#Deep inside Ava is laughing his off just imagining Eredin getting offended by a young elfling calling him a pompous buffoon
starwrittenfates-a · 1 year
@caelmewedd continued from X
Avallac'h couldn't help but chuckle at the young elflings questions and behavior. Children were really precious to elves, but even more so for their spirited and inquisitive ways. He was in no hurry to return to the royal palace, deciding to take a seat next to them.
"Yes, my real name is Crevan, and as an Aen Saevherne, I know a great deal of many things. It's a knowledge I won't share with too many, especially if they are not an equal in it. But to answer your question about the one-horns, they can live as long as us Aen Elle can." Which could be nuisance at times for them, but it was why the elves and unicorns were always in a quarrel, among other reasons. The sage chuckled, continuing on. "I believe Nevermore would be the first dragon I've seen, and as for General Eredin...he's always, as you say; a 'pompous buffoon'."
He glanced over at his fellow mage, smiling. "Aramil, you have such a spirited little one. You should bring her to court more often." Avallac'h wouldn't mind seeing her call Eredin an idiot either.
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