#aph juan seguin
texass-shenanigans · 7 years
"Okay, are you ready?" Eduardo asked as he walked his little brother, Angel, to his classroom. Angel nodded, he was holding a card close to his chest, "We got here a little early, pequiño," Eduardo pointed out "So? I can give Mr. Houston my card without kids bugging me now," Angel reached up to the door knob, "Bye bye, Eddie!" he said before walking in The preschooler squealed as he ran with a card to his teacher, “Mister Houston! Mister Houston! I got a present for you!” he called out. Mr. Houston looked up from his desk and smiled. “Angel! How are you?” he asked as the boy attempted to climb onto his lap “I’m good, but lookie!” Angel shook the card around while also putting his arms up, signaling that he wanted to be picked up. Mr. Houston lifted the kid onto his lap and took the card. “Wonder what it says,” Houston said with a slight smirk. The card said ‘Fathers’ Day’ in purple marker bubble letters with orange and green designs surrounding the letters, there were doodles of flowers on the side and corners, and a crudely drawn smiley face underneath 'Fathers' Day'. He opened it up and was greeted to rather nice handwriting, "Did you write this?" he asked. Angel shook his head. "Nuh uh, my big brother did but I told 'em what to write," Angel explained, "Go on, read it!" "Alrighty then," Houston began, "'Thank you Mr. Houston for always taking good care of me, thank you for teaching me and making sure I eat, you tell me lots of cool stuff'", Houston smiled and looked over to the bouncing toddler, "'Things like space or history, you're a really good teacher and I like when you call me 'son'. It makes me feel nice. Other kids say I'm your favorite, but I don't mind(even if I am). I like coming to school everyday because I get to see you and Mr. Seguin, you two are the best! The end'," Houston pulled Angel into a hug, the child didn't mind, "Thank you for that, Angel," he kissed Angel's head, he giggled. "You're welcome, Mr. Houston!" Houston brought Angel back down just as his other students began to walk in. Later that day the kids were required to read out Fathers' Day poems they wrote that weekend, except Angel. His card was more than enough for this grade
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