#apo talks
apocalymons · 26 days
Digikin Server Interest Check
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It used to be that there were multiple Discord servers here in the Digikin tags. Unfortunately, all those links are turbodead. The blogs associated with them are also incredibly inactive, and haven't posted in ages.
So, I'm posting in the tags this time to see if anyone is interested in a Digikin Discord Server.
Not sure if I will have the energy to make it myself, but I definitely won't if there's zero interest whatsoever.
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nattaphum · 1 year
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"At one point he’ll go beyond himself due to his talent and I’ll get too far to the point I won’t be close to him to take care of him as a partner or whatever. At that point, I'll still be here for him." - Mile about Apo
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
King&Prince 3
Steve didn't know how long he'd been in here between being knocked out and the fact that there was no window to help him tell the time. But it must've been a few hours at least, because someone came down to feed him. The person was nondescript besides the scowl on their face as they pretty much tossed the tray at him. It skid across the floor and Steve saw that it was some bread and some soup.
Steve reached for the soup first, wanting something to warm him only to find that it was just barely above his own body temperature. And something slimy was in it. He winced, making his deliveryman laugh.
"Eat up, your highness", he sneered before leaving him to it.
Steve tried the bread next. It was only slightly stale and he wondered if he should be rationing it. This could be his only meal for the next twenty four hours. They intended to return him home but that didn't mean he had to be in perfect condition. They could keep him on the brink if it suited them.
In the end, he decided to finish it all now. He looked at what he was left with. A spoon, a bowl, and a tray. He could probably use any of the three as a weapon, but that did nothing for his locked cell. Steve spent the next few hours, formulating a plan.
He would've thought about it longer, but that was when someone came to serve what must be dinner. That is unless they served bread and soup for breakfast here. It was someone different, but they handed him the tray in much the same way, sliding it in small space under the bars.
"I need to relieve myself", Steve announced.
"And? You've got four corners."
"So I'm just supposed to shit in the corner?"
"Enjoy your slop", he said, turning to leave when Steve grabbed an arm through the bars and twisted it behind his back and raised the spoon to his throat. It was probably the least threatening thing ever but his current warden was frozen.
"What the hell!?"
"You're going to let me out. Or else."
"Or else what? You'll spoon me to death?", he let out a choke of laughter as Steve pressed down.
"I think that's exactly what I'll do", Steve said as he slid the spoon up his neck, up his face and towards his eye.
"Waitwaitwait! I don't even have the keys! Only the king can let you out!"
"Are you lying to me?", Steve asked, his voice low.
"No! I promise. He's the only one with a key to this place. We don't keep a lot of prisoners!"
Steve waited a moment to see if there were any tells that might show dishonesty before dropping the spoon and backing away from the bars.
"In that case, I request an audience with your king. A prisoner I may be, but these current accommodations are not to my standards."
His guard gave him an incredulous look as he caught his breath and regained his wits. "Are you serious? You're making demands?"
Steve crossed his arms. "I am not going to shit where I sleep."
"No one here gives a fuck about what you want. Get used to that prince."
He spat out the word 'prince' like it was a slur. Steve didn't have a huge flock of fans back home, but the blatant disrespect was so foreign. He was left alone to figure out how he was going to keep his cell from smelling like a latrine.
Eddie sent out a letter the very day he had Steve in his keep, flying on the wing of one of his demobats so that there was no mistaking who the letter came from. Steve didn't know how things were going outside his limited scope though, and tried to make the best of his situation. He considered positioning his stream outside the cell and also leaving his solid waste as close to the bars as possible just to piss off whoever came down here, but considering that meant it might touch his food, he refrained.
There wasn't the smell of rot or waste here, so that could only mean prisoners weren't meant to be here long. That either meant they had different cells for long time stays. Or...
Steve brought a hand to his throat. He wouldn't think of 'or' right now. He paced around, considering trying to dig a hole in the softest part of the stone (what an oxymoron), when his foot stumbled against something. There was a small panel, it seemed. And when he opened it, it was a bottomless, black hole. Well what better place for waste to go?
Steve was pretty sure a couple of days had passed, just from the amount of meals he'd been given. But he knew he looked more destitute than that. A side effect of having to choose between tearing up his blanket to wipe himself with or tearing his own clothes. And only one of those was comfortable on his ass.
It was probably about three days in when he got a new visitor. This one still brought food but he was also significantly younger than the others. A literal child.
"Whoa. So you're the guy who tried to kill someone with a spoon?" The boy tilted his head, inspecting Steve. "You don't look that dangerous."
"Give me a spoon and let's test your theory", Steve said, sitting against the far wall, waiting for the tray to be passed over. It seemed fitting that a demonic king would be using child labor.
"Spoons are too easy", the boy said. "Now if you could threaten someone wiiiiith your pinky! Yeah if it was your pinky that would be intimidating."
"My pinky?"
"Yeah", the boy nodded, flopping his brown curls around.
Steve held up his pinky. "You could poke someone's eyes out, hold them up by the nose, break their other fingers with enough force, just to name a couple of things."
"That's almost every orifice. I guess the ears aren't too vulnerable. But what about the ass?"
Steve's face scrunched up, confused as to what the boy was talking about and why he was having this conversation. "What about the ass?"
"You could stick a finger up there. Really disorient a person."
"...Yeah it'd do that. But you wouldn't really do that to an enemy."
"How old are you?", Steve asked.
"Ask someone when you're older."
"Oh come on! I'm not a baby."
Steve cracked his first smile in days. He thought of himself back at thirteen. It wasn't that long ago but he was both embarrassed and nostalgic for that age. "Just hand the food over, kid."
"You and Eddie. One day the youth will rise you know", the boy said as he pushed the food over.
Hearing that definitely made Steve feel older than he was but he tried to ignore it. What was harder to ignore was that the kid kept coming back. Steve had gotten used to a new face every time a new meal was delivered. But this kid, who he learned was named Dustin, came every time now. He asked Steve questions about how to kill people.
Steve told him flat out he'd never killed anyone, was just trained to. So Dustin rephrased to ask how he would kill someone. It still seemed like a morbid topic to have with someone locked up, but it wasn't like Steve had anything else to do. So he told Dustin what he knew. About people's typical weak spots, about the best weapon to use for what sort of damage he was looking for.
He never considered that Dustin might be performing espionage. He was just a kid after all. And when Steve wasn't talking about headlocks versus full body grappling, Dustin was talking about his friends. It was mostly Will, Mike, and Lucas. Sometimes and El was thrown in there. And then there was this Eddie character. Someone who drove Dustin up the wall but also clearly had the boy's admiration.
Apparently Eddie told stories to Dustin and his friends and let them insert their own characters, and gave them a chance to interact with the story. It was fun and Eddie challenged them with obstacles. But it was frustrating when they couldn't decide on the best course of action and Eddie bested them.
Steve had never heard of interactive storytelling like that. And he had to admit it was a good way to engage with kids, not that he had much experience with that.
Around the fourth day since Dustin's arrival, probably about a week or so in to Steve's stay, he really took in Steve's appearance and it surroundings.
"I should ask Eddie about getting you some new clothes. And maybe, I don't know freshen things here? We've never kept somebody down here this long."
Steve figured that. "How is Eddie going to get me anything?"
Dustin looked at him like he was a child. "He's got some pretty big pull around here."
Steve doubted that. Eddie sounded like perhaps a servant with a soft spot for the children of the castle, regardless of their station. Maybe he was a knight and Dustin had been downplaying his nobility? Either way, Steve wasn't going to hold his breath. It didn't matter who Eddie was. King Edward was like stone, he was sure. Listening to no one.
Part 5
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld
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womanonthehill · 6 months
"if you are of the same sex, back on 100s of years ago , we didn't even know why this intimate feeling was, and how would we begin to express it, but if there is a series that could explain visually and everything."
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kinnbig · 1 year
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appreciation post for Big’s suspenders
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misspoetree · 2 years
Obsessed with the difference between puppy-eyed Porsche facing down Kinn's gun in episode 10
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and ride or die Porsche facing down Kinn's gun in episode 14.
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I love that he doesn't put down his gun this time around, the self-confidence.
I love the obvious trust in Kinn and their relationship - the fact that his trigger finger is as straight as an arrow.
And I also love how this perfectly displays what the constant betrayals, the secrets and schemes, the lies and the violence, the mafia lifestyle as a whole have done to Porsche. I mean look at his face. This man has been through it and it shows.
Apo (and the whole team) did so so good in the portrayal of this (quite heartbreaking) transformation.
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tittylover26 · 8 months
Can you imagine a 20 yo man screaming like someone just killed his cat in front of him?
Brother: *screams all of a sudden* "I'M DONE, I'M FUCKING DONE"
Me: "Dude, what the heck"
Brother: "Don't you see him???"
Me: "See who???"
Honestly, same bro.
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moerusai · 1 year
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KinnPorsche + slaps
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chatrakhem · 1 year
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Mile's mom supporting Apo recently 💛
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cyberdragoninfinity · 25 days
*bomb collar beeping* zoneporia is t4t if you just GIVE APORIA A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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apocalymons · 18 days
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Are you digikin? Are you looking for a place to hang out with other digikin to chat about kinstuff? Then consider joining The Net Ocean, a brand-new digikin Discord server!
PluralKit, for anyone who needs it, and a channel specifically for headmate introduction threads!
Appy for verification--- no need to worry about randos coming in to the server!
React roles to help show other people what canons you connect to, including roles for more obscure sources like the Xros Wars Manga, Appmon, and original media!
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This server is only for adults (18+). This is for ease of moderation. If you are found to be lying about your age and are a minor, you will be banned from the server, no exceptions. That said, don't be needlessly crude. If the need for NSFW chats arises, keep riskier topics to it. No one wants to be jump scared by messages that could get them fired.
We are an explicitly plural inclusive server. That means that, to join, you must be accepting of different system structures, be they traumagenic, endogenic, or anything between or without. We do not consider "endo-neutral" to be an inclusive stance, as this often implies an expectation for endogenic systems to "prove" their existence.
This server is run by a system that would generally be considered an "anti." If this bothers you, we would not recommend this server for you. This warning is provided for your comfort as much as ours, as we understand that those labels or the perception of them can come across as antagonistic.
Piggybacking off of that, while in this server please refrain from engaging in discourse subjects. The hard rules set above exist for a reason, but we are all complex individuals, and discourse can often devolve quickly into fights. We understand that the presence of Rule 4 to begin with is, in itself, discourse, but further discussion in the server of these topics (such as shipping discourse) is discouraged.
Similarly, let's try to leave heavier topics at the door. For the time being, outside of memory vent channels, we will not be opening vent channels in this server. Right now the world is a mess, but let's not make this a space to talk about it.
Try to stay relatively on-topic to a given channel. If you find yourself drifting from the subject of one channel to conversation that would be better suited in another, consider moving to continue talking. If you find yourself unable to determine what is "on topic" for a channel, refer to its description or ask a moderator in the suggestions chat for clarification. A moderator may redirect particularly off-topic conversation, just so that anyone that might want to talk on-topic is able to do so.
It should go without saying, but please be courteous to the privacy of your peers. Do not screenshot messages or profiles of other server members without permission. Similarly, we request that you do not share another member's art or writing without explicit permission.
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If we ever have to add rules, we'll make an announcement to let everyone know what's changed.
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Well? What are you waiting for?
Let's dive!
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ticchina · 1 year
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They have the most beautiful and genuine friendship ever and I hope it will last forever because they both deserve to have each other in their lives. 🤎
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nattaphum · 1 year
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Mile liked this tweet 🥺
Their eyes, after the speech they made for each other, speak louder than words
You can’t fake this… 🖤
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mileapo · 8 months
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Talk with MileApo and Pond about the new journey of Be On Cloud that shines more than before
What is each person interested in during this time, such as food, products, places, and activities in Thailand?
Apo: Personally, Po is obsessed with everything Thai. For example, when you see Thai fabric, you will really like it. and would like to be able to keep it My favorite food is Thai food. My favorite basic is scrambled eggs with basil. I can eat it every day. As for activities, I like to travel, the closest place is Phra Nakhon area. I feel like no matter how many times I go, it's like the first time every time. Because even though we go to the same place, the light, temperature, and weather have changed. The feeling has changed. It is a romantic place. 
Pond: These two (Mile and Apo) they like the same thing, it's very funny. It's like going to meet in Phra Nakhon. Sometimes we go on appointments and don't make appointments very often. As for the things that are interesting to me during this period, I'm excited about how we can take what we believe in, what we love, and share it more readily.
Mile: During this time, it's still about the music. But it's going to be about the music from another angle. Being a producer, a collaborator, and a creator are different things. 
Producers are finding new artists. Our perspective on listening to music will change. Including the perspective of looking for artists that we will work with. As for the collaborative perspective, like working with P' Stamp (Stamp Apiwat Authavornsuk) on the song, we felt that it would be interesting to see such a talented artist and then one day join Be On Cloud. Of course, there probably isn't just P'Stamp alone. There are probably others as well. And the final point of view is the creator. No matter how much we like music, one day we become producers and broadcasters, so it's a different feeling. Creating and consuming are different. That's what we've been interested in lately.
What was the most exciting thing about this year?
Apo: This year Po's look will change throughout the year and beyond. In fact, Po's favorite style is retro. Po likes things that look raw and edgy. Ever since I was a kid, I've been trying to grow a mustache for a long time. Until today, at age 30, my mustache has grown in full form (all 3 people laugh). Previously, my mustache grew in patches, but when I turned 30 it was just the right time. Along with the upcoming new work, he asked, "Does Po have a mustache?" Po said proudly. “It's here.” (laughs) Po thinks it's the age when he's ready physically, mentally, and experientially. I think that the work that I have continued to do. It should be an indication of another part of our personality that has grown.
Pond: I would like to add that many people have asked if Be On Cloud sends actors to work with other people. The kind that we don't produce ourselves. No, I didn't send it. But if everything goes right, it's ready. The project that Po will join is a very big movie project. When we talked about it, it felt like it was very right. It couldn't be more accurate than this. It had to be done. Apo himself felt that he was absolutely right for this role. We sat and talked on that side, each choosing the other. Which doesn't count the series we announced today ( Chai Shine series ) 
Apo: And together with the director, the way he shoots, the storytelling is very much our own. He said everything was very natural. 
When will the film project that Apo will star in take place? 
Pond: There will probably be a project announcement this year. And starting filming soon, I think everyone will be wowed. Because this director is a director that all of us are fans of. When we got to know him deeply, we felt that he deserved to have so many works engraved. His ideas and methods of working are worth studying and doing. But we may not spoil the story yet, let's wait a little longer. 
Mile: As for my excitement this year? I think it's a matter of us having a better balance between going abroad and being at home. Fans at home and abroad will feel that they enjoy everything together. For my perspective, whether it's the song part or the performance part that will be announced today (January 31) or something else, everything will be bigger and more rounded from the consumer's perspective. In the corner of the fan club And from the perspective of other people who just got to know Be On Cloud and myself. 
Pond: As for me, as I said above, We are more together, our minds are more calm. Be more accepting of past mistakes, both pros and cons. It's like forgiving everything. At the same time, I admire everything as well. It is forgiveness of our past mistakes. Come back and start in a place where you are still and ready to grow.
Like I said, I've been through a hard life. We've never had a loner, but we admit that from the first time we made Be On Cloud to KinnPorsche The Series, this phenomenon brought everyone along without us realizing it. Before we knew it, there must have been an event to warn us. Luckily, we were still strong and our minds were still calm enough to know what we wanted to do in the end, so we pulled ourselves to the point where we were ready to accept and understand, 'We're not going to be that kind of person anymore.' The most important thing in entertainment work is that there must be no bias. If we have a lot of ego, it will be difficult to do good work. There is only a desire to do it, not a desire to have it. one. This year is an exciting year.
And another thing that we are going to do is grow and have more partners. It's called expanding the company to be bigger in terms of both investments. and the growth of various opportunities So we have to go back and look at what we should deal with. In order not to create even bigger problems in the future, we actually prepared for a while. 
We will have adjustments. Our actors may not all continue together. Our method of caring for artists has changed. We've already talked to the team about that. We do not have a performer manager policy. Therefore, we are not actors' managers anymore. Whether we're going to follow you to do this one, execrise. read the script, get ready. We can train your skills. But we won't come to impose your discipline. And if our working attitude doesn't match ours? We are happy to let you grow in your own way. Because our manpower must be used appropriately in every part. 
The most important thing when working here is to first ask what you want. When you say what you want We'll circle now. Your desire leads us. But if you say what you want to do That's what we want. It is certain that we will have fewer actors left. (???)
What is the surprise Big Project that will happen at this event? (Press conference on the cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce and Be On Cloud Company on January 31) 
Pond: Actually, this story has been planned since the making of Mansuang . We have been working on it for a year. When making Mansuang, the intention was that there would be no relationship story at all. Because in the end, if you face life like that, you won't think about relationships. There are people killing each other every day. Not knowing who killed you and still being in a relationship is a little difficult, but today Man Suang is at peace. There were also transitions during the reign. It's the reign of King Rama IV, so it's time for us to talk about the relationships of the characters. But where will the relationship be? How do we feel about this one? We have to follow and see. Both Chat and Khem will grow in relationships and accept themselves in relationships. This story is a continuation of Mansuang , but we haven't told any stories about the original story. Because the matter is over. There are characters who continue from Mansuang , but not all of them will come.
This story is called Chai (Shine) because I have one belief. When we go to many countries, we will know that when it comes to gender diversity. Equal rights or identifying one's own gender, I think in Thailand we are very open, but we also close some parts. Which is very strange. But in the past everyone felt that it was suffering. But we feel that there will still be a group of people who have this kind of love that doesn't match what other people say, but they can live with. He found a way to survive. And he will have faith that one day it will be better. This is the key to this story. 
Chai (Shine) is a story that will be told from the point of view that there is always hope and brightness. It's up to us how we choose to look at it. Let's say you are in a very dark place. You only have one matchstick and it can light up. It's up to you whether you choose to look at the darkness or look at the light there. People who watch this will feel good. Including a bright smile. And see the beauty of everything we set out to do because the team directed it. The selected team will definitely be a team that will 'Shine' together. 
The atmosphere of this story is like something out of Man Suang , which looks dark and gloomy. Everything presses down on us. As for this matter, we will travel together. The team is the same. For our filming, the entire crew will be together almost all the time, like going on a camping trip. without anyone returning home. As for projects with the Ministry of Commerce, there will be no restrictions. We are not a camp that imposes anything or teaches people. Our main purpose is to entertain. But what can we insert into entertainment? It will stay smooth. That's why we're doing the project from today. In order to make the script as smooth as possible which we are about to start filming.
What is the starting point of the project that will be done with the Ministry of Commerce?
Pond: As I said, we actually talked all the time that we would have another series that talked about relationships. And we also like the beauty of that era. We worked on this for a while. Once that was finished, there was a point where I thought about the fact that we had so many community products that we felt like we could go on and make products that are already well known available for sale. If we look back now at the micro-economy, it is community products. Can we make it more popular? Through our abilities and this project
When this intention arose I was the one who came to talk to the Ministry of Commerce. Actually, at that time it was not about soft power at all. We see what everyone is doing. And at that time we had products that we were interested in. We care about trade. which also corresponds to that era Because the era of King Rama 3 and 4 was an era in which foreign trade was very prosperous. It matches exactly what we believe. Therefore, if you do business, do you have to talk to the Ministry of Commerce? So we came in to talk and explained to him. It was exciting when he saw the picture. I may have been a business person before, we were already trading. When we came to talk to the trading side, it was not difficult to understand each other and we were supportive. We told him that we had to do it in a new way, outside the box. Every adult was ready to go outside the box.
Today, there has been a joining of forces. Notice that it is not the Ministry of Commerce that hires Be On Cloud. We do it together, and even if there is no ministry, we will do it. But today, when there is a ministry, it has power and support. Because the Ministry of Commerce is the largest ministry in the country. There are approximately 5,000 personnel both in Thailand and abroad. He looks at trade, importing, exporting Thai products, whatever can be done to make Thai businesses trade well. Therefore, today we come to do it with him, it should be correct.
If we talk about people knowing about Thailand, there are a lot of people doing it, everyone knows about Thailand. But today we want to do more in terms of making Thai products and businesses expand further. Because we tried it with Man Suang and Song Wad and everything was really possible.
From the perspective of the three of them, what is the attraction of the government supporting the entertainment industry?
Mile: In my view, I think that the government will come and do joint venture activities with the private sector that actually produces content. A pattern like this has never been seen before. From the point of view of some people looking in, they may think that they will be forced. I think this conversation may not be in that form. Because when I came to see Pee Uan (Phoomtham Wechayachai), I saw youth, openness, and fun in him. And many staff members, so it means that the content that will be made If we do it together with a government that is open to this, it would be interesting.
Saying that soft power has to come tie-in, saying that we are going to sit and eat Thai food like this. People have always said it but it hasn't been done. Or it was done and it was never continued. I think the key to success in any industry is continuity. This starting point is one starting point that will allow you to see that.
Pond: As I said, this is a long-term project. and really develop together in many sectors Not just let's make a series. You have to admit first that the government is not good at doing everything. Suddenly the government tells you to create a series and people will laugh at it. Have you ever done this? You have never done it. Therefore, today we are producers with experience. There are works that make you not shy when talking about them. It is considered to be quite successful. But today, if we continue to do this We will cooperate in the matter of trading and making products. Of course we have to talk to people who are good at this. His network is full. His personnel are full. If I go to develop a product It's difficult to find products. It's better to fight for the government to help. They call it that people depend on each other. No one came to ask for anything.
Apo: Powa assumes that if you find good things in Thailand. We may definitely be less skilled than the Ministry of Commerce. Because he's watching all over the country. Including abroad and we are good at entertainment. We just come together. Take that stuff and put it in entertainment. It seems like these characters are used today. And when people around the world watch It's like telling him what this is. It will continue to spread. Because when it comes to entertainment, it stays with us forever. People can come back and watch at any time. And people still know and understand things. that the Ministry of Commerce found Then we enjoyed each other and passed each other on.
Like when Man Suang _ This is like the beginning of entertainment and passing on good things to the community. It will make the movement in the country more widespread. Instead of people coming to just Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, people are going to more provinces. to go see that thing Go see some really local things. Po said the country will grow up.
It's like when we watch foreign series. He kept putting it on. He's been doing it for a very long time. There is support from the government. When they keep promoting each other It becomes a memory that when you go to this country you have to eat this. must do this Poe is a good start.
Pond: I would like to add that when making Man Suang I didn't ask for sponsorship from anyone. And I didn't get any sponsorship from the store. We use the money to decorate the shop ourselves. But in the end, we will prove that it's like an advertising budget. But we use it that way. Once he did, his shop was successful. His drawing actually happened. So it's our case study that entertainment media, series or movies can really do it. It's more than just making people know what culture is. So we took this case study and turned it into a larger section with this project. They call it promoting a new dimension of the economy, but it's actually not new to other countries. New for our country
Apo: The team talked and we had a concept that we would make items that the characters use in their daily lives. That means we don't need a tie-in, we want him to use in everyday life. People will feel that this is what they should use in their daily life. It is not a matter of assuming that this is a good thing.
Pond: We definitely don't do that. Leave this quote: 'We haven't done tie-ins like that since time immemorial. Don't worry, don't worry, we've always been like this. We'll make it smooth on this one.' Please help support and give advice, don't worry. We don't like anything that isn't smooth either (laughs).
Lately, we have heard and seen people in the entertainment industry communicating in the same direction, something like “Our entertainment industry has come a long way. But we can go further if we get support from the government.” What do the three people think about this? 
Pond: People say this word a lot. But just taking the government will not survive. The government has a duty to be a facilitator. No need to invest It doesn't have to be that much. In the end, the word that the government comes to support is all our tax money. But in the end, what the government has is What negotiating power does the private sector not have?
What we will help together is not just the government. That is, every sector must help each other. We as producers and our fans are influencers. One private sector Every store, even other private sectors We can support each other to make these things happen. It's like we've shown that today we have a government in Maine, but it's true that just Be On Cloud and the government alone are not enough. Every sector must help each other. Is that right, sir? (Smiles and turns to look at My)
Mile: Yes, we have to go together. From my point of view, I use the word creative production. It's probably better to compete to grow. From the government's point of view, he did not become an investor with us. He doesn't come to be a producer with us. In this sense, he is a tool, as P'Pond said. He is a support person on various occasions. that sometimes the private sector cannot really reach Whether in terms of finding content, various products, or exporting anything. Therefore, one must be a Co-Partner with a good government. And from the private sector's perspective, we must work together creatively. 
Apo: A pova is a team walk. We are glad that P'Pond and Be On Cloud came to talk with the Ministry of Commerce team. At first we weren't sure. Because I've never seen the government do this big to entertainment. When we met, we felt that he had fun and cheerfulness even though he had grown up a lot. Makes you know that it's really Then it is about joining together and walking together as a team. It's not that anyone has to do more than anyone else. But as long as we have the same ideas, methods, and perspectives, then we come together.
Mile: When we say that the government comes to work with the private sector. Some groups of modern people may feel the Generation Gap, making them feel that the government never understands the private sector. In reality, this may not be the case. I think I might try and see how much better it will happen. But I believe it's definitely better. At least from this point or any other point.
In addition to receiving support from the Ministry of Commerce, do we really want the government to support anything else?
Pond: I feel like I didn't specify anything. Now what I want to happen is More pictures of all ministries working together. Because if the goal is the mouths of the people and the future of the country There is no need to separate who belongs to which ministry. Anyone who is good at anything, we are happy to work with everyone. As with Be On Cloud this year, there will be a new dimension after this where we can work with everyone even more. No matter what label you are, what channel, what platform. Therefore, the answer is the same for anyone. If we assume that our destination is the same, it drives the entertainment industry. Driving the country's industry And to make everything better, we are ready.
In addition to the Ministry of Commerce wanting to promote the upgrading of Thai products to the world market. There is also talk of supporting Thailand towards a society of gender equality. As a producer and actor, how do you think we can push for gender equality?
Pond: We talk about this all the time. You can notice it from KinnPorsche The Series or Mansruang. Whatever everyone feels is that this doesn't match gender, we have never crushed it. For example, KinnPorsche The Series, Porsche doesn't have a mother. But Porsche has Yok who is like a mother. We feel this is normal. Of course, what we do today, everything is normal
Today I feel that society is better. People are more easily accepted. But if sometimes you force yourself to think like this. There will be resistance immediately. Today we try to create entertainment so that people feel used to it. We make it feel like this is normal. The only thing that makes me more happy is that I believe that this year accepting oneself or whether these areas will be supported by law. Because there are many people who live together and they can't have the law to support them. This one is difficult. For example, you can't get a house loan together. One person dies, you cannot clear up inheritance matters. Or that one person is in the hospital and the other cannot sign. This law is important here.
It doesn't matter that my country already accepts such things. I think our country has accepted this for a long time. But this time we need laws that guarantee that this is 'Supported by law' is the correct way. The law really works. There is no need to look for gaps in the law. 
Apo: Po says people don't have to ask themselves who I am today, what am I? Po says the question we really ask ourselves every day is, are we happy today? Do we have the strength to live today? Po is a question that all of us humans will ask. It depends on what we do. Or what kind of perspective we have? If we treat others or even ourselves fairly, this is equality.
Mile: From my point of view, I think the words lover and life partner are not the same. It means from now on the issue of equality. It must be seen as concrete in the legal sense. In terms of actually living life. As P'Pond said, when people love each other, they are stuck in a place where they can't get married, have to get a house loan, can't do certain transactions. Makes it impossible to live the real life that he is living. Which is not fair to those natural things.
Therefore, if these angles come together to promote each other and understand each other better on a wider scale, it would be good. And more than that, working with the government makes you see the charm of being open to the word Thai people. I think Thailand is a country that is open to not just love and liking, it's a matter of culture. What are the many things that are the charm of Thailand?
Pond: Thailand is very diverse. 
Mile: Diversity is the cool thing about Thailand. This character is the strength of Thailand.
(translated by google)
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boysbeloving · 2 years
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Here, everyone cry with me about how much they love each other, and Mile's big, shiny trying not to cry eyes.
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