draconicfool · 4 months
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Hiding in plain sight, he thought. Besides, there was no way that he'd find himself wrapped up in something that very much was not his business. He could be, for once, a tourist. And in technicality, he was. The Luofu had not once been graced by his presence during the life he led before now. So certainly a little pinked haired man- pretending to be a human- wouldn't bring too much attention to himself.
And if it did- certainly there were more important matters that could be focused on-. Right?
All the same, thoughts are shaken off as he turned away from the food stall. Eager to have a taste of home after so long parted for it. Until his small frame came immediately into contact with that of one much larger than himself. And the skewer was dropped without ceremony. His heart pupils just staring helplessly after it. He wanted to complain- to whine even a little-. But when he looked up and those purple eyes really took in the other-. Oh, that wasn't really possible.
"I-...um- beg y'er-- pardon I wasn't...lookin'..."
@arbitergeneraljy || sc.
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ofscalesanddatabanks · 4 months
Hello there! I hope you are fine with me dropping by to interact. I saw the ask game reblog and couldn't resist. So, perhaps ☾ , ☼ , ♨ , ♟ , ☗ for anyone willing to answer? (=´⁠ω⁠`=)
Ahh! Hi sorry it took me so long - but yeah no I'm always down for anyone to pop in and interact 🥰🥰
I'm in a Welt mood so I'm going to answer for him if that's cool?
☾ Sleeping habits
Pretty ridged, he has a set sleep time and wake up time, and an entire going to sleep ritual that he completes every night before bed - will on occasion nap but tries to avoid it as it sets off his sleep schedule
☼ Favorite time of day
Mornings, right before everyone else is awake and the chaos of the day begins. It allows him to collect his thoughts, mentally prepare for what the day was to entail, especially if he was away from the Express, as rare as that may be.
♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof)
We know from the game that he has experience with cooking, at least we know he worries about his kid eating well. I think he'd be good at lunches and dinners, but would suck at breakfasts - very much just a cereal or toast affair when he is focusing on either getting out the door when he was a Dad or trying his best not to let the Express go up in flames thanks to the Trailblazer and March's antics.
♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em
He sucks at Uno, is pretty good at chess. March once tried to get him to play Mouse Trap but he kept setting it off before they'd even begun playing
☗ What you’d find in their (bathroom) cabinets
A pretty well-stocked first aid kit as well as a supply of standard over-the-counter medication in case anyone would need it, his razor, toothbrush and comb. Likes to keep his bathroom neat so everything has a place in either a draw or cabinet
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trlblzd · 3 months
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@arbitergeneraljy sent : [ intrude ] sender walks in on receiver treating their wounds
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SOMETIMES, IT IS A LOT BETTER to not inform the people of the express about the injuries that they have acquired. the hurt that they have gone through. it causes less STIR therefore puts less spotlight on them on something small. they are never distant with the people on the train. the nameless are people who they practically consider as FAMILY at this rate & they are always in full support of what they do. yet for some reason, they just cannot bring themselves to truly tell them of everything that they go through. the pain physical pain that they tend to struggle with on their own when straying away from the group. as brows furrow in concentration, they fail to factor in that despite this secluded area ( ... ) people still come here. said people, in this circumstance, just unfortunately had to be the very general of the luofu.
they pause for a moment, head lifting from the bandage wrapped 'round arm. the vermillion which seeps through is something that may cause ALARM but they seem more perturbed at the fact that they had been spotted. the trailblazer knows that the general will not tell should he find no benefit to it but they know very well that these course of actions can raise CONCERN. as such, they gaze up at him like a dear caught in the headlights. deflect. do not cause a ruckus on what is not needed to be casted attention upon.
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" jing yuan, " they breathe, raising their good arm to wave despite their initial SHOCK. is this a spot in the luofu that he visits a lot in his off time ? they wonder. but they do not pry unless they want him to do the same with their state. easily resting their wounded arm on their knee, they BEAM. " here to breathe in some fresh air ? i'm sure that even generals get tired of paperwork too. "
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evervita · 3 months
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When Magnolia was a young(er) woman, she once dreamed of travelling the universe and using her 'blessing' from the Plagues Author to help others. She didn't want the Abundance's affection, like most Xianzhou residents, but she could use these powers for good.
... that is, until the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae. Magnolia made the decision to attempt to help the Vidyadhara High Elder with the issue of his species population, but it seemed that everything that could go wrong, did. Poor Yingxing...
Following that, Magnolia was prepared to be thrown in the Shackling Prison, but then she was offered a deal: Use her powers and medical knowledge to help find a cure for mara, and her imprisonment would be more lax. It was an offer she accepted.
Now, she's mostly confined to her home, Cloud Knights keeping a watchful eye over her every move. The only time she was allowed to leave was with permission, usually to shop for herself and speaking to people about her research. One day, though, she receives a very unusual request: a summons from the Arbiter General.
"General Jing Yuan." The woman greets politely. It was easy to tell she was nervous, being flanked by Cloud Knights who were ready to take her head off with the slightest misstep. "Forgive me for being so forward, but may I ask why I was summoned...?"
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luocharming · 4 months
//🌊 ; I hope you don't mind me sending this ask from the old reactions list ^^
👊, I think that Luocha as a doctor would try to avoid fights and he would try to negotiate with the person. If the negotiation doesn't work and if the person would not be called, I think he would be more firm. If the fight would be inevitable, he would fight the person.
⏰, that one is a little tricky as we don't know anything about Luocha. But I really think that he would have a complicated past. I don't think that he would have known his parents are. I see him as an orphan who would have raised himself alone and maybe he would have started to be a merchant (if he is really a merchant) quite early. And, I see him taking the way of Abundance after losing the person he would have love.
//Gosh I am so sorry if it's OCC @.@//
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