#applying sunscreen to my life story made flesh
dreamlogic · 2 months
i told my physical therapist today about how i plan to get a xenomorph tattooed on my hip to highlight my hysterectomy scar, bc when i still had my reproductive organs i likened period cramps etc to having a live-in chestburster, then after surgery the complications that stupid lil ½" bastard scar gave me made it feel like i still had an alien parasite ravaging my innards... so the tattoo will be an homage to all it took to overcome that long painful history, as well as a way to honor my beloved monster wife.
then she shared a story about a close friend of hers who found out she had a tumor the size of a clementine that had been growing in her brain since childhood. it was safely removed & she's fine now, and she got a tattoo of a clementine slice behind her ear near where the tumor had been as a fun little inside joke with herself.
and i think about the long history of medicinal tattooing, and of people using ink to either cover or accentuate past wounds ranging from self harm to cancer to gender transition and everything in between and i just. i love how humans tell stories with our bodies. i love that we get to decorate the shapes that house our souls to reflect our experiences and celebrate our survival and carry what we find beautiful with us for life.
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lenbryant · 2 years
In which I give myself the NYTimes "By The Book" quiz (that absolutely no one requested):
What books are on your night stand? Terrence McNally "Selected Works," Mark Harris's bio of "Mike Nichols," James Lapine's "Putting It Together," Shakespeare's "As You Like It," and Jonathan Hickman's "Fantastic Four: The Complete Collection."
What's the last great book you read? Andrew Holleran's "Dancer From The Dance."
Are there any classic novels that you only recently read for the first time? Homer's "The Odyssey" in 2018.
Describe your ideal reading experience (when, where, what, how). Probably a situation like the time I read "A Moveable Feast" on the beach in Hawaii. In the sand, by the sea, with my love, on vacation, covered with sunscreen, and under a big umbrella.
What's your favorite book no one else has heard of? Most things I read have already been heard of by lots of people, unless it's an unpublished manuscript from a friend. I guess the most unheard of favorite though has been "Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith" by Andrew Wilson.
Which writers working today do you admire the most? Obviously Tony Kushner, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Stephen King (sometimes), Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Andrew Holleran, Alice Oseman, Michael R. Jackson, Will Arbery, Edmund White, Keith Bunin, Kazuo Ishiguro, etc.
Have you ever written a fan letter to an author? Yes, I wrote a raving fan letter to the author of the excellent biography "Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams" and also to the author of "Will In The World." Both authors wrote back to me. Sadly Lyle Leverich passed away before he could finish the second volume of his Williams biographies, but that task was taken over by John Lahr, who produced one of my favorite books about the theater: "Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh." I've not written to Mr. Lahr though.  
What do you read when you're working on a book? And what kind of reading do you avoid while writing? Since I don't write book-books, this probably doesn't apply. Although, I am reminded of Tony Kushner's warning to playwrights to avoid reading Shakespeare when you're working on a play because you'll find yourself very discouraging by comparison.
What's the last book you read that made you laugh? The one that made me laugh the most was John Kennedy Toole's "A Confederacy of Dunces." When I got to the climax of that book I literally threw the thing down and laughed so hard I was crying. It's not a book for everyone though, because the protagonist is completely unlikeable.
The last book you read that made you cry? "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
The last book you read that made you furious? "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
Have you ever changed your opinion of a book based on information about the author, or anything else? Well, after I bought the well-reviewed biography of Philip Roth last year all those stories about the despicable behavior of the biographer came out. By the time the book arrived, I'd decided I didn't want to read it. It's still on the shelf, in case I change my mind, but as of now I'm not interested in what they have to say.
What's the most interesting thing you learned from a book recently? The fact, from Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus," that the woman taken in adultery story in the Bible, which gave us the line "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," wasn't in the earliest versions of the manuscript and was added to the text by later scribes. Also, most interesting of all time is: everything in the pages of "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. That book changed my life.
Do you distinguish between "commercial" and "literary" ficiton? Where's that line for you? No.
How do you organize your books? Barely. I have a shelf for plays, a shelf for biographies, a shelf for comics. Then everything else goes just where it happens to fit, including in stacks of books on the floor.
What book might people be surprised to find on your shelves? "The Five Little Peppers And How They Grew."
What's the best book you've ever received as a gift? "Less" by Andrew Sean Greer (from my writer friend Kathleen)
What kind of reader were you as a child? Which childhood books and authors stick with you most? As a child I read whatever was assigned at school. I still don't know why we had to read "Silas Marner." But mostly my reading diet consisted of comic books and the World Book Encyclopedia. Those little paperback books we'd receive occasionally at school were fun. I once got a novelization of "Planet of the Apes" from that program that I found very entertaining. So, Stan Lee is probably my biggest influence. (And I got to meet him once at my office.)
You're organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite? Tennessee Williams, Tony Kushner, and James Baldwin.
Disappointing, overrated, just not good: What book did you feel as if you were supposed to like, and didn't? Do you remember hte last book you put down without finishing? My Facebook friends helped me decide this one: Stephen King's "Fairy Tale." It's so dull I had to put it down without finishing it. Very disappointed. (I may still pick it up again someday, just because I hate leaving things unfinished out there.)
Whom would you want to write your life story? No one, because it would be terribly boring and I wouldn't want to bore any readers.
What do you plan to read next? That biography of Mike Nichols that I keep putting off and putting off. 
The End (for anyone who made it this far)
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
A Beach Day to Remember {Clyde Logan x Reader}
author’s notes: made it just under the wire for this week’s writer wednesday :) it’s a bit different from my usual writing MO, but I honestly had a blast with it and I’m decently pleased with how it turned out, actually. I wrote this late at night while I was half-asleep lol so sorry if it’s a little all over the place! thanks, as always, to @autumnleaves1991-blog for hosting & @clydesducktape​ for helping out! it’s such a great and fun weekly tradition!
warnings: fluff. humor. romance. beach fun. chair wrestling. a quick lil makeout session (nothing explicit). 
no tw’s :)
word count: 2.2k
clyde’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings​ my general taglist peeps!  @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1 @safarigirlsp​ @babbushka
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By some miracle, you’d convinced born-and-raised country boy Clyde Logan to accompany you to Miami Beach for a week. A whole week, you couldn’t believe it. 
And...he actually bought a pair of swim trunks. Sure, they were a West Virginia Walmart buy, but hey, he bought a pair; you’ll take what you can get.
Who was this man and what has he done with Clyde Logan?
He’s never really been to the beach before, Mamma Logan didn’t like bein’ in the sun too long and Pappa wasn’t about to cross her, so this was his first time. 
Your family used to vacation here every year, so you were relatively familiar with the notoriously rowdy town. The first evening and night consisted of you showing a wide-eyed Clyde around Miami’s bustling night life. But, when the sun came up the next morning, he was revving to get down to the beach.
You had to talk him down a bit there at first, convincing him to eat somethin’ for breakfast before spending a whole entire day in the sun ‘cause if he passes out, he’s on his own getting back to the condo.
“I’m gon’ go get changed fer the beach!” He says excitedly, clapping his hands together and doing a little jog over to the dresser the second you two get back from your sidewalk cafe breakfast.
You smile at his enthusiasm, trying to remember the last time you saw him so openly excited and smiley. After only a few moments of thought, you realize that you’ve never seen him quite like this before. But, you’re certainly taking a liking to vacation Clyde.
Both Mellie and Jimmy requested plenty of photos of, and this is a direct quote, “Clyde’s long, pasty-ass legs in swim shorts”, and you’re nothing if not accommodating...
As soon as he steps out of the bathroom, you quickly say “Smile!” and snap a picture of him in his leaf-pattern hunter green trunks. He frowns, striding over to where you’re standing.
“Hey now pumpkin, who’re ya sendin’ that off to?”
You giggle, typing out his sibling’s contacts into your messages. “Nobody...”
His eyes widen when he sees Jimmy and Mellie’s names. He tries to grab the phone away from you, but as he takes it, his palm accidentally nudges the little ‘send’ icon. 
“G’damnit! I fuckin’ sent it to ‘em!”
You’re cracking up as he frantically tries to somehow un-send the message, despite you trying to repeatedly convince him that there’s literally nothing that can be done at this point; the message is permanent.
Almost immediately, the replies begin to pile in and Clyde quickly puts a hand over his face as your phone chimes continuously.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
“‘m never gonna hear the end ‘a this when we get back home.” He groans. “Now they got that picture forever and they’re never gonna stop showin’ it...Oh ma god, they’re gonna put it in our weddin’ slideshow, a-and our future kids ‘re gonna see it, and it’s gonna be shown at ma funeral...”
You laugh, shaking your head as you put your hands on his bare, freckle-painted chest. “Hon, I really wouldn’t worry that much about it. It’ll all blow over in a little bit, I promise. Plus, I now have evidence that you actually came to the beach with me. I have a feeling our future kids won’t believe me when I tell them this story someday.”
Clyde starts laughing, running his hands down the curve of your body before landing on your hips. He pulls you in for a kiss, moving his lips gently against yours.
Your face scrunches when he starts licking into your mouth and the bitter taste of zinc overwhelms your taste buds.
“Mmmm, mmm, Clyde?”
He pulls away, brows furrowed.
“Did you put some zinc on your lips?”
His cheeks turn pink and he looks away bashfully. “Oh, yeah, I did. ‘m sorry, I forgot ‘bout that.”
“It’s alright, no need to apologize.” You chuckle, shaking your head. “I love you.”
He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead this time, rather than your lips.
“Love ya too, pumpkin.”
Clyde’s like a kid at a candy store when he gets down to the beach, quickly putting the cooler down on the sand and dropping his chair down next to it. The sunglasses sit just above the bridge of his zinc-whitened nose as his head moves around to drink in the sights unfolding before him.
You giggle to yourself as you watch him, setting your beach bag down with the cooler before beginning to set up your chair. But your man quickly jumps in and insists on unfolding the chair for you even though, as you’ll soon find out, he has zero idea how to operate a folding beach chair. To be fair, it was one of those older-fashioned ones that had sustained quite a bit of rust.
“Now, how in the world...?” He grumbles, trying to unfold the stubborn thing. He tries just about every method he could think up, at one point he was trying to use his flip-flop equipped foot to aid in the unfolding process, but he still cannot get the damn chair open.
Eventually, a curious (and very entertained) bystander comes over and helps the two of you out with your chairs, and both of you thank them profusely before finally beginning your day at the beach. Clyde remains standing, continuing to look around at all the things happening on the beach while you lay back and open your book to begin reading.
After a bit of sunning time, you and Clyde head down to the water. You keep your feet in the cool water while he stands further in, little waves crashing mid-calf. He finds a nice shell and runs up to put it back at your little setup while you stay and watch as the natural push and pull of the ocean slowly buries your feet in the sand.
Suddenly, a flesh arm comes on your back and a metallic arm scoops behind your knees, lifting you up as you squeal. 
He laughs, rushing into the water while holding you bridal-style, water splashing up all over both you and him with each of his massive strides. As soon as he knows he’s deep enough, he starts swinging you back and forth.
You’re in a fit of laughter, playfully hitting his chest. “Noooooo! Stooopppp!”
“Three!” Clyde tosses you into the blue-green water of the Atlantic as you screech, a big splash accompanying your collision with the surface.
You emerge a moment later, quickly rushing up and jumping into his arms, causing him to fall backwards into the water. He laughs when he resurfaces and splashes you in the face teasingly, to which you respond by doing the exact same thing.
“No more splashin’!” He says, chuckling to himself at the irony of his exclamation.
You laugh, splashing him one more time. “You’re the one that started it, you goof!”
“Now, let’s not play the blame game, pumpkin.” He smiles jokingly, then wraps his arms around your torso, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Both of you spend a bit more time in the water before heading back up to your chairs to dry off in the sun and re-apply sunscreen. Clyde ends up falling asleep, a few shells he found in the water spread out on the top of his thighs as he snoozes.
Only about fifteen minutes later, you look over and put a hand over your mouth to cover the giggles that come when you see that one of the shells has sprouted some legs in preparation for an escape attempt. The creature begins crawling and he starts squirming a bit at the ticklish sensation, clearly beginning to re-awaken from his early afternoon slumber. 
When his eyes blink open and he looks down, he gasps, launching backwards in his chair. Unfortunately, the old-school beach chair already struggles to hold his massive form, so when he jumps back, the chair gives out and breaks clean in half, sending Clyde back into the sand. 
The poor crab is thrust into the sand, but it’s alright, quickly crawling back towards the ocean. You immediately stand up, trying not to laugh too hard until you know he’s completely alright. 
“Oh my fuck...Clyde! Are you okay, hon?”
He nods, chuckling softly. “’m alright, though I can’t say the same for this here chair, though.”
You giggle, helping him sit back up in the sand. When he’s fully sat up, he’s still smiling and laughing, shaking his head.
“Well, I suppose I owe the condo owners a new beach chair.”
A full, active day at the beach has you pretty fucking exhausted when you two finally head back up to the condo around four in the afternoon. You take a quick cat nap while Clyde showers, then you hop in and wash off the day’s sunscreen and sand.
While you’re in the shower, Clyde rifles through his duffle and pulls out a little velvet box, popping it open to expose the glittering diamond ring that sits on a little pillow. He smiles at the sight, knowing that tonight’s the night he’s finally gonna ask you to be his forever.
He’s been waiting for the right moment for a short while now, and after the fun y’all had at the beach today and the sunset beach walk he’s planning to take you on before your fancy dinner reservations later this evening...he can’t think of a more perfect time to do it.
You step out of the bathroom and Clyde scrambles to quickly tuck the ring box into his khaki pants pocket. He smooths his hands over the fabric before standing up, face breaking out into a wide smile when he sees the beautiful sundress you’ve got on.
“You’re so beautiful, pumpkin.” He says, smiling as he walks up to you, hands on your hips. “Always so, so beautiful.”
Your expression stretches into a bright, genuine smile as you get up on your tiptoes for a kiss. “Thank you, Clyde. You look awfully handsome yourself this evening.”
“Oh, well, thank ya, darlin’.” His cheeks grow red as he looks down for a moment, shoving his hands down in his pockets. “So, do ya wanna go on a sunset walk ‘fore our reservations?”
You agree, and the two of you head back down to the beach. His fingers fiddle with the little box in his pocket as you walk along the beach. Soon, you reach an old lifeguards stand, painted in brilliant mint green and flamingo pink colors. The ‘No Lifeguard on Duty’ paint is still visible, even after some seeming wear and tear to the outside of the building. 
The sun’s touching down on the horizon line as he guides you up onto the old structure’s small front deck, and you lean over the railing together as the sun sinks down. 
Your head turns to look over at your beloved boyfriend, admiring the way the sherbet sky reflects off of and compliments his alabaster skin. God he’s beautiful, you think to yourself for what has to be the millionth time in your three years of dating Clyde. He’ll forever be the most beautiful man in your eyes.
He turns to you then, standing up with a shaky hand reaching out to take yours. “Uh, Y/N, there’s somethin’...somethin’ I wanna do ‘fore we head off to dinner.”
You nod, eyebrows furrowing.
“Sure, hon. Are you alright, though? You’re shaking a bit.”
“’m alright, pumpkin.”
Clyde nods and then, he sinks down onto one knee, wobbling a bit as he adjusts to the new position. He steadies shortly after and then, he pulls the box out of his pocket and opens it up, exposing the ring he spent hours picking out for you.
You’re in shock, hands over your mouth as he smiles up at you, tears already forming in his eyes.
“Y/N, I-I knew when I first met ya that you were gon’ be the woman I wanted to s...spend the rest of ma life with. Y-Yer so funny ‘n kind ‘n so, so beautiful; yer just...yer perfect, p-pumpkin.”
You feel the tears beginning to spill out of the corners of your eyes as he continues, tears now running down his cheeks as well.
“I love y-ya more than life itself, Y/N, an’ I...I wanna spend the rest of ma livin’ days on this planet by yer side. Will ya...will ya marry me?”
Time seems to stand still for Clyde, then, his nerves overwhelming and overtaking his entire being. The seconds between his final word and your response are some of the longest and most anxious seconds of his life, but damnit, they were well worth it.
“Yes, Clyde, yes. O-Of course I’ll marry you.” You say, smiling as he stands to pull you in for a passionate kiss.
He’s overjoyed, really, heart racing but in the best possible way. You said yes. You’re gonna be his wife, his Mrs. Logan.
“God, I love ya.” Clyde whispers against your lips, pulling the ring from its place on the delicate pillow. “I love ya so, so much, Y/N.”
“I love you t-too, Clyde.” You smile, holding your left hand out for him to slip the ring onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit, and you immediately pull him in for a hug. “I can’t wait to marry you, hon, can’t wait to become Mrs. Logan.”
He grins widely, pressing another few kisses onto your lips.
“Mrs. Y/N Logan, ma beautiful wife, ma forever partner.”
You nod, sniffling softly.
“Your forever partner.”
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
///As a thank you to the person who gave Zronku my request for the Kitty Blossom art, I wrote a story based on a piece of Zronku's art at their request! I hope this was good and I hope you enjoy ^-^///
Summer time was often a wonderful time for anyone. It gave the opportunity for the people of all kingdoms to visit either Vale or Mistral for a vacation from their lives. The main thing the visitors and citizens of the two kingdoms love to do is visit one of the beaches they had to offer. On one of these beaches in a private area were two of the most villainous women on Remnant, both of them relaxing and basking in the sun.
Cinder, sporting her short shoulder length haircut, wore a one piece bikini that was mostly black with the right side red, two straps going up and around her neck. To top that look off, she wore a nice straw hat to keep the sun off her head.
Salem was wearing a dark purple two piece bikini and a choker around her neck of the same color. On her head was a pair of white framed sunglasses as well, ready to keep the sun from her eyes as she laid on her back on her blanket, for if she felt like she needed them.
The two were taking a break from everything and just wanted to enjoy their day without any interruptions, and they had been at it for at least a few hours either basking in the sun on their separate blankets, or sitting in chairs under a parasol while their colleagues were all scattered around the private stretch of beach.
And now, both of them were back at laying in the sun, and it was time for Salem to put some sunscreen on herself. With her eye barely open, Cinder had watched as Salem began to apply the sunscreen on her body, starting with her legs. Her hands rubbed all over the pale skin and she eventually had both legs covered well enough, and then she focused on her stomach. Cinder watched Salem's hands rub the lotion all over her stomach, and when she started to rub under her breasts, Cinder's eye opened just a bit more and she bit her lip a bit.
Salem's body was always catching Cinder's eye one way or another and to see her caressing her body and rubbing the undersides of her breasts like she was to apply the sunscreen was like a wet dream come to life. But as that thought came to her head, she let out a barely noticeable moan, and that made Salem glance over toward her. Cinder quickly closed her eye, and Salem smirked openly at that before continuing what she was doing.
"Gods I hope she didn't notice me staring," Cinder thought to herself, "If she caught me, I'd be dead!"
She wanted to keep her eyes closed but she couldn't help herself and cracked one open again, and she saw that Salem was now undoing the strings of her top. Cinder gulped a bit when she saw that. Salem's fingers slowly pulled at the ends of the strings and became untied, and then she moved to the strings tied behind her neck amd released them as well and she pulled the top away, Cinder got a very good, long look at the immortal woman's large breasts and those cute light purple nipples that she had never been able to see before. And now that she finally got the chance, she just didn't want to look away.
"Cinder..." Salem said suddenly, and Cinder froze in place.
"Y-yes?" Cinder asked, snapping her eye closed.
Salem began to smile. "Can you put some lotion on my back, please~?"
Cinder's eyes slowly came open and she saw that Salem was holding the bottle out to her. A few seconds went by until she blinked her eyes a few times, and she jumped up to her knees. "S-sure! I-I mean, yes, of c-course!"
Salem handed the bottle to Cinder and tossed her bikini top to the side, and she laid down on her stomach. "Don't be afraid to rub it in everywhere~"
"Y-yes, mistress!"
Salem noticed a very excited and happy tone in her underling's voice and she chuckled as she got herself comfortable, and she waited for Cinder to start. Cinder for her part was very excited to be able to rub the lotion onto Salem's back. She slowly and carefully straddled Salem's thighs and she gulped bit, holding the lotion bottle in her hand. After a moment, she started to pour some of it onto Salem's back, the cool lotion making Salem shiver a bit from the feeling.
Cinder set the bottle down and she took a deep breath, and then she reached down and began to rub the lotion into the pale, soft skin of Salem's back. She was more gentle and careful at first considering it was Salem she was putting the lotion on and Salem could kill her without breaking a sweat. She lightly pressed her fingers into Salem's skin and rubbed all over the top of her back and her shoulders, slowly getting it all across her skin.
Then, she slowly started to grow more confident and she started rubbing the lotion onto Salem's sides. Her movements became faster but they were still careful, and she soon had to pour a bit more lotion onto her hands and then she returned to rubbing it into Salem's sides, slowly putting a bit more effort into her hands and fingers' movements. She felt Salem wiggle a bit under her and groan a bit, and she turned her head to look at Cinder, smirking a bit.
"Oh? Your hands are getting adventurous, Cinder~" Salem purred.
Cinder blinked once before she looked down to where her hands were, and she noticed that she had ended up reaching under Salem, grabbing a good handful of her large breasts and was just rubbing and squeezing the sunscreen into them. Cinder froze right then and there, but then Salem chuckled.
"You still have a bit more of my back to get to, Cinder," Salem said to her, "Then... maybe I'll let your hands explore more~"
Cinder nodded and slowly withdrew her hands from Salem's breasts and returned them to her back. "O-oh, right, s-sorry."
Salem chuckled again. "Your hands feel very good~"
"Th-thank you, Salem-I mean mistress!" Cinder said with a very happy tone in her voice as she started running lotion onto Salem's lower back.
"Oh just call me Salem, Cinder."
"Right, sorry mist-" Cinder stopped herself, "S-Salem."
Salem rolled her black and red eyes a bit and laid her head down, letting Cinder continue her work. Cinder was very confident in herself now and started to put a bit more pressure into Salem's back, and that caused the Grimm queen to let out a few light moans. She didn't expect Cinder to massage the lotion into her skin, but she wasn't complaining. She figured that Cinder was just trying to do a bit more to help her relax, and that was fine by her.
Salem knew the girl had a crush on her, so she just let Cinder do what she wanted except for fondling her breasts. Not yet, at least. As she said, Cinder still had some more of her back to cover and she was now doing that quite happily. Salem's light moans continued to fill the air as Cinder rubbed the lotion into Salem's skin, and it just felt amazing. So amazing that Salem started to wiggle her hips back and forth to tease Cinder a bit.
Cinder felt the movement and her eyes drifted downward to see Salem's plump rear waving and shaking under her, and it captivated her. Her hands slowly moved down Salem's skin and along her curves and soon stopped on her rear. Before Cinder knew it, she had taken the bottle and poured more lotion onto Salem's butt, and then she started to really rub it across the pale white skin. Salem let out a few more moans as Cinder began to grope and squeeze both soft mounds of flesh, massaging the lotion into her rear.
Salem was loving that feeling and she let Cinder do that for several long moments until she felt her butt was sufficiently protected by the sunscreen, and she turned her head back around and held back a giggle at seeing the concentration on Cinder's face. "Cinder?"
"Y-yeah, Salem?"
"Your hands wandered again~"
Cinder looked back down and realized she had a very tight hold on Salem's rear, and a huge blush spread across her face. "S-sorry!"
Salem kept her stare on her for several moments. "Cinder?"
"Your hands are still there~"
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5lbsofsmarties · 7 years
AH Summertime fun? With some reader x trevor?
Word Count: 1285
“Jesus, Larry!” you all but shouted as you stepped out ofthe bathroom and gripped tighter to the towel wrapped around you. Larry laugheda little and raised the camera in his hands up so it was just focused on yourface. “Sorry, Y/N, just trying to do my job,” he said with a shrug, turningaround to head the other direction. You sighed and rolled your eyes beforeheading to the left to the room that you were staying in.
Due to some extra life stretch goals and some creativepitching to the company, Achievement Hunter had somehow ended up on a week longvacation in a rented house in Florida. One of the main deals was that therewould be videos put on fairly regularly on the website of whatever shenanigansthe group of you got up to.
There were four bedrooms and the whole lot of you wereactually fairly comfortable. Michael and Lindsay shared a room with a queensized bed at one end of the house while you and Trevor shared the room with adouble bed across the hall. At the other end, Ryan and Jeremy shared a roomwith two twin beds and upstairs Jack, Gavin, and Geoff were in the Masterbedroom which held two queen sized beds and a fold out couch. Larry and Ashleywere brought along to film and were sleeping in the fold out rolling cots outon the main area.
Just as you closed the door to your room you heard thebathroom door in the hall open and then Lindsay’s voice carried to your ears. “Shit,Y/N; that smells awesome. What is it?” she asked excitedly. You laughed andsighed, opening the door enough to stick your head out to look at her. “I havelavender shampoo and then I put tea tree oil in it… you can use the oil. It’sgood for your scalp and even blemishes and stuff,” you explained with a shrug,which she couldn’t really see.
“Sweet,” she mumbled going into the bathroom and closing thedoor.
With a playful eye roll you turned back into the room to getdressed. However, you stopped short upon seeing Trevor’s bare backside as hepulled on a swimsuit. You let out a low whistle and laughed. “Well, hello,” yougrinned widely at him when he turned to look.
“Can I help you?” Trevor asked with a chuckle, tying hisshorts.
You hummed and shrugged, going back to your clothes, “Nah,just appreciating the view… You heading out to the pool?
Trevor let out a short laugh and shook his head beforewalking over and wrapping his arms around you from behind. He ducked down justenough to nuzzle his stubble scratchy cheek against your shoulder and neck witha low, content hum. “Mhm, Geoff and Jack went fishing, so Jeremy, Michael, andI are gonna go hop in the pool while we wait for them to come back,” heanswered, pressing kisses along your jaw line.
“If you keep doing that, you are going to be doing no suchthing,” you murmured, turning in Trevor’s arms to smirk up at him as you loopedyour own arms around his neck.
With a smirk, Trevor ran his hands up and down your sidesbefore gripping onto your hips. “Oh, is that so?” he questioned, licking hislips.
You nodded your head and chuckled before pressing a hand toTrevor’s chest and pushing him back slightly. “But I need to get dressed sinceGav, Lindsay, Ryan, and I are heading out soon; so, go get in the pool,” youlaughed, blowing a kiss at him and walking around the bed to get to yoursuitcase.
“What are we doing, Geoff?”
Geoff grumbled and tightened his hands on the steeringwheel, “Fuck off, Shifty.”
You let out a laugh where you were pressed against Trevor’sside in the back of the boar. Larry turned the camera to you and you rolledyour eyes as you sipped at your beer. “What are we doing, Y/N?” he asked,standing in front of you. You grinned and pushed your sunglasses up to sit ontop of your head. “Well, dear sweet Larry,” you started with a small chuckle, “Weare heading out to the Gulf to go scalloping, an hour and a half later than weintended.”
“Why so late?” Michael asked from the seat perpendicular toyours and Trevor’s, amusement ringing in his voice.
Pointing a finger at Michael, you giggled slightly, “Funnystory.”
Geoff huffed and let out an indignant shout. “There is nostory,” he yelled, slumping in his chair. Trevor laughed and shook his head,tightening his arm around your shoulders. “There’s a bit of a story, Geoff. Imean, look at your foot and the taped up poles… Something had to have happened,”he egged on, grinning and sipping his own drink.
“Alright, fine!” Geoff shouted, making Larry turn to facehim, “I got to the dock in the boat and got off to tie it up to help thesedickheads load up. No one was there to help and I slipped off the fuckingthing, grabbed the pole and bent it, cut up my fucking foot on the barnacles onthe dock, and now the boat rental place is charging me one hundred fuckingdollars to repair the piece of shit after we get back!”
You, Michael, and Trevor dissolved into giggles.
“It was a funny story; you were right, Y/N,” Michael laughed,shaking his head.
You let out a long, low hiss from between your teeth whenyou felt Trevor’s hands, coated in aloe lotion come into contact with yourback. Trevor made a sympathetic noise as he massaged the lotion into your warmflesh. “I put on sunscreen,” you whined, wrapping your arms around one of thepillows on the couch, burying your face into it.
A laugh came from the walkway leading into the kitchen.
“Did you re-apply?”
You lifted your head and squinted, “Fuck you, Shifty.”
One afternoon in the middle of the week, Geoff and Ryan haddecided to go exploring and took Larry along with them on their adventures. Therest of you were on the verge of going stir-crazy in the house and quicklyresorted to drinking and stupid games in an attempt to assuage your boredom. Inthe closet in your and Trevor’s room there was a long fold out table and a cardtable; so, somehow, you and Trevor got roped into facing off against the Jones’in a game of beer pong.
Which was really, mystery liquor pong, but that was just semantics.
“How did you get so good at this?” Michael bemoaned as hedowned whatever was in his cup.
You shrugged and let out a laugh as Lindsay missed your cupsagain. “I had a lot of frat boy friends in college,” you said nonchalantly, “Weactually had a beer pong tournament one semester.”
Trevor tossed the ball over and completely missed.
“Too bad your partner sucks,” Michael laughed, throwing andmissing him own shot.
With a hum, Trevor wrapped his arms around you from behindas you held the ping-pong ball up and eyed up your shot. A content grin spreadover your lips as you leaned back into his embrace. “You know what, Michael?”you grinned, tossing the ball. It landed perfectly center in his and Lindsay’slast cup. You let out a triumphant noise and pointed from Michael to Lindsay.
“Fuck you, fuck you,” you stepped away, grabbed Trevor’shand and started to walk back to your shared room, “And you, fuck me.”
You gleefully ignored the groans and boos from the livingroom.
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