#aph rare pair
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polhfantasma · 1 month ago
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France x Greece watercolour art I forgot to post!
I was listening to this song while sketching so I thought, why not draw them taking a stroll at the beach at some island in Greece? I love old music
I hadn’t painted in watercolour in a while so the colors might be a biiiit off. i’ll definitely do more traditional art!
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batataaurdoodh · 1 year ago
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@hetalia-rarepairweek day 3: celebrity
I really like my outline brush
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coralcatsea · 7 months ago
Prompt: Based on a movie:
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
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He makes her laugh.
(Background taken from the movie).
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phyripowritesthings · 3 months ago
another first kiss outsider pov fic! you know, I don't think I've written prumano since, like, 2012. pretty sure they were one of my first solid Hetalia ships!
pairings/characters: Prussia/Romano, Germany
word count: 721
Germany is in search of Romano, and finds something unexpected.
There is an empty chair at the meeting table. Since they can’t discuss Italy’s plans when only half of Italy is present, Germany sacrifices himself to go in search of Romano. He can hardly get more hated by him, anyway.
After not spotting him in the hotel lobby, Germany goes and knocks on South Italy’s door, but gets no reply. If he was in, he reasons, he’d certainly answer if just to do some yelling, so what else? The restaurant, perhaps. He checks. No Romano.
Popping his head back into the meeting hall just in case, Germany finds that he hasn’t arrived in the meantime. He starts climbing the stairs, thinking Romano might be hiding in the stairwell? But no.
However, at the top of the stairs, there is a door that says ‘staff only’ and is slightly ajar. In the interest of checking all avenues, Germany pushes the door open and finds himself on the roof of the hotel. It’s windy up here, but sunny and quiet. He listens more carefully. No, not quiet. He can hear a voice, too far away to make out the words, but it certainly sounds like Romano. Just as he is about to step around the stairwell, Germany recognizes that there is another voice, and thinks, Oh no, there should have been two empty chairs.
They forgot about Prussia. Again.
Taking a deep breath, Germany walks up to the corner of the stairwell and looks around it.
Romano and Prussia are sat, not quite on the edge of the roof but on a ledge a bit away from it, their backs to the stairs. They sit close together, bent towards each other, Romano with one leg folded underneath the other and gesticulating wildly as he speaks, Prussia watching him with a wry smile. They are both wearing suits, as though they got ready for the meeting and then just… Ended up on the roof. Germany would love to know how that happened. Are they friends? Why does he not know?
He really should get them both to come down.
Just as he wants to step forward and clear his throat to get their attention, Germany sees Prussia shake his head, in response to which Romano gestures emphatically—more emphatically than usual—and grasps his lapels with both hands. This visibly startles Prussia, and Germany curiously watches his brother touch one of Romano’s hands, turning more towards him on the ledge.
The wind carries some of Romano’s words over, most notably, “No, you fucking idiot,” in French, no less, and Germany bristles on behalf of his brother, but then—then Romano leans forward and kisses Prussia, without any anger behind it, just a softness Germany would never have expected from him.
And he thinks, oh, more than friends, even, but then his gaze catches on the way Prussia freezes for just a moment before he responds, curling his fingers around Romano’s wrist tentatively and leaning his whole body into him as his eyes close. Germany realizes with a shock that this must be new, brand new, and suddenly feels like an intruder. He takes a step back.
Which, of course, makes his foot smash into a vent with a loud clang.
Prussia and Romano startle. Look over at him. Germany holds both hands up apologetically, though Romano’s expression has already turned murderous.
“What the fuck do you want?” he shouts, no longer in French but Italian, letting go of Prussia to gesture. With only one hand though, Germany notes, the other still curled into his lapel.
“I’m—there’s a meeting,” he says. “It was supposed to start thirty minutes ago, but we’re missing half of two countries.”
Prussia looks over at him, then, and smiles. He touches Romano’s hand and says something to him that gets lost to the wind but makes his face soften in a way Germany has never seen.
“Fine!” Romano shouts.
They’re both coming over, then, and Romano is pointing a threatening finger at Germany without a word as he stalks past to the stairs. Prussia shrugs when Germany looks at him, though he’s smiling as well while he smooths out a crease in his lapel.
“Better day than I expected, West,” he just says, and hurries after Romano.
Alright. Germany supposes that, in the end, that is the best anyone can ask for.
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dahliamorena · 1 year ago
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Day 5 - Historic | Meeting The Family
In January 1614, the first Japanese samurai arrived in Acapulco to later make their way to Mexico City. The first Japanese diplomat to establish relations in the New Spain colony (now Mexico) was a samurai by the name of Tsunanega Hasekura. Read about it here!
I only had time to do this one thing but hopefully I’ll do another one!!
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kostantina · 9 months ago
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HWS Female Holy Rome X England (Medieval Empire X Modern Empire)
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❝Many German and English writers were fond of expressing a common Anglo-Saxon-Germanic heritage prior to 1914, but in fact this largely disappeared after the Saxon migrations of late antiquity. Important contacts remained, especially with the renewed missionary activity promoted by the Carolingians, who often relied on qualified monks from the British Isles, like St Boniface, but otherwise England and the Empire evolved separately. While a sense of Saxon heritage may have played a part, both countries were sufficiently distant not to be immediate competitors. Ironically, this opened possibilities for royal marriages which, like Byzantine-imperial matches, were intended mainly to impress a domestic audience and avoid antagonizing a king’s nobles by tying him to one local family. Otto I married Alfred the Great’s granddaughter, Edith of Wessex, while Henry III married Gunhild, daughter of Knut of Denmark-England. Edith’s and Knut’s deaths ended any chances of a lasting alliance in both cases.
❝By contrast, connections in the high Middle Ages were more significant, if less celebrated in the nineteenth century. Emperor Henry V married Matilda, daughter of Henry I of England, in 1114 as a deliberate attempt to forge an alliance with the Anglo-Norman dynasty ruling much of Britain since 1066. It was hoped this would outflank a Franco-papal alliance threatening the Empire towards the end of the Investiture Dispute.❞
-  Peter H. Wilson, Heart of Europe: A History of the Holy Roman Empire
❝On his mother's advice, Richard resigned the kingdom of England to Henry VI in order to receive it back as a fief of the empire. He was to pay his overlord £5,000 a year. Richard was now a vassal of Philip for his continental lands and a vassal of Henry VI for his island kingdom, but it seems that in England few, if any, were willing to acknowledge this, and that this part of the agreement was hushed up. At Henry's court, of course, it was regarded as the jewel in the crown.
❝On the day of his release, Henry VI and the princes of the empire had sent Philip and John a letter telling them that they would do all they could to help Richard if everything that had been taken while Richard was in captivity was not restored at once.❞
- John Gillingham, Richard I
❝On the morning of 6 August an imperial herald in full regalia rode through Vienna to the Jesuit church of the Nine Choirs of Angels. After climbing to the balcony, he summoned the inhabitants with a silver fanfare to announce the end of the Empire.
❝The Empire was certainly not dead by the late eighteenth century, and if it was sick, as Zedler and others suggested, it was not yet on life support. If revolutionary France had not intervened, the most likely prognosis was that the Empire’s socio-political order would have persisted further into the nineteenth century, but it is unlikely that this could have been sustained against the levelling and homogenizing forces unleashed by capitalism and industrialization around 1830.
❝By 1806, some leading intellectuals expressed the sense that the Empire had been sick for a long time and that its doctors had long given up hope. Goethe’s mother wrote two weeks after Francis II’s abdication that the news was not unexpected, ‘as when an old friend is very ill’. Later historians have expressed similar views that the Empire died ‘a “natural” death’ from old age, rather than having been murdered by Napoleon.❞
-  Peter H. Wilson, Heart of Europe: A History of the Holy Roman Empire
❞By the end of the Napoleonic Wars, French imperialism had been curbed in North America, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia, but soon much of North and West Africa would be brought under French political and cultural influence. Spain was no longer a major power, but after the demise of its empire in the 1830’s its cultural dominance in the countries of South America remained: their economies urban, their governments strictly centralized, and their peoples devoutly Catholic in the Spanish style (Fernandez-Armesto, 2003). The Dutch and Portuguese empires were also in decline, and yet survived, resistant to radical change because of the commercial benefits derived from their overseas possessions. However, none of these four imperial orders came close to matching the size and power and wealth of the British Empire.
❝Encompassing nearly a quarter of the Earth’s land mass and a quarter of its population, the British Empire in the 19th century grew into the most extensive empire the world has ever seen.❞
- Douglas M. Johnston, In The Historical Foundations of World Order: The Tower and the Arena
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pvffinsdaisies · 9 months ago
Thinking abt Ireland & Netherlands on their first date in like a little cafe or smth and Saoirse is yapping the whole time, talking about anything and everything, and Jan is just sorta sipping his coffee, thinking to himself that she’s just so cute and he could listen to her forever. And at some point she gets embarrassed like “oh, I’m not going on, am I?” And bc he’s so blunt he just says. “Yes.” And she’s like “oh, sorry! I’ll shut up.” And he’s like “don’t. I like it.” And she nervously smiles at him before continuing on with whatever she was talking about
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whitepeachrum · 8 months ago
Fandom: Hetalia (personified) Pairing: Arthur x Kat (EngUkr/UkrEng) Content Length: Short (~500 words)
A sleepy Arthur shuffled into the kitchen, drawn by the comforting aroma of a simmering stock and the enticing view of the lovely woman making it. He walked up behind Kat and wrapped his arms around her, giving her cheek a soft kiss, then resting his chin on the crook of her neck.
“Mm. Good morning, love.”
“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?”
“Mhm.” He closed his eyes, still feeling sleepy. “What is my beautiful wife up to this morning?”
“Well, I decided to start making some soup early so we can have something warm for lunch.”
“It's too early for soup, love.” Kat glanced at the time on the stove and noticed it was indeed a bit early from her usual start to the morning. She looked at him and put her hands on his.
“It is. And?”
“Come back to bed with me. It's so cold without you.”
“It is quite cold this morning, isn’t it?”
“Well, then, why don't I finish cutting up some of the vegetables first, and then I’ll join you again? Hm?”
“Couldn't you do this later?” Arthur pouted, tugging at Kat's heartstrings.
“You’ll enjoy it more if it simmers longer.”
“But I don't want soup. I want you.”
“Mmm. Could you give me a couple of minutes first?”
“Kat..” He whined softly, wanting to do nothing but cuddle together. His hands were getting cold and he needed to warm them up soon.
She turned around to give him a kiss to placate her big baby for a moment. “Go back to bed, I’ll be there soon.”
Arthur sighed loudly, not wanting to let her go, but feeling the need to lay back down under the covers. He unpeeled himself from her and picked her up, carrying her like he did the night of their wedding. She yelped from the unexpected movement, wrapped her hands around his neck for support, and then laughed at his sudden gesture.
“What are you doing!?”
“I'm taking you with me.”
He carried her up the stairs to their bedroom, and laid her down on the bed, then covered her with the blanket and crawled underneath it, wrapping his arms around her again. So warm…
“Mm. This is nice.”
“You're right.” Kat snuggled up against him. “This is much nicer than soup.” She put her fingers on his lower back, beneath the top of his pajamas, causing him to flinch and groan at the sudden iciness. She giggled softly at his reaction.
“Oh yeah?” Arthur placed the back of his fingers against her neck and she squealed from the way the chill of his knuckles shocked her warm skin. “That's payback for what you did.” He smiled and gave her a gentle kiss that basically said ‘We are even now’.
She placed a warm and sweet kiss back onto his lips and nuzzled her nose into his neck, taking in his natural musk, basking in his warmth, and slowly falling asleep as she listened to his heartbeat thump evenly. He pulled the blanket up to her nose and buried his nose in her hair to keep himself warm too.
“Can you breathe, my love?” he gave her kisses as she fell asleep in his arms.
“Perfect.” He dozes off with a smile on his face, a warmth radiating from within, and the love of his life in his arms.
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pruktober · 1 year ago
@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @hetaliacalendar @nsfhetalia
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11kyles · 2 months ago
Heart of Stone - Nyo!AmePhil
Hi guys so this is my first nyo!amephil fic ever. I don't know how to tag so support would be really, really, REALLY appreciated. Please be nice. I will drag everyone into my yuri agenda nyehehe
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felovabriel · 11 months ago
so does anyone want to send me prompts for little Hetalia fics? I'm struggling with self-starting but I still miss writing this fandom
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batataaurdoodh · 1 year ago
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@hetalia-rarepairweek day 5 : historical
thanks to @astrophilic-soul for the references and ideas ‼️ ✨
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coralcatsea · 7 months ago
Prompt: Free Day
Alfred attempts to be brooding and mysterious in hopes of impressing the cool alt girl.
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Based on an episode of Disney's Hercules TV series!
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idyllic-affections · 2 years ago
hi hello hey i am making a request!
i don’t think i’ve requested anything in a while but here i am!! can i ask for asta with a younger sibling!reader, maybe some found family with arlan sprinkled in? 👀
as always i love your work aph!!!
- ⭐️
the love of a sister.
summary. what would asta be like as an older sister?
trigger & content warnings. implied injury.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, found family. asta & younger sibling!reader, arlan & reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. YEAHHHHH my first hsr request comes from one of my lovely emoji anons 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 my hsr fic writer arc has begun.... i love asta and arlan they are so found family
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oh, i just know asta is an overprotective, overbearing older sister. she means well, don't get me wrong! but she can most definitely be a bit... much. her love is boundless and she always wants her sibling to know just how much they mean to her. therefore, she can come across as very strong and passionate.
i think asta's younger sibling would take after her interest in the stars! as a child, asta's little sibling would follow her around like a little lost duckling and listen to her teach them about the universe with the widest, most curious little eyes.
had her family ever been critical of them, as they were to her, she would have been absolutely livid. her sibling is brilliant (just like their big sister 🫶)! talking down to them will not be tolerated. not as long as she's around. she argued in her own defense, so you had better believe she would argue in her sibling's defense, too.
with these things in mind, it's obvious that she would bring them to herta space station with her. she couldn't bear to be parted from them, anyway, so she would have been so happy that their interests are similar to hers.
just as arlan followed her, so did they.
if asta knows that she isn't going to have the time to watch them and hang out with them, she'll task arlan with watching them, even when her little sibling huffs and complains and insists that they don't need a "babysitter."
(a nasty encounter with the antimatter legion would prove that they do, in fact, need a babysitter. they'd try to convince arlan not to tell their sister about the danger they faced, but he does anyway. he thinks she has a right to know. he's apologetic about it though LMAO and asta? oh, asta's protectiveness increases tenfold after that incident.)
asta is generally quite busy, so arlan usually keeps them company. he eventually became become something of a permanent babysitter.
asta likely feels a bit bad that she doesn't often have freetime to spend with her sibling, so to make up for it, she's always buying them gifts!
it could be something they mentioned halfheartedly in conversation once, a fleeting comment about a cool device or an interesting book they heard about, and asta would get it for them, leaving it on their bedside table for them to find.
she would remember the little details like that. everything she does for them is very kind and thoughtful; it's easy to tell how much consideration goes into her gifts.
arlan would be something of a brother figure to them, i think. after spending so long with him, having known him since before their time at herta space station, it would be inevitable.
his smiles are generally a rare sight...
...but not for asta's little sibling.
he smiles a lot for them <3 around them, he is safe and comfortable and can let down his guard. of course, he's still alert. he needs to keep them protected, per asta's request... and also because the poor thing would never forgive himself if he let something happen to them. he loves them just about as much as asta does.
if they asked often enough, he would eventually cave in and teach them how to protect themselves, as long as asta approved.
^ i believe she would, albeit reluctantly. she trusts arlan! she knows he won't hurt them on purpose, that isn't what she's worried about or bothered by. it's just that it somehow makes her a little emotional to see her little sibling so grown up...
overall, asta is a very good big sister!
she has her faults, but really, doesn't everyone?
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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mystreet-liveblog · 8 months ago
Its not even the voices Aphmau needed to do in early seasons. I just have troubles where I take shows really seriously, so the no warning / no consent kissing or the people trying to find out everything about Aphmau's love life is just frustrating for me.
Autistic people taking things too seriously, what else is new?
I hear that, I too have the “tism”
But on the rewatch I kind of read it differently. It makes sense that Aph’s friends would be concerned about her love life since she hasn’t been interested in anyone since high school, her mom is notorious for hating boys, and half her male friends have crushes on her and she doesn’t reciprocate any of them. It’s an interesting situation and I know I’d be concerned, especially if I was Katelyn or KC
Katelyn sees Aph as a sister and knows that she’s had bad experiences with boys in the past (Gene and Ein, though I haven’t gotten to Ein in the rewatch yet so I may be misremembering some details) so of course she’d be suspicious of Laurance and the others across the street, Aaron who’s super suspicious and used to be a bully, and Zane who is literally Zane hahah
Meanwhile, KC is obsessed with shipping and she stands as an outlier who actively analyzes relationships and pairs them together in her mind as possible relationships, with her favorites being expressed more openly and verbally like a hyperfixation. It’s problematic but also not unheard of, and I can relate to analyzing your friends and deducing their compatibility (though not so much pressuring them into pursuing that compatibility :/). In the end she just wants to see all her friends happy, and she projects her own love of romantic love onto them
(KC actually reminds me a bit of Nepeta from Homestuck but that’s a conversation for a different day)
I do think the lack of consent coming from Laurance and his roommates is very weird and disturbing, but the conscious narrative seems aware that it’s problematic while the subconscious narrative plays it off as a joke. It’s not really that funny, but I guess that’s just part of the anime tropiness of the season.
The entire show, or at least the first seasons of MyStreet and PDH, was made to feel anime tropey and unfortunately that kind of nonconsensual humor is very anime. It’s a little nuanced tho that the rest of the show explores the “after they get together” situations rarely seen in romance anime, though, as well as abandoning the nonconsensual humor in favor of villainizing it and using it to characterize antagonists (sorry Laurance fans your fav is problematic <3)
I actually kind of realized through my rewatch that Laurance was the main instigator of these inappropriate actions and it’s really his own problem to work through. The rest follow him with the frat boy mindset and only come to their senses when actually thinking on their own lol
Like, I remember as a kid there being so many jokes about Travis touching peoples butts, but as far as I remember from my rewatch they were all accidents! That’s kind of funny actually! But the normalization of predatory behavior is very weird in S1 and I’m glad it’s gone in S2
In PDH S1, it’s only slightly justified by the students all being literal children who are working through their hormones and poor coping mechanisms. Both Laurance and Garroth kiss Aphmau without her consent and then swear her to secrecy, which is toxic as hell and its protrayed as such. Gene even threatens to kiss her in front of Aaron which is a whole other thing we don’t need to discuss at length cause I’m sure you get the point by now
But PDH-Aaron notably asks permission every time he does anything romantic with Aph and it’s sweet. In S1 of MyStreet, he does kiss her after the play without verbal consent, but it’s implied she did at least nonverbally consent in later episodes when discussing what happened. Regardless, that sort of content in S1 isn’t touched upon as the story goes on which makes it a lot better to me, and it shows the growth of the author alongside her characters
WOAH— SORRY FOR THE LONG RESPONSE!!!! I just found this topic interesting!!!! Hope you have fun reading this MOUNTAIN wow—
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kostantina · 9 months ago
Hi! ~
How are you? I hope you've been doing well!
I'M really intrigued by your Fem! GREAT X England. Is there any reason why you began shipping them? What would their dynamic be like? Do you have an favorite headcanons with them? 🪽
Hello, Anon! Thank you for the ask, and I’m doing well. I hope you’re having a great day as well <3
Ship: Female Holy Roman Empire/Holy Rome x England
So, I’m not really certain how I started shipping them because it has been more than a year since then. But I guess it started because of the content I saw about Arthur and Elizabeth I and Jeanne d’Arc and Francis. The appearance of Jeanne in Hetalia reminded me of Fem!HRE’ in the fanarts I saw of her. They were also both very religious, and I assume that HRE would be religious because of the Catholic origins or nature of the Empire in real life. The Holy Roman Emperor is traditionally the protector of the church, and the imperial title originated from the Pope after being helped by the same man he would then crown as Emperor of the Romans. Many emperors that followed were also crowned by the Pope.
So their resemblance also led me to think about what happened to HRE and Jeanne eventually. The French’s actions resulted in the Emperor dissolving HRE, and a tribunal dominated by the English sentenced Joan to death. Francis would have been angry at Arthur because of what happened to Jeanne, and I thought that if I made Fem!HRE be an important person to Arthur, then it would lead to Arthur being angry at Francis for what happened to her. I imagine the two of them letting go of their anger and being friends, talking about these two women who were very important to them and apologizing for their people’s actions that resulted in their end. Then, Francis would meet Jeanne’s reincarnation, while England would meet Fem!Germany who was slowly remembering her memories as HRE. It’s such an interesting scenario that I got interested in shipping Fem!HRE and England together.
But right now, though, I’m more interested in Fem!HRE reincarnating as a human instead of becoming Amnesiac!Germany and England meeting her. Mentioning Germany, at the time, I was also interested in Germany x England pairing, and as we all know, Germany was theorised to be HRE. I hadn’t seen any content about HRE!Germany and England back then, so my interest in Fem!HRE and England increased. My first content about this pairing was originally about the scenario I mentioned above, with England meeting Fem!Germany who was slowly remembering her forgotten memories, but I ended up not liking the direction I was heading, so the idea was abandoned. Germany also didn’t exist before the late 19th century, and I wanted to imagine scenarios about GerEng before that century. Thankfully, the HRE!Germany theory exists. After some time, I ended up being interested in Fem!HRE x England without needing HRE to become Germany in the future. And as a person who loves rare ships, Fem!HRE x England being rarer than GerEng only drew me more to them.
Also, HRE died in the same century when Pax Britannica happened, and the thought of a man so powerful having the person he loved most dying and the public not knowing about it because their relationship was a secret (due to being personifications) was interesting. She was a living, or rather, dying proof that despite the power he held, he wouldn't be able to get everything. Considering how patriarchal society was, especially in their time, it’s heartwarming to have such a man being appreciative of a woman, so Fem!HRE instead of Male!HRE. I also wish HRE had been older and female in canon for reasons I would not mention because I already said so many things. 
Another thing that interests me is how England and HRE both have empires but hers was not colonial, preventing the two empires from having direct conflicts. Her empire started in the medieval era, which had been the only empire for centuries in Western Europe, while his empire started in the modern era. What happened to them in the 19th century could be interpreted as a medieval empire meeting a modern empire in its strongest state (for her at least since she would soon die to know how strong his empire could be), and a modern empire meeting a medieval empire in its weakest state (and he would have to live with the knowledge she was dead). The contrasts are interesting.
England and HRE’s people also had interactions/connections in real life, but even if not many, I think it would emphasize how personal Arthur and Fem!HRE’s relationship was. I also love how they have canon “biological” siblings because interactions between spouses and their in-laws are interesting and can be amusing.  
I see their dynamics having similarities with Padme and Anakin’s from Star Wars and Zhongli and Guizhong’s from Genshin Impact.
Fem!HRE would be softer, while Arthur would be rougher in personality. I see her as being motherly and someone who would calm or soothe him when he was feeling overwhelmed and frown or be annoyed whenever he spoke crudely (but she would get used to it). He would be more straightforward and more of an actions type of person, while she would be more guarded and more of a words type of person. 
After the Protestant Reformation happened, their religious differences would make their relationship awkward but would not be enough to destroy it. Their religious views would also be affected by how Arthur was born surrounded by pagan views, while Fem!HRE was born surrounded by Catholic views (based on what I headcanoned to be her date of existence as an individual). She was basically younger than him, born long after the conversion of Emperor Constantine I to Christianity and the fall of the Western Roman Empire, while he already existed way before that.
Talking about their different circumstances, Arthur would feel bitter about how she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth (already having an empire ever since she was born) in contrast to him, while she would feel bitter at how he ended up with an empire that was more powerful than hers could ever be and how she ended up being the one without an empire when at the beginning he was the one without an empire. Since she was able to grow older earlier than in canon, the same would apply to Feliciano (and his brother), who would remain her first love and who Arthur would be wary (or jealous) of. Her friendship with and fondness for Antonio when both were ruled by Habsburgs would also make her relationship with Arthur awkward.
I love the idea of them getting married surrounded by a few trusted witnesses in the Middle Ages and repeating their vows in the following centuries. She was also more romantic/sentimental and idealistic than Arthur and therefore would highly expect him to be an affectionate lover. Her perception of marriage would be optimistic too, influencing his decision to propose. But she was not naive not to consider the negative consequences, especially since they were not humans and she was in a world dominated by men.
It’s honestly hard to think of my favourite headcanon for them. I don’t really have an organised list of headcanons lol. But I deeply love imagining them bonding over gardening like the couple in the Secret Garden novel and sword fighting one another to practice and entertain themselves. I also love imagining her having a preference for him in the colour of red, and Arthur teasing her about it, causing her to be very flustered. And when it comes to how they met each other face-to-face and became close friends (and eventually lovers), I prefer her older brother, Saxony, to be the bridge between them because of Anglo-Saxon England and her Saxon emperors.
When it comes to parenthood, I imagine Hanover as their daughter because of the House of Hanover ruling his empire and Hanover being an electorate in her empire. At first, I’m not certain how I would characterise Hanover’s relationship with them, whether she should be a daughter or a sister. But I ended up deciding for her to be a daughter because I wanted them to have a child who knew about their secret relationship and Arthur to have a child who was not a product of his empire’s expansion; someone who he would have to see as an "equal" in a way.   
As previously mentioned, England and Fem!HRE had a secret relationship. It's more heart-fluttering that way (like, the thought of him suddenly pulling her away towards a secluded area just to kiss her secretly is 🤭). Despite their roles and the challenges they had to face as personifications, they still found a way to love one another and have their own world.
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