#apparently he’s voiced by Ford Riley himself so that’s cool
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According to the wiki, Sumu’s apparently a Tanzanian red clawed scorpion, which is weird cuz he the only thing that’s red are his eyes, but that’s it. No redness anywhere else. I looked up some other venomous scorpions and I think he may be a hybrid of that and either an Emperor scorpion (which he resembles the most) or another species called a Rough thicktail scorpion, hence the black claws. Though he just says he’s a Tanzanian red claw and nobody questions it cuz why tf would you question a deadly killer?
Very few animals know about Sumu being a hybrid, which would be the skinks, a few other scorpions he’s met (including his many siblings), and Kenge
Speaking of which, they’re besties. They’re both venomous creatures that are smaller than everyone else, but still instill fear in just about everybody
The main reason why he was deemed “bad” was cuz that’s how everyone pretty much described him all his life. He was told something along the lines of “scorpions don’t make friends except with each other” and when he tried to debunk that, animals just ran away from him assuming he was gonna sting them for no good reason. They thought scorpions like him poisoned animals just to do it. Eventually, Sumu gave up on making friends and was like “If they say I’m bad, then so be it”
“They want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I’m the bad guy.”/ref
He never had any ill will towards Simba tbh. He was just doing his job as an assassin. It wasn’t personal. It’s just business.
This one is pretty canon, but I like how he gives off “quiet kid” vibes if you know what I mean
The skinks have taught him to spy on the other animals. Now he knows what everybody’s up to (and their weak points)
The Skinks:
I have one headcanon for Shupavu, Njano, and all the other skinks and it’s that they’re little shits who lowkey take advantage to Kenge and Sumu acting as their personal bodyguards. Like they will purposefully piss you off, then when you chase after them, they run behind/near Kenge and/or Sumu and now you gotta deal with a scorpion and a huge venomous lizard. They are UNTOUCHABLE.
-Actually, scratch that. I got another hc: Njano is basically the Hodari of Kiburi’s float, except he doesn’t hold the title of an “honorary crocodile”. He’s just tags along for the ride.
Kiburi’s grown to like the little guy. He may be a little annoying and kind of a goofball, but he’s smarter than he looks and Kiburi respects that. Njano may not be able to help in a fight like Hodari can, but he’s like the ultimate hype man (lizard). He’s literally over there cheering from the sidelines.
It’s kinda funny to look at the similarities between Hodari and Njano: they’re both small lizards, they’re both positive and optimistic, they’re both yellow and blue….I’m just saying
Honestly, I was not prepared for Sumu’s voice in his episode. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really cool and it suits him. But the minute I heard him speak, I was like

Headcanons about (mostly) the Outlanders cuz I think I’m going back to my Lion Guard phase
Like I said in a previous post, they’re basically the next generation of Shenzi’s clan
Also like I said, Chungu appeared out of nowhere. He’s most likely an orphan who was fortunate enough to meet Janja and Cheezi and they’ve been together ever since
All of Janja’s clan have been friends since they were all cubs and they’ll stay like that forever :)
Nne is the best singer out of all of them (mainly cuz he’s voiced by Beau Black, who sang “Here comes the Lion Guard”)
Oh, and he was SUCH a mama’s boy. Always hoping he’d make his mama proud
It took Tunu and Wema a while to get used to Janja and his clan, but when they did, they absolutely adore Chungu and Cheezi. The two hyenas who they thought were bad turned out to be really nice
Jasiri sometimes turns to Nne and Tano for advice and even takes their suggestions on how to hunt. She appreciates their intelligence a lot more than Janja did (although he kinda likes to brag about them cuz they were in HIS clan after all)
I know I saw a comic on Deviantart about how Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, and the rest of the clan left in the first place because they were scared of Zira and what she would do to them when they found out who REALLY killed Scar. And you know what? I 100% agree with it
And yes, they all came back when they discovered Zira died. It was a very wholesome and emotional reunion. Everyone cried tears of joy, everyone’s parents were alive and well, they all caught up, it was adorable
Chungu would eventually notice he doesn’t have anyone to reunite with and goes off on a little journey to find his parents, not knowing he doesn’t have any and despite not remembering much about his childhood. It’s okay though, with the help of some animals that he meets (and some VERY obvious signs from Ushari’s ghost watching over him), he comes to realize that his clan are all the family he needs
Also holy shit, this could be a really good fanfic-
Pua used to be exactly like Makuu when he was younger, which is why he has faith in him and believes he’ll learn with experience. Needless to say, he was right.
And for the record, he thinks Makuu’s doing great :)
Pua keeps up with all the gossip in both the Pride and Outlands. Being banished from the float gave him some benefits (and he’s doing just fine)
Being the friendliest croc in Africa, he’s become sort of a grandpa figure to everyone. He even pays his former float (and Kiburi’s) visits sometimes to catch up. Even Kiburi enjoys his company
May or may not be hard to believe, but Makuu and Kiburi used to be pretty close, especially when they were little. They were inseparable, telling each other everything and sparring with one another. It wasn’t until adulthood when Kiburi realized Makuu was always one-upping him in every way and it made him feel second-rate. And no one wants to feel second-rate. Pretty soon, he managed to get some obsession for beating Makuu…just once. He wants to be better at Makuu at one thing. It’s all he ever wants
Some crocs are more prone to showing emotion than others and Kiburi is the toughest one to crack. Super rare seeing Kiburi show any emotion other than annoyance, but it’s possible when you really get to know him
He’ll never say it out loud, but Makuu lowkey thinks about the past often. He sometimes misses the simpler times when he was young and didn’t have to worry about being a leader or having some of his float go with his now rival. Now he has no choice but to look forward. A lot of animals change. He did, maybe the other crocs would too…maybe he and Kiburi could even be friends again
Kiburi actually cares deeply about his float, since he considers them his true friends for sticking by his side. Being…well…himself, he hides it well and claims he’s indifferent towards them. Just know when he says that, he’s straight up LYING
Crocodiles know how to sing, a lot of them just choose not to unless it’s for special occasions like Kupatana. Kiburi has never sang in his life, but boy can he rap. If crocodiles or anyone else in the animal kingdom did rap battles, Kiburi would win every single one of them. He is THAT good.
Mzingo and his parliament have been friends with Shenzi’s clan for ages, which is why Shenzi trusted him to raise Janja and the other hyenas when they were cubs. And Mzingo did just that
He’s never had to deal with kids before, so wasn’t the best parent. But goddam did he try his absolute best
Mwoga is totally in a relationship with the harrier hawk, Mpishi and everyone else lowkey makes fun of him for it
Being the most sane, the vultures are usually the ones who have to witness everyone else’s antics. They’re always greeted with a “Morning!”
Like Mzingo would catch the hyenas having a dance party for no reason then Janja locks eyes with Mzingo and is like “….Uh…morning, Mzingo!”
Yes, that’s a Bluey reference
They might be/have been menaces to other animals, but they’re the African version of the Heeler family from Bluey. Super wholesome, super adorable, and whenever you see them, you’re like “awwwww”
Dogo is a mama’s boy. There, I said it
GoiGoi is like Bandit with his pups. He’s very committed to his role when he’s pretending to be the prey during training…when he isn’t sleeping
Sometimes, GoiGoi talks in his sleep and the subject is always about Reirei…it gets really awkward really fast
Dogo and his siblings annoy the living hell out of everyone by asking too many questions that refuse to let you sleep at night…or questions that are too..personal for them to get a straight answer (ex: “why don’t you have a mate?”)
They’re surprisingly very good friends with Tunu and Wema….except they can be bad influences
Reirei may be sassy, but she’s got the warmth of 1,000 suns to her friends. She’ll always be there when you need her
Oh boy, here it goes…
So since female monitor lizards lay 8-50 eggs, I’mma say Kenge had a LOT of older siblings and they all had to care for each other until each of them could fend for themselves. Kenge happened to be the runt of his sibs. The last one to hatch and the smallest of all his brothers and sisters
Kenge was NOTHING like the hateful lizard he is now. He was a doormat, a sweetie, he genuinely smiled, he wanted to make friends. Unfortunately, that just made everyone see him as weak
Being the youngest and smallest, he was often picked on by all of them. Pushed around, had his tail stepped on, called a butt load of horrible nicknames regarding his size, you name it. And it wasn’t just his family, it was every other animal he met! They all just talked down to him and always referred to Kenge as “the little lizard” instead of using his real name. And he hated it each time they used it
He met Ushari at a young age and they’ve been best friends ever since…Kenge’s only friend, actually. Ushari was really the only one who understood him (being constantly disrespected his entire life) and the entire reason why Kenge finally stood up to himself. Kenge misses him so much
Thanks to Ushari, Kenge decided it was time to stop all the intense bullying when he grew up a little. His bully this time was a young leopard (maybe a young Mapigano or one of Makucha’s friends idk). The leopard had purposefully stepped on his tail saying “Watch it, little lizard!”. That was the breaking point. Kenge bared his teeth and bit the big cat on the leg, hard. Everyone else who was laughing wasn’t laughing anymore. Kenge demands the leopard and everyone there call him a big lizard from now on or else…and it worked! Word spread out pretty quickly not to mess with the monitor and everyone finally left him alone! He had to admit, he kinda likes being feared by the other animals. There’s something so satisfying about it. He obviously didn’t really expect everyone to be scared of him, but whatever works ig
His siblings finally started respecting him, but he went off on his own cuz he doesn’t want any more of their toxicity. The eldest told him that he can’t survive by himself when he’s that young, but he managed so take that!
Kenge usually doesn’t like making friends. He doesn’t want to get attached just so he could get stabbed in the back by animals talking shit about him. It’s happened before. Having said that, he’s managed to befriend the skinks and Sumu. Since he stays in the Outlands, he started talking to them and found them to be surprisingly chill (Yes, even Sumu). Now he’s super protective towards them and would absolutely go mental if you try to hurt them. He’s not losing his friends again
He co-exists with the other animals in the Outlands. As long as no one bothers him, he’s respectful towards you
Post all the events in TLG, he’s doing a lot better. He’s become a tad more open minded and has even become a little nicer to animals who are nice to him. He’s starting to get more in touch with his younger self. Not a doormat, obviously, and he still hates being called little…but he smiles a lot more now and is less hateful of everyone. And he knows that Ushari’s looking out for him in the afterlife
#kenge and sumu are my characters at this point#also i love my skink hc jdhdhg#sumu’s voice caught me so off-guard tho#apparently he’s voiced by Ford Riley himself so that’s cool#the lion guard
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