#apr unfollow
aparecium-rp · 2 years
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James’ URL has been changed, so please make sure you follow his new account:
James Potter
And please unfollow the old account:
James Potter
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herefortarlos · 6 months
Desi 🫣
If you get a notification of me following you just now, you actually did not. I definitely didn't accidentally unfollow you (and apparently many others) in the frenzy of the Great Booping of Apr 1 2024.
Hahaha, awwww, you're fine, Tessa 🥰 Thank you for following back, again!! Ah, the Great Booping of 2024, what a short, fun time you were! You absolutely did not have to apologize, sweetie! There was a small part of me on my end that was like, "I hope she doesn't mind that I've still been reaching out to her and commenting on random things" though 🤣
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I have enough followers that I cant check the blogs of everyone that follows me anymore so I hope none of you are any of the following lol
- A t-cester
- Apr-tello shipper (2012 is acceptable)
- Le°rai shipper
- Pro ship, anti anti
- Pro life
If you are one or more of these things then save me the trouble and unfollow+block me now. You aren't welcome here.
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notasimpleslater · 1 year
Ahhhh this is definitely me just being hopeful but tbh I can see the phone number change thing being true, from aPR standpoint Ariana had probably been advised not to interact with him in any way shape or form and that includes unfollowing/blocking him… I mean people picked up on the fact that they unfollowed/blocked each other way back before this scandal was public so we all know that everyone is watching their socials with a trained eye now that we know what the deal is. Him liking her posts could maybe either say that he’s trying to reconnect with her or is just trying to remain friendly. Plus, lots of people know that mega-celebrities like Ariana have PR reps basically logged into their account all the time to control what gets posted and when etc and I think we’ve seen that with how little Ariana has said about this scandal while promoting REM beauty and her perfume etc, they’re probably the ones in charge of who she follows/doesn’t follow.
Whatever the case may be I miss the old Ethan, not just his relationship with Lilly but his old personality.
That’s valid, I can see it now that you mention the pr aspect. Ethan’s ig is pretty much his personal account so he’s just liking the posts of his friends/co-stars like he normally would, but Ariana’s is heavily moderated. I think the only reason they haven’t unfollowed/blocked each other again is because of Wicked and the future promo they’ll need to do for that.
Yeah, I miss the old Ethan too. I honestly should have suspected something was wrong when he went on a 6 month long social media hiatus last year following a very successful post-covid career. But that was also during the time when Lilly would’ve been in her final few months of pregnancy, so I kinda let all my thoughts about that fly out the window once we found out about Ezra (this could still be true, but considering everything we know now, who the hell knows what else could have been going on).
Ezra was apparently born in August, so some hopeful part of my brain thinks that on his birthday Ethan might finally come out of hiding. I mean, despite all the other drama going on Ethan seems to really like being a dad considering the fact that he made 2 posts this year about Ezra and none that were directly about Lilly skfjdnd (IDEK if I even count the Mothers Day post as being about Lilly when he only included subtle pics of Ezra 😭. Their relationship really could’ve been over longer than we think)
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glassedplanets · 2 years
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template source!
jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | july | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec
this year i read a ton of art books, so i'll drop a big list + reflections under the cut:
i'll split these up into art books and instructional books, though there are a few that did a bit of both.
art books:
the art of heikala
the art of loish
beautiful scenes from a fantasy world
mysterious scenes from a parallel world
a sky longing for memories: the art of makoto shinkai
expedition sketchbook
windows to worlds: the art of devin elle kurtz
reverie: the art of sybilline meynet
the man who leapt through film
instructional books:
framed perspective vol. 1 & 2 by marcos mateu-mestre
master the art of speed painting
sketching from the imagination
sketching from the imagination: characters
sketching from the imagination: storytelling
beyond art fundamentals
figure drawing for artists
that's actually more than i thought, lmao. standouts for me were a sky longing for memories, windows to worlds, master the art of speed painting, and figure drawing for artists -- each of these offered some really valuable insight for me and helped me think about something in a different way. i got all these via library and at this point i'm worried that i've exhausted the catalogs of every library i have access to :/
i've only ever taken one art class in my life and it wasn't a really great experience, plus i'm not great at teaching myself things, so finally reaching for instructional books about art this year felt like a big leap and i'm glad that i took it. i also watched some of the drawclass VODs that are up on youtube and started looking for resources like studies and sketches from artists i like. idk, i guess it's kind of been about demystifying the process for me. there's a lot of stuff i've been doing the long way round for years and years or not doing at all because i didn't know that you were "allowed" to take a shortcut, or that it was even possible (eg. foliage brushes).
this year was pretty wobbly in terms of how happy i was with the art i made and how much of it i made, particularly bc Life Happened in august and just has not stopped, and i know that i felt really bad and unhappy with art for a big chunk of the year -- but now that i'm past that, i can see that i've improved a lot in a lot of the ways in which i've been wanting to improve. you know what's nuts? i only started actively drawing backgrounds for every piece last year. now i can't imagine not doing something for a background.
i think i also gnawed through a lot of... idk, shame? inadequacy? some yucky feeling i had about tagging my art for tumblr search. i think it's partially that we're all back on this hell site and i just don't care about showing my ass anymore. whatever. y'all either get to see my fucking anime Poasting or unfollow/mute/block/whatever, i don't really give a shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the art goals i set for myself at the start of the year were to try making a short comic more than once, which i did! twice, actually, though i didn't post one of them. that's ok. i don't remember if this was a goal, but i submitted art to a digital zine this year too! i need to check if i can post it yet actually... lmao. and i joined a fandom event as an artist, which i'm really excited for. i haven't done a fandom event since 2013 and i've never done one as an artist.
my art goals for 2023 are to do thumbnails for most of the big pieces that i draw, and to draw people interacting physically with each other when i draw 2+ in one piece. that'll be tough since i honestly enjoy the subtlety of Two Guys Standing Next To Each Other but it's an area i want to improve in.
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edgedglorya · 1 year
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A  STUDY  IN  :  fame & fortune , pain & pleasure , struggles with addiction , teenage angst , the horrors of childhood traumas , rags to riches , coming out on top , narcissism , being unable to break the cycle , unhealthy vices , learning to love. ── carrd. (updated: 17-apr-23)
DISCLAIMER : sam is a dark and uncomfortable character. there will be mentions of child abuse , heavy drug use , self harm and a multitude of toxic behaviors. please bare this in mind before choosing to follow / interact. i am not responsible for curating your dash. this blog is highly canon divergent and will not be rping certain subjects / events ( so if you are looking for those please leave. ) that being said , there will still be uncomfortable content. standard / obvious triggers are tagged but anything else will have to be asked. however , i do not tag general drug use or mentions as they are a core part of sam's character. if drug use is a trigger for you , i suggest you skip this blog. if you chose to follow and interact , just know i will not be changing my muse for you. if you are uncomfortable , please , go ahead and unfollow/block as your mental health is most important. all i ask is you leave me be , and i leave you be. thank you < 3
heavily affiliated with : @theartistseye , @hidesinhiswork
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wot-tidbits · 8 months
10 Years Anniversary
Stats a.k.a. The Boring One
I have been always fascinated by the boring numbers showing me what is the progress of my blog. And every 6 months I methodically published small part of them. On the 10th anniversary I would like to show you some more. I am not doing it to brag as I do not know if these numbers are good or bad. I do not have anything to compare with so literally I am clueless in the first place. But I would want to give some reference to others who probably also are intrigued in that boring niche. As my blog has been one of the most consistent with WoT content every day, the data can show how well the attention for WoT developed in these 10 years.
The following statistics are measured by supercounters.com and clicky.com
Let start with may be the most interesting data – how the TV series influenced my numbers.
Here are the stats for visits by month for the period between June 2021 to December 2023.
Jun 2021     692   
Jul 2021      670
Aug 2021   686   
Sep 2021    988
Oct 2021    1,021
Nov 2021   1,816
Dec 2021    2,646
Jan 2022     1,728
Feb 2022    1,051
Mar 2022    906   
Apr 2022    824
May 2022   952
Jun 2022     674
Jul 2022      735
Aug 2022   606
Sep 2022    574
Oct 2022    560   
Nov 2022   491
Dec 2022    476
Jan 2023     583   
Feb 2023    506
Mar 2023    633
Apr 2023    590   
May 2023   412
Jun 2023     497            
Jul 2023      513   
Aug 2023   634   
Sep 2023    1,313
Oct 2023    1,072
Nov 2023   666
Dec 2023    611   
So it is very visible that the TV series did make change on my numbers as expected – having double and triple numbers than regular. The interest for the second season was not bigger or longer though. The first season peaked for 9 months while the second one only for 2. December 2021 is my highest record with 2,646 visits. For reference I had several 1000+ visits in previous periods but they are not as fascinating as the TV show period. 
Under the cut I will put some more if you are interested.
What is the number of visits by year?
2014 5,252
2015 7,551
2016 7,654
2017 6,076
2018 7,509
2019 14,716       
2020 8,838
2021 12,364
2022 9,577
2023 8,030
My most successful period is from March 2019 to May 2020 – 15 consecutive months.
Feb 2019    662
Mar 2019    982
Apr 2019    1,159
May 2019   1,892
Jun 2019     2,107
Jul 2019      1,378
Aug 2019   1,626
Sep 2019    1,006
Oct 2019    884   
Nov 2019   1,285
Dec 2019    1,074
Jan 2020     1,449
Feb 2020    772
Mar 2020    822   
Apr 2020    898   
May 2020   918
Jun 2020     706
Jul 2020      584   
What is the progress of followers (and unfollowers. Yes, I know your names as I counted them manually.) by year?      
Stats for the period of 22.01.2014-22.01.2015
Followers – 1209
Unfollowers – 138
Stats for the period of 22.01.2015-22.01.2016
Followers – 649
Unfollowers – 311
Followers – 463
Unfollowers – 190
Followers – 322   
Unfollowers – 168
Followers –  324
Unfollowers – 150 (Here I stopped counting as it got tiresome to go through 3000 names)
Followers – 241
Followers – 385
Followers – 424
Followers – 236
Followers – 143
The last two years are so bad because of many newcomers who saw that I have no good feelings for a certain TV product.
What are my top 20 countries for total visitors in 10 years which also shows the diversity of WoT fans around the world?
1.United States     33,756       
2.Russian Federation  11,051  
3.Finland              8,262
4.Bulgaria             4,197
5.United Kingdom 3,870
6.Germany            3,403
7.Canada              3,296
8.Australia            2,189
9.Ukraine             1,674
10.France             1,556
11.Brazil               1,221
12.Greece             998  
13.Serbia              853  
14.Netherlands     821  
15.Spain               804  
16.Sweden            776  
17.Poland             771  
18.Italy                 755  
19.Norway            649  
20.India                503  
Stats how regularly people check the page of Robert Jordan's notes for his casting – my most visited page. To shorten the boring list I select when it was visited more than 50 times a month.
Aug 2019 – 468
Sep 2019 – 87
Sep 2021 - 52
Oct 2021 - 54
Nov 2021 - 127   
Dec 2021 - 208    
Jan 2022 - 51                          
Apr 2022 - 97               
May 2022 - 204   
Jun 2022 - 62       
Jul 2022 - 53        
Aug 2022 - 86
Oct 2022 - 57
Jan 2023 - 52       
Sep 2023 - 767    
Ok. I think this is enough irrelevant numbers for today. Thank you for your curiosity.
Let the Light keep you safe
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Remus Lupin Narcissa Malfoy Mira Romero
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lilolilyrae · 3 years
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1ddotdhq · 3 years
Wed 21 Apr '21
Remember when our tagline was “better than the Sun”?? Well, we’re definitely living up to that today! The Sun ran an article about how Harry would be doing an “X-rated gay sex scene” for My Policeman (yeah, the Mirror chimes in! He’s “really excited” to be nude!), and people are, uh, freaking out, because?? Only Louis gets to have a panoramic view?? No, of course that’s not at the root of the discourse, this issue here for some people (*cough* anons from twitter *cough*) is that they are ONCE AGAIN misconstruing fiction for reality (it’s acting, people! Not Real!), and the Sun doesn’t understand that ‘x-rated’ means porno. Y’all, I know that we’re expecting ‘edgy’ things from this indie-looking film, but Amazon is not gonna put a full-frontal gay porno right in front of our salads this fall. Also - and I can’t believe I have to address this again - gay men do straight sex scenes, straight men do gay sex scenes, bi, trans, queer actors do all sorts of sex scenes because it is all FAKE and they are not ACTUALLY having sex on screen. Sorry for the disappointment, I guess?
ANYWAYS in CLEARLY much more exciting news, a pudding company answered Louis’ tweet from 2012. Also, Harry unfollowed a pizza parlor in London on instagram, does that mean he’s not in London anymore? No, of course not, he’s obviously still there, so it’s a great reminder that who the guys follow on social media often has no bearing on where they actually are in the world.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 6 Apr ‘21
In this day and age, even real journalists are struggling with what it means to report news when facts can so easily be falsified and truth is so slippery-- how much more so your humble fandom chronicler, with no access whatsoever to the players in our stories! Fandom in general is nothing but grasping at shadows on the Walls(tm) and trying to make sense of it all without ever being allowed to see the real events, and being very aware that not only that, everyone involved in telling the stories is actively trying to mislead us, usually in multiple wildly different directions (truly unfortunate for a fandom more terrified of uncertainty than any group of people I’ve ever come across). Add in technology that makes it near impossible to discern the real from the fake and well… you start to understand the appeal of NFTs I guess! Given a truly verifiable DM screenshot someone could probably get a good bidding war going am I right?! I personally would pay good money for yall to start blockchain verifying your damn receipts (HOW sad am I that this isn’t really how NFTs work, imagine if they were actually so useful!)
Luckily, in fact things pretty much always turn out to be way simpler than fandom makes them, and usually it’s possible to get to what’s most likely the truth eventually. In this case: that Louis DMed Jedward! (In almost every other case, of course, it’s that things have been faked, screen recording or no, so this is the exception to the rule.) Anyway today saw some dramatic debunking of a DM from Louis, but then that debunking was (less dramatically) itself debunked, meaning if you’re just coming on board now you’re WINNING cause the whole middle part could be totally skipped and we are now back to the beginning and all of that can be ignored. And thank god, trying to understand it as fake when it seemed (to me) so obviously real was doing my head in (see tortured opening monologue.) So, the series of events goes like so: Jedward got up early this morning and continued to tweet about the industry and Syco and 1D, growing increasingly hysterical (“Justice is gonna be served!”, “You can’t silence the truth! Nobody can drag me down!”...uhhh that’s a lot for 6 AM damn) and then, boom, dropped a pic of a DM... from Louis!! In it he writes (the night before) “you guys have lost the plot hahahahaha you must be high”, lolll. Why would they make up him saying that, why would a faked message not be like “yeah right on” or something?! I mean, is he wrong-- what ARE they doing?? ARE they high? What is their endgame, other than getting attention to promote their new music, in talking so much about 1D and Little Mix? Louis is, as usual, asking the real questions, and more importantly, without actually giving anything away or committing to anything. Additionally I wondered if he may have wanted to sort of disrupt the narrative that he unfollowed them because he supported their message and wanted more people to see it (which you have to admit is a, uh, counter-intuitive conclusion and not remotely the most obvious way to interpret an unfollow); he may in fact wish people would shut up about his business and let him handle it himself as he sees fit, as he’s indicated many times in the past in similar situations.
Some people are enthused about Jedward’s crusade though, and happy to speak publicly about it- Nicholas Liddle chimes in about some of their points to say “from a journalist AND publicist standpoint I can confirm this”, plus “Louis Tomlinson is one of the most sweetest, genuine, unproblematic artists...take it for what you will,” and “stream Walls,” aw. Singer Lily Allen congratulates Jedward on “being iconic” and says yes, she agrees with what they’re saying.
AND there are actual OTHER THINGS GOING ON: Liam for example!! He’s got a beautiful bushy mane of lion locks and he’s tweeting about NFTs, are he and Louis twinning or what?! Liam actually let a pap get a glimpse of him though, unlike SOOOME Louis’- he was photographed in a parking garage looking like he really wished he had a jacket. According to the pap captions he was outside a TV studio in London and “gearing up for his BAFTAS performance”. Well idk about all that but I do know that he was looking good! Additionally he posted “I’ve had my eye on NFTs for a minute now and love this new piece” and goes on to promote some animated digital art featuring his old collab buddy Zedd, and to say that he’s gotten a few pieces by the artist and “can’t wait to get more!” He shares a still from one that he bought from the same people (who have been doing tour visuals for years apparently).
And Niall’s back with the aesthetic pics! We got scenery, we got a studio pic, we got scrumptious desserts and stylish selfies and we got a PUPPY, hell yeah! Hitting ALL the insta bases there (well, he could show a little titty…? but other than that…) Oh yeah and did I mention-- tiny song snippets!! Nice. What’s he working up to I wonder? Something is coming I bet you!!
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patchdotexe · 3 years
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it's been a long year, time to look back on it!
..man, i really did get hard into blaseball, huh. literally all but two of this is blaseball and half of that is MaX. i'm a little embarrassed but also like. i did draw non-blaseball things, its just that i like my blaseball art most lmao
so uh. two versions. one with All Blaseball and one with Less Blaseball. still a lot of blaseball.
my art is constantly evolving and going in weird directions and i'm just trying to keep up with it ngl. proud to say that it took me 20 years but i finally feel confident drawing humans and like i'm getting less sameface-y lmao
what am i gonna draw next year? i dunno! probably cpu kerfuffle considering i might not get this comic done by the end of the year lmao. also once the next blaseball era starts i'm gonna be back to drawing max constantly. hopefully i'll be drawing my ocs more though, i miss those guys
links to individual pieces under the cut!
JAN: apply some pressure (it's a PMV!) FEB: undercover agents (it's ANOTHER PMV!) MAR: baby hotline!! APR: back on my feet! MAY: maxolotl 2 JUN: live to play again JUL: YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN ME AUG: can you hear me / the weight of the world SEP: max tlopps s24 / causing an outbreak OCT: localizing frequency NOV: its all uphill from here / i find myself surrounded by help DEC: follow unfollow
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My 2019 Blog Review
Today's the last day of 2019, so I thought it would be fun to dig through my archive and reflect on my blog activity over the past year. I am doing this on my phone but once I have access to a computer again, I'll put this all under a cut. I just can't do it on my phone.
Jan 2019
- Tumblr's background color changed and apparently I'm the only one who liked the change.
- Kingdom Hearts 3 release -- of course, this was a huge thing in my blog at the time. Afterall, I'd only been waiting 15 years for this game. And while I definitely had problems with the game, it also had some very memorable moments that I loved...like Sora punching Davey Jones (I never ever want to forget that moment).
- I began my adventure of learning Japanese. I'm doing pretty good so far.
- The Mummy (Brendon Fraser) appreciation. Occamshipper apparently doesn't like these movies but I love them. I met some great people because I told occamshipper that whereas they didn't like The Mummy Returns, it is in fact one of my favorite all time movies.
- Lots of rambling about my love for Lucy Heartfilia and the Nalu ship from Fairy Tail.
Feb 2019
- BoA Appreciation. I love K-Pop and BoA is one of my all time favs.
- The Vic Micnogna scandal. Honestly, I don't really care about what's going on with the trial, what bothers me is the stain that was left on Funimation because of it. The voice actors really alienated the fanbase in this scandal and I didn't like that.
- Power Rangers appreciation. I love Power Rangers and unironically, too. My favorite power ranger is Adam from Mighty Morphin.
- Within Temptation's new Resist Album dropped and I loved it. I love these epic stories they tell with their albums and the vibes they give.
- I watched the Mythica franchise and my appreciation affair for Zombie Girl began.
- Ronon/Keller appreciation. I loved this pairing so much and I'm super sad the show never did more with them.
- Legacies Reviews. Apparently people find me funny? I have a sense of humor that people enjoy?
Mar 2019
- Emily Bett Rickards revealed she would not be on Arrow for its final season. I was really depressed a out that and I got a lot of hate from comic book fans for daring to say that I like the character of Felicity Smoak.
- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles appreciation. One of my favorite anime/manga of all time.
- I was a victim of credit card fraud because of Creation Entertainment and then they tried to deny they were at fault despite hundreds of their customers reporting credit card fraud all at the same time. They eventually retracted their statement but because of this, I will probably never go to a Creation convention again. They're way overpriced and I certainly will not entrust my important info to them again.
Apr 2019
- Shadowhunters final season started airing and they went from irritating to just plain boring. Seriously, the season's biggest crime isn't how misogynist and racist it was, it was that it was completely nonsensical and boring for me.
- The release of Taylor Swift's and Brendon Urie's collab of ME! and I seem to be the only one that seems to legitimately love that song (even the "spelling is fun" part, RIP you beautiful lyric, alas, you were too good and pure to last in this hateful unfunny world of judgemental culture).
- The X Family appreciation. This is one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas and definitely my favorite series in the KO franchise.
- I broke up with the main SPN meta community (otherwise known as the Positive Police). We just didn't see eye-to-eye. I didn't appreciate them lording over the fandom telling people what they should and should not ship, telling people what they should and should not like...and they didn't appreciate me saying so. Lots of blocking went on and I'm still eternally sorry for the people that got blocked by these big fish because they simply liked my posts.
May 2019
- Game of Thrones crappy ending. What is there to really say about it? It was terrible and misogynist AF.
- Ezra appreciation from the Natural Oneders TFS at the Table D&D campaign. Ezra Lockwood was my favorite character and I'm not okay with how he was written out of the campaign.
- I was quite angry about Dean destroying Chuck's guitar like Dean was a 5-year-old child angry that he didn't get his way (seriously, Dean needs to be sent to time-out).
Jun 2019
- Quicksilver and Dadneto meta commentary from FOX 's X-Men franchise. So much lost potential there, unfortunately (thanks, Dark Phoenix).
- Orca appreciation. They're beautiful, majestic creatures and I love them, they might be my spirit animal.
- Someone unfollowed me because I wasn't giving enough attention to real-world problems. Essentially, I wasn't woke enough I guess. But I'm sorry, if I want to feel all righteous and justicey, I'll watch the news. Social justice and politics are not primary focuses of this blog.
- Godzilla King of Monsters was fantastic.
- Chuck TV Series appreciation. I love this show and I miss it dearly.
Jul 2019
- Veronica Mars Season 4 discourse. Essentially I hate what happened to Logan and what it means for Veronica's character moving forward.
- Played Love Island The Game and had way more fun than I probably rightfully should've had.
Aug 2019
- Re-watched Sailor Moon and then watched Sailor Moon Crystal. Both shows are so much fun. Plus, I love Sailor Jupiter. I love Jupiter's personality and her power aesthetic is badass to match her personality.
- Taylor Swift's Lover album dropped. I might be in the minority but it actually ranks pretty low on my list of Taylor Swift albums.
- Skillet's Victorious album dropped a d ot was a huge disappointment for me.
- I found watermelon to be my new favorite post-workout snack.
Sep 2019
- I watched The Untamed and I absolutely adore this show. I started watching more chinese dramas because of this show. And whereas I haven't found something I enjoyed quite as much from the chinese drama list, I've still greatly enjoyed a lit of the shows...but they still have nothing on The Untamed. The Untamed is just so good.
- Lover Fest was announced. And it was real shady the dealings that were going on with this. It actually kind of made me wary of actually wanting to see Taylor live.
Oct 2019
- I began the Korean drama, Extra-Ordinary You. I haven't finished it yet, but I plan to. I wanted to wait until the entire series was done airing. It does really interesting things with tropes and I greatly enjoy this show and can't wait to to return to it.
- Sherlolly appreciation. Rediscovered my love for the Sherlock/Molly ship from Sherlock.
-Leverage appreciation. Absolutely fantastic show. Highly recommend it.
Nov 2019
-Psych tv series appreciation. Another one of my favorite shows of all time.
- I wrote a Dean Winchester endgame meta. It was fun.
Dec 2019
- Kamen Rider Den-O appreciation. My favorite from the Kamen Rider franchise. I've been re-watching it and it's so much fun. Sato Takeru is amazing in it and the fact that this one of his first acting jobs and he's able to pull off doing so many different characters is seriously amazing.
- SPN finally brought us an angel/vessel dynamic in the form of Adam and Michael and it was amazing.
- The Jumanji re-make appreciation. I love it and The Next Level is just as good as its predecessor and I'm anxiously awaiting the next film in the franchise.
- My thoughts on why I'm single. Mainly because I'm lazy and I just don't feel like doing through all of the work involved in dating.
There you have it. That's 2019 for me. It had its ups and its downs but blog wise, I think I had a pretty good year.
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tomdayastuff · 5 years
So, obviously anyone saying they were never dating is just BSing.
I don’t know when exactly they broke up. There have been some signs (like unfollows and such) this year, all of which can be easily dismissed individually. Don’t take any of this too seriously, I’m mostly doing this for my own amusement.
Feb 13 - the bf of Z’s Euphoria co-star Maude Apatow unfollows Tom, he had been following T for a long time.
March 10 - T & Z spotted with Claire eating Sushi in LA
Apr 16 - the gf of Z’s Euphoria co-star Jacob Elordi unfollows Tom.
May 3 - Tom’s friend Zoe Smith unfollows Zendaya (and then follows back after people start asking her about it)
May 12 - Tom spotted visiting Zendaya while she’s filming Euphoria. 
Tom’s friend Savannah unfollowed Z this year while Zendaya’s KC co-star Veronica Dunne did the same for Tom.
Also, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Z wearing the rose necklace. 
Like I said, don’t take this stuff too seriously, it’s quite possible those unfollows had nothing to do with tomdaya. 
My asks are open again but I’ve disabled anon asks. And I don’t promise to answer any (antis will be ignored 100%) so don’t waste your time writing anything too lengthy, it might not get published.
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teen--marvel · 5 years
Good morning, world and all who inhabit it ☀️
At the time of typing this, it’s 8:45AM. So, get ready for a tangent/explanation that I don’t really need to share, but kind of want to. If I’ve tagged anyone, feel free to ignore ✌🏻
As a majority of my followers know, I started out a health blog (which is where most of you came from). Still into it, but as the years have gone by, my interests have changed just a tad.
Around 2013, I jumped headfirst into the Teen Wolf fandom. Yes, I talk about this show a lot, don’t judge. (Which also means I jumped into the Dylan O’Brien fandom headfirst...)
Anyway, didn’t really talk about that interest, just said what I was feeling about the episodes I caught up on and watched weekly, and sometimes I didn’t even say anything. Ended up kind of falling out of the fandom. Still watched the episodes when they were made available on Hulu or the MTV website. This also resulted in me kind of falling out of the Dylan fandom, but still watched his movies (more on this later)
Okay, so fast forward to Oct 2018. Stranger Things 2 came out. Yes, we were a year behind the show then when it first started streaming on Netflix. Feel in love with it (just like TW), and ultimately started loving Steve Harrington because character development.
That’s when I turned to fan fiction to get more of our beloved Steve, and fell in love with it!
I knew fanfic was out there, I just didn’t wanna read it. AT FIRST.
For some reason, my brain kept telling me, “You’re 24. Fanfic is for teens.”
Shut my brain down real quick 👏🏻
I first drafted fanfic that I liked, so that I could go back later and reread if I wanted. I didn’t wanna double tap to like because for some reason, my brain (yet again), told me, “They’re gonna see that a health blog is liking their stuff. No. Don’t like. Draft.” That went on for about a week until I decided that liking someone else’s work (at the time of my way of thinking) is just as important as reblogging (which I’ve now learned is not the case, but more on this later.) This was January 2018.
Fast forward to April 2018... when I dive headfirst back into the TW and Dylan O’Brien fandoms. I started reading Stiles fanfic and fell in love. The first one i remember reading was so long, I didn’t know that fanfic could be 14,000 words! (Now I read it like it’s nothing, haha!) Then I found a TW Rewrite. Binge read it in like a week, then read daily when I got caught up for 6A then stopped reading it cause I hadn’t watched 6B yet (Amazon didn’t have it for free yet. You had to rent or buy the episode.) got caught up on the episodes, freaking cried and tried not to scream at my tv with the last episdoe while everyone was sleeping. I went back to the rewrite and read those last ten. I’ve read this particular rewrite about 8 times (weird, I know, but it’s so good!) After that rewrite was done, the author put out another rewrite for The Maze Runner. Read for the first two movies, then had to stop again because, at the time, I was in them middle of reading TDC and hadn’t seen the movie yet.
Side note: I read all of TMR, and half of TST. Said fuck it for TST, and the hubs and I went to see it in theaters. Took me from Apr 2018 to Aug 2018 to read TDC cause slow reader (and over a year to read American Assassin)
-if you’re still with me, Four For You, Glen Coco! You Go, Glen Coco! (I was 11 when Mean Girls came out, sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️)
It wasn’t until just recently that I was only liking fanfic that I truly enjoyed... which was most of what I was reading.
Ended up getting back into Marvel, specifically Spider-Man, and started reading fanfic for him.
Yes, I read fanfic for the actors as well.
About a month or so ago (hell idk, just go with it.) I started leaving little emojis letting the authors know what I thought of their work/chapter/part, whatever. Then I started leaving actual comments on their work, expressing what I liked about the chapter, what I wonder is gonna happen next, all that jazz.
I say ALL OF THAT to say this:
Even though most of you, well the MAJORITY of you are health blogs and have been with me for the last 7 years— first of all, I applaud you cause I would’ve left a long time ago 😂—
Anyway, even though the majority of you are healths blogs, you can expect some health reblogs/personal posts from me, but to support the fanfic authors that I’m following and reading their work, I’m gonna start reblogging their work. So, if that’s something that you don’t wanna see from me, then my only advice to you is to simply unfollow. This isn’t me saying, Bye Felicia. It’s me giving you that option to unfollow if you don’t want it clogging up your dash.
TL;DR: gonna start reblogging fanfic that I like cause my interests with this particular blog have changed. If you don’t wanna see that, I’m giving you the option to unfollow. Would suck to lose the followers I’ve had for last 7 years, but people change and do their interests. It’s 9:23AM and I just finished writing this long ass post✌🏻
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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