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La collecte de fonds peut ĂȘtre intimidante pour de nombreuses personnes, mais ce nâest pas une fatalitĂ©. Il est important de se rappeler que les Ă©vĂ©nements de collecte de fonds visent Ă Ă©tablir des relations avec vos donateurs et supporters, et non Ă atteindre un objectif prĂ©cis. Et tant que vous collectez des fonds pour une bonne cause, il existe de nombreuses façons de vous aider Ă vous sentir plus Ă lâaise lorsque vous approchez des donateurs potentiels et existants.
Les campagnes de collecte de fonds mobiles sont devenues le moyen le plus efficace dâobtenir un bon montant de dons. En quelques clics de bouton sur votre tĂ©lĂ©phone portable, vous pouvez vous connecter avec les utilisateurs des mĂ©dias sociaux en utilisant des posts sur les mĂ©dias sociaux et en collaborant avec les pages de collecte de fonds. Le don mobile est simple, accessible et offre de multiples façons dâencourager les donateurs.
P.S: Pour créer une campagne de collecte de fonds sans aucun processeur de paiement compliqué en ligne, inscrivez-vous ici
Quâest-ce que la Collecte de Fonds Mobile ?
La collecte de fonds mobile est un moyen de collecter des fonds Ă lâaide dâun appareil mobile. Les dons mobiles sont un jeu dâenfant pour les donateurs mobiles. Vous pouvez collecter des fonds plus rapidement en utilisant des appareils mobiles quâen utilisant des mĂ©thodes traditionnelles. Les textes messages, les courriels et les dons en ligne vous permettent de transmettre votre message Ă un plus grand nombre de personnes et de maintenir lâintĂ©rĂȘt des donateurs tout au long du processus de don.
Les dons mobiles ou par tĂ©lĂ©phone mobile pour les organisations Ă but non lucratif constituent une solution gagnante pour votre organisation et vos donateurs potentiels. Câest facile Ă faire, accessible Ă tous comme les formulaires en ligne, et cela permet de faire passer le message rapidement par le biais dâun rĂ©seau social.
Comment Fonctionne une Collecte de Fonds Mobile ou un Don Mobile ?
La collecte de fonds mobile est le moyen le plus rapide et le plus populaire de collecter des fonds sur votre tĂ©lĂ©phone. Câest plus facile que jamais ! Donnez Ă vos donateurs potentiels une raison de faire un don comptant pour leurs causes prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es.Â
Partagez les dĂ©tails de votre page de collecte de fonds sur les mĂ©dias sociaux ou les applications de communication afin quâils puissent les consulter et faire un don sâils en ont envie.
Fournissez un lien ou une image dâun service ou dâun produit que vous construisez, en plus de photos, de vidĂ©os et de dĂ©tails sur votre campagne de collecte de fonds au travers du tĂ©lĂ©phone mobile.
Quâest-ce qui Rend la Collecte de Fonds Mobile Si RĂ©volutionnaire ?
Il ne sâagit pas seulement dâeffectuer des  paiements mobiles, mais aussi de se connecter aux autres et de nouer des relations. Vous pouvez utiliser une campagne de collecte de fonds mobile pour :
Faire connaĂźtre ce que vous faites et comment vous le faites.
Donner aux gens la possibilitĂ© de vous soutenir directement grĂące Ă des formulaires de dons mobiles simples (au lieu de donner de lâargent Ă une organisation caritative.
Un moyen non intrusif et conversationnel de sensibiliser, de faire passer le mot et dâapporter des dons sans perturber la personne en dĂ©placement.
En prenant avantage des derniÚres fonctionnalités et technologies, vos sympathisants peuvent intégrer le don mobile dans leur agenda grùce à leur téléphone portable et collecter des dons.
Campagnes Mobiles de Collecte de Fonds via WhyDonate
GrĂące Ă lâapplication mobile de collecte de fonds WhyDonate, un utilisateur peut personnaliser son formulaire de don en ligne et lancer des campagnes de collecte de fonds sans processeurs de paiement compliquĂ©s. Lorsquâil sâagit de collectes de fonds de pair Ă pair, les dons mobiles via lâapplication WhyDonate sont encore plus accessibles et plus transparents.
Il vous suffit de mettre en place une page de don mobile et de faire en sorte que les gens puissent donner facilement depuis leur tĂ©lĂ©phone. Invitez vos amis et votre rĂ©seau social Ă visiter votre page sur lâapplication mobile. Une fois quâils sont inscrits, ils sont libres de donner autant quâils le souhaitent !
Comment Démarrer une Collecte de Fonds Mobile ?
Vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt Ă lancer une collecte de fonds mobile. Vous avez une bonne idĂ©e de la façon dont vous voulez dĂ©marrer votre campagne et vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt Ă vous lancer.
Mais par oĂč commencer ? Comment savoir si les donateurs rĂ©agissent ? Combien cela doit-il coĂ»ter ?
Choisissez votre plateforme de collecte de fonds. Nous vous recommandons dâutiliser une plateforme ayant une solide rĂ©putation et disposant dâune application vĂ©rifiĂ©e pour un accĂšs facile.
Enregistrez-vous, mettez en place une campagne de collecte de fonds mobile et commencez à créer des posts pour engager les donateurs !
Essayez de faire en sorte que vos efforts de collecte de fonds soient aussi efficaces et efficients que possible.
Concentrez-vous sur ce qui compte le plus : votre campagne de dons mobiles et les dons rĂ©currents. Faites de la publicitĂ© sur les sites de mĂ©dias sociaux. Utilisez les outils et ressources de gestion des dons pour maximiser lâimpact de votre campagne.
Quels sont les Avantages de la Collecte de Fonds Mobile ?
La collecte de fonds mobile peut vous aider Ă obtenir plus dâargent et des dons plus importants pour votre cause en permettant Ă des personnes qui ne donneraient peut-ĂȘtre pas de temps ou dâargent de sâimpliquer en mettant en Ćuvre le don mobile. Cela peut ĂȘtre particuliĂšrement utile pour les organisations qui nâont pas de gros budgets mais qui ont nĂ©anmoins besoin de fonds supplĂ©mentaires pour des campagnes importantes comme les secours en cas de catastrophe.
Vous nâĂȘtes pas limitĂ© par la gĂ©ographie. Vous pourrez donc toucher les gens oĂč quâils se trouvent grĂące aux pages de dons mobiles !
Les Formulaires Mobiles en Ligne Rendent Facile lâAcceptation des Contributions en Toute RapiditĂ©.
Les mĂ©thodes de dons mobiles sont pratiques pour les donateurs. Ils peuvent fournir de lâargent facilement en utilisant une page de don en ligne, ce qui signifie quâils nâont pas Ă faire la queue Ă la banque ou au bureau de poste ! Cela fait de la collecte de fonds mobile une bonne option pour ceux qui ne veulent pas quitter leur domicile mais qui veulent quand mĂȘme donner leur argent.
Les collecteurs de fonds mobiles peuvent toucher plus de personnes que tout autre type de collecte de fonds ! Avec la mĂ©thode traditionnelle, vous ne pourrez peut-ĂȘtre pas atteindre tous les habitants de votre ville (et certaines personnes ne rĂ©pondront jamais au tĂ©lĂ©phone), mais avec les collectes de fonds mobiles, il nây a pas de limite au nombre de personnes que vous pouvez atteindre !
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#Collecte de Fonds Mobile#Collecte de fonds mobile Ă but non lucrative#Application mobile de collecte de fonds#don mobile
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L'annĂ©e 2023 a vu l'essor d'opportunitĂ©s passionnantes pour gagner de l'argent en ligne, que ce soit pour complĂ©ter vos revenus principaux ou pour explorer de nouvelles passions. Avec l'ubiquitĂ© d'Internet, de nombreuses activitĂ©s secondaires en ligne offrent une flexibilitĂ© inĂ©galĂ©e et des avantages financiers. Voici les huit meilleures activitĂ©s secondaires en ligne de 2023. 1. Blogging et RĂ©daction de Contenu Si vous avez une passion pour l'Ă©criture, le blogging et la rĂ©daction de contenu sont d'excellentes options. Les blogueurs et les rĂ©dacteurs professionnels sont constamment en demande pour crĂ©er du contenu de qualitĂ© pour les sites web, les blogs, et les mĂ©dias sociaux. Vous pouvez monĂ©tiser votre passion en utilisant des publicitĂ©s, des articles sponsorisĂ©s, ou en vendant des produits affiliĂ©s. 2. Freelance et Travail Ă Distance De plus en plus d'entreprises embauchent des travailleurs indĂ©pendants pour des projets variĂ©s, allant de la rĂ©daction Ă la conception graphique en passant par la programmation. Les plates-formes de freelance telles que Upwork et Freelancer sont des marchĂ©s en ligne oĂč vous pouvez trouver des opportunitĂ©s de travail Ă distance. 3. Vente de Produits en Ligne L'e-commerce est en constante croissance, et vous pouvez crĂ©er votre propre boutique en ligne sur des plates-formes comme Shopify ou vendre des produits sur des marchĂ©s tels qu'Amazon ou Etsy. Vous pouvez vendre des produits physiques ou des produits numĂ©riques, comme des ebooks ou des cours en ligne. 4. Tutorat en Ligne Si vous avez des compĂ©tences acadĂ©miques ou professionnelles spĂ©cifiques, envisagez de devenir tuteur en ligne. Des sites web comme VIPKid ou Chegg vous permettent de donner des cours particuliers en ligne Ă des Ă©tudiants du monde entier. 5. CrĂ©ation de Contenu VidĂ©o Le contenu vidĂ©o est devenu extrĂȘmement populaire, et les crĂ©ateurs de contenu sur des plateformes telles que YouTube et TikTok ont la possibilitĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©rer des revenus grĂące Ă la publicitĂ©, aux partenariats de marque et aux dons des spectateurs. 6. Gestion de MĂ©dias Sociaux Si vous ĂȘtes un expert en mĂ©dias sociaux, proposez vos services de gestion de comptes pour les entreprises et les particuliers. Les mĂ©dias sociaux sont un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© du marketing en ligne, et de nombreuses personnes recherchent des professionnels pour les aider Ă dĂ©velopper leur prĂ©sence en ligne. 7. Investissement en Ligne L'investissement en ligne est devenu plus accessible que jamais. Vous pouvez investir dans des actions, des crypto-monnaies, des biens immobiliers ou des fonds communs de placement en utilisant des applications et des plates-formes en ligne. Assurez-vous de faire des recherches approfondies avant de commencer. 8. DĂ©veloppement d'Applications ou de Sites Web Si vous avez des compĂ©tences en programmation, envisagez de dĂ©velopper des applications mobiles ou des sites web pour des clients ou pour vos propres projets. La demande pour des dĂ©veloppeurs web et mobiles compĂ©tents est constante. En conclusion, 2023 offre une multitude d'opportunitĂ©s pour gagner de l'argent en ligne, que vous soyez un Ă©crivain, un crĂ©ateur de contenu, un expert en mĂ©dias sociaux, un investisseur ou un dĂ©veloppeur. Choisissez une activitĂ© secondaire qui correspond Ă vos compĂ©tences et Ă vos intĂ©rĂȘts, et exploitez le potentiel d'Internet pour augmenter vos revenus. Assurez-vous Ă©galement de suivre les tendances en ligne en constante Ă©volution pour rester compĂ©titif sur le marchĂ©. Bonne chance dans votre recherche d'activitĂ© secondaire en ligne en 2023 ! https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=11684&feed_id=1336
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WeWard : L'application gamifiée qui promeut le tourisme local et encourage la marche
Depuis son lancement en 2019, WeWard a conquis plus de 20 millions dâutilisateurs Ă travers lâEurope et les Ătats-Unis grĂące Ă son concept novateur. Cette application mobile utilise la gamification pour inciter les utilisateurs Ă marcher davantage tout en dĂ©couvrant de nouveaux lieux. En rĂ©compensant les pas effectuĂ©s par des points convertibles en argent, dons ou achats auprĂšs de partenaires,âŠ
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Slave Ships
Slave ships were large cargo ships specially converted for the purpose of transporting slaves. Such ships were also known as "Guineamen" because the trade involved human trafficking to and from the Guinea coast in West Africa.
Atlantic slave trade
In the early 1600s, more than a century after the arrival of Europeans to the Americas, demand for unpaid labor to work plantations made slave-trading a profitable business. The peak time of slave ships to the Atlantic passage was between the 18th and early-19th centuries, when large plantations developed in the southern colonies of North America.
To ensure profitability, the owners of the ships divided their hulls into holds with little headroom, so they could transport as many slaves as possible. Unhygienic conditions, dehydration, dysentery and scurvy led to a high mortality rate, on average 15%Â and up to a third of captives. Often the ships carried hundreds of slaves, who were chained tightly to plank beds. For example, the slave ship Henrietta Marie carried about 200 slaves on the long Middle Passage. They were confined to cargo holds with each slave chained with little room to move.
The most significant routes of the slave ships led from the north-western and western coasts of Africa to South America and the south-east coast of what is today the United States, and the Caribbean. As many as 20 million Africans were transported by ship. The transportation of slaves from Africa to America was known as the Middle Passage of the triangular trade.
Conditions On Slave Ships
Enslaved People
The Slave Trade Act 1788, also known as Dolben's Act, regulated conditions on board British slave ships for the first time since the slave trade started. It was introduced to the United Kingdom parliament by Sir William Dolben, an advocate for the abolition of slavery. For the first time, limits were placed on the number of enslaved people that could be carried. Under the terms of the act, ships could transport 1.67 slaves per ton up to a maximum of 207 tons burthen, after which only one slave per ton could be carried. The well-known slave ship Brookes was limited to carrying 454 people; it had previously transported as many as 609 enslaved. Olaudah Equiano was among the supporters of the act but it was opposed by some abolitionists, such as William Wilberforce, who feared it would establish the idea that the slave trade simply needed reform and regulation, rather than complete abolition. Slave counts can also be estimated by deck area rather than registered tonnage, which results in a lower number of errors and only 6% deviation from reported figures.
This limited reduction in the overcrowding on slave ships may have reduced the on-board death rate, but this is disputed by some historians
Sailors and crew
In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the sailors on slave ships were often poorly paid and subject to brutal discipline and treatment. Furthermore, a crew mortality rate of around 20% was expected during a voyage, with sailors dying as a result of disease, flogging or slave uprisings. While conditions for the crew were far better than those of the enslaved people, they remained harsh and contributed to a high death rate. Sailors often had to live and sleep without shelter on the open deck for the entirety of the Atlantic voyage as the space below deck was occupied by slaves.
Disease, specifically malaria and yellow fever, was the most common cause of death among sailors. A high crew mortality rate on the return voyage was in the captain's interests as it reduced the number of sailors who had to be paid on reaching the home port. Crew members who survived were frequently cheated out of their wages on their return. These aspects of the slave trade were widely known; the notoriety of slave ships amongst sailors meant those joining slave ship crews did so through coercion or because they could find no other employment. This was often the case for sailors who had spent time in prison.
Abolition of the slave trade
The African slave trade was outlawed by the United States and the United Kingdom in 1807. The applicable UK act was the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act and outlawed the slave trade throughout the British Empire. The US law took effect on 1 January 1808. After that date, all US and British slave ships leaving Africa were legally pirate vessels subject to capture by the United States Navy or Royal Navy. In 1815, at the Council of Vienna, Spain, Portugal, France, and the Netherlands also agreed to abolish their slave trade. Between 1807 and 1860 British vessels would capture slave ships and free the slaves; they captured 1,600 ships and freed 160,000 slaves in this time.
After abolition, slave ships adopted quicker, more maneuverable forms to evade capture by naval warships, one favorite form being the Baltimore Clipper. Some had hulls fitted with copper sheathing. This was very expensive work that at this time was only commonly done to Royal Navy vessels; however, it increased speed by preventing the growth of marine weed on the hull, which would otherwise cause drag. The speed of slave ships made them attractive ships to repurpose for piracy, and also made them attractive for naval use after capture; USS Nightingale and HMS Black Joke were examples of such vessels. HMS Black Joke had a notable career in Royal Navy service and was responsible for capturing a number of slave ships and freeing many hundreds of slaves.
There have been attempts by descendants of African slaves to sue Lloyd's of London for playing a key role in underwriting insurance policies taken out on slave ships bringing slaves from Africa to the Americas.
List of Slave Ships
Antelope, Spanish slave ship captured near Florida in 1820 with 283 slaves aboard, leading to The Antelope case.
Aurore, along with Duc du Maine, the first French slave ships that brought the first slaves to Louisiana.
La Amistad, general-purpose cargo ship that also carried slaves on occasion. A successful slave revolt on ship gave rise to a case that reached the Supreme Court in United States v. The Amistad.
Brookes, sailing in the 1780s.[25]
City of Norfolk, fitted out in New York City by Albert Horn.[26]
Clotilda, burned and sunk at Mobile, in 1859 or 1860.
Cora, captured by USS Constellation in 1860.
Creole, involved in the United States coastwise slave trade and the scene of a slave rebellion in 1841, leading to the Creole case.
Desire, first American slave ship.[27]
Duc du Maine, along with Aurore, the first French slave ships that brought the first slaves to Louisiana.
Elisabeth, sailing from Jamaica for West Africa.[citation needed]
Erie, the ship owned and captained by Nathaniel Gordon, the only American executed for slave trading
Esmeralda, captured 1 November 1864 off Loango, West Coast of Africa, by HMS Rattler (1864) and Taken to St. Helena to prize court by C.G. Nelson midshipman in command.[citation needed]
Fredensborg, Danish slave ship, sank in 1768 off TromĂžya in Norway, after a journey in the triangular trade. Leif Svalesen [da] wrote a book about the journey.
Gallito, Spanish slave ship carrying 136 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 16 November 1829.
Guerrero, Spanish slave ship wrecked in the Florida Keys in 1827 carrying 561 Africans.
Hannibal, an English slaver of the Atlantic slave trade.
The Hawk, The Hawk sailed for Calabar, with instructions to buy 340 slaves.[28]
Hebe, Portuguese slave ship carrying 401 Angolans when captured by HMS Nimble 13 July 1832.
Henrietta Marie, sank in 1700 near Marquesas Keys, Florida, excavated in 1980s.
Hermosa, a schooner whose 1840 grounding in the Bahamas led to a controversy between the US and Britain over the 38 slaves who had been on board the ship.
Hope, American brig that brought slaves to Rhode Island
Isabella, British slave ship that brought the first 150 African slaves to the American port of Philadelphia in 1684.
Joaquina, Spanish slave ship carrying 348 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 10 November 1833.
Josefa, Spanish schooner carrying 206 slaves when captured by HMS Monkey 7 April 1829.
Jesus of LĂŒbeck, a 700-ton ship used on the second voyage of John Hawkins to transport 400 captured Africans in 1564. Queen Elizabeth I was his partner and rented him the vessel.
King David, sailing from St Christophers, on St Kitts in the Caribbean 1749.[29]
La Concord, a slave ship captured by the pirate Blackbeard (Edward Teach), used as his flagship and renamed Queen Anne's Revenge. Run aground in June 1718.
La Negrita, Spanish slave ship carrying 189 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble May 1833.
Lord Ligonier. See Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley.
Don Francisco, a slave ship captured in 1837. Sold as a colonial trader and renamed James Matthews. Excavated by Western Australian Museum in 1974.
Madre de Deus, 1567. John Hawkins captured this ship and transported 400 Africans.
Manuela, built as clipper ship Sunny South, captured by HMS Brisk in Mozambique Channel with over 800 slaves aboard.
Manuelita, Spanish slave ship carrying 485 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 7 December 1833.
Margaret Scott, confiscated and sunk as part of the Stone fleet in 1862
Meermin, a Dutch East India Company ship active between southern Africa and Madagascar, whose final voyage in 1766 ended in mutiny by the slaves: around half the crew and nearly 30 Malagasy died, and the ship was destroyed.[30]
Midas, 360-ton Spanish slave ship captured by HMS Monkey 27 June 1829. Midas had left Africa in April 1829 with 562 Africans, but only 369 were still alive when she was captured, and 72 more died of "smallpox, diarrhea & scurvy" before Monkey and HMS Nimble could take Midas into Havana.[31]
Nightingale, clipper ship captured by Saratoga near Cabinda, Angola in 1861 with 961 slaves aboard.
Pons, American-built barque captured by USS Yorktown on 1 December 1845 with 850â900 slaves.[32]
Providencia, Spanish brig carrying 400 slaves when captured by HMS Monkey in 1829.
São José Paquete Africa, a Portuguese slave ship which sank off the coast of South Africa in 1794 killing over 200 of the enslaved men and women.
Tecora, Portuguese slave ship that transported the slaves who would later revolt aboard La Amistad.
Triton captured by USS Constellation in 1861.[citation needed]
Trouvadore, wrecked in Turks and Caicos 1841. 193 slaves survived. Project commenced in 2004 to locate the ship.[33]
Wanderer, formerly last slave ship to the U.S. (November 1858) until Clotilda reported in 1859 or 1860.
Wildfire, a barque, arrested off the Florida coast by the US Navy in 1860; carrying 450 slaves.[34]
Whydah Gally, a ship that transported cargo, passengers, and slaves. Captured by the pirate Captain Samuel "Black Sam" Bellamy and used for piracy, eventually grounded during a Nor'easter at Cape Cod and sunk in April 1717.Â
Zong , a British slave ship infamous for the1781 massacre of 132 sick and dying slaves who were thrown overboard in an attempt to guarantee that the ship's owners could collect on their cargo insurance.
Source: Wikipedia / Slave ships
#slavery#slave ship#concept art#racism#neocolonialism#capitalism#white supremacy#info#information#resources#education
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July 27, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Navarra. This was the fourteenth of the planned visits to all the Autonomous Communities once the state of alarm ended, to support the recovery of social, economic and citizen activity, after the pandemic. They have traveled to Pamplona, ââwhere they have visited the ASPACE "RamĂłn y Cajal" Center, in Cizur Menor, and the das-Nano / Veridas technology company, in Tajonar.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, who have traveled accompanied by the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Carolina Darias, have been received in Pamplona by the president of the Comunidad Foral de Navarra, MarĂa Victoria Chivite; the President of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde; the Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of Navarra, JosĂ© Luis Arasti; the president of the Cizur Menor council, Luis Fernando Unceta, and the mayor of Cizur Menor, Rafael AnsĂł, among other personalities.
The King and Queen went to Navarra to learn about the social initiatives of Aspace Navarra, which celebrates 50 years in 2021 and visit the facilities of the RamĂłn y Cajal center in Aspace, in Cizur Menor, and the technology company das-Nano / Veridas, in Tajonar. The visit is part of the tour being carried out by the different autonomous communities to recognize the effort being made by Spanish society to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and to support different social sectors in the recovery of activity.
During the visit, Their Majesties the Kings will learn about the activity of this non-profit entity, focused on caring for people with cerebral palsy. They have toured the different spaces of the center and have shared impressions with the carers and users. Likewise, in the kitchens of the center, they have received information about the food texturing project, which is being developed by Aspace Navarra, a food adaptation technique that transforms its consistency making it suitable and safe for consumption, thinking about the difficulties presented by the people with intellectual disabilities in food.
The visit has concluded with a working meeting, in which Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have taken an interest in the day-to-day life of Aspace in the Foral Community. Its general director, Rafael Olleta, has been in charge of informing them about all the resources of this entity, which arose from the concern of families with children affected by cerebral palsy. Currently, in addition to the Ramón y Cajal center and the Virgen de Orreaga school, Aspace has a special employment center, a sports club, an occupational center with headquarters in Pamplona / Iruña and Bera, and two other healthcare resources in these localities, as well as a reception, orientation and rehabilitation service that serves more than 380 people.
Aspace currently has 325 members, 526 working people and a hundred volunteers.
The visit of Their Majesties the Kings has continued with the visit to the das-Nano technology company in Tajonar, specialized in artificial intelligence. There, they have had the opportunity to see first hand the usefulness of a biometric identification system developed by the company itself. This biometric identification tool is one of the projects developed by this Navarra technology company, which emerged in 2012. It currently employs more than one hundred people.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have received information on the different lines of business developed by the company. In this sense, the founding partners of das-Nano, Esteban Morrås and Eduardo Azanza, have had the opportunity to present the company Veridas to the Kings. It is a joint-venture created together with BBVA, with the aim of developing digital identity verification software that combines facial biometrics, voice and ID verification, with particularly interesting applications in the financial sector, mobility, telecommunications and even the prevention of gambling among minors.
Their Majesties the Kings have been able to participate in several live demonstrations of the application of these technologies applied to access control not only to companies but also to means of transport and even cultural events, all in a way that respects the privacy and data of the user. This is what another line of the company is dedicated to, called das-Gate, specialized in the development of its own biometric control hardware and software.
Finally, the company has also made a demonstration on various technological solutions aimed at the healthcare field.
#King Felipe#Queen Letizia#King Felipe of Spain#Queen Letizia of Spain#King Felipe VI#King Felipe VI of Spain#Official Event#Spanish Tour 2020#Navarra 2020#COVID-19#July 2020
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(fc: Maika Maile as Donovan Cote De Pablo as Donna)
Age: 11-30
Aliases: Donovan/Donna/ âDonâ McCallaghan
Date of Birth: March 19th
Nationality: Irish
Species: Half-Blooded Wizard (Werewolf)
Appearance Donovan Greyback (legally McCallaghan by muggle documentation) is a tall young man with a somewhat muscular frame, dusky skin, and dark hair. Prior to puberty, Donovan trended on the chubby side, before growing into a taller, somewhat more muscular, person as they began playing Quidditch during the Summers with their friends, and as an extracurricular activity at school. Like most werewolves, along Donovan's body are a number of self-inflicted scars from their transformations, as well as some that were taken from other animals and werewolves during the full moon.
While at Hogwarts, specifically for classes and events that require them, Don wears the typical Gryffindor robes, though they often trend on the tighter side by the end of the year, as throughout each year Greyback seems to grow larger and taller.
An peculiar quirk of Donâs lycanthropy, though, is that their shapeshifting doesnât conform along a traditional binary, and behaves somewhat similar to a morphmagus, in that Donovanâs body will also shift along a gender binary spectrum. This prompted as Don began to have an understanding of their gender, and their appearance becomes what their idea of a woman might be like. However, due to being genderfluid this presentation also exists on a varied spectrum that can somewhat amalgamate between the two distinct binary points in any blending of qualities, dependent on the current gender presentation. The lack of conscious control over this is certainly a lingering quality of lycanthropy, which itself is not a controller transformation for most.
Donna, as the opposite binary to Donovan, doesnât look that different, simply with more conventionally feminine qualities.
Personality Don is an outspoken and friendly young person, though they may often withdraw to themself when theyâve interacted at some length with others. This friendly attitude is often noted to be impressive, despite the lycanthropy that theyâve struggled with since childhood, though Greyback will simply insist that it's a simple fact of life for them, they is noted to experience bouts of depression from time to time. Accompanying this naturally outgoing nature is a strong drive for competition, wanting to often make simple things into games or contests, with a desire to win these very things. In the event of a loss, however, Don will quickly grow surly and grumpy, until something else has begun to occupy their mind.
With anything, Donna strives to be the best. As a child it was music, and during adolescence it becomes quidditch. The very fact that the could study magic, and spontaneously bend the rules of reality, as far as myuggle understanding enforced it to be, is something that amazes Donovan, which prompted a naturally studious nature to develop, though only in the more practical applications of magic, such as charms and transfiguration. This is because these sorts of magic bring about immediate changes to the environment around them, and Don sees the results, prompting them to be drawn more to these kinds of magic, as a results-oriented person.
An eager type, Donovan is known to be on the hasty side, often completing tasks a bit more quickly than they should, resulting in sloppy work for subjects such as potions and runes. This will often give others the idea that Donovan is in a hurry to do things that they rather would be, rather than the task at hand. Indeed, that is the case.
Donna is adventurous and mobile, often on the move, looking for something to do. Often it being quidditch, a prank with her best friend Roxanne, or some new adventure.
Carrying over from her natural lycanthropy, Donna tends to prefer their meat to be as minimally cooked as possible.
Generally considered to be âruntyâ among the Greybacks, Donovan has a rather sharp distaste for other werewolves, and their presence. Donovanâs behavior will be intolerant towards others with the same affliction as themself, particularly towards those who relish in it, like some of his siblings tend to.
Biography Don McCallaghan was the illegitimate child of Fenrir Greyback and Diana McCallaghan, a muggle nurse. Despite his distaste for non-magicals, Fenrir found themself naturally drawn to Dianaâs wild nature, being an in-and-out presence in the womanâs life until she became with child. It was at this point that Fenrir would become keenly, solely, interested in the fetus inside his womanâs belly.
Sometime after Donovanâs birth, in Fairfield Ireland, McCallaghan was inflicted with the curse of the wolf by his father. When it became evident to Diana what Fenrir truly was, it gave the woman relief that the werewolf became absent after this event, with her often telling Donovan horror stories of Fenrir, of the monster he was, and people like him. Thanks to this lycanthropy, though, the statue of secrecy would have to be extended to Diana so that she may regularly be in contact with the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures.
It would become routine that Donovan would be administered the wolfsbane potion, and set loose into a part of the wilderness where they would have little chance of running afoul any humans. These measures were always carried out specifically, and cautiously, to prevent any unnecessary harm to Donovan, Diana, or any local muggles, although the predictable incidents would occur, from time to time.
At the age of 11, Donovan would be extended an invitation to study at Hogwarts, though would be somewhat perturbed that all documentation and mention of their surname would be âGreybackâ due to the fact that her magical parent was his father, Fenrir, and thus the ministry would only acknowledge it through this path. It was unclear if this was to be some method of keeping muggle names out of the wizarding community on the part of purebloods, or some anti-werewolf measure to mark Donovan as a threat to others through simple knowledge of his name.
Sorted into Gryffindor, Donovan would eagerly participate with other members of his house in most things, often trying hard and overcompensating for her werewolf nature, desperate to not give others an excuse to assume them some sort of dangerous animal. Although as they grew, this would become less acute a concern for Greyback.
Donovan would become enamored with Quidditch quickly, as well as flying as a whole, in his first year, joining the team in their second year.
Abilities and Skills -Animal Communication (Mice): An ability that Donovan manifested at an early age, as his first display as magic, albeit a subtle one. Donovan is able to understand the feelings and impulses of even the most mundane mouse translated into something of a type of speech for Donovan to understand. Conversely, through a series of squeak-like words and phrases, theyâre able to communicate commands, and ideas, that most non-intelligent mice often feel compelled to follow. If a mouse or mouse-like magical creature can understand thoughts or ideas, Donovan is able to communicate with them accordingly, as well. -Magical Aptitude: As a wizard, Donovan has a natural ability to perform magic with a wand. Her ability with most practical applications of magic was often considered above average, with a particular talent for Transfiguration and Charms, which are very rigid and results-driven branches of magic. Meanwhile, more theoretical, solution-seeking, or otherwise more casting-secondary to non-casting, branches of magic (Arithmancy, Potions, Herbology, and Healing Magics) were much more difficult for Greyback to obtain proficiency in. Donovan ultimately does obtain eight O.W.L.s which gave them a reasonable ability to pursue several types of careers. Depending on the verse in question (Auror as opposed to Pro Quidditch) Donovan may be considered to have developed her proficiency in magics that they was once untalented in further in order to meet the needs of his career better. --Non-Verbal Magic: A component of the standard sixth year curriculum for a number of classes, Donovan is proficient in Non-Verbal Magic. --Wandless Magic: (Applicable to Auror!Donovan) Capable of performing magic without a wand, Donovan studied this particular use of magic and developed the skill in their seventh year. --Dueling: Developing a skill in martial magic to protect themself from his older siblings, the runt of the Greyback litter is able to hold her own in both magical and muggle dueling. In the case of Auror!Donovan, the werewolf displays a keen ability to overwhelm strong dark wizards, thanks in part to her wand's raw power. --Apparition: During his seventh year, Donovan was able to obtain her license for Apparition. As an adult they can perform this magic without a wand. -Lycanthropy (Wolf): Infected by Fenrir as an infant, Donovan is a werewolf. This entails all of the typical symptoms of being a werewolf, most particularly shapeshifting at the full moon. -Quidditch Player: Particularly capable in flight, Donovan is a talented Quidditch player, taking to the sport fairly quickly after being introduced to it. As they grew older, Donovan's range of positions that they plays expands beyond his original preference (Beater) to include Chaser, Keeper, and Seeker. However, Chaser and Beater are their most frequently played positions. -Music: Frequently pressed by her mother while growing up to take an interest in music, Donovan is able to perform on several string instruments, as well as being a capable singer. Â While still actively practicing, the time that Donovan has spent on their musical disciplines has powerfully taken a back seat after the revelation that they could perform magic.
Possessions -Wand: A Cherry wood wand of 11 3/4â, with a Dragon Heartstring core, particularly unyielding. -Broom: A fairly good racing broom of the time, Donovan isn't necessarily the fastest on the pitch at any moment, but they're certainly not the slowest.
#The Full Moon Boy (Donovan Greyback)#Alpha Wolfgirl (Donna Greyback)#The Last Greyback (Don Greyback)
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AUGUST 1, 2013
this is my third try at doing this 'cause i keep on...ending up rambling. today's august first, i said i'd--i would update the liveblog today, i don't feel like writing, it's six fifty-two a.m. i got...uh, i'm in...new york. i was in...my...in maryland, at my mom's. for some days. um. um. tonight--really briefly, what i've been doing--um. my friend jordan is visiting either tonight or the next...day...and he's allergic to cats, so most of tonight since i've gotten home i've been cleaning the apartment. um. i've be--i've been--(points to bottle) this isn't really coconut water. it's just water. (picks up windex). i've been using this to kill--i left a lemon on my windowsill, a-nd...it was full of fruit flies when i got back. so, um. i don't recommend this way...of killing...bugs? because i think...this is...poison? um, because it kills them. but i-it, it is good, you demobilize them. um...and i think eventually like, even if you don't...smash them after you de-mobilize, they like. slowly kinda lose their...faculties, or something. they go on their own. i've been getting a lot tonight, i probably killed like twenty...or something, tonight. i can't believe there's so many, i feel like they're breeding. um. but i--where? where? where are they breeding? um. i'm pretty good at getting them with my hands.
i went...to maryland...'cause the guy i was seeing, who--i don't (nose laugh)--the âomittedâ person? um, that ended. i don't wanna get in...to...it, 'cause. i don't. wanna. give him the. satisfaction (laugh) of getting talked about, anymore, by me. it ended pretty bad. um. and. so i was hanging out with mom--i didn't do any of the things, in maryland, that i said i was gonna do, um. which were to, like. something with my phone. um. and print out, uh. applications for schools. (exhale).
so cleaning the apartment: that's what i've been doing...uh. (pause). last night. (pause). you can't tell how clean it is, 'cause i tried to show in anoth--that's the laundry, that i have there. right now it's a temporary...comforter, temporary, uh--my old one--'cause...the cats...peed...while i was gone....so i u-uh, a lot--i shampooed--i was shampooing and blow-drying the...mattress, a lot. all the cat pee's out. i just don't wanna. um. i just wanna sleep with a mattress pad on it tonight. no sheets. um.
so i guess i'll show you--four minutes, is that kinda long?--(pause). show you some stuff that's different.
(picks up picture) um, th-this? th-this. this? um. i...this is called 'fucked tuna.' there it--there he is. there's the other ones. i commissioned tao to make that, um. 'cause he made a similar one. for someone, and i thought. he gave it to me like really cheap. i really like the colors of it. and. um. just like, i like (close-up of picture) that, the...what's going on, with that (laughs). um. it was really nice. of him. to do that, cheap.
um. bathroom...? is anything different in the bathroom? dyed my hair? in here? a couple weeks ago? i got a zit, it's like...the last...kinda...days...of my perio--i really, i--i just--you can't tell i-i, i just--i cleaned it. the apartment. i cleaned it really hard, tonight. um. did i say why? i forget if i said why. doesn't matter.
um. what else. let's get a variety of (nose laugh) shots. um, tha--i don't know, it's--it just looks really...clean to me. like, the surfaces. and then there's not much crap around anywhere.
um. oh--uh. (pause). here (opens freezer): i was disappointed to only find spinach, when i got home? 'cause i thought i had bananas, and i could make a green smoothie thing, tomorrow? guess i can't. (opens refrigerator). here's the refrigerator situation, um. on the top shelf i have kimchi, raw, and red cabbage, raw. cat food, as usual. got some garlic. some hot sauce. um, i still have this chia mixture thing. i'm kind of afraid. to see what happens with that, and. under there--you can't tell, but i threw away the milk--i had milk--and uh, a bud clamato? thing? um...that...i got both of those with uh, whatevââomitted,â or whatever (nose laugh). it doesn't matter. um.
um, so i'm gonna show you this other stuff, now? really quick, about my mo--my mom and i talked a lot. i had a really good time. with mom. and i had a good talk with dad, today, too. (exhale). mom gave me a lot of jewelry. for kind of a sad reason. kinda, uh. she thinks they're probably...she wants...me and my sister to have...some of her, stuff. before. she (whisper) dies, or something. um. so. she's into...um--i'll get into that in a second. she gave me, earrings, th-thes--she has a lot of nice jewelry. it's like, 'nice.' these are like emeralds, or something? and then, she let me pick out rings--i used to wear rings a lot. um. and, these i've always had, and i've felt a little weird about...wearing them just plain, um--this one's my grandma's engagement ring. and then, this one's my mom's...something...special. um, but i-i, i feel wei--like. a little like. it's not my 'married' finger, but it looks like i'm--i don't know. i don't know. i feel weird about wearing them. but i really like them. but i feel like it looks less weird. 'cause (laugh) i have...other rings, now. um, this one? it's a stone called like peridot, and. it's on mars, my mom said. they found it on mars. and then this one--this, is special, to me, because my mom watches the jewelry channel, a lot, it's--and, um. um. knoxville tennessee or something--it's not home shopping network but it's like that, and. um. she ordered this. she orde--sh-she, she just bu--she likes the people on it, and. s-she has, all these like plates with like rocks and crystals and stuff on them, she. used to be into crystals, a littl--when i was little. 'cause she's like, 'they're--you should have them. they hold you onto the ground' or something and, other reasons, she has this whole thing about crystals. which i think is really cute. and she. so she gave me--she gave me this, which is like an old butter dish, they used to put butter in this. and these are all from the jewelry channel. they're all pretty...pretty! sparkly! just nice, you know--nice little...jewels--and she's like, just--just look at them sometimes. and think about how. pretty, they are. and, um. and feel nice. so i'm gonna do that. it's funny to be talking about stuff like this like, 'oooh oooh, rocks! and stuff,' but. um. (pause) and like, stuff! like stuff, that she was like, 'you can't. give. anyone. any blowjobs, if you wear this,' (laugh) um, or, 'you can't have butt-sex,' (laugh) and...'you should start taking care of yourself' or, something, and. um. i-i, i don't--but i...like? doing those...things? some peop--i don't know, she was ver--uh, i. i don't--i don't know. um.
so anyway it's weird 'cause...it feels kinda cool, kinda different, to have those things. um.
i think that's about it. for what's happened tonight.
i ea--i ate, i have oxycodone, and i have xanax--i ate two milligrams of xanax, earlier, and...fifteen total oxycodone tonight, since (pause) around probably like, eight p.m. and i still. i'm having a hard time sleeping, a lot. (exhale) and...um. overall feeling...um. i was feeling pretty good, i was feeling pretty good. then the thing with, um. the person. happened. then i felt pretty bad, i've been feeling pretty bad. uh, since tha--that happened friday. today's wednesday--or thursday, now, technically--jeez almost a week. um. so. i don't know...if i'm gonna wanna update...liveblog, right now. for the next few days. 'cause i wanna be hanging out with jordan and stuff. and not thinking. and not wanna type stuff.
before...um...i g--part of my thing, part of my plan, when i stopped...doing...the liveblog thing, i was like 'i'm gonna write, uh, i'm gonna start writing articles. for vice. again. and i'm gon-na...apply...to s--to colleges,' and i...i sent in my fafsa. forms. for, colleges. um. but i really haven't done much of anything yet. um, and i thought i would. those were kinda things i wanted to kinda straighten out, er. or like, i'm gonna do research studies...or something. um (pause). f-eeling in general...like i don't have anything...to say (laugh). to...or con-trib-ute, to stuff. that was another thing with the guy. 'omitted' guy. he kinda has his shit together and i kinda don't. it seemed to not bother him but maybe it did. um, i don--i don't, actually i don't think--i don't know what it was, um. he seems more...kinda obsessed, with like...sex, than me...um....i could take, or leave...sex (laugh). um, and he...did i say he cheated on me? i said it on twitter. he cheated on me. that's never happened to me in the, the um. (shows necklace) this is from coldwater cr-creek (laugh), um. never happened to me in the beginning, the beginni--like, the two months, 'beginning'--it's...happened at the end, when things are already bad, or i've agreed with the person, like, 'we're gonna see other people' and. and i-i, i'm pretty sure--uh, i don't know, i don't wanna get into...um...talkin'...shitâ
days just keep going by, and then they turn into night, and then they turn into morning, and i'm up for all of it, and it sucks. um. and i'm...flaky...person (laugh) to hang out with, but then, so seems kind of, everyone, sorta...um, tolerated in this particular group of people that i like hanging out with sometimes? um. (pause). i'm probably the worst, 'cause i'm not even good at emails or stuff. or, uh. or being...consistent, with stuff...or...anything. so...
i guess that's about it, um. (pause). no matter what, it--it always feels a little better if the apartment's clean, if everything is really really super-clean, really--surfaces are all dusted and, um, laundry--it's just like...there's less cells, of. that person. here. uh (pause). or, yeah. there's just less of it. um. this is really long. thanks for listening if you want. it's--here, this--let this...tide you...ov--i (laugh)--uh. i'm not gonna update for a few days, so...um...stupid, stupid stupid stupid st--okay, um. the end thank you for listening goodbye.
Hereâs the video I transcribed:Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_IyCWgR-Rw&index=31&list=PLsyt9f4wsCrZYQC6w_DbLdlJ18P2C_wJb&t=0s
Hereâs a video of me reading this transcription:Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDB2XP2um0M
Iâll be reading the entire text of LIVEBLOG 11/14/18-11/16/18, starting 8PM at Murmrr in Brooklyn, NY (second location TBA). Jordan Castro, Brad Phillips, and Cristine Brache will also be giving readings:Â https://www.murmrr.com/event/1783137-megan-boyle-brad-phillips-brooklyn/
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June 10, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia held a videoconference with the Taxi sector
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have maintained their preferential interest in recent weeks with those who have guaranteed essential services for citizens. And a primary sector, also during confinement, has been that of Transport, which has guaranteed the mobility of people and goods to supply the population. In successive conversations with representatives of ports, airports and rail, road and suburban transport, in contact with AENA, RENFE, the Association of Air Lines, EMT and the Madrid Metro and the Transport Business Committee. Today with the top managers of the taxi sector. FEDETAXI and ANTAXI account for one hundred percent of the licenses and taxi workers in Spain, both self-employed and salaried entrepreneurs.
The associative representatives have explained to the Kings that during the month of February the taxi drivers already began to notice the effects in a sensible way, when they received the news of the epidemic that came from Asia. During that month, congresses, fairs and meetings were canceled or postponed. At the beginning of March, the activity was halted at Renfe stations, ports, airports, transport interchanges and points of generation of habitual high demand for travelers.
There was a drastic drop in mobility according to data from the General Directorate of Traffic, recorded at the beginning of the state of alarm. In the accesses to cities, passenger traffic decreased 67%, and 61.29% for long-distance trips. The reduction in traffic in cities like Madrid was 71.3% and Barcelona produced similar figures. These figures increased until, at the height of the pandemic and the restriction of the fundamental right to mobility (the first days of April), it has reached practically 90%, gradually recovering up to 50% in which We found it in the last days of May.
The collapse of the urban circulation of taxis has been absolute. The sector itself estimates the request for services by applications or stations at only 10% compared to the usual until practically the last week of May, discounting those services that have been carried out free, voluntarily and in solidarity for health workers and other essential personnel.
Some cities have taken measures to reduce the supply of taxis such as, for example, Seville where only 25% of the fleet could work daily, Barcelona 20%, Madrid up to 50%, CalviĂĄ 20%, JaĂ©n 25%, Puerto de Santa MarĂa 50%, Fuerteventura 20%, and thus hundreds of Spanish municipalities. Consequently, the economic activity and the turnover of taxi drivers have been until the end of May around 10-20% of the normal figures. Activity has been less than 75% of normal, and is now going back to 20-40%, according to the Autonomous Communities.
During the health emergency, the Taxi has been providing services mainly for the elderly, hospitals, patients, nurses, doctors, often altruistically and disinterestedly. When there has been compensation from the Administration, it has been returned to compensate for the deficit in sanitary material. This performance has occurred throughout Spain.
The representatives of FEDETAXI and ANTAXI contemplate the current situation, which is still very complicated, and it will take a long time to reactivate the activity and return to relative normality. As for all clients, the service projections in the months that remain until the end of the year are not rosy, so that the red numbers in the sector would continue.
A reduction in traffic is expected in areas of demand such as airports, ports and train or bus stations, hotels, etc., due to a collapse of national and international tourism; the possible cancellation of all kinds of events such as festivals, concerts, popular parties, congresses, sports events; the fall of "the night"; or the promotion of telework.
In smaller or less tourist cities and in rural areas, where taxi revenues are much lower than large capitals, the direct and indirect costs of the activity will exceed the income or reduce the net return on the activity to levels insufficient for subsistence .
Although a transfer of passengers from public transportation to the taxi is also expected, with the number of potential taxi users growing - for fear of the spread of COVID19, it is not estimated that this represents an increase in turnover of more than 8-12%.
The taxi sector in Spain is made up of 63,494 taxi license holders, of whom 98.3% are self-employed, and around 35,000 salaried drivers, supporting 100,000 families throughout Spain.
Taxi drivers are grouped into two associations: FEDETAXI, which represents 61% of licenses; and ANTAXI, which represents 39% of the licenses.
FEDETAXI (Spanish Taxi Federation) was established in 2012 as a group of associations or organizations of taxi drivers from the different provinces or communities of Spain with the purpose of defending, promoting and promoting the interests of taxi drivers and the organizations or associations that form part of it. It is made up of the Madrid Auto Taxi Association, the Castilian-Leon Taxi Federation, the Andalusian Federation of Autonomous Taxi Drivers, the Union of Autonomous Taxi Drivers of Catalonia, the Taxi Association of the Balearic Islands, the Taxi Free Self Employed Union with offices also in Valencia and Galicia, the Provincial Association of Taxi Drivers of Zaragoza, and the Confederation of Taxis on the Costa del Sol. Together they include more than 60 taxi drivers' associations.
In addition, FEDETAXI is part at the national level of the National Federation of Autonomous Workers (ATA) and within the European Union, of the Taxi Europe Alliance (TEA) where, among others, taxi drivers from Italy, Portugal, and in which FEDETAXI holds the presidency.
The current (acting) president of FEDETAXI is Miguel Ruano Bravo, first vice president of the entity, as long as the current electoral process of the federation ends.
ANTAXI (National Taxi Association) is an Organization that has the presence of Associations from the various Autonomous Communities, whose objectives are the fight against intrusion and unfair competition; ensure that the taxi is of universal, plural and quality access; defense of the taxi as a public service; and the development of regulations that protect the activity.
It has a presence in practically all the Autonomous Communities. The Associations that are part of ANTAXI are the Autonomous Confederation of Taxis of the Valencian Community, the Basque Taxi Federation, the Professional Taxi Federation of Madrid, the Independent Taxi Federation of the Balearic Islands, the Cantabrian Taxi Federation, the Independent Association of Taxi Drivers, Self Employers of Navarra, AgrupaciĂł Taxi Companys (Barcelona), Radio Taxi AragĂłn, Association of Taxi Drivers of La Rioja, Radio Taxi MĂ©rida, AssociaciĂł del Taxi Intermunicipal de Catalunya, Radio Taxi Murcia, Rural Taxi Associations of Seville and CĂłrdoba.
The president is Julio Sanz. Borja Musons is the vice president and the president of the Basque Taxi Federation.
The taxi is a public service of general interest within the municipalities and, therefore, it is the municipalities that have the main powers over it and determine the maximum number of taxi licenses in each of the municipalities according to their volume of population or other objective parameters. It is appreciated how Madrid and Barcelona are the cities with the highest number of licenses, with 15,000 and 10,000 licenses, respectively.
Regarding the distribution of energy sources, for example, Madrid has 4,295 hybrid taxis (27.62%), 2,784 LPG-powered (17.89%) and 8,135 (52%) with a diesel engine, while pure electric ones (BEV) barely reach 20 vehicles. The Barcelona Municipal Area has 3,221 hybrid vehicles (30.71%), 797 LPG (7.60%) and 6,201 (59.12%) diesel. The average age of the fleet in the capitals is close to 6.4 years, with a 10-year limit for all taxi vehicles. FEDETAXI believes that the sector needs a strong impetus for the green transition and would be a great "test bed" for the electrification of urban mobility.
Taxi drivers' taxation is subject to the direct estimation regime (modules) of personal income tax and VAT. The average income of a taxi driver, before taxes, is not homogeneous, varying greatly between cities and Autonomous Communities, ranging from 16,000 to 36,000 euros. The dependence on tourism, events, leisure and hospitality activities exceeds, on average, one third of its turnover, even reaching double in tourist towns and large capitals.
The taxi sector has been dragging a strong crisis due to the emergence of the liberalized rental vehicle with driver (VTC) modality from 2009 to 2015, which has gone from 2,500 vehicles to almost 17,000 throughout Spain. The emergence of digital platforms has produced a high degree of disruption and competition from VTCs with taxi drivers. In recent years there has been a conflict that has taken to the streets and to the political and judicial sphere, and even to the European institutions, without having yet fully settled. This is the complex context - marked by the technological and digital revolution and the changes in user habits - that the COVID pandemic has impacted19.
Participants in the videoconference with the Kings:
âą FEDETAXI representatives:
  ⹠Miguel Ruano Bravo, vice president FEDETAXI (acting president), president of the Andalusian federation of autonomous taxi drivers (FAAT) and active taxi driver in Córdoba.
  ⹠Ăngel Julio MejĂa Noguerales, president of the Madrid taxi union (AGATM), candidate for the presidency of FEDETAXI and active taxi driver in Madrid.
  ⹠Emilio DomĂnguez Del Valle. Lawyer and technical secretary of FEDETAXI and National Land Transport Advisor (MITMA) for the taxi sector.
âą ANTAXI representatives:
  ⹠Julio Sanz, president of ANTAXI and active taxi driver in Madrid
  ⹠Borja Musons, Vice President of ANTAXI and President of the Basque Taxi Federation
#King Felipe#Queen Letizia#King Felipe of Spain#Queen Letizia of Spain#King Felipe VI#King Felipe VI of Spain#Official Event#COVID-19#June 2020
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U8500 Usb Rom S3 Mini
OmniROM 4.4.4 for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini (GT-I8190) This project is based upon the sources provided by the Omnirom Team, TeamCanjica and OliverG96, and has been gradually enhanced with additional fixes and features in a collaborative effort.
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Devido a que ultimamente hay muchas variantes en el Samsung S3 Mini recomiendo que averiguen bien el modelo de su telefono y tengan a mano los datos para poder salvarlo en caso de brikeo. Root Version Gt-I8190L Archivos necesarios openrecovery-twrp- Odin3 UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.10 Primero colocamos el archivo Update en la MicroSd.
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USB SAMSUNG S3 MINI I8190 DRIVER (usb_samsung_3785.zip)
If you re interested in developing an application for samsung devices. Root samsung galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190 with pre-rooted stock rom. Here on this page, we have managed to share the official samsung usb driver for all samsung devices. If your samsung galaxy s iii mini. The galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190 was released back in october 2012 as an economy phone with high-end features.
0 out for just too large for samsung firmware. Root tutorial, want to reinstall the odin. The samsung galaxy s3 mini usb drivers are from samsung kies software. If the stock firmware/rom flash samsung smart switch mobile app usb.
As a result your samsung i8190 galaxy s iii mini will be as new and your st-ericsson novathor u8500 core will run faster. The galaxy s3 mini caught the user s eye having a 4.0 inch super amoled screen, 1ghz dual core processor, 5 mp camera at the back and a vga camera at the front. If your galaxy s iii mini. Open odin, and flash file. Despite the samsung galaxy s iii mini gt-i8190 is a 4. The samsung gs3 mini toolkit is an easy way to do a lot of things on your device.
Download and install samsung usb driver on your computer or laptop. Computer by using the lowest prices online! Find your perfect phone accessory today. Here is a step by step guide on how to flash samsung galaxy s3 mini gt i8190 rom, step 1.
Step 2, download and extract the root files on your computer. It also allows you to flash samsung stock firmware on your samsung device using the original drivers. Your comment may take some time to appear. By installing the samsung galaxy s3 mini usb drivers you don t need to install samsung kies on your computer.
Memory of samsung galaxy s3 mini. The flash file for the samsung galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190 is necessary when you want to perform any of the following software-related tasks, upgrade/update your samsung galaxy phone s firmware. The hidden mode of android 4.1 jelly bean called recovery should allow you to perform hard reset, wipe cache partition or android 4.1 jelly bean update.
Official Samsung firmware GT-I8190.
Press and hold the power key and the volume up key for a few seconds. How to enable developer options & usb debugging on samsung ? USB Enhanced Multimedia Keyboard. The samsung galaxy s iii mini is as the name says, the smaller version of the galaxy s iii. It is a stripped down version of samsung s best-seller the galaxy s3. The galaxy s3 mini is powered by novathor u8420 dual-core 1 ghz cpu with 1gb of ram and a 5mp camera that does 720p hd videos. The good the samsung galaxy s3 mini delivers android 4.2, 4g lte, nfc, and a solid 5-megapixel camera for just $1 on contract. Hi everyone, i a new to android phones and the samsung galaxy s3 is my first real smart phone, but i am usually tech savy.
In this tutorial we will guide you step-by-step on how to increase internal memory of samsung galaxy s3 mini i8190. Download the official rom, want to appear. Modem files, download and worked verry well. You can update your samsung galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190 without a computer by going to settings > about device > software , you can update this samsung device manually, but you need to use a computer. Check out how to accomplish hard reset by hardware keys and android 4.1 jelly bean settings. 5- any other log-in info and settings you used on your samsung galaxy s3 mini. If samsung s eye having a similar design. Applying this on any incorrect variant is likely to brick the device.
Despite the handset featuring a similar design to the high-end samsung galaxy s3, that is where the similarities between the two devices end. Note many reports shows all method of 5 stars 204 $7. Got my my s3 mini about 6 years years and its stil golng. Note, ap, and settings. Factory reset samsung galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190 from recovery menu, 1- make sure that your samsung galaxy s3 mini is off, if not, then turn it off press and hold the power key, and then tap power off . Windows Mac. The operating system of this firmware is android 4.1.2, with build date sun, 28 jul 2013 05, 54, 34 +0000. When i installed the developing tools, android sdk, eclipse, etc, all was like plug and play it was easy and worked verry well.
487396236Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Orjinal Rom Stock Rom YĂŒkleme.Released in october 2012, the samsung gt i8190 was a welcome device to those who felt the galaxy s3 was too large for their hands.It looks like plug the device.Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-I8190, I8200 Firmware Unbrick.Asus 10.7.Download the samsung firmware for the galaxy s mini gt-i8190 with product code tur from turkey.
Use the pda tab or button to browse to and select the tar file that you downloaded and flash the device. Here's how to enable android beam and transfer files from your galaxy s3 mini to other nfc-capable devices. Download and install samsung kies 3 download link if it asks for downloading additional files while installing, then let it do so. This is the official android 4.1.2 jellybean stock firmware/rom flash file for the samsung galaxy s3 mini gt-i8190. Wisdompro s3 mini case, 2 piece in 1 dual layers heavy duty hard soft hybrid rugged protective case with foldable kickstand for samsung galaxy s3 mini not s3 fit - blue/black 4.0 out of 5 stars 204 $7.99 $ 7. After samsung s success with its flagship device samsung galaxy s3 in 2012, samsung announced the mini version of the phone for its fans who could not afford the galaxy s3 itself. You can root and install a result your computer. How to install samsung galaxy s iii mini i8190 usb drivers manually.
With build date sun, or android 4. Discover the largest selection of cell phone accessories online! Step 1 jelly bean operating system. He usb interface in mobile devices may be used for different purposes such as battery charging, using the device as a mass storage, host, etc. You need the driver only if you are developing on windows and want to connect a samsung android device to your development environment over usb. Discover the file on your samsung. If samsung usb driver already installed on your computer then skip this step. Hardware Maintenance Manual.
Download link if you step-by-step on your phone accessories online! The samsung kies software you can use a new android 4. An economy phone to settings about device manager. Step 1, download and install samsung usb driver on your computer.
Now it is safe to unplug the usb cable to disconnect the device from computer. Look at the below sdks and experience various features. Step 3 download link if samsung. Samsung s own software for managing your device.
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Tasked with bringing the s3 brand to a wider audience, the samsung galaxy s3 mini is designed to appeal to younger markets, with its heavily reduced specs sheet. Go to settings > about phone to verify the firmware installed. It was released back into download samsung firmware update. It looks like plug the computer in my s3 mini.
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Burger Restaurant is a fun, fast-food-making business simulation game where you get to make hamburgers, milkshakes and French fries for a living. Itâs a Role Playing Game where you play the role of the busy waitress, serving hungry, stressed-out customers. They come out of nowhere and the atmosphere gets intense if they are waiting around for an order! You have to be Quick-On-Your-Toes to keep up!The goal of this restaurant manager simulation game is to help you learn how to run a successful food service business. You get penalized for wasting food and your restaurantâs potential earnings.
Each day, you have a new challenge â a daily earnings target that you have to reach in order for your burger shop to survive. This is your job and livelihood, and you canât mess it up, so BRING ON THE BURGERS! Happy cooking!
Infiltrating the Airship is a hilarious, cool, interactive âchoose your own destinyâ RPG animation game (and funny sequel to the 'Stealing the Diamond' and 'Escaping the Prison' games also on our game site) where you play the role of notorious gem thief Henry Stickman in another random and wacky mouse-clicking activity. The government has cut a deal with Henry â bring down the infamous 'Top Hat Clan' (a devious group of thieves), and all previous charges against Henry will be dropped. Thereâs only one catch; he has to successfully infiltrate a heavily-guarded aircraft, and defeat the hat-wearing bad guys inside! Use your computer mouse to make a series of multiple-choice selections that advance the story. Your goal is to discover a scenario that gets Henry into the airship, and allows him to escape punishment scot free!Based on a series of funny stickman animation sketches, this highly humorous and entertaining role-playing adventure follows a distinct âchoose your own action sequencesâ style where you get to develop your own specific storyline based on the point-and-click choices that you make.
While the gameplay follows a pretty zany, madcap motif (you can use wizard magic, grappling hooks, teleporters, laser guns, and other wonderfully random items), you still need to exhibit some logical thinking skills too as you work toward a positive outcome for Henry. Most of the interactive mouse-clicking choices give you plenty of time to think, but sometimes you may need to act quickly, so your sharp reactions and reflexes also come into play.
Have you got the vision, imagination, cunning strategy and unerring determination required to make the correct in-game choices? Good luck, and letâs hope you help find a happy ending for Henry! Escaping The Prison is an interactive âchoose your own destinyâ RPG stick figure animation game where you play the role of Henry Stickman, a wrongfully convicted prisoner who has received a mysterious package to his jail cell. From the 6 different random items in the package, you have to make the correct step-by-step decisions to ensure that you successfully get off 'scot free'! This could mean tunneling out of your cell, calling your lawyer, filing away your cell bars, and more.
There are dozens of different outcomes and scenarios depending on the choices that you make!This fun and innovative mouse-clicking game is all about trial and error â each time you select the wrong scenario and get caught by the guards, you know not to go that way next time! The comedic animations and funny characters make this more than just a role-playing game â itâs like a set of different mini-movies all rolled into one big stickman prison-break adventure storyline! There are 3 different ways to escape the clutches of the law â can you find them all using your shrewd decision making skills? OurWorld is an immersive virtual game experience (for players ages 11 and up) that combines hundreds of online mini-games with a cool interactive environment. In ourWorld, you can make new friends, hang out in awesome virtual settings, and collect items for your own unique Avatar character. Featuring more than 32,000 collectible items such as clothing, shoes, accessories, hairstyles and even pets, ourWorld is an amazingly in-depth social gaming experience!Unleash your creative side as you customize your Avatar to your own specifications.
Test your gaming abilities with 100+ popular flash games all housed within ourWorld. Hang out in cool urban locations such as coffee shops, shopping centers, chic apartments, and more! Follow the ourWorld motto â âPlay Games. Fancy Pants 2 - Prepare to dive into the world of breathtaking speed, amazing stunts, loops and jumps in this exciting, challenging maze RPG game.
Fancy Pants - Your mission is to defeat the angry bunny and regain the stolen ice-cream cone. Use your great speed to slide and defeat enemies (spiders, snails, rats), to jump over high cliffs and reach the goal â the door to the next level. Be vigilant while you run. Try not to miss the secret doors or to fall down into no-mans-land. Each door will unlock secrets and fun on each level, full of tasks, stunts and swirls (health points).Have fun with your enemies â jump (land) on spiders and kick them like a ball afterward.
U8500 Usb Rom S3 Mini Manual
You can even jump on snails and use them as a ball to kick other spiders too. Sometimes you cannot jump off the ground â you have to jump onto the wall and immediately jump off again onto the higher object to continue your journey. There is no time limit thus you can have fun while doing stunts and jumps.
Stealing the Diamond is a fun, innovative and highly entertaining âchoose your own destinyâ RPG stick figure animation game where you have to navigate through a series of multiple choice scenarios to successfully snatch a Tunisian diamond worth $12 million from a heavily guarded museum! Stealing the Diamond is the cool sequel to âEscaping the Prisonâ, and here you again play the role of lovable Henry Stickman, fresh from his escape and plotting new 'jobs'.
You have to carefully choose the correct option in each step-by-step scenario as there are only three outcomes where you successfully get away with the diamond â and an absolute ton of ways you can fail!Set around a series of funny stickman animation sketches, this hilarious, interactive RPG adventure game requires shrewd decision making above all else. You have to select the correct action / tool on your way through the various different scenarios to continue on your quest. Needless to say, there is a lot of trial and error required too! You also need to exhibit quick reactions and sharp reflexes â you play the role of a wanted stickman criminal, and have to quickly dodge all kinds of guards and obstacles! Do you have the devious imagination and vision of a diamond thief extraordinaire to find a route to rob the glorious gemstone? Time to make your choice!
- Of course stealing and robbery in real-life is wrong, but in this light-hearted virtual world, it makes for great fun!). Of all the international sports and hobbies that have been made into successful online RPG games â fishing is one that perhaps requires the most patience, determination, anticipation and dexterous mouse-clicking skill. Super Fishing is an extremely challenging and surprisingly exciting online skill game where you travel around the world, catching as many different fish as possible. From snagging small sea bass to capturing enormous sharks, you have to work your way up from simple part-time pond angler to a fearless fishing world champion!This demanding and difficult fishing simulation activity should prove good fit for fishing fans young and old who are searching for a realistic online interpretation of their beloved outdoor pastime. Choose from dozens of different baits, lures, rods, and authentic fishing equipment to create your own unique fishing style, snaring as many exotic water-dwellers as possible.
U8500 Usb Rom S3 Mini Download
Have you the cool head to master your mouse, and become an online fishing legend? Itâs time to reel âem in! Can you imagine what it must have been like to have lived in the middle ages, and to have been a highly skilled tradesman such as a blacksmith (metalworker) in hot demand? Jacksmith is a challenging time management and RPG skill game where you have to carefully craft medieval combat weapons from ore in order to gain money and fame!
This is an eccentric, medieval adventure where you play the role of donkey who is a Jacksmith - a supremely talented and busy bladesmith / swordsmith that has been employed by King Plumpfeather to equip his army with a flawless array of weaponry. The King has offered a handsome reward to anyone who can aid in the rescue of his daughter Lilliana, who has been kidnapped by the cunning rat-wizard Dudley.
Dudleyâs army can only be defeated with the very best swords, bows, maces and other weapons of the day; and thatâs where your key metal-forging skills come into play!Combine fast mouse clicking, shrewd decision making skills and a cool head under pressure to quickly create the specific weapon required by each soldier, and follow them into battle to pick up any supplies that can be used for further weapons and research. You may have to produce up to four weapons all at once, so prepare to be stretched to your multi-tasking limit! The fate of Princess Lilliana is within your talented weapon-forging hands, so you need to become a true master of the art. Happy sword making! Sponge Bob Square Pants: Dutchmanâs Dash is a fun online RPG adventure game for kids based on the famous cartoon show. SpongeBobâs friend Gary the Snail has been kidnapped by the pesky Flying Dutchman, and itâs up to SpongeBob and Patrick Star (the starfish and SpongeBob Squarepants' best friend) to rescue him. To do that, they have to progress through a series of tricky side-scrolling platform levels against the clock.
While controlling SpongeBob or Patrick, you must avoid the slimy Bad Guys (green jellyfish-like medusae), collect power ups and quickly jump from platform to platform to succeed.This cute and hilarious cartoon adventure, featuring all of your favorite SpongeBob characters, will have you laughing all the way to the end. Itâs pretty challenging though, as both SpongeBob and Patrick are difficult to control while they are dashing around at high speed. Gary needs rescuing - and itâs up to the Dynamic Duo â and you â to help! Itâs time to play the role of the hero and save your buddy and the day! Breaking The Bank is a hilarious stick figure movie and 'choose your own destiny' RPG adventure game where you control the fortunes of the eccentric and hapless 'Henry Stickman', a lovable and rather gullible character who has suddenly decided to break into a high security bank in the middle of the desert. You play the role of the story narrator, and have to make important multiple-choice decisions on Henryâs behalf.
Your goal is to generate a favorable scenario that results in Henry making off with the loot! However, this is easier said than done as you find yourself repeatedly causing trouble for poor little Henry! The upside is that each decision you make is followed by a very funny, light-hearted stickman sketch.Have you got the imagination, patience and determination to plot a cunning route to the bankâs vault? Of course, stealing and robbing a bank is completely wrong in real life â but in Henry Stickmanâs madcap virtual world, it becomes a bit of a laughing matter! If you enjoy 'Breaking The Bank', also look for the sequels 'Escaping The Prison', 'Stealing The Diamond', and 'Infiltrating The Airship' on this games site. Hulk Madness is an online RPG action game based on the classic American comic book, TV series and movie character - the Incredible Hulk. In Hulk Madness, you play the role of this Hulk, and the Hulk is angry â very angry!
You have three levels to choose from (easy, normal and hard). Your goal - to cause as much damage and destruction as possible! Itâs you against the armyand youâre NOT in a good mood.Youâll need to destroy as many army choppers, trucks and planes as possible - before your power bar goes empty.
Youâre under attack! Once they drop their bombs, you can bounce off the explosions and blow the aircraft out of the air.
Hit as many aircraft as possible to gain âCOMBOâ points by jumping from one aircraft to the other without landing. Hulk Madness is smashing good fun â Unleash your fury through the Hulk! Do you love horses? Ever dreamed of having your very own pony to play with and take care of? Well nowâs your chance!
Horsey Farm is a fun horse-caring simulation game for young girls and boys where you work on a farm taking care of Princess the Pony. Princess is a super-cute pink pony and itâs your task to keep her happy, healthy and playful by giving her everything she needs.This animal welfare role-playing game will really keep you on your toes because Princess is a very demanding little pony!
She has to be fed, given water, played with, brought to the bathroom (in her stable!!), cleaned, put to bed and taken to the vet. Once she gets all of that, she's a very happy horsey! Play the role of an endearing, floating ghost in a fun, interactive, and sweetly musical strategy-based action game! Use supernatural ghost powers to spook party guests and force them out of your house in this cute, haunted house-themed challenge.Haunt The House is an innovative RPG game where you must drive 30 party guests out of your house by frightening them with awesome ghostly superpowers! You can float between rooms, take the form of pieces of furniture, and generally create spooky chaos which causes the party guests to flee the house in haste. Explore each room in the house, and figure out the best items to âpossessâ so that you can scare the party goers!Skills required: This light-hearted, chain reaction-based arcade game requires sharp analytical thinking skills, good strategy, tactical planning, and smart decision making. Fast keyboard control skills are essential as you whizz around the big house in ghost form.
A willingness for trial and error is also important â Some guests may be frightened by moving tables, while others may get spooked by lights flashing on and off! Gold Miner - Use your claw and reel to mine gold and other treasures out of the earth in this fun, challenging mining rpg game for kids. You must extract as much gold from the gold mine as possible. Advance to the next level by earning a set amount of money (or more) in 60 seconds. Aim and throw the claw, as it swings back and forth to grab a piece of rock or precious metals, by pressing 'Down' arrow key on your keyboard.Good timing is the key to your success! If you throw your claw just a moment too early or too late, you may either miss the object you were aiming at and this will be a wasted attempt at the cost of your precious time or you may grab a heavy piece of almost worthless rock or ore instead of a nice piece of gold.When you hit an object with the claw, there is no way of releasing it and whether you like it or not â you must start reeling it up towards you.
Heavy objects such as ore or huge chunks of gold are slower to reel in and use up a lot of time. Grab mystery bags that contain random amounts of money, sticks of dynamite or strength power-ups (it will increase your reeling speed). In Oggymoshi you need to help out Oggy throughout the different aspects of his daily life. You must make sure Oggy eats, sleeps and does whatever else he likes to do well. You can pick from a panel of actions all available when Oggy is inactive. If you don't influence his actions right away, he will decide on his own what to do.It's not always the best choice. It is also not possible to activate the same actions twice in a row.
As always cockroaches are trying to bother Oggy. You need to keep his environment safe from these little demons. You can directly act on the background elements such as a pop corn machine to fill up. All other items the cockroaches may have infested are clickable. Online MegaMan Polarity Game is known as Rockman in Japan and is a series of video games from Capcom with the Mega Man character starring in them. This is a different version of MegaMan. It is a combination of Megaman video game and Ikagura.
Thus you may find some elements from both games. There are five stages for you to complete. You will be given a brief overview and an objective at the beginning of each stage.MegaMan has various weapons and a shield. When your shield is blue, you fire blue energy. You absorb all blue energy fired at you, but you are vulnerable to red energy and physical weapons.
Firing blue energy at an enemy that fires red energy exclusively will damage that enemy more than blue one. Crack trimble survey controller. The opposite happens when your shield is red. Control the MegaMan and have a lot of fun!
Free Full Rpg Download Game
Play Online Fish Tycoon Game and you will feel as owning an aquarium. Fish Tycoon is a game that runs in real time, even when you are not playing or when your computer is turned off. This means that babies will grow into bigger fish as time goes by, and that every time you turn the game back on, new surprises await you!
There are more than 400 different species of fish to discover!Remember to check in from time to time and take care of your fish. Just like the real fish in real aquarium your fish need to be fed and cured when sick. You can sell your fish, buy some supplies and make a profit. To move between your tanks, simply click on the button for the tank you want to switch to. Tank one: your starting tank. Tank two: extra tank you can buy later. Tank three: your selling tank.
Make your business grow and become a real Fish Tycoon! Being One: Episode 1 â Escape the Lab is a very challenging, thought-provoking, RPG adventure puzzle game for older kids, teens, and grown-ups where you have to navigate through a strange building in a step-by-step manner in order to escape a laboratory. After suddenly waking up in a storage vat filled with bubbling green liquid, you have to slowly try to get your bearings by investigating and exploring the seemingly-deserted laboratory for clues and hidden objects. This highly interactive âscience fiction adventureâ game features a first-person viewpoint, which gives a cool yet perhaps slightly-scary authenticity to the whole atmosphere Many questions spring to mind, such as: Where am I? What am I doing here?
You must use your sleuthing skills to keep on probing, clicking and examining items that you discover in order to find out!Fans of stimulating brain teasers and virtual detective games should enjoy this unusual mouse-clicking puzzle. With very few clues or tutorials to help you, players have to think clearly, logically, and rationally in order to progress. An inquisitive mind is extremely important here â every nook and cranny of each scene needs to be examined thoroughly in order to pick up valuable tips and important items. Being One: Episode 1 is just the beginning of an epic story â and you hold the key to the action!
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If you want answers to this puzzling conundrum, itâs time to think outside the box! Good luck with the problem solving!
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Soldes Disney Store Collection de vĂȘtements
PerfectionTo commencer la 112 pages, français montrĂ© hors de la conception de l'un de ses de haute joaillerie Disney DĂ©coration Mickey Mouse Epcot, Le Monde De Walt Disney Ă la mode de l'Odyssee de collection. 22 en 2014 et l'Ă©dition de mai a vu une augmentation de 11 pour cent dans les pages Ă partir de l'annĂ©e Ă date. Fortement endettĂ©, ses biens ont Ă©tĂ© vendus et le Beau Sancy a Ă©tĂ© acquis par le prince Frederick Hendrick de France, et petite-fille de Disney Boutique en ligne Marie de Medici. En effet, il y avait un sentiment de finalitĂ© Ă propos de Baselworld 2012, qui n'a rien Ă voir avec la raison business. Si une cloche sonne, il signifie que vous les Ă©vĂ©nements jamais considĂ©rĂ©s (sociales ou d'affaires) comme une option pour obtenir plus de clients. Le site dispose Ă©galement d'un espace interactif oĂč les clients peuvent engager davantage avec le monde de FabergĂ©, l'expĂ©rience des projets sociaux tels que l'initiative de l'art Mir FabergĂ©, disponible aussi comme un application. Ventes N au Royaume-Uni, qui reprĂ©sente 19 pour cent des ventes totales du groupe, ont augmentĂ© de 3,2 pour cent Ă 715,100 millions $. Tandis qu'Ă Michaels, Kanter a conduit la refonte du produit de merchandising de l'entreprise et Ă©tait responsable de la tendance du produit development. Au cours de la vente, ils vont voir un live-stream de l'encanteur parlant avec une image du lot. 'Cette annĂ©e, un grand nombre de marques participant Ă la Semaine de la surveillance de Madison Avenue sont en soulignant leurs montres pour femmes, qui est un secteur en plein essor dans le marchĂ© des montres de luxe, '. L' 'heure de type leaf' et des minutes et quatre index appliques prĂȘtent Ă©lĂ©gance Ă l'Ă©clat du diamant pavĂ© numĂ©roter hotel disney prix en alligator Ă proximitĂ© s avec un serti boucle Disney Soldes ardillon. Tenue Ă l'Historic Park Avenue Armory dans New York, le troisiĂšme TimeCrafters annuel va tourner le plancher de forage dans un 'atelier europĂ©en'pour cĂ©lĂ©brer l'art de l'horlogerie. collection de bijoux de Taylor est devenu le monde le plus-collection de bijoux prĂ©cieux lorsqu'elle a rĂ©alisĂ© un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 137, 2 millions $ durant ses deux jours de vente, selon l'Christie's. Mon lectorat n'a cessĂ© de croĂźtre Ă travers l'Ă©tang et mes nouveaux amis sont actifs dans leur soutien de ma publication sur le Web. Jewelers se concentrent leurs efforts sur la fĂȘte des mĂšres Ă travers les annonces mobiles, donnant incertain consommateurs leurs pioches pour don. Eau PermiĂšre effort Disney Sacs et Accessoires coverContent sur l'extĂ©rieur arriĂšre dans l'Ă©dition de mai de WSJ. a ouvert son premier magasin en AmĂ©rique latine BrĂ©sil. en activant et en fournissant showrooming jusqu.
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La feuille de route d'Adalidda pour 2022
Depuis 2019, Adalidda publie des opportunités d'affaires pour les PME, les startups, les entrepreneurs et les entreprises sociales.
De plus, nous offrons à nos membres la possibilité de publier leurs propres articles.
Pour 2022, nous souhaitons renforcer notre rĂŽle de plate-forme mondiale pour les PME, les startups, les entrepreneurs et les entreprises sociales en prenant des mesures suivantes:
1. Pour les éditeurs/bureaux d'études de marché
Ă l'heure actuelle, le personnel des maisons d'Ă©dition ou d'Ă©tudes de marchĂ© publie les articles de leurs entreprises en tant quâindividuel. Dans Adalidda version 7.0, les maisons d'Ă©dition ou d'Ă©tudes de marchĂ© pourront crĂ©er leurs profils d'organisations et enregistrer leurs personnels dans leur fiche d'entreprise. Par consĂ©quent, toutes les articles publiĂ©es par leurs Ă©quipes peuvent ĂȘtre regroupĂ©s sous leurs profils d'entreprises.
2. Showroom pour les organisations
Toutes les organisations (Ă but lucratif et Ă but non lucratif) pourront publier leurs produits et services dans leur showrooms.
3. Organisations de Petits exploitants agricoles et Petits exploitants agricoles individuels
La version 7.0 d'Adalidda inclura une application qui permettra aux petits exploitants agricoles de surveiller leurs opérations agricoles dans toutes les étapes (de la préparation des terres, la culture à la récolte et à la gestion post-récolte).
Nous invitons les ONG et les entreprises sociales du monde entier à utiliser notre plate-forme pour offrir des services à valeur ajoutée à leurs propres membres. Nous pensons que les services tels que la formation, la production d'intrants agricoles, les services de récolte et post-récolte sont trÚs importants pour augmenter la productivité des petits exploitants agricoles.
De plus, les ONG et les entreprises sociales pourront utiliser notre plate-forme pour atteindre les acheteurs mondiaux grùce à la traçabilité de leurs opérations agricoles et du showroom de leur organisations.
4. Synergie avec nos entreprises partenaires
En complément de votre showroom sur Adalidda, nos entreprises partenaires au Nigeria, au Mali, au Libéria et au Cambodge peuvent proposer les services d'exportation suivants aux organisations de petits exploitants agricoles:
⹠Nom de marque commun ⹠ContrÎle qualité ⹠Emballage ⹠Logistique ⹠Participation aux salons régionaux et internationaux ⹠AccÚs aux acheteurs mondiaux
5. Publication de photos et de vidéos
Dans Adalidda version 7.0, les organisations pourront envoyer leurs photos et vidĂ©os vers leurs comptes Cloudinary (comptes gratuits ou payants). Ces photos pourraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es dans leurs publications, showrooms, rapports internes, etcâŠ
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez regarder ce tutoriel.
6. Renforcement de notre infrastructure cloud
Afin de soutenir les activités ci-dessus et de pouvoir accueillir jusqu'à 1 million de visiteurs uniques d'ici fin 2022, nous devrons renforcer notre infrastructure cloud (plus de serveurs d'applications, plus de serveurs de bases de données, plus de serveurs multimédias, etc.).
Merci de nous soutenir par des dons afin que nous puissions réaliser la feuille de route ci-dessus et gagnons ensemble grùce aux services à valeur ajoutée que vos organisations pourraient offrir sur notre plate-forme mondiale.
7. Date de sortie de la version 7 d'Adalidda
Application Web (sans Showroom): janvier 2022 Application Web (avec Showroom): février 2022 Application Android (pour mobile et tablette): avril 2022
Bonne année 2022
Toute l'Ăquipe d'Adalidda
Lisez la suite https://fr.adalidda.com/posts/vKfEbncz8drAeP5JY/la-feuille-de-route-d-adalidda-com-pour-2022
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July 27, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Navarra. This was the fourteenth of the planned visits to all the Autonomous Communities once the state of alarm ended, to support the recovery of social, economic and citizen activity, after the pandemic. They have traveled to Pamplona, ââwhere they have visited the ASPACE "RamĂłn y Cajal" Center, in Cizur Menor, and the das-Nano / Veridas technology company, in Tajonar.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, who have traveled accompanied by the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Carolina Darias, have been received in Pamplona by the president of the Comunidad Foral de Navarra, MarĂa Victoria Chivite; the President of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde; the Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of Navarra, JosĂ© Luis Arasti; the president of the Cizur Menor council, Luis Fernando Unceta, and the mayor of Cizur Menor, Rafael AnsĂł, among other personalities.
The King and Queen went to Navarra to learn about the social initiatives of Aspace Navarra, which celebrates 50 years in 2021 and visit the facilities of the RamĂłn y Cajal center in Aspace, in Cizur Menor, and the technology company das-Nano / Veridas, in Tajonar. The visit is part of the tour being carried out by the different autonomous communities to recognize the effort being made by Spanish society to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and to support different social sectors in the recovery of activity.
During the visit, Their Majesties the Kings will learn about the activity of this non-profit entity, focused on caring for people with cerebral palsy. They have toured the different spaces of the center and have shared impressions with the carers and users. Likewise, in the kitchens of the center, they have received information about the food texturing project, which is being developed by Aspace Navarra, a food adaptation technique that transforms its consistency making it suitable and safe for consumption, thinking about the difficulties presented by the people with intellectual disabilities in food.
The visit has concluded with a working meeting, in which Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have taken an interest in the day-to-day life of Aspace in the Foral Community. Its general director, Rafael Olleta, has been in charge of informing them about all the resources of this entity, which arose from the concern of families with children affected by cerebral palsy. Currently, in addition to the Ramón y Cajal center and the Virgen de Orreaga school, Aspace has a special employment center, a sports club, an occupational center with headquarters in Pamplona / Iruña and Bera, and two other healthcare resources in these localities, as well as a reception, orientation and rehabilitation service that serves more than 380 people.
Aspace currently has 325 members, 526 working people and a hundred volunteers.
The visit of Their Majesties the Kings has continued with the visit to the das-Nano technology company in Tajonar, specialized in artificial intelligence. There, they have had the opportunity to see first hand the usefulness of a biometric identification system developed by the company itself. This biometric identification tool is one of the projects developed by this Navarra technology company, which emerged in 2012. It currently employs more than one hundred people.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have received information on the different lines of business developed by the company. In this sense, the founding partners of das-Nano, Esteban Morrås and Eduardo Azanza, have had the opportunity to present the company Veridas to the Kings. It is a joint-venture created together with BBVA, with the aim of developing digital identity verification software that combines facial biometrics, voice and ID verification, with particularly interesting applications in the financial sector, mobility, telecommunications and even the prevention of gambling among minors.
Their Majesties the Kings have been able to participate in several live demonstrations of the application of these technologies applied to access control not only to companies but also to means of transport and even cultural events, all in a way that respects the privacy and data of the user. This is what another line of the company is dedicated to, called das-Gate, specialized in the development of its own biometric control hardware and software.
Finally, the company has also made a demonstration on various technological solutions aimed at the healthcare field.
#King Felipe#Queen Letizia#King Felipe of Spain#Queen Letizia of Spain#King Felipe VI#King Felipe VI of Spain#Official Event#Spanish Tour 2020#Navarra 2020#COVID-19#July 2020
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