to help people who are unwilling to come talk to us in any other way. This is the best we can do, however if these anons begin to become hateful, we will take the anon option off the main, which only hurts people wanting to apply to the roleplay and not give away their other accounts.
Please, everyone, stop thinking admins are these beings that cannot make mistakes, and that you can only approach via anon. We are human, just like you, and as with everything else in life, we are doing the best we can, and need a little leeway and help from the members if we want to solve an issue, not anons that are vague and not giving us specific examples.
My best advice for everyone right now if they are feeling left out, or choose not to be in the chat, is to reach out to people, or reply to the starters, or participate in the ask meme, as those are your only ways of showing people you want more plots and connections. If you are willing to be in the group chat, then head on over to the plotting call channel where many others have shouted about their desires for plots and been attacked.
We don’t want a war, we want a peaceful roleplay, so everyone can either come together and help us create that, or sit on the sidelines and continue to feel left out, by their own choice, which I hope none of you do.
- Admin Molly
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Caps for all species ( except humans ) have been raised to 15!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
Now that there are enough starters in the tag, please make sure you are following our rule of replying to two starters before posting your own!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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My beautiful members, please try to limit all queue’s to TWO/THREE (2/3) posts a day, as otherwise the dash is simply flooded with muse pics / reblogs, which also do not count as activity!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
We are currently now full on werewolves, and unfortunately we will not be increasing the cap until other species have filled up a bit more ( as we only have 3 witches, 2 humans, and 3 sirens ), and also not until Anna and I have chatted about it first! So bring us some of the other awesome species we have open!!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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The following blogs are considered inactive as per our rules, and have 24 hours to resume activity — or contact the main — or risk being unfollowed:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the main!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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It seems the starter tag is acting up, currently from the main we can see Xavier, Joslyn, Jade, Jadis & Aspen since the last post about starters with few notes, so if your character name is not listed, or you have a small amount of notes on your starter ( and are not included in this post ) please message the main with a link to your starter!
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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The following accounts are considered inactive and have 24 hours to resume activity, contact the main, or risk being unfollowed:
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Due to not sending in an account, Shelley Hennig is now an open face.
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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please unfollow the following accounts due to inactivity:
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Due to not sending in an account, the following faces have been reopened
Lisa Manoban
Chris Pine
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
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Due to not sending in accounts, the following faces have been reopened:
Cara Delevingne
Charlie Hunnam
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Please unfollow the following accounts due to inactivity:
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arcadiaresortrp · 6 years
Friendly reminder to all, if you have not received a link to join the discord group server, please message the main!
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