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appetite4savage · 10 months ago
Perfectly Content (Drabble/Mini One-Shot)
My heart is beating as hard as the rain is bouncing off my window outside.
It was the only sound in the room aside from the sound of scratching tree branches against my house.
“You know, if your heart pumps any harder, it may just pop out of your chest.” I heard from behind me.
Little does he know he’s the cause of it.
This was his first time in my bed. We’ve only been on two dates, but it feels like we’ve known each other for a lifetime. We haven’t gotten intimate yet, but we’re not trying to force anything. This “taking it slow” thing is all new to me. I made it abundantly clear to him that I wanted something real.
I turn to face him. His eyes still glimmer in the dimness of the room. “Sorry.”
He reached up and brushed my hair out of my face and rested his hand on my hip. He didn’t respond, just gave me a small smile.
I moved over to snuggle into the crook of his arm. He held me closer.
“I had a good time tonight.” He says, rubbing my back. Every hint of feeling him on my skin is sending shockwaves through my body.
“I did too.”
“Maybe we can make this an everyday thing?” He laughed.
“I’d like that.” I smile against him.
“Let’s do it.”
My heartbeat finally slowed down, and I felt more relaxed than I’ve been in weeks. There is nowhere I’d rather be than right here in his arms.
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midsummereve1993 · 2 years ago
can you write mick and readeer cosplaying as kermit the frog and elmo? idk i think it would be fun and cute and lovely and nice <e3
Here we go anonymous, hope you like it. I knew nothing about cosplaying, so I went with what I watched and found out upon research.
@youlightmeupfinn @appetite4savage @valeriiecameron @niksixx @la-undercover-latina
Mick mars
He was doing what.
July 8 2002
Nikki looked at his phone for the ten thousand time hoping to hear back from Mick but to no avail which made him frown, "still no response from Mick yet Vince said leaning up to look at Nikki and tommy. "No and I done messaged him and called him but each time he doesn't pick up or respond, "dude mick has be Mia for ten days and no one has heard from him and his children assure us he is still alive but this isn't like him Tommy said looking to his two bandmates with worry in his race. All the time they have known mick he has aways be on time and not once be late but now him not responding to messages or call raised a red flag, "you don't think he is geting tried of us do you Vince said as nikki shook his head.
"No dude he isn't because he would've told us," Nikki said looking at his bandmates, "well why don’t we go check on him then I mean It wouldn't hurt right Tommy said as he stood up and grabbed his coat before the other two followed him out the door. A few hours later they pulled up to Mick's house and looked around, "nothing out I'd the ordinary or a reason to be worried Vince said looking around before they walked down the steps and knocked on the door, a few minutes Vince turned back to his bandmates with his eyebrow raised. "No one answering and we knocked so I guess it was all for nothing Vince said before he noticed Nikki walked up to the door with Bobby pins.
"Dude what are you doing Vince said looking at nikki with wide eyes, "you said it yourself we knocked and no one answered so I am taking matters into my own hands. "By picking the door dude mick will kill you Vince said as nikki rolled his eyes, "relax dude everything will be ok. "Mick or Cherry could be hurt and if we leave without finding out that is something I don't want to regret," Nikki ssid as he finally got the door opened. "How the hell did you learn to do that or better question when did you find the time, "Don't worry about that dude let’s just get in nikki ssid as they all walked into the house.
As the looked everything seem to be in order and nothing was out of place, as they walked into the kitchen they nothing out of place and started up the stairs, "dudes really yall just gotta walk up there without worry tommy said standing at the bottom of the stairs with wide eyes, "yeah becsude mick is out bandmates and cherry is his wife so we need to make sure there ok Vince said as him and nikki walked up the stairs as tommy stayed where he was. Nikki and Vince checked all the rooms until there was only one left and they heard giggling and music which made them both turn to look at each other.
"Do you hear that Vince said looking to nikki who nodded his head, "Yep sure did but why does that music sound familiar nikki said as they walked up to the door and opened it and both of them saw something they wished they had. Mick dressed like Kermit the frog was kissing cherry who was dressed as Elmo making both men's eyes widen out of their eyes sockets, "my gosh Mick thus was a fantastic ideal cherry said feeling Mick kissed her neck before her eyes trained on the door and her eyes widened. "OH MY GOD" she said, making Mick lean back and Cherry jumped off the bed as Mick finally followed her eyes, "WHAT THE HELL GUYS he said to his two bandmates who quickly shut the door and raced down the stairs.
"Oh great, just another thing they can hang over my head," Mick said looking at his wife who was laughing. "Don't worry honey because judging by the looks on there faces I doubt they want to talk about it cherry said laughing at the shocked looks on there faces , "there faces were pretty funny and I say let's torture them for a bit mick said laughing as they changed out of the Costumes and heading downstairs.
Meanwhile nikki and Vince were still shocked by what they saw, "dude what happened up there because You ran down the stairs like the house was on fire. "Dude please Don't make us stay it, "mick was dresses up as Kermit the frog and cherry was dressed as elmo and they were kissing Nikki said as vince banged his head on the table, "what are you three Idjits doing here mick walking into the kitchen and looked at his bandmates. "Dudd we messaged and call you but you didn't respond to our calls so we come to check on you but now I wish we hadn't Vince Said unable to get the slight out of his eyes at what he saw up in the bedroom.
"Yeah because I turned my phone off so I could enjoy some time with my wife but apparently I can't because three idjits are standing in my kitchen. Mick said feeling angry that they messed up the plans he and Cherry had made, "honey they were only worried about us that is normal. "Look guys, we 're sorry we didn't answer but we told stormy and les that we were gotta be busy and you could have talked to them and they could have gotten in touch with us cherry said looking at the three men who were looking anywhere but at her. "But why was yall dressed like that, "my eyes are forever indebted with that slight nikki said as he look at mick bt only saw him as Kermit the frog
"Well boys, have you heard of cosplaying?" Cherry said, looking at all three men who were looking at each other, "not really but I never want to see that again," Vince said as he rubbed his eyes. Everytime he closed his eyes he saw Mick dressed as Kermit the frog kissing Cherry who was dressed as Elmo and it made him sick. "Well boys let me enlighten you on the subject of cosplay cherry said taking a seat and looking at all three men, " cosplay is the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game and engaging in activities such as a comic con or some other things cherry said and watched as all three men turned red.
"Wait, "do you mean to tell me that yall were spicing up yall sex life tommy said looking at Cherry and mick who were smiling like they won tye lottery, "TOMMY DUDE Vince said not wanting to think about mick having sex as Kermit the frog. "What did I say Tommy said looking at his two bandmates who were pale, "what you said so now we have the images of mick and cherry having sex as Kermit the frog and elmo. "But dude the Muppets and sesame street was the bomb, "ow Tommy said as he felt two slaps on his chest. "Dude please shut up nikki said looking at tommy who looked like a kid in a candy store.
"Oh come on you idjits it perfectly normal and I was having the time of my life until you three messed it up and I lost the spark, " Mick please we already have a hard time looking at you without seeing you as Kermit. "Ok guys enough torture cherry said looking at her husband and back to tye three men, "yall can go and she has never seen them run so fast in there life as she turned back to see her husband laughing. "Come on baby, "let's go finish helping Kermit and Elmo put out the fire, Mick said as he led his wife up the stairs and giggled along with her.
Meanwhile all three men were walking away from the hosur trying to think of the activities that were happening right now, "let's vow never to bring this up tommy said to his two bandmates who shook their heads and continued walking down the sidewalk.
A few weeks later mick showed up dressed in green and all three men nearly threw up at the slight, from that point on the boys couldn't look at mick without picturing mick dressed as Kermit and that would lead them to having nightmares.
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make-me-your-animal · 2 years ago
Favorite color: maroon
Currently reading: the body by Stephen King
Last song: naughty boy by girl
Last series: I don't have a long enough attention span for series probably supernatural like 3 years ago
Last movie: a documentary on strippers or bohemian rhapsody
Currently working on: thousands of projects that will probably never be finished. Writing, paintings, gardening.
Currently thinking about: no thoughts brain empty
Tags: @wasted-my-time @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi @appetite4savage
Thanks for tagging me again @somanywords 💛
Favourite colour: purple
Currently reading: nothing, but I'm trying to find something that'll get me back into reading historical fiction, and any recs are welcome!
Last song: Astronauts - Simple Plan
Last series: Good Omens 2! The brainrot is real!
Last movie: Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? One of my favourite French comedies!!
Currently working on: part 9 of my fic series, and worldbuilding for an original writing project (that's what the historical fiction thing is about actually)
Currently thinking about: I might have tenosynovitis in my right wrist, which would be really really bad for basically everything I like to do 🙃
I feel like I might be starting to annoy people with these, so I'll make it an open tag. If you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged ✌️
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appetite4savage · 1 year ago
Your Heart or Mine (Rick Savage)
Here’s a little snippet for you all. I hope you all have had an amazing year - I have some fun things planned for 2024. 🥰
The tension had been building between us all day. We both knew we fucked up when we let the other walk away. “I’m done for real this time!” Yeah, right.
I’m not sure who came crawling back the fastest, but it didn’t matter at this moment. We were here now.
The warmth of his breathy pants against the back of my neck as he held me was a reminder of what we had just done, along with various articles of clothing spread across the room.
How many times will we go on like this? This is exactly why two people with big egos shouldn’t be allowed to be together. Something about him just pulls me back in every time.
He looks at me with those stupid big eyes and suddenly I’m under him again. It’s a terrible cycle.
I don’t even know what started the fight this time.
“If you think any harder, your brain will explode.” He whispers in my ear, running a hand down my exposed side.
“Shut up.”
“Admit it. You don’t want to leave.” He chuckles.
I turn to face him. That stupid fucking smirk and those stupid fucking doe eyes make me want to smack him.
“How do you have this impact on me? Why can’t I just stay away?”
His hand brushes by my face, pulling a strand of hair away from it. “Because you love me as much as I love you, sweetheart. We have no control over who steals our heart.”
The words that just came from that beautiful mouth of his make me want to melt into a puddle beneath him.
“You’re right.”
He pulls me closer and puts his lips on mine, eventually pulling me on top of him. He chuckles again between kisses. “I always am.”
Here we go again.
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midsummereve1993 · 2 years ago
@youlightmeupfinn @valeriiecameron @ali-r3n @la-undercover-latina @appetite4savage
Warnings cuteness and fluff.
A/n please let me know how I am doing, I have worked hard on these stories and just want to make sure that they are good and that yall love them.
First words
March 22 2005
Firsts words
Vince walked into the room to see his wife Sitting on the floor working their one year old daughter. He couldn't believe it had been one year since she had been born and she held the band together. His daughter had three members of motley crue wrapped around her finger and she had no idea, he heard a scream and looked to see his daughter's blue eyes on him making him smile. "Hi Charlotte he said getting on his knees to give her a kiss making the Young girl try and grab his hair.
"You can't eat that silly girl but are you ready to see your uncles?'' Vince said, picking her up and heading out the door with his wife and daughter to head to the studio. Upon. Arriving Vince saw his daughter's eyes widen when she realized where they were, since she had been born she loved the studio but Vince knew it was because of the music and the sounds it made.
As they entered the room Mick was the first one to see them come in and rushed over to take Charlotte into his hands, Vince smiled at the sight of his bandmate holding his daughter. Since she had been born to him and her bond that made him light up, Vince knew Mick thought of Charlotte as his own which made the man happy knowing If anything happened to him and rain there daughter would be taken care of.
"You never have your daughter when Mick is around,'' Tommy said, coming over to give Vince a hug and looking at the man, "yes but I'm happy because I rather My daughter be happy than be sad.
"Has she said her first words yet Nikki said coming up to Vince and stood beside him looking at Mick and Charlotte.
"Not yet but she's close, "she's been trying to say words but nothing has come out yet but it won't be long. "Rain thinks it's going to be mommy but I believe it was going to be daddy, '' he said laughing because he wanted his little girl to say Dada first. "Mick I hate to do this but it's time for her feeding rain'' said coming over to Mick and holding her hands out as he places the little girl in her arms and watches them disappear.
"Ok let's get started,'' Vince said, coming over to the sound booth and beginning to work on the song they were writing. Rain soon appears and puts Charlotte on the ground in front of the couch and turns to walk over to the booth to watch her husband. Charlotte saw her mom leave and set her eyes on the person she wanted and when she did she coos but nothing so she did the only thing left to do.
"Micky micky Charlotte said, making everybody freeze and turn to the young girl in the room, "what did baby girl Vince say looking at his daughter? "Micky micky she said holding her hands out to mick making him laugh and come over to her and pick her up. "That's my buddy, Mick said laughing when he noticed Vince fave. "shit man, I've been trying to get her to say Dada for the longest time.
'Shit shit Charlotte said, making rain glare at her husband, "great now she also knows a cuss word rain was coming over to mick and kissing her daughter on the head. "That's my baby girl knowing what she wants,'' she said laughing as the young girl cuddled up to her uncle and fell asleep.
That day Vince learned one thing and that was he would have to compete with mick for his little girl heart but he didn't care, he was grateful for mick and everything that he did but years from now mick would forever remind him that she said mick name first.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
700 Miles Away (Rick Savage)
The feeling I get when he leaves for tour is the same every time. Dread, loneliness, all the bad feelings.
Waking up alone is different than waking up with his chest to my back, his hand resting on my hip. I haven’t slept at all from missing him so much.
My work alarm blares at 5:30 sharp in time to interrupt my thoughts.
I groan as the cold air hits me with full force as I get out of bed. Usually, Sav already has my morning coffee made. He always remembers to preset the machine the night before but I never do. It’s the little things like that which make me miss him so much more.
As I’m wandering around our house, I get the craziest idea.
What if I met him at the show tonight?
Reality hits me for a minute. I have to work. And the show is 700 miles away.
I could always call in sick, right?
The next thing I know, I’m on a flight to meet him at the show tonight. When you love someone, sometimes you just have to make an impulsive decision.
A two hour flight later, I’m here.
Sav gave me a pass that allows me into every show, should I decide to come to any. So getting in will not be an issue. I can’t wait to see his face when he notices me in the crowd.
I wait at the barricades along with the rest of the eager fans. Little do they know, the bassist is all mine.
Finally, a countdown starts to signal the show is about to start.
The opening chords of Hysteria begin. The band walks out one by one, with Joe walking out last. They’re much too in the zone to notice me yet.
After the song ends, Sav looks up and his eyes meet my own, prompting them to start gleaming. His eyebrows furrow, and his mouth forms a big, shocked smile.
Joe catches this and follows the direction of where he’s looking, only to be just as surprised.
“Well well, looks like we have a special guest out there in the crowd tonight.” Joe winks. “Only Mrs. Savage in the flesh!” He nudged Sav with his elbow, then points to me.
The girls around me give me the worst glares I’ve ever received. I blow the boys a kiss and Sav pretends to catch it, which really sends them over the edge.
I make my way backstage after the show. Suddenly, I’m entangled in some strong arms.
“Have you lost your mind?” A familiar voice whispers in my ear. I spin around to meet the blue eyes I’ve missed waking up to.
“As far as my boss knows, I have the flu.” I smile, faking a cough.
“Playing hooky, eh?” He smirks before pulling me closer. His soft lips connect with mine and suddenly everything is right in the world.
“Can’t be away from you for too long.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Quiet as a Mouse (Rick Savage)
Warning: adult content!
Someone requested a Sav version of my infamous one shot Don’t Make a Sound, so here we are… 👀
“That went well, I think.” I say as I close the door to our bedroom and kick off my heels. “Your mom didn’t make passive aggressive comments about my weight this time.”
Interactions with Sav’s parents never quite go the way we intend them to. His mother has never been my biggest fan from the moment we met. I thought she was going to explode when we announced our engagement a few months ago.
When I turn to face my bed, Sav is leaned up the headboard. He’s giving me a look I’m all too familiar with.
“What’s on your mind, Savage?” I cross my arms, smirking at him.
He walks over, slinking his arms around my waist. “Did you have to wear this tonight?” His hands inch higher, until they reach the zipper.
“Your mother is right down the hall.” I raise an eyebrow.
He puts his lips to my ear, “You know I can’t resist this one ending up on the floor…” His tone is low and raspy.
He tugs the zipper down as he pushes me towards the bed. The satin material falls around my ankles, leaving me in just the lacy set Sav gave me on my birthday.
A light chuckle escapes his mouth as he inspects me. “You did this on purpose.”
“Maybe I did. You can’t prove anything.” The smirk on my face widens. He interrupts me unbuttoning his shirt to pick me up and throw me on the bed.
“You’re asking for it, my love.” He pulls off his shirt and races to undo his belt.
Left in his boxers, he joins me amidst the thrown back covers. His lips all but attack mine as he climbs on top of me.
He bites down on my collarbone so hard that I’m sure it will leave a mark tomorrow. Nothing a little concealer can’t fix.
“Sav!” I whisper-yell, making him laugh against my chest.
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” He looks up at me with those beautiful lust-filled blue eyes before continuing to make his way down my body.
My skin tingles as his pointer fingers slide under the lace bands to slide them off of me. He pulls off his boxers, and realigns himself with me.
“Are you ready?” He asks, and I nod.
I sigh as he pushes inside of me. My fingers entangle in his thick curls, which are never out of place.
He groans as my grip gets tighter and tighter as his pace quickens.
A gasp escapes, louder than I intended. Sav quickly places his hand over my mouth.
We both finish, collapsing in the pile of blankets and sheets.
“Well, that was interesting.”
“You’ve never been so quiet.” He teases.
“Shut up.”
The Next Morning
“Good morning, kids.” Sav’s mother announces as we walk in the kitchen.
“You’re up early.” Sav says questionably.
She turns her back to us to pour a cup of coffee.
“Couldn’t sleep. Kept hearing a rumbling noise. I think you might have a mouse.”
Sav and I look at each other, trying to resist erupting in laughter.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Panic (Duff McKagan)
Warning: mentions of panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts
The rain pitter-pattering against our metal roof is enough to have me nearly falling asleep on the couch. Duff wanted to take a long shower to relieve himself from a long day of recording the newest Guns N’ Roses album with the guys.
I had just dozed off when I was awoken by the sound of a loud thump coming from the bathroom.
Running down the hall as fast as my legs allow me to, I burst into the bathroom.
I find my husband in the fetal position on the shower floor, the water still running.
“Duff? Duff! Are you okay?”
I switch off the water and pull him out of the shower to wrap a towel around him. His eyes are bloodshot from the tears pouring from them.
“I- I’m- I’m sorry.” He stutters.
“Shh, baby you need to breathe.”
He nods.
“In, out.” I run my hand along his back as he does the breathing exercises we practiced.
I start humming as he lays against my chest. Music always seems to calm him down.
“You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray…”
He sits up, and looks at me, blinking as his mind comes back into clarity.
“You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away…”
“Thank you.” He smiles, putting a hand on my cheek.
“What triggered this one, Duff? You’ve been doing so well.”
“It’s embarrassing.” He shakes his head.
“I started spiraling after thinking about how I don’t deserve you.”
“Do we have to have this conversation over and over again?” I laugh.
“You know I need constant reassurance that you’re fine with the craziness that is my life.” He pouts.
“I know what I signed up for when I married you. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
“You really mean it, babe?” He looks up at me with those big puppy dog eyes he knows I can’t handle.
“I mean it.”
“I love you, idiot.” I laugh, leaning my forehead against his.
“I love you too.” His nose brushes against mine as he connects our lips.
Suddenly, a loud crack of lightning breaks us apart.
“I guess that’s our cue to get dressed and go to bed.” I laugh.
“Or… not?”
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Bitter (Joe Elliott) Part Two
Warnings: language, adult content
Joe’s POV
The album recording process went exactly as I expected it to. Mutt asking for perfection, the band working to the bone, and avoiding her like the plague.
I walk to the quiet room just to escape for a moment while we have reached a stopping point.
With my eyes closed, I lean back onto the couch. I hear the door open and close but absentmindedly ignored it, assuming it was probably Sav who needed a break too.
My eyes fly open, and I get up from the couch at the speed of light. “Get the fuck out.”
“Joe, I-“
“I have NOTHING to say to you!” I growl.
“Can you please just shut up and let me speak for five minutes?” She speaks up. This is the most I’ve ever seen her stand up for herself.
“Go on then, if it’s so important that you have to interrupt my quiet time.” I roll my eyes, sitting back down on the couch.
“I know it’s not enough, but I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking that night.” She begins.
“Don’t bullshit with me. You’ve had eyes for him since you were kids. And the feeling was mutual.”
“Joe, his tongue was down ten other girl’s throat after that.” She admits. “He pushed me against the wall, I swear.”
My eyes grow wide. “That motherfucker.”
“I did love Danny. I’ll always be grateful for everything he did for me. But he will never be you.” She says, sitting down on the couch next to me.
My breath catches in my throat at the sight of her being within arm’s reach.
“How do I know it won’t happen again?” I look her in the eyes.
“I cut off contact with him completely. He moved to South Africa with his latest whore.”
“You’re serious?”
“Completely. If you would have let me get two words in I would have been able to tell you sooner.” She smiles.
The room is silent for a moment other than me clearing my throat.
“Perhaps I should have let you explain yourself.” I mutter.
“That’s right. The little green monster just took over, didn’t it?” She teases, putting a hand over my knee. My body tingles at the feeling of her soft hands on me.
We slowly move closer to each other, to the point where her face is so close that I can feel her breath on my lips.
Our lips were millimeters from connecting when the door flew open.
“Elliott! Get back in here!”
“What’s gotten into him?” Rick whispers to Sav.
“He must’ve gotten into a bit of of Mary Jane.” Sav chuckles, elbowing him in the chest.
“Alright, enough. We’re on a deadline here fellas.” Mutt commands.
I’m unable to focus thinking about what just happened. After months of perceiving her as the devil I almost kiss her? Just like that? My younger self would be so disappointed in me, falling to a woman’s mercy like that. But she isn’t just any woman.
“Joe?” Steve snaps his fingers in front of my face.
“I said, what do you think about re-recording Hysteria.” Mutt sighs.
“But we’ve already done it twice!”
“Your high notes just aren’t quite where I want them to be.” He adds.
“Okay, since some heads aren’t in the game anymore, we can call it a day. Go home and rest.” Mutt says in defeat. At that, we all exit the studio.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Bitter (Joe Elliott) Part One
Someone requested an enemies to lovers story with Joe Elliott - so I decided to make this a multiple part story. This is going to get good!
Warnings: language, adult content
Joe’s POV
“You can’t be fucking serious.” I spat.
“She’s coming, Joe. Whether you like it or not.” Mutt responded.
“Of all the people you could’ve hired to be our assistant, why would you choose HER?” I grumble.
“She’s more than qualified for the job. You’ll just have to put your pride aside for the next few months.” Mutt shrugged, and walked out the door.
A few months earlier
“Joe, stop it.” She gasps between words. She hates being touched, let alone tickled. I love the way her cheeks flush to a bright red.
“And if I don’t?” I smirk.
“I’ll tell Sav you flushed his prized comb down the toilet.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” She has a smug look on her face.
“You can be such a little devil.” I roll my eyes before leaning my head down to kiss her.
All of my problems fade away as soon as the taste of her cherry chapstick reaches my tongue.
“We should get ready for tonight.” She says as we part.
“Or… we could skip the show and stay home.” I wriggle my eyebrows.
“Danny will kill me! He’s looked forward to this for months. We have to go.”
“He is your best friend. You’re right.” I release her from my arms and allow her to get up.
We make our way to the venue where Y/N’s friend Danny and his band Twisted Fate are playing tonight. They’ve been friends since they were babies and she’s always supported his ventures.
“Danny!” She calls out to a man clad in more leather than cows can even produce. He turns around and his eyes beam as soon as they meet hers. She runs up and gives him a hug.
It takes everything in me to push the pang of jealousy that comes over me away.
“You remember my boyfriend Joe, right?” She points to me and I give a slight wave.
“Of course. What’s up, man?” He holds out his hand for me to shake, which I do. “Well, I have to get inside but thank you guys for coming out. Y/N, do you want to say hello to Marcy?”
“Oh yes I do! Do you mind Joe?” She looks at me with pleading eyes.
“Not at all. I’ll just meet you inside, love.” I peck her lips before entering the venue.
Minutes turn into hours, and she hasn’t come back yet. I’ve made the barstool a bit too warm for my taste.
I decide to go check on her, and immediately regret that decision.
As I walk down the hall I find her pressed against it, with that asshole’s tongue shoved down her throat.
“Un fucking believable.” I mutter.
She breaks away from him and looks at me in horror. “Joe, i-“
“Save it.”
I haven’t seen her since that day. Her friends picked up her things from my place and after that I disregarded every attempt she made to contact me.
The walk to Mutt’s office takes me a bit longer today. I’m usually the first one there, but I know what’s waiting for me when I get there this time.
Begrudgingly, I push open the frosted glass door.
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Mutt laughs. Except I don’t hear a word he’s saying.
Upon entering the room the first thing I do is lock my eyes with hers. The same coastal blue eyes I left behind and vowed to never look into again.
Sav awkwardly clears his throat while I pass her without a word to sit next to him. He taps my knee lightly.
Mutt continued rambling. “So anyway, Y/N will be joining us while we’re finishing up the album to help us out. Consider her your personal assistant.”
“Happy to be here.” She smiled. Shivers ran down my spine at the very sound of her soft voice.
This is going to be the longest album process of my life.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Yours for the Weekend (Phil Collen)
Loosely inspired by The Weekend by SZA
Request from: @wasted-my-time for a Phil one shot ❤️
I knew about his reputation before we started this. Do you think that stopped me? Absolutely not.
“Fuck!” I yelped as he found it in his best interest to test the depths of my insides.
“That’s exactly what I like to hear.” He smirked before lowering his head to whisper in my ear. “It means I’m doing something right.” I shivered at the sudden raspy, deep tone.
I know I’m not his only girl. He just sees me a couple days out of the week.
But I know I’m his favorite.
I make him lose his mind every weekend.
He likes to take control - but he likes it when I do too. I smirk before flipping us over.
“Easy, cowgirl.” He says between breaths, resting his hands on my hips as I rocked back and forth.
I watch with satisfaction as his eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure. I could look at this sight in front of me every day. Just knowing that I’m able to make him do that, it’s an amazing feeling.
“Pick up the pace?” I ask, and he just hums in response.
Before I knew it, he released a low, gutteral growl signifying his release.
I sigh as I fill up with his warmth. The feeling in my belly leaving me full.
I kiss his forehead before pulling off of him, collapsing onto the bundled up covers.
“Stay the night?”
I was a bit shocked he asked this, knowing one of his other prospects usually shows up the next morning. Just means I was doing what I intended to.
“Of course.”
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
This Guitar (Joe Elliott)
enjoy this short little fluffy drabble I randomly thought of 🫶🏻
Tick, tick, tick
The clock moves slower and slower as I wait for Joe to come home from rehearsals. I swear, they get longer every time.
Just as the little hand on the clock lands on the 12 to signal it’s midnight, I hear his car rumbling outside. Shortly after, the door opens and shuts with a slight slam.
Oh no. I know that look.
Something didn’t go his way or someone pissed him off. Probably both.
He collapses onto couch next to me, not uttering a word.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” I sweep his mop of hair away from his face to reveal his frown.
He looks up at me and mutters, “Phil told me that I play guitar like a teenage girl.”
I try to hold back my laughter as much as possible but ultimately lose this battle after watching his bottom lip poke out even farther.
“Joe, he was just messing with you.”
“He wasn’t. He made fun of how I hold the guitar so close to my chest.” He crosses his arms, amplifying the fact that he looks like a toddler.
“I think you’re very cute when you play.” I say.
“Cute? You think I’m cute when I play? By god, he was right wasn’t he!” His face turns three shades of red.
“Joe. If you played like a teenage girl, you wouldn’t have written those incredible songs for me.” I try to console him.
“I guess you’re right. I did write some great songs.” He lifts his head to look at me. “Thank you.”
“Any time.” I begin to lean over to kiss him and his instrument-worn hands grab mine.
“Phil can talk all he wants, but I landed you, so who’s the real winner here?” He smirks. I roll my eyes just as our lips connect.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Raindrops and Road Trips (Joe Elliott)
Joe fluff requested by @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi 🫶🏻
“I can’t believe you talked me into driving to New York instead of just flying.” Joe shook his head, looking over to me and back at the road. He starts bopping his head to the rhythm of Highway Star as it plays on the radio.
“You know I have to keep you on your toes.” I smirked, squeezing his hand that has rested on my thigh for half of the drive.
Just as he’s about to make a snarky remark, the sky suddenly falls out. The road is no longer a clear path in front of us due to the raindrops piling up on the windshield. The once sunny array of light in front us is now a dark and cloudy mess.
“Babe, I have to pull over.” He says, pulling into the parking lot of a gas station that has long closed.
“Well, now what.” I ask as he moves the gearshift into park.
“We wait for the rain to calm down.”
“I have an idea! Let’s play song association.” I suggest.
“Alright, sure. We can pull words from the book you were reading.” He suggests, pointing to the half-read novel poking out of my bag.
I get it out, scouring the pages for a word. “Golden.”
“Golden Age of Rock N’ Roll.” He says proudly.
“Of course.” I giggle, rolling my eyes as I pass him the book. I should have expected that his first song pick would be by Mott.
“Back in the Saddle. Easy.”
“I knew I fell in love with you for a reason.”
We got so into the game that we hardly realized that the skies had cleared around us.
“I think it’s cheating to use your own song, but whatever.”
“Hey, if it fits!” He shrugs dramatically. “Oh look! The storm passed.” He points at the sky.
“It did! No we can get back on the road.”
“I have the perfect tape for this.” He pulls out a single that has ‘On the Road Again’ written on it.
“You are such a dork.”
“A dork with excellent music taste. That’s why I was the clear winner of the game.” He says proudly.
“Oh what EVER!” I smack him on the shoulder. “It’s because you were picking impossible words like Lobster!”
“Don’t pout.” He pecks my pouting lips quickly before pulling out another tape. “Let me introduce you to this band called The B-52s, that have this great song called Rock Lobster. Then we can talk about how I won the game fair and square, baby.”
People warned me about dating a lead singer. Perhaps this is why….
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Raging Green Eyes (Joe Elliott)
are we ready for a little angsty post-breakup joe? thanks for the request @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi ❤️
Joe’s POV, 1998
It has already been a month since we broke up. She caught me during one of my less ideal moments. I’m not trying to excuse my actions, but sometimes we get so caught up in the rockstar life that we forget this is real.
I loved her. Hell, I still love her. I still see her face when I close my eyes.
We started off as a fling. She became our tour manager shortly after the release of Slang.
We’d meet each other in an empty room and make love before, after or sometimes during a show. We had quite the routine going until we both realized we wanted more.
“Aren’t you getting tired of doing this on old couches and bathroom countertops?”
“I’d settle for the woods just for you, babe.”
Two years of never separating, hips glued to each other, my arms always around her in some form.
And I, the major fucking idiot, threw it all away.
For what?
The first bird I encountered on a drunken night out.
One Month Ago
“Phil, I do not feel like going out tonight.” I said into the phone, tangling the cord around my fingers. I have a beautiful girl waiting for me on my couch and intend to stay right there.
“Come on, Mate! It’s the last day off of the tour!” Phil pleaded.
Suddenly I felt a warm hand latch onto my shoulder. “You should go. You haven’t spent much time with the lads lately.” She whispered.
“Oh, alright. I’ll be there in 20.”
After entirely too many vodka cranberries I decide to rest in one of the corner booths in the pub we picked. I had just put my head on the table when I felt someone slide in beside me.
I raise my head, blinking to clear my vision to the best of my ability. A girl. Hardly over 18, I’m assuming.
“Hi, I’m Abby.”
“Hi.” I groan.
“You’re from that band, right?”
An annoyed chuckle escapes from my mouth. “That would be me.”
I kept ordering tequila shots to drown out the whiny voice next to me. I lost count after 8.
The next thing I knew, my tongue was down her throat.
Little did I realize that Y/N decided to surprise me at the pub at that very moment.
I will never forget the look on her face when she left and never came back.
Present Day, 1998
I was about to begin another one of my hate myself and stay in bed days.
That is, until Phil burst in my bedroom and ripped open my curtains.
“It burns.” I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.
“Christ, Joe.” He pulls off my blankets and I begrudgingly open my eyes to meet his glare. “You look like hell.”
“Seriously, man! You have to pull yourself together!”
“No need. No purpose in life anymore.”
He rolls his eyes. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t ya think?” He crossed his arms across his chest in signature Phil form.
It’s like having another mother. 4 of them, actually.
“Be dressed in ten minutes or I’m pouring ice water all over you and the bed.” He huffs, heading out my door.
“Alright, Phil. What’s the deal?” I call out as I walk down the stairs after getting dressed.
Much to my dismay, the other mothers made their way over too.
“What is this?” I motion to my bandmates.
“We’re just worried about you ‘sall.” Rick says, calmly.
“I’m fine!”
“You’re not. You haven’t showered in days and you’re always in bed. You’ve been late to rehearsals a million times.” Sav spits.
“You all try losing the one thing you lived for!” I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes.
“About that, we actually have someone here who wants to talk to you.” Sav points at the kitchen.
I turn around, and what I see nearly knocks me off my feet.
She lifts her small, always soft hands to wave.
“Y/N, I know I’ve said it a million times, but-“ I start as the door closes behind us.
“I know, Joe. I forgive you.” She interjects.
“You what?”
“The last month has been absolute hell without you.” She gives me a half-smile.
“The feeling is mutual.”
I slowly walk closer to her, grabbing her face with my hand. “I swear to you, I will never let you go.”
“No more tequila shots for you.” She laughs.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Warm and Comforting (Vivian Campbell)
Request from @oneluckygirl ~ bubble bath with viv 🥰
this is just really cute and fluffy. no warnings for this one!
My favorite evening activity is wasting away in the bath after a long day. Sometimes I stay in there for hours without even realizing it. When the water gets too cold, I just refresh it and continue on until my skin starts to wilt.
The room is being lit only by the candles I have surrounding the room. Much more relaxing than the harsh overhead light.
Today was a particularly hard day. I had two doctors appointments back-to-back. Usually I’d prefer to only handle one big task per day, but I figured I’d just get them over with.
Vivian is due home anytime now. The promo tour for Definitely lasted longer than we expected. I’m ecstatic for the fans to see how it turned out; but I’d also love my man home for a while.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even hear him come in.
Looking over at the doorway, I spot the curly-haired Irishman that was on my mind seconds before.
“You look comfortable.” He grins, leaning up against the doorframe.
“Quite.” I slink my shoulders lower into the water.
“Mind if I join you?” He steps forward.
I watch contently as he strips of his clothing and slides in at the other end. Luckily, our tub is the size of a small pool so we can both fit comfortably.
I poke his chest with my foot. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Glad to be home.” He says as he starts to rub the foot I rested on his chest. “How were the doctor appointments?”
“They went alright. They can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with me.” I close my eyes as I lean back.
“Well, I’m here to make it better now.” He smiles.
I’ve always loved his smile. His big, toothy, adorable smile. It always makes me feel at home.
He leans over to give me a kiss before pulling me over to his chest. If I could, I’d stay right here in this moment forever.
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appetite4savage · 2 years ago
Hot Blooded (Joe Elliott)
Request: meeting Joe backstage turns into a romance
When I decided to buy myself tickets to meet Def Leppard, I didn’t think about the part where I’d actually have to… speak to them.
My hands are clammy. My pulse is racing. I feel like I could make one wrong move and fall to pieces. The last thing I need to do is embarrass myself in front of them.
I turn around to go back to my seat, but I bump into someone.
“Oh, sorry.” I collect myself and look up. It’s Joe Elliott.
He flashes his million dollar smile at me. “No problem, love.”
This can’t be real life. This isn’t happening.
“Where are you headed?” He asks.
“I, uh. Um.” I try to come up with words but my brain isn’t working properly.
He looks down at the lanyard around my neck. “Oh, I see. You’re VIP. You can just follow me if you’d like.”
I nod and he walks beside me down the hallway. His hand is on my back. I’m sure he can feel my heart nearly leaping out of my chest.
“Here we are.” He leads me into a large room. The rest of the band is there, along with the other VIPs.
“Who do we have here?” Sav smiles at me from his spot on the couch. He has his arm around a tall blonde.
“I’m Y/N.” I say shyly, and everyone else introduces themselves.
I can feel someone looking at me. I look over to see Joe’s green eyes blazing into my skin.
After a while of chatting with everyone, Joe pulls me to the side.
“I’m sorry if this sounds a bit forward, but do you want to go to my dressing room? It’s getting a bit crowded in here.” He asks at a lower volume so everyone can’t hear.
“Sure.” I nod, and we sneak out to his dressing room.
His dressing room is small, but complete with a vanity, leather couch and tv.
“Have a seat.” He motions to the couch.
I nervously shift to the edge and sit down with him following behind me. I try leave a bit of space between us.
“You know, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.” He laughs. “I’m kidding. I do want to know more about you, though.” He shifts to face me.
“There’s not much to tell you, really. I’m an only child, moved here when I turned 18.”
He seems genuinely interested in what I’m saying. “So you’re a fan of the band, obviously. How’d you get into us?”
“When I first moved here, I caught your gig at one of the local clubs. I only knew a song or two but from that moment I was hooked.” I can feel a blush from embarrassment rising to my cheeks and I lower my head to let my hair fall to my face.
“Hey, no shame in that.” He lifts my head with his finger, brushing my hair out of my face. “Our club playing days were great times.” He pauses, leaning closer to my face.
Our lips were just about to connect when a loud voice came from the other side of the door.
“Elliott! Show time!”
He closes his eyes, shaking his head. “Damn it.”
I start to get up, but he grabs me by the arm. “So I’ll see you after the show, yeah?”
Nervously, I nod. “Sure.”
During the whole show I felt like it was just Joe and I in the room. He’d wink at me quickly, showing off his best moves.
The show ended just as quickly as our moment was interrupted before.
I walked out of the venue, waiting for Joe to come out. Minutes felt like years until finally a familiar head of blonde hair came outside. I let out a sigh of relief.
“I thought you forgot about me.”
He chuckles, “What kind of dog do you take me for?” He holds out his hand for me to grab, leading me down the street only illuminated by streetlights.
“A handsome one, unfortunately.”
We walk in an old diner as it is the only thing open at this hour and sit down at a booth in the corner.
After a couple hours, everyone leaves but us.
“It’s too quiet in here.” He announces, headed to a jukebox on the other side of the room. A few minutes later, music plays through the speakers.
“Well, I'm hot blooded
Check it and see
I got a fever of a hundred and three
Come on, baby, do you do more than dance?
I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blooded…”
He walks back over to the table, holding out his hand to me and smirking. “Dance with me.”
“Joe, I have two left fe—“ Before I finish, he pulls me out of the booth and spins me around.
“Now you move so fine
Let me lay it on the line
I wanna know
What you're doin' after the show?”
“Did you pick this on purpose?” I laugh at the irony of the lyrics considering how we met.
He doesn’t answer, just keeps moving and singing along to the music.
“Tell me, are you hot, mama?
You sure look that way to me….”
When the song ends, we collapse into each other’s arms, giggling.
The waitress walks over and smiles, “Okay, lovebirds. Diner closes in ten minutes.”
We nod and pay for our food before walking out the door. What a night.
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