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vbondsolution · 2 years ago
Best Mac Solutions Repair & Services in Noida Sector 76
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We offer the best and most affordable MacBook repair services in Delhi NCR All Locations, Noida All Sectors, We use only certified Apple spare parts and make sure your MacBook is as good as new! Consult our team for MacBook Repair Delhi NCR. Don’t wait another moment to get your MacBook serviced! If you’re experiencing any issues or problems with your MacBook Air, OR MacBook Pro, please give us a call as soon as possible! Mac Experts is here to help when things go awry with your Apple Laptop. With our team of experts, technicians, and customer support representatives, MacBook Vbond Solutions /Mac Solutions Bipin Tripathi +91-8882433412
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sreenandasizcom · 5 months ago
Worried about your Low performing MacBook?
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You know, MacBook is the perfect blend of power and portability. But what if it slows down its performance and your time? Mess right?!
Your damaged MacBook needs undamaged expertise for that. Don’t waste your time thinking where. It’s only at Sizcom Apple Expert MacBook service center. Here, at Sizcom through a systematic mix of appropriate technology, parts and expertise, Sizcom MacBook service center Calicut look at executing repairs instantly or within the passing of the first 24 hours from when your Apple MacBook Device was initially handed over to us.
Check out for more information!!
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bluebidgemac · 2 years ago
Broken Screen? No Problem! Apple Store Harrisonburg Virginia Offers Reliable Screen Replacement Services
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Whether you need a screen replacement, battery replacement, or any other type of repair, as an Apple store Harrisonburg Virginia, we will be able to help. We also offer data recovery services in case you have lost important files or photos on your device. Contact Blueridge Mac today to schedule a repair appointment, or bring your device into our store for a free diagnosis.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 month ago
Petard (Part I)
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Few things are more wrong than "if you're not paying for the product, you're the product." Companies sell you out when they can, which is why John Deere tractor milks farmers for needless repair callouts and why your iPhone spies on you to provide data to Apple's surveillance advertising service:
When a vendor abuses you, that's not punishment for you being a cheapskate and wanting to use services for free. Vendors who screw you over do so because they know they can get away with it, because you are locked in and can't shop elsewhere. The ultimate manifestation of this is, of course, prison-tech. A duopoly of private equity-backed prison-tech profiteers have convinced prisons and jails across America to get rid of calls, in-person visits, mail, parcels, libraries, and continuing ed, and replace them all with tablets that charge prisoners vastly more than people in the free world pay to access media and connect with the outside. Those prisoners are absolutely paying for the product – indeed, with the national average prison wage set at $0.53/hour, they're paying far more than anyone outside pays – and they are still the product.
Capitalists, after all, hate capitalism. For all the romantic odes to the "invisible hand" and all the bafflegab about "efficient market hypothesis," the actual goal of businesses is to make you an offer you literally can't refuse. Capitalists want monopolies, they want captive audiences. "Competition," as Peter Thiel famously wrote, "is for losers."
Few lock-in arrangements are harder to escape than the landlord-tenant relationship. Moving home is expensive, time-consuming, and can rip you away from your job, your kid's school, and your community. Landlords know it, which is why they conspire to rig rents through illegal price-fixing apps like Realpage:
And why they fill your home with Internet of Shit appliances that pick your pockets by requiring special, expensive consumables, and why they tack so many junk fees onto your monthly rent:
Tenants aren't quite as locked in as prisoners, but corporations correctly understand that you can really fuck with a tenant over a long timescale without losing their business, and so they do.
Ironically, monopolists love each other. I guess if you loathe competition, a certain kind of cooperation comes naturally. That's why so many landlords have forged unholy alliances with internet service providers, who – famously – offer Americans the slowest speeds at the highest prices in the rich world, trail the world in infrastructure investment, and reap profits that put their global cousins in the shade.
Many's the apartment building that comes with a monopoly ISP that has a deal with your landlord. Landlords and ISPs call this "bulk billing" and swear that it reduces the cost of internet service for everyone. In reality, tenants who live under these arrangements have produced a deep, unassailable record proving that they pay more for worse broadband than the people next door who get to choose their ISPs. What's more, ISPs who offer "bulk billing" openly offer kickbacks to landlords who choose them over their rivals – in other words, even if you're paying for the product (your fucking home), you are still the product, sold to an evil telco.
Under Biden, the FCC banned the practice of ISPs paying kickbacks to landlords, over squeals and howls of protests from industry bodies like the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), National Apartment Association (NAA), and Real Estate Technology and Transformation Center (RETTC). These landlord groups insisted – despite all the evidence to the contrary – that when your landlord gets to choose your ISP, they do so with your best interests at heart, getting you a stellar deal you couldn't get for yourself.
This week, Trump's FCC chair Brendan Carr – who voted for the ban on kickbacks – rescinded the rule, claiming that he was doing so to protect tenants. This is obvious bullshit, as is evidenced by the confetti-throwing announcements froom the NMHC, NAA and RETTC:
Reading Jon Brodkin's Ars Technica coverage of Carr's betrayal of millions of Americans, I was reminded of a short story I published in 2014: "Petard: A Tale of Just Desserts," which I wrote for Bruce Sterling's "12 Tomorrows" anthology from MIT Tech Review. It's a fun little sf story about this same bullshit, dedicated to the memory of Aaron Swartz:
Realizing that there were people who were sounding the alarm about this more than a decade ago was a forceful reminder that Trumpism isn't exactly new. The idea that government should serve up the American people as an all-you-can-eat buffet for corporations that use tech to supercharge their predatory conduct has been with us for a hell of a long time. I've written a hell of a lot of science fiction about this, and sometimes this leads people to credit me with predictive powers. But if I predicted anything with my story "Radicalized," in which furious, grieving men murder the health industry execs who denied their loved ones coverage, I predicted the present, not the future:
Likewise in my story "Unauthorized Bread," which "predicted" that landlords would use "smart" appliances to steal from their poorest, most vulnerable tenants:
It's not much of a "prediction" to simply write a story in which "Internet of Things" companies' sales literature is treated as a straightforward idea and writing about how it will all work.
The same goes for "Petard." The most "predictive" part of that story is the part where I take the human rights implications of internet connections seriously. Back then (and even today), there were and are plenty of Very Serious People who want you to know that internet service is a frivolity, a luxury, a distraction:
They deride the idea that broadband is a human right, even after the pandemic's lesson that you depend on your internet connection for social connections, civic life, political engagement, education, health and employment:
Writing sf about this stuff isn't predictive, but I like to think that it constitutes an effective rebuttal to the people who say that taking digital rights seriously is itself unserious. Given that, I got to thinking about "Petard," and how much I liked that little story from 2014.
So I've decided to serialize it, in four parts, starting today. If you're impatient to get the whole story, you can listen to my podcast of it, which I started in 2014, then stopped podcasting for four years (!) before finishing in 2018:
It's not that I wanted to make the elf cry. I'm not proud of the fact. But he was an elf for chrissakes. What was he doing manning — elfing — the customer service desk at the Termite Mound? The Termite Mound was a tough assignment — given MIT's legendary residency snafus, it was a sure thing that someone like me would be along every day to ruin his day.
"Come on," I said, "cut it out. Look, it's nothing personal."
He continued to weep, face buried dramatically in his long-fingered hands, pointed ears protruding from his fine, downy hair as it flopped over his ivory-pale forehead. Elves.
I could have backed down, gone back to my dorm and just forgiven the unforgivably stupid censorwall there, used my personal node for research or stuck to working in the lab. But I had paid for the full feed. I needed the full feed. I deserved the full feed. I was 18. I was a grownup, and the infantalizing, lurking censorwall offended my intellect and my emotions. I mean, seriously, fuck that noise.
"Would you stop?" I said. "Goddamnit, do your job."
The elf looked up from his wet hands and wiped his nose on his mottled raw suede sleeve. "I don't have to take this," he said. He pointed to a sign: "MIT RESIDENCY LLC OPERATES A ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY TOWARD EMPLOYEE ABUSE. YOU CAN BE FINED UP TO $2000 AND/OR IMPRISONED FOR SIX MONTHS FOR ASSAULTING A CAMPUS RESIDENCE WORKER."
"I'm not abusing you," I said. "I'm just making my point. Forcefully."
He glared at me from behind a curtain of dandelion-fluff hair. "Abuse includes verbal abuse, raised voices, aggressive language and tone –"
I tuned him out. This was the part where I was supposed to say, "I know this isn't your fault, but –" and launch into a monologue explaining how his employer had totally hosed me by not delivering what they'd promised, and had further hosed him by putting him in a situation where he was the only one I could talk to about it, and he couldn't do anything about it. This little pantomime was a fixture of life in the world, the shrugs-all-round nostrum that we were supposed to substitute for anything getting better ever.
Like I said, though, fuck that noise. What is the point of being smart, 18 years old and unemployed if you aren't willing to do something about this kind of thing. Hell, the only reason I'd been let into MIT in the first place was that I was constitutionally incapable of playing out that little scene.
The elf had run down and was expecting me to do my bit. Instead, I said, "I bet you're in the Termite Mound, too, right?"
He got a kind of confused look. "That's PII," he said. "This office doesn't give out personally identifying information. It's in the privacy policy –" He tapped another sign posted by his service counter, one with much smaller type. I ignored it.
"I don't want someone else's PII. I want yours. Do you live in the residence? You must, right? Get a staff discount on your housing for working here, I bet." Elves were always cash-strapped. Surgery's not cheap, even if you're prepared to go to Cuba for it. I mean, you could get your elf-pals to try to do your ears for you, but only if you didn't care about getting a superbug or ending up with gnarly stumps sticking out of the side of your head. And forget getting a Nordic treatment without adult supervision, I mean, toot, toot, all aboard the cancer express. You had to be pretty insanely desperate to go elf without the help of a pro.
He looked stubborn. I mean, elf-stubborn, which is a kind of chibi version of stubborn that's hard to take seriously. I mean, seriously. "Look, of course you live in the Termite Mound. Whatever. The point is, we're all screwed by this stuff. You, me, them –" I gestured at the room full of people. They all been allocated a queue-position on entry to the waiting room and were killing time until they got their chance to come up to the Window of Eternal Disappointment in order to play out I Know This Isn't Your Fault But… before returning to their regularly scheduled duties as a meaningless grain of sand being ground down by the unimaginably gigantic machinery of MIT Residency LLC.
"Let's do something about it, all right? Right here, right now."
He gave me a look of elven haughtiness that he'd almost certainly practiced in the mirror. I waited for him to say something. He waited for me to wilt. Neither of us budged.
"I'm not kidding. The censorwall has a precisely calibrated dose of fail. It works just enough that it's worth using most of the time, and the amount of hassle and suck and fail you have to put up with when it gets in the way is still less than the pain you'd have to endure if you devoted your life to making it suck less. The economically rational course of action is to suck it up.
"What I propose is that we change the economics of this bullshit. If you're the Termite Mound's corporate masters, you get this much benefit out of the shitty censorwall; but we, the residents of the Termite Mound, pay a thousand times that in aggregate." I mimed the concentrated interests of the craven fools who'd installed the censorwall, making my hands into a fist-wrapped-in-a-fist, then exploding them like a hoberman-sphere to show our diffuse mutual interests, expanding to dwarf the censorware like Jupiter next to Io. "So here's what I propose: let's mound up all this diffuse interest, mobilize it, and aim it straight at the goons who put you in a job. You sit there all day and suffer through our abuse because all you're allowed to do is point at your stupid sign."
"How?" he said. I knew I had him.
Kickstarter? Hacker, please. Getting strangers to combine their finances so you can chase some entrepreneurial fantasy of changing the world by selling people stuff is an idea that was dead on arrival. If your little kickstarted business is successful enough to compete with the big, dumb titans, you'll end up being bought out or forced out or sold out, turning you into something indistinguishable from the incumbent businesses you set out to destroy. The problem isn't that the world has the wrong kind of sellers — it's that it has the wrong kind of buyers. Powerless, diffused, atomized, puny and insubstantial.
Turn buyers into sellers and they just end up getting sucked into the logic of fail: it's unreasonable to squander honest profits on making people happier than they need to be in order to get them to open their wallets. But once you get all the buyers together in a mass with a unified position, the sellers don't have any choice. Businesses will never spend a penny more than it takes to make a sale, so you have to change how many pennies it takes to complete the sale.
Back when I was fourteen, it took me ten days to hack together my first Fight the Power site. On the last day of the fall term, Ashcroft High announced that catering was being turned over to Atos Catering. Atos had won the contract to run the caf at my middle school in my last year there, every one of us lost five kilos by graduation. The French are supposed to be good at cooking, but the slop Atos served wasn't even food. I'm pretty sure that after the first week they just switched to filling the steamer trays with latex replicas of grey, inedible glorp. Seeing as how no one was eating it, there was no reason to cook up a fresh batch every day.
The announcement came at the end of the last Friday before Christmas break, chiming across all our personal drops with a combined bong that arrived an instant before the bell rang. The collective groan was loud enough to drown out the closing bell. It didn't stop, either, but grew in volume as we filtered into the hall and out of the building into the icy teeth of Chicago's first big freeze of the season.
Junior high students aren't allowed off campus at lunchtime, but high school students — even freshmen — can go where they please so long as they're back by the third period bell. That's where Fight the Power came in.
This was tricky. It's not like there were a lot of food trucks driving out of the loop to hit Joliet for the lunch rush. But I wrote a crawler that went through the review sites, found businesses with more than one food truck, munged the menus and set out the intersection as an eye-pleasing infographic showing the appetizing potential of getting your chow outside of the world of the corrupt no-bid edu-corporate complex.
By New Year's Day, 98 percent of the student body had signed up. By January third, I had all four of the food-trucks I'd listed lined up to show up on Monday morning.
Turns out, Ashcroft High and Atos had a funny kind of deal. Ashcroft High guaranteed a minimum level of revenue to Atos, and Atos guaranteed a maximum level to Ashcroft High. So, in theory, if a hundred percent of the student body bought a cafeteria lunch, about twenty percent of that money would be kicked back to Ashcroft High. They later claimed that this was all earmarked to subsidize the lunches of poor kids, but no one could ever point to anything in writing where they'd committed to this, as our Freedom of Information Act requests eventually proved.
In return for the kickback, the school had promised to ensure that Atos could always turn a profit. If not enough of us ate in the caf, the school would have to give Atos the money it would have made if we had. In other words: our choice to eat a good lunch wasn't just costing the school its expected share of Atos's profits — it was having to dig money out of its budget to make up for our commitment to culinary excellence.
They tried everything. Got the street in front of the school designated a no-food-trucks zone (we petitioned the City of Joliet to permit parking on the next street over). Shortened the lunch-break (we set up a Web-based pre-order service that let us pick and pre-pay for our food). Banned freshmen from leaving school property (we were saved by the PTA). Suspended me for violating the school's social media policy (the ACLU wrote them a blood-curdling nastygram, and raised nearly $30,000 in donations of $3 or less from students around the world once word got out).
Atos wouldn't let them re-negotiate the contract, either. If Ashcroft High wanted out, it would have to buy it's way out. That's when I convinced the vice-principal to let me work with the AP Computer Science class to build out a flexible, open version of Fight the Power that anyone could install and run for their own student bodies, providing documentation and support. That was just before Spring Break. By May 1, there were 87 schools whose students used Ftp to organize Atos alternative food-trucks for their own cafeterias.
Suddenly, this was news. Not just local news, either. Global. Atos had to post an earnings warning in their quarterly report. Suddenly, we had Bloomberg and Al Jazeera Business camera crews buttonholing Ashcroft High kids on their way to the lunch-trucks. Whenever they grabbed me, I would give them this little canned speech about how Atos couldn't supply decent food and were taking money out of our educational budgets rather than facing the fact that the children they were supposed to be feeding hated their slop so much that they staged a mass walkout. It played well with kids in other schools, and very badly with Atos's shareholders. But I'll give this to Atos: I couldn't have asked for a better Evil Empire to play Jedi against. They threatened to sue me — for defamation! — which made the whole thing news again. Stupidly, they sued me in Illinois, which has a great anti-SLAPP law, and was a massive technical blunder. The company's US headquarters were in Clearwater, Florida, and Florida is a trainwreck in every possible sense, including its SLAPP laws. If they'd sued me in their home turf, I'd have gone bankrupt before I could win.
They lost. The ACLU collected $102,000 in fees from them. The story of the victory was above the fold on Le Monde's site for a week. Turns out that French people loathe Atos even more than the rest of us, because they've had longer to sharpen their hate.
Long story slightly short: we won. Atos "voluntarily" released our school from its contract. And Fight the Power went mental. I spent that summer vacation reviewing Github commits on Ftp, as more and more people discovered that they could make use of a platform that made fighting back stupid simple. The big stupid companies were whales and we were their krill, and all it took was some glue to glom us all together into boulders of indigestible matter that could choke them to death.
I dropped out of Ashcroft High in the middle of the 11th grade and did the rest of my time with homeschooling shovelware that taught me exactly what I needed to pass the GED and not one tiny thing more. I didn't give a shit. I was working full time on Ftp, craiglisting rides to to hacker unconferences where I couchsurfed and spoke, giving my poor parental units eight kinds of horror. It would've been simpler if I'd taken donations for Ftp, because Mom and Dad quickly came to understand that their role as banker in our little family ARG gave them the power to yank me home any time I moved out of their comfort zone. But there was the balance of terror there, because they totally knew that if I had accepted donations for the project, I'd have been financially independent in a heartbeat.
Plus, you know, they were proud of me. Ftp makes a difference. It's not a household name or anything, but more than a million people have signed up for Ftp campaigns since I started it, and our success rate is hovering around 25 percent. That means that I'd changed a quarter-million lives for the better (at least) before I turned 18. Mom and Dad, they loved that (which is not to say that they didn't need the occasional reminder of it). And shit, it got me a scholarship at MIT. So there's that.
Network filters are universally loathed. Duh. No one's ever written a regular expression that can distinguish art from porn and no one ever will. No one's ever assembled an army of prudes large enough to hand-sort the Internet into "good" and "bad" buckets. No one ever will. The Web's got 100-odd billion pages on it; if you have a failure rate of one tenth of one percent, you'll overblock (or underblock) (or both) 100,000,000 pages. That's several Library of Congress's worth of pointless censorship — or all the porn ever made, times ten, missed though underfiltering. You'd be an idiot to even try.
Idiot like a fox! If you don't care about filtering out "the bad stuff" (whatever that is), censorware is a great business to be in. The point of most network filters is the "security syllogism":
Hand-wringing parents don't want their precious offspring looking at weiners and hoo-hahs when they're supposed to be amassing student debt, so they demand that the Termite Mound fix the problem by Doing Something. The Termite Mound dispenses cash to some censorware creeps in a carefully titrated dose that is exactly sufficient to demonstrate Something Has Been Doneness to a notional weiner-enraged parent. Since all the other dorms, schools, offices, libraries, airports, bus depots, train stations, cafes, hotels, bars, and theme parks in the world are doing exactly the same thing, each one can declare itself to be in possession of Best Practices when there is an unwanted hoo-hah eruption, and culpability diffuses to a level that is safe for corporate governance and profitability. #MissionAccomplished.
And so the whole world suffers under this pestilence. Millions of times every day — right at this moment — people are swearing at their computers: What. The. Fuck. Censorware's indifference to those minute moments of suffering is only possible because they've never been balled up into a vast screaming meteor of rage.
"Hey there, hi! Look, I'm here because I need unfiltered Internet access to get through my degree. So do you all, right? But the Termite Mound isn't going to turn it off because that would be like saying 'Here kids, have a look at this porn,' which they can't afford to say, even though, seriously, who gives a shit, right?"
I had them at 'porn," but now I had to keep them.
"Look at your tenancy agreement: you're paying twenty seven bucks a month for your network access at the Termite Mound. Twenty seven bucks — each! I'll find us an ISP that can give all of us hot and cold running genitals and all the unsavory religious extremism, online gaming, and suicide instructions we can eat. Either I'm going to make the Termite Mound give us the Internet we deserve, or we'll cost it one of its biggest cash-cows and humiliate it on the world stage.
"I don't want your money. All I want is for you to promise me that if I can get us Internet from someone who isn't a censoring sack of shit, that you'll come with me. I'm going to sign up every poor bastard in the Termite Mound, take that promise to someone who isn't afraid to work hard to earn a dollar, and punish the Termite Mound for treating us like this. And then, I'm going to make a loud noise about what we've done, and spread the word to every other residence in Cambridge, then Boston, then across America. I'm going to spread out to airports, hotels, train stations, buses, taxis — any place where they make it their business to decide what data we're allowed to see."
I whirled around to face the elf, who leapt back, long fingers flying to his face in an elaborate mime of startlement. "Are you with me, pal?"
He nodded slightly.
"Come on," I said. "Let 'em hear you."
He raised one arm over his head, bits of rabbit fur and uncured hides dangling from his skinny wrist. I felt for him. I think we all did. Elves.
He was a convincer, though. By the time I left the room, I already had 29 signups.
All evil in the world is the result of an imbalance between the people who benefit from shenanigans and the people who get screwed by shenanigans. De-shenaniganifying the world is the answer to pollution and poverty and bad schools and the war on some drugs and a million other horribles. To solve all the world's problems, I need kick-ass raw feeds and a steady supply of doofus thugs from central casting to make idiots of. I know where I can find plenty of the latter, and I'm damn sure going to get the former. Watch me.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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rtpcrepair5 · 4 months ago
Exploring the Benefits of Buying Refurbished Laptops Near Me
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If you’re on the lookout for a laptop upgrade but have a tight budget, refurbished laptops are an excellent option to consider. “Refurbished” simply means the device has been returned to the seller, tested, repaired (if necessary), and then resold at a lower price. You can find quality refurbished laptops near you at reputable electronics stores and online marketplaces that specialize in restoring laptops to near-new condition. Here’s why a refurbished laptop might be the right choice for you.
Affordability with Quality
One of the top benefits of choosing a refurbished laptops near me is affordability. Refurbished models are typically priced significantly lower than brand-new ones, making them an attractive option for students, small business owners, or anyone seeking a good deal. Major brands like Apple, Dell, and Lenovo often have refurbished versions of their laptops available, meaning you can get a high-end device for a fraction of the price.
Reliability and Warranties
Reputable refurbishers conduct thorough testing to ensure each device performs well. This process includes checking the battery, hard drive, screen, keyboard, and other components to ensure they are in working order. Additionally, many refurbishers offer warranties, giving you extra peace of mind. Warranties usually cover a period ranging from 30 days to a year, so if any issues arise, you’re covered.
Eco-Friendly Option
Buying a refurbished laptop is also an eco-conscious decision. By choosing a refurbished device, you’re extending the life cycle of a product that might otherwise end up as electronic waste. This reduces the demand for new resources and the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new devices.
Finding Refurbished Laptops Near You
Many retailers and authorized refurbishers offer refurbished laptops both in-store and online. Places like Best Buy, Micro Center, and authorized brand-specific stores often have a selection of refurbished laptops. When shopping locally, you also have the benefit of inspecting the laptop in person, ensuring that it meets your quality standards.
In summary, opting for a refurbished laptop can offer significant savings, reliability, and environmental benefits. When you choose a reputable refurbisher, you can get a high-quality laptop with a warranty to suit your needs—an excellent investment without breaking the bank.
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m-feline · 1 year ago
To adapt, to survive, to live- ch 23
Silco x Freader
Tags; ACT II, business, tattoos, canon language, mentions of smut, fluff;
Previous ->
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Years had passed and things looked very different in the entire Undercity. The place was livelier than ever. The Lanes were now the center of all different and new types of augmentations, entertainment, and chemical mixtures, both good and bad.
“Anything else to report?” I asked as I walked the busy streets of Lanes. Streets, we had freaking streets now. What we had before was barely a road. And now we had cars beside carriages.
“Nothing from the houses, ma’am,” Jolynn said. Jolynn became my personal assistant when I began to run the import business on the other side of the bridge. She was raised on the street like everyone else in Lanes. But she had a brilliant memory when it came to people and who did what. So she was perfect to aid me when it came to the houses, and relaying people to my import business. She was a very solemn person but I didn't need her to be anything else. She knew how to behave if we were with a client or business partner. And when asked she always gave the facts nothing more.
“Anything regarding my new project?” I asked as I kept walking with her.
“Signed said it will be ready in a day or two but I would dare say it will be done later. He was working on other variants of Shimmer again,” Jolynn said and kept her walking phase the same as mine.
“I see,” I said knowing that my project will be delayed for at least two more days. “And my current projects?”
“People are liking the consistency of the new ink for tattoos,” Jolynn said. “We got already several parlors asking for the ink.”
“Give it first to our regulars. And tell them to charge extra. And if the motifs are bigger than an apple charge triple,” I said. “Oh, and never to use it on the face. They look great anywhere else. But someone might go blind if it goes too close to the eye. Some chemicals aren't meant for the face.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jolynn said. “As for the new eye drops.”
“We will not sell those for the tattoo parlors,” I said. “Only for augmentation parlors and repair shops. Those drops will be beneficial for those who don't have natural eyes.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jolynn said.
“Let's sit at that place, I need a cup of coffee,” I said and pointed to an augments café place. Many places like bars, cafes, and clubs were opening everywhere in the Lanes. Especially since many people from the top had gotten interested in the products. Sure, shimmer was still the biggest thing in the Lanes. But some also came to get a cool tattoo, augmentation, or a look that no one else could give them in normal ways.
My inks, drops, and oils were hit on both sides of the bridge. Jolynn even informed me that Council Medarda was interested in certain products of mine and was asking for a meeting. I was pleased to hear that. With her help, I could boost something else if I could play my cards right.
I had just received my coffee when Jolynn and I heard three guys talking behind us about their last night's happenings.
“I tell ya, the gal was screaming when she came,” One of the guys said a bit too loud. I saw Jolynn's face get dark and other patrons of the place also scowled at the table of the three guys. It was one thing for people to brag about their escapades at other places. But this café was mostly for those who needed to cure their hangover, read in silence, or have a civil conversation with business partners. One reason why Silco and I preferred this place. Mostly me, since Silco stayed in his office for work and left only if needed. But when we had our date nights, we would come to this one if we wanted a quiet after-hours drink.
“Ya sure she didn’t scream for ye face?” Another guy asked. Seriously? This place is for quiet chill, no one cares who they fucked. I saw Jolynn play her fingers with the knife on her table set. Knowing her past she hated guys like the ones behind us. She was raped and almost killed once. Because I know how one feels after such a horrible experience, I gave her a job that should keep her away from all that. And if someone is crazy enough to try it, they are lucky if they live the day after that. Besides Silco's own men, I had two guys who could spar with the twins and still do an all-nighter on the same day. And Jolynn had gotten good with her knife skills. Lace those knives with my paralyzing drug, those guys will sleep for three days straight.
Now I worried that Jolynn might use those knives, on anyone who even looked at me the wrong way. Did she get that from Silco or Jinx, I have no idea. With one glance from me, she stopped touching the knife in front of her. Soon someone else will come and tell those guys to shut up or leave. And by the looks of everyone else, those guys will wish it was the waiter and not one of the patrons.
I didn't pay attention to the three guys anymore, because my eyes spotted someone else in the café. Zain. The same Zain I let live when I had my revenge for my mother. He had a lot of nerve to show up here. If these people know he is an Enforcer he is dead meat.
“Keep the table for me,” I said as I got up and left the place. I barely heard a waiter arrive and tell loudmouths to sush it, when I went through the door outside. I turned to the left and walked some way before an empty alley appeared at my side. I heard steps behind me, but before they reached me, I turned and grabbed the collar of the man and pushed him to the alley and against the wall. With a quick move of the wrist, I made a small blade appear from my sleeve.
“You got a lot of nerve to come here,” I hissed at the man as I brought the blade to his throat. Zain looked even more pathetic than when I saw him on my wedding night. He was so skinny. People here could break him by just snapping their fingers.
“I… I… I'm not here to cause trouble,” Zain stuttered. “I-I'm just here to deliver something.”
“A revenge?” I asked bringing the blade closer to his skin.
“No, no, nothing like that…” Zain said fearfully. He looked at his bag that hung at his side. “It's in the bag.”
I let go of his collar and moved my hand to the bag. I kept the blade pointing at him while I searched the bag. There were some clothes and a package but nothing dangerous like weapons or bombs. Since the package was the only thing that seemed interesting, I pulled it out.
“It was your mother's,” Zain said when he saw me bring out the package. I saw red again and pushed him against the wall with the blade alone.
“Why do you have it?” I asked growling and my snake slithered to my face.
“Her case was closed a couple of days ago. All evidence was released,” Zain quickly explained. “This was among them.”
“Why do YOU have it?” I asked.
“Because there was no one else to collect it,” Zain said quickly. “That book was one of the reasons others went after your mother. Sam tried to get it back, but he too…”
I didn't need to hear the rest. I let go of him. The moment I did he fell to his knees and rubbed the spot where my blade had pinched his throat. While he did that I opened the package. It was a book as Zain said. Unlike my other journal, this one wasn't in code. I could detect Demacian language, old one at that. Some pages had Ionian phrases. My mother taught me Ionian when I was small, but after she died I only learned Piltovan from Sam. Demacian I had to learn from different sources due to my work.
If you looked at the book without knowing any of the languages it did look like a book of witchcraft. With all the little drawings of dragons, snakes, and plants, it looked more and more like a book of horrid black magic stuff. But if you knew the languages and, like me, had a snake as a signia, things written there were very… interesting.
“Who knows of this book?” I asked. “Has anyone tried to read it?”
“No,” Zain said. “The only people who knew about it are gone. Except me. The only one who read it, or I think has read it, were Harris and Sam. I… I took a peek but I don't know Demacian.”
“So you just brought it to me?” I asked suspiciously. “Why?”
“In all honesty, I just want to leave everything behind me,” Zain said. “I'm leaving this evening with an airship to Bilgewater. But I had no idea what to do with this. Sam was determined to get this back even after he quit the forces. I… I sort of wanted to… do the right thing.”
I sighed and closed my eyes. Seeing Zain made my blood boil. But it was thanks to him that I lived that night when my mother died. If he had told others he found me… But he was there with them when they…
“I want nothing to do with you,” I said not looking at him. “So I’ll pretend not to have seen you today. This came to me by an anonymous sender.”
“Alright,” Zain said. I didn't watch as he gathered himself and walked away. I looked at the pages as I went through them. The book may not be about witchcraft but it was definitely about magic. But nothing like Hextech. It was about the signias. My signia and the two legendary ones in particular. I took the book with me back to the café and sat back in my seat. As I drank my coffee I went through the pages. Jolynn didn't ask where I got the book or about what it was. But I could tell she was curious about it. The noisy bunch had left and the café was nice and quiet again. We sat there a good while before we headed back to the Last Drop. We went through a few details regarding the houses and what they needed as we walked. Once we got to the club, Jolynn went to get a drink while I went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for whoever had earned it today, and for my husband.
I didn't get to see him till nighttime as he had a couple of meetings as well. I had to leave the food under a cover on his desk and get back to our room.
I was in bed reading the book I got when he walked to our room. He groaned as he pulled the cravat off and began to undo the vest. I knew by the signs that he didn't have a good day, but it wasn't a bad day either.
“Tough day?” I asked as I set the book down to the nightstand.
“No, just disappointing,” Silco said as he took off the vest.
“Someone screw up?” I asked.
“Yes,” Silco sighed.
I didn't ask more. If he wanted to tell me he would. After several years of marriage, I have come to know how he was after different work days. If he wouldn't tell me he thinks it isn't worth mentioning. If he would tell…
“The shipment didn't get through the bridge this time,” Silco said as he opened the door leading to the bathroom. It was that sort of day then.
I got up from the bed put on a see-through robe and walked to the door but I didn't enter the bathroom. Silco began to do his before-bed routine, he cleaned his face from makeup, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and later he would place an eye patch over his scarred eye.
“What stopped it this time?” I asked.
“The idiot didn't do the papers correctly,” Silco grumbled as he dabbed the skin around his scarred eye with a cloth.
“Our idiot or Marcus's?” I asked leaning to the door frame.
“Our idiot. We don't need Marcus for this sort of thing,” Silco said.
“But you will need him to the Hexgates,” I said. Silco had now started to plan to send shipments of Shimmer to other places. But that was becoming harder and harder. I too had trouble with it at first, but after a long process and several checkups later I managed to get three products out of Lanes to the Piltover, and two of those were now on their way to Nexus and Demancia. And if I could get Councilwoman Medarda to invest in my products, I get one more export product and rest can be sold in the Lanes.
Thanks to my import business many companies got products that required odd but unknown ingredients. Thanks to Singed and old notes my mother left in the journal, I knew exactly what to bring in and how. The progress Day was on the way for several weeks, but people were already getting ready for it. And that meant they needed products that only I could provide. With a mix of certain ingredients, many machines and inventions worked without the nasty smell of oils or burning fumes. It was also my products that they could add color to their “advanced” decorations. All and all Piltover made themselves look even more fancy. The irony was that I aided in that. But that's how I got money to do other businesses.
“It is not easy to get something new through the bridge,” I sighed. “You need to do it in small steps first. And get someone from that side to bring it with them first.”
“You know that's not going to happen,” Silco said before he began to brush his teeth.
“Then get it through in small stashes, gather it in one place, set Marcus to keep nosy ones away, and then arrange someone to take them to a ship,” I continued. “Remember how hard it was for me to get the ingredients for the hair dye, across the bridge to this side?” Silco hummed in confirmation.
“It took a while but I did it and without needing you to call Marcus,” I said, Silco gave me a knowing glance. “Though yes, we almost went for that one too. My point is you need patience with this. And to be smart about it. And maybe pass a coin or two for the right people.” Silco finished brushing his teeth and looked at me for a moment.
“How much are you getting across the bridge?” He asked knowing the answer himself.
“On these days? More than they should allow. But that is why some of them come to this side themselves instead of me sending it to them,” I said and moved away from the door. Yeah, I was busy selling the stuff for whoever needed to make something for the Progress day. Some asked for a huge amount of ingredients and I too was having trouble bringing it across the bridge. But when it was someone from their side going through, there was never trouble in transporting the cargo. To think they had these days people to check the bridge and whatever passes from there. But it had gotten easier than before.
I thought about telling Silco what I got from Zain but as I knew his mood, he wasn't going to listen this time. Or if he did he was going to get Zain killed for coming back. No, he had too much on his mind right now. And knowing him he was going to need a way to relax. As I considered telling him about my day, I failed to see him come out of the bathroom in his briefs and walk right behind me before he snaked his arms around my waist.
“I know you are trying to make me feel better, but I rather not talk about work right now,” Silco said as he kissed my neck. “In fact, I rather not talk at all.” Yes, this is how it usually goes after a tough day.
“Surely, not all day was so bad,” I said teasingly. I can't let him have his way every day it gets tough. Which is very often. At this part, Silco usually rips and tears my nightgown off. But today I wanted to spare my clothes from such fate. “Wasn’t there anything good happening today?”
“If you don’t let me have you then no. Nothing today is good,” Silco growled annoyingly.
“So impatient,” I tutted him as I leaned against him. “You could just ask, I will gladly remove my gown instead of you ripping it into pieces like the others.”
“I don’t ask, my dear,” Silco said growling. “Not when I'm in this mood.”
“And what is your mood then?” I teased. “Are you so angry that you carry a knife to our bedroom, or are you just so happy to see me?” I said as I sneaked my hand to feel him.
“You naughty little minx, you know very well what it is,” Silco said trying to sound menacing but it failed as he felt my hand. “Take. That. Dress. Off.”
“Since you asked,” I said and turned to kiss his cheek. While I took off my sleeping gown, I saw in my peripheral that Silco went to his nightstand and put on an eyepatch. He needed that for sleeping. And we both knew that after our salacious activity, he would not get up just for one eyepatch, even if it was for sleeping. But one time I almost poked his eye in the morning so I demanded that he used it every night. But as I had said before I wasn't going to make it easy. I had removed the nightgown but left the robe on. And since it was see-through, Silco had no trouble noticing how my snake went around my hips and the head remained on my stomach.
“What are you doing?” Silco asked his menacing tone coming back.
“I took the nightgown off, just like you asked,” I said innocently.
“Yet why you are still wearing clothes?” Silco asked as he came closer. He sounded menacing but that little quirk on his lips told me he was enjoying this as well.
“It is cold, you don't want me to get sick, do you?” I said pouting as innocently as I could.
“Get that thing off so I can warm you up,” Silco said coming to stand right in front of me. This is the part where I could decide if we get passionate and hard lovemaking before lights out. But I know Silco had a busier day tomorrow and I had also a couple of places to visit, so tonight was going to be the usual.
I lifted myself to my toes and kissed him on the lips while pressing myself against him. In a matter of seconds, Silco had me in the bed towering over me, and soon he was pounding me as he did during our honeymoon. After Jinx moved to her new “room”, if I could call it a room, we had had many nights like this. Silco would have me in our bed, sometimes hard something sensually, but it always ended with both of us satisfied and tired. It also guaranteed that he won't murder anyone the next morning.
We were also a bit free to exploit more into this activity ever since Jinx found her new “room”. I call it room since it is still very close to the Last Drop. Otherwise, I'd call it her “place”. But since it is connected to the Last Drop in a couple of “ways”, I stick to the room concept.
So many things had changed since Silco and I got married. Yet the dream of Zaun still felt too far away. I know because now that the Hexgates got even more popular, the Lanes had more trouble keeping up with the commercials of the other places. I managed to get my own business to squeeze into their spot in the import businesses, but it still didn’t help Silco with his own projects.
“What products did you sell again?” Silco asked me as he lay partly on top of me, his head resting on my chest.
“You know very well what I sell,” I said tiredly after our make-out session. He must be desperate to get the Shinmer to the docks if he brought that topic to our bed.
“I wish to hear it anyway,” Silco said and kissed my collarbone. I sighed and began to list what my products were. As I spoke Silco held me tighter and made himself comfortable on top of me, so his head could lie right between my boobs.
“And how did you get them across the bridge?” Silco asked once I listed all my products. I didn't want to talk about work. Not in our bed. And since I was tired I was also a bit annoyed. The snake was barely at my face when I used my hand to grab some of Silco's hair from the nape of his head and lifted his head up from my chest.
“I don't want work to our bed,” I said with a tired and angry tone. For a very short moment, there was surprise and shock in Silco's eyes but it quickly turned into a knowing smile and his hand came to rest over mine which held his hair.
“Apologies, dear,” He said and slowly removed my hand from his hair. “I simply have no other chance to speak with you while we are both relaxed like this.”
“If it's work we can discuss it in your office,” I said.
“Oh, but we agreed we won't practice certain things in my office,” Silco said and brought my hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly. “Or in the kitchen.”
“You really want to talk about work after sex?” I asked not believing him.
“Sometimes,” Silco said and kissed my hand again. “Sometimes I simply wish to remain in your embrace and fade to sleep.”
“You are impossible to live with sometimes,” I sighed. I tried to move my hand away but Silco kept it tightly in his hand as he kissed my palm and began to move to my wrist. “Not too long ago. You didn't want to talk about work or anything else but now it's you who started the topic.”
“My mood improved, my dear,” Silco said as he kissed my wrist. “You could ask me to shut down one of my factories and take a day off, and I would oblige.”
“Really?” I asked with a hint of amusement. “If I ask for you to stop making Shimmer altogether and take off for us to have some quality time together, you would do it?”
“All in reason, dear,” Silco warned me and graced my wrist with his teeth. “Good sex gets you so far.”
“What about great sex?” I asked still amused.
“With our schedules? I doubt we have that much energy,” Silco said and let go of my hand and resumed to hug my body.
“You maybe,” I giggled and felt him squeeze me in his arms.
“Sometimes I think that signia is giving you too many advantages,” Silco sighed and was slowly falling to sleep.
“And you love it, just admit it,” I giggled and hugged him back. I barely heard a hum of an answer before Silco fell to sleep while holding me. I reached to kiss his head before I too got sleep in his arms.
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ravendruid · 2 years ago
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 8
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. This is a big one with some emotional scenes (at least for me). I know it might be a sensitive subject to some people, so I'd like to issue a content warning for mention of dead parents. I added a second warning before it starts, and after it ends, in case anyone wants to skip that part. Thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot to me <3
Greyskull Keep was first and foremost a student dormitory, even if in the shell of an apartment building, and like any other college dorms, not a lot of money and thought was put into its furnishing: the appliances were good enough so that the students didn’t have to worry about finding repairs, and the cabinets and counters built from cheap wood materials. That said, Keyleth was still glad to have a fully furnished kitchen she could cook in, even if a small one.
One of the things Keyleth loved the most about holidays was gathering her family and cooking with her dad, so it was bittersweet to see the display in front of her: half of the island was covered with an assortment of vegetables and other ingredients for the main meal, and the other half had everything that Vax needed for his pumpkin pie.
“It has been a while since I’ve cooked,” Vax admitted nervously. He had changed into an older set of clothes, albeit still black, and was wearing Keyleth’s pastel yellow apron with embroidered bees and flowers of all colors.
“It’s just like riding a bicycle,” Keyleth grinned at him as she started cutting the squash on the counter in front of her.
“Is this a bad time to mention that I don’t know how to ride a bicycle?” Vax chuckled nervously, holding the bag of flour in one hand and a measuring cup in the other.
“Oh, no.” Keyleth looked at him in amusement. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn’t learn until I was ten.” She admitted with a blush, and Vax snickered in reply.
 One of the first things Keyleth noticed as they started cooking was that Vax was really handy with a knife. The second thing she noticed about him was that he always managed to make a mess regardless of what he was doing. After Vax spilled flour and sugar on the floor a few times, his pumpkin pie was finally ready to go in the oven, and he set it aside so he could quickly clean up the mess he had made.
“Is there anything I can do to help you?” He asked Keyleth with a smile. 
“Here,” Keyleth handed him a bowl of potatoes. “Can you cut these into cubes without making a mess?”
“For you?” Vax leaned in closer, his hand resting on hers on the knife handle, making Keyleth’s stomach jump. “They will be perfectly cut and not a single drop on the floor.”
Altogether, it barely took two hours to have a fully finished meal on the table, which Vex’ahlia had decorated with napkins, candles, and a small centerpiece shaped like a black witch’s hat with purple ribbon and a wooden flying broom leaning on it. Displayed proudly in the center was the main dish, a large vegetable casserole that Keyleth had worked hard on, and around it were several other smaller sides, like gratin potatoes – which Vax had kept his word and not a single drop had fallen to the floor –, butternut squash and apple salad with dried cranberries, and spicy cauliflower rice.
“Keyleth, this is amazing,” Vex said with a smile.
“It smells so good. You did an amazing job,” Vax clapped her shoulder with a smirk. 
“T-thank you, guys.” Seeing the twins’ awed faces was a much better reward than Keyleth had ever hoped for. “Let’s eat!”
“So, Keyleth, how do you usually spend your Harvest’s Close?” Vex asked, spooning a large serving of casserole onto her plate.
“The town where I’m from, Zephrah, hosts a big, shared festival every year where all the farmers and producers of the area bring their products to sell and display. It’s a way to show everyone in town the efforts of their labor, the season’s harvest, no pun intended,” She chuckled. Keyleth started feeling some anxiety when she saw how entranced Vex’ahlia was in her story, but when she looked at Vax, who was equally, if not more, enraptured, it all vanished. Vax was looking at her with such adoration and admiration like he needed every word she spoke as much as he needed air.
“We usually have a large potluck, and everyone in town brings food and drinks. My dad and I are in charge of plant-based main dishes since we have a small community of vegetarians, and I’m always the dessert table supervisor, so I have to make sure the little ones don’t go poking their fingers in the numerous pies and cakes we have.”
“Vax used to do that when we were young.” Vex rolled her eyes at her brother, and they all chuckled. 
“Do you have any other traditions at your festival?” Vax’s eyes were glimmering, and Keyleth noticed how Vex’s head whipped in his direction in shock.
“Uh–We do,” she ignored it and continued, focusing her gaze on her plate and only glancing at Vax a few times to boost her confidence. “Besides the display stalls for selling produce and other products from the farmers, we also have artisanal sellers, games for the kids to play, and entertainment for everyone. Then when the sun sets, we light a giant bonfire and share stories and songs around the fire. And we have a large cherry tree in the center of town that we always fill with so many fairy lights, and when night comes, we light it up as well, and it almost looks like it’s daytime. When I was young, I would lay down underneath it, my stomach hurting after I ate so many desserts and candy, and I would imagine the fairy lights swinging with the breeze were the last fireflies of summer saying goodbye. It’s funny because I would always wake up in my bed the next morning, thinking it was magic, until one day when I found out that my dad would always carry me home at the end of the night because I would fall asleep under the tree.”
“You sound like you miss home a lot,” Vex pointed out sadly, to which Keyleth nodded.
“Are you going home for Winter’s Crest?” Vax asked.
“Well, yeah. We have the entire week off, and my dad would probably fly to Emon and drag me home if I didn’t go.” Keyleth joked. 
“Your dad sounds amazing, by the way.” Vex stared at her plate, petting Trinket, who was sitting straight next to her, waiting for his share of the meal.
“He’s pretty cool.” 
“Pretty cool? He came all the way over to help you move in.” Vax snickered, “That sounds like an amazing father.”
Keyleth was about to ask the twins about their father, but she noticed the warning look that Vex gave her brother, and she realized that she had never heard them mention any parents. Several questions flooded her mind – How about your parents? Did your mom teach you how to cook? What does your dad do for a living? – but by the time she decided to ask the twins how they usually celebrated Harvest’s Close, they were already enthralled in conversation about school, so she dropped the subject for later and enjoyed their company and the amazing meal.
“What the fuck was that at dinner, brother?” Vex asked, sitting at the end of her bed with a huff. 
“What are you talking about, stubby?” Vax smiled, sitting opposite of her. 
“You were drooling all over Keyleth.”
“What?” He laughed. “You’re insane, Vex.”
“Did you just laugh? I haven’t heard you laugh in months. Are you two fucking? Is that why you spent all day with her?” Vex asked in scorn.
“Keyleth and I are just friends, Vex’ahlia,” Vax’s smile fell. “Besides, you were the one who pushed me into baking that pie.”
“I didn’t force you to go get groceries with her or spend the afternoon in the kitchen cooking together. The pie takes 20 minutes to make.”
Vax rolled his eyes at her and leaned in, placing his hands on her shoulders. “We are just friends, stubby.”
“Good, because I have to share a room with her, and the last thing I need is for you to start fucking my roommate, okay? That would be so fucking awkward.”
“What about you and whitey?” Vax asked, cocking his head.
“What about it?” Vex swallowed dry.
“You two have been hanging out a lot, haven’t you?” Vax wiggled his eyebrows in amusement.
“We are just friends, brother,” Vex’ahlia said coldly, getting up from the bed.
“I’m sure he would love to be much more than that,” Vax got up and pulled her into a hug, “but if he touches you, I will have to kill him.”
“Please, I can take care of myself,” Vex sneered, looking him in the eyes.
Vax knew his sister could take care of herself, she had to do so many times before, but he also knew she loved and appreciated how protective he was towards her, especially when men were involved.
“I just don’t want him to hurt you, that’s all.”
“I’m not mom, Vax. I won’t fall for his smooth talk.” Vex pulled away from him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You’re the one who needs to be careful, brother.”
“What do you mean?” Vax stepped back in shock.
“Even the prettiest roses have thorns.”
“I told you, we are nothing but friends, and even if we were, it’s my heart, and I get to choose who breaks it.” Vax huffed in frustration, turning his back on her and storming off the bedroom.
*CW: Mention of dead parents starts here.*
Keyleth finished putting away the last of the clean dishes from dinner, turning around to see the half-eaten pie on the island in front of her. Memories flooded back to her, of meals and pies, of her and her dad cooking early in the morning, of them picking up fresh produce the day before. She furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to recall her mother’s presence in the kitchen with them, the touch of her fingers on Keyleth’s hand as she guided her through the pumpkin patch, or the glimmer of her eyes when Keyleth showed her the perfect pumpkin that she had picked from the ground herself, but all she could remember was an empty face, an empty touch, a pair of dull and cold green eyes that belonged to someone else.
The first Harvest’s Close after Vilya’s death was the hardest. Keyleth was too young to remember much of it, so all she could remember was an overwhelming feeling of emptiness inside her as if something important was missing from her life. It wasn’t until she was a teenager that those feelings started to subside, and, as Keyleth grew up, she learned to relish the moments she had with her dad, so being away from home for the first time, especially on such an important holiday, was being very painful for her – a much as she tried to hide it from the twins.
But now she was finally alone since the twins had disappeared to their respective bedrooms, and all the overwhelming feelings of the day finally rushed through her heart. Keyleth couldn’t remember what her mom looked like anymore, what she smelled like, or what her voice sounded like. She couldn’t remember the mornings when she would open the soft yellow curtains of her bedroom to let the sunlight in or how her mom would always say, “Good morning, sunshine!” as she did so. Keyleth couldn’t remember the warm chamomile tea with honey her mom would make her every night before bed or how her voice sounded rough and exhausted after a day of work as she read her bedtime stories.
What Keyleth could remember, though, was how long it took for her dad to pick up the small habits of her mother in an attempt to fill the void. She remembered how it took him months to greet her the way her mom did every morning, how he always forgot the honey until he saw Keyleth get up one night and walk barefoot to the empty and dark kitchen to add honey to her tea. Keyleth smiled melancholically at the memories of her father, exhausted after a day of work, asking her if she would like a bedtime story, and Keyleth, too scared she would forget her mom’s voice if he did read to her, had told him no, she was okay. She wasn’t okay, though, and deep down, she knew that when her dad kissed her goodnight, his heart tightened in his chest for not being able to fill that emptiness inside his little girl.
Keyleth fell to the ground with a soft thud, her back hunching against the dull cream-colored counter as she pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head between them. Her tears were warm and fast, and her shoulders shook as she tried to stifle a sob, then another one, and a third one until she couldn’t hold it anymore. 
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, and the familiar scent of soap filled her mind as she was pulled into someone’s chest, not needing to open her eyes to know who it belonged to. Vax ran one hand up and down her spine comforting her, the other tight against the back of her head, pressing her deep against his sweater. “Let it out.” He whispered barely loud enough, the air of his voice soft against her head, and Keyleth cried harder, burying her hands into his clothing and pulling him closer to her.
She didn’t know how long it took for her to stop crying. What was probably only a few minutes felt like hours, but eventually, Keyleth’s sobs turned into sighs of exhaustion, and she realized she was practically sitting on Vax’s lap, his sweater damp from where she had buried her face. He was still holding her tightly, his hand now rubbing circles on the small of her back, and his slow, steady breath puffed warmly against her hair.
“I’m sorry,” Keyleth’s voice was weak, and her eyes were still glimmering when she pulled away from him.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” his voice was soft and warm, and Keyleth wanted to bury herself into his chest and cry again. Instead, she let him pull her to her feet and drag her to the couch.
“Your sweater–”
“It’s okay,” Vax smiled at her lovingly as he sat on the couch, pulling her with him.
Keyleth sat down by his side, slightly turned so she was facing him, and Vax wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I–” Keyleth’s eyes welled with tears again, and Vax squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I miss my mom,” she finally voiced what she had been trying to hide all day, and tears streamed down again. 
For the second time that night, Vax’s arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his lap, pressing her head into his chest as he pressed soft kisses to the crown of her head. 
“I miss my mom too.” 
From the tone of his voice, Keyleth could tell he understood her pain, so she brought her teary eyes up to meet his and said softly, “I’m so sorry Vax.”
“It’s okay.” He replied with a sad smile.
“I’m here if you ever need to talk,” Keyleth nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, and Keyleth held tightly against him, feeling the hardness of his chest against her hand. 
“I know, Kiki. And I will always be here if you need me.”
*CW ends here.*
Keyleth’s heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she knew Vax could hear and feel it. She didn’t want to let go of him, and Vax didn’t seem to want to let go of her either, not from how tight his arms were around her, so she let herself cry again until exhaustion took over. 
When Keyleth woke up the next morning, it took her a few seconds to realize Vax was asleep underneath her, his arms still surrounding her tightly, and her cheeks flushed red as her heart sped in her chest. Vax felt warm and soft, and his breathing was so relaxed and slow that if Keyleth didn’t have her ear against his heart, she would have guessed he wasn’t alive. She felt comfortable with him in ways she had never felt with anyone else, so once the initial embarrassment vanished, Keyleth found herself being lulled back to sleep by his steady breathing, smiling at the thought of his arms wrapping around her, how his warm his breath felt against her hair the previous night, and how kind he was to her all the time.
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macsolutionexpert086 · 2 years ago
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Apple Product repair and service centre in kalkaji,Delhi
An Apple service center, also known as an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) or an Apple Store, is a location where customers can receive technical support and assistance for their Apple products, such as iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, iMacs, and other Apple devices.
For More Info:
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appyplanetservices · 2 years ago
Why Appy Planet Is the Best Apple Repair Services Center In Bangalore
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1. Expertise and Experience
One of the key factors that set Appy Planet apart from its competitors is its team of highly skilled and experienced technicians. They possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in handling a wide range of Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, MacBook’s, and iMacs. With years of hands-on experience, they can diagnose and fix even the most complex hardware and software issues with precision and efficiency.
Appy Planet’s technicians undergo regular training to stay updated with the latest Apple technologies and repair techniques. This commitment to ongoing professional development ensures that customers receive the highest quality of service. Whether it’s a cracked screen, water damage, battery replacement, or software glitch, the experts at Appy Planet have the skills and know-how to resolve the problem effectively.
2. Quality Repairs and Genuine Parts
Appy Planet places a strong emphasis on delivering top-notch repairs by using only genuine Apple parts. They understand that using substandard components can compromise the performance and longevity of your Apple devices. By sourcing authentic parts directly from Apple, Appy Planet ensures that your device receives the best possible care and maintains its original quality.
Moreover, their repair process follows strict quality control measures to ensure that each device is thoroughly tested before being handed back to the customer. This attention to detail guarantees that your repaired device will function optimally, providing a seamless user experience.
3. Timely Service and Warranty
At Appy Planet, customer satisfaction is a top priority. They value your time and understand the inconvenience caused by a malfunctioning Apple device. Therefore, they strive to provide fast and efficient service without compromising on quality.
Appy Planet offers same-day repairs for common issues and strives to complete complex repairs as quickly as possible. This quick turnaround time minimizes downtime and allows you to get back to using your device without unnecessary delays.
Additionally, all repairs performed at Appy Planet are backed by a warranty period. This warranty ensures that if you encounter any issues with your repaired device within the specified period, you can avail of free support and further repairs, if required.
4. Customer-Centric Approach
What truly sets Appy Planet apart is its customer-centric approach. They understand that each customer’s needs are unique, and they tailor their services accordingly. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at Appy Planet takes the time to listen to your concerns and provide personalized solutions.
Their transparent pricing policy ensures that you receive a fair and competitive quote for your repairs. You can rest assured that there will be no hidden charges or surprises when it comes to billing.
Appy Planet also values customer feedback and continually strives to improve its services. They welcome suggestions and take them into consideration to enhance the overall customer experience.
When it comes to Apple repair services in Bangalore, Appy Planet stands head and shoulders above the competition. With their team of skilled technicians, genuine Apple parts, timely service, and customer-centric approach, they have established themselves as the go-to destination for Apple device repairs. So, the next time you find yourself in need of professional assistance for your iPhone, iPad, MacBook, or iMac, look no further than Appy Planet. Trust them to restore your Apple device to its former glory and get you back to enjoying the seamless Apple experience you know and love.
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vbondsolution · 2 years ago
Best Mac Solutions Repair & Services in Noida Sector 101
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We offer the best and most affordable MacBook repair services in Delhi NCR All Locations, Noida All Sectors, We use only certified Apple spare parts and make sure your MacBook is as good as new! Consult our team for MacBook Repair Delhi NCR. Don’t wait another moment to get your MacBook serviced! If you’re experiencing any issues or problems with your MacBook Air, OR MacBook Pro, please give us a call as soon as possible! Mac Experts is here to help when things go awry with your Apple Laptop. With our team of experts, technicians, and customer support representatives, MacBook Vbond Solutions /Mac Solutions Bipin Tripathi +91-8882433412
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sp987654321 · 9 hours ago
Restore Your Mac’s Power: Reliable MacBook Battery Replacement in Bangalore for Seamless Performance
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A MacBook is a powerhouse of performance, but over time, its battery begins to degrade, leading to reduced backup, frequent charging, and unexpected shutdowns. If your MacBook is struggling to hold a charge or displaying a ‘Service Battery’ warning, it’s time for a MacBook Battery Replacement in Bangalore. Replacing the battery can significantly enhance your device’s efficiency, ensuring it runs smoothly without interruptions.
MacBook batteries usually have a lifespan of 3 to 5 years based on usage. If you experience fast battery drain, overheating, or slow performance, there is no doubt that the battery needs to be replaced. Allowing these problems to persist not only lowers productivity but also represents safety hazards from battery swelling.
MacBook Battery Replacement Bangalore requires a good and authorized service provider. There are many cheap replacement centers, but they use non-OEM batteries that can harm your MacBook in the long term. It is always better to go for an authentic service center like iPemium Care where your device will get an original Apple battery, fixed according to industry standards.
Professional centers in Bangalore employ sophisticated equipment to replace the battery safely without interfering with the other elements. A good service provider will also provide a guarantee on the new battery, ensuring your peace of mind. Most MacBook battery replacements are done within hours, ensuring that the replacement process is quick and easy. There are even some service centers offering doorstep battery replacement, taking the convenience factor to an all-time high.
Replacing your MacBook battery has various advantages. A new battery gives the original backup duration, so you can utilize your device for longer hours without charging. It also improves general performance by slowing down system lag and avoiding sudden shutdowns. Moreover, an adequately maintained MacBook with a fresh battery has improved resale value, hence a wise investment.
After you receive a MacBook Battery Replacement in Bangalore, it is essential to adopt best practices to maximize its lifespan. Do not overcharge and use third-party chargers, as they can reduce battery health. Regularly keeping your MacBook updated with the latest versions of macOS also optimizes power usage. Technologies such as battery health management, found in macOS, can also enhance battery life.
With so many repair shops around, selecting the correct one is difficult. Check for a service provider with qualified technicians, original Apple batteries, and good customer reviews. A clear pricing policy and a warranty on battery replacement show that you are in safe hands. Getting your MacBook to the right people will save you from future hassle and unnecessary cost.
If your MacBook's battery is troubling you, do not wait until it gets any worse. Invest in a Professional MacBook Battery Replacement in Bangalore and restore your machine to its optimum performance. Investing in a new battery is a small price to pay for being able to work or study efficiently without constant interruption. Do not let a battery that is dying slow you down—replace it today and get a seamless experience!
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applerepairsleicester · 1 day ago
Expert Apple Device and Laptop Repair Services in Leicester
In today’s digital world, having a functional Apple device or laptop is essential for both work and personal use. Whether you own an iPad, iMac, MacBook, or Mac Pro, encountering technical issues can be frustrating. Fortunately, Leicester has reliable repair services that can restore your device to optimal performance. If you’re looking for professional and affordable repair solutions, this guide covers everything from iPad repair in Leicester to Mac Pro and refurbished Mac services.
Expert iPad Repair in Leicester Top Service - Apple Repairs Leicester
Looking for iPad repair in Leicester? Trust our expert technicians for reliable and efficient solutions. Call: 07379…
iPad Repair Services in Leicester
iPads have become an indispensable tool for entertainment, education, and business. However, they are prone to issues such as screen damage, battery failure, and software glitches. Our professional iPad repair services in Leicester cater to a wide range of models, including iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad Mini, and standard iPads.
Common iPad Issues We Fix:
Cracked or shattered screens
Battery draining too quickly
Charging port malfunctions
Water damage repair
iOS software troubleshooting
If your iPad is malfunctioning, don’t hesitate to contact our Leicester-based repair specialists for a quick and efficient solution.
iMac Repair Services in Leicester
The iMac is a powerful all-in-one desktop computer designed for high performance. Whether you use it for design, editing, or everyday tasks, a malfunctioning iMac can disrupt your productivity. Our expert iMac repair services in Leicester provide thorough diagnostics and solutions for various issues.
iMac Repair Solutions:
Display and screen issues
Hard drive and SSD upgrades
Logic board repairs
Power supply replacement
macOS installation and recovery
Trust our experienced technicians to restore your iMac’s performance with high-quality parts and expert service.
MacBook Pro Repair Services in Leicester
The MacBook Pro is a premium laptop known for its superior performance and sleek design. However, frequent use can lead to hardware and software problems. We offer specialized MacBook Pro repair services in Leicester to keep your device running smoothly.
Common MacBook Pro Issues We Fix:
Keyboard and trackpad malfunctions
Screen replacements and repairs
Battery replacement services
Overheating and fan issues
Water damage repair
Whether you have a 13-inch, 15-inch, or 16-inch MacBook Pro, our skilled technicians can diagnose and fix any problem efficiently.
MacBook Air Repair Services in Leicester
The MacBook Air is a lightweight, portable laptop perfect for students and professionals. However, even the best devices require maintenance and repairs over time. Our MacBook Air repair services in Leicester cover all models, ensuring your device performs optimally.
MacBook Air Repair Solutions:
Screen and display issues
Battery replacement
macOS errors and software troubleshooting
Liquid damage repair
Keyboard and trackpad fixes
If your MacBook Air is facing technical issues, our Leicester-based repair center is here to help.
Mac Pro Repair Services in Leicester
The Mac Pro is a powerhouse for professionals who require high-performance computing. However, issues such as system crashes, overheating, and component failures can affect productivity. Our Mac Pro repair services in Leicester offer expert solutions tailored to your needs.
Mac Pro Repairs Include:
Graphics card and processor issues
Memory and storage upgrades
Power supply and cooling system repairs
Data recovery and backup solutions
Software optimization
Don’t let technical problems slow you down — our Mac Pro specialists in Leicester are ready to assist you with efficient repair services.
Laptop Repair Services in Leicester
In addition to Apple devices, we also specialize in laptop repair services for all major brands, including Dell, HP, Lenovo, and ASUS. Whether it’s a hardware or software issue, our Leicester-based repair center provides quick and reliable solutions.
Laptop Repair Services We Offer:
Screen and display replacements
Keyboard and trackpad fixes
Battery and charging port repairs
Windows and macOS troubleshooting
Virus and malware removal
No matter the brand or model, our experienced technicians will ensure your laptop is back in working order in no time.
Refurbished Mac in Leicester
If you’re looking for a high-quality Apple device at a fraction of the price, our selection of refurbished Macs in Leicester is the perfect solution. We offer fully tested and certified pre-owned MacBooks, iMacs, and Mac Pros with a warranty for peace of mind.
Benefits of Buying a Refurbished Mac:
Cost-effective alternative to new models
Fully tested and certified for performance
Warranty and customer support included
Eco-friendly and sustainable choice
Available in various configurations to meet your needs
Upgrade your Apple experience with a reliable refurbished Mac from our Leicester store.
Why Choose Us for Apple and Laptop Repairs in Leicester?
When it comes to Apple device and laptop repair services in Leicester, we stand out for our professionalism, expertise, and customer service. Here’s why our customers trust us:
Certified Technicians: Our skilled experts specialize in Apple and laptop repairs.
High-Quality Parts: We use genuine and premium replacement parts for durability.
Quick Turnaround: Most repairs are completed within a few hours or the same day.
Affordable Pricing: Competitive rates without compromising quality.
Warranty on Repairs: All services come with a warranty for peace of mind.
Contact Us for Expert Repairs in Leicester
If you need professional iPad repair in Leicester, iMac repair services, MacBook Pro repair, MacBook Air repair, Mac Pro repair, or laptop repair, we’re here to help. Visit our Leicester repair center or contact us for a free consultation.
Let us restore your device to peak performance — your trusted repair specialists in Leicester!
Related Post: Comprehensive Apple & Laptop Repair Services in Leicester
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istoredubai0 · 8 days ago
Comprehensive Apple Device Repairs and Data Recovery in Dubai
In today’s fast-paced digital world, Apple devices have become an integral part of personal and professional life. Whether it’s an iMac for work, an iPhone for communication, or a RAID storage system for critical data, keeping these devices in top condition is essential. If you are looking for expert repair and recovery services in Dubai, you have come to the right place.
Expert RAID Data Recovery in Dubai
Losing valuable data can be a nightmare, especially when it involves RAID storage systems. RAID configurations are commonly used for businesses and professionals who require high data security and redundancy. However, these systems are not immune to failures caused by hardware malfunctions, software corruption, or accidental deletions.
Fortunately, there are professional RAID Data Recovery Dubai services that specialize in retrieving lost files from various RAID levels, including RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10. Experts use advanced techniques to reconstruct and recover data, ensuring minimal downtime and preventing data loss disasters. With state-of-the-art technology and experienced engineers, businesses and individuals can safely restore their crucial files.
Reliable iMac Repair Services in Dubai
Apple’s iMacs are known for their sleek design, powerful performance, and long-lasting build quality. However, like any electronic device, they may encounter issues over time. From screen flickering to slow performance, overheating, or hardware failure, timely repairs can extend the lifespan of your iMac.
With top-tier iMac Repair Services Dubai, customers can expect thorough diagnostics, high-quality replacements, and expert solutions. Certified professionals handle everything from motherboard repairs to hard drive replacements, software upgrades, and virus removal. Whether for business or personal use, ensuring your iMac operates at its best is crucial for productivity and efficiency.
Finding the Best iPhone Screen Replacement Near You
A cracked or damaged iPhone screen is a common issue faced by many users. Since iPhones are essential for daily communication, social interaction, and work, a quick and reliable screen replacement service is necessary. Searching for iPhone Screen Replacement Near Me leads to various repair options, but choosing a trusted service provider ensures durability and quality.
Certified technicians use genuine Apple parts to replace screens, ensuring your device functions as good as new. Whether it’s a minor scratch or a completely shattered display, prompt service prevents further internal damage. Many professional repair centers also offer same-day screen replacements, allowing users to continue using their devices without long waits.
Why Professional Apple Repair Services Matter
When it comes to repairing high-end Apple devices, istore dubai expertise and quality should never be compromised. Here’s why opting for professional repair and recovery services is beneficial:
Certified Technicians – Trained professionals with expertise in Apple products ensure precise repairs.
Genuine Parts – Using authentic components maintains device performance and longevity.
Data Security – Proper handling of personal and business data ensures confidentiality.
Warranty and Support – Reliable service providers offer warranties for repair and replacement services.
Finding trusted professionals for Apple device repairs and data recovery is essential for maintaining seamless digital experiences. Whether you need RAID Data Recovery Dubai, iMac Repair Services Dubai, or iPhone Screen Replacement Near Me, reliable experts ensure high-quality solutions. With skilled technicians, genuine parts, and cutting-edge technology, customers can enjoy hassle-free repairs and data recovery services in Dubai.
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idestinyapplerepaircenter · 21 days ago
Reliable Apple Repairs at iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow
Apple devices are known for their premium build, seamless ecosystem, and high performance. However, even the best technology requires professional maintenance and repairs at times. If you own an iPhone, MacBook, or any other Apple device, finding a trusted Apple Repair Center Lucknow is crucial. That’s where iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow comes in – your one-stop destination for professional Apple repairs and services.
Why Choose iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow?
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Apple devices demand expert handling due to their intricate design and unique software ecosystem. At iDestiny, we specialize in servicing all Apple products with precision. Our certified technicians ensure that every repair follows Apple’s high standards, maintaining the integrity and functionality of your device.
Here’s why iDestiny stands out:
Certified Apple Technicians: Our team comprises professionals trained in Apple’s repair protocols.
Genuine Apple Parts: We use authentic Apple components to ensure the longevity of your device.
Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of your devices, so we aim for fast and efficient service.
Comprehensive Repairs: From screen replacements to motherboard issues, we handle everything.
Affordable Pricing: Quality repairs at competitive rates.
Apple MacBook Service Center Lucknow – A Dedicated Hub for Mac Repairs
MacBooks are powerful machines, essential for professionals, students, and businesses alike. If your Mac is running slow, facing hardware issues, or needs a battery replacement, visit our Apple MacBook Service Center Lucknow. Our services include:
MacBook Screen Replacement – A cracked screen can be frustrating. We offer quick screen repairs using original Apple displays.
Battery Replacement – If your Mac’s battery drains quickly or doesn’t hold a charge, we provide genuine Apple battery replacements.
Keyboard & Trackpad Repairs – Unresponsive keys or a malfunctioning trackpad? We can fix it.
Logic Board Repair – We troubleshoot and repair complex motherboard issues.
macOS Installation & Software Support – From macOS upgrades to software troubleshooting, we help keep your Mac running smoothly.
Common Issues Fixed at iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow
Apple users frequently encounter common device issues that require professional repair. At iDestiny, we provide solutions for:
iPhone Issues We Fix:
Cracked Screen Repairs – Get your iPhone’s screen replaced with an original Apple display.
Battery Problems – If your iPhone is draining quickly, we provide genuine Apple battery replacements.
Water Damage Repair – Accidentally dropped your iPhone in water? We can help.
Face ID or Touch ID Issues – Get your authentication features working again.
Charging Problems – If your phone is not charging, we diagnose and fix the issue efficiently.
iPad Repairs We Offer:
Screen Repairs – Broken or unresponsive touchscreens can be fixed quickly.
Speaker & Microphone Issues – We restore audio clarity for seamless usage.
Camera Malfunctions – Whether it’s a blurry camera or a non-functional lens, we can fix it.
Software Issues – Need a system reset or software upgrade? We’ve got you covered.
MacBook & iMac Repairs:
Startup Issues – If your Mac won’t turn on, we diagnose and repair it.
Overheating Problems – We clean internal components to prevent overheating.
Storage & Data Recovery – Recover lost files and upgrade your storage.
Screen & Display Problems – Whether it’s a flickering screen or a dead pixel, we repair it.
Hassle-Free Apple Repairs – How to Get Started
At iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow, we’ve streamlined the repair process to make it simple and efficient for you.
Step 1: Contact Us
Reach out to our team via phone or visit our service center to discuss your Apple device issues.
Step 2: Diagnosis & Repair Estimate
We conduct a thorough assessment of your device and provide a transparent cost estimate before proceeding with repairs.
Step 3: Professional Repairs
Our expert technicians carry out the necessary repairs with genuine Apple parts.
Step 4: Quality Check & Delivery
Before handing back your device, we perform rigorous quality checks to ensure it functions perfectly.
Why Genuine Apple Repairs Matter
Using unauthorized or low-quality parts can impact your device’s performance and void your warranty. At iDestiny, we only use genuine Apple components, ensuring your device remains in optimal condition.
Customer Satisfaction is Our Priority
We take pride in our customer-first approach, providing high-quality Apple repair services with integrity and transparency. Our aim is to ensure that your Apple devices function flawlessly for years to come.
Visit iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow Today!
Whether you need a quick iPhone screen replacement, a complex MacBook repair, or software support, iDestiny Apple Service Center in Lucknow is the trusted choice for Apple users. Experience expert repairs, top-notch customer service, and genuine Apple parts all in one place.
Don’t let a damaged device slow you down. Visit us today and get your Apple product working like new again!
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