#arcade in żonobijka save me
iceagebaby · 2 months
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say hello to a stupid ass fallout AU, Fallout: Nowa Rzeczpospolita/Fallout: New Republic of Poland, developed with @kondz1u
for now vulpes and arcade, in a typical PRL polish setting
without background, with notes, and some additional text, under the cut
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Arkadiusz Ganonowicz, overworked doctor in NFZ, which you may recognize from NRŚ (Nowa Republika Śląska/ New Silesian Republic), also the grandson of Mengele. Next to Arek, his 'friend', Inkuldzki, child from the divorce between Edward Saloński and Janusz Grahamka, and a member of the kibole Legii Cezara, a notorious football fans, who alywas get into fights with everyone.
yeah sorry its in polish, but those most important ones say:
"slouches like hell"
"those medical flip flops"
"harmony of the design completes itself"
"tactical glasses for blue eyes"
"both pale, no vitamin D"
"each Pole in the 90s"
"height perfect to see some teats"
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