#aph nh
spidertalia · 1 year
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drew @rosethreeart 's abigail with my new hampshire oc <33 short queens rise up ✊
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nhperformancefarms · 8 months
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NH Gunn In Black
APH Stallion - Reining - Ranch Versatility
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kabarbanyuwangi · 2 years
Kejari Banyuwangi Sudah Waktunya “Bersih-bersih Pejabat Korup”
Kejari Banyuwangi Sudah Waktunya “Bersih-bersih Pejabat Korup”
Banyuwangi, seblang.com – Terkait adanya  penetapan sebagai tersangka oleh Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Banyuwangi, oknum pejabat penting Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Banyuwangi berinisial NH, Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (BKPP) dinilai  menjadi pintu masuk aparat penegak hukum (APH) dalam mengungkap berbagai tindak kecurangan atau dugaan kasus melawan hukum yang…
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nuisancehelicopter · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Yuki Kaida-san!!!!!
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aphchinass · 5 years
Question, does this fandom consider the Western and Eastern Roman Empire separate personifications?
Wikipedia says they were de facto independent but also some considered it “one policy governed by two separate imperial courts”
Technically in Hetalia canon aph Rome seems to fall with the Western Roman Empire (a stretch, but he isn’t ever seen in Byzantine fashion, even as a ghost) and I also see yosb have aph Greece stand in as Byzantine
Any people who’ve read up on European history? Thoughts?
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missmagicandlight · 5 years
friendly reminder that the first time NH/VT met, Monty threw acorns at Cam’s head
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*sometime during the American revolution after a particularly nasty fight in NY*
DE: I-I cant believe he sacrificed himself for us.
VA: That crazy northern SOB
GA: You will be missed, brother.
PA: *sniffling* he was the most amazing person I've ever met
NJ: we're still talking about NY right?
RI: I call his gun
MA: Why do you get it?
RI: because I called it
NH: you can't even shoot a gun
RI: nobody even asked you. Why are you even here?
NC: rest assured, a complete lack of skill when using a gun is common within the troops of the northern regions.
MD: Hey, NC, do us a favor and shut up, yeah? I can use a gun just as well as you can.
SC: The fact that you can't hit a red coat when they're plainly obvious to see-you know, them and their bright red uniforms-clearly implies that you cant.
MD: I challenge you to a contest right here, right now you damned Carolinian-
CT: *crying outright* can you all please shut up so we can properly mourn our fallen brother who selflessly sacrificed himself for us??
*from a distance*
NY: Sacrifice myself? Why the hell would I sacrifice myself?? I hate all of you.
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askaphmaine · 6 years
For the ship thing, I die for Augusta x Albany and NewMaine tbh
(I’m going to make it high school themed bc why not!)
Augusta/Albany: That couple you think won’t last a week that lasts for life
No one was sure when the two boys began dating. It almost seemed as if one day they both woke up and thought ‘Yeah, I’m going to ask him out’. The rumors were average, things like ‘Oh, they won’t make it.’ and ‘It’s for attention. They don’t care about each other.’. Even after graduation, bringing up the two caused resounding ‘I wonder who ended it with who?’ type questions.
5 years and little to no word from the two. That is, until the class reunion. Both had RSVP’ed, leading to rumors and questions flying around the different groups. Would there be hard feelings? Would someone end up upset? These rumors were crushed when the two walked in, hand in hand. One girl almost fainted when the two announced their plans to marry.
“But, what about your families? What would they think about you two…you know…” Aaron blinked.
“My dad, Francis, doesn’t care about gender in the slightest. He’s dated both before. My older sister is bi and engaged to a pretty cool guy. My older brother is engaged to a guy, fuck if I know what his sexuality is. Why would they give a shit? Anthony’s oldest brother can’t be straight. He stares at too many guys walking down the road. His other brother I’m pretty sure worked in a strip club. They can’t talk.” A couple of gasps broke the silence of the party. Anthony rolled his eyes.
“Hudson never worked in a strip club. He did, however, work in a gay bar.”
“C-Connor, can you believe this? Your old friend is getting married to another guy! Isn’t it weird to look back on your friendship?”
“I mean, my brother is marrying his sister, so…” At least 1 person fainted as Connor happily waved to his future brother-in-laws.
Maine/New Hampshire: The couple no one realized were dating at first but acted as if it was obvious
“So, Jacob, do you ever plan on confessing to Mack? I mean, you stare at her enough.” Michael leaned on his desk, judging the reaction. Normally, Jacob would flush at the mention of his crush, a quiet yet angry girl named Mack. Everyone knew he was afraid of confessing and many liked to tease him with the topic.
“Huh?” Apparently, this was not a normal day. Jacob merely watched the other boy in confusion, tilting his head to the side.
“You can’t be over her. No way. You’ve liked her for years, Jacob. YEARS!” Michael half yelled in shock. He had watched Jacob fawn over Mack for almost 10 years now, beginning at the tender age of 5. There was no way he was suddenly over her. No way. Before Jacob could answer, a book bag was tossed onto the science table. Liam slid into the seat next to Jacob, letting his forehead rest down without bothering to glance at the other two.
“Morn’nin.” He groaned. Liam was no morning person and the lack of coffee meant he had already finished his entire cup in the 5 minutes it took for him to get to school. Not a good sign. Michael, still in shock from his previous discovery, ignored the warning signs, stage-whispering to the blond.
“Dude. I think Jacob’s over Mack. He’s not flushing at the mention of his crush. He’s not starry eyed at the thought of her. 10 years and he’s done?” Liam twitched.
“Michael. Asshole. Idiot. Crétin. Mack and Jacob started dating a MONTH AGO. NO SHIT HE’S NOT BRIGHT RED. NOW SHUT IT AND LET ME FUCKIN’ SLEEP.” Michael stared at the two.
“A month.”
“Um, yes?”
“A month.”
“Yeah, a month now. I worked up the courage, when to tell her and she cut me off and kissed my cheek before walking to class. She and I have been going on dates every week.”
“How…how has no one noticed? This is something EVERYONE would talk about. You think Lance would let this slide? He’s been trying to set you both up for years!”
“IDK, man. Maybe you all should pay more attention?” The small smirk lent Michael no information. The shock of the news spread fast. Almost as fast as Liam ran when Mack found out he yelled her relationship status out to over 30 people.
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shirakinnie-moved · 5 years
Aph Ancients High School Au
This is a very new au and I'm still developing it. It takes place in 2019 America. The characters ages range from 16-17
Feel free to add your own headcanons!! This au is a community effort!!
Tik tok e boy
Makes out with cheerleaders and football players
Dating both Ancient Greece and Germania (he's polyamorous)
Theatre kid
Pagan but was raised Catholic
Ancient Greece
Gets dress coded every day
Had a belly button piercing
Pagan as well
Theatre kid
Gets into political debates with his teachers everyday
Probably listens to Green Day
Never does his homework but has good grades anyway
Also pagan wow I'm really starting to see a pattern
Doesn't eat lunch because he doesn't have any fucking money
Edit: he is now trans
Fights with teachers to be seen as a boy
Wants to play sports but can't
Lives on a farm
Took all the agriculture classes
Apart of FFA (Future Farmers of America)
Just wants to farm in peace
Found Rome's tik tok and makes fun of him for it
Has a gf
Has so many scholarships
Always the designated driver
Ancient Egypt
Talks to the new kids
Apart of NHS (National Honor Society)
On the student council
Also apart of NHS
Took all the FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) and business classes
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Cats: Mnck ID 62206, 4 YRS, 82 LBS BROOKLYN ACC BIG, FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, WAG GY & SWEET BOY LIKES DOGS. TO BE KILLED – 5/16/2019 Big, friendly, waggy and sweet, MacK was found wandering, scared and alone in the streets of NYC. He may be a big boy, but at that moment he was just a lost little boy on the inside. Dragged into the shelter by police via a rabies pole, his arrival at the care center was nothing short of terrifying. We can't blame him for his anxiety and confusion. But with a few days behind him, he has warmed up nicely to some of his favorite staff members and is a real heartbreaker, soft and attention seeking and a lover of treats. What a stunner too! His one magnificent icy blue eye, the other a warm brown, and his size – he’s 82 lbs of cookies and cream. He loves treats, he enjoys his time in playgroup with his girlfriends (like Sassy for example) and he is so stoic and patient, even when they jump all over him. He understands the meaning of “gentleman” and takes it all in stride. MacK truly needs a loving family, an experienced foster or adopter in an adult only home where he can decompress, relax, open his heart to his new family and feel safe and loved. Will you be the one to make his dream of a family come true? Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting treat loving, heart stealing MacK now! MY MOVIE! I make friends with Sassy, she’s great! https://youtu.be/_OqIuCf0X2g ZEUS, ID# 62206, 4 Yrs. Old, 82 lbs, Unaltered Male Brooklyn ACC, Large Mixed Breed, White / Black I came to the shelter as an Agency, 5/7/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY Medical Behavior Rating: 4. Orange AT RISK NOTE: Although MacK has shown improvement with certain handlers in the care center, he has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Mack was also diagnosed with CIRDC and would have to stay away from other dogs for the next 14 days after diagnosed. INTAKE BEHAVIOR – DATE OF INTAKE, 5/7/2019: Mack was snapping, growling and lunging when being taken out of the crate. No handling was done. SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Mack is a large white and black dog that was found loose in the street and was brought to the ACC as a stray. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Hard pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Soft body, tail wagging, ears forward, explores somewhat, jumps up soliciting attention, stays near handlers, readily accepts treats with soft mouth Call over: Does not approach immediately Sociability comments: Mack was observed to walk toward assessor and sniffed the outstretched hand, tensed his body and low growled toward the assessor. In order to minimize Mack's stress levels, the assessment was concluded. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Mack was surrendered as a stray so his past behavior around dogs is unknown. 5/8: When off leash at the Care Center, Mack is introduced to a novel female dog. He is sexually motivated as he greets the female and places his chin over her back. Mack positions himself to mount the female but is interrupted by handlers. Mack walks away to explore the pens. 5/9: Mack was introduced to a novel female again today. He greets her with a soft body and wanders around the yard. He does give the female one quick bounce when she solicits play but does not reciprocate otherwise. Summary (1):: Mack understands the cue for "sit". INTAKE BEHAVIOR – DATE OF INTAKE: 5/7/2019 Summary:: Baring teeth, growling, lunging and snapping; No handling performed MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 5/8/2019 Summary:: Initially hyperactive, allowed muzzle, escalated to hard stare, growling and head whipping ENERGY LEVEL:: MacK has been observed to exhibit a medium level of energy during his interactions in the care center. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 5/10: Mack was laying in his kennel as handler approached. When handler removed the blocker and Mack noticed her, he stood and gave tail wags. As handler unlocked his kennel, She offered Mack a treat, which he took gently. Mack was easily removed from the kennel and walked out with a loose body, showing no reactivity to the barking dogs as he passed them. Once outside, mack relieved himself at the gate and was brought back inside for his interaction. After his interaction was over, Mack walked back to his kennel with the handler, returning to a loose body and showing no reactivity to passing staff members. Mack allowed the handler to pet his head and back on his way back to his kennel, giving tail wags the whole way. Mack was returned to his kennel without any issues. 5/12: Mack allowed very exuberant handling while maintaining a wiggly body. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to how uncomfortable MacK is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Although MacK has shown improvement with certain handlers in the care center, he has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Kennel presence Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: MacK displays handling sensitivity during his interactions in the care center, observed on multiple occasions. MacK has been observed to escalate to baring his teeth, growling, lunging and snapping toward handlers when attempting to handling him. Please refer to the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: MacK is very fearful at the care center and has bared teeth, growled, lunged and snapped at handlers when attempts are made to approach him and touch him. He will need a slow approach and time to acclimate to new people. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Kennel presence: MacK exhibits kennel presence and has been observed to growl when new people approach his kennel door. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout on Kennel presence. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 8/05/2019 DVM Intake Estimated age: 4 years Microchip noted on Intake? No Microchip Number (If Applicable): History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Initially hyperactive but allowed muzzle, escalated quickly to hard stare and growling/whipping head around when exam was performed. Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 6/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. Muzzled. EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: Male intact, two descended testicles, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: -Apparently healthy Prognosis: Fair Plan: -Start trazodone 5 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely Surgery: Okay for surgery 13/05/2019 Progress exam-New CIRDC noted on rounds History: Intake 5/8-APH, started on trazodone for shelter anxiety Subjective: BAR. Lunging at the front of the cage. Sneezing. Objective: EENT: serous nasal d/c bilaterally, no ocular d/c ou L: Eupneic, normal RR/RE but sneezing MSI: Ambulatory x 4, good haircoat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: CIRDC Plan: Continue trazodone 200mg PO BID Start baytril 10mg/kg PO SID x14d until 5/27 Recheck at day 7 Move to iso Prognosis: Good *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** MACK S RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: http://bit.ly/2ynocEZ Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other). New Hope Rescue Only Dog is not publicly adoptable. Prospective fosters or adopters need to fill out applications with New Hope Partner Rescues to save this dog.
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Hetalia: Paint It White Part #3
This movie has the World 8 (Italy, Japan, Germany, America, Britain, France, China, and Russia) saving the world from invading aliens who turn everything white.
Canada: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
{Text on card: APH News}
News reporter: In today’s news, the entire world is in crisis. Luckily, Canada and Cuba have joined forces. They’ve dedicated their time to assisting the injured. I’m sure they are a lot of help, too.
Man: My legs! My legs!
Man #2: My arms!
Cuba: It’s only half of you. It could be worse.
Canada: You still have your legs.
(Man #2: Whahahahaha!)
{Caption: Q. Have you felt anything through the relief activities?}
Canada: Yes. I find that helping people gives me a warm fulfilled feeling.
Kumajiro: Who are you?
Canada: I’m Canadia.
Canada: Hetalia!
Cuba: Hetalia!
Canada: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
America: Okay, now do exactly as I say! Russia, you can back me up, dude! China, you should back me up too! France and Britain, you guys back me up! And Germany---huh?
Germany: Pick a lot, find your group, and start searching.
America: Don’t ignore me!
Britain: Dammit, the last person I’d want to work with is you.
France: Pardon moi?!
(Moi: Me → French)
France: Stop stealing my lines, fool!
Britain: Shh!
France: Auheah!
Britain: Quick, follow me!
France: Uh…ayeh! Hehy! Uhuy!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub…
France: Huah! That was a close one.
Britain: True. But we won’t allow them to capture us so easily. Now, let’s go find their information room, shall we?
France: Hey! Don’t tell me what to do, bossy pants!
America: Okay, my dudes! Let’s find the ship’s cockpit, like, pronto, yo.
China: Then we can destroy their switch for the Pictonian’s light beam.
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub…
America: Uahah…euh!
China: Hup!
Panda: Nyeeh!
Russia: Never show enemy the fear!
America: Auah!
China: Aiyah…
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub…
America, China: Huah!
America: So I guess they can’t tell we’re different?
Japan, Germany: Heaheaheaheaheah…
Italy: Hey, guys! Where are we going?!
(Japan, Germany: Heaheaheaheaheah…)
Germany: We’re going to rescue the Earthlings that were turned into Pictonians!
Japan: We’re looking for housing facilities they must have in here somewhere!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub…
Germany: Auh…
Japan: Auh…nuh!
Italy: Huh?
Germany: Ggeuh…
Japan: Ha!
(Italy: Huay!)
Italy: Oh…those guys creep me out!
Japan: Auh! Germany! Over there!
Germany: Neah!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub…
France: They have files. I bet that’s the information room.
Britain: Yeah. Come on!
Britain, France: Heaheaheah! Auhoh!
France: What a gorgeous swollen blue orb!
Britain: It’s the Earth, you idiot. They’re probably using it for their battle plans.
France: Looks like the white areas are the ones that they’ve already attacked, and the red dots are where they’re currently attacking.
Britain: Nh?! I can’t read it!
France: It’s not human, remember?
Britain: No worries. I have a translator app.
Narrator: Britain. A former pirate, but now a rather effeminate, yet gentlemanly empire with a plethora of rain. France is a longtime acquaintance he’s often found bickering with for bickering’s sake. However, in their heart of hearts, they love each other. Sexually.
Britain, France: Uh…where the hell did they get that?
Britain: Why are you spreading all these lies? Prepare yourself!
(France: Ah!)
Britain: Auh…perhaps this isn’t the best time to bicker for bickering’s sake.
France: Oui, I agree.
(Oui: Yes → French)
Britain: Fear not, my friend!
(France: Uh!)
Britain: In cases like this, there’s always a hidden door somewhere nearby! See? Like that!
France: Auhuh!
Britain: Yoink! Huaaaaaaaaa!
(France: Huaaaa!)
France: You idiot, we’re fallingggggg!
(Britain: Aaaaaahhhh!)
Britain: Yes, I realize that!
China: No one’s in here.
Russia: I bet it’s their break time!
America: Perfect! Now let’s go find that white-blob-maker-beam-shooting lever!
China: I don’t know! There are so many switches; any of them could be it!
America: Dude! Seriously, right?
Russia: I think it must be this one here!
America, China: Hm?
Russia: You see?
America: Yeah…it does look like it could be the one, but…
China: It’s too easy; it has to be trap!
America: Oh, relax; it’s not like the floor’s gonna spontaneously fall if we pull it! Hahahahahaha! Auh!
China: Uhhuh!
Alarm: Beeeeeeeep! Clang! Clang!
Pictonians: Blub blub bl---blub! Blub! BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB…
(Alarm: Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!)
America: That’s loud!
(Alarm: Clang!)
China: Let’s go!
(America: Aah!)
(Alarm: Clang!)
China, America, Russia: Heaheaheaheah…
Germany: That’s bad. One of the others must have tripped the alarm!
Japan: Sounds that way. I hope that everyone is still safe.
Cat: Meow!
(Germany: Ahuh?)
Italy: That’s nice!
Germany: Italy, you nincompoop! Why did you bring a cat with you?!
Italy: What? It’s therapeutic and relaxing!
Germany: Relaxingggggg?!
China, America, Russia: Heaheaheaheah…
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub…
America: Dude, what’s up; these guys do not wanna let us get away!
China: I thought they couldn’t tell that we look different!
Russia: I’m starting to get bad side cramp!
China, America, Russia: Heaheaheaheaheaheahaahaahaah…
Britain, France: Woaaaaaaahh!
China, America, Russia: Aahh!
Britain, Russia, France, America, China: Huaaaaaahh! Huah ah huah ah eh eh aahhh! WAAAHHH!
Russia: Oh!
France: Ahuah!
China: Eh! Aiyah…
(Britain: Ah…)
America: Euh! Eh? Aah!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub…
Britain, France, America, China, Russia: Auhuh…
America: Way to go! We’d almost totally lost them until you guys decided to fall out of the wall and ruin everything, so thanks a lot for getting us all cornered.
Britain: Oh, shut up! You can’t make this whole thing our fault!
France: Ah, he’s right, and I hate you for putting me in a position to say that.
Russia: I think we have different position to worry about.
China: What do we do now?!
Britain: Those green light things are getting brighter, aren’t they?
France: Oh mon Dieu!
(Mon Dieu: My God → French)
France: They’re going to turn us into one of them!
Russia: Don’t worry so much! I’m sure those Axis Power guys will be here any second!
America: Auheh…
Britain: Auh!
France: Huaah!
Russia: Ahuh…
China: Auh!
America: Ahuh?
Britain: Huh?
China: EUH?!
(Cat: Meow!)
Russia: Ah?
France: Auh…
(Cat: Meow!)
Pictonians: Blub?! Blub?!
(Cat: Meow! Meow!)
Cat: Meow meow! Meow!
Germany: Ow! Nein!
(Nein!: No! → German)
Germany: Stop it with the scratching! Argh! Ow! Not my muscles! I will drop four tables on you!
(Japan: Please! Calm down! This is not going to end up well for us)
Germany: Guaaaaahayah!
Japan: Woaaah!
Italy: Aieeee!
(Japan: Auh…)
Germany: Aauuhhh…euh…gegh!
Japan: Nhnn…auhuh!
(Cat: Meow!)
Italy: Ohhoahhh…
Britain: Welcome to the party. Thanks for nothing.
China: You could not have picked worse place to fall at moment!
America: Hahaha! At least they stopped them for a sec! Now we can all die together!
Liechtenstein: What do you think?
Switzerland: I think…it tastes like sandwich.
Liechtenstein: Thank you, I’m glad you like it.
Liechtenstein: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Hey, Germany, come listen! I wrote a song especially for you!
Germany: What? Even though I’m your enemy? Okay, let me hear it.
Italy: 🎵Germany, Germany, Germany is a really, really nice place. Even though I’m your prisoner, you give me food, and it doesn’t suck like English food! Sausages with cheeses always taste so good! It’d be heaven for a dog; yeah, that’s Germany! Tell me, how is it you Germans are so robust? You’re crushing me with your intimidation. My fragility causes me to openly weep out of fear. Your women terrify me. Is it the norm to drink a barrel of beer and then bust it on somebody’s heaaad? Please don’t come to my place in large mobs; German tourists are scary! Even the girls that are from Germany are more rugged than I am! Yahoo!🎵
Italian man: Welcome home, Italy!
Germany: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Hahahahahaha! That was great, Germany!
Britain: Damn them both! If I wasn’t bested by that fucking German blitzkrieg again!
(Italy: Hahahahaha!)
Britain: Hehe. I let them beat me without much of a fight this time, but next time won’t be so easy. They don’t know it, but…I still have a top-secret weapon left. More powerful than conventional bombs, even. Gentlemen, it is time to attack with black magic!
Men: Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh!
Britain: Hehehehehe! Germany will learn the power of the dark side which fears no man---AUGH!
America: Britain! What’re you doin’?
Britain: I say, haven’t you ever heard of knocking?
British man: Where did you put the eye of newt?
Britain: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Britain: Dammit! Since I was interrupted before, I’ll do it at my place this time. Our family’s magic is number one in the world. You’re no match for me, stupid America! Euhm…santa, rita, mita, meada. Ringo, Jonah, Tito, Marlon. Jack, La Toya, Janet, Michael, Dumbledora the Explorer. Santa, rita, mita, meada. Ringo, Jonah, Tito, Marlon. Jack, La Toya, Janet, Michael, Dumbledora the Explorer. I’ve summoned you from the depths of hell. SHOW YOURSELF!
Russia: You called?
Britain: Nnh…nnnh…I wasn’t calling you!
Russia: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Hey, hey, Germany! What are you doing? Can we go play football, can we?
Germany: Nein, I’m reading.
(Nein: No → German)
Italy: But it’s so pretty outside! Let’s go play football!
Germany: Augh…
Italy: Hey, Germany, play football, Germany, heyyy football, Germanyyy, Germany, football…
Germany: Are you wanting me to gas you?!
Italy: Auah…
Italy: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Japan’s boss: Hey, Japan, what are you making for dinner tonight?
Japan: I’m cooking potatoes in broth along with fresh mountain vegetable.
Japan’s boss: I had some beef stew at Britain’s house once. Can we have that instead?
Japan: What? You want me to make British food? But it is so bland!
Japan’s boss: Thanks! I knew you’d do it!
Japan: What kind of fool want food from Britain when they could have something delicious I make? I can make better stew than Britain! I have the finest palette in the world! I am not certain how to make, but it will be better than anything from that tasteless island! Let me see, I will need beef, potato, a carrot…what else---a noodle! Soy sauce to make brown…wait, this doesn’t look right! Heaheah! Sir, stew is complete!
Japan’s boss: See? I knew you could do it!
Japan: I apologize if it is not correct.
{Caption: This is the dish later known as nikujaga}
Man [narrating]: This is the dish later known as nikujaga.
Japan, Japan’s boss: Nom nom…
Japan: I love it!
{Caption: Big Discovery!!}
Japan’s boss: Delicious!
Britain: YAHHH!
{Caption: Nikujaga}
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Japan: We are left with no other choice at this point! Please listen, Pictonians! We have come here today to show you our hospitality!
Russia, France, Germany, America: Huh?
(Cat: Meow?)
Italy, Britain, China: Huh?
Japan: Calm down. Just think about it for a moment really careful. It may be true that they have come to Earth to invade it, but on the other hand, they are still our guests, are they not? It’s Japanese custom to be hospitable! No, it is humanity custom to be hospitable! Now then! I think we should hold reception for Pictonians!
Russia: Hold what?! He’s kidding!
France: He has to be.
Germany: No way!
Italy: Cool?
Britain: Okay?
China: I do not think this is best idea.
America: Y’know, nothing else is working, so we might as well give ‘er a shot! Ahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahaha!
{Caption: ?}
{Caption #1: Chinatown}
{Caption #2: Frenzied Welcome}
China: If you want to have big reception, just leave it all to me!
Man #1: Meatbun!
Man #2: Shumai!
China: Ta-da! You go ahead and eat as much as you want to!
Britain: How did you manage to build a Chinatown on a spaceship in five seconds?!
Pictonians: Nom nom blub blub nom nom…
China: Well? Do you love it? There is plenty to go around, so keep eating! No worry!
Italy: Sí!
(Sí!: Yes! → Italian)
Italy: Aaahhh---
Germany: That is not for you!
Italy: Aw…
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub…
China: Aw, thanks! I hope this is a fun time for you! So you Pictonians enjoying yourselves?
Pictonians: Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! We don’t know.
China: That is wonderful! I had feeling you would!
China, America, Britain, Russia, France, Japan, Germany, Italy: Auh?!
China: Wait…you don’t…know? But, um…you are liking the food, aren’t you?
Pictonians: We don’t know.
China: Aiyah…
{Caption: Crushing Defeat}
France: Allons!
(Allons!: Let’s go! → French)
France: It is my turn to show you what true hospitality means! I never leave a guest unsatisfied. Now, enjoy! Mwah! I have for you a full course dinner from a five star restaurant and served with the finest French wines.
Italy: Sí!
(Sí!: Yes! → Italian)
Germany: Nein!
(Nein!: No! → German)
Germany: That is not for you either!
(Italy: Huaah!)
Italy: Oh ah! Oh! Owah!
(Germany: Grr! Grr!)
Pictonians: Nom nom blub blub nom nom…
France: Tell me the truth. S’il vous plaît, you love it, am I right?
(S’il vous plaît: Please → French)
Pictonians: We don’t know.
France: Pourquoiiii?!
(Pourquoiiiii?!: Whyyyyyyyyy?! → French)
{Caption: Defeated}
Russia: Yes. I would like to be going now. Don’t let me down.
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Yes, sir. Mmmm…we’ll…mmhm…try…mmhm…sir…mmhm…
Latvia: Wahah!
Estonia: Wahah!
Lithuania: Gahah!
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Honestly, we’re not finding this very entertaining for anybody…
Russia: You like it, da?
(Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Wahmhmhm…)
(Da?: Yes? → Russian)
France, Germany, America, Britain, China, Italy, Japan: Duah! Ehehehehe…
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Waha!
Pictonians: We don’t know.
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Time for twirling away! Whmhmhm…
Russia: Pochemu? Pochemu? Pochemu? Pochemu?
(Pochemu?: Why? → Russian)
Germany: All right. You can have a taste of my hospitality, then! Ahuhuh…well, hello! This is an especially good German beer we like to drink where I am from, so…I…hope that you like it! Ahhhahahhhh!
Germany’s thoughts: I don’t like this! Ahah!
{Caption: ?}
Germany: Ahaahuahaha! Eheh! Geh!
America: Yo, dude! You look nervous, bro!
Germany: Geh!
America: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! And hello to you Pictonian dudes too! When humans hear the word hospitality, they all think about me because I know how to have a good time! Check it out!
Women: Heeheehee!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub…we don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know…we don’t know…we don’t know! We don’t know!
Women: Mwah!
Pictonian: I’m not sure!
Pictonians: We don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know!
Italy: Hey! I want to say it too! I’m not sure either! I’m not sure! I’m not sure!
America: Rad! Things are, like, totally starting to get exciting for reals! Now all I gotta do is allow them into the VIP room and let them win like crazy, give ‘em tickets to the shows, then before they know it, I’ll trick ‘em into signing this rockin’ peace treaty!
{Text on paper #1: Peace Treaty}
{Text on paper #2: We, the Pictonians, are going to be friends with earthlings!!}
Japan: Not yet. It’s still far too early for that. We have not yet successfully buttered them up enough. A treaty is premature. Let me give a try! Because I am known throughout the world for incredible festivals.
(America: Ah?)
America: Sure! Go for it, dude!
Japan: Nyah! Konnichiwa, Pictonians!
(Konnichiwa: Hello → Japanese)
Japan: This is Bon Dancing Festival! This is where we all dance together!
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub…
Italy: Cool! I want to dance too! Hoo ah! Ah! Eee! This is fun, huh? Ha!
Pictonian #1: We don’t know!
Pictonian #2: We don’t know!
America: Now’s the time, dude; make those blobs sign, sign, sign!
Japan: No, it’s still too early! First we must pacify them with gifts and make sure they are feeling relaxed and happy before they read. We can talk the treaty on another day. That is secret to good reception.
America: What? You can’t be serious!
Britain: I’ve taken the liberty of preparing the gifts!
America: Ahahahaha! Dude, your sense of timing is incredible!
Japan: Thank you very much.
Italy, Pictonians: We don’t know! We don’t know!
America: Check it out! Those dudes look like they’re, like, totally happy!
Japan: I am curious, Britain.
Britain: Auh…
Japan: What did you put in the gift bags?
Britain: Isn’t it obvious? I put scones in there I made from scratch.
America, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, France: Eah?! Ehuh…
Pictonians: Nom nom nom nom…seriously?! Seriously?! Seriously?! Seriously?!
France, China: Auh…
(America: Aaaahhh!)
Britain: What’s wrong?
Pictonians: Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?
America: Fail! Dude, I think your scones pissed off the Pictos!
Britain: Why?! Scones are so yummy!
Italy: Hm? Hey, what’s wrong? Come on, all you Pictonians! What happened to all the happy? Have another scone and let’s get having fun! Eh?
(Pictonians: Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?)
Pictonians: No way! No way! No way! No way!
America: Yeah…I don’t think they like that plan, dude.
China: No.
Germany: I’m not sure what’s happening, but we should retreat!
America, Russia, China, Japan, Britain, France: Run awaaayyy!
Pictonians: No way! No way!
Italy: Hey, you guys! Wait for me!
Pictonians: Blub! Blub blub…BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB…
America, Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan: Heaheaheaheaheah…
Germany: Drgh…auheuh…euh!
America: Aaahh!
Britain: Hh hah!
France: Hh huhhh!
Russia: Aah!
Japan: Agh…
Cat: Meow!
Italy: Hahahaaaaaaa!
Austria: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Austria: Ahauh! I knew I wouldn’t be able to do this!
Hungary: No, Austria, don’t say things like that! You can create any kind of music! I know it!
Austria: But I’ve never heard Japanese dance music before! How am I supposed to write it? You know…I didn’t even know they had such things. Huah…why would Japan ask me to compose his bon bon dancing?
Hungary: It’s just one bon.
Hungary: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: Okay, I’m going to invade Russia. Take care of things while I’m off killing.
Italy: Please don’t! My medication’s wearing off!
Silhouettes: Mwahahahahaha!
Italy: It’s scary to be alone and I can see their faces laughing at me! Britain and France are on the march and are going to swallow me up like the tasty morsel that I am! Please don’t go! Grrrrr. I can’t be dependent on scary Mr. Germany for the rest of my life! I’ll show them the true Italy!
Britain: Hm?
Italy: Heaheah! Over here! I surrender! Look at me!
Italy’s thoughts: Quitting is hard work! My arms are tired! Grrr. Italia forever!
(Italy: Heaheaheaheaheah!)
(Italia: Italy → Italian)
Britain: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Britain: We’ve finally invented a machine that will make perfectly boiled eggs! As you can see, it’s a state-of-the-art machine that we, the British Empire, marshalled our intelligence to create! We spent several years on the concept! And now, after all those years of testing, we have the unique capability to make delicious boiled eggs by using technology no other country can replicate!
America: Mmmhmm...
Britain: Ahuah…
America: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Britain: Look! A machine that will get you beer from a tap! We---NGH!
(France: Doink!)
France: Ohonhonhonhonhon!
Britain: You bastard! Only the French would hit a person with a beer!
(France: Aah! Aah! AAHAH!)
France: What is that supposed to mean?!
Britain: It means you’re a wasteful alcoholic---
China: Another peaceful day for the Allies.
(Britain: I hate you!)
France: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
{Text on book: How to Get Along with Italians: Brothers}
Romano: Hey there, Hasselhoff! I’ve got a little surprise for you!
Germany: Great. What is it? Another Jew?
Romano: I have created a secret weapon for such singular purpose and stealthiness that you will be helpless to its powers. Mustache! MHAHAHAHAHA! Woohoo! You look so very stupid, with your big bushy mustache like some hipster at an art school party! HAHAHAHAHA!
Germany: Uh…you do know it looks like you have the mustache from where I stand.
Romano: AAUH! Turn your head! No! Don’t look! I’m so ugly!
Romano: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany’s thoughts: Due to my merger with Austria, he started living at my house. Now I have no desire to go home, and I’m not even married.
(Austria: Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!)
{Caption: Huff! Huff!}
Austria: Hey, why do you throw your underwear on the floor when you’ve only worn it the one time?! If Franz Joseph the First saw this, he’d die in a fit of fury of your unadulterated wastefulness!
{Caption: [Franz Joseph I] A super-dooper stingy Austrian emperor. It’s said that he’d patch his clothes and continue to wear even the sorriest clothes, so he looked almost like a homeless person. This is a good example of how the job of Emperor is one of the harder jobs on earth}
Germany: Ja, but they kind of have a big hole in them.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Austria: This tiny hole?! FJ One would not care about such things! He would have patched it up first!
{Caption: [Franz Joseph I] A super-dooper stingy Austrian emperor. It’s said that he’d patch his clothes and continue to wear even the sorriest clothes, so he looked almost like a homeless person. This is a good example of how the job of Emperor is one of the harder jobs on earth}
Germany’s thoughts: And so I was forced to continue wearing dirty underwear he patched with his bare hands.
Austria: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany [in his diary]: Dear diary, that darn Italy slacked off from his training again. Lazy bastard.
Italy: Oauh, I wonder why Germany’s being such a big fat meanie pants today.
Cat: Meow!
Italy: Huh? Oh, kitty, kitty, kitty! I found her here, so that must mean she’s Germany’s cat! Germany could learn about niceness and purring and tongue baths from you! Who wants a super kitty spin this way? How ‘bout one more back the other way---AUGH!
Germany: We need to get that cat back to the lab.
Cat: Meow! Meow!
Germany: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: Eh…euh…heaheah…hueh…euh…
Germany’s thoughts: I wonder how long I’ve been here now. When I awoke, I washed ashore onto the beach. I’ve been wandering around in this jungle, without any knowledge of where I am or where I am headed. Nor do I know what I am looking for. I haven’t seen the others since we jumped ship. Literally. I don’t even know if they’re still alive. But what’s worse…I have no idea what is happening across the Earth. What if it’s been completely transformed into a Picto planet? And in that case…this island must be the last stronghold. I may be the last too.
Germany: Auhuh…ghheh…yuah!
Germany’s thoughts: Of course. I should have expected as much. My physical strength seems to have reached its limit. I won’t ask for water. If only I could have some beer to moisten my throat. I won’t ask for food either. If only I had some wurst to satisfy my hunger.
Germany: Gh…heuh…auh…huah…ahuh…auh…ahuh! Wait, what light is that? I think…maybe somebody is over there…heaheaheaheah…nuegh…ahuh!
Italy: Ah…la la la…
Cat: Meow!
(Italy: La la la la…)
Italy: La la la la ahah…
Germany: Ahuh…is that Italy? But how?
Japan: I think it’s a soft glow of hope.
Britain: Criminy! I’ve never been so hungry!
Germany: Ahuh…you’re all here!
America: Hnm.
Britain: Mm…
China: Nn.
Russia: Mm!
Germany: Ist gut.
(Ist gut: [It] Is good → German)
Italy: Hwo…huh? Hey! I’ve been waiting for you guys! The pasta will be done in just a minute, okay? Ahahahaha…
Sealand: Cheerio, everybody!
Italy: Oh?
China, Russia, America, Japan, Britain, France: Hm?
Sealand: Hey, you remember me? I’m Sealand! I found you by using the interwebs; I’m wicked good at that kind of thing! I brought my entire country here to rescue you!
Britain: You don’t have an entire country to take anywhere! Now go away, you little pipsqueak!
Sealand’s thoughts: Once I rescue all these big important countries, they’ll have no choice but to recognize me as my very own sovereign nation!
Liechtenstein: Um, big bruder?
(Bruder: Brother → German)
Liechtenstein: Aah! I was wondering…um…if maybe you wanted to go on another picnic with me? I’d…like that very much!
Switzerland: Mm.
Liechtenstein: Eheah! Wonderful; I’m so happy! Eheah! Thank you! Well, then, have a good night!
Switzerland: Yes, you have a good night too…
Switzerland: Hetalia.
Liechtenstein: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Japanese girl’s voice: Hehehehehe!
Britain: Huh?
(Japanese girl’s voice: Hehe!)
Britain: Hey, Japan, have you heard that child making so much noise?
Japan: I have not. I am sorry. How odd. I live alone, you know.
Japan’s thoughts: Strange. I’m sure it’s just the long trip. He must be hallucinating out of exhaustion.
Japan: So, Britain, perhaps you should take a bath and go get some rest.
Britain: Auh, Japan has been acting more than a bit unusual this evening. I’m sure it’s simply a cultural difference. I hope I didn’t do anything offensive, though. Auh?
Turtle Guy, Onion: Hwaah!
Turtle Guy: Look, a human has come here to take a bath!
(Onion: Ehmehmehm!)
Onion: Sorry! We’ll leave now, sir!
Britain: Uuh…
Turtle Guy, Onion: Eeeee!
Britain: To be honest, I don’t mind you being in the bath with me.
Turtle Guy: Ohh, well, thank you very much, gov’na.
Britain: I hate to ask this, we’ve only just met and we are naked, but could you fill me in a bit about Japanese culture?
Turtle Guy: Suuure! No one could inform you more about that particular topic than us! Right?
Onion: Right!
Turtle Guy: First of all, the sushi you’re familiar with was only recently created. Did you know that?
Britain: Really? No, I had no idea.
Onion: You could always check out Wiki! I’m sure they’ve nailed it!
Onion, Turtle Guy, Britain: Hahahahaha!
Japan: So, Britain, you were in the bath quite a long time.
Britain: Yes, well, I was a bit distracted while chatting with the two blokes that were already in there.
Japan: What?!
Britain: Well, I’m off to bed now.
Japan: Okay. Good night, then. Hm. I live alone, who on Earth is he talking about?!
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Turtle Guy: Excuse me, gov’na?
Britain: Huh?
Turtle Guy: Um…I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful evening.
Britain: Euh? Oh, hello, fellows. Euah. It was rather fun, wasn’t it? We should take a bath together again tomorrow!
Turtle Guy: Ahaha…oh, we would love to. But we were just about to leave this area for the mountains.
Britain: Auh…
Turtle Guy: You see…we were taking a bath to celebrate our last day here.
Japanese girl: Ahm? Arigato!
(Arigato!: Thank you! → Japanese)
Turtle Guy: Long ago, although humans were afraid of us, they still believed we were real! In a way I guess you could say we had a mutual respect for each other. But then something changed. Before we knew it, our very existence became nothing more than a silly superstition to people. We used to be able to talk to Mr. Japan too.
Onion: Nowadays, he won’t even look at us.
Britain: Uhn…but still, that doesn’t mean you both have to leave, does it?
Turtle Guy: Yes.
Britain: Uhhn…
Turtle Guy: I guess you could see we feel as if we’ve overstayed our welcome. But it was a pleasure for us to spend our last hours here with you.
Britain: I see.
Turtle Guy: Take care, gov’na! Nice to meet you!
Britain: Hey! We should still get together for a bath again someday!
Turtle Guy, Onion: Yes! That would be wonderful!
Japanese girl’s voice: Hehehehehe!
Britain: Ah? Hwaah! Uh?
Japanese spirit: Hehehehehehe!
Britain: Ah-ha! You were the one making the noise! Stop right there!
(Japanese spirit: Hehehehehehe!)
Britain: Hey! What are you?! Damn, you’re fast! Come back here, you little---
Japan: Aah! So Britain is insane! How many times do I have to tell him I live alone?
(Britain: You’re not one of those little children from those horror movies, are you? Ah! AHH!)
Britain: GYAAAAH!
Britain: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
China: Ahhh…I am so full at moment.
America: Nom!
Britain: Who would’ve guessed you’d have a vacation Chinatown on this random island?
{Text on sign: Chinatown}
China: I completely forgot about it!
America: Gulp! Wow, this seafood pasta’s pretty rockin’, am I right?
Sealand: Yes, I like it!
Britain: Why don’t you go home already?!
(America: Hm?)
Italy: Pastaaaaaa…aaa…
Germany. Japan, Russia, France, Britain, China, America, Sealand: Hmnn…
Italy: Ehuh…huh heah…
Germany: Good grief! I will never understand how he can sleep so easily.
Japan: He’s tired. After all, he did make us all dinner, which was very delectable if you ask me.
China: Hey, I help make it too! Ass!
Russia: I am wondering about Pictonian. Why did they stop the attacking of us when Italy started talking to them?
France, Britain: Huh?
China, America: Eh?
(Sealand: Mm?)
Japan: Auh?
Germany: Auh!
France, Britain, China, America, Japan, Germany: Yeah…
France: They were probably fascinated by his facial expressions, since they don’t have any.
Britain: They are extreme! Ahahahaha!
America, Britain, France, China, Russia: Hahahahaha!
Germany: Nh…
Italy: Huh heah…huh heah…
Japan: Auh…
Germany: Auhuh! They’re here!
Japan: It would appear so.
America, China, Russia, Britain: Nh.
(France: Huah!)
America: Dammit!
Germany: It’s headed for us!
Sealand: Hm! Don’t worry, everybody; I promise you can just leave this whole thing to me!
Britain: No! You imbecile! It’s dangerous!
Sealand: Maybe for you, but I’ll be fine! Hm! Hahaha! All systems gooooo! I modified every bit of my land just for this moment!
Sealand Pictonian: Blub!
Britain: Well, what did I tell you, idiot?
America, Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan: Uaah!
Britain: It just…stopped!
France, Russia, China: Aah!
(Britain: Okay, I was wrong!)
America, Japan: Auh!
Germany: What the hell are they up to?!
Britain: What’s the point in this?!
France: It’s ruined! The Eiffel Tower is atrocious!
China: It’s like they brought them to show us!
Japan: Wait! This look like bad news! I think they are making their own city with this island as their base!
Germany: They can’t!
Germany: Grrr…Italy! Wake up now!
Italy: Why? Is something about to happen---WAAAAAAOAH!
Italy: AAAAAHHH! This is too scary…
(Cat: MEOW!)
Germany: Snap out of it!
(Italy: …for me!)
Italy: I haven’t been this scared since I pretended to be the box of tomatoes fairy!
(Germany: Grr! Grr!)
Germany: Stop crying! If you don’t, I swear I’ll give you something to cry about!
(Italy: Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!)
(Cat: Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!)
Italy: Ahah! Ahah! Ow! Ahah! Ahah!
(Cat: Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!)
Germany: There’s no crying in alien warfare!
Cat: Meow!
Italy: Oh! Oh…wait! Pookieee!
Germany: Italy! Come back!
Britain: Germany!
Germany: Auh…
Britain: Just let him go; we have even more pressing matters to be concerned about at the moment.
Germany: Yes, indeed, we do.
Germany: Hetalia! Hetalia! Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: Now, Japan, do you think you could make U-boats using those blueprints we had from the other day?
Japan: Well, I think your design is much too big to do in my home. But please do not worry. We succeeded in miniaturizing it using technology.
Germany: No way!
{Caption #1: U-boat}
{Caption #2: You can choice it}
Japan: We have twelve color random assortment, and we shall release new, additional colors to match each season.
{Caption #3: New color}
Japan: A popular voice actress will advertise it for us too.
Germany: Cool!
U-boat Transformer: RRRRAAAAAAA!
Japan: And that is its ultimate final form.
Germany: This is wunderbar, Japan!
(Wunderbar: Wonderful → German)
Man: Aah!
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: You. Italians. You’re on lookout.
Italy, Italian soldiers: Tired.
Germany: Oh, come on, you guys were just sleeping! Move it!
Italy: Mmh…
Italian soldier: The Germans have gone to bed.
Italy: Good. Let’s carry out our plan.
Italian soldiers: YAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Germany: How did they all defect so quickly?
German solider: Well, they are professionals, aren’t they?
Italy: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Hello! Good morning, Japan!
Japan: Oah…
Italy: Hug!
Japan: Uhahoh! No, please, I don’t understand what’s happening. You invade my personal space!
(Italy: Oof!)
Japan: Not that I need a lot to begin with.
Italy: Ohhhh…
Japan: I do hope you realize how awkward that whole thing was for me.
Italy: Ohhhh…
Chibitalia: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Holy Rome: Oh, Italy.
Chibitalia: Oh, Holy Rome.
Holy Rome: Oh, Italy.
Chibitalia: Oh, Holy Rome.
Holy Rome: Oh, Italy.
Chibitalia: Oh, Holy Rome.
Holy Rome: Oh, Italy.
Chibitalia: Oh, Holy Rome.
Holy Rome: Oh, Italy!
Chibitalia: Oh, Holy Rome.
HRE: Oh, Italy, Italy!
{Caption #1: Soap Opera}
{Caption #2: The Morning of Farewell}
{Caption #3: To be continued}
Holy Rome: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Britain: Auh! Auh!
France: Eh!
Britain: Oohah!
France: Eh!
America: Hwah! Hmm!
Germany: Eum! Huah!
Japan: Hm.
Germany: YAH!
Japan: Nh! Nh! Heh!
Russia: Mm…one for you! One for you!
China: AIYAH! Hm! Eum! Nah!
Pictonian: Blub…
China: Auh…auhoh! Auh! AAH! I’m hit! Oh no!
Pictonian: Blub blub!
America: Hwah…eh! China! Hwah! Eh! Eh! Eh! AAH! Auh!
Britain: Mh. America! Augh!
Russia: Aah…
(France: Eh…)
Russia: Aah!
France: Hwah!
Japan: Auh! Nn…yah! Eah!
Germany: Hueh…auh! Bring it on! I’ll kill all of you with my bare hands! Yah! Eh! Deuh! Rrrrrrrr…dah!
Pictonians: Blub!
Italy: Oh no! Germany!
China: Noooooo!
Italy: Auh?
China: I’m rapidly becoming one of those Pictonian bastard!
Japan: Auhuh!
America: Dude, me too, bro!
Britain: I hate it here!
Japan: Auh…auh...
Russia: Ah…aah!
France: No! I have become hideously bland!
Italy: You guys! Waaaaahehehehe! But I don’t want them to be turned into faceless white ghost blobs!
Germany: Augheah…geah…ehaahah! Geurgh! Italy! Try smiling!
Italy: Oh, but I can’t! Those scary noppera meanies are everywhere!
Germany: I don’t care, you just have to smile! Please, Italy, just smile! Augh! Do it, Italy!
Italy: No! It’s way too scary for smiling!
Pictonian China: Auh!
Pictonian America: Uh…uh…
Pictonian Britain: Nh…
Pictonian France: Auhuh…
Pictonian Russia: Hh…
Pictonian Japan: Auh…
Pictonians: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub…
Pictonian Germany: Ghh…hhah…Ita…ly.
Italy: Please stop walking like that! You’re really freaking me out, guys! Oh! BUT! I! DON’T! WANT! TO! TURN! IN! TO! A! NO! PPER! A! WHY! WON’T! YOU! LIS! TEN?! I! CAN’T! STOP! SCREA! MING! Auh?
Rome: 🎵Listen to you what heaven on Earth would be! All the cooks would be the French. Policemen would be British🎵
Pictonians: Fwoosh! Fwoosh!
Rome: 🎵Engineers would be German. The bankers would be the Swiss. Your lover of course would be from Italy! Let me tell you something about hell! The cooks are all boringly British! Policemen are all grossly German! Engineers are all foppishly French! Your lover is sadly a Swiss! And the bankers are pretty late from Italy! Thank you!🎵
Pictonians: We don’t know! We don’t know! We don;t know! We don’t know! We don’t know! We don’t know! We don’t know! We don’t know!
Italy: Hey there, Grandpa Rome! Auh?
(Pictonians: We don’t know! We don’t know! We don’t know! We don’t know!)
Italy: Why is there a marker on the ground? I wonder if Grandpa Rome maybe left it here…oh! Yeah! Ahahahahaha heehee! Oheah! Hehehehehehe! Hey, look, I drew a face!
Pictonian: Seriously?
Italy: Seriously! Heeheeheeheehee…
Pictonian: A face?
Italy: Hededeaheyey! Ahouhbaybaybaybaybaybay! Heaheaheahey! Baybaybaybaybay! Mebebebebaybay!
Pictonians: Hahahahahahaha!
Italy: Yeah, hehe! Auh! I found Germany! Heaheaheah…all done!
(Pictonians: Hahahahahahaha!)
Italy: Yay! It looks exactly like you! You know what? I can draw everyone’s face! Heaheah! Deydeydeydeydeyay! Deydeydey, there we go! Huwayhuway! Ehdeydeydeah! Nice! Ah! Weaheah! Oohheaheah! Oohweahbeybeybeybeybey! Ha! Haha! Hee! Ahahaha! Ahaoohoohoo! Euh…ay!
Pictonian America: Dude, what’s the deal with all your weirdo faces?!
Pictonian Britain: Look in the mirror, your face is weird too!
Pictonian France: What about me? Do I look weird as well? I try to be---
Pictonian Japan: Everyone! What is happening to Germany?
Pictonian Britain, Pictonian France, Pictonian China, Pictonian Russia: Auh?
(Pictonian America: Hm?)
Italy: Hey! Germany turned back!
China: Me too!
Cat: Meow!
China: My body is changing back to the normal China, just like Germany!
(Panda: Ya!)
America: I’m happy to see you, hand!
(Britain: This is great!)
France: I’m gorgeous again! All is well!
America: We’re gonna have so much fun!
(Russia: This is fun!)
Japan: I think I might be smiling!
Germany: Auhrh…auh…auh…auh…Italy…you did wunderbar.
(Wunderbar: Wonderful → German)
Italy: Haha!
Italy: Hetalia! Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Ciao, Japan!
(Ciao: Hello → Italian)
Italy: Guess what I heard? Germany said you were good at miniaturizing! Do you think you could shrink me too?
Japan: Apologies, but no, we are not currently accepting orders to miniaturize Italians.
(Italy: You shrank it! Your thing!)
Japan: Hm. Japanese people grow, not show.
Italy: Woah! What is this? Stupendo! Amazing! Wowoah!
(Stupendo!: Stupendous! → Italian)
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany’s thoughts: Why the heck is this guy such a putz?
Italy: Ah, I ate some really weird British pizza the other day. It kinda tasted like fish and vinegar!
Germany’s thoughts: He’s supposed to be a descendant of mighty Rome, so it’s not a problem with his genetics.
Italy: Look, Germany! Someone’s teaching a lesson!
{Text on blackboard: Why the world don’t need it}
Professor: The flavonoids in tomatoes cause those who ingest too much to become unnaturally good humored but pathetically weak. However, our latest research has but cracked the surface of this phenomenon.
Italy: That’s funny! That professor guy doesn’t know it, but he just said “butt crack!” Hehehehehehe!
Germany: Now I see.
Germany: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
America: Dude, rock out, I am awesomely the first one here! Now I can say…
Dream America: Say! Aren’t you running a little late?
America: Those losers are gonna totally feel, like, completely stupid, yo! Uah…
America’s thoughts: It’s Britain!
Britain: All right! That should do the trick! Hm!
{Text on blackboard #1: Italy}
{Text on blackboard #2: Germany}
{Text on blackboard #3: Japan}
America’s thoughts: The portraits…Britain was drawing them the whole time?!
(America: Auh…auh…auh…)
America: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
China: What’s up with these weird drawings?!
France: They’re even worse than our actual animation! Who drew this crap? It does not capture the essence of my natural beauty!
{Caption: Pickax}
Britain: Yes, and I have a unibrow for some reason.
China: I think the ones at the bottom are best.
Russia: If that one is supposed to be of me…I’ll hack it out with my pickaxe!
China, Britain, France: You’ll what?!
America: Uhhh…well, that’s just annoying! Why would someone choose to draw us in such a fashion?! It’s unforgivable really! How dare that mysterious person flexibly express all of our individual characteristics with skilled sketches using boldly formed, innovative, and cutesy American pop art styles he probably learned in New York City!
{Caption: Blah, blah, blah, blah…}
Britain: So it was you.
China: You an ass!
America: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
China: That’s unacceptable! I will draw all the portraits from now on!
America, France, Britain: Auh…uh…
(Russia: Hmhmhm!)
America, Russia, France, Britain: China…you’re a chick?!
China: Hetalia! Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy: Thank you! I guess that means they’re back to normal too! Oh!
France: Wait! Who the hell is that?!
Britain: Oh, what! Now you have a spokesperson?!
Germany: Mnh!
Pictonian princess: I would like to apologize for all the trouble we have caused you and your people. Our initial goal was to conquer this planet and to assimilate you to our image. But after seeing how much fun this world can be, we’ve decided we do not wish to change anything about it. Instead, we would like to thank you for changing us and for giving us faces. To show our gratitude, we will turn all humans back to their original form and transport them to their individual countries. Also…
Italy: Auh?
Pictonian princess: Would you mind giving that to me?
Italy, Germany: Huh?
Pictonian princess: We do not have any of those on my planet.
Italy: Hm! No problemo! Here you go! Va bene.
(Va bene: All right → Italian)
Pictonian princess: Thank you very much. I will treasure it forever. We’re gonna go now…if you don’t need anything else.
Italy: Auh!
(Germany: Auh!)
Italy: Goodbye! Have a safe trip baaaack! Haha! Aahaha! Heeheeheehee! Whoo! You can come back and visit whenever you waaant!
(France: Hmhmhm!)
(Russia: Hmhmhm!)
Britain: What are you saying?! We don’t want them coming back here!
(Italy: Hahaha! Hoooo!)
Italy: Hooooo! Hahahaha! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liechtenstein: Big bruder?
(Bruder: Brother → German)
Liechtenstein: Another beautiful morning, don’t you think?
Switzerland: I guess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russia, Britain, America, France, Japan, China: Auh…
Russia: So is anybody having idea how we will return to our homes?
France: Son of a bitch! We should have asked them to give us a lift before they flew away!
Germany: ITALY! This is your fault! If you hadn’t told them goodbye, they would not have left!
(Italy: Ahuah! Oh no! Oh…)
Italy: Uhehehehe!
(Germany: Grr!)
Sealand: No need to fear; Sealand is here!
(Germany: Grrrrr!)
(Russia, Britain, America, France, Japan, China, Italy: Auh?)
Sealand: Please don’t worry! I’ll be able to take you home on my country!
Sealand’s thoughts: This is perfect! Those jerks will have to accept me now with my own nation! They’ll owe me!
(Sealand: Hahahahahaha!)
America: Dude, who’s up for a world conference when we get back?
Japan: Stop.
America: Auh!
Japan: I think before we get carried away, we should celebrate with bon dancing.
Russia, France, Britain, China, America, Italy, Germany: Huah?
Britain: Why do we have to do bon dancing?
France: How the hell should I know?
Italy: Cool! I want to dance! I like to dance!
{Caption: After that, everyone went home via Mr. China’s food procurement route}
Sealand: I can do it too!
Pictonians: Wow…wow wow!
{Caption: Oh!}
Iceland: So I don’t know what the deal is with these guys, but thanks to them, we can see auroras any time of the year now. Which means we have more tourists; lucky us.
{Caption: The End}
Children: The end!
0 notes
jobsaggregation2 · 5 years
APH Reinsurance Claims Examiner - Nashua, NH
Handle ceded reinsurance claims of moderate to high severity in compliance with company standards and industry best practices. Review claims, policies, and coverage. Establish reserves. Recommend defense strategy and estimate potential damages. Assign and monitor defense counsel. Attend trials, mediations, and first suit meetings. Negotiate settlements or execute denials. Manage billing and collections. Work for a company offering top compensation packages and a plethora of benefits including company paid medical, dental and vision. Life insurance, retirement plans, company paid 401(k), flex spending accounts, paid vacations, holidays and sick time as well as tuition reimbursement. For complete details contact Greg Foss at: (609) 584-9000 ext 270 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/gbf/app.asp Or email to: 1000042160_10006796 AT jobbank302.com Please reference #38932666 when responding. Education Requirements: Bachelor Degree Minimum Experience Requirements: 5-10 years Job City Location: Nashua Job State Location: NH Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $80,000to $110,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Insurance Claims Handler Claims Representative Claims Adjuster Ceded Reinsurance Environmental Claims APH Asbestos Pollution Health Hazard Toxic Tort Reinsurance Collections #DiedreMoire #InsuranceJobs #ClaimsJobs #Reinsurance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : APH Reinsurance Claims Examiner - Nashua, NH jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/aph-reinsurance-claims-examiner-nashua-nh_i6917
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nox-lathiaen · 5 years
APH Reinsurance Claims Examiner - Nashua, NH
Handle ceded reinsurance claims of moderate to high severity in compliance with company standards and industry best practices. Review claims, policies, and coverage. Establish reserves. Recommend defense strategy and estimate potential damages. Assign and monitor defense counsel. Attend trials, mediations, and first suit meetings. Negotiate settlements or execute denials. Manage billing and collections. Work for a company offering top compensation packages and a plethora of benefits including company paid medical, dental and vision. Life insurance, retirement plans, company paid 401(k), flex spending accounts, paid vacations, holidays and sick time as well as tuition reimbursement. For complete details contact Greg Foss at: (609) 584-9000 ext 270 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/gbf/app.asp Or email to: 1000042160_10006796 AT jobbank302.com Please reference #38932666 when responding. Education Requirements: Bachelor Degree Minimum Experience Requirements: 5-10 years Job City Location: Nashua Job State Location: NH Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $80,000to $110,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Insurance Claims Handler Claims Representative Claims Adjuster Ceded Reinsurance Environmental Claims APH Asbestos Pollution Health Hazard Toxic Tort Reinsurance Collections #DiedreMoire #InsuranceJobs #ClaimsJobs #Reinsurance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : APH Reinsurance Claims Examiner - Nashua, NH jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/aph-reinsurance-claims-examiner-nashua-nh_i7321
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nuisancehelicopter · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We went to see Angkor Wat Sunrise because apparently that is what you do in Siem Reap, Cambodia. 
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We took pictures on ancient reservoirs and halls.
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We braved walking on ledges over a 20-ft drop to the ground while hungry, tired, and thirsty...
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...just to get a glimpse of unfinished carvings on the walls.
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I got to say Angkor Wat was...
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... magical in every sense of the word.
15 notes · View notes
aphchinass · 5 years
a thought
ik most people in this fandom hate aph China’s “aru,” but what if it comes from the 呀、吧、嗎、啦、啩 particles/onomatopoeias used in conversational Chinese
12 notes · View notes
missmagicandlight · 5 years
"Cam sometimes has stubble and it’s hot." Cam refuses to shave for 3 days because of some reason. Monty grows weaker every day.
Monty is weak okay, Cam looks really really good with stubble and he is so incredibly weak
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