#apparently we have 100 hours of staffing we didn't use cause we don't have enough people
killerchickadee · 2 years
No call/no shows are a huge problem at both my jobs???? Like. Just call.
Nobody at the brewery is going to give you shit, they'll just go ok and move on. But people nc/ns ALL THE TIME and it's the same people and honestly after so many times you shouldn't be working there anymore. Calling in, whatever, not calling is fucking rude and irresponsible.
And at my other job I had to talk to two people about scheduling today, like a cashier just straight up didn't come in, and when we called her she was like "I was scheduled but I can't come in cause I have school." Ok, that's totally fine and I'm not going to give you shit for it, but you should let us know??? I was just like, "Cool but next time there's a scheduling issue give us a heads up please." The other guy wasn't a nc/ns so it's not entirely relevant to this post but he told me his family planned a last minute vacation so he can't come in at all next week. And I thanked him for letting me know ahead of time, but also... like, ask for time off ahead of time. Your family plans a vacation a week out? I don't find that likely but whatever. He does truck unload so now I have to figure out what to do with that.
I'm 100% not going to be the boss who gives you shit for calling in or taking time off. But for gods sake please be respectful about it.
I'm probably running the store all alone this weekend (!!!!!!) and I'm like oh god please show up everybody.
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