#araya the younger (oc)
Iumaka is one of those OCs that changed designs quite a lot during their development journey, first they had short hair like Ayunnen's only with bangs covering one eye, and then long-ass hair but similar to Arslan's style, and then short hair that's in a tiny ponytail, and then eventually evolved into a hairstyle similar to this:
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With their son Araya taking on a similar style (I've drawn him before, maybe I'll edit this post w a link to that drawing). I kinda want there to be a resemblance between those two and Hilmes though there's no blood tie between them (since Iumaka had no other offspring, and the current royal line didn't descend from them anyways) if only for thematic purposes... Mirroring Araya and Hilmes.
I wonder what Kaykhusraw looked like though.
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colesmurf23 · 2 years
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(OC) Colette The Toad
Bio: Colette Toad
Name: Colette
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: January 27th
Age: 23
Species: Toad
Relationship/Wife: Collette
Family Members: Victoria (Mother) James (Father) Cole (Twin Sister) Vicktoria (Sister) Jamarr (Brother) Victorio (Brother) Jamell (Brother) Jamesie (Brother) Victoire (Sister) Colleen (Daughter) Cox (Son) Coxe (Son) Clarette (Daughter) Coleta (Daughter) Colley (Son) Robley (Son) Colie (Daughter) Coline (Daughter) Conrad (Son) Conran (Son) Coelee (Daughter) Corie (Younger Son) Corin (Younger Son) Collene (Younger Daughter) Collena (Youngest Daughter) Colleta (Youngest Daughter) Collis (Youngest Son) Micole (Sister in law) Luigi (Brother in law) Mario (Brother in law) Noora (Niece) Maxwell (Nephew) Marlin (Nephew) Noel (Niece) Manfried (Nephew) Marlyssa (Nephew) Moses (Nephew) Nerissa (Niece) Nuna (Niece) Nea (Niece) Micoletta (Niece) Mickey (Nephew) Cloris (Younger Niece) Madea (Younger Niece) Olivia (Younger Niece) Hailee (Youngest Niece) Cube (Youngest Nephew) Starr (Youngest Nephew) Luiggi (Youngest Nephew) Luigina (Youngest Niece) Clo (Youngest Nephew) Coe (Youngest Niece) Celine (Sister in law) Kendrick (Brother in law) Chanelle (Niece) Celena (Niece) Keni (Nephew) Kendall (Nephew) Koopette (Niece) Carson (Nephew) Kaylyn (Niece) Cairo (Nephew) Carlo (Nephew) Chadwick (Nephew) Kambrie (Niece) Keisha (Niece) Kelina (Younger Niece) Chadrick (Younger Nephew) Kedrick (Younger Nephew) Kenya (Youngest Niece) Kenan (Youngest Nephew) Celina (Youngest Niece) Coleen (Sister in law) Estella (Sister in law) Colene (Niece) Coletta (Niece) Colby (Nephew) Coley (Nephew) Estel (Nephew) Estela (Niece) Chauncey (Nephew) Carlile (Nephew) Callis (Nephew) Estelle (Niece) Estrella (Niece) Estefania (Niece) Corinne (Younger Niece) Estelina (Younger Niece) Colen (Younger Nephew) Colet (Youngest Nephew) Esra (Youngest Nephew) Esmay (Youngest Niece) Jacob (Brother in law) Tony (Brother in law) Ginger (Sister in law) Lilia (Sister in law) Joana (Sister in law)
Personality: Artist, Caring, Kind, Shy, Sensitive, Adventures, And Gamer
Friends: Painter Smurf Nat Smurfling Slouchy Smurf Cupcake (My besties' oc and best friend) Brianda (My bestie's oc) Fiona (My bestie's oc) Audie (My bestie's oc) Audrea (My bestie's oc and 2nd best friend) Piplayla (3rd Best Friend) Luisa (4th best friend) Moa (5th best friend) Yolaine Alyssa (6th best friend) Pipette (Our oc and 7th best friend) Kenzlie (Our oc) Araya (Our oc) Rose (Our ocf) Kaiya (Our oc) Rosalyn Mica (My bestie's oc) Ellie (My bestie's oc and 8th best friend) Kamber (Our oc and 9th best friend) Evelyn (My bestie's oc and 19th best friend)
Favorite Color: Light Turquoise
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Job: Cook and Gardner (Only during the Summer And Spring)
Fun Fact: Colette is a very artist toad, she love drawing a lot. She love drawing with her twin sister Cole And Painter Smurf. She can also be creative. She love drawing fan art of her favorite cartoon characters. She most draw Almost Naked Animals And The Smurfs. Like her twin sister Cole. She is very caring, she cares deeply about her family. She also love taking care of her kids. A along with her wife Collette. They both care for their children a lot. She also cooks for them to. From her siblings, she love cooking with her mother Victoria. They both can cook really well. She also loves working, since her sister can't work. She works with her parents. James And Victoria. Then 3 work together. And get off at the same time. She also cooks for her mother Victoria sometimes. When she is very tired. So Colette helps her out. She is the only cook from her siblings. She may know how to cook. But she can be shy sometimes. But she isn't shy as her twin sister. Colette loves making friends. She gets shy for a little bit, then gets over it that quick. Unlike her twin sister. She can be very sensitive, especially loud noises. She doesn't like loud noises. She likes quit places. That's why she also love going to her private garden. To soze her nerves. She love going on adventures. She may not like loud noises. But she love adventures. She also loving adventuring with her Sister Viktoria. Since her twin sister Cole doesn't like going outside that much. And she is a gamer, she love playing video games. Espelly with her twin sister. They both play games together all the time. Her favorite is Super Mario Bros Wii And Wii U. She also love playing multiplier games with her twin sister Cole as well. They both love playing video games together a lot
Colette belong to: me
Toad Species: Nintendo
Last Updated December 1st, 2022
#toadnintendo #toad #colette #colettetoad  #mariooc  #fanartdigital #fanartdigitalart #fanart #fanartvideogames #marionintendo #mariobros #mario_nintendo
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nadiaportia · 4 years
Deirdra Margalit
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art by my friend Ayla aka leatherandsaltybitters
The partisan with a fiery temper
Other bios:  Ximena | Sayelle | Heloisa | Cibela
Full name: Deirdra Margalit Araya
Meaning of name: Variant of Deirdre; “Wanderer” in Irish
Jaume Margalit (deceased): Deirdra’s younger brother by three years. They were as close as two siblings can be, and Deirdra often protected him from whoever dared to mock or try to hurt him. Just like his parents, Jaume had a strong sense for justice and was also a rebel that drove him to join the Nationalists in secret before his worried parents could keep him from it. His death at the hands of a Loyalist soldier was what drove Deirdra to leave their village as well to fight for a better future and back then, avenge their beloved brother.
Meritxell Araya (deceased): Deirdra’s mother, a seamstress. Their role model in their childhood, Meritxell was a pillar in the community and a woman with an iron will who stood up for those in need. The rupture of her family in the Civil War and having to let her oldest child go after her youngest one was murdered took a heavy toll on her but also saw her fervently supporting the Nationalists and housing them. She was killed by Loyalists and the Margalit Araya family home burnt to the ground as a warning to all those in Valanguer who dared to act against Queen Jacinta.
Daví Margalit: Deirdra’s father whose biggest hobby is reading and briefly was assistant to the owner of a book shop. He took on the role of teaching in the village school of Valanguer and gave his love for literature to his children as well. Daví wanted a better world for Jaume and Deirdra and supported the Nationalists who had taken up arms against the Queen Jacinta and her loyalists, which ultimately got him into prison. It’s Deirdra’s biggest wish to see their father be a free man again.
Enkidu: A beech marten and Deirdra’s animal companion and familiar. One night while some humans were camping in the woods, he was attracted by the warmth of the fire and the next morning Deirdra woke up to him being curled up next to them. Even though they can’t communicate that well with each other, they are inseparable.
Nicknames: Dee (basically used by everyone), Dida (exclusively family, especially their brother)
Favourite meal: Calçots with salvitxada
Favourite drink: Horxata de chufa
Favourite flower: Carnation
Favourite color: Poppy red
Birthday: 31st of January
Age: 29 during the events of the game
Zodiac: Aquarius
Patron Arcana: The Chariot and the Page of Cups
Upright: The Chariot is in complete control of its own destiny. It hurtles towards victory, unhindered by adversity. 
Reversed: The Chariot careens out of control, losing its way as it becomes stranded on the road.
Upright: The Page of Cups is a dreamer, always looking towards the future with bright eyes and full heart.
Reversed: The Page of Cups is self-centered and immature, struggling to get along with those around him.
Gender: Non-binary
Sexuality: Bisexual with a preference for women
Height: 1,80 m // 5′9″
Deirdra has a toned body with muscular arms and legs. They have light olive skin with a warm untertone and vitiligo on their forehead, shoulders and around their mouth. Their straight hair, originally dark blond, has been dyed dark blue, reaches their chin and is either in a short bun with a few loose strands or completely loose. Their eyebrows are thin and their original dark blond color while their eyes are light green. Their face is heart-shaped with a pointy chin. They have a slightly roman-shaped nose and thin lips as well as a tooth gap between their front teeth. 
Deirdra carries themself with a swagger and is very expressive when talking.
Visual inspirations: Alia Shawkat
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Languages spoken: Durazà, Oriolà and the Common Tongue
Magical abilities:
Despite having some magical affinity, Deirdra prefers to not make use of them not because of a lack of belief in magic but because of difficulties of focusing on them
Illusion powers, such as being able to change the shape and appearance of people, creatures or items in the eyes of others or disguising them completely
Nature- and Earth-based powers
Love interests: 
Sayelle and Ximena: Either individually or as a polycule. 
In general, like with most of my characters; if they’re compatible sexuality-wise as well as personality-wise, feel free to ship them with your OCs or MCs. Hit me up with a message and we can discuss the details! 
Deirdra Margalit was born as the oldest child of Daví and Meritxell in the village of Valanguer in the countryside of Oriol. They grew up with not a lot of wealth, while not being the ones off the worst in their village, but learned to value even the small things and treasure a community in which everyone helped everyone - very true to the sentiment of “it takes a village to raise a child”. Their father was an intellectual within the community and their mother, who was seen by many as a leader in Valanguer, were very openly critical of the Oriolà monarchy when it took a more hostile turn towards its rural population and got involved in a war led by their bigger neighboring patron empire Calpacia to the point where young adults were forcibly drafted. The populace divided itself soon into  sympathizers of the Loyalists who supported the ongoing course led by the Oriolià Queen Jacinta and the Nationalists who were led by the Queen’s cousin, which meant that even in a small village acquaintances and even friends could become enemies. 
Their father was arrested and imprisoned as a political enemy when the political infighting divided the populace into . The point that pushed them to actually get involved in the Nationalist armed resistance was the death of Jaume. After an argument with their mother, Deirdra left as well without knowing it would be the last time they would ever see her. Meeting many other nationalists on their way to the capital, they soon found a home in the currently besieged capital and met the daughter of a butcher named Renée. Meeting a kindred spirit who had also recently lost family helped them adapt to this new living situation and they soon became comrades-in-arms and more. When the Nationalist leaders called for fighters to take the fighting outside of the city and into the rural areas where the Queen’s Men had taken refuge, they immediately volunteered. For a year, their life consisted of camping in the wilderness, awful food and fearing of getting shot at whenever they passed a hill. It was there when they met their familiar and gave them the name Enkidu after a character from a story their father used to love.
Three years after the first battle the Civil War ended with the Nationalists’ loss of the capital of Oriol and its siege led by the Loyalists. Queen Jacinta gave the choice to everyone who fought for the Nationalists to lay down their weapons and either leave the country as exiles or be put in prison for treason against the crown and receive a lighter sentence, most of Deirdra’s comrades made their choice, fully aware that the Queen’s word couldn’t be trusted and traitors would most likely get executed and thus continued the fight at home. Deirdra themself chose to leave with Renée as they were young and could still have a life together - and end up regretting it for a very long time, when Renée was unable to leave at the last minute.
The following years in exile Deirdra travelled the world with other Oriolà exiles, on one occasion even travelling to Nevivon, and developing a network all across the continent. Their travels led them to Vesuvia where they settled thanks to the help of an exiled politician and integrated them into the local Oriolà community. They met the magicians Asra and Ximena when wanting to progress in their magical studies and became good friends with Julian, often frequenting the Rowdy Raven with him. Their friendship with Sayelle, whom they met thanks to Asra, briefly became romantic and grew steadily until the plague hit Vesuvia and its inhabitants were overwhelmed by it. Deirdra’s instinct to leave the city and those infected behind was met by refusal by both Ximena and Sayelle, and the gap between Deirdra and Sayelle was only broadened when Deirdra decided to aid Asra in a ritual that would bring the Devil himself into the mortal world while it was actually intended to bring Ximena back to life. The fact that their resurrected friend was unable to recognize any of them and their presence actually caused her pain saw Deirdra cutting ties with Asra and almost exclusively being around their compatriots.
More art:
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by @cherrygirl666​ | post 
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feat. Sayelle by @missrabbitart​ | post
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
Hi Hat can you tell us more about Arayas scars? or bit more on her backstory? P.s she is cutie!
First of all Anon how dare you say such nice things about my trash child. Second. Thank you and I love you. I genuinely means so much to me that any of you are even interested (unless it's just the same Anon??? In which case I love you???)
Super lame and angsty and also long so BY GOD I hope my read more works. A thousand gold stars if you manage to read it all *blows kisses*
Wilder Arayya (OC): Scars
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Arayya, aged 3-ish
Arayya is lying on the deck, trying to nap in the last remnants of the sun when Luffy bounds over, landing unceremoniously across her stomach, driving the air from her body.
"Oi, Arayya, I want a story!" He demands, rolling across her, ignoring her coughing and spluttering.
"Argh, no, I'm trying to relax." She says, trying to shove him off of her with no success as his rubber arms loop around her and hold her tight. "Luffy! Get off!"
"Story please!" He says again and Arayya sighs because she knows when there is no point arguing with him (which is most of the time) and she really doesn't have the energy this late in the day.
"Fine, what kind of story do you want?" She asks, relenting as Luffy untangles his limbs from hers and sits back with a grin.
She tries not to flinch when he reaches out and runs a finger down the scar along her forearm. 
"Tell me about how you got all these neat scars!" Luffy asks, missing the pained look that crosses her face at the very personal request. She thinks about saying no, about flat out refusing because she doesn't have to. She could lie and he would never know, wouldn't even question it, but in the end he is her captain. He has never pried before, never questioned her odd abilities or strange appearance. Of all the people, he will judge her the least. She hopes.
"It's not a happy story," She warns him. "You still wanna hear it?" 
"Mhmm." The captain nods. And Arayya mirrors the action, taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts, then she begins.
"Once upon a time there as a woman, a beautiful woman, the daughter of a rich and powerful nobleman. She fell in love with a young pirate who visited her island and the two of them ran away together - much to the anger of her father who wanted his daughter to marry for political gain, to further his position," Arayya began, adjusting her position. "But the two of them were in love and so they went against his wishes. It did not take long before the young woman fell pregnant and when she gave birth to a healthy baby girl the Pirate was over the moon. His little girl had her mothers looks, but everyone agreed that she had her fathers eyes."
"What colour were her eyes?" Luffy asks, rocking back and forth, eager to hear more.
"Does it matter? I don't know, blue?" Arayya shrugs, because she doesn't know - doesnt remember - and continues. "They lived happily together for a few years, watching their daughter grow - but then the Pirate had to leave, he had to continue his journey to make his mark on the world. The young woman continued to raise their daughter alone, but she struggled. Without the support and passion of her lover she grew despondent with the life of a peasant, her small house, no servants, having to do everything herself and the lack of beautiful things she had grown used to in her earlier life. The young woman returned to her father and begged him to take them back. He said he would, but that she would have to give up her child. Without the child her could pretend his daughter had not disobeyed him, could still find her a good marriage. So she had to make a choice."  
"But she didn't go back, right?" Luffy asks, tilting his head to one side. "She didn't leave the girl?"
"Stop interrupting and I'll tell you." Arayya huffs, rolling her eyes.
"The woman told herself that with the child they would both be miserable, at least it she gave the girl up she could be happy - so the woman took her daughter, now some three years old, and left her in the care of an orphanage in the lesser part of the city. She told the girl to never speak her birth name to anyone, that if she did something very bad would happen to her, to her mother and to her Pirate father. And so, terrified, the girl never said her name aloud ever again, tried to forget it for the sake of the family that abandoned her." Arayya explained, clamping a hand over Luffy's mouth as she saw him about to protest. "I told you it wasn't a happy story! Don't butt in." 
The captain pouted but kept quiet, so she continued. 
"The orphanage was not a kind place. Often there was not enough food or bedding to go around all the children and the older boys and girls would take what they wanted from the younger to survive. The girl would likely have died it that first year had she not had the luck of befriending an older boy," Arayya explained, shifting again. "The boy made sure she got her cut of food, kept her warm and clothed and in turn she loved him as a brother." 
Luffy smiles at this, remembering his own childhood with his brothers. Arayya feels her heart pinch at his expression and carries on.
"A man came to the orphanage one day and showed interest in adopting the girl, now five years old - but she would not be separated from her brother. The man begrudgingly agreed to take both children, so together they left the orphanage behind and traveled with the man to their new home," Arayya pauses as she watches Luffy's grin, and debates reminding him that this is not a happy story. "When they arrived at their new home, a number of islands away from their places of birth, they were amazed to find a huge mansion with acres of ground to play in. The man promised they would have time to explore the grounds of the estate later, that first they must go to their rooms. The two children did not realise that they would not be allowed outside again for many years."
"Why wouldn't they be allowed outside if there was all this space?" Luffy asks, puzzled. She ignores him.
"It becomes clear to the girl and boy very quickly that the man did not want children, but soldiers. They find out that they are not the only children residing in the mansion, that there are at least twenty other kids there, all of them orphans, all children that would not be missed if something happened to them," Arayya says, and she tries very hard to keep the bitterness from her voice. "What follows in the next few years for the two children is constant training, daily sessions to hone their killing skills. The man shaves their hair and tattoos the children at the base of their skulls. The girl receives the tattoo of zero-three-nine. The boy receives zero-four-zero. They undergo experiments and surgeries to enhance their minds and bodies. The strengthening of their bones by bonding them with metal, their muscles, their ability to heal, their metabolism, their strength, their stamina, their hearing... their eyesight."
The smile has slipped off of Luffy's face. Arayya debates stopping. He gets it now, he doesnt need to hear the rest but she hasn't told this story to anyone ever before, and she isn't sure she can stop.
"They took her eyes, Luffy." Arayya says quietly, bringing a hand up to touch the scar just below her left eye. She knows that if he looks he will see the implants, the metal that runs through her body and stained her eyes silver.
Luffy wiggles closer, leaning against for comfort her but keeping quiet. Arayya carries on.
"The scientists didn't care about the pain they caused the children, often they preformed their experiments without the use of anesthesia, and they layered scars upon scars until there was no hope of healing. Many of the other children went mad from the torture - but not the girl and the boy. They stayed together and he told her stories to distract her when the pain became too much. Grand tales of the adventures they would have when they were free. She fell in love with those stories. They became her lifeline, her escape. She dreamed of them, day and night and the thought of that freedom."
"And they did get free, didn't they?" Luffy asks, quietly now. The sun has set completely now, bathing them in darkness broken only by the sporadic lights on the deck of the ship.
"In a way, I suppose. When the girl was fourteen there was an... incident. The cells they were housed in malfunctioned and all the children got out, even the crazy ones," Arayya explained. "It was carnage. A bloodbath. You can't train people to be killers against their will and then not expect them to turn on you at the first chance they get. But the boy and the girl weren't interested in revenge, they just wanted to get out. And they tried, but there were guards to fight, the scientists, the man, the other children and both of them got injured."
"But they were okay?" Luffy asks, a sort of desperation creeping into his voice. He doesnt like this story at all.
"The boy told the girl to go, to get as far away as possible and that he would find her as soon as he made sure no one followed them. She didn't want to leave him, but he had never lied to her before and she was so scared at being put back in the cage," Arayya says, running a hand down her face. "So she ran. She ran for days, she swam, then ran some more, always with the thought in the back of her mind that he would find her. But he never did. How could he?"
Arayya shakes her head. "The girl has never forgiven herself for leaving him. The first person to ever truly care for her. To love her, just for who she was. She knows that she should have been the one to stay behind. She has lived with that for many years, along with the guilt that - if she hadn't been so insistent on not being separated from her brother at the orphanage - he would have never suffered in the first place." 
They sit in silence for a long time, Luffys hand finding hers, their fingers twining together.
"What was her brothers name? Luffy asks into the quiet.
Arayya sighs, and says a name she hasn't spoken in almost as long as the one she was given at birth.
"His name was Taran."
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lazy-khay · 7 years
11 & 5 :*
5 - Share a positive memory about coming out!Hmmm…. Coming out to my parents was generally hard, I never really told anything about it to my father (but Im sure he knows. He’s in denial but he knows) but with my mom it’s another story. I came out to her by accident, she suspected something for quite a while when I was meeting this one girl (quite recently too) and she used to ask me weird question. She made it clear before that she “doesn’t want to know” so I avoided giving any answer and changed topics most of the time, because I wasn’t ready for this kind of conversation and I was pretty sure she’d get angry. But this one time she approached me when I was super busy and distracted and it went something like this:Me: Im going to xxx (being the name of my so at that time) for the nightMom: To your fiancee? >->Me: yeah! ….what, wait, noMom: >:OShe then refused to talk about it for quite some time :’) but now we joke about how Im a lesbian (or god knows what tbh, she calls me a lesbian and I don’t mind but Im demisexual) so it’s all cool ahaha I find it really funny how I accidentally came out to her11 - Tell us about your first crush?Oh god.You mean, real-life crush or fictional crush? Because that’s totally a different story. I’ll tell you both.My first fictional crush is pretty cringy as it was in middle primary school. I got a playstation one so I was basically the coolest kid and I was spending countless hours playing final fantasy. And so… my first crush was Squall from final fantasy VIII. Yes. I was really attracted to his gloomy, melanholic, missunderstood™ vibes and cool character design (which I still see as appealing), so much that I even straight up hated Rinoa and denied her existence. I basically created him as my “imaginary boyfriend” so we had conversations in my head and all that mushy shit. God Im embarassed now.Escpecially because when I replayed FF VIII recently Squall seemed like the worst protagonist ever and annoyed the living shit out of me :’)And my real-life crush was my childhood friend. We knew each other since primary school and were pretty close despite going to diffrent classes (she was younger). We spend most of out vacations roleplaying together - I didn’t even know it was called roleplaying then :D we were bascially just “playing” as our elven selves - OCs ahah. (fun fact: my first OC ever, Araya, was this very character, I revived her recently and redesigned but I don’t have anything here on tumblr with her). Now the crush part - when I started to question my sexuality in middle school I realized I have really big crush on her. My memories of that period are hazy (I have some memory problems), but I remember it was time filled with pretty intense teenage emotions. I told her about my crush and we even dated for few months!! It was cute and innocent tbh because we never even kissed (I didn’t had the courage), the most intimate moment I remember was a time when I kissed her forehead :’) Unfortunately my parents (mainly my father) found out by going through my phone and messages and pressured me to stop contacting her or they’ll tell about it her grandparents… Dick move and also a reason why I don’t trust them with any of my stuff and well.. anything basically. We still had contact for some time (being super carefull about it) and we’re “dating” but because of the circumstances and some of my own issues with abandoment I wasn’t aware of at the moment, I broke up with her. I regreted it for a long time tbh, but Im glad we parted on good terms so I still hear from her from time to time, and I have many fond memories :)Thank you! :D
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livingdead666 · 8 years
My Other Boruto OC: Yoshiro
So, here is my other OC, Yoshiro. His background is more complex than Hotaru’s, so seriously, constructive criticism is not a sin!
Name: Yoshiro
Age: 16
Birthday: June 14
Village: He is a shinobi of Sunagakure, but he was originally from a much smaller ninja village with a similar climate.
Family: Yoshiro’s parents, Tadashi and Seiko, unfortunately died when he was five years-old. He was and is currently being raised by his paternal uncle and Tadashi’s identical twin, Tamotsu. Tamotsu was the one who moved them Suna the day after his sixth birthday. He seems to suspect that Tadashi and Seiko’s deaths were foul play...
Current Rank: Jonin
Age of Graduation: 12
Squad Captain: Shira (I know he's a filler character, but he's also one of the more interesting Suna characters outside Baki and the Sand Siblings. Also, taijutsu masters rule.)
Skin Tone: He has a tan, similar to Baki’s.
Hair: Dark blonde, shaggy, and past shoulder-length, which he keeps in a low ponytail.
Eye Color: His left eye is hazel. His right, however, is covered by an eyepatch with a sealing. So not many people know what it looks like.
Height: 5′9 ft (1.75 meters)
Weight: 160 lbs (72.6 kg)
Body Type: Toned and athletic
Outfit of Choice: Wears the standard Suna shinobi gear, with a tan flak jacket and dark blue shirt, pants, and shinobi sandals. He also wears his forehead protector as a bandana.
Chakra Types: Earth and Wind
Most Proficient Justu: Ninjutsu
Least Proficient Justu: Genjutsu
Abilities: He is a simulated jinchuuriki, having Shukaku’s chakra sealed in him hours after his birth, and it manifests in his right eye. As a result, that eye not only has a similar black ring around it like Gaara’s, but also has black sclera, yellow iris and the cross-shaped pupil, just like Shukaku and it made him an outcast in his birth home. Because of this, he is able to manipulate sand and carries a small gourd with him. Unlike Gaara, he doesn't have the luxury of an automatic defense, so he focuses on taijutsu to make up for it.
Unfortunately, he has almost lost control of the chakra he possesses more than once, and he goes into a frenzied state, attacking friend and foe alike, usually when he's under a LARGE amount of stress. He wears the eyepatch to counteract this.
Personality: Yoshiro is a genuinely kind, idealistic, cheerful, and heroic young man. He will never hesitate to help someone who needs his protection, and will always do the right thing. However, he will charge into battle without thinking his strategy through and distresses those who love him by putting himself in danger. Also, while he never shows it, he has a good amount of doubt in himself and often contemplates his own self-worth.
Favorite Food: Mabu Tofu, Curry, and generally anything good and spicy.
Least Favorite Food: Raw squid
Hobbies: He is surprisingly a huge fan of horror manga and has a small bookshelf dedicated to his collection. He also enjoys traveling and seeing new places. Though the desert will always be home.
Main Relationships:
Tadashi and Seiko- Yoshiro doesn't remember much of his parents other than they were both shinobi like Tamotsu. He does remember his mother as warm and gentle and his father as kind, if a bit stern.
Tamotsu- Tamotsu is essentially Yoshiro’s key parental figure. He’s a friendly and laid-back man who will go through Hell and back for Yoshiro and absolutely BOILS at the idea of anyone taking advantage of and harming his nephew. After arriving to Suna, the first thing he did when he met Gaara was throw himself onto the ground and beg the Kazekage to let Yoshiro live there and be able to grow up a normal kid. After a period of time, he himself became of Suna’s most loyal ninja.
Gaara- Yoshiro deeply respects Gaara, especially since Gaara took the time to help him train his sand ninjutsu and refers to him as simply ‘Sensei’. Gaara himself feels that Yoshiro should know that he isn't alone in his situation and wants him to be a better man than him. He also can't ignore the similarities they have and quite happy that Yoshiro has no problem socializing and making friends. He certainly doesn't want the young man going through same, virulent path he was once on.
Shira- The two are quite close as mentor and student. Shira helped Yoshiro compensate for his lack of an automatic defense by sharpening his reflexes and getting him used to pain. Yoshiro can also empathize with Shira, since they both used to be outcasts. 
Shinki, Yodo, and Araya- Yoshiro sees them as younger siblings to an extent and does his best to keep them on the right path and to protect them. He helps them hone their abilities and encourages them. They themselves are also fond of himself and do see him as something as an older brother. Though, naturally, being close means they will get on each other’s nerves from time to time. Especially Yodo and her damn earphones. Poor Yoshiro has lost count on how many times he's threatened to cut the wire if she didn't pay attention.
Kankuro- Out of all the adults in his life, Kankuro is definitely more of a friend. They tend exchange friendly ribbings and have each other's backs. Kankuro is quite surprised by how different Yoshiro is to Gaara personality-wise. They will also keep ribbing each other in combat, with Yoshiro playfully calling him an old man while Kankuro groans how young people should respect their elders. It's really kind of amusing.
Hotaru Hyuga (My other OC)- To say some people consider their friendship odd is an understatement. The bright and friendly Yoshiro and the dark and sarcastic Hotaru consider the other as their best friend. The two had met when they were taking the Chunin Exam and, despite facing each other in the final rounds, really hit it off. In a way, they sort of balance each other. Hotaru keeps a cool head and can talk Yoshiro out of his more rash actions while Yoshiro, out of everyone else, can bring out Hotaru’s sweeter side the most often (though she's still snarky, since that's how she is). They are also beginning to develop romantic feelings alongside their friendship. Though Yoshiro with his self-esteem issues and Hotaru not being a terribly expressive person leads them to deny it. 
But even Gaara can see it.
* Phew! That was definitely longer than Hotaru’s. Like her, I will make a separate post on his overall childhood and academy experiences. Seriously, don't hesitate to point out flaws.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
Reading the Shahnameh out of curiosity and for AU inspiration purposes and...
(some of these are definitely gonna be out of order since my stuff got jumbled up while transferring phones my bad)
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Ormuzd is Ahura Mazda, by the way. The creator deity and... sole? main? deity of Zoroastrianism, if I remember correctly. Arslan Senki seems to have made the Parsian faith polytheistic, with a whole pantheon, but Zoroastrianism was a monotheistic religion, wasn't it? But then again there seemed to be deities/semi-deities like Anita? I really need to read more about the entire thing.
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Kaweh has balls of steel! And later in the tale it is mentioned that Kaweh's apron/banner has become part of Feridoun's signatures, or at least that of his army, and Kaweh's son later comes to serve under Feridoun's son and grandson as well. That's really really cool. A much better fate than what Iumaka received, in any case. Iumaka too was a blacksmith— they even crafted the chains that'd bind Zahhak, and the treasured sword Rukhnabad as well. They and Kaykhusraw (the approximate Feridoun equivalent even if Kaykhusraw's actual namesake comes up way later, and I haven't gotten that far) even had a child together, but both Iumaka and Araya the younger met untimely ends, at Kaykhusraw's own hands/command.
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(This takes place before the entire Feridoun thing, by the way. Feridoun is his grandson, according to this translation)
Note to self: do look up where Cathay is. When I was reading ArSen I always wondered whether Jamshid got tossed into the Darband Inland Sea or the actual Sea sea in the south, lol.
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Just pinging any mention of Alborz that catches my eye. Very relevant to my interests that both instances here involve a child being fostered by someone who lives there: the hermit and Simurgh. How the mountains are regarded as a safe haven for these two children (Feridoun and the boy who would later be named Zal). (Also Zal was born with silvery white hair and that's why he was abandoned by his father Saum.)
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Feridoun had three sons, Kaykhusraw has two in canon and three in my AU. What a coincidence! Though I guess the difference is that the eldest dies instead of the youngest, a boy who didn't live long enough to even meet his half-brothers.
I feel so bad for Irij! His brothers were out for blood and he just wanted peace :( At least his kid lived and avenged him. Minuchihr, whom I'm guessing was Manuchurh's namesake?
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HUH. So there were Zahhak's descendants still exist, and they were even allowed to rule! I wasn't expecting that (nor for Zahhak to even have descendants— I guess ArSen's Zahhak influenced my impression of the character a lot)
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Saam is a wise man with perceptive eyes, he knows what he needs to say to get Hilmes to accept this, he knows what Hilmes has tied his worth to, he knows and he is willing to step forth and say it for the good of his liege.
Saam is an excellent retainer to have on your side.
(*thinks about what happened between them recently* *tries not to cry* *cries*)
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The ponytail is one thing but it even has an ahoge, OMG. Zandeh!
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I don't know what I could say here that @innerchorus hasn't already said before bc they're the Team Hilmes expert here but man. Poor Zandeh, hhhh. Somebody hug this puppy man! And Hilmes is right, Saam does make a good point! Why hurry for those bastards indeed!
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Oh man Saam really is popular among folks, huh.
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Was not expecting this guy to appear again when I first read the chapter so this was a pleasant surprise for me back then! Yes Zandeh, hug the man. And all of your father's men too.
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Not much in terms of commentary, just that Andycakes really really has no faith in these sorts of things huh. I don't know how he reacts to Team Zahhak in the novel but shouldn't he be... even a little shook about being proven wrong? Then again, it's Andragoras. He's nigh unflappable.
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Araya the Younger (OC) was also a blessed child and he still died, whoops.
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He's not talking about Arslan here. Even if I hadn't known about the spoilery thing I would've still noted the wording as odd.
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A smiling Zandeh! What was I gonna say for this part again? Oh, yeah, morale does play a big part in battles and wars, yeah? You gotta look to increase yours while demolishing the enemy's as much as possible. Hope is an impetus, there was even a scientific experiment thing where they put rats in water and forced them to swim endlessly though they were taken out when they gave up— and when put inside the water a second time the rats swam for longer bc they had hope that they'd be rescued.
Why'd I put that there? I dunno, just fun fact!
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Aww, Saam is overjoyed. I think it goes beyond just being happy a fellow marzban who could be an ally is nearby, it really sounds like he's glad to hear a friend is alive.
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colesmurf23 · 2 years
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(OC) Abbygail The Koopa
Bio: Abbygail Koopa
Name: Abbygail
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: May 19th
Species: Hybrid
Relationship/Boyfriend: None Yet
Family Members: Ariana (Mother) Abigail (Mother) Abbigale (Sister) Arri (Brother) Arie (Brother) Abbygael (Sister) Arianda (Sister) Araya (Sister) Abiah (Brother) Ariston (Brother) Abiel (Brother) Julianne (Aunt) Buna (Aunt) Harvie (Uncle) Boris (Uncle) Austin (Uncle) Abelia (Grandma) Barth (Grandpa)
Personality: Girly, Singer, Dancer, Artist, Creative, And Playful
Friends: Smurfette Smurfblossom Colie (Best Friend) Bromley (2nd Best Friend) Ryann (3rd Best Friend) Ylonda Emmie Alysha (My besties' oc and 4th best friend) Danielle (My bestie's oc and 5th best friend) Trisha (My bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Lilac (My bestie's oc and 7th best friend) Amarah Yolonda (Our oc) Maurica (Our oc) Kaori (Our oc and 8th best friend) Pierina (Our oc and 9th best friend) Lumi (Our oc) Rexella Clover (My besties' oc) Carlie (My bestie's oc) Yolaine Aleyza (Our oc and 10th best friend)
Favorite Color: Lavender
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Holiday: Mother's Day
Fun Fact: Abbygail is a very girly koopaling, she does alot of girl things. And she also love going to all girl sleepovers. she also love picking flowers with her friends. Smurfette and Smurfblossom. She may be girly, but she loves to sing. She have a very beautiful singing voice. When she gets older. She wants to become a singer. She is the only one in her family that can sing really well. She got that, from one of her grandparents. She also can dance really well. While she's dancing, she is very light on he toes. When it comes to dancing. She is so light on her feet. That she thinks she is floating in the air. While she isn't dancing or singing, she does like to draw. When she isn't doing none of her favorite things. She manly draws girly stuff. As an artist, she can be very creative. She may be girly, but she can draw very well. That's why her other favorite color is pink. She love making peastl drawings. Because how creative she is. And she love being playful. She plays a lot with her younger siblings. She love playing with them a lot mostly.
Abbygail belong to: me and my number one bestie:  yoshilover1000 on FA ^^
Koopa Species: Nintendo
#koopalingsfanart #koopalings #koopaling #koopalings_oc #kooopalings #koopalings_fanart #koopalingoc #koopalingsocs #bio
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