#app moto jam
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elasticback · 7 years ago
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Minibike holding it down with the big boys. Fastest Z50 I’ve seen. Appalachian Moto Jam. 
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rintihan-galau · 4 years ago
Ini post akan menjadi kenang kenangan kelak kalo brand saya, Safardina, udah sukses.
Sekarang belom, tapi ya suatu saat kali. Bikin postnya dari sekarang. Kalo udah sukses baru mengenang susah payah merintis dari nol, hmpfh, itu mah udah mainstream. Mending dari belom sukses saya cerita susah payah merintis dari nol.
Jadi saya punya brand hijab di IG @safardina.treasure (yang punya instagram, ayo follow, ga beli gapapa yang penting berkontribusi nambahin followers saya).
Baru launching, masih belom ada apa apanya lah. Ibarat hamil, ini masih masa masa harus minum penguat kandungan karena rawan keguguran.
--ngeluh ngeluh mulai bagian ini--
Mulai dari desain hijabnya, packagingnya, ekstrasnya, terus foto foto, bikin iklan, IG post, konsep karakter, gambar gambar, semua saya yang pikirin, saya yang kerjain. Suami saya tiap diminta bantuin, katanya ga bisa, ga ngerti, ga ada jiwa seni, pokoknya ga lah, never say never. Kontribusi suami saya ya jadinya paling buat nganter paketnya ke ekspedisi.
Saya ngga pake fotografer/model karena beberapa alasan (takut ngga sreg, takut ga masuk budgetnya, takut corona juga, dll) jadi saya kerjain sendiri. Modelnya saya, fotografernya suami, set di rumah samping cucian. Udah mana suami bener bener ga bisa moto. Capek saya ngeditnya.
Kalo ada yang nanti komen: "kok ga ada mukanya?"
Ga ada mukanya aja ngeditnya 4 hari 4 malam, gimana ada mukanya? Corona ilang baru launching tu katalog.
Di sini saya bener bener capek, mungkin harusnya saya bikin ini ada partnernya. Mungkin saya harusnya reseller aja. Mungkin saya harusnya punya karyawan buat urusan desain dan sosmed (karena itu yang paling capek). Mungkin saya harusnya beli aja desain, template, atau nyomot nyomot ini itu ga mikir sendiri biar ga capek.
Tapi saya orang yang menghargai copyright, saya berhati hati banget untuk ga menggunakan gambar, musik, bahkan font yang tidak free for commercial use. Bahkan yang free for commercial use tapi harus pake attribution pun ga saya ambil karena saya bingung ngasih attributionnya gimana. Daripada nanti pemilik karyanya nuntut gimana? Kan ga ada yang tau kalo misal brand saya jadi gede terus tiap postingan saya di masa lalu ditelusurin netizen. Kayak Awkarin gitu. Males kan saya kalo keluar duit buat sewa lawyer.
Beberapa hari terakhir ini saya malah belajar marketing. Tadinya pake paid promote tapi hmm ternyata kurang nampol. Akhirnya saya coba pake instagram ads/facebook ads. Pusing belajar CPM CTC CTR dan segala macem buat ngiklan tapi ternyata kesuksesan lewat iklan juga tidak semudah itu, Samsuri. Budget cuma secuil, tweak iklan sana sini.
Kenapa ga endorse selebgram?
Ya Allah, kalo budget banyak mah udah saya endorse Selena Gomez sekalian.
Udah mana saya ga pernah main FB, ya. Ya Allah sarjana IT dari institut terbaik bangsa tapi mau bayar FB ads aja dari malem ampe jam 2 siang baru tau caranya. Malu saya ama dosen yang udah ngelulusin.
Effort yang saya keluarkan buat ini tuh bener bener besar dan melelahkan karena ya, itu, saya ngelakuin semua sendiri. Berapa kali minta bantuan suami tapi ybs tidak menunjukkan inisiatif untuk membantu. Misalnya pas saya minta dia jadi fotografer, itu kalo saya gak ngirim ngirim link teknik fotografi dasar mungkin dia ga bakal baca.
Lagian kan jualan ga semuanya soal seni, ya. Ga ada jiwa seni masih bisa dong bantuin hal lain, cari vendor box kek, listing influencer kek apalah, toh buanyak sekali hal yang perlu dilakukan, banyak yang perlu dipelajarin. Tapi tidak dilakukan juga. Tiap hari dia main IG ama youtube. Daripada nonton review gadget yang ga bakal kebeli juga, kenapa ga nonton tutorial pasang FB ads? Susah emang kalo ga ada panggilan jiwa.
Saya tipe orang yang berkeyakinan kalau saya belajar, saya bisa, meskipun ga jago. Yaudah saya aja, biar cepet. Marah-marah kan juga buang energi. Kalau yang diandalkan nggak mau jadi orang yang bisa diandalkan, saya ngandelin diri saya sendiri aja.
Alhamdulillahnya, saya bisa desain, nulis, ngonsep, riset, pemasaran, sosmed, IT, segala macem saya bisa (belajar). Jadi sejauh ini ya saya. Cuma saya ini cuma seorang, tangan saya cuma dua. Jadi kalo semuanya saya, udah pasti capeknya berlipat lipat ganda. Tekanan ke mental saya juga berlipat ganda, jadi gampang stress.
Belom lagi menghadapi orang orang yang minta gratis. Kalian pikir ini hanya cerita dalam dongeng yang dibesar besarkan pekerja kreatif?! Tidak, kejadian orang orang minta gratis ini benar benar dialami olehku. Minta gratis katanya hitung hitung promosi, jiaaahhh promosi ke siapa followers aja cuma 38.
Btw, saya mau ngaku dosa. Gatau ngaku ke siapa karena kalo ke Allah, pasti Allah juga udah tau.
Saya main Faladdin. Itu lho, app yang ramalan.
Sebenernya saya juga ga nganggep itu ramalan, lebih ke buat motivasi saya aja. Abis hasil ramalannya bagus bagus mulu kayak, kamu bentar lagi naik jabatan, suamimu akan naik jabatan, kamu akan mendapat income berlimpah, usahamu akan sukses dalam 7 minggu, kamu harus percaya diri.
Memang muluk sekali. Mana naik jabatan lagi, mustahal bat. Tapi bagi saya yang lagi capek dan capeknya belum terbayar, saya perlu dibilangin kayak gitu biar pandangan saya ga suram suram amat.
Agak sedih, ya. Dah biarin aja, biar girang.
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa saya main aplikasi ramalan meskipun tujuannya begitu 😭
Saya berterima kasih banget sama temen temen yang udah support saya dan bisnis kecil saya. Yang beli, yang promoin ke orang, yang retweet, yang like, yang follow, yang share, yang doain, pokoknya semua, saya berterima kasih.
Kalian ngga tau aja pas hari-H launching saya udah kayak mau pengumuman SNMPTN. Panas dingin, stress, karena ga percaya diri. Sekarang udah ada beberapa yang laku, ga banyak tapi lumayan lah, saya bisa lebih percaya diri meskipun ga terlalu.
Yoshh semangat minna ikuzooo!!!!
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chopcult · 6 years ago
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Support The App Moto Jam and Strange Days this weekend!
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gorillablog48 · 3 years ago
Belajar Muqaddam Pdf
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Belajar Muqaddam Pdf. Jika selesai memuat turun dan memasang perisian PDF file tersebut,Pocket Muqaddam ini boleh digunakan tanpa ada. Download Mari Belajar Muqaddam Learning the alphabet is a piece of cake. download mari belajar muqaddam android, mari belajar muqaddam android, mari belajar muqaddam android download free.
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your-dietician · 4 years ago
Best 4th of July weekend sales at Best Buy
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/health/best-4th-of-july-weekend-sales-at-best-buy/
Best 4th of July weekend sales at Best Buy
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We may receive commission from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change.
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Best Buy’s 4th of July weekend sale is going strong and the savings are so deep! (Photo: Getty Images)
Folks, it’s been quite a year (make that 16 months!), making this 4th of July feel like an “independence day” in more ways than one. How to celebrate? We have a lot of catching up to do. Surf, sand, pool, play — sure. But also shopping. This weekend brings some of the best deals of the season. Ready to upgrade and save big on the latest and greatest in tech? You’ve come to the right place. 
The retailer’s massive 4th of July Sale is dropping deep discounts on just about everything — from 4K TVs and wireless headphones to smart-home gear and kitchen appliances. The savings are massive this weekend, so treat yourself and scoop up what you need (or just really, really want) before it sells out. 
We’ve rounded up the top offerings at Best Buy’s big 4th of July Sale, with prices starting at just $10. Scroll and shop below:
Best TV sales
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In case you need that summer vacation to the Rockies to be virtual, Sony’s latest and greatest is $250 off. (Photo: Best Buy)
On sale for $900 (down from $1,150), this Sony 65-inch Class X80J Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Google TV is the latest from this iconic manufacturer. Its massive 65-inch 4K display delivers images you can practically reach out and touch. Sony’s state-of-the-art Processor X1 powers this beauty for true-to-life visuals, while HDR (High Dynamic Range) settings make sure colors stay bright and black levels stay, well, black.
“This is an excellent product. We upgraded our TV to this Sony,” raved a five-star Best Buy reviewer. “The picture is great. Our last TV was a 65-inch, so side-by-side this TV is a definite upgrade. The sound system is great and the Smart TV process is very responsive to our wireless internet connection. The TV connected to my phone and the voice recognition was simple to set up….”
While some streaming TVs come with Fire TV or Roku built-in, this Sony 65-inch 4K stunner features Google TV. This means you’ll have instant access to popular streaming apps like Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, YouTube, Prime Video and more, but you’ll also get a wide range of gaming apps like NBA Jam, Fortnite and Crossy Road — you won’t get that with a standalone Fire TV or Roku device. Just sync a wireless gaming controller via Bluetooth and you’re all set to get your game on. 
Story continues
Check out more TV sales below:
Insignia 43-inch Class F30 Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, $280 (was $320), bestbuy.com
Insignia 50-inch Class F30 Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, $350 (was $380), bestbuy.com
Sony 55-inch Class X80J Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Google TV, $750 (was $950), bestbuy.com
Hisense 60-inch Class A6G Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Android TV, $450 (was $490), bestbuy.com
LG 65-inch Class CX Series OLED 4K Ultra HD Smart webOS TV, $2000 (was $2,200), bestbuy.com
Samsung 65-inch Class QN85A Series Neo QLED 4K Ultra HD Smart Tizen TV, $2,000 (was $2,200), bestbuy.com
Hisense 70-inch Class A6G Series LED 4K UHD Smart Android TV, $670 (was $700), bestbuy.com
Samsung 70-inch Class 7 Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Tizen TV, $680 (was $750), bestbuy.com
Best home audio sales 
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These Samsung Galaxy Buds+ will outperform your Airpods, and for much less. How do you like them apples? (Photo: Best Buy)
It’s easy to get distracted by quirky design flourishes and exotic add-ons, but at the end of the day, earbud shoppers know it’s all about delivering excellent audio. That, and getting them at a great price. Well, get ready to check both boxes: These Samsung Galaxy Buds+ — on sale for $100, or $50 off, at Best Buy — offer crisp, clear sound and punchy bass. The battery life is amazing: You’ll get 11 hours per charge, plus an additional 11 hours with the included wireless charging case. That’s nearly a full day of use! In a pinch? An hour of playback requires just a three-minute quick boost. You’ll love this feature when you’re about to go for a run and your buds are at zero.
Calls sound crystal-clear thanks to three microphones that reduce ambient background noise even if you’re in a busy location. “Good sound quality and noise cancelation can silence a barking dog,” shared a Best Buy fan. Woof!
Check out more home audio sales below:
Insignia RF Wireless Over-the-Ear Headphones, $100 (was $120), bestbuy.com
Sony ZX Series Wired On-Ear Headphones, $10 (was $20), bestbuy.com
LG Tone Flex HBS-XL7 Wireless In-Ear Headphones, $130 (was $150), bestbuy.com
Sony WF-SP800N True Wireless Noise-Cancelling In-Ear Headphones, $98 (was $200), bestbuy.com
Google Pixel Buds, $130 (was $180), bestbuy.com
JBL Club One Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-the-Ear Headphones, $250 (was $350), bestbuy.com
Samsung HW-Q65T 7.1ch Sound bar, $400 (was $500), bestbuy.com
LG 5.1 ch High-Res Audio Sound Bar, $400 (was $450), bestbuy.com
Best tablet and smartphone sales
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We haven’t seen a tablet presentation this impressive since Moses came down from the mountain. (Photo: Best Buy)
Been hankering to expand your computer arsenal with a tablet without going into hock? Here’s the deal you’ve been waiting for. On sale for $180 (was $230), the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 weighs just over a pound and features 32GB of storage (expandable up to 1TB via microSD card). That’s got it all over Apple’s entry level tablet, which isn’t expandable. And unlike the iPad, the Tab A7’s 10.4-inch display has a full HD widescreen for immersive viewing.
Also out-Apple-ing Apple? The A7’s camera set is better than the one that comes with the iPad. It has an eight-megapixel selfie cam with a five-megapixel rear shooter on the front for video calls. “Mostly use for mobile gaming. Tried to play PS4 remote play, and it worked,” reported a satisfied gamer. “Sound is great and build quality is better than iPad. Speed is seamless.”
Score the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 in gray and gold.
Check out more tablet and smartphone sales below:
OnePlus 8T 5G, $500 (was $600), bestbuy.com
Google Pixel 4a, $300 (was $350), bestbuy.com
Motorola Moto G Power, $130 (was $250), bestbuy.com
Samsung Galaxy Tab A, $120 (was $150), bestbuy.com
Surface Pro X, $800 (was $1,000), bestbuy.com
Lenovo Tab M10 Plus, $160 (was $200), bestbuy.com
Motorola Moto G Power, $70 (was $200), bestbuy.com
Microsoft Surface Duo, $700 (was $1,500), bestbuy.com
Best gaming sales
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Grab a controller and make these your Dogs days of summer. (Photo: Best Buy)
Just because it’s fun-in-the-sun season doesn’t mean you won’t need to keep yourself flush with new gaming challenges. We’ve found a great one. Watch Dogs: Legion for Xbox One (also compatible with Xbox Series X) is now on sale for nearly 70 percent off — down from $60 to just $20. This action/adventure game and third installment in the franchise from Ubisoft takes place in a near future where London is on the verge of collapse. All-seeing surveillance state and private military are in control, while the fate of the city is in the hands of DedSec, a hacker group that wants to fight back for freedom. It’s as fun as it sounds, and an absolute steal at this price.
“This game is very fun to play,” raved a happy gamer. “The setting is amazing and the attention to detail makes it better…. I bought this for my grandson and he absolutely loved the story so much, he accidentally stayed up all night long playing the game. He said the storyline is very interesting and fun to complete. He also says he likes the fact that you get to choose strangers off the streets to work on your team. He has always loved technology so he absolutely loves this game and this view of what the future might be like.”
Check out more gaming sales below:
NBA 2K21 (PS4), $20 (was $30), bestbuy.com
SanDisk 400GB microSDXC UHS-I Memory Card for Nintendo Switch, $100 (was $180), bestbuy.com
Borderlands 3 (Xbox One), $10 (was $30), bestbuy.com
Dying Light: Anniversary Edition, $25 (was $40), bestbuy.com
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Nintendo Switch), $20 (was $60), bestbuy.com
Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection, $20 (was $40), bestbuy.com
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition (Xbox Series X), $15 (was $40), bestbuy.com
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (Xbox One), $30 (was $60), bestbuy.com
Best smart home sales
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It’s time for an alarm clock that’ll have you starting the day plugged in, wised up and entertained. (Photo: Best Buy)
It’s 2021 — shouldn’t you be asking a bit more from your alarm clock? Elevate the mundane with the Lenovo Smart Clock. It’s powered with Google Assistant for seamless syncing to a smartphone. It can rouse you with your favorite tunes, the weather, calendar reminders and that podcast you love. 
“Replaced my old alarm clock and a Google mini speaker with one device,” shared a savvy Best Buy shopper. “…I tell it good night when I am ready for bed and it turns off my lights, tells me the weather tomorrow and what is on my calendar the next day just like a Google Mini can do. Plus the clock face can show the current temperature along with the time.”
Really, who couldn’t use all the help they can get rousing themselves from bed in the morning? So why not let the Lenovo Smart Clock do it in digital style, and for just $40 (down from $80) at Best Buy?
Check out more smart home sales below:
Google Nest Wi-Fi Mesh Router (AC2200) (two-pack), $189 (was $269), bestbuy.com
Google Nest Hello Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell, $150 (was $230), bestbuy.com
Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight Camera Security (three-pack), $500 (was $600), bestbuy.com
Google Nest Learning Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat, $200 (was $250), bestbuy.com
TP-Link Kasa Spot Cam, $40 (was $60), bestbuy.com
Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus, $170 (was $200), bestbuy.com
Google Nest Mini Smart Speaker, $35 (was $50), bestbuy.com
Linksys Max-Stream AC1300 Dual-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 5 Router, $70 (was $100), bestbuy.com
Best vacuum sales
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Trust us, this Dyson is a beast — save $100! (Photo: Best Buy)
The Dyson Outsize Total Clean Vacuum, which is on sale for $750, or $100 off at Best Buy, may not look like a power force, but this lightweight and cordless stick vacuum is actually a heavy-duty, deep-cleaning beast. It’s a Dyson, after all, so it’s built for powerful suction — but this one is also nimble and versatile enough to navigate the tightest corners. It even has a digital display that features a countdown clock, so you’ll always know when it’s going to run out of juice.
“The hands-down best cordless on the planet,” raved a delighted shopper. “I must say this vacuum is impressive and nothing short of amazing! This Dyson oozes sophistication and innovation while checking all the right boxes for corded vacuum replacement. This vacuum is the gold standard…. Be prepared to be shocked and in awe of the power and efficiency of this cleaning powerhouse. The real-time performance and battery gauge are extremely welcomed to this wireless cleaning solution.”
Check out more robotic vacuum sales below:
iRobot Roomba i3 (3150) Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum, $350 (was $400), bestbuy.com
bObsweep bObi Classic Robot Vacuum & Mop, $394 (was $750), bestbuy.com
iRobot Braava jet m6 Wi-Fi Connected Robot Mop, $400 (was $450), bestbuy.com
Shark AI Robot VacMop Pro RV2001WD, $350 (was $480), bestbuy.com
iRobot Roomba i3+ (3550) Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum, $550 (was $600), bestbuy.com
Shark AI Robot Vacuum RV2001, $300 (was $450), bestbuy.com
iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) Robot Vacuum & Braava jet m6 (6112) Robot Mop bundle, $1,349 (was $1,550), bestbuy.com
Best home office sales
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It’s two computers in one! Tablet or laptop, as you please. (Photo: Best Buy)
On sale for $249 (was $299), the sleek, incredibly thin Lenovo Chromebook Duet is more than just a laptop. It has a brilliant 10.1-inch Full HD touchscreen display (at 1920 x 1200 resolution) that works as a tablet but also attaches to its included keyboard case via Bluetooth for when you want laptop functionality. And shoppers love its long 10-hour battery life too.
“The device is lightweight. The screen is sharp, colorful, and bright,” shared a satisfied Best Buy shopper. “The keyboard has a very good feel, and the adjustment to it was very quick for me. The tablet by itself is very light — a joy to hold and use for long periods…The battery life is insane…”
Chromebook runs the latest version of ChromeOS, so you know you’ll get speedy results. And unlike Windows 10 or macOS laptops, with long loading times and complicated app downloads, you just log in to your Gmail account via Google Chrome and you’re good to go.
Check out more home office sales below:
Samsung Galaxy 4K Chromebook, $799 (was $999), bestbuy.com
Vankyo Leisure 3W Wireless Mini Projector, $80 (was $120), bestbuy.com
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360, $1,350 (was $1,500), bestbuy.com
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go, $630 (was $700), bestbuy.com
Epson EcoTank ET-M3170 Wireless Monochrome All-in-One SuperTank Printer, $350 (was $500), bestbuy.com
Canon imageCLASS D570 Wireless Black-and-White All-In-One Laser Printer, $150 (was $230), bestbuy.com
Epson EcoTank ET-3710 Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer, $310 (was $380), bestbuy.com
WD Easystore 5TB External USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive, $110 (was $180), bestbuy.com
Best kitchen sales
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At just $60, this baby will pay for itself with all the greasy, yucky oil you won’t have to buy. (Photo: Best Buy)
Sure, it’s barbecue season, but you can never have enough home-cooking convenience, amirite? On sale for $60 (was $120), the Insignia Digital Air Fryer lets you fry, roast or bake your favorite foods at temperatures up to 400 degrees — whip up anything from chicken to veggies to breaded tilapia!
The large five-quart basket can hold up to five servings, so it’s great for having friends over for hangouts. Its timer features automatic shutoff, so you’ll never have to stress about burning your food or blowing up your electric bill. This air fryer also has a sleek stainless steel finish with an easy-to-navigate digital display, while its basket and pan are dishwasher-safe, so fewer dirty dishes to worry about. If you’ve ever deep-fried something in oil you know how messy your counter and walls can get, but not when using this baby! 
“I absolutely love this item,” reported a savvy shopper. “In the beginning, I thought it would be difficult to use and that it would dry my food out. Surprisingly, it’s really easy to operate and it keeps the food flavored after it’s complete. I have several other recipes I want to try with my air fryer. I can’t wait!”
Check out more kitchen sales below:
Margaritaville Bahamas Countertop Blender and Frozen Concoction Maker, $160 (was $210), bestbuy.com
Ninja Foodi, $200 (was $230), bestbuy.com
Frigidaire Mini Fridge with built-in Freezer, $179 (was $265), bestbuy.com
KitchenAid Pro 5 Plus 5-Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, $430 (was $500), bestbuy.com
Keurig K-Elite Single-Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker, $130 (was $170), bestbuy.com
Bella Pro Series Combo 19-Bar Espresso and 10-Cup Drip Coffee Maker, $150 (was $200), bestbuy.com
Yummly Smart Meat Thermometer, $89 (was $129), bestbuy.com
LG InstaView Four-Door French Door Refrigerator, $3,150 (was $3,500), bestbuy.com
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biltwellinc · 7 years ago
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Lots of places rung in a chilly New Year but the weathers no excuse to not ride. @antisocial83 gearing up for the next App Moto Jam
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elasticback · 7 years ago
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Father and son took a break from skiing to watch the motorcycle races. Appalachian Moto Jam. 
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years ago
Tarform debuted new e-motorcycles but is there a U.S. market?
With more failures in the electric motorcycle industry than going concerns and a contracting American motorcycle market, now would seem to be an odd time to launch a new bike into the EV arena. But Tarform, a new startup that unveiled its first vehicle last month in Brooklyn, is undeterred.
That’s despite the fact that the company will likely face an uphill ride selling its high-end, higher priced e-motos.
The EV upstart recently pulled the cover off its first e-motorcycles—prototype Café and Scrambler models at Brooklyn’s NewLab.
The 295 and 320 pound machines bring 7 kilowatt-hour (KwH) Lithium-ION batteries, 43 horsepower, a top speed of 93 miles per hour, and 92 mile city riding ranges.
With the debut, the New York and Stockholm based startup now moves into testing phase and taking orders for its first production electric two-wheelers, expected to manufacture by late 2019.
Before getting back to the sobering EV topic of achieving scale and profitability, Tarform is committed to bringing a fresh design aesthetic to the motorcycle world.
The startup’s stated mission is “to set a new standard for two-wheeled transport by developing fully electric, zero-emission premium motorcycles, using sustainable materials and smart connectivity.”
For its prototype debut, the company did more than source parts and slap batteries into motorcycle frames.
Launching Tarform Motorcycles
“In order to distill the form to only the essentials, we were challenged to redesign every component,” said CEO and founder Taras Kravtchouk—an industrial design specialist, former startup head, and passionate motorcyclist.
From the swingarm to the pegs, speedo, fairing and handlebars—the company custom engineered a large portion of the Café and Scrambler prototype parts. Each also has a custom sound produced by a transducer inside the tank that matches a low pitch hum to motor revs.
A lot of the important stuff—such as the battery, suspension, and current power regulation system are sourced—but Tarform looks to shift toward more proprietary features, including a digital power delivery system with AI functions.
 “Were talking to a company in Sweden to do a custom vehicle control unit to integrate Bluetooth connectivity [and ultrasonic proximity sensors],” Kravtchouk told TechCrunch.
“You’ll be able to sync your ride to an app…and get inputs on your riding behavior…to become a better rider.”
Tarform will offer two variants of its production motorcycles. Version one will be a 9kWh, 53 horsepower, 350 pound two-wheeler with a 95 mile per hour top speed and 129 mile range.
A larger 13.5 kWh battery, 80 horsepower, 395 pound model will be good for 168 miles.
Charging time will be 3.5 hours to 80 percent and 8 hours to full power using a standard electrical outlet. A fast-charger option will get the bikes to 80 percent in less than an hour.
The starting price to pre-order one of Tarform’s first production motorcycles is $18,000.
That compares to $8K for an entry level FX from Zero—America’s highest selling e-motorcycle manufacturer—and $24K for an Eva EsseEsse9 from Energica, a high-performance Italian EV startup with a U.S. sales network.
As for market positioning, Tarform aims to attract buyers by hitting that optimum balance of performance and design, according to Kravtchouk.
On power and range, “the question is how much we compromise the design [for a bigger battery], without making the bikes look fat and ugly. We’re trying to find a compromise,” he said.
Some people may want to have “a bike that looks sweet” with a slightly shorter ride distance, versus “a bike that goes further with a big battery jammed into it,” he said.
And that pivots to the business side of the equation for Tarform as an EV startup. A core part of the company’s value proposition is to create motorcycles that recapture the imagination of young folks.
As we’ve covered here at TechCrunch, the U.S. motorcycle industry has been in the doldrums since the recession.
New U.S. sales dropped roughly 50 percent since 2008, with sharp declines in ownership by everyone under 40. Motorcycle manufacturers are now largely competing for an aging and shrinking American buying demographic.
Females are one of the only growing ownership segments. And per an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study, total motorcycles on the road actually increased from 2008 to 2017—though nearly 75 percent of registrations are for bikes over seven years old.
So some Americans are buying motorcycles—but often not new ones—and the industry is (by and large) not connecting with 20 and 30 somethings.
Tarform believes e-motos (theirs in particular) can bring at least some segment of a more tech and design savvy younger generation back to motorcycles.
Of course, they’re not the only ones, and as mentioned, there have already been several flops in the U.S. market. Electric motorcycle startups Brammoand Mission Motors already tried and failed. And per TechCrunch’s recent reporting, California based Alta Motors—that had $45 million in VC—ceased operations two weeks ago.
Meanwhile, Energica and Zero Motorcycles have revved up U.S. promotion, distribution and sales.  The two have extensive R&D facilities and roughly $90 million in VC among them.
Then there’s Harley Davidson’s full commitment to EVs. This year the company announced the debut of a production e-moto by 2019, an expanded electric line-up to follow, and the opening of a Silicon Valley research facility to support it all.
With their largely untested and higher priced product Tarform, faces a rough ride to compete with these companies in what is still a shrinking U.S. motorcycle market.
But going head to head with Harley or capturing existing market share from other e-moto startups isn’t necessarily Tarform’s strategy, according to CEO Kravtchouk.
“We’re not in the arms race. We’re not saying we’re faster than anyone else…We think our positioning is a little bit different,” he said.
“Since we started showing the design…so many people who are not motorcycle riders have come forward and said, ‘I want to ride that thing,” explained Tarform’s CEO.
“So maybe our demographic is not existing motorcycle riders, but people who wished they were motorcycle riders. That’s what industry, gas or EV, has had such a hard time capturing.”
Over the next year Tarform will look to see “how the market responds” to its first offering before raising a round.
“Before getting big funding we want to show we’re able to build this in a small garage in Brooklyn. Then the startup will “want to partner up with major manufacturers to take it to the next level,” said Kravtchouk.
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chopcult · 6 years ago
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Photograph by @dv8sport of the hill ripping @joshkohn77 at last year’s App Moto Jam Hellclimb event. . Head to www.chopcult.com now for more pics in the full feature. And, clear your calendar for this weekend’s Hellclimb. Our friend @hotdoggin took a dive this past weekend and is a little banged up. Come out to help cover some bills and support the cause. More information ➡️ @appmotojam . . #chopcult #appmotojam #hellclimb #dv8sport #chopcultfeatures #choppers (at Holiday Mountain Ski & Fun Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_95YMF1pk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6hckwf6f17cz
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biltwellinc · 8 years ago
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Not only is the App Moto Jam this weekend, they've lined up some racing for Friday night too. Hit their page to peep all the pertinent particulars. Kenny & Crew keep making this event better and better
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uros · 5 years ago
Sabes , como Auriculares con cancelación de ruido en el metro y sitios ruidosos
Hay muchos tipos de auriculares en el mercado, cada uno de ellos con sus propias cualidades y características. Los hay de distintos formatos y con distintas funcionalidades: de yema, de diadema, inalámbricos, con cable, con sistema de reducción de ruido, con anulación de ruido pasiva… Depende de las preferencias de cada uno que elijamos uno u otro maniquí.
Por ejemplo, para hacer deporte, lo modelos con diseño in ear o de yema y encima inalámbricos son los indicados. Si vamos a hacer un uso urbano de los auriculares, los de diadema son una propuesta óptima en tanto en cuanto ofrecen un extremo de comodidad, ergonomía y calidad superior a otras opciones.
Para un uso urbano, encima es interesante contar con tecnologías que nos aíslen del ruido característico de una ciudad causado por el tráfico o la multitud. Es verdad que los propios auriculares, si están acertadamente diseñados, filtran algunos sonidos no deseados del extranjero, pero para conseguir un aislamiento decano, hay que disponer de sistemas de anulación de ruido activa.
De paseo por Madrid
Para comprobar de primera mano cómo es la experiencia de uso de unos auriculares con anulación de ruido activa, hemos pasado unos días disfrutando de la ciudad de Madrid con los Kygo Life A11/800. Kygo Life es el nombre que se ha hexaedro a una serie de auriculares diseñados bajo los auspicios del DJ y productor musical noruego Kygo, que avala la calidad de sonido de estos auriculares.
Estos auriculares cuentan con sistema de anulación de ruido activa. Es sostener, captan el sonido ámbito y generan otro sonido que anula el primero. Hasta cierto punto, claro está.
Los sonidos que no sigan patrones regulares no son fáciles de anular, pero la decano parte de los ruidos que “contaminan” la experiencia auditiva muestran patrones repetitivos en decano o último medida. Los motores de los coches que circulan a todas horas por la Gran Vía, los aparatos de corriente acondicionado, el trasiego de los trenes del Patrón… entran en el interior de este tipo de ruidos.
Reproduciendo escenarios de la vida urbana
Nuestro liza con el maniquí Kygo Life A11/800 ha sido reproducir experiencias habituales de uso de unos auriculares pensados para experiencias urbanas. No son los más indicados, por consiguiente, para hacer deporte, por ejemplo. No tanto por comodidad o fijación, sino por los inconvenientes de transpiración que pueden causar.
Pero sí son óptimos para llevarlos en nuestro deambular urbano mientras escuchamos nuestra música preferida. Por supuesto, si tenemos que provenir a pasar para asistir a tiempo a una cita o para no perder un tren o por cualquier otra circunstancia, los auriculares responden acertadamente, como hemos comprobado durante las pruebas.
Por separado de estos pequeños desafíos improvisados por la ocasión, como el de la carrera, en nuestro deambular urbanita hemos favorito algunas experiencias y recopilado conclusiones acerca de lo que supone tener en nuestros oídos unos auriculares con anulación de ruido.
En este punto junto a señalar que todavía disponemos de la función de amplificación del audio. Es sostener, podemos encontrar modos de uso en los que el sonido ámbito no se anula, sino que se amplifica. Es importante en situaciones en las que sea práctico ser conscientes de lo que sucede aproximadamente sin carencia de dejar de escuchar la música, o mientras estamos hablando por teléfono usando en modo manos libres.
Consideraciones generales
Para recorrer la ciudad, callejear y atravesar distintos emplazamientos con distintas condiciones, agradezco unos auriculares en los que haya diferentes opciones de uso y que sea claro cambiarlas usando los controles integrados. Y, en el caso de los Kygo A11/800, es un tema que está acertadamente resuelto. Es posible activar o desactivar la anulación de ruido o los modos de audición de sonido ámbito mediante pulsaciones en los ordenanza destinados a ello. El cambio de canción o subir o descabalgar bulto son acciones que se realizan en el panel pegado táctil.
Asimismo, el diseño de diadema proporciona una atenuación pasiva del ruido ámbito importante, lo que ha hecho que no tuviera carencia de usar el modo de reducción de ruido en muchas situaciones. Igualmente, me ha resultado muy práctico disponer de los modos de amplificación del sonido ámbito para ser consciente de lo que sucedía aproximadamente sin carencia de quitarme los auriculares.
Por otro banda, hay que tener en cuenta los ajustes que todavía influyen en la experiencia de uso, como la activación del realce de bajos o el control de bulto. Si ajustamos el realce de bajos y subimos el bulto al mayor, activar la anulación de ruido no es especialmente útil, por ejemplo. Encima, es factible  que las personas que nos rodean escuchen el sonido de la música si estamos en una biblioteca u otro tipo de entorno silencioso, lo cual no es especialmente deseable.
De todos modos, a poco que estemos en un marco con ruido de fondo, será difícil que se escuche nuestra música aproximadamente, excepto que la otra persona tenga la oreja pegada a nuestros auriculares. Y es preferible tener ganancia para subir el bulto. Especialmente cuando la música que suena lo hace “bajito” a causa de una mala reproducción o de una mala conversión a MP3. Con todo, hay que ser conscientes de que podemos caer en excesos en algunos escenarios.
Un sonido desinteresado y nítido
A modo de spoiler sostener que los Kygo Life A11/800 se han comportado de un modo aristócrata en todo momento. Los hemos usado para este marco de pruebas conectados mediante Bluetooth, aunque usando el cable jack todavía podemos activar la anulación activa siempre que los auriculares tengan peroles.
La única precaución es la de apoyar el bulto a un nivel sensato cuando las canciones estén correctamente ecualizadas. Temas como ‘Pump Up The Jam’ de Technotronic, por ejemplo, no son fáciles de manejar cuando subimos el bulto al mayor y activamos el refuerzo de graves. Si no llegamos a casos extremos, el sonido es desinteresado y nítido.
Cuando el ruido ámbito es suficiente como para interferir en la experiencia de audición de nuestras listas de Spotify o nuestras canciones almacenadas en el dispositivo que usemos para escuchar música (en nuestro caso un móvil de serie suscripción) compatible con Dolby Audio, es cuando entra en repertorio la anulación o atenuación de ruido.
Si no nos molesta el ruido de fondo, lo mejor es desactivar la anulación de ruido, ya sea mediante el yema correspondiente en los auriculares o mediante la app Kygo Life acondicionado para Android e iOS. Recuerda que es un apelación digital que introduce fundamentos de sonido en la experiencia de uso de los auriculares.
Si pausamos una canción y activamos y desactivamos la anulación de ruido, observamos que éste no desaparece verdaderamente, sino que se suaviza y cambia el patrón de frecuencias y la intensidad de modo que no interfiere con la canción que estemos escuchando.
No es que el sistema de anulación de ruido no funcione: es simplemente que funciona así. El procesador de audio analiza y procesa, pero no es adivino, por lo que no puede anticiparse de un modo drástico al ruido de un coche o de una moto o a una conversación de fondo.
Aislados en medio de la multitud
Este sistema de anulación de ruido es más efectivo en algunas situaciones que en otras. Durante nuestra experiencia, por ejemplo, descubrimos que aquellos ambientes donde el ruido proviene de fuentes con patrones repetitivos, tales como motores, son los que mejor procesan los auriculares.
En la calle, nos aislamos del extranjero de un modo notablemente bueno durante los paseos que nos hemos hexaedro en medio del tráfico de Madrid. Con un bulto bajo, se aprecian los murmullos urbanitas, pero a poco que tengamos el bulto por encima de la parte media, la atenuación es suficiente como para que no nos molesten los coches o las motos, apreciables si desactivamos el sistema ANC (Active Noise Cancelation).
En el medida, la situación cambia poco. Si nos topamos con músicos ambulantes, por ejemplo, la anulación de ruido no será óptima. Para el sonido de los vagones, sí obtenemos una atenuación suficiente como para ignorar el ruido característico de la marcha de los trenes. Eso sí, insistimos en que hay que ser cuidadosos con el bulto para evitar que se escuche la música desde fuera, lo cual puede suceder si subimos el bulto  de los auriculares y el del móvil.
Viajando en tren el sistema de reducción de ruido todavía es efectivo, aunque depende del patrón concreto. Entrando o saliendo de túneles, por ejemplo, se podía percibir el sonido ámbito de un modo más evidente. De nuevo, no hay milagros: de lo que se alcahuetería es de atenuar el ruido  lo suficiente como para que no sea embarazado o perceptible mientras escuchamos nuestra canción favorita.
En el supermercado, el sistema de anulación se mostró correcto y sencillo para filtrar el sonido de las cámaras frigoríficas o del corriente acondicionado. El extremo de aislamiento es importante en este caso. Para conversaciones de voz, la anulación es menos efectiva.
No obstante, a no ser que se hable a gritos, el aislamiento de los propios auriculares próximo con un bulto medio-alto, permiten que estar al banda de multitud conversando despreocupada no sea un problema. Es más, para dirigirnos a ellas es conveniente usar los modos Ambient o Awareness, de forma que podamos seguir una conversación sin tener problemas para entenderla.
El estuche de los auriculares se puede tolerar aprehendido a la mochila sin problemas, y el método de plegado es sumamente sencillo una vez que hemos pillado el truco, lo cual lleva pocos minutos. En cualquier caso, es cómodo llevarlos puestos siempre, aunque recurriendo al modo Ambient, como veremos más delante.
  En casa y en la oficina, todavía
Si estamos en la oficina o el trabajo, las voces de las conversaciones no se filtran de un modo tan efectivo como un motor. Sin secuestro, de nuevo, los sonidos de equipo mecánicos como los ventiladores de ordenadores, corriente acondicionado o similares se quedan en un segundo plano imperceptible mientras escuchamos música.
La oficina es uno de esos lugares donde tenemos que tener cuidado con el bulto que configuremos para evitar que, en caso de que haya mucho silencio, los compañeros más próximos perciban algún sonido procedente de los auriculares.
En casa, si estamos en una finca silenciosa y si no tenemos corriente acondicionado o ventiladores, es mejor no activar el sistema de anulación de ruido. No es necesario.
Ahora, con corriente acondicionado o ventiladores, una lavadora o un lavavajillas funcionando o si se audición el ruido de la calle, se agradece activarlo, pues el resultado es sobresaliente. De cualquier modo, hay que tener presente que el hecho de tener un sistema de anulación de ruido no implica que haya que activarlo en todo momento.
Si configuramos un bulto stop, en muchos casos dejaremos de percibir el sonido ámbito, excepto si estamos escuchando música clásica o melódica o con momentos de silencio o de menos intensidad musical. Encima, si usamos el refuerzo de graves y la anulación de ruido, en algunas canciones con bajos especialmente intensos, podremos asistir a la saturación del sonido.
En otros contextos, como en un avión, sin más que pensar en el tipo de patrón de ruido con el que tenemos que contender, los Kygo A11/800 deberían mostrarse muy efectivos, aunque es un comentario teórico, pues no hemos tenido ocasión de alucinar en este medio de transporte durante el tiempo que hemos estado probando los auriculares.
De todos los entornos posibles, en la calle es donde con más frecuencia usamos los Kygo. Paseando o moviéndonos con destino a la aptitud, el trabajo o una cita con amigos, escuchar música mientras nos movemos es una actividad deseable y placentera.
Incluso es un tiempo que empleamos para hacer llamadas o contestarlas. En este marco, la experiencia de uso es brillante, bloqueando con gran efectividad el sonido de fuentes de ruido como el tráfico y aprovechándonos de los modos Awareness y Ambient para escuchar lo que sucede a nuestro aproximadamente sin carencia de quitarnos los auriculares.
El asistente de voz de Google
Con estos auriculares todavía podemos usar el asistente de voz de Google sin más que pulsar dos veces sobre el yema de encendido y sofocado que está situado entre los de anulación de ruido y de selección de los modos Awareness y Ambient.
Podemos pedir al asistente desde que haga una citación a un contacto hasta que se ponga a reproducir una canción de Spotify o que nos dé indicaciones de ruta en Google Maps. Los micrófonos capturan las órdenes de voz con precisión y claridad.
Una tecnología útil y óptima
En unos auriculares como los que hemos probado, la añadido de la anulación de ruido activa pone la culmen en un producto acertadamente hecho tanto en la parte del diseño y la ergonomía como en la de la calidad de audio. Introduce fundamentos contaminantes en la experiencia de audición, aunque en escenarios ruidosos es una forma de disfrutar de la música reduciendo lo más posible la interferencia causada por el sonido de coches, motores, ventiladores, pasos, golpes varios, martillos, etcétera.
Si estamos usándolos como manos libres o en escenarios donde sea recomendable no perder la noticia de lo que sucede aproximadamente, los modos Awareness y Ambient de amplificación del sonido ámbito son recomendables para percibir los pitidos de coches o bicicletas. Incluso para escuchar indicaciones o avisos, o para conversar con determinado momentáneamente sin quitarnos los cascos.
De hecho, es un modo que hemos usado para apoyar conversaciones con la música pausada. Hemos activado el modo ámbito precisamente para ser capaces de charlar sin carencia de quitarnos los auriculares.
Es lo opuesto de la anulación de ruido, pero tiene mucho sentido y es práctico para escenarios de uso urbanos.  Hablando por teléfono es especialmente útil para escucharnos a nosotros mismos y no subir el tono de la voz, así como para tener feedback de lo que decimos. Incluso es práctico para no despistarnos en caso de que haya sonidos que sea conveniente escuchar mientras conversamos.
En las pruebas, hemos mantenido conversaciones mientras caminábamos por las calles Gran Vía y Alcalá, o en pleno extrarradio de Malasaña, por poner ejemplos conocidos de escenarios ruidosos- La voz se escuchaba acertadamente, y el interlocutor al otro banda del teléfono todavía tenía esa buena experiencia oyendo nuestra voz con claridad.
Usando el cable, eso sí, tuvimos que poner el control remoto en la parte más alejada de los auriculares. De otra forma, se oía el sonido del golpeteo del yema contra la ropa de un modo embarazado para el interlocutor.
Es muy cómodo tener los auriculares puestos todo el rato. Aunque, si no los vamos a usar, lo mejor es guardarlos en el estuche rígido incluido, con un mosquetón muy útil para colgarlos de la mochila. Si los dejamos en el cuello, tropezaremos con la parte de las orejeras al torcer la comienzo.
Kygo A11/800
Los Kygo A11/800 son unos auriculares de diadema tipo over-ear de suscripción calidad que sabrán apreciar los melómanos y usuarios más exigentes.
Resultan brillantes para encerrar cualquier distracción no deseada, gracias a su anulación activa de ruido, y cómodos para usarlos en cualquier situación. Su autonomía en uso inalámbrico llega hasta las 40 horas y su sensor de proximidad permitirá explotar aún más la peroles.
Los puedes encontrar en color blanco:
Y en infeliz:
En Tecnología a tú a tú | Preguntamos a cinco usuarios por qué los auriculares inalámbricos de diadema y con anulación de ruido están de moda Etiquetas: Auriculares, anulación de ruido, Kygo A11/800
La entrada Sabes , como Auriculares con cancelación de ruido en el metro y sitios ruidosos se publicó primero en El rincon de diego.
Por El rincon de diego
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partheniadis-blog · 7 years ago
Speculating the role of ANWB in the future
Roadside Assistance
Netherlands is one of the leading innovators and adopters of new digital services. In the future, we expect ANWB to have adapted to the everchanging technological, cultural, social demands. Future services will be optimized for the fast-paced life in the city. Predictability security and trust will be essential for delivering customer value and we can see ANWB playing a crucial role for both citizens and businesses.  
In 2025, car ownership will be limited to the elite of the citizens. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) will rule the commuting scene with smart self-driving vehicles playing a vital role in the transportation system of the city. The few of those who own a car will be paying a lot of taxes to the government because of future regulations that will be applied to promote the use of MaaS systems in the city.
Individuals who own a private car will use services to share it with others to make extra income and balance maintenance costs. Few will be those who can afford and maintain one for example those that will be into future ‘old-school’ car culture. ANWB will be there for guaranteeing road assistance for all private, shared and public vehicles.
B2B services
Vehicle usership and public car sharing are going to be run by businesses. Services will exist with subscription models that will allow individuals who own a car to share it with others on demand. There will be no more need for owning a vehicle. Excepted are those who can afford one or are into old-school car culture. ANWB will be there for guaranteeing road assistance as long as roads exist and people move from place to place.
Owning cars
Cars will be reaching at your footsteps at the push of a button but you will likely not be their owner. Owning a car always has maintenance costs, and will likely be heavily taxed in the future, so, like today, leasing one can be more beneficial for working individuals. The ability to share the car you own with others - similarly to the AirBnb service - will be normal, safe, easy and profitable to do. Those who have older cars from their families, will likely open them for sharing and rarely use them again themselves. Owning and using a car will be for those who are truly passionate about them, likely from previous generations (Millennials and Generation Z). People will still be free to drive in the city with their cars but they will be paying to the government an amount for every mile they take behind the wheel.
Self-driving vehicles for commuting
People will hardly choose to commute by driving a car. Masses are going to be moved mainly by public transportation similar to what we know today and the gap between them and the people’s location will be conveniently filled by self-driving cars. Self-driving cars will be capable of estimating all departure and arrival times, their behavior will be very predictable and so will be the traffic conditions on the roads. Less people behind the wheel means easier to estimate unpredictability on the road. People will prefer calling a car to commute as it will be reaching them instantly at most city and suburban locations. ANWB will provide real-time traffic information directly to the self-driving cars. One car will be communicating with the other (Peer-to-peer) be able to observe, concentrate and share information on where each self-driving vehicle is going in an anonymously.
Future services will be optimized for the fast-paced life in the city. Predictability and trust will be essential for delivering customer value and we can see ANWB playing a crucial role for both citizens and businesses.  
Self-driving cars for services
Today the delivery of goods with trucks generates 30% of the traffic volume within cities and causes 80% of the traffic jams during the rush hour(The Problems of Last Mile, 2017). Parking space for delivery vehicles are rare in many cities. As a result, couriers often double-park, causing many traffic jams. Self-driving cars and air-drones will be delivering stuff to our hands wherever we are in the future. Cities will reserve parking spots for delivery vehicles as the demand of ordering goods online will keep on rising significantly. Millennials and Gen Z people as digital natives will demand accuracy, predictability and privacy from the services they use. Any slight delay to the delivery of their products will be a problem and they will be guaranteed instant refund to restore their trust. Future services will be optimized for the fast-paced life in the city. Predictability and trust will be essential for delivering customers value and we can see ANWB playing a crucial role for both citizens and businesses. ANWB will be the central observatory for everyone to check what’s happening on the roads. observing, predicting and reporting
Motorcycles are always fast and practical to commute in the city but will be dangerous and very unpredictable for the self-driving cars that will be dominating the streets in the future. Riders will mostly use their motorcycles for leisure time. Leasing and moto-sharing services will be very popular from which brands will benefit as they easily advertise their new models and all riders will be able to easily experience by driving. ANWB will provide road assistance to the motorcyclists and will provide ways the
Last mile mobility
Last mile mobility methods, like foldable skateboards, will become more popular and people will be able to have one in their backpacks or instantly grab one like ov-fietsen.
  Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
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Picture above, As seen on Whim app, Finland.
All the previous sections of future mobility methods mentioned the service opportunity. In the future we can see iterations of today’s most innovative Mobility-as-a-Service systems. Finland is a pioneer in transportation. Recently their Whim app and MaaS Global receive large Red Dot award for their innovation. Whether it’s taxi, public transport, a car service or a bike share, the customers are covered by a pay-as-you-go or monthly plan. In the future, most vehicles out there will be aware of each other around them through some wireless connection. A network of the cars out there will very likely be established. Today it’s known as Peer-to-peer connection . In this manner, drivers will know when it’s the perfect time to hop off and hop on another transportation medium. For example, imagine knowing that there is a brand new, fast, fully charged electric bike close to this station will be cool to use today. What is the estimated time to reach my destination if I choose to hop off the metro and hop on that bike? Keeping flat costs within the service will improve the customer experience (CX) as people will feel more free selecting their vehicle depending on their mood, luck, circumstance. This will also eliminate vehicle thefts as they will be easily tracked and owning them will likely have no benefit. Technologies similar to Blockchain will ensure the ownership history of all vehicles and who joined them making the Peer-to-peer Mobility-as-a-Service transportation system secure, fun, private or collective, a good exploratory experience that will bring high conversion rates in combination with vehicle ownership laws and regulations.
ANWB’s role in MaaS
ANWB will be in the beneficial position to bridge the government, the MaaS services and the commuters. ANWB will advise new MaaS services and platforms on how to convert users, they will sell them subscription plans and will give them access to most Dutch commuters through the ANWB mobile applications. They will be delivering information about where are MaaS vehicles in proximity, schedule and reserve a vehicle to hop on, get benefits if you plan your hop off time ahead. Then ANWB will share back these information with the MaaS services and the partnership will go on. Without ANWB’s contribution, MaaS systems will struggle to begin and will monopolize the commuting scene in the event of big success. For example, if today’s Greenwheels introduce a fleet of all vehicles types (from skateboards to camping vans) and spread them around all public transportation stations in Netherlands, they will start converting customers. Many customers will be hesitant to use their service as they know they will be tracked down on every mile they take. ANWB’s role here is crucial. People trust ANWB, as it was always leading when it comes to transportation in the Netherlands. ANWB will accept MaaS systems, advise, adapt and regulate them to match the Dutch public transport and local laws, and will help them quickly gain trust by the ANWB members. Non-members will also trust more to start using the specific MaaS but they will soon realize they can make the most of their commute if they are ANWB members, where all MaaS services rely on for information, conversion, correspondence and exposure.
Similar to this, only few are actually converted into using the service. Why? Trust, and practicality and because not everyone is doing it. Remember ‘behavior change’ from WWF Foodprint project.                                
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This scenario sounds like ANWB will monopolize and ‘fool’ MaaS customers – but it’s not like that. ANWB will be like a good app that lists all available gas stations in the area with their real-time prices. ANWB does not force MaaS systems cooperate, although both parties, the government and the commuter can enjoy great benefits. ANWB will need the MaaS services to collect their real-time costs (or month plans), their fleet’s location on the map, their vehicles current usage and other vehicle related data. MaaS systems will need ANWB for exposure as explained earlier but in addition they will also use information provided by ANWB to adapt to the competition of other MaaS systems, to approach car owners or place their vehicles strategically to make more money. Commuters need this ANWB service as all Maa-services will be integrated with their daily routines without interruption or extra thought.  Government will want to participate in this system as they will adapt their transportation systems, and improve their customer experience with the help of ANWB and new MaaS digital services.
End line
ANWB needs to see the opportunity of real-time information on vehicles available. Because of its long-time trust it will be leading and paving the way to more trusted, private, public services as people have trouble converting into new startups.
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elasticback · 7 years ago
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Kendal Mazzetta - ladies champ, took the gold. Appalachian Moto Jam. 
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whadafunknyc · 7 years ago
APP MOTO JAM - Motorcycle Snow Drag Racing - St Patty's Day 2018
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sokittyllama-blog1 · 7 years ago
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