#apsara guide changelog
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anonraja · 1 month ago
Changelog #63 - Mod E First Impressions
I'm posting this early as I'm likely only going to have one of the new mod skills upon release (drop rates suck and I'm ED broke) so all my current opinions are based on observation and general knowledge of the game. Overall, Ara's Mod E skills seem very strong and essential to her kit. That said, I plan to continue grinding for the new mod books in order to conduct my own testing. Example builds will be updated once I actually am able to experiment with the skills myself. My current plan is to get Shakti's -> Devi's -> Apsara's -> Surya's.
Updated Attributes for Shadoweave
Added [Mod] Falling Dragon & [Mod] Shadoweave
Added [Mod] Falling Dragon & [Mod] Shadoweave
Updated El Resonance
Added [Mod] Falling Dragon & [Mod] Shadoweave
Updated El Resonance
Added [Mod] Falling Dragon & [Mod] Shadoweave
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anonraja · 3 months ago
Changelog #62 - Finally. Apsara Things.
People who visit my blog proper will notice I've made a page with links to my guides along with links to the tags for the changelogs. It's been almost 8 years since I've started this so it's long overdue.
In 2018, I did a quick write up for people to see which Ara would suit them best. It has aged like a fine milk left to sit in the sun. So I wrote a new one. You can find it here. It has also been added to the guides page on my blog.
Without further ado, here's the actual update.
Updated Power of Eun
Updated Movement
Updated [Mod] Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm, Ultimate Spearmanship
Updated Opinion for Fire Lotus, Secret Dragon Art - Blast, Suppression, Secret Tiger Art - Fierce Tiger, Full Moon Slash, Counter Switch, Flying Kite, Ultimate Spearmanship, Charging Fury, Tiger Stance: Fierce Spear Dance, Time of Enlightenment, [Mod] Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm, [Mod] Dragon Stance 4: Moonlight Slash
Updated Example Build(s)
Updated El Resonance
Updated Conclusion
Might be some undocumented changes since I started to forget to add them to the list. Oops. Oh well.
Updated Recommended Attribute for Suppression: Specter & Spell: Storm
Updated Opinion for Spell: Storm, Suppression: Specter, & Fox Illusion
Added one sentence to the Opinion for [Mod] Fox Fire to really illustrate its sheer strength
Updated Example Build(s) to include recommendations for the Transcendence slots
Updated Wishing Star
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anonraja · 9 months ago
Changelog #59 - I'm not dead shockingly enough
Well, tumblr doesn't allow indented bullet points anymore so this is gonna be fun.
Removed Equipment, Title, Elements, and Socketing
Added a general Progression section
Separated Master Skills so each tier is its own thing so I can more easily do more detailed opinions without having to say "Stage 1 blah blah blah. Stage 2 blah blah blah. etc.." as that has always felt deeply unorganized
Combined Force Skills and Master Class Force Skills so they're all in one section. Force Skills are now underneath Master Class for organizational purposes.
Added attributes to Mod skills
Updated Fierce Tiger Strike, Abundant Power, Fire Lotus, Tiger Stance 4: Raging Wave, Energy Activation, Tiger Power, Ultimate Spearmanship, Valor and Devotion, Time of Enlightenment, Flow of Chi
Updated Opinions for Orchid Fall, Ultimate Spearmanship, Awakened Will: Sakra Devanam, Valor and Devotion, [Mod] Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm
I don't have her Master Class yet so opinions for Nirvana are extremely limited
Updated Example Build(s)
Updated opinion for all Dance of the Butterfly stages
Updated Attributes for Wind Wedge, Energy Wave, Energy Void, Rakshasa Inferno
Updated opinion on High Speed and [Mod] Rakshasa Inferno
Updated Example Build(s)
Updated Assimilation, Fox Valley, Repose of Souls, Specter Walk, Spell: Necromancy, Spell: Spiritual Eye, Awakened Will: Asura, Spirit Synchronous: Millennium Fox, Awakened Specter Power, [Mod] Shadow Blast
Updated Opinions for Mana Drain, [Mod] Spell: Thunder, [Mod] Fox Fire, [Mod] Spell: Necromancy
I have not finished the quests for the Master Class skill yet so opinions for Phantom Fox: Shadow Possession Stage 2 - 4 are extremely limited
Updated Example Build(s)
Updated Transcendence portrait to be the proper image
Added all Mod force skills
Added all Combos
Updated Attributes for all skills
Edited Opinions for all skills
Updated Example Build(s)
Updated Conclusion
Potential Error(s)
elwiki states that Surya's Phoenix Stance 2: Strike has Enhanced as an attribute option, but the game itself has Empowered. I've chosen to use Empowered since that's what's showing in the game and that's how it's interacting in game.
Honestly got really lazy on my Apsara guide so there might be some oversights
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anonraja · 6 months ago
Changelog #60 - Just Surya Things
Updated Power of Eun
Updated Movement
Updated Phoenix Wings
Heavy attributes now include the cooldown increase
Updated Opinion for Phoenix Wings
Edited some wording in the Opinion for Fox Shadow to be more clear
Updated Example Build(s) to include Combo Damage
Updated El Resonance
Updated Conclusion
To Do List
Update Apsara's guide (major)
Update Devi's guide (moderate)
Update Shakti's guide (minor - moderate)
I'll try to do this in a timely manner because of the +11 VoS event, but I make no promises
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anonraja · 4 years ago
Changelog #51
Added a Titles section
Updated Opinion
Fire Lotus
RIPperoni & cheese
Edited Example Build(s)
Updated Master Class Force Skills
Added a Conclusion because there wasn’t one for some reason
Added a Titles section
Unleashed Chi
Updated Master Class Force Skills
Added a Titles section
Updated Master Class Force Skills
Updated Mod Spell:  Thunder
Eternity Winner, Radiant Soul, and Nisha Labyrinth guides are on an indefinite hiatus.  I don’t know when I’ll update them again, or if I ever will.  They’ll probably always remain useful to get an idea of how each class plays, though.
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anonraja · 4 years ago
Changelog #53
Updated Titles section
Updated Titles section
Updated Titles section
Keep in mind the changes to title acquisition do not go into effect in NA/INT until December 16th, 2020.
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anonraja · 5 years ago
Changelog #50
Added in Master Class stuff for all of them and redid the Equipment section for all of them.  Finally added in combos for Laby.
Apsara [x] Devi [x] Shakti [x] Eternity Winner [x] Radiant Soul [x] Nisha [x]
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anonraja · 6 years ago
Changelog #49
Changed ??? to Orchid Fall
Updated opinion for Orchid Fall
Updated opinion for [Mod] Energy Void
Changed ??? to Ignition Spear
Changed ??? to Fox Valley
Updated opinion for Fox Valley
Tumblr media
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anonraja · 3 years ago
Changelog #56
Updated Skills
Fierce Tiger Strike
Updated Passives
Valor and Devotion
Flow of Chi
Updated Skills
Ignition Spear
Updated Skills
Spell: Ellipse of Blades
Updated Passives
Specter Power Release
Updated Mods
Fox Fire
4th Path
Created a completely placeholder guide that is currently just a copy-pasta of my Apsara Guide with a new image for 1st job and 2nd job
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anonraja · 4 years ago
Changelog #55
Updated Ultimate Spearmanship & Flow of Chi
Updated Opinion for Ultimate Spearmanship
Updated Energy Enhancement & Chi Release
Updated Mana Release
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anonraja · 7 years ago
Changelog #15 - Idk what the f*ck is going on anymore
Sakra Devanam (Apsara Vishnu)
Changed all mentions of Apsara -> Vishnu
so far literally every other server except NA/INT is calling her Vishnu
this will avoid confusion with those outside of NA/INT
Apsara doesn’t even make sense thematically
Replaced a placeholder icon with an official icon
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anonraja · 7 years ago
Changelog #14
Sakra Devanam (Apsara)
Added El Resonance opinions for:
Elemental Activation Rate
Active Skill Damage
Tenacity Skill Damage
Strength Skill Damage
Bravery Skill Damage
MP Cost
Skill Cooldown
A few of these opinions may change once I actually fool around with Apsara, but her passives don’t seem to effect her El Resonance needs much, if at all
Replaced placeholder image for Apsara’s HA with the official icon
Fixed a typo in Apsara’s HA’s decription
originally it read, “Ara jumps into the ara”
Updated the descriptions for Apsara’s passives
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anonraja · 7 years ago
Changelog #13 - She Bought a Name Change
Sakra Devanam (Apsara)
Changed all mentions of Vishnu -> Apsara
She’s having an identity crisis
All future changes will be listed under Sakra Devanam (Apsara)
I’ll simply be using Apsara upon her NA release
Changed 2 of Apsara’s skill placeholder images to their official ones
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anonraja · 4 years ago
Changelog #54 because I’m petty
Updated Opinion for Shadoweave
Updated Opinion for Shadoweave
Updated Opinion for Ignition Spear
Updated Opinion for Shadoweave
These opinions are more detailed then they’ve ever been out of sheer f*cking spite.  Shadoweave’s opinion is still pretty short, it’s not even an essay, but I talk more about why it’s good.  Ignition Spear is an essay (but it has pictures) because I’m so f*cking petty.  It does have a tl;dr (you have to scroll past the entire essay though or just use ctrl + f and write in tl;dr once you reach Ignition Spear), but I urge you to read my basically 4 page essay (the length has the pictures and basic skill info included) so you fully understand.  Anyway, I spent so much time testing Ignition Spear in various different scenarios that I know more about it than I ever wanted to and I hate it.
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