crystalsclangencorner · 3 months
CW: Animal death, animal injury, child/kitten death
Moon 0 (Newleaf)
A she-cat named Aquila (18m) runs away from her twolegplace after a fire ignites. The fire spreads into the forest and she continues to run. She can't run far though, due to her expecting kits.
She thinks she's done for, until a forest cat named Bushtail (19m Nonbinary) spots her and decides to rescue her.
The two eventually reach a spot far away from the flames. They decide to rest there. Aquila eventually has her kits and names them Cancer (Male), Aries (Male), Carina (Female), and Pisces (Female).
After the delivery of the kits, Bushtail and Aquila tell each other more about themselves. Bushtail informs her that they used to be a healer for a group of cats called CrashClan, but left due to the leader. Aquila picks up an interest in these cat groups and decides to rename her kits to have the suffix "kit".
Moon 1
The group eventually finds a place to call home. It's a bunch of rocks and stumps near a lake.
Almost immediately Pisceskit and Arieskit try to sneak out of the camp, but they are caught and returned to the nursery.
Aquila catches a decent-sized rat.
Aquila thinks about her dads (Andromeda [102m Male], and Aura [100m Male]) who died in the fire... She hopes that wherever they are, they're okay and together. She also wonders if they're watching over her and her kits..
Aquila is prancing around in front of Bushtail, she also feels like she can count on Bushtail to give her the best treatment possible.
Moon 2
Arieskit, Pisceskit, and Cancerkit had a nice talk while eating.
Carinakit is amazed at how skilled Bushtail is.
Moon 3 (Greenleaf)
Carinakit woke up with a mild headache, but got up to play anyways, trying to ignore the nagging pain.
Aquila received a strange dream... Something about her name now being Aquilastar and receiving nine lives?
She talks to Bushtail about it, and they inform her that StarClan had visited her and that she is now a leader, she also has to name their group now.
Moon 4
After a whole moon of thinking, Aquilastar decides to name their group AquilaClan.
Carinakit has recovered from her headache.
After hearing her complain about a itch on her ear, Arieskit chomps on Carinakit's ear. (Surprisingly this was a medium positive affect lol-)
Carinakit saw Arieskit being considerate.
Moon 5
Pisceskit is scolded after trying to sneak out of camp.
Bushtail has drawn the ire of Pisceskit by deliberately taking the last of her favorite nesting material.
... Only for Carinakit to surprise her with something nice.
Bushtail wonders what Aquilastar thinks about mates.
Moon 6 (Leaf-fall)
Carinakit, Pisceskit, Cancerkit, and Arieskit are all now apprentices! Carinapaw and Piscespaw get Bushtail for their mentors, while Cancerpaw and Ariespaw get Aquilastar as their mentors.
Carinapaw has gotten a sprain.
Aquilastar, Ariespaw, and Cancerpaw all console each other after a failed hunt.
Aquilastar feels like the responsibility of leadership crushing is crushing her...
Bushtail wonders how Aquilastar is doing, they also want her to notice them.
Moon 7
Aquilastar is anxious, AquilaClan doesn't have enough prey for next moon, she has also gotten greencough.
Cancerpaw and Ariespaw bring back a medium amount of prey.
Bushtail confessed their feelings to Aquilastar and they have become mates.
Carinapaw has come out as Aromantic, expressing that she wishes to never have a mate. After that Ariespaw admits that she no longer feels like tom describes her properly.
Moon 8
Bushtail and Piscespaw heckled another Clan at the gathering together.
Carinapaw's sprain has healed, at the same time, Bushtail has gotten whitecough.
Moon 9 (Leaf-bare)
Aquilastar no longer has greencough.
Aquilastar explains snow to Carinapaw, Piscespaw, Cancerpaw, and Ariespaw.
Aquilastar brings back a huge amount of prey.
Moon 10
Cancerpaw and Carinapaw have gotten their full names at ten moons old. Cancerpaw is now Cancerwisp, and Carinapaw is now Carinafeather.
Piscespaw has gotten yellowcough..
Carinafeather tries to interpret an omen.
Ariespaw and Cancerwisp bring back a huge amount of prey.
Cancerwisp has been made the deputy, at the same time, Ariespaw has become his apprentice.
Moon 11
Bushtail announces that they are expecting kits, they decide to move into the nursery.
Moon 12 (Newleaf)
Piscespaw has recovered from her yellowcough.
Ariespaw is now a warrior! Her new name is Ariesfeather.
Carinafeather has realized that she-cat doesn't describe the way they feel anymore.
Piscespaw feels like a failure...
Bushtail is unsure about how many kits they will have.
Cancerwisp allows Piscespaw to share her troubles with him.
Moon 13
Bushtail had a single kit with Aquilastar. They decide to name him Circinuskit.
Carinafeather is unsure how to feel about being an older sibling, until Circinuskit gives out a small mew. They then swear to protect Circinuskit, even if it ends in them dying.
Moon 14
A rogue leaves their litter with the Clan. Carinafeather decides to adopt them as their own and names them Columbakit (1m Male), Cetuskit (1m Male), and Cassiopeiakit (1m Female).
Moon 15 (Greenleaf)
Cetuskit is extra fluffy today.
Circinuskit is saying bad words.
Moon 16
A loner brings their kit named Crux (4m Female) to the camp, saying they can no longer care for her. Circinuskit gives Cruxkit some advice for building a new nest, Cassiopeiakit gives her some feathers as a welcome gift that she can use for her nest, and Columbakit asks Cruxkit if she could use some help getting introduced to the other Clan members. Carinafeather smiles, knowing she raised her kits right.
Bushtail has healed from the strain of delivering their litter.
Moon 17
Cetuskit was taken by a hawk... Carinafeather chases after the hawk, but it was no use...
A world without Cetuskit at his side seems cold and empty to Columbakit, how can life continue on like nothing happened? When no one needs anything from him, Columbakit breaks down, wailing uncontrollably and cursing the world that took Cetuskit instead of them.
Cassiopeiakit feels sick to her stomach. The last time she saw Cetuskit, she quarreled with him, and now all Cassiopeiakit can do is beg for forgiveness and hope Cetuskit is watching from StarClan. In the dead of the night, Cassiopeiakit wails into the vast sky, unable to fathom StarClan's cruelty. She glares up at Silverpelt, gouging the earth with shaky claws.
Carinafeather feels like they don't deserve their full name... Especially since they weren't able to realize the meaning of that omen they received moons ago soon enough... If they had interpreted it sooner, would Cetuskit still be here?
Cruxkit tries her best to comfort Columbakit and Cassiopeiakit... She only knew Cetuskit for a moon, but she knew he was a good cat.. And knew that he died too young...
Moon 18 (Leaf-fall)
Piscespaw has received her full name at 18 moons old. Her new name is now Pisceswisp.
Cruxpaw is now an apprentice! Her mentor is Ariesfeather.
Cruxpaw disappeared for awhile and returned with a black bow collar.
Moon 19
Columbakit is no longer grieving. He looks up at Silverpelt, and accepts what has happened to Cetuskit.
Circinuskit, Columbakit, and Cassiopeiakit are now apprentices! Circinuspaw has Aquilastar as his mentor, Columbapaw has Ariesfeather as his mentor, while Cassiopeiapaw has Cancerwisp as her mentor.
... While Circinuspaw and Columbapaw are happy, Cassiopeiapaw isn't... All she can think about is how Cetuskit should be here with them...
Cruxpaw shows Columbapaw the best hunting spot she knows.
Cassiopeiapaw wishes Cruxpaw would notice her...
Moon 20
Cassiopeiapaw has finally accepted what happened.
Cruxpaw and Cassiopeiapaw train together.
Moon 21 (Leaf-bare)
Bushtail's paw is heavily injured after escaping a twoleg trap
Aquilastar has lost a life after being ambushed by rogues on a border patrol.
Ariesfeather finds a litter of newborn kits, their parents nowhere to be spotted. She decides to adopt them as her own and names them Delphinuskit (Female), and Doradokit (Male)
Moon 22
Cruxpaw and Cassiopeiapaw are both feeling silly, other than that, nothing interesting happened this moon.
Moon 23
Carinafeather always seems to have petals stuck in their fur.
Pisceswisp has gotten greencough.
Cassiopeiapaw and Cruxpaw prank Ariesfeather by making her fall into a puddle.
Moon 24 (Newleaf)
Circinuspaw is now a warrior at eleven moons old. His name is now Circinusmist.
Columbapaw decides to become a meditator.
Bushtail's mangled paw has healed, but they will forever be marked by a scar.
Moon 25
Cancerwisp has a mangled tail.
Cassiopeiapaw, Columbapaw, and Cruxpaw all earn their full names. Columbapaw is now Columbadust, Cassiopeiapaw is now Cassiopeiadust, and Cruxpaw is now Cruxdusk.
Cruxdusk decorates Cassiopeiadust's nest with flowers to surprise her!
Moon 26
Cassiopeiadust and Cruxdusk have become mates.
Pisceswisp and Carinafeather bring back a queen named Silkchirp (22m Male) and his newborn kits (Gustkit [Male], and Lilackit [Female]) back to camp.
... After close examination of Lilackit, Bushtail, Carinafeather, and Pisceswisp tell Silkchirp that he can't expect Lilackit to live long, as she has wasting disease.
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