#apparently defined by American conservatives as the movement of wanting public utilities to not suck ass
archivlibrarianist · 10 months
Florida joins conservative states severing ties with national library group
And why are they doing this?
Details on their snowflakiness after the jump.
"...The agency in charge of Florida’s public libraries issued a new rule in October forbidding any grant activities tied to the American Library Association, a 150-year-old organization that aids thousands of libraries across the country with training and funding.
"The move by the DeSantis administration puts Florida in line with a cadre of Republican states and lawmakers leveling scrutiny on ALA, labeling the group as 'toxic' and a 'conduit' for exposing children to pornography — claims refuted by the organization and its supporters."
And why did they do this?
"Conservatives in a growing number of states, including Alabama, Wyoming, Missouri, Texas and now Florida, have severed affiliations with the ALA, in part over the group choosing a new president, Emily Drabinski, who in 2022 tweeted that she’s a 'Marxist.' "'I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary,' Drabinski posted on social media after she became president of the group. 'I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity! And my mom is SO PROUD. I love you mom.' "She later deleted the tweet and was shocked at the backlash over it. "Conservatives also raised concerns about a library bill of rights from the association that opposes efforts to restrict access to books based on age, a nonstarter in states that are attempting to limit what content is available to students in schools, particularly surrounding sexuality, gender and race."
So they're offended that:
The ALA doesn't think they should make decisions about who gets to read what,
That the elected President of ALA is a lesbian
That said elected ALA President additionally believes that the workers should own the means of production.
A piece of ALA policy that has been around for literally 84 fucking years.
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