#application for administrator of estate
iwcprobateservices · 2 years
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mightyflamethrower · 4 months
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None of the five civil and criminal cases currently lodged against former President Donald Trump have ever had merit.
They were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people.
These criminal and civil trials are merely the continuation of extra-legal efforts of the last eight years to destroy a presidential candidate in lieu of opposing him in transparent elections.
As such, the current lawfare joins the Mueller investigation of the Russian-collusion hoax. It is a continuation of the laptop disinformation caper and the “51 intelligence authorities” who lied about its Russian origins. It logically follows from the two impeachments, the Senate trial of Trump as a private citizen, and states’ efforts to remove him from their ballots.
The E. Jean Carroll case, the Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis local and state trials, and the Smith federal indictment share various embarrassments.
Suspension of statutes of limitations: 
Carroll and Bragg could only go to court through the legal gymnastics of enlisting sympathetic judges and legislators to change or amend the law to suspend the statute of limitations as a veritable bill of attainder to go after Trump.
Violations of the Bill of Rights:
In the Bragg case, Judge Merchan’s selective and asymmetrical gag order likely violates the First Amendment (prohibiting “abridging the freedom of speech”). Bragg violated the Sixth Amendment by denying Trump the right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation”. Judge Engoron, in the juryless James case, violated the Eighth Amendment (“nor excessive fines imposed”) in assessing Donald Trump an unheard of $354 million fine for supposedly overstating the value of real estate collateral for loans, while violating the Sixth Amendment as well (“the accused shall enjoy the right … to trial by an impartial jury”). The FBI likely violated the Fourth Amendment (“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures”) by raiding Trump’s private residence, seizing his papers and effects (many of them private), and then lying about its own shenanigans of rearranging the seized classified files to incriminate Trump.
The invention of crimes:
The indictments of Bragg, James, Willis, and Smith had no prior precedents. These cases will likely never be seen again. Bragg bootstrapped a federal campaign violation allegation onto a state crime. Yet still, he has never explained exactly how Trump violated any particular law.
No one had ever been tried in New York for allegedly inflating real estate assets to obtain a loan from banks, whose auditors had reviewed favorably the applicant’s assets. Thus, the lending agencies issued the loans, profited from the interest, were paid back in full and on time, and had no complaint against the borrower, Trump. Nonetheless, James indicted Trump and convicted him of a non-crime without a victim, due the New York combination of a politicized left-wing Manhattan judge, prosecutor, and juror.
No local prosecutor until Willis had ever indicted a presidential candidate for calling up a registrar and complaining about the balloting or alleging that some votes cast were not yet counted, followed up by an additional request to find supposedly missing ballots. If such criminalization was the norm, a local Florida prosecutor in 2000 could have indicted both the Bush and Gore campaigns.
Prior to Smith’s federal indictment, all disagreements with presidents about the classification and removal of their private papers were handled administratively, not criminally, much less inaugurated by a staged, performance-art FBI swat-like raid on an ex-president’s residence.
Equal justice?: 
These indictments are asymmetrical, hounding Trump when other prominent left-wing politicians have been far greater violators of the same alleged crimes and yet were given exemptions. Special prosecutor Robert Hur found Biden culpable for removing classified files for far longer, in more places, in less secure circumstances, and without the presidential authority to declassify them. Yet Biden was not indicted on the Orwellian excuse that he, as president, was so mentally challenged no jury would convict such an amnesiac and debilitated defendant (who otherwise apparently can exercise the office of President of the United States.)
Tara Reade was as believable or unbelievable as E. Jean Carroll. Far poorer, and without Carroll’s New York elite connections, Reade alleged that Senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her at about the same time as the Carroll claim. Yet Reade was written off as a nut, ostracized, and felt to have opportunistically piggy-banked on the #MeToo movement.
James and her predecessors were aware of hundreds of New York City developers who submitted loan applications with property assessment at odds with those of initial bank appraisals. She knows the solution is that either the bank’s sophisticated auditors refuse the loan or the disagreement is deemed not sufficient enough to sacrifice profit-making by offering a loan that will likely be timely paid back.
Willis knows that Stacey Abrams, in her own state, claimed herself the winner of the 2018 gubernatorial race (she lost by over 50,000 votes). Abrams then declared that the actual winner, current governor Brian Kemp, was and is an illegitimate governor. She further sued to overturn the election in the manner that Jill Stein had tried to overthrow the 2016 presidential election.
In a similar fashion of election denialism, Democratically-funded ad campaigns and sycophantic celebrities hit the airways in 2016 to flip the electors to become “faithless,” thus renouncing their constitutional duties to reflect their own states’ tallies and instead voting according to the national popular vote.
Bragg knows that Hillary Clinton was fined over $100,000 for 2016 campaign violations after she hid the nature of her illegal payments to foreign national Christopher Steele to collect dirt on her opponent Donald Trump. Barack Obama was fined—five years post facto!—by the same Federal Election Commission a whopping $375,000 for improperly reporting nearly $2 million in 2008 campaign donations. In neither case did a federal prosecutor, much less a local district attorney, seek to criminalize what was customarily considered an administrative or civil violation of federal law.
Never has an ex-president and leading presidential candidate been targeted with promises of indictment by candidates running for state and local offices. Yet that is precisely what Bragg, James, and Willis have done, fueling their campaigns for offices by promising to find ways to go after Donald Trump and subsequently raising money from such boasts.
Willis’s paramour, fellow prosecutor Nathan Wade, met with the White House counsel’s office. One of Bragg’s prosecutors, Matthew Colangelo, left his prestigious job as a senior federal prosecutor in the Biden DOJ temporarily to work on contract with Bragg’s Manhattan office to go after Trump.
Jack Smith was appointed by the Biden Department of Justice; his left-wing filmmaker spouse helped to produce a puff-piece documentary on Michelle Obama.
The judge in the Bragg case, Juan Merchan, donated to the 2020 Biden campaign. So did one of the lead prosecutors, Susan Hoffinger, who gave generously to Biden in 2020. Merchan’s own daughter, Loren, has made a small fortune as a Democratic campaign consultant, having guided her left-wing clients’ fundraising efforts to the tune of $90 million.
Given these egregious violations of the law, abject political bias, conflicts of interest, asymmetrical application of the law, and manipulations of the statutes of limitations, the public has slowly grown incensed. They rightly conclude that the lawfare is a left-wing coordinated effort to destroy candidate Trump by exhausting him physically and psychologically in five separate cases at the height of the campaign season, bankrupting him with what will likely be $1 billion in legal fees and fines, silencing him with gag orders, defaming him with salacious and sensational but irrelevant court testimonies, and keeping him off the campaign trail.
And now? The sheer preposterousness has resulted in two unexpected developments. One, the more the left tries to subvert the legal system to emasculate Trump, the more the latter wins popularity, especially in traditionally non-Republican constituencies, even as Biden slumps in the polls. And two, the four criminal cases are starting to fall apart because of their sheer ridiculousness and abject bias.
Will and her boyfriend, prosecutor Wade, likely lied under oath about both their covert romantic relationship and the money that fueled their global junketeering. A Georgia state appellate court is reviewing Willis’ suitability to continue the prosecution. One might ask, “How can a prosecutor who lied under oath while trying a case retain any credibility?” Whatever the state court’s findings, a state appellate or federal court will eventually exonerate Trump. No other prosecutor or jurisdiction would likely take over Willis’s tainted indictment.
Smith’s indictment is in limbo, largely because: 1) in unusual and partisan fashion, he sought to rush the prosecution to coincide with the 2024 campaign; 2) the Supreme Court is determining to what extent a president either has immunity or can be hauled into court by a special prosecutor appointed by the opposition party; and 3) his office lied to the court about the condition of the Trump files they found at his residence, collected, and then took possession of—in a fashion that was intended to prejudice the case in the government’s favor.
Bragg’s gambit of putting Stormy Daniels on the stand to offer irrelevant but lurid testimony to hurt candidate Trump may have backfired, given she proved unstable, narcissistic, unreliable, hateful, and promised to break the law and refuse a legally ordered payment to Trump after losing a defamation case against him. Convicted felon and liar Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s key witness, has already hit the internet trying to get rich and will have less credibility.
James’s civil conviction of Trump and massive fine (originally $450 million with interest) may also be overturned on appeal, given it violates Eight-Amendment protection from “unusual punishment” (“bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed”), in addition to the selective prosecution of Trump where there is no criminal act and no victim.
So what will be the endgame of all these attacks on the American legal system and the warping of it for blatant political purposes?
One, we have entered new territory. There will soon be hundreds of local and state prosecutors who feel they have now been given license in election years to go after national presidential candidates for political advantage, both local and national.
Two, conservatives are in a dilemma: whether to restore deterrence by boomeranging the left’s extra-legal effort to ruin a candidate and president or to refrain from what would be a descent into third-world, tit-for-tat criminalization of politics.
Three, the persecution of Trump, coupled with the derelict candidacy of Joe Biden, threatens to erode the traditional base of the Democratic Party and redefine politics in terms of class rather than race. Minorities are beginning to empathize with the gagged, railroaded, and victimized Trump while distancing themselves from the victimizers, who are using their “privilege” to warp the law on behalf of a bullying president.
Four, the U.S. has lost a great deal of credibility abroad due to the erosion of what was once seen as the greatest system of jurisprudence in the world. No longer.
Enemies like China and Russia now boast that America’s new political prosecutions are similar to their own systems, or even more egregious, and will welcome us into their own customs of bastardized justice.
Latin-American, African, and Asian dictators are delighted that the U.S. has lost the moral authority to lecture them on the need for a disinterested and independent judiciary and the rule of law.
Our democratic allies in Europe and Asia are increasingly disturbed that the instability and unlawfulness apparent in the current lawfare put into question the reliability of the United States and its adherence to a rules-based order—whether at home or aboard.
Any president who would sic the justice system on his opponent might be equally vindictive and lawless to his allies abroad.
FP via Getty Images)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On September 25th 1237 The Treaty of York was agreed between the kings Alexander II of Scotland and Henry III of England.
The signing of the treaty was one of the major events of the reign of Alexander, it was the first time that the border between the two countries was defined.
In addition to defining the border, the treaty addressed other issues between the two Kings who had a bit of a history of making agreements with each other. Henry and Alexander were brothers-in-law as the Scottish King had married Henry’s sister Joan. The treaty was witnessed by a Papal Legate called Otho and it was written in Latin and entitled ‘Scriptum cirographatum inter Henricum Regem Anglie et Alexandrum Regem Scocie de comitatu Northumbrie Cumbrie et Westmerland factum coram Ottone Legato’. It could have been known as the ‘Treaty with the long name’ and it was signed and agreed in respect of “all claims, …up to Friday next before Michaelmas A.D. 1237.” Those other issues and claims related to Alexander’s and his predecessors’ attempts to extend Scotland’s frontier southward into England.
As it happened, the Kings of Scotland had long-standing claims to the territories of Cumberland, Northumberland and Westmorland, with David I having ruled over large tracts of those lands in the 12th Century. In fact, David I died at Carlisle, where he had spent a lot of his time. William I, David’s grandson, had acknowledged Henry II as his feudal lord in 1174, but that was largely ignored and for most of the 13th Century, Scotland retained much of its freedom and independence if not its influence in those northern parts. However, there at York in 1237, Alexander II gave up any claim to those northern counties in exchange for certain estates within them, notably in Tynedale and at Penrith, for which he swore fealty to the English King. Those estates were to be held by Alexander and his successors with certain hereditary rights and freedoms, including the prevalence of Scots Law, and the exemption of the Scottish King and all his future heirs from English Law, in those territories. In addition to the giving up of that territorial advantage, Alexander relinquished Scotland’s claim to a refund of 15,000 marks, which was due as a result of King John’s having reneged on a past arrangement with William the Lion. Never trust a medieval Englishman.
As regards border disputes, Berwick on Tweed was the subject of dispute for another two centuries after the Treaty of York was signed. The English invaded Scotland and unlawfully occupied the Scottish Royal Burgh of Berwick on Tweed on a number of occasions between 1296 and 1482. Berwick had received its founding royal charter from David I in 1124 and the Treaty of York, which has never been rescinded or repealed, in no way amended Berwick’s Scottish status. On the contrary, by its definition of the border, the treaty confirmed Berwick as being in Scotland. After Berwick was unlawfully annexed by England in 1482, there came a compromise of sorts via the 1502 Treaty of Perpetual Peace, which left Berwick under English administration, whilst it remained part of Scotland and subject to Scots Law. The Tweed border defined by the earlier Treaty of York was not altered and even after the Treaty of Union of 1707, there was no change to the border or the application of Scots Law.
That situation lasted until the Wales and Berwick Act of 1746, which unconstitutionally ordained that henceforth English Law would apply in Berwick-upon-Tweed. Significantly, that act did not incorporate Berwick into England and, in truth it wasn’t much more than a panicky reaction to the 1745/46 Jacobite Rising. That 1746 act was repealed by the fairly recent Interpretation Act of 1978, but nevertheless, Berwick remains a separate enclave under administration by the English County of Northumberland. Importantly, however, the administrative boundary near Lamberton does not represent the border, which remains as per the Treaty of York.
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techytoolzataclick · 14 days
Top Futuristic AI Based Applications by 2024
2024 with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backdrop of what seems to be another revolutionary iteration across industries. AI has matured over the past year to provide novel use cases and innovative solutions in several industries. This article explores most exciting AI applications that are driving the future.
1. Customized Chatbots
The next year, 2024 is seeing the upward trajectory of bespoke chatbots. Google, and OpenAI are creating accessible user-friendly platforms that enable people to build their own small-scale chatbots for particular use cases. These are the most advanced Chatbots available in the market — Capable of not just processing text but also Images and Videos, giving a plethora of interactive applications. For example, estate agents can now automatically create property descriptions by adding the text and images of listings thatsurgent.
2. AI in Healthcare
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AI has found numerous applications in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized treatment plans. After all, AI-driven devices can analyze medical imaging material more accurately than humans and thus among other things help to detect diseases such as cancer at an early stage. They will also describe how AI algorithms are used to create tailored treatment strategies personalized for each patient's genetics and clinical past, which helps enable more precise treatments.
3. Edge AI
A major trend in 2024 is Edge AI It enables computer processing to be done at the edge of a network, rather than in large data centers. Because of its reduced latency and added data privacy, Edge AI can be used in applications like autonomous vehicles transportations, smart cities as well as industrial automation. Example, edge AI in autonomous vehicles is able to get and process real-time data, increasing security by allowing faster decision-making.
4. AI in Finance
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Today, the financial sector is using AI to make better decisions and provide an even stronger customer experience. Fraud detection, risk assessment and customised financial advice have introduced insurance into the AI algorithm. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are now common enough to be in use by 2024, greatly assisting customers stay on top of their financial well-being. Those tools will review your spending behavior, write feedback to you and even help with some investment advices.
5. AI in Education
AI is revolutionizing education with individualized learning. These AI-powered adaptive learning platforms use data analytics to understand how students fare and produces a customised educational content (Hoos, 2017). This way, students get a tailored experience and realize better outcomes. Not only that, AI enabled tools are also in use for automating administrative tasks which shortens the time required by educators on teaching.
6. AI in Job Hunting
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This is also reverberating in the job sector, where AI technology has been trending. With tools like Canyon AI Resume Builder, you can spin the best resumé that might catch something eye catchy recruiter among a dozen others applications he receives in-between his zoom meeting. Using AI based tools to analyze Job Descriptions and match it with the required skills, experience in different job roles help accelerating the chances of a right fit JOB.
7. Artificial Intelligence in Memory & Storage Solutions
Leading AI solutions provider Innodisk presents its own line of memory and storage with added in-house designed AI at the recent Future of Memory & Storage (FMS) 2024 event. Very typically these are solutions to make AI applications easier, faster and better by improving performance scalability as well on the quality. This has huge implications on sectors with substantial data processing and storage demands (healthcare, finance, self-driving cars).
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2024 — Even at the edge of possible, AI is revolutionizing across many industries. AI is changing our lives from tailored chatbots and edge AI to healthcare, finance solutions or education and job search. This will not only improve your business profile as a freelancer who create SEO optimized content and write copies but also give your clients in the writing for business niche some very useful tips.
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goodmanestatelaw · 18 days
Managing Wealth and Inheritance: Estate and Trust Administration Attorneys
Wealth management and estate planning are vital to preserving and growing your family's legacy. As individuals accumulate assets over time, it becomes essential to consider how those assets will be managed and passed on to future generations. Estate and trust administration attorneys play a pivotal role in this process by offering expert legal guidance. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of estate and trust administration, the responsibilities of attorneys in these areas, and how they can help you protect your wealth and legacy for the long term.
Understanding Estate and Trust Administration
Estate administration refers to managing and distributing a person's assets after they pass away. This includes ensuring that debts are paid, taxes are filed, and remaining assets are transferred to beneficiaries by the deceased's will or applicable state law if there is no will. The process can be complex, especially if there are significant assets or if disputes arise among heirs.
Trust administration, on the other hand, involves managing the assets held within a trust according to the terms set out in the trust document. Trusts are often used as a tool to minimize estate taxes, avoid probate, and provide a structured distribution of assets over time. Trusts can be beneficial in cases where the grantor wants to ensure that beneficiaries, such as young children or those with special needs, receive ongoing financial support.
The Role of Estate and Trust Administration Attorneys
An estate attorney and trust administration attorney is a legal professional who specializes in helping clients manage and distribute their assets efficiently and according to their wishes. These attorneys play several critical roles throughout the process, including:
Legal Guidance and Compliance: Estate and trust laws can be intricate, and they often vary by jurisdiction. An experienced attorney ensures that all legal requirements are met and that the estate or trust complies with state and federal laws. This includes filing necessary paperwork, handling tax issues, and ensuring the terms of the will or trust are carried out correctly.
Asset Management and Distribution: One of the primary responsibilities of an estate and trust administration attorney is to oversee the proper distribution of assets. This can involve coordinating with financial institutions, ensuring that creditors are paid, and ensuring beneficiaries receive their inheritance as intended.
Probate Avoidance and Minimizing Tax Liability: Probate, the legal process of validating a will and distributing assets, can be lengthy, expensive, and stressful for families. Estate and trust administration attorneys can help design strategies to minimize or avoid probate altogether. Additionally, they provide valuable advice on reducing estate taxes, preserving wealth for beneficiaries.
Dispute Resolution: Unfortunately, disputes can arise during estate and trust administration, whether between heirs or regarding the validity of a will or trust. Attorneys act as mediators and legal advocates, working to resolve conflicts and ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved.
Trustee Support and Guidance: For individuals named as trustees (those responsible for managing the trust), the role can be daunting, as they have fiduciary duties to the beneficiaries. A trust administration attorney helps trustees navigate their responsibilities, from managing assets to making distributions and ensures they fulfill their obligations according to the terms of the trust.
Why You Need an Estate and Trust Administration Attorney
While it may be tempting to manage estate and trust administration on your own, especially for smaller estates, the potential pitfalls of doing so without professional guidance are numerous. Here’s why having an attorney by your side is crucial:
Complex Legal Framework: Estate and trust laws are complex and constantly evolving. Understanding the intricacies of probate, taxes, and legal obligations can be overwhelming for someone without legal training. An attorney ensures that every detail is addressed, reducing the risk of mistakes that could delay the process or lead to legal issues down the road.
Time and Stress Reduction: Managing an estate or trust is time-consuming and emotionally taxing, particularly for family members grieving the loss of a loved one. By hiring an attorney, you can delegate much of the administrative work, allowing you to focus on supporting your family during a difficult time.
Avoiding Costly Errors: Mishandling estate or trust administration can result in costly penalties, tax issues, or even lawsuits from disgruntled beneficiaries. An attorney ensures that every step of the process is completed correctly and efficiently, minimizing the risk of expensive errors.
Expert Tax Advice: Estate taxes, inheritance taxes, and capital gains taxes can quickly erode the value of an estate. Estate and trust administration attorneys are well-versed in tax laws and can help structure the estate in a way that minimizes tax liabilities and preserves as much wealth as possible for the beneficiaries.
Safeguarding Beneficiaries' Interests: One of the most important roles of an attorney is to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are honored and that the beneficiaries' interests are protected. Whether by defending the validity of a will in court or ensuring that the trustee follows the terms of the trust, an attorney acts as a guardian of the estate plan’s integrity.
Key Considerations When Choosing an Estate and Trust Administration Attorney
When selecting an attorney to assist with estate and trust administration, it’s important to consider a few key factors:
Experience and Expertise: Look for an attorney who specializes in estate and trust law and has a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours. Experience is especially crucial if the estate is large, complex, or involves high-value assets.
Communication and Transparency: A good attorney will keep you informed throughout the process and provide clear explanations of each step. Make sure you choose someone who is accessible and responsive to your needs.
Fee Structure: Estate and trust administration attorneys typically charge either a flat fee, hourly rate, or a percentage of the estate’s value. It’s important to understand the attorney’s fee structure upfront and ensure it aligns with your budget.
Managing wealth and inheritance through estate and trust administration can be a daunting task, but with the right attorney by your side, the process becomes much more manageable. Estate and trust administration attorneys offer invaluable expertise in navigating the complex legal landscape, ensuring that your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. By working with a skilled attorney, you can safeguard your family’s future and leave behind a lasting legacy that reflects your values and intentions.
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"nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!!" well, here's some snippets of the apparent numbers of applicants on seek, for jobs that i've applied to in the last few months, up to just this week:
to be an HR advisor officer in a call centre in sydney (i received the rejection email for this yesterday (23/8/24) morning like considering i applied 2 weeks late, yeah that's fair lol):
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to be an HR coordinator, (employee experience) for another company in sydney:
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to be a hub concierge at my local area's homelessness specialist services hub (i only applied for this to get ONE of my qualifications to ACTUALLY be useful- ie my certificate IV in housing):
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a customer support and sales position at a local branch of a multinational logistics company:
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a client administrator/coordinator role at a local aged care provider:
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an HR admin position at some type of tech or finance firm where i am:
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an admin support position for a local job provider program or something:
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being a housing officer/community housing worker, again in sydney (and to use my cert IV in housing):
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a scheduling and rostering position at a local aged care service:
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being a support coordinator trainee at a local NDIS (aussie national disability insurance scheme) provider:
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being a receptionist + administration assistant at a local real estate agent:
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most of these i just got a "unlikely to progress" through seek, or outright ghosted. some of them did give me the auto reject email or an email from a person for rejection. but with these numbers..... how the fuck do you think people are ACTUALLY GETTING jobs????
and mind you, this is ONLY seek (which is a big job board in australia and NZ). I have NO idea the amount of applications these places ALSO HAVE across other platforms such as indeed, jora, adzuna, ethicaljobs (for the NGO/charity etc sectors for the jobs in housing or disability support jobs etc), the dreaded linkedin AND all the other job sites.... and actual employer sites that I've applied on directly. (except for the dept of communities and justice (dcj) housing officer job that I had an info session for just on wednesday this last week.... where there were 120 other applicants in there with me, but STATEWIDE [bc it's the new south wales gov housing dept homes nsw]). but yeah. fuck off with the "nobody wants to work anymore" bs.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"PECULIAR TANGLE AIRED IN COURT," Hamilton Spectator. March 14, 1934. Page 7. --- Payment of Insurance Gives Rise to Claim Against Company ---- The feeling that it was justified in paying the proceeds of the policies to the third party because she had paid all the premiums, although it was brought out in court that the third party was not the legal wife of the deceased man, was the defence of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company in county court, before Judge George C. Thomson today, in the suit of Jeremiah Dowdy, administrator of the estate of Patrick Joseph Dowdy, who died May 8, 1933, against the Metropolitan company and the added third party, Elsie M. Dowdy. The case is proceeding.
The plaintiff is suing to recover $670, the proceeds of four insurance policies paid the third party by the Metropolitan company upon the death of Patrick Dowdy. The third party, also known as Elsie Sackrider, resided with the deceased man for 30 years, unaware that he had a wife in Crystal Beach. The existence of this wife, known as Alice Sheppard, was revealed when Elsie Dowdy applied for administration of the estate. The plaintiff claimed she was not the true widow according to law. She withdrew her application, but in the meantime received the insurance money. The plaintiff originally commenced action against the insurance company only, but Elsie Dowdy was added as a third party later.
C. W. Robinson is acting for the plaintiff. The defendant insurance company is represented by R. F. Inch, and Elsie Dowdy by J. A. Christilaw.
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estateresearch · 3 months
Founded in 2001, Estate Research now has over 50 full time staff spread across two offices in Wigan and London. With national expertise and international reach we are able to locate families all over the world. Over the years our services have continued to grow and evolve so that today, Estate Research can assist with almost every aspect of estate administration. Our aim is to deliver comprehensive research on time and through our commitment to quality and accountability, we hope to provide a service that practitioners will use, and crucially, use again. Estate Research is a firm of International Probate Genealogists who specialise in tracing next of kin, as well as locating missing beneficiaries and assets to estates. Our reputation has been built on our professionalism and our policy of transparency of informing beneficiaries of all the known details as a standard practice. This underpins all our workings with beneficiaries and our clients. Probate genealogy or ‘heir hunting’ is an unregulated industry and it is up to each individual company to implement their own standards and procedures. At Estate Research we take quality of service very seriously, but we only invest our time in getting the correct accreditations including our ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. Where applicable we have also recognised the need for staff to be professionally qualified, so the majority of our case managers are qualified paralegals and subject to regulation from PPR. Our Public Sector team assists local authorities, NHS trusts & hospitals by locating next of kin. This often enables public health funerals to take place and also gives families the opportunity to attend the funeral or take over arrangements if they wish.
Website: https://www.estateresearch.co.uk
Address: 102 Chapel Lane, Wigan, WN3 4HG
Phone Number: 01942 826 500
Contact Email: [email protected]
Business Hours: Mon - Fri : 09:15 am – 05:15 pm Sat - Sun : Closed
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The Benefits of Using a Mortgage Company in UAE for Your Home Loan
Using a mortgage company in the UAE for your home loan offers numerous benefits, from securing favorable loan terms to receiving expert advice throughout the mortgage process. This guide will explore the advantages of partnering with a mortgage company for your home loan needs.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Benefits of Using a Mortgage Company
Expert Advice: Mortgage companies have experts who can provide valuable advice and guidance throughout the mortgage process. They can help you understand different mortgage products, compare rates, and choose the best option for your needs.
Access to Multiple Lenders: Working with a mortgage company gives you access to a wide range of lenders. This increases your chances of finding a mortgage with favorable terms and rates.
Convenience: Mortgage companies handle much of the paperwork and administrative tasks involved in securing a mortgage. This makes the process more convenient and less time-consuming for you.
Negotiation Power: Mortgage companies often have strong relationships with lenders, giving them greater negotiation power. This can result in better loan terms and lower interest rates for you.
Customized Solutions: A mortgage company can offer customized mortgage solutions tailored to your specific needs and financial situation. This ensures you get a mortgage that aligns with your goals.
For more investment options, explore Invest in Dubai Real Estate.
Steps to Working with a Mortgage Company
Research and Choose: Start by researching various mortgage companies in the UAE. Look for companies with good reputations, positive customer reviews, and a wide range of mortgage products.
Initial Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with the mortgage company to discuss your needs and goals. This will help them understand your financial situation and recommend suitable mortgage options.
Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your borrowing capacity and increase your chances of securing a good deal. Pre-approval also makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.
Mortgage Application: The mortgage company will assist you in completing and submitting the mortgage application. They will ensure all necessary documents are in order and help you navigate any challenges that arise.
Loan Processing and Approval: The mortgage company will work with the lender to process your loan application. They will keep you informed throughout the process and handle any issues that may arise.
Closing: Once your mortgage is approved, the mortgage company will assist with the closing process. This includes finalizing the loan terms, signing the necessary documents, and transferring the funds.
For mortgage services, visit Mortgage Company in UAE.
Popular Mortgage Companies in UAE
HSBC: Known for its competitive interest rates and flexible mortgage options, HSBC is a popular choice for homebuyers in the UAE.
Emirates NBD: Emirates NBD offers a range of mortgage products tailored to different needs, along with excellent customer service and quick approval times.
Mashreq Bank: Mashreq Bank provides personalized mortgage solutions with attractive rates and minimal fees, making it a preferred choice for many buyers.
ADCB: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) offers comprehensive mortgage products with competitive rates and flexible repayment options.
Dubai Islamic Bank: For those seeking Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions, Dubai Islamic Bank offers a variety of Islamic mortgage products with favorable terms.
For property sales, visit sell your house.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Omar and Aisha, who recently purchased their dream home in Dubai. By working with a reputable mortgage company, they were able to secure a mortgage with favorable terms. The mortgage company provided expert advice, handled the paperwork, and ensured a smooth process from start to finish. This allowed Omar and Aisha to focus on finding their perfect home without worrying about the complexities of securing a mortgage.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Future Trends in the UAE Mortgage Market
Digitalization: The UAE mortgage market is embracing digitalization, with many companies offering online application processes, digital document submission, and virtual consultations. This trend is making the mortgage process more efficient and convenient.
Sustainable Mortgages: There is a growing demand for sustainable mortgages that support environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. Mortgage companies are beginning to offer products that cater to this demand.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Mortgage companies are increasingly offering flexible mortgage products that cater to the diverse needs of homebuyers. This includes options for expatriates, first-time buyers, and investors.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Using a mortgage company in the UAE for your home loan offers numerous benefits, from expert advice to access to multiple lenders. By choosing the right mortgage company, you can secure favorable loan terms and enjoy a smoother mortgage process. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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zaidseo · 4 months
The Ins and Outs of SBA Loans for Businesses
Small Business Administration (SBA) loans are an attractive option for investors, as they are typically offered at competitive rates and with flexible terms. But, before you jump in, there are some things to consider when applying for an SBA loan. Let’s take a look at the important details that you should be aware of.
Qualifying for an SBA Loan
The U.S. Small Business Administration does not provide financing directly to borrowers—rather, it partners with banks and other approved lenders to provide government-guaranteed loans to businesses. In order to qualify for an SBA loan, you must have a good credit score, a solid business plan demonstrating how you will use the funds, and a positive cash flow from your business operations. Additionally, most lenders require collateral such as real estate or equipment in order to secure the loan.
Types of SBA Loans
There are different types of SBA loans available depending on your needs. The 7(a) program is the most popular and offers up to $5 million in funding with repayment terms up to 25 years; 7(a) Express loans offer faster turnaround times but can only be used for working capital or inventory purchases; 504/CDC loans offer long-term financing with low down payments; and Microloans can provide amounts between $500-$50,000 for short-term expenses such as inventory or supplies.
Considerations when Applying for an SBA Loan
One thing that all potential borrowers should consider before applying for an SBA loan is that these loans come with certain restrictions that could impact their ability to qualify or their ability to use the funds as needed once they do qualify. For example, some restrictions include specific uses of the money (such as buying real estate), limitations on loan size based on number of employees or annual revenue, and restrictions on who can borrow (such as non-profit organizations). It is important to understand any potential restrictions before applying so that you can ensure you meet all eligibility requirements and make sure that the loan will be able to fulfill your needs if granted.
An SBA loan calculator can be a powerful business tool for business owners. It allows business owners to accurately estimate the monthly payment, total cost of the loan, and amount of their down payment. With an SBA 504 vs 7a loan calculator, business owners can confidently calculate the best business financing options for their business needs. It is essential for business owners to have a quick and valuable assessment of their business finance options before making important decisions. The SBA loan calculator is an invaluable asset to navigating business finances.
Financing a small business has many benefits but also comes with some risks—one of which is having access to sufficient capital when needed. Fortunately, there are options available such as SBA loans which offer competitive rates and more flexible terms than traditional bank loans. However, it's important to understand what qualifying criteria must be met in order for your application to be approved as well as any potential restrictions which could impact your ability to use the funds once granted. With this knowledge in mind, business owners can better assess whether getting an SBA loan is right for them and their business goals.
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Who is the worst founding father? Round 5: Thomas Jefferson vs Henry Clay
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Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Following the American Revolutionary War and prior to becoming the nation’s third president in 1801, Jefferson was the first United States secretary of state under George Washington and then the nation’s second vice president under John Adams.
Starting in 1803, he promoted a western expansionist policy with the Louisiana Purchase and began the process of Indian tribal removal from the newly acquired territory.
In confidential talks with French consul Joseph Létombe, Jefferson attacked President John Adams and predicted [he] would serve only one term, encouraged France to invade England, and advised Létombe to stall any American envoys sent to Paris by instructing him to “listen to them and then drag out the negotiations at length and mollify them by the urbanity of the proceedings." This toughened the tone that the French government adopted toward the Adams administration.
Jefferson lived in a planter economy largely dependent upon slavery, and used slave labor for his household, plantation, and workshops. Over his lifetime he owned about 600 slaves.
During his presidency, Jefferson allowed the diffusion of slavery into the Louisiana Territory hoping to prevent slave uprisings in Virginia and to prevent South Carolina secession. In 1804, in a compromise on the slavery issue, Jefferson and Congress banned domestic slave trafficking for one year into the Louisiana Territory.
In 1819, Jefferson strongly opposed a Missouri statehood application amendment that banned domestic slave importation and freed slaves at the age of 25 on grounds it would destroy the union.
Jefferson never freed most of his slaves, and he remained silent on the issue while he was president.
Since the 1790s, Jefferson was rumored to have had children by his sister-in-law and slave Sally Hemings, known as the Jefferson-Hemings controversy. According to scholarly consensus…as well as oral history, Jefferson probably fathered at least six children with Hemings.
Henry Clay Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852) was an American attorney and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. He was the seventh House speaker as well as the ninth secretary of state. He unsuccessfully ran for president in the 1824, 1832, and 1844 elections. He helped found both the National Republican Party and the Whig Party. For his role in defusing sectional crises, he earned the appellation of the “Great Compromiser” and was part of the “Great Triumvirate” of Congressmen, alongside fellow Whig Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun.
[Clay and his family] initially lived in Lexington, but in 1804 they began building a plantation outside of Lexington known as Ashland. The Ashland estate eventually encompassed over 500 acres (200 ha), with numerous outbuildings such as a smokehouse, a greenhouse, and several barns. Enslaved there were 122 during Clay’s lifetime with about 50 needed for farming and the household. 
In early 1819, a dispute erupted over the proposed statehood of Missouri after New York Congressman James Tallmadge introduced a legislative amendment that would provide for the gradual emancipation of Missouri’s slaves. Though Clay had previously called for gradual emancipation in Kentucky, he sided with the Southerners in voting down Tallmadge’s amendment. Clay instead supported Senator Jesse B. Thomas’s compromise proposal in which Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, Maine would be admitted as a free state, and slavery would be forbidden in the territories north of 36° 30’ parallel. Clay helped assemble a coalition that passed the Missouri Compromise, as Thomas’s proposal became known. Further controversy ensued when Missouri’s constitution banned free blacks from entering the state, but Clay was able to engineer another compromise that allowed Missouri to join as a state in August 1821.
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vikkukumar · 9 months
Navigating the Path to Success: Understanding Business Loans for Entrepreneurs
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the journey from concept to successful establishment often requires a potent infusion of capital. For entrepreneurs, accessing funds through business loans can be a pivotal step towards turning their dreams into reality. Whether it's starting a new venture or expanding an existing one, the strategic use of business loans can provide the necessary financial backbone to foster growth and sustainability.
Understanding Business Loans:
Business loans are financial instruments tailored to meet the diverse needs of entrepreneurs. They come in various forms, each designed to address specific business requirements. The key types include:
1.Term Loans:
 These loans involve borrowing a lump sum amount that is repaid over a predetermined period with fixed interest rates. Term loans are ideal for significant investments like equipment purchases, expansion projects, or real estate acquisitions.
2. Lines of Credit:
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 Providing a revolving credit facility, lines of credit enable businesses to borrow funds up to a certain limit. Entrepreneurs can withdraw as much or as little as needed, paying interest only on the amount used. This flexibility makes it suitable for managing day-to-day operations, covering seasonal fluctuations, or addressing unforeseen expenses.
3.SBA Loans:
 Backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), these loans offer favorable terms and lower interest rates. SBA loans provide financial support for various business needs, including working capital, equipment, and real estate.
4.Equipment Financing:
 Specifically geared towards acquiring machinery or equipment, this type of loan allows businesses to spread the cost of these assets over time while maintaining cash flow.
5.Invoice Financing:
 Also known as accounts receivable financing, this type of loan allows businesses to leverage their unpaid invoices for immediate capital. It's a useful option for businesses facing cash flow gaps due to delayed payments.
Choosing the Right Loan:
Selecting the most suitable loan requires a thorough understanding of your business needs, financial situation, and repayment capabilities. Factors to consider include:
 Define the purpose of the loan. Is it for expansion, operational needs, equipment purchase, or something else?
Loan Amount:
* Assess the required amount considering present and future needs without overburdening the business.
- **Interest Rates and Terms:** Compare interest rates, repayment terms, and associated fees among different lenders to find the most favorable terms.
 A good credit history enhances the chances of securing loans with better terms. For startups or businesses with limited credit history, personal credit may be considered.
 Some loans require collateral, such as business assets or personal guarantees. Understand the risks associated with offering collateral.
The Loan Application Process:
Applying for a business loan involves a systematic approach:
1. Prepare Documentation:
Lenders typically require documents such as business plans, financial statements, tax returns, and legal documents. Ensure these are up-to-date and accurately represent your business's financial health.
2. Research Lenders:
Explore various lenders, including banks, credit unions, online lenders, and alternative financing options. Each has its own set of criteria and advantages.
3. Submit Application: 
Complete the loan application accurately and include all required documents. Some lenders may offer a prequalification process that gives an estimate of eligibility without impacting credit scores.
4. Review and Negotiation:
Once offers are received, carefully review terms and negotiate where possible to secure favorable terms.
5. Loan Approval and Repayment:
 Upon approval, adhere to the agreed repayment schedule, managing finances responsibly to maintain a positive credit profile.
Benefits of Business Loans:
Utilizing business loans wisely can yield several advantages for entrepreneurs:
Facilitate Growth:
Loans provide the necessary capital for expansion, allowing businesses to seize growth opportunities.
Manage Cash Flow:
Access to funds during lean periods or to cover immediate expenses helps maintain stable operations.
Build Credit:
Timely repayment of loans contributes to building a positive credit history, improving future borrowing capabilities.
- **Invest in Innovation:**
 Loans can fund research, development, or technology upgrades, fostering innovation within the business.
Challenges and Risks:
While business loans offer significant benefits, they also come with inherent risks:
Debt Burden:
Taking on too much debt without a solid repayment plan can strain finances and hinder growth.
Interest and Fees:
 High-interest rates and additional fees can increase the overall cost of borrowing.
Risk of Default:
Inability to repay loans can lead to asset seizure, damaged credit, or even business closure.
Business loans serve as catalysts for entrepreneurial ventures, providing crucial financial support for growth and sustainability. Understanding the various loan types, meticulous planning, and responsible financial management are vital elements in leveraging loans effectively. By evaluating needs, comparing options, and adopting a disciplined repayment approach, entrepreneurs can harness the power of business loans to steer their ventures towards success in today's dynamic business environment.
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orthodoxydaily · 6 months
Saints&Reading: Friday, March 29, 2024
march 16_ march 29
Venerable Christodulus, wonderworker of Patmos (1093)
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Our Venerable Father Christódoulos 1) was born near Nicaea of Bithynia circa 1020. His parents' names were Theodore and Anna, and their son received the name John in Holy Baptism. He was renowned as an ascetic and a physician throughout the Byzantine Empire.
In 1043 he was tonsured on Mount Olympus, where, under the guidance of the Elders, he received a broad education. After the death of his Spiritual Father, he made a pilgrimage to the holy places in 1045. He visited Rome and Palestine, and he lived in Asia Minor, and on some Greek islands, where he founded several monasteries.
After the Saracen invasion of Palestine, Father Christódoulos left the Holy Land and in 1070 settled on Mount Latmos, in the stavropegial Monastery of the Theotokos in northwestern Karia. Soon he was chosen as the Superior of that monastery. In 1076, Patriarch Cosmas I of Constantinople installed Father Christódoulos as Archimandrite over all the Latmian monasteries. From 1076–1079, he labored to build and fortify monasteries.
In 1079 the Latmian monasteries were destroyed by the Seljuk Turks. The Saint took refuge with his small community in the city of Strovilos on the Aegean coast, where the hermit Arsenios placed him in charge of his monastery. Father Christódoulos soon moved to the nearby island of Kos, the least affected by Muslim incursions. There Arsenios had several estates, and on Mount Pelion, at the latter's suggestion, Christódoulos founded the Kastrian Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1080.
In 1087, he founded a monastery on the neighboring island of Leros. In addition, during his stay on the island of Kos, Saint Christódoulos organized an expedition to Mount Latmos in order to rescue the books from the monastic community which he had abandoned. These books were sent to the library of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople for safekeeping.
Seeking greater solitude and austerity, Saint Christódoulos turned his attention to the island of Patmos. He was so struck by the ascetic spirit of these places that he decided to establish a monastery on that island. In 1089, he submitted his first application to Emperor Alexios I Komnenos for a new monastic community on the island of Patmos, in place of the land on the island Kos and on the shores of Karia.
According to a Chrysobull issued in 1088, the Emperor gave the island of Patmos to Father Christódoulos as an eternal, inalienable property, exempting it from all taxes. It forbade government officials to act on the island. In fact, the island was withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the state's administration, and all judicial and administrative power on this island was concentrated in the hands of the Igoumen of the Monastery.
The Venerable one established a monastery on a mountain near the cave, where, according to Tradition, the Holy Apostle John the Theologian received a divine revelation and wrote his prophetic book in the years 68-69. The monastery was built on a rocky ledge, almost in the center of the island, and during the first three years, it had acquired the appearance of a fortress.
However, in the last years of his life, because of the raids of pirates, the Saint was forced to flee Patmos. He and his disciples went to the island of Euboea, where he reposed on March 16,1093. Shortly before his death, he gave his disciples instructions to bury him on the island of Patmos in the Monastery he founded. His disciples took his holy and incorrupt relics and transferred them to his own Monastery, where they remain for the sanctification of those who venerate them with faith.
Saint Christódoulos is also commemorated on October 21 (the transfer of his holy relics).
1 His name means "the servant of Christ."
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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ISAIAH 7:1-15
1 Now it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up to Jerusalem to make war against it, but could not prevail against it. 2 And it was told to the house of David, saying, “Syria’s forces are deployed in Ephraim.” So his heart and the heart of his people were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind. 3 Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Go out now to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-Jashub your son, at the end of the aqueduct from the upper pool, on the highway to the Fuller’s Field, 4 “and say to him: ‘Take heed, and be quiet; do not fear or be fainthearted for these two stubs of smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria, and the son of Remaliah. 5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah have plotted evil against you, saying, 6 “Let us go up against Judah and trouble it, and let us make a gap in its wall for ourselves, and set a king over them, the son of Tabel”— 7 ‘thus says the Lord God: “It shall not stand, Nor shall it come to pass. 8 For the head of Syria is Damascus, And the head of Damascus is Rezin. Ephraim will be broken within sixty-five years, so it will not be a people. 9 The head of Ephraim is Samaria, And the head of Samaria is Remaliah’s son. If you will not believe, Surely you shall not be established.”  10 Moreover, the Lord spoke again to Ahaz, saying, 11 “Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God; ask it either in the depth or in the height above.” 12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord!” 13 Then he said, “Hear now, O house of David! Is it small for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also? 14 “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. 15 “Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good.
GENESIS 5:32-6:8
32 And Noah was five hundred years old, and Noah begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. 5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
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loansmantri · 11 months
Finding the Right Loan: A Guide to Loan Options and Choosing the Best Fit for You
Finding the right loan product to fit your needs can be a challenging process. With so many options like personal loans, home loans, and business loans, how do you know which is best suited for you? In this post, we'll provide an overview of the major loan products available and factors to consider when choosing one, as well as how Loans Mantri can help simplify the loan application process.
Loans Mantri is an online loan marketplace that partners with over 30 top financial institutions in India including names like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank. No matter what type of loan you need, Loans Mantri aims to provide customized options and a seamless application experience through their digital platform. 
Whether you need funds for personal expenses, purchasing real estate, business financing or any other purpose, Loans Mantri can match you with the ideal lending product for your requirements from their network. Their online eligibility calculators and tools remove the guesswork from determining what loans you can qualify for based on your income, credit score and other details.
This post will walk through the key loan products offered through Loans Mantri and outline the most important points to factor in when deciding which option works for your financial situation. We'll also provide tips on how to apply and what to expect when going through Loans Mantri for your financing needs. Let's get started!
Types of Loans Available
Here are some of the major loan products offered through Loans Mantri's platform:
Personal Loans - These unsecured loans can be used for almost any personal purpose like debt consolidation, wedding expenses, home renovation, medical needs, or any other requirements. Interest rates are competitive and loan amounts can range from ₹50,000 to ₹25 lakhs based on eligibility.
Home Loans - Also called mortgage loans, these are for purchasing, constructing or renovating a residential property. Home loans offer extended repayment tenures of up to 30 years and relatively lower interest rates. The property becomes collateral against the loan amount.  
Business Loans - Loans Mantri offers financing for a wide range of business needs like working capital, equipment purchases, commercial vehicle loans, construction requirements and more. Loan amounts can be from ₹10 lakhs to multiple crores.
Loan Against Property - By using your existing property as collateral, you can get a secured, high-value loan in return through this product. Interest rates are lower and you can get up to 50% of your property's current market value.
Other Loan Products - Loans Mantri also facilitates other lending options like credit cards, line of credit, gold loans, insurance financing, merchant cash advance for businesses etc. as per eligibility.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Loan
When looking at the various loan options, here are some key factors to take into account:
- Loan amount required and ideal repayment tenure 
- Interest rates and processing/administration fees
- Your repayment capacity based on income and expenses
- Purpose of the loan - personal needs, business growth, property purchase etc.
- Collateral availability for secured loans like home and property loans
- Flexibility in repayment - moratorium periods, EMIs, tenure etc.  
- Prepayment and foreclosure charges, if any
Evaluating these parameters will help identify the loan that Aligns to your financial situation. Loansmantri's online tools also help estimate factors like eligibility amounts, EMIs, interest rates etc. to simplify decision making.
Applying for a Loan on Loans Mantri
The application process with Loans Mantri is quick, transparent and fully digital: 
- Use the eligibility calculator to get an estimated loan amount you can qualify for.
- Fill out the online application by providing basic personal and financial details. 
- Loans Mantri will run a soft credit check to view your credit score and report. This helps match products to your profile.
- Compare personalized loan quotes from multiple partner banks and NBFCs.
- Submit any required KYC documents and income proofs online.
- The application gets forwarded to the lender for further processing and approval.
- Track status directly through your Loansmantri dashboard. Get assistance from customer support if needed. 
Loans Mantri aims to be a one-stop platform for all your lending needs. Their intuitive tools and partnerships with leading financial institutions help identify and apply for the ideal loan product for any purpose. Consider your requirements carefully and evaluate all options before choosing the right loan for your financial situation. With Loans Mantri, the entire process from application to disbursal can be completed digitally for an easier financing experience.
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psychic-refugee · 2 years
The accuser’s assertion that she is “waiting for [PHW] to make a move” in terms of litigation is quite the bold legal strategy.
It makes absolutely no sense, but I almost admire its boldness in its stupidity.
Given her actions and posts, any legal representation she has is more than likely a figment of her imagination.
He has no reason to sue her, other than spite or revenge. Given his silence, he’s too smart to throw money away like that.
The ONLY reason why I would possibly see that she’s refrain from filing herself (besides the fact she has no evidence, which she has admitted to), is that she can’t afford the filing fee.
Administration of Justice Act, ONTARIO REGULATION 293/92:
i.  A statement of claim, notice of action or notice of application, $243. ii.  A third or subsequent party claim, $243. iii.  A statement of defence and counterclaim adding a party, $243. iv.  A summons to a witness, $33. v.  A certificate, other than a certificate of a search by the registrar required on an application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee, $33. vi.  A commission, $60. vii.  A writ of execution, $77. viii.  A notice of garnishment or notice of renewal of garnishment (including the filing of the notice with the sheriff), $155.
Him suing her, lets him set the narrative and puts her on the defensive. Not something I would want to happen.
I bet he can at least knock out big chunks of time when he wasn’t in Toronto and the parties with him couldn’t have happened. He’ll assert the other times didn’t happen, and then she has to prove that at the very least they’ve been in the same physical location. She’s already admitted she has no proof that they’ve even met.
It’d also be easy to show that she’s unreliable and her timeline is insane.
No attorney is going to want to put her on the stand. There’s too much evidence, that she posted herself, is public, and on her own free will, where she’s an unreliable witness. Even if she could clean up the timeline and give original text messages, it’s too late. I’d impeach her immediately for inconsistent statements and based upon character. Twitter posts are public and admissible in court as long as we can provide enough proof they’re legitimately hers and from Twitter with no alteration.
If her “evidence” is more of the same we saw on Twitter, I doubt any of it will be admitted or is even relevant and she’d be up shits creek.
Canadian legal experts weigh in, but I’m seeing that Canadians do not have the right to legal representation. If PHW were to sue her in his personal capacity, it’d be a tort (civil) and she’d have no right to one anyway. If she were to be sued by the Crown (criminal) because of the CSAM, she may qualify for legal representation because she’s broke, and it’d be in the “interest of justice.”
IMO, this “strategy” is nothing more than a smokescreen for the fact she knows she has nothing and isn’t willing to take the farce far enough to actually incur any legal fees.
Right now, I think she’s taking advantage of the fact that she has no assets and is basically too pathetic to sue. She’s in a legal sweet spot of not being worth suing, and not causing enough damage to his reputation because no one takes her seriously.
From what I’ve witnessed of this debacle; she’s troubled, lonely, insecure, and has nothing going for her in her life. She’s clinging to the high of attention she’s receiving from the accusations, because otherwise she’s lost in a sea of boundless mediocrity. 
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How to Enhance Communication in Facilities Management
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According to Apollo Technical, 86% of employees blame a “lack of effective collaboration and communication” as the leading cause of workplace failures. In the case of facilities management, communication is critical to keeping systems running smoothly. Smooth communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue.
When facilities management projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, it’s important to have effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners. But keeping everyone on track and in order comes with its own unique challenges.
Let’s take a look at some proven communication techniques to turn your next project into a streamlined triumph!
1. Start with the basics – documentation
While it may sound simple, listening, taking notes, and documenting as much information as you can will help you prepare to lead your project, your team and your selected partners when they seek guidance. Documentation will also allow you to share the information in written format, empowering others to answer their own questions. The more you know, the faster you’ll be able to fill in any gaps and reduce resolution time. Some facility management companies even offer technology that can assist in capturing and documenting this valuable information, saving you valuable time.
Plus, it goes without saying that building positive rapport and an open line of communication establishes trust, fosters collaboration, and produces an overall commitment to a job well done–and on time! This is made even further evident when considering the fact that over 60% of employees believe their views and opinions are ignored in the workplace, according to AON. This is an unfortunate statistic that could be completely avoidable with effective communication.
2. Utilize innovative technology
Working in facility management, we’ve all experienced a chaotic workday. Sorting through emails and work orders, jumping from meeting to meeting trying to coordinate multiple time-sensitive projects all at once. And while we love the energy of this fast-paced day-to-day, we also know it can take its toll and that gaps in communication can create a significant fallout.
New advancements in facilities management technologies and streamlined communication tools can be an easy solution to help cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In fact, many can be easily integrated into the systems you already use.
We value communication that is efficient, timely, direct, and clear. Here are a few of the applications that are frontrunners in efficient and intelligent communication for integrated facility management. Each of these are also compatible with National Facilities Direct’s proprietary technology solution that supports our value for communication.
Service Channel: A leading facility management software and contractor sourcing, Service Channel lets you manage all maintenance activity from a single platform.
Tango: The Next-Gen Real Estate & Facilities Platform that unites analytics, transactions, lease administration & accounting, space management, desk booking, and more.
Corrigo: Access to powerful, easy-to-use software and mobile apps that help you manage your facilities with less overhead.
Asana: A project management software that tracks, manages, and connects your projects across any team.
Verisae: Cloud-based maintenance management platform that provides service, asset, and procurement management solutions for facility managers.
Fexa: Innovative and intuitive software making it easier for Facilities and Operations Teams to get quality work done.
We streamline communication by speaking directly with our facility manager customers so they have the constant, real-time, project tracking and information they may need at any given moment.
3. Enlist a strategic partner
When it comes to choosing a facilities management partner, there are various options available. From local to regional vendors, and from aggregators with pools of untested contractors to self-performing agencies like National Facilities Direct, it can be difficult to find the right partner. It’s vital to find the right fit for your organization based on your needs and values. We believe the right partner is the one who takes a customer-centric approach, a team that takes the time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and processes. We strive to always be flexible and meet those varying needs while also suggesting viable solutions.
If you’re finding communication gaps with your vendors, an integrated self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Regardless of the industry, service, or staff the impact communication has on company performance is undeniable. According to a 2021 study by Project.co, over 26% of people feel that the way businesses communicated–both internally and externally–has deteriorated over the past year. This is a trend that needs to be reversed for the health of the facility management nationwide.
The need for dependable communication in FM is clear and so vital to a strong organizational structure and fully efficient facility. So vital in fact that a McKinsey report has shown that when collaborative communications are effective, they may increase productivity by as much as 25%. That can make a big difference to the bottom line as well as have a positive impact on company culture and workplace happiness.
About National Facilities Direct
At National Facilities Direct, we know how important clear, timely, and consistent communication is and we firmly believe in the positive benefits that come along with it. In fact, we’re so passionate about communication that we’ve developed our own proprietary software to streamline communication and promote efficiency.
We are the future of facility management. We’ve cut out the middle man, consolidated communication, simplified service requests, and reduced our response and resolution time. We provide all the necessary connectivity and custom technology to aid in any project. Contact us today for an immediate facility need or to set up a consultation for future needs or routine maintenance.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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