dvgsart · 5 months
My BG3 Tavs
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I made the damn template, so I should post my versions of my Tavs too haha. idk why I held off until now
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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au: dragonborn adventurer meets strange fish man that won’t stop flirting
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caelmewedd · 8 months
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Aramil and Rosalyn's wedding!!!
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andijaart · 2 months
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+++🙏🏻God Bless🕊️+++
Hieromartyr Pavel Chernyshev, presbyter
Father Pavel Chernyshev was born in 1861. He served as a priest in the village of Novo-Utkinsky zavod in Perm province for 28 years. For his unselfishness, he was loved and respected by the parishioners. In July 1918, under the pretext of mobilization for trench work, Father Pavel and his son and the parishioners of the church were taken away from their native village in the direction of the village of Aramil. Indeed, not far from Aramil, parishioners and a priest were forced to dig a hole, after which they began to shoot at them. Pavel's father was killed immediately with a shot in the back. Four more were killed on the spot, and the rest rushed to flee, some of the Red Army soldiers caught up and finished off with bayonets and butts. Two, including the son of the holy Martyr Pavel Chernyshev, managed to escape.
💫International Orthodox Art Corporation Andcross May the blessing of the Lord be upon you!
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propenseverbosity · 3 months
FINE, you wore me down
To absolutely no one's surprise, I am romancing another wizard
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brb while I hyperfixate on this for a bit 😂
Also hello this is Aramil, a recreation of my first ever D&D character
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He used to be a wizard but now he's a ranger who picked up a dagger because I don't understand how ability trees work 🫡
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steel-and-fire · 3 months
Session summaries: (Part 3) The Night Stalker
And so, the party went to rest after two exhausting days without any sleep. That was the exact moment of vulnerability the 'Bagman', the giant creature that lives in the dimensional spaces created by enchanted bags, was waiting for.
For a reminder, and context, the party found a bag of holding with a distorted face in a store, and deciding to risk it, Horny the bard bought it. Alas, it quickly came to their attention, that some of his belongings started disappearing at night, and by chance came across a witch singing the legend of the 'Bagman', a terrifying night terror creature that prayed on unlucky travelers.
Through some... experimentation, the party realized that the Bagman did not need their bag of holding specifically, and could find its way to them through other bags, even when the holding one was locked away safely. In other words, they were cursed and there was no escape. That's why Ferenir made a basic plan for their safety, and they started sleeping together in the same room since then.
And so, that night, the Bagman made its move, crawling out of the bag and on top of Horny. Thankfully, Aramil is their eternal night guard, as he is an elf and devoid of the need for unconscious sleep. Seeing the gigantic creature lean over his friend, he screamed, waking them up, and drew his bow to strike the creature on the back.
It offered enough of a chance for Horny to run away and get behind Ferenir. Even though Ferenir was not wearing his armor and was much more vulnerable than normal, he was still by far the toughest thing in the room.
The Bagman decided to toy with everyone, still very confident, and clawed Aramil once tearing his chest apart and nearly killing him, and clawed Ferenir as well, who without his armor received the full blow.
It was far from enough to take down the dragon blood though, and he unleashed his new earth skill, awakened after their Feywild trip, hardening his skin, with rock formations covering him like armor. In addition, using his crystal blade that produces radiant light, he stabbed the Bagman twice, making him shriek in pain.
Horny proceeded to heal Aramil and blind the Bagman for a turn, giving us a huge swing in the battle tempo. The rogue shot the creature again, and the Bagman missed all his attacks on Ferenir with the blindness in effect.
Sadly, it seemed like every wound not made by the radiant blade was regenerating, and it was not a battle of attrition they would win, as the monster locked hands with Ferenir in a contest of strength.
That's when Aramil remembered the blade that Ferenir had forged for him a few days prior, a moon touched longsword. Drawing the sword, the room filled with moonlight, and with a powerful slash, he cut off the Bagman's hand. The creature shrieked in agony, and hurried back to the depths of the bag before they could finish it off. Even though it escaped, the party had won decisively.
Ferenir proceeded to threaten the Bagman through the bag's opening, before heading back to sleep, still exhausted. Horny and Aramil weren't in a good state though, and spent the night trying to calm their minds through the terrors of the last days.
Morning come, Ferenir noticed their upset state, and gave them an adventuring reality check...as well as some hope and understanding. It was the first time he actually opened up to them about his past experiences beyond just useful mentions, and it worked in making them feel more at ease, as well as strengthening the bond between them.
For the rest of the day, they took it easy. Ferenir visited the blacksmith to check on the progress of his ultra mega super flail, Aramil went to unwind with his new girlfriend, and Horny bought a Chihuahua with the soul of a lion... literally. Dawg is now a member of the party.
They visited the adventurer market, a bazaar event, bought some silly things and Ferenir checked on the wellbeing of the herbalist witch that was there as well, and arranged a tea and coffee date with her~
While their new missions awaits them the upcoming day, it is time for them to relax...
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eyesofcuriosity · 1 month
You gotta kill nessa, or there is no option! Since you're kind, let's turn kill to 'kick'. Fair, no?
Ferenir, Horny, Aramil
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"But killing is bit extreme for just a fun game is it not??? Mmmm fine I suppose kick is punishment enough....." sighing she thinks for a moment.
"Now this is just personally how I feel close to the guys so please nobody get angry? I'd uh....bed our Horned friend, no I will not call him by that ridiculous nickname! Marry Fen....he just has the husband's materials albeit a bit too serious sometimes...and petty. And kick Aramil because he needs to practice more on how to deal with herbs! Also, he is not fond of my pet hmph!"
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synnara-rpg · 2 months
Personajes canon.
¿Quiénes son los personajes canon? Como de costumbre, son figuras de extrema importancia dentro del lore/historia de Synnara. Los personajes canon representan puestos de rigurosa relevancia dentro de la sociedad y serán una parte esencial de tramas, eventos, y generalmente del avance de la trama general del foro. Cualquier usuario puede solicitar el uso de un personaje canon, aunque todos deben ser conscientes de las normas que supone llevar a un personaje tan relevante:
La normativa de actividad será la misma que la de un personaje normal, pero se requerirá que el personaje sea activo en el foro y no que se limite a responder los posts mínimos para evitar caer en inactividad. Pretendemos que las historias de los personajes impulsen el avance de la historia, y, para eso, necesitamos que dichas historias fluyan con normalidad (especialmente para los personajes canon).
Por lo general, un personaje canon no puede ser nunca el primer personaje de una persona: debe demostrar actividad previa con otro personaje primero. En el caso de que una persona únicamente quiera llevar a un canon y a ningún otro personaje, se le dará la oportunidad de solicitarlo igual que a todo el mundo, pero, en caso de caer en inactividad, ese usuario no podrá volver a solicitar otro canon salvo justificación válida.
Se requerirá una pequeña prueba de rol que se responderá mediante MPs a Selene, en la que la administración planteará una situación para que el usuario la refleje desde la perspectiva del personaje.
Si ningún personaje de la lista llama tu atención, no te preocupes: la lista de personajes canon no es estática — esto significa que seguirá creciendo según avance la trama y nuevos personajes consigan posiciones relevantes para la historia, por lo que la administración podría ponerse en contacto en cualquier momento con cualquier usuario para proponerle que su personaje se una a la lista de personajes canon de Synnara.
Estos serán, por el momento, los personajes que conforman la lista de canon:
Consejero Maestro de las Energías
Mesa Redonda del Juicio (7 personas)
Señor/a de los fieles
Señor/a de los rebeldes
Director de la Universidad de Nydarim
Obispo de la Catedral
Protector del Núcleo
Director/a del Casino Mayor de Luminaria
Sargento General del Ejército de Avalora
Director de Comercio de Aramille
Líder de los Ejecutores
No todos los puestos estarán disponibles en la apertura, ya que algunos de ellos dependen del avance de la trama y el Staff curioseará el desarrollo de los personajes más activos para valorar qué candidatx se ajusta más a la posición. <3 La descripción de cada puesto también se podrá leer durante la apertura, pero más allá de su función dentro de Synnara, todos los detalles con respecto al personaje preferimos dejarlos a gusto del usuario que los ocupe.
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thegreatstrongbow · 1 year
“I’ll stay with you. I’m worried your wounds might open up again” (Aramil)
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“I will be careful.” He insisted, sitting himself up and examining the wound for a moment. “I am a fast healer, and this is hardly my first time.” His laugh ended in a soft groan, as the movement strained him.
“But thank you for the help,” he got to his feet. “I will be fighting shape by the end of day, I should think.”
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thebloodychampion · 1 year
' Are you hurt? ' (Aramil)
Lia sighed and looked at her arm and the blood on her hands. "Well not really. Maybe a bit bruised. And i think I hit my head." She smiled for a moment. "Don't worry I had worse."
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dvgsart · 1 month
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Baby Tavs
Oda, Aramil, Felix
Zeo , Fiery
Rose, Steward, Mai
Pheona, Kaoru
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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my perfect boy aramil and his good boy blu!!
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caelmewedd · 1 year
“  i  thought  they’d  killed  you  so  i  lost  my  temper.  ” (from Lia to Aramil)
"Thank you for your concern, but the bloodshed was not necessary." Aramil replied, looking at the bodies lying in blood on the ground. Besides, Lia had forgotten that he was a mage, Aen Saevherne, and could handle himself. "Are you all right? Are you okay, Lia?"
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the-rogue-dragon · 1 year
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@caelmewedd liked my starter call, so Aramil gets a starter;
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🔥SURVIVING THE FIGHT AGAINST HIS NEPHEW was not something he had expected - and yet it was exactly what has happened. He had lived way too long yet the Gods seemed determined to keep him alive. Why? He couldn't know. And sure he wouldn't know until he recovered consciousness. Not aware of how he had made it to a ship from the God’s Eye, the Prince - known to them formerly as the King of the Stepstones and Narrow Sea - was captured eventually by Pirates, who were traveling to Volantis from Braavos. He was going to be sold as a slave, when they realized who he truly was.
It was a young Pirate from Tyrosh who recognized him as the one who had killed the Crabfeeder. When the Captain declared they should kill the Targaryen Prince and throw him out of the ship, this young tyroshi pirate, came to the Captain and told him that he could recognize the Dragon Prince who had killed the Crabfeeder and ended the war of the Triarchy - at least for a time. The intentions of the young pirate had been to protect him - or so it was said - but with this knowledge, the Captain decided it would be best to sell the Prince as a slave instead.
However, his condition was not good, and Daemon spent most of the journey unconscious, which prompted the young Tyroshi pirate to try and help him. Given that his health was of no use for a slaver, and would not be paid enough for, the Captain allowed the young pirate to help him recover. He had several wounds from the fall to the God’s Eye, but at the same time he was mourning the loss of his dragon, a loss that had severed his heart. Fever took upon the Prince by the fourth night of their journey.
The Captain was not content with the poor health of the Targaryen Prince, and preferred to dispose of him due to that, so the young pirate decided to help him the second they stopped on Pentos. At night when everyone on the ship were sleeping, the young Tyroshi pirate, helped Daemon out of the ship, and carried a semi unconscious Prince towards one of the houses by the coast, knocking several times, before leaving the Prince by the door, and vanished in the darkness back to his ship.
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starwrittenfates-a · 1 year
@caelmewedd continued from X
Avallac'h couldn't help but chuckle at the young elflings questions and behavior. Children were really precious to elves, but even more so for their spirited and inquisitive ways. He was in no hurry to return to the royal palace, deciding to take a seat next to them.
"Yes, my real name is Crevan, and as an Aen Saevherne, I know a great deal of many things. It's a knowledge I won't share with too many, especially if they are not an equal in it. But to answer your question about the one-horns, they can live as long as us Aen Elle can." Which could be nuisance at times for them, but it was why the elves and unicorns were always in a quarrel, among other reasons. The sage chuckled, continuing on. "I believe Nevermore would be the first dragon I've seen, and as for General Eredin...he's always, as you say; a 'pompous buffoon'."
He glanced over at his fellow mage, smiling. "Aramil, you have such a spirited little one. You should bring her to court more often." Avallac'h wouldn't mind seeing her call Eredin an idiot either.
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cryocannon · 2 years
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raffle prize for @this-is-your-last-dance , who requested their sister’s oc aramil! 🌹✨🌸
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