#apologies to anyone whos been peacefully keeping to their lane and respecting everybody in the pool
elliemuze · 2 years
Look at me? Look at me.
If you post hate about a fictional character and don't use anti tags? You are trash. You're the living embodiment of fandom's downside, bred of the same ilk as those who harass creators and actors with their ships. No, really. You suck.
It is basic tumblr etiquette. It's a bottom line show of respect. Yes, no one can force you to anti tag, you're not going to get suspended or banned. But don't you dare start crying and making a stink when YOU break the social contract and suddenly find pushback or hate in your inbox. (This is not advocating anon hate or harassment, by the way. You people also suck, and you're cowards to boot.)
I don't care what moral high ground or self-appointed superiority you think you have over other fans. Whatever your argument was, regardless what side of the field you're standing on, you lost all integrity the moment you took up the chum bucket and started tossing. Pathetic bullies and attention-seekers, the lot of you, having the audacity to Surprise-Pikachu-Face when the sharks show up. It's fictional entertainment. (Sloppily-written entertainment, at that.) Grow up and start behaving like a real person. Seek fucking therapy, while you're at it.
"But I didn't know about tagging!"
Fair enough. Now you do.
"It's not my responsibility to tag, it's my blog anyways."
It is your responsibility. Yes, it's your blog, but you are responsible for what you post. That's why the tagging system is there, to be used. Like I said, no one can force you, but it's 100% a social contract. Breaking it yields no real-world consequences for you, true, but that choice DOES affect other people. (Example: If you don't tag a post with trigger warnings, no, you won't get banned, but you easily could have ruined someone's whole day or week or even caused them to relapse with your negligence.) People are in that tag you're shitting on to enjoy themselves and don't want to be accosted by vitriolic tantrums invading their space.
See above. If you can't be bothered with the simplest of courtesies, that's on you. You don't have to care, but you are an asshole.
Bonus Trivia: even if you don't tag your post explicitly with X, if you even just mention X, it will show up in that tag. That's why the social nicety exists. If you're shitting on something fictional (character, show, movie, book, etc), use the goddamn anti tag. Examples of these tags include: "anti firstname lastname," "anti showname" "anti seriesname," "anti shipname," "anti acronym."
It's not rocket science and never has been. That being said, if you genuinely don't know and don't understand how the tagging system works? Ask. I am always happy to help you if you're lost in this arena. If you're not comfortable asking me, that's completely understandable and no offense taken - there are many users you can ask, or you can even contact Tumblr Support directly. I'm sure there are plenty of existing threads all over the interwebs too that outline the tagging system and how it works.
TLDR: Quit being dickheads, y'all.
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