#apprentice drexxel
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Art by @jilljoycearts Drexxel is @vesuvianmess Vell is @deathbyarcana
A short fic recounting how these two met, pulled (with some edits) directly from a currently running roleplay.
Quick Warning: Contains mentions of stalking and harassment
"You are very welcome, have a good rest of your day!" He waved the group off with a smile. "Hiya, what can I get you?" He asked another.
Flitting back and forth from group to group, he greeted every single person with a genuine smile. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing others light up with joy. He’d taken up working at the bakery part time to help with some expenses of running his own shop. And he had to admit, the smell of fresh baked bread may have influenced that choice. The job was never boring as the market was always flooded with people, locals and travelers alike, all looking for something. Still, he only worked with Selasi during the mornings and early afternoons. When he’d had his fill, he would return home to open the doors to his own little business.
But today, he had something a little different in mind. Instead of selling little animal pelts, herbs, bits, and bobbles, he was in and out again in a flash. Having changed into something much more comfortable for the heat, he pulled a wheeled cart behind him to the town square. Near the fountain, he’d found the perfect spot and pulled the cover off the cart. It would take him a little time to set everything up, but once it was done, he noticed people already beginning to gather around. Some faces he'd seen many, many times before. Others, much more new. Taking a seat on an overturned wooden bucket, he twirled a pair of drumsticks between his fingers.
“Hello Vesuvia, I’m bringing you a special late afternoon show! Now then," he sat up a little, the line of his back straightening. "For those of you new to my show, we have fun here! Here's how this goes!" making a grand sweeping gesture to the gathered crowd, he continued on. "You may request a song but there is no guarantee I will play it. I will not tolerate pushing, shoving, or otherwise harmful activity during my shows. And, as always, tips are appreciated but not required, come stay for awhile and feel the beat of the sound! I'm Drexxel Volkov, and may luck be forever in your favor!"
It started with a small metallic chime, a shortstop of little taps on the rims of the set. But before long the square was alight with the beating of drums. His whole body moved in time with each beat almost as if he were dancing along to his own song. Small children bounced and tugged at their parents' sleeves, urging them to get closer. New comers stood with delighted expressions, some even getting a little antsy standing in one place, others giving way to bouncing their bodies to the rhythm.
There was nothing better than this, looking out into the crowd as he thrummed away the minutes, flipping the sticks and singing along even though nobody could hear him over the heartbeat he'd created.
The crowd was thick as usual but new faces stuck out easy to him. Even with the prick of sweat beginning to roll down his forehead, he was able to focus enough to make everyone feel included in his performance. One face in particular he stopped at for more than a split second. A taller man with vivid blue hair, dark skin, and a sort of shaken demeanor. He looked….out of place perhaps amid the crowd, like he could bolt at any moment. Drexel found himself stealing glances at the man throughout his show, a dizzying knot of butterflies in his gut as he saw the man start to meld into the hum around him. The thrill of the performance carried him through like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, his fiery passion shining through clear as day. Every movement felt natural, every breath felt like a whole new beginning. Drexxel never came from a background that favored this sort of thing, rather it was something he'd picked up on his own time. He had the extra energy to spare and needed an outlet to help with it. Besides, he always did like seeing people smile and what better way to do that then get them moving?
Into the second song now and he felt a wave of static run through him. Someone in the crowd was a magician. He could feel it. Even through the loud beating of drums and the crashing of cymbals the low electrical humming filled his body. He was sure of it. But was this magician able to sense him as well? That he did not know. He wasn’t sure precisely where the feeling was coming from, but he was determined to draw it out. With it toying at his mind, he decided it was time to show off just a little more. After all, using magic was a good way to lure out another magician.
Drexxel simply waited as he beat along in time to find the perfect moment to really show off his moves. Normally he would have saved this bit for later in the evening, but he just had to do it now. After feeling that little pang of magic, he knew he had to show whoever was producing it, that they weren't the only one with fancy magic at their fingertips. Just a moment longer....
When the final chorus of the song hit, he let it loose. His drumsticks sparked and crackled to life, enveloped in searing hot flames. With his sticks now burning with intense heat, he slammed away at his drums with more grandeur and energy than before. With each hit fire roared from the contact point, creating a dazzling display of towers of fire in varying sizes. If anything were to draw this other magician out, it would be this.
By the end of the show, much to his dismay, this fellow kin had not revealed themselves. It was a bit of a shame really, he would have loved to have someone join in his performance. What a dazzling display that would have been. He could only imagine what kind of magic would have complimented his own.
"Thank you all for joining me this afternoon!" He gave a bow, his hair falling a bit loose from his bun. "It's a hot one out today so make sure to stay hydrated and get some good food in your belly!"
He stood and lifted his arms over his head in a long stretch before using the rad cloth tied to his side to wipe away the sweat that cling to his skin. The show was over, but people still lingered in the area, some tossing coins into an open bowl near the drum set, others approaching Drexxel with questions. He was small for his age of twenty-five, standing at mere chest (or just below) level with most other adult’s that spoke with him. He had a thin, but decently sturdy frame with most of his strength apparent in his legs. Most people would know him for a scar that ran along his right cheek. Whenever asked about it he would simply tell them he didn’t remember where it came from but knew he’d had it most of his life.
The town square was still bustling with people as he began to pack up his things. Above it all though, he could hear footsteps approaching him. He paused a moment then spun on his heel to come face to face with a regular to his shows. The man was leagues taller than himself and had a strange look to his eyes. He was holding a piece of paper, crumpled and damp with sweat in his hands. Drexxel heard the man speak but didn’t quite catch the words.
“I’m sorry?” He responded back, urging the man to repeat himself. When he did, a chill ran down his spine. “...Go out with me. Dinner.” He pushed the paper into Drexxel’s hands. “You’re so pretty.”
The smaller pulled the note apart just enough to read it. In shaken scrawl it read:
‘Don’t make a scene. I’ve been planning this. You and I belong together.’
He’d seen this sort of thing before in books and screenplays. Some secret admirer gets too confident and goes after someone who isn’t interested and it becomes a problem. Problem being a kind way to put it. Harassment was a better word for it. Bold of him to make the attempt in broad daylight, let alone a busy square. In the kindest way possible, Drexel looked up at the man and spoke.
“I’d love to, but I have plans this evening. Another show I mean.”
He felt the prickle of magic in the air again, but it wasn’t coming from the man in front of him. The magician was still in the area.
"Excuse me, I'm talking to you." the man's voice broke him from his thoughts. "I'll be picking you up this evening."
Drexxel's brow furrowed, the energy around him shifting like hissing smoke trying to catch on damp wood.
"I'm really sorry, I mean it." He offered a sincerely looking apologetic smile. "But I really must be getting home." He made a move to leave but was stopped when the man caught his wrist.
"You're not going anywhere short-stack."
This....could be bad. As much as the crowd had dissipated, there were still people lingering about. Too much of a risk to cause a scene. But every fiber of Drexxel's being was telling him to flee. He needed an out. In the most...nonchalant way possible, he attempted to wriggle his wrist free.
"Your performance really spoke to me Drexxy. It's like you were composing a symphony just for me." As he was caught in his own little moment, Drexxel pulled his wrist free. But it only lasted a second.
He felt a pull against his skin before he heard a small snap. The man had missed when reaching for Drexxel's wrist and instead caught the beaded double bracelet on his wrist. Beads had gone flying haphazardly in every direction, landing on the stones below like pellets. In that moment he felt the pull of magic much closer than before. This other magician was close. Very close.
Drexxel was unfortunately used to people approaching him with much more....fervor than he anticipated. However, this particular instance was something else. He'd never had someone so adamant on taking him home. If this were to go on for a moment longer, he was sure to lose his composer. He may be a pretty upbeat guy but he also had a notoriously short fuse.
That hissing aura was rapidly kindling itself from a crackling campfire to a firestorm. When his bracelet snapped, he felt something in him switch. Rage bubbled up under his skin like pot boiling over on a stove set too high. His fist clenched and a growl escaped him.
But then, out of nowhere, everything around him stopped. He was about to throw a fiery punch but stopped short when he saw another man between him and his new 'friend'. It was the man he saw in the crowd! He said he was there to help just now. But what was he doing here and how did he…
"How--?" Then it hit him like a hard slap to the face. "So you're the magician I was picking up on!" His anger flickered back to amusement and joy. "I knew I wasn't imagining it! Oh! The helping thing, yes."
Drexxel offered the newest stranger a warm, bright smile. Without hesitation, he grabbed his hand and shook it furiously.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Drexxel! What do you say we blow this popsicle stand and get somewhere far away from this creep?"
The other man seemed to freeze up, like he expected a much worse response. His whole arm wobbled when Drexxel shook it. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in shock. It took him a minute to process what the smaller man had said to him.
“Oh, I…that is….popcicles?” The man felt his face go hot, blood rushing to his cheeks. He was sure the smaller man would mistake him for a tomato.
Drexxel watched him curiously. It was like watching the gears of a clock turning, the way this man seemed to be having an inner monologue with himself about whether or not he’d made the right call to get involved. He could feel how shaken up the man was, his hand trembling. Not very good at keeping his cool was he? Finally he spoke again.
“It’s localized. My….my magic…it…I mean I…no, it. It will wear off when we get a distance away. He could follow? I- who, well…popsicles?”
Drexxel had always been good at making new friends and getting people to laugh and smile. He was small, yes, but he made up for his size with seemingly boundless energy. It was nearly impossible to not like the guy. But, he could tell, he kind of took this one by surprise. But it wasn't the first time someone had responded this way. Not often he got to see someone turn that red before though!
Whoever this new guy was, Drexxel had never seen his face in Vesuvia before. And he’dbeen in the city for quite some time now. It'd been since he was about nineteen. He knew almost every face in Vesuvia, even if a good handful of them were only in passing. But this one, this one he wanted to know more about. Consider his interest piqued.
When time came back and this new magician struggled to make a clear sentence, it was all Drexxel could do to hold in a laugh. Localized magic though, not sure he'd heard of that one before. He completely skipped over the popsicle schtick.
"Localized huh? Hey, think you could use your magic with mine? I'm thinking....a wall of fire!" He still hadn't let go of the stranger's hand. "I could put a wall of fire around him, just tall enough to trip him up of course. You could stop time around it until we get far enough away that your....localization wears off!" Mossy green eyes brimmed with excitement. He gave the hand in his a squeeze.
"I bet we'll make a great team!"
He could see the man trying to process the words coming out of Drexxel’s mouth. He’ll admit, he was a bit of a fast talker when he was excited.
“Wall of fire…” He repeated Drexxel’s words, more to himself than the other, considering the idea. Not terribly flawed, he thought. A quick fix but not long lasting. “Worth…worth a shot.” an unsteady voice. “Wait - a team?” Vell had barely gotten the words out before the air thrummed with magical energy and, just as promised, fire sprung to life around the note wielding creep. If the situation weren’t as it was, he might have taken time to admire the flames.
"That's what I said isn't it? A team!" He mused, giving this new friend a wink.
When time did in fact stop around his flames, the passion in his eyes burned that much brighter. He beamed at this new stranger.
"Talk about a cool party trick. Come on, let's get out of here." Still gripping that hand, he took off. Hopefully this new friend could keep up with him.
They took off out of the square, rushing past pedestrians and shopping stalls in a race to escape the area. Drexxel had taken the lead, ducking and diving under obstacles like it was as easy as breathing. He felt his new found companion trip up a few times but he managed to keep up the pace. He was new to Vesuvia and hadn’t the slightest idea where the two of them were headed. Drexxel looked back to check on his new friend at just the wrong moment. The edge of his sandal caught on uneven stone, sending him tumbling into an unattended fruit cart, scattering oranges along the alley. He’d never let go of this new companion’s hand, and in turn, the two of them fell together. The other man now had him pinned, a leg on either side of him.
“I-- We-- uh…” The stranger fought to find the right words, feeling like a tea kettle ready to whistle. “We fell.”
Drexxel could feel his own face burning a bright shade. He would have been able to laugh it off if it weren’t for his immediate attraction to this man. Impulse guiding him, he offered the man a toying smirk. “You know, I think this might be fate.” He winked. “And I don’t even know your name.”
“M-my name?” The other man stuttered.
He tried to stand, pulling on Drexxel’s hands to pull him up as well, only to lose his footing. He fell back onto the stone, the smaller of the two now sitting perched on his abdomen. The look in his eyes was….entrancing. Intoxicating even. He couldn’t look away. “I’m Vell.”
“Vell…” Drexxel liked the way the name felt when he said it. He let his hands drift to the other man’s chest, watching him with bright eager eyes.
Now, what was that saying about playing with fire?
#the arcana#fan apprentice#apprentice vell#apprentice drexxel#jilljoycearts#straight from roleplay#fanfic#ficlet#my writing#vexxel
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Did I neglect all responsibility this afternoon to redraw this meme?

Yes, yes I did
Drexxel belongs to @vesuvianmess
#some vexxel content to brighten up the day#apprentice vell#apprentice drexxel#arcana fan apprentice
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✨Custom Fic Giveaway Part 2✨
🍋 Bug Juice (Don’t Knock It Til You’ve Tried It!) 🍋
*2nd Winner of the Custom Fic Giveaway!*
Art and Drexxel belong to @vesuvianmess ! All the contents of this fic have undergone extensive consultation and approval with the creator of this apprentice!
🍋🔞🍋Minors do not interact 🍋🔞🍋
Warnings: FTM, Oral
~ 1.5k words
Asra leaves the shop in Drexxel’s care while he spends a few days helping Nadia at the palace. Drexxel is determined to make Asra proud and is looking forward to running the shop in his absence.
(POV: Drexxel)
It was only when Drexxel was alone in the shop that he realized Asra had left his scarf behind. It was the deep red one that he usually wore whenever he traveled. Drexxel passed the edge of the fabric between his thumb and forefinger, wondering if Asra would notice at all. The sound of hinges cracking as a door popped open broke his concentration.
“Maps. Bloody useless, I say.”
Drexxel recognized the inexhaustible impatience in the voice and his body reacted accordingly.
Then came the stomping of boots, a metal arm throwing light about the room, and an over-designed cape that yanked down and knocked over whatever had the gall to get caught up in its hem.
Count Lucio rounded the corner, brash and insistent as usual.
“Drexxel, you really need to let me evict your neighbors. For some reason, they always manage to turn out their chamber pots just as I’m walking by. So Asra, if you’re in here,” he raised his voice a bit higher, “you can’t blame me for the smell on your rug! It’s not my fault.”
Despite there being no response, Lucio ended his declaration in a mildly defiant pout. Drexxel watched as his partner assumed an easy lean against the front desk before he shot the apprentice with a disarming smile.
“Come on, Bug. We’re going hunting.”
Drexxel sighed. “I’m sorry, but I can’t tonight.”
Not having heard a word, Lucio swept his cape — knocking over more and more curios — and made for the door.
“Oh and by the way, please don’t look Mercedes in the eye when you enter the carriage. She’s in a foul mood and —”
Drexxel reached over the counter at the last minute and grabbed at a ripple in the cape. Of course Lucio reacted much more dramatically than necessary when the apprentice tugged him back.
When the Count was close enough, Drexxel draped his arms around him from behind and held him up against the desk. “Weren’t you listening? I said I can’t go. Asra’s out of town, so I gotta be here for customers.” He tried to placate him with a kiss on the cheek.
Lucio looked over his shoulder, making sharp and mischievous eye contact with Drexxel.
“Oh? Asra is gone, you say?”
Drexxel held his breath as Lucio slipped out from under his arms and softly somersaulted over the countertop. Surprisingly, his boots and cape didn’t knock over anything this time, making Drex wonder if the Count wasn’t as reckless as he pretended to be.
The shimmery scarf that Drexxel had been tooling with moments ago was now acquiring wrinkles as his fist clenched and unclenched. The reason being that Lucio was celebrating Asra’s absence with his lips and his tongue and his hard bulge, which he grinded relentlessly between Drexxel’s legs.
“Hnnnnn…” Drex gave in once Lucio freed his hair from its messy bun. With his usual yet perplexing gentleness, the Count raked his golden claws through it and it felt just like heaven.
Of course while one hand was being sweet and attentive, the other had already slipped down Drex’s pants, intent on giving him a different kind of attention.
“Lucio,” Drex managed to pant, “a customer might come in.”
The Count worked a finger inside and chuckled, “Unless they can see through walls, we’re completely protected by this desk. And it’s the dead hours, so our chances of getting caught are slim…”
Between Lucio’s fingers and his urgent kisses, Drexxel did his best to hold on.
He shook his head. “It’s … not though.” Still he found himself sinking to his knees behind the lip of the counter. Once it was clear where he was headed, Lucio’s breathing became even more erratic and stilted. Though Drex hadn’t even removed his pants, Lucio dived into his exclamatory ramblings.
“Oh yeah, yes, yes. Like that! Ah –”
The Count fell silent when Drex actually passed his pierced tongue over the weeping tip of his blush-toned cock. A song of whimpers played overhead as Drexxel lost himself in the trance of sucking and humming. He felt his eyes roll back with every twitch and firm tap as it kissed the back of his throat.
Once again, Lucio’s artificial arm came to play in his hair. Lucio’s whimpering had evolved into soft, mystified praise.
“Good, Bug. That’s good. That feels so….” he moaned sincerely, making Drexxel ratchet up his pace and force behind each suck. He gave extra focus to working his ring to his advantage. Drex knew that if he employed it in just the right way, Lucio would –
“Oh, there it is. I just –” Lucio rambled incoherently as he released himself in and on his partner’s face. As for Drex? Oh, it was like stepping out of a sauna – he felt so absolutely new and invigorated. Drex closed his eyes and bathed in the warm, sticky shower, both grateful and painfully excited for what would come next.
(POV: Lucio)
Lucio Montag Morgasson was inconsiderate, selfish, and flippant in many things, that much was true. But not when it came to this.
As much as he hated to wait and gods be damned – pace himself – he would do it in a heartbeat for Drexxel. How could he not when Drex had been so generous? And unlike some of Lucio’s previous relationships, not once had Drex flinched or shown distaste towards his golden arm. While the magic-infused prosthetic proved useful in intimidating his enemies, it became something of a curse among intimate partners.
But not with Drex, Drexxel, his charming Bug – the only reason he would shiver was in euphoria when Lucio gripped his slender, sensitive waist between the metal claws or dragged his sharp knuckles across the small of Drex’s back before squeezing the top of his sweet ass. With Drex perched on the edge of the front desk, his back facing the entrance, it was the perfect cover for Lucio to kneel down and gather his partner’s legs over his shoulders.
Lucio worked his way from the inside of Drex’s knee along his inner thigh, sweeping up the silky webs that had leaked out while Lucio was getting head.
“Please, Lucio, slow down. Slower, slower.”
That’s right. Bug wanted to savor this sensation. Whatever the hell that meant. Lucio paused and looked longingly at his partner’s swollen and pierced clit. Firm and red as grenadine syrup from excitement. Lucio just wanted to nuzzle his face against it and suck until the jets turned on.
As if Drex could sense Lucio’s will about to break, he growled, “Don’t you dare.” He grabbed a handful of the Count’s hair and jerked his head away from his aching pussy.
Lucio whimpered and surrendered. “Fine, fine. Ugh. I’ll be good.” Then he relaxed his muscles and kept his distance. He went back to placating Drex’s trembling thighs with tender kisses. Seemingly satisfied, Drex’s fist loosened. As impatient as he was, Lucio knew how to reign himself in. Noddy had made sure of that. Lucio would never understand why anyone would want to prolong the inevitable. Just like in a story, suspense was far too overrated.
Still… slowing down did have its rewards. Within seconds, Drex was begging Lucio to put him in his mouth and ease the ache. For a moment, Lucio considered drawing out Drex’s desperation with some teasing, but he said fuck it – he hadn’t the grit for that sort of performance.
So he just latched onto Drex’s pierced clit without much ceremony.
“Oh – Fuck the gods!”
Lucio’s ego and confidence couldn’t take it whenever he looked up from his ministrations to see Drex biting his lip, blushing enough to be caught for a thousand naughty crimes. His green eyes disappearing behind his fluttering lids every so often gave Lucio the encouragement he needed to keep alternating his tongue and finger in and out of Drex’s soaking core.
Oh, everything was going so well, so blissfully perfect … until the door chimed and Drexxel froze on the countertop.
Even from where he was, Lucio could sense the subtle traces of lavender and sandalwood when the magician entered the shop.
“I just came back for my scarf. Oh, there it is. But why is it covered in…?”
There was a pause. From Lucio’s angle, he could see his Bug turning an even deeper shade of red. Earlier, he had used a red piece of fabric that was lying nearby to clean Lucio’s spent off his face.
So that was Asra’s scarf then? Lucio couldn’t help but snort.
A fluffy white head leaned over the side of the desk and groaned.
Drexxel tried to do damage control. “Asra, I can explain.”
The magician’s expression became both hostile and distant as he tossed the scarf onto Drexxel’s naked lap.
“Save it. If you’re going to… to…” His gaze passed between the Count and his apprentice. “Just lock the door next time, okay?”
Then he was gone. Despite Asra’s chilly attitude, the exchange felt as close to an approval as he was willing to grant. Drex pressed the scarf to his crotch as he tried to lower himself from the counter.
Lucio scoffed, “Where are you going?”
“To lock the door?”
Lucio arched his eyebrow and tapped a golden claw against Drex’s lower lip.
“But Bug, where’s the fun in that?”
#drexxel the apprentice#lucio#lemon#BIG ASS LEMON#my writing#fan apprentice#drexxel#lucio smut#the arcana
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had some motivation today so I drew some apprentices! @blues-disasters @where-the-wind-is @vesuvianmess
#the arcana#arcana#arcana mc#fan apprentice#apprentice odette#apprentice ember#drexxel#artists on tumblr
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More of my boy.
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i ain’t afraid of no goat! [1/2]
#the arcana#fan apprentice#apprentice drexxel#edits#count lucio#seriously these two would clash a bit at first i think lmao#like looking in a mirror#a very short mirror
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In which @vesuvianmess ‘s Drexxel gives Vell a heart attack but he likes it (•⊙//ω//⊙•)
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look at these boys, i love them so much QvQ thank you so much for taking this on!!
commission for @vesuvianmess , thanks again for commissioning me!

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drink some water, find some shade.
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“I remember the first time Lucio met Bentley. I think he liked him!”
#the arcana#the arcana game#nix hydra#fan apprentice#apprentice drexxel#count lucio#giant isopod#I'm so happy with how the expressions came out!!!!#my art
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Two types of people.
Drexxel/Arson sprites by jilljoycearts
#the arcana#the arcana game#fan apprentic#asra alnazar#apprentice drexxel#apprentice arson#nix hydra#I FIXED IT#now featuring the CORRECT name plates
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Drexxel and Arson say Happy Pride Month!
Finally I’m on time for something
#the arcana#the arcana game#fan apprentice#pride month#nix hydra#apprentice drexxel#apprentice arson#Arson and his awful floral shirt#my art
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#the arcana#the arcana game#fan apprentice#masc apprentice#apprentice drexxel#apprentice arson#bio cards
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“This is what I wanted, right? Then....why am I crying?”
#the arcana#the arcana game#nix hydra#fan apprentice#apprentice drexxel#red plague#angst#OKAY BUT#also Drexxel looked pretty different before the plague hit and wiped him out#acted so different too#my art
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Absolutely wonderful sprite and expression commission of my main ball of chaotic energy by the amazing @jilljoycearts !!
I cannot thank them enough for taking this on, the sprites are so beautiful QvQ
#fan apprentice#apprentice drexxel#sprites#resources#drexxel volkov#commissioned#jilljoycearts#the arcana#the arcana game#masc apprentice#nix hydra
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i ain’t afraid of no goat [2/2]
damn, he’s hot.
#the arcana#fan apprentice#apprentice drexxel#count lucio#edits#he's hot and he knows it#we all know it#and drexxel is very weak
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