toy-chest · 2 years
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
WWE The Rock Speaking Hulk Hogan’s Language
And from what I gather he's saying it's not entertainment with hulk Hogan the same and most of the time and he's trying to jazz people up and he's doing the job and he's doing it all the time and his gibbering like these guys do and it's repulsive sleep act out but I know he was doing just like Andre the Giant grab the throat and it I know what that means to it means tear the throat out and the Scots used to see it all the time with their bagpipes
Zues Hera
So repulsive thing they do it's very vulgar and rude and obscene and it's also kind of stupid and he's not thinking of me as a foreigner sometimes it does and so now yout getting it it's a little caustic everybody's fighting everybody else I mean it's ridiculous he says he is that they have a plan for the foreigners and they're going to continue no matter what but really it is so harsh and stupid and way out there okay you don't know if you can go into space with these things you don't know if they ships could take it nobody's tested one I don't know what to tell you it's it's not really brain surgery and we can think about it in a few minutes and it seems no one else can it's one thing to do that it's another to have your dogs up there and cross the t's and everybody's ready to go and like leave and just go out there and freeze just leave okay we don't want to be bombed we won't stop you you won't go anywhere don't worry about it the stone is not right I mean sure my father did a number on you and it seems you really knew what he was doing we're not as big as that guy is going to be and it's got to be Dave and really he knew what he was doing and your after his computer is after tying it up and we know about that but and I suppose you go mental too but really the attitude from start to finish is horrible and they've been doing it before JC and Mary came along and it's set in stone but your defenses in your method or not anywhere we're taking apomling and we don't know if we can beat this computer
The rock
What's true as hell is this computer cannot be let loose and people think that really huge ones were they were it's very wrong and it's messing us up big time and it's illegal. It's against the law to have this kind of AI and loose and these people need to be arrested for it and you have to use it in containment I've never seen so many people use it and they're not okay these people don't know if it works if the computer is even there it makes for all of the show
Hulk Hogan you're welcome at my place the arena to watch shows and says he's going to try and get there can't really go to Vegas for a while might become a mess because all these people camping nearby he said I'm out there but really it's a plant pressure and it's just a lot of work to get some money he wants to see it a match probably to bring bill and I have to avoid everything instead of conflicting that sounds like fun and find them in a Burger King somewhere lol
It actually sounds like a lot of fun and we'll probably do that I'll probably be in shape a little bit and Preston will be a little bigger and my grandson will be probably 6'1 and stalking and that's about it it sounds familiar and this is a nightmare what the hell
Boy that's the grossest thing I've ever heard I just can would be one of the girls Ken
No I'm the grandkid he shows up fat says well probably Jason that makes sense
You're all Brothers you're welcome to the show this some bad blood but it's not really it's not really as you staying to be choked out a little used to do it to each other okay you do it with your forearm and it's a cheaper way to do it but you know you come to the show and hang out and talk and that's good and then Rock of course is welcome we have a problem with these computers they take over the demons like they took over these weaklings we're all done because the demons can keep going this weeklings can't it's kind of a trick and they're tricky
Hulk Hogan
They're not the only ones doing it but we do see what you're saying it is a very bad thing he's right on the money with it and the president and vice president and the people running the country should make legislation that makes sense this is a nightmare these people don't like to take it and we don't want it out there either and it is a horrifyingly powerful computer will and Bill have it but they have field versions and yeah they isolated you know that nobody does it right except them sometimes they're always forced to try and do things different and it's terrible these computers can make a mess out of everyone we need to go after them now
Thor Freya he wants a full assessment by computer people and he wants to do a test with zigzag and really it's important
Olympus we're going to go ahead and approve it now
I'm going to do it and I said it and he knows it but really this is very important and I believe that even if the big ones are not activated that they're severe threat because the design and even if they're not there they have stuff that's comparable sort of and really can make a big mess it's too much and it's illegal and there's a reason for it you're making another being and it's not human and it can be smarter than most of you people here
Zig Zag
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yomei100nen · 7 years
2018年2月2日(金) 大阪 南堀江knave
おしゃれキャット企画vol.5 宇宙規模の”ONGAKU”
w/ カトキット / SAPPY / Transit My Youth / オッケーオールライト
前売¥2000(D別) / OPEN18:00 
2018年2月3日(土)  京都nano
w/ B玉 / ボギー / よいまつり /  雨面ナラカシ / PUBLICS./ メシアと人人
 前売¥2000(+1Drink) / 当日¥2300(+1Drink) 
OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00
2018年2月10日(土) 西院ネガポジ
w/ THE NOTHING FACE FROM COLOMBIA / N-16 / BLONDnewHALF / ガリザベン / FIGHT CLUB / バイセーシ / 永岡美央(くつした) / メシアと人人
2018年2月11日(日) 南堀江SOCORE FACTORY
And Summer Club企画 “SURFING THE VOID”
w/ And Summer Club / and Young... / メシアと人人 / KK manga / ケバブジョンソン / 佐伯誠之助 / ときめき☆ジャンボジャンボ / ind_fris / Suueat.
OPEN 14:30 / START 15:00
前売¥2,800 (+1Drink別) / DOOR ¥3,300 +1Drink別)
2018年2月13日(火) 横浜F.A.D
“opreation”vol.21 突然少年"おちんちん”レコ発
w/ Bob Paulsen / Dr.DOWNER /  突然少年
OPEN18:30 / START19:00
前売¥2000(+1Drink) / 当日¥2500(+1Drink)
2018年2月21日(水) 下北沢Daisy Bar 
カネコ生誕祭 VOL.25
w / So Sorry,Hobo / マイアミパーティ / アナトオル・フランス / KIWILIPS / セントルイス&ザ・プレミアムピーチ
■2days通し(2月20日&2月21日)/ ¥2000(+1Drink)
渦 / SESAMI / ROKI / fish in water project / アナトオル・フランス
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