#apex bloodhound x reader
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sacha-bug · 3 months ago
Beast of the Hunt
Bloodhound × GN! Reader | 18+ Primal/Prey NSFW Themes | 1k | Part 1/(?) *Reposted from an old blog of mine!
You had always admired Blódhundr's predatory, raw manner of hunting down their prey. Your lover was an admirable, and slightly fear-inducing, beast. So when they proposed a game, who were you to deny?
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"Alright, my little kanína, are you ready?"
"I'll be cutting my connection, then. You know what do to if--"
"... Yes?"
"I love you."
Before they could utter a word back, you pierced the wiring keeping your little headset functional-- and abandoned it exactly where you stood. It fell into a meagre pile of dead leaves, half-covered up. That wouldn't keep your hound from finding it, and you knew that. You were leaving it on purpose, as a little clue-in for when they got here.
They'd given you half an hour. Half an hour, to skitter off into the dense woodland, before they'd release... Well, themself. You were confident you'd done enough zigging and zagging to at least confuse them a little, and were now just seeking a good place to hunker down for the time being. It wasn't as though you weren't comfortable on your own, watching calmly as the deepest shades of orange in the west slowly drained out, replaced by overwhelming blue and violet shadow.
With so much time to yourself, it was easy to let your mind sweep back to Bloodhound. You were struggling to measure exactly what this game meant, to them. When they'd suggested it, they spoke so confidently-- but their hands had wrung in their lap, fingers twisting and pulling as if there was something they simply weren't disclosing. You didn't distrust them to any measure-- but some awry anxiety pulsed little shocks underneath your fingertips, and laced the thumping behind your ribs.
You weren't afraid. That wasn't what you were feeling, at all. Though you were starting to realize that maybe you held more than just admiration for your partner's hunting prowess, given the way that same awestruck feeling had you wired even now. All that plagued your mind was the way they watched. The way they stalked. Had they already found a trace of you? Your boots, printed into the moist soil. Or maybe your scent, tied loosely to one of the trees you'd climbed over on the way out here.
Or maybe they already knew. Maybe they were already closing in on you, and it was only a matter of time before they caught you. And what would they do then?
Catch you...
Grab you...
Pin you to the dirt...
Would they eat you?
Like a wild beast?
Had you truly become prey?
... Were you really just an animal, after all?
A wild flurry of beating wings rushed out from the trees behind you, ears overwhelmed by furious, strong wing flaps. You'd hardly spun around, rushed steps tangling your legs until you fell into the dirt behind you. Your eyes darted to the sky, as a large raven rose from the trees-- chest heaving.
Your imagination was getting the better of you already. It had hardly been half an hour since your last exchange with Bloodhound, and all you could think about was your inevitable loss. But that was a miserable way to think, wasn't it?
That thought ignited a warm sort of passion, deep in your core. Or had that feeling always been there? Either way, you got back to your feet-- determined to keep on. You brushed the dirt from your clothes, and continued into the dark.
Now steeled with ambition, you had to plan what you'd do when they did catch you. It may have been near impossible to escape them, but what were you going to do when they did?
You'd have to fight back, now, wouldn't you? To push them back, and get on top! Turn the hunted into the hunter! That would show them, now, wouldn't it?
Your eager planning had made your ears dull. Slow, timed steps followed closely behind yours, creeping ever closer as you wove your way around trees and bushes. When you finally heard it, your heart stopped. You'd almost stopped dead, though your better nature reminded you to keep going. If they didn't know that you knew... Maybe you could gain an upper hand.
And so you kept on, wandering as though aimless-- though every turn and every pause was an invitation to attack. If all you could do was wait for it to happen, you'd just have to prepare for when it did.
But they kept following, just far enough away. You could hear every single step of theirs behind yours, waiting in anticipation for the attack. Your fingers twitched, terribly tempted to peek back over your shoulder. The jig was up, right? Why were they taking go long?
You turned again, hooking around a thick tree that would surely obscure your visage for a few seconds.
Within moments, you could hear scratching, as though they'd clawed against the very same tree to get around it and back to you. And was that...
Was that really your Blódhundr? Or maybe... It wasn't. Maybe, some other predator had found you, first. The only weapon you handled was a hunting knife-- a gift from Bloodhound, with a carved bone handle they'd made perfectly, to fit right into your hands.
Before you could comprehend even having to use it, you heard the beast from behind leap. Before its body could overpower yours, you turned back, getting a firm grip on broad, capable shoulders.
You'd not had time to be relieved, though, turning the two of you over so that you landed on top. Hands clamped onto your waist and hips, growling furiously when you tried to pin them down.
Soon, the two of you were flipped over once more, your fight back knocking loose the goggles and mask they wore. When they'd worked their way to the top, two large hands overwhelmed yours, stinging grip straining your hands above your head. Crazed, animal eyes stared back into yours, teeth gritting and shiny with hunger.
Their breathing came in gravelly huffs, as though they'd run a million miles at once, just to catch you. Was this still your sweet hound? The one that had always treated you with gentle hands, and steeled patience? You almost didn't recognize them now-- crazed, depraved, and hungry. When you struggled, their grip on you grew ever harsher.
"You aren't getting away from me, kanína..."
A shiver wracked up your spine, even as it lie against the cold dirt of the earth.
"I found you. You're mine."
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marsbar17 · 1 year ago
im like a woman in a desert dying we are so depraved of bloodhound x reader stuff pls just give anything at this point 😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Don't worry pookie I am here to quench your thirst <3
Bloodhound is honestly my favorite character to write about and this one flustered me a bit dbsbbsjska
CONTAINS: established relationship, alcohol consumption, jealousy, possessiveness but in a non-toxic way, a little bit of spice, not full on smut but it gets pretty spicy >:)
Celebrating a win was very popular amongst the legends. Mirage often invited everyone to the Paradise Lounge for some drinks and good laughter, even the less cheerful legends attended most of the time. Caustic could be found sipping beers and glaring at people, while Ballistic complained on and on about how they didn't even serve good tea.
Today, you sat at the bar between a very tipsy Fuse and an arguably even tipsier Valkyrie. Mirage popped in and out of the celebration as he served customers, but he always made sure your glass was full with whatever drink you desired.
"Mate! That wingman shot was bloody beautiful!" Fuse practically yelled into your ear as his metal hand clapped you on the back, making you wince slightly. Somehow, you had managed to pull off a win after responding in the last ring with only a wingman and one other teammate at half health. I guess whatever god is out there took the wheel because suddenly your aim was the best it's ever been and you downed the last two enemies with two headshots.
"I know, Walter. You've told me about fifteen times since we sat down." Rolling your eyes, you down the rest of your drink before scouring the crowd of legends to try and find Bloodhound. They said they'd be there, but you hadn't seen them yet. Although, it's hard to find anyone with the flashing lights and the alcohol starting to take effect.
Giving up, you turned back to your empty glass and smiling friends. If they didn't come, that was fine. They usually didn't enjoy settings like this anyway, they only only came to guide you back to room after you got wasted.
"The old man's right, though." Valkyrie added in, dragging your attention away from Bloodhound and back into the party. "Seeing you hone into the fight always surprises me, I swear your whole energy changes. It's fucking hot."
The pilot said it so nonchalant, taking a swig of her drink and signaling to Mirage for another like she didn't just call you hot. You couldn't tell if the heat on your face was from the alcohol or how flustered you felt. Probably just the alcohol.
"I'm gonna hafta agree with Valk on this one." Fuse said, still quite loud. He put his arm around your shoulders. "You make bloodlust look bloody sexy. No pun intended." His laugh is deep and booming, shaking your body as he leans on you. What the fuck is happening? You knew the two of them were flirty drunks, but you'd never had their affections directed at you before.
Again, you found yourself looking around the room, and this time you spotted Bloodhound leaning against a wall, watching you. Fuck. They were mad, you could tell. Even without seeing their expression you could practically feel the anger rolling off of them. The fact that Fuse was now playing with strands of your hair and Valkyrie had her hand on your upper arm didn't help your case at all.
You quickly got up, saying a small goodbye to your companions before making your way to a pissed off Bloodhound. They didn't even wait for you to get to them before they walked out the door, leaving you to hurry after them.
"What was that, elskan?" Their voice surprised you as you left the building, and you whipped your head around to see them beside the doorway. They leaned again the wall once again, arms crossed over their chest.
"I'm sorry, Hound. They were drunk and they surprised me and I didn't know what to do and I didn't mean to let them keep going and I-"
"Hush." Bloodhound interrupted your nervous rambling, holding a hand out in a 'halt' gesture. You shut your mouth as quickly as you possibly could, not wanting to anger them any more than you thought you already had. Before they continued speaking, they led you around the side of the building into a less visible alleyway. "I am not blaming you, I simply wanted to know what happened."
They weren't mad at you? Thank the Allfather. Having Bloodhound mad at you was something straight out of a horror film. Your body relaxed, but you still kept your head down instead of looking into their face.
"They got drunk... and we were talking about my win." You started your explanation again, slowly this time to avoid rambling. "Their compliments started getting flirty, and then they started getting touchy. I should've pushed them off, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You are not responsible for the actions of drunken fools." Bloodhound grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, lifting your face to look them in the eyes. Well, where their eyes would be behind the goggles of their mask. "I trust you, elskan. I know that you are mine, and you would not betray me. Especially for someone like Walter Fitzroy."
You laughed, the tension leaving you as you slowly let yourself process the fact that they weren't mad at you. From the way their shoulders jumped slightly, you could tell they were laughing too.
"However," Bloodhound continued, letting go of you and reaching behind their head. "It seems like our other other companions need a reminder of who you belong to." You heard the familiar sound of their mask being unclasped, and soon enough you were really looking into their eyes as they set their mask along with their respirator onto an old wooden box beside the two of you.
You couldn't even speak before they grabbed your waist, spinning you around so your back was pressed up against the rough brick wall. You could only gasp as their hands gripped at your skin and their face nuzzled into your neck, leaving small kisses along your jawline.
"You are so beautiful. So perfect, ástin mín." Bloodhound muttered praise as the kisses slowly became more desperate. They nibbled at your skin lightly, not enough to hurt just yet. You looked towards the alley opening and whined slightly.
"Hound, someone could see us..." You grabbed at their shoulders, trying to push them back away from your neck. They pulled back, not even looking at the alley, only into your eyes.
"Would you like me to stop?" Bloodhound rubbed soothing circles into your hips, keeping your attention on them and not the possibility of someone seeing the two of you.
"No... but what if they see your face?"
"They will not. I will be too busy giving you tons of pretty marks."
Bloodhound didn't let you speak again as they dived back into the crook between your shoulder and your neck, sucking on the skin harshly. You couldn't suppress the moan that left your lips no matter how hard you tried, and you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle any further noise. They just continued to mutter praise into your skin while they savored every reaction you gave them.
It hurt, and you squirmed in their bruising grip. They were determined to mark you up until they were satisfied and wouldn't settle for any less. It was a miracle no one managed to walk past the alleyway while Bloodhound ravaged your neck and collarbones. It wasn't like you were being quiet either, the intensity at which they sucked and bit at your skin was enough to make tears well up in your eyes and to bring so many sinful noises from your mouth.
"I should just take you right here, where anyone could see how good I make you feel, elskan." They whispered in your ear, making your knees buckle and your eyes roll back. Good thing they were holding you against the wall, or you might've just fallen to your knees right then and there.
After what felt like forever, their teeth stopped grazing your skin and their grip on your waist loosened. You could feel their tongue darting out of their mouth to lick at and soothe the dark bruises they left on your skin. Your moans and whimpers turned to soft whined and sighs as the pain slowly faded into dull numbness. Bloodhound took a couple of steps backwards, looking at their work with a smirk.
"Absolutely gorgeous, kæri. Now, everyone will be able to see your devotion to me." They gave you one last look before grabbing their gear and putting it back on.
You just finished wiping any stray tears from your face before Bloodhound grabbed your hand and led you back into the Paradise Lounge. They escorted you back to your seat at the bar, giving you a pat on the head before walking back to the wall you saw them at before everything happened.
"....Bloody hell." Fuse's mouth was practically hanging open as he stared at the dark purple and red marks that littered your skin. "Didn't take Houndy to be the possessive type." He just laughed and shrugged before going back to his drink. Valkyrie had disappeared sometime during your absence, and all that was left was two empty soju bottles and a $20 bill on the bar.
"Yeah... So where did Valk go?"
Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it!
Reminder that liking and reblogging my work really helps me as a creator, and it takes like 10 seconds so why not support a little gay gremlin author
Requests are always welcome! They help me get the inspiration to write and produce more content for you! Request anything that's on your mind :)
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ibiggiecheese · 6 months ago
This is an INCREDIBLY old draft that I found in my google docs 😭😭 thought i’d share it here😔😔 Anything revenant related im an immediate dog for🙏🙏
Warnings; a lil NSFW, reader has female anatomy, (im not sure if i referred to the reader as she/her)
Breathy moans could be heard around the voyage ship echoing from wall to wall due to how silent it was.
Almost all the legends were out at some bar in the outlands playing pool, celebrating and drinking. The few other legends decided to stay back at the dropship and enjoy their free time alone.
You were one of the many legends who did decide to go out and celebrate the performances of your fellow peers. Mirage had invited you to go with them stating how a ‘breath of fresh air is good for the brain’ you weren't doubting it was, it just sounded bizarre coming out of his mouth. He had also whispered to let Revenant know about the invitation, seeing how you weren’t scared of talking to the synthetic nightmare considering you had a decent friendship with him.
You’d dressed in a silky black dress exposing your back. The other legends dress in their own formal ways. Valkyrie wearing a suit, Loba a beautiful red dress, and so on.
You touched up your makeup a bit as you awaited the other legends to meet up at Mirage’s ship. You were so concentrated on your plush lips that you hadn’t seen the dark figure which silently entered. You squeaked when you felt cold metal fingers touching your bare shoulder. You were more concerned about the fact that your lips had a red smudge.
“Revenant you made me mess up !” You said as you turned around only to find a tall simulacrum wearing a black hood along with a black suit and a red tie. To say you were stunned was an understatement, you’d grown so accustomed to seeing his regular red robotic body that you never thought about the fact that he might actually be able to wear ACTUAL clothes.
He let out a raspy chuckle as he leaned down, his cold metal fingers softly rubbing the spot your lipstick stained.
“Nothing you can’t fix” He said as he stood up and walked out of the room. You were still in shock at the fact that he was wearing a suit. The noise of the other legends arriving quickly snapped you back to reality.
The small party was entertaining nonetheless but whenever you weren’t conversing with Loba and Valkyrie you’d find your eyes straying to Revenant's bright golden eyes only for his to already be staring back from across the room, he’d been sitting with Path, bloodhound, Octane and Mirage. But he couldn’t careless about what they talked about, only letting out hums of approval whenever they tried to talk to him.
His main focus was on you.
Revenant stood up without saying a word and left the bar, you knew what he was doing and you hated it, all it took was fifteen minutes and there you are following him like a puppy.
You never knew seeing Revenant in a suit would drive you crazy. Which is exactly how you got into this predicament.
Your clothed cunt grinding against Revenants thigh on the main couch of the voyage ship. Your hands were wrapped around his neck, his arms were just laying on the top of the cushions, letting you do all the work.
“F-fuck…” You whispered as you grinded like an animal in heat. Your heels were long off as you concentrated on reaching your climax. Your face hidden on the side of his neck. You whimpered as you felt the electricity-like sensation go across your body as you hit a certain spot.
Revenant would never admit it, but seeing you in that silky black dress did things to him. But he hated how the rest looked at you, Loba slyly flirting with you, and Octane repeatedly looking back at you. He knew you two were just ‘friends’ but that didn’t stop him from treating you like you were his.
You felt tears well up at your eyes, small moans being released as you started to grind against his a thigh a little faster.
“Fuck Rev, making me do all the work h-huh” Your voice broke up a bit as you felt Revenant leg jolt up hitting just the right spot on your soaking cunt.
“Oh shit” You moaned, you felt Revenants long metal fingers run through your hair, his other hand snaking down toward your pussy.
“Shhh don’t want anyone hearing us now do we?” He said as his thumb started to rub your clit in tiny circles. You gasped at the feeling
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ficmachine · 2 years ago
Bloodhound, Octane, and Pathfinder, reacting to a make reader who always hides his face? Like- always wears these pretty/badass looking masks, and one day it falls off (or maybe brakes, or they catch him without his mask) and he's the most prettiest boi they've met- and he just starts crying cuz he's afraid on how they'll react?
You don't have to reply to this if you don'twanna! Also I wanna say I love your work! Your really talented ^^
Please keep up the great work!!
I gotchu! Dw! And thank you! :0c
Bloodhound/Octane/Pathy x Masc Reader. (Mask-wearing self-conscious reader)
Style: Intro + Headcanons
Wordcount: 1.8k (1808 to be exact)
People get curious. People ask. Not everyone, of course, but those who ask about why you cover your face usually prod to the point it gets uncomfortable. The amount of people – Your “fans” as they call themselves - who blow it out of proportion, make you paranoid about someone pushing it too far.
They're terrifying, especially when they obsess over something. You'd think you would have more than enough shit to deal with as a legend but no, this is a whole different can you don't want to crack open.
Regardless, whether it's just for your own comfort or just because you like looking cool is nobody's damned business.
You have your own reasons. That should be enough.
But bad fortune was going to catch up to you at some point or other, you suppose.
The stray bullet that scraped the side of your face was close, way too close - fear washes over you like a bucket of ice cold water.
Ducking under cover with your heart leaping to your throat you touch your cheek with a hiss – red smeared over your glove – and curse under your breath. Shit. Not good but at least you're not out in the open. Taking a deep breath you grip your gun tighter, chest heaving up and down as your eyes lock with your teammate.
“I'm fine.” You dismiss their concern quickly, pressing the inside of your sleeve to your face to stop the bleeding as you peek out from behind the wall. You can't pinpoint the shooter, neither can you sense any movement out in the open. Sucking in a breath you take cover again, back against the cold concrete wall and gun clutched to your chest. “Can't see them.”
Looking back at your partner your brows furrow. They're staring. Is the wound that bad? You pull your sleeve away to see the bleeding eased up and heave a sigh, breath visible in the cold weather.
Your eyes catch the sight of your face-mask on the ground.
Quicker than you can process your free hand snaps to your face. Panic engulfs your form all over again – eyes shooting up to your teammate to find them still staring – they definitely saw. Your head spins, heart hammering as your throat goes dry.
This is probably the worst time to panic. And cry? Are you really going to cry over this? Right now? In the middle of the field?
Bloodhound -
If there's anyone out there who'd understand the panic you're experiencing now, it's them. They wouldn't want anyone to see their face, especially in the middle of the battlefield.
Bloodhound knows better than to stare. Even if they caught a glimpse of your face they respectfully avert their gaze, focusing on the incoming fight instead.
They've seen you come out of fights with much worse scrapes, but when you hesitate so do they.
Minding to keep their eyes off you, they grab your mask off the ground and hold it up to you without a word.
Thankfully there's nobody around, nor are there any cameras close enough to your cover.
They keep watch over you while you fix the mask back onto your face the best you possibly can, and only when you're done do they look at you.
Noticing your trembling form they try their best to soothe you, resting their hand on your arm and giving it a small squeeze. “Stay with me, félagi fighter. The fight is not over yet.”
As empathetic as they are, they can't do anything but bring your focus back to the battle.
It's hard to get a grip on your panic – eyes blurry and ears ringing, you're disorientated and zoned out - but you know you have to. It's either pushing your feelings to the side to deal with them later, or risking dying.
Bloodhound keeps a hand on your arm until you're calm enough to stand and move. Eyes locking with yours you give them a nod, a thanks, and their whole form relaxes some.
“Good. Let's move, myndarlegur. It is not safe here.”
Carefully they lead you out of the danger zone and towards somewhere quieter.
They keep an eye on you throughout the rest of the game, both out of concern and interest.
Whether or not the two of you win doesn't matter. As soon as the game's over and you're free to go Bloodhound checks up on you. They don't bring up whether or not they've seen your face, and with how they're acting you're not entirely sure they did, but if you need to they let you lean on their shoulder as the panic from the day's events catch up to you.
Octane -
Unlike Bloodhound, Octane's a bit too stunned to snap his gaze away from you in time. When your eyes lock he tenses, feeling like he was caught red handed over something he wasn't ever supposed to see.
How can he look away though? Have you seen your face? That's... A dumb question, but he's seen it now too! And MAN, he looked away more out of bashfulness than anything else.
His heart leaps to his throat when he forces out a laugh to dismiss the situation, clicking his tongue. “Ai, amigo, you gotta be more careful. Custom masks like that are a bitch to replace.”
Shaking his head he hands you the mask, frowning when he notices how badly its broken. There's no way you can put it back on.
The realisation draws over you the same second and suddenly it's much harder to breathe than before.
With your vision spinning you lean back on the wall heavily, knees almost buckling under you while the gun slips out of your hand and falls to the ground with a clatter. A vague wave of pain passes through you when you grip your face too hard but you're too zoned out to care.
One moment your vision is spinning, the other you feel fingers prying your hand away from your face. Then, you're staring at maskless Octane grinning his stupid grin at you while he makes sure his own mask sits comfortably on your lower face.
He dismisses you when you ask why, waving his hand in the air as if it was nothing.
“What are friends for, huh? Besides, we have a game to win. Can't have you distracted while we kick ass!”
And kick ass you do.
Sure, he looks kinda dumb with just his goggles and head covered, but with the air filter built in this mask it's much more comfortable to breathe than in your own.
After the game is over Octavio sticks to you like glue, both to check in on you and to let you know you can keep the mask until you can replace yours.
Like hell you're gonna give it back. You're keeping it and he's more than okay with that.
Pathfinder -
Pathfinder, sweet, helpful Pathfinder, notices your mask is gone quicker than you notice your bleeding. Fortunately, he's also the quickest one to jump into action.
“Careful, friend! Faces aren't meant to be shot through.”
You're panicked and shaking, covering your face, and the last thing on his mind is your face. He's focusing on double-checking nobody's near before looking back to you and holding out a medkit to you.
He enjoys looking at your face, of course, so he doesn't look away until you turn away and it finally clicks in his head that you're probably uncomfortable. After all, some people like having their face covered and you happen to be one of those people.
Looking around he pinpoints your mask and dusts it off, holding it up to you.
Noticing you're not moving and your eyes are leaking he tilts his head to the side, only realising you're having a panic attack when his thumb feels the pulse in your wrist.
“Oh no, this isn't good. Don't worry, I've got you.” Immediately his attitude changes from cheerful to deeply worried, and he's wriggling the medkit out of your hand to grab you and get the two of you out of the open.
Thankfully, he holds you close to his chest while he grapples to the safety of the indoors – locking the doors and setting you down in the corner – to make sure no cameras can catch a glimpse of you.
Once inside he rummages through the kit to patch you up, giving you a heads up at the incoming sting loud enough to get through your brain haze so you can brace yourself for it.
With that done he gets to work on fixing your mask up the best he can – he's not great at it but he can get a few strong stitches in quick enough before you need to get moving again.
“There, just like new – only slightly torn.” He beams at you.
By the time he's done you're staring at him openly, eyes dried, mind still foggy but you're grounded enough to bring yourself back into the present. You've been staring at him all throughout and if he noticed he didn't say anything. You're grateful for it.
Pathfinder hands you the mask and you shakily put it on, gasping when he ruffles your head to ground you further.
“Do you need another minute or are you feeling well enough to keep going? We always can outrun the ring with my zip-line, so don't worry about that.”
You let him know you need another minute, and he nods before walking off to double-check if it's still safe in the building. Once he's back he looks at you, head tilting to the left while a question mark pops up on his chest monitor.
“I do have a question for you, friend.”
Your mouth runs dry. There it is-
“Are you alright?” You blink up at him, genuinely expecting him to ask about your mask or why you wear it. Instead, he continues, “I'm sure we can forfeit if you need to leave. Your well-being matters more to me than winning.”
Your heart swells, both with anxiety and appreciation, but you ultimately shake your head from side to side, letting him know you just need another moment.
You might not win, but with a friend like Pathfinder, who's willing to give up winning just to make sure you're okay? You're gonna have to make sure he knows how much he means to you.
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gogotti · 1 year ago
Gogotti's masterlist! 18+ ! If any link doesn't work please let me know!! Reblogs appreciated!! My archive account with all of my writing uninterrupted is @bloominunion !!
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Slashers ! Michael/AFAB!Reader - NSFW, Michael Myers in a relationship - Headcannon, Michael Myers w/ a smiley/happy s/o, The boogeyman gets sad too, Happy (late) B-day! Michael Myers/GN!Reader - NSFW, Michael Myers/GN! Reader - NSFW, Starving - Michael Myers/Reader - NSFW,
Apex Legends ! Interruption: A Caustic/Reader NSFW,BLOODHOUND/READER - NSFW Call Of Duty ! John “Soap” MacTavish/GN! Reader NSFW, Simon “Ghost” Riley/Reader NSFW, Watch_Dogs ! Marcus/Reader, Wrench/Josh/Reader - Headcannon, Raymond Kenny/ Fem!Reader - NSFW,
Resident Evil ! Lady D/GN!Reader- NSFW,
More to come, but I'm very lazy so they won't get added to the masterlist right away lmfao
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vip3r-r · 9 months ago
Please please PLEASE request some apex legends !! I’m so desperate and bored right now, I was in an apex brunt last month but I’m back in action !! I can do sfw of nsfw
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moonsporemoth · 1 year ago
Caustic x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Caustic x GenderNeutral!Reader (and some extra bits at the end for trans men) Headcanons:Warning: NSFW, Food Kink (slight), Mention of possession, Mention of underwear stealing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Caustic considered himself a man above simple things like desire. He simply didn't have the time nor interest for it.
*At least that's what he thought until he met you.
*You were also a contester in the games. A good-looking one at that. He was intrigued immediately when you introduced yourself to him as if he was an average Joe.
*Surely you had watched the Apex Games and seen him before? Why were you so nonchalant with him?
*At first, it infuriated him. You acted as if he wasn't this amazing man of great capabilities.
*Then it excited him, to his extreme surprise.
*He liked that you treated him like a normal man, not a psychopath like everyone else did.
*It started slow.
*At first, it was just simple, innocent thoughts about what you could be up to when he was alone. Were you preparing for a game? What did you do for fun when alone?
*Then it got a little less innocent. He thought about how you'd sound in bed. Were you breathy and quiet? Or gaspy and loud? Were you a screamer? Maybe if he did it right, you'd be.
*He wasn't ashamed of these thoughts, but surprised. He hadn't thought about sex in a while, with all the games and hiding he was doing.
*Sure people had made approaches. Usually, younger girls who liked the mysterious vibe he gave off (and the idea of a sugar daddy), but he always declined with disgust.
*But here he was, fantasizing about you the way those girls did him.
*It was awkward at first for him. He'd think about you and then have to work with you in a game. It was often harder (wink wink) to work when he wanted to just take you right then and there.
*Especially when you teased him.
*It was innocent enough. You making jokes at his expense about his stamina in game or how old he was. But it made him want to prove you wrong and fuck you sore right there in the abandoned building.
*Or when you cooked food on off times. It was a love language he found very enticing, especially when you hummed and wiggled your hips while cooking him something.
*It made him want to skip over the meal and have you instead. (Or integrate the meal into bed ;))
*Speaking of food, he loved when you ate in front of him. You weren't really messy, but you weren't careful in the slightest and he enjoyed watching you scarf down your favorite food after a rigorous match.
*It made him wonder (and jerk off to the thought of) how you'd go down on his dick.
*He often spent multiple nights fisting his cock at the thought of you bouncing on him.
*He often came to the thought of you riding him in one of his coats.
*He didn't know why, but he enjoyed "owning" you in some way.
*And don't even get him started on the idea of stealing your underwear.
*It's taken him all of his self-restraint some days to not grab a few pairs and stuff them in his pocket while you had him help with laundry.
(A few extra for my fellow trans men) *He's surprised.
*He didn't know he was attracted to men?
*He's pretty chill with it though, often telling you scientific proof that gender is a social construct to make you feel better if you're dysphoric.
*If you still have a pussy, he'll have you sit on his face for HOURS. He wants to make you feel good.
*Grab his hair while he eats you out and suddenly you're riding him?
*Like? How tf did that happen? Jk jk, he'll give you a warning (and see if you're okay with riding him when you're so sensitive)
*If you have top surgery, he'll trace your top scars with his tongue, looking up at you all the while. 🤤
*If you don't he'll just lick and suck at them like a starved man. (and look up at you ofc)
*He'll also suck you off (whether you have bottom surgery or not). He'll sit there are suck on your T-dick and afterward tell you how nice you taste.
A/N: I think I went a liiiiiiittle crazy with this one, (704 words for a list of headcanons kinda crazy) but to be fair I haven't written in like 4 or 5 months and I actually was able to write this without much trouble… (also this is my first time posting a fic on Tumblr so idk if this is good, but I might start posting here more)
Links: Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LV2Obsess Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_WueKCrCs0&t=550s (don't ask idk)
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 2 years ago
Simple Beginnings
Rev x reader
hey im back for now
actually found some inspiration
rev headcannons enjoy
-There is usually only two things on Revenant’s mind: murder and revenge.
-He only thinks, craves, and fights for blood.
-He is out for Hammond Robotics; it is his mission to corrupt their whole system and seek the revenge he rightfully deserves.
-But lately, other things have been distracting him from his plans.
-And by ‘other things’, he means you.
-Ever since you joined the games, there had been something about you that had caught his eye.
-Whether it was your small, defenseless form or the way you pridefully carried yourself, having all the confidence in the world despite your size, there was something that drew him to you.
-Of course, at first he had kept to himself, and you hadn’t approached him in any way, instead sticking to that birdie Valkyrie.
-But you had caught him staring once or twice, to which he responded by clearing his throat or casually looking the other way to not draw suspicion. 
-As the time went on, you had ended up on his team multiple times, to which he would treat you outwardly about the same as he would anyone else.
-But you did notice over time how he tended to drop good loot and ammo that you needed in your path.
-This was, of course, intentional, but you didn’t know that.
-It confused you that the murder bot himself was being nice to you in his own way, but you truly didn’t think much of it.
-Well, not until the one night at the bar that changed everything.
-It had been any regular Friday, you chilling at the bar after a game, grabbing a drink with your fellow Legends. 
-The group started slow, but after a few rounds had been passed around, people began to disperse.
-Fuse and Bloodhound were the first to sneak off somewhere, and then Mirage disappeared after the clones that he had set to attend the bar began to act up.
-Octane had ran off to a bathroom to hurl up his 17 shots, leaving you and the couple making out beside you, consisting of Loba and Valkyrie.
-You rolled your eyes at this, walking over to the bar and taking a seat on a barstool.
-Your vision was wobbly and your senses were all mixed up, so you hadn’t realized that you had sat next to someone.
-Revenant watched as you plopped down, tipsy and obviously slightly out of it.
-He had watched you get drunk; in fact, he had watched your group tucked into the corner of the bar all night getting drunk.
-As much as he ached to get closer to you, to at least try to get to know more about you, there was absolutely no way he was going to even go as far as to approach the other Legends.
-It was just in his stubborn nature.
-Looking down at you, he finished off his beer before slamming the glass down onto the counter.
-You looked up, jostled by the loud noise, and towering over you was none other than Revenant himself.
-At first, his eyes scared you; the two beady yellow LEDs burned into you.
-But after a moment, you felt yourself warm to them.
-Your intoxicated brain knew you were at least in his favor, as he dropped little hints sometimes within the games to lead to such a conclusion.
-Without thinking, you leaned into him, wrapping his torso in a bear hug.
-Revenant’s eyes widened in shock, what were you doing?
-He knew you were drunk, but drunk enough to hug a blood-thirsty assassin robot?
-Despite his mechanics speeding up at the sudden arousal within him, he didn’t dare move, too afraid of injuring your fragile form.
-You mumbled incomprehensive words into his middle-section before reaching up and groping for his large claw.
-Upon finding it, you tugged at it until he let you take it and place it on your back.
-You then did the same with the other, making him hug you back.
-He still didn’t move, slightly awed by how cute you were being, whether you realized it or not.
-He did look around, however, and after realizing the bar was pretty much empty, he let himself relax a little into your touch.
-The two of you sat there for what seemed like hours, your thoughts blank, his running faster than Octane on stim could accomplish.
-This was soft for him, but he also secretly liked the attention.
-And it wasn’t the same attention he got when he was killeader in the games or won as the Champion squad.
-This attention was a loving one, one that he hadn’t experienced in centuries.
-You had always seemed to catch his attention, so he wanted this...right?
-Yes, he did.
-Coming to his decision, he quickly withdrew himself from you, careful not to nick you with any part of his arms or hands.
-You let out a whine, obviously upset by this, but squeaked as he picked you up bridal style.
-You would be coming home with him, but not for sex or anything of that sort, just to cuddle and be with him.
-You had tempted him, and he had taken the bait.
-You grasped around his neck, clinging to him for dear life as he turned and began walking towards the exit of the bar.
-You looked into his face, confused and tired from your drunken state.
-He looked back down at you, reading your overall puzzled expression.
-Although he couldn’t reach up to comfort you, he stretched his head down to nuzzle you in the side of the neck.
-Heat rose into your cheek as he did this, and you returned it by smooshing your face into his; it wasn’t the same, but he appreciated the effort you put to replicate comfort for him.
-He pushed out the swinging doors of the bar, taking in your scent, comforting you, and feeling like the luckiest simulacrum alive.
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danddymaro · 2 years ago
Blind | Bloodhound x (fem) Reader
Not love at first sight, but something close
it takes a single moment for you to be struck by the love bug
Dude, I LIVE for simp/  Bloodhound whether they are a sick Yandere or a sweet, devout partner. I’m trash
Word count: 1123
It took a moment, just a single instance for it to happen.
For Bloodhound, it was as though time had suddenly slowed down, the world giving them a moment to appreciate the wink of time just a bit longer so they could truly cherish it to its fullest glory.
The bullets that had zipped past them traveled at such an agonizingly slow pace, that they felt brazen enough to pick at them from the air and toy with them during their travel.
It was complete lunacy, yet, the Legend felt exhilarated at such a sensation, such a heated rush that felt like a wild surge of electricity had fallen upon them, in a thunderbolt. shockwaves danced over their flesh in little tingles that needed the touch of this very delightful new affection.
Urgency filled them, the newfound desire almost unbearable.
You, who had, until then been someone unknown to them, though pleasant enough to be acquainted with, looked rather lovely.
'No...' they then thought, not going further with the thought without correction, 
You looked beautiful, marvelous, too good for words. 
- Too perfect to not admire.
'- A gift from the gods,' 
Rarely had they ever thought of anyone so divine, and you were one of the only few who had made them think so.
Your pretty lips were bruised at the side, a partial split decorating them from where you'd been hit earlier. You wore it so carelessly, almost unbothered by it after the initial long press of your thumb to it confirming there was a lesion. 
You'd both initially landed hot, narrowly escaping the battle with evasive moves that kept you both out of the line of fire that came from competitors fortunate enough to get their hands on a weapon.
And while you'd left with little to nothing in your hands, the fight for survival had been fierce given your lack of gear.
Guided by their Raven’s claw, they pathed way for an escape, a chance to come closer to victory.
Your hair was in various tangles from the travel down, something you'd muttered about to yourself as you'd descended, and it had been something Bloodhound sighed tiredly at. 
"What?" you said with a raised brow, offering your partner a cheeky grin. 
"You should worry about the battle more than your appearance," they suggested, making you huff out in dismissiveness as you pressed your thumb to your lower lip, the blood that dotted the flesh making you squint hard in annoyance.
"Of course, you would say that," you added quietly before looking away. 
You were fairly new and were taking advice from another Legend, one you’d easily befriended . 
Mirage had given you little pointers, advising you that good Media was also a part of the gig. 
-You had to either look good or look cool.
Besides, after you'd read a couple of the fan's reblogs of you... you decided that perhaps a bit of self-care was needed.
'Being in the public eye sucks...' you thought dishearted.
Bloodhound’s retort was a soft, dismissive hum, though they inwardly questioned why you would be concerned when you presented yourself just fine.
You now found yourself in an anxious flee, weaving through an open space of tall vegetation.
"Come on..." you breathed, hoping your partner pulled through.
It had been a rather risky, yet creative plan you offered to them after looking down at your only gun between the two of you.  Though, it was thoroughly thought out as you planned to follow a specific route, calculating every move no matter how fretful and uncoordinated they might have seen to the offending party. 
- That was, of course, the plan.
You had only one weapon, a long-ranged weapon with no optics, and much more out of your favor, 6 shots.
"Looks like we got a pretty shitty drop," you said with a low huff, passing the other Legend the sniper with no reluctance, without a question of any sort.
"It is yours," Bloodhound said in response to the offer, quickly skimming their eyes from the offer, and instead searching the trail they'd followed for signs of another competitor lurking.
Because the last thing they needed was to get ambushed.
"I think it would be of better use in your hands," you said kindly, being humble enough to admit that their aim was certainly better.
Afterall, their sight definitely was.
This was a sport to you, to them hunting others had been their life far before the games.
"We don't have much to work with," you started, "But luckily people are still landing, so we might have a good chance of an ambush," you offered with a devious, little chuckle.
"We just have to play it smart," you murmured, mentally preparing yourself because if you screwed up in any way, you were toast.
Meanwhile, Bloodhound had trouble deciphering whether or not the chance you took was admirable, or simply an act of recklessness on your part.
It only made sense to them as to why you got along with the speed demon so much, why you jumped at being paired with each other because perhaps Octane was one of the only other people willing to dive headfirst into disaster and walk out grinning whatever the outcome was.
Win or lose, it was just fun to complete, that was his philosophy, and something you often claimed too.
Momentarily, you smiled at them, an excited grin shot the hunter's way as you craned your head back and got a good peep at your partner from where they'd been posted.
"You're amazing," you beamed back at them, your voice reaching them thanks to the coms.  The excitedness and awe you conveyed through those two words had Bloodhound somewhat dumbfounded enough that a simple thank you that felt the custom was released with mild difficulty.
It was strange, but you were greeted with silence, though you didn't seem too troubled by it.
Meanwhile, Their keen eyesight had been witness to a smile that left them stunned, struck by something that left their chest feeling wounded.
From that very moment you ...
You, who had really been nothing but a good, occasional companion had become the center where their life gravitates to, the very essence of allure in every sense, even in your most distasteful moments.
You dug through your new loot, happy as could be while you relayed your finds through the coms as they made an approach towards you.
By then, Bloodhound sees you for what you truly are; a gift from the gods. 
You are their destiny, their intended life companion.
Unknowingly you grin at them, and they cherish the expression, reflecting on how you'd always been beautiful. 
How could they have been so blind before?
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amourlyns · 2 years ago
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⟢ 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 elliot ❲ mirage ❳ witt
Mirage plans on proposing to you, unfortunately you pass away abruptly before he can. Here’s how he deals with the grief. • GN!READER | ANGST
⟢ 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 octavio ❲ octane ❳ silva
It’s been a few months since you’ve seen your boyfriend, you decided to visit him as a surprise at an event. • FEM!READER | SUGGESTIVE
⟢ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 elliot ❲ mirage ❳ witt
Mirage has had a crush on you for the longest time, Fuse decides to help him out through a comedy show. • FEM!CELEBRITY!READER | FLUFF.
⟢ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐔 octavio ❲ octane ❳ silva 1 2
Octane is your ex boyfriend, and he suddenly shows up doorsteps completely distraught. This was going to be a long night. • FEM!READER | SUGGESTIVE
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animecinnamonroll99 · 1 year ago
Octane x FEM! Reader part 17
So sorry about the long delay. Life kinda got in the way after a bout of writer's block. Should I start a tag list for those who are really invested in this?
A bit angsty but it resolves itself!
After about three hours of helping Ramya I headed back to the compound. The weather was nice and cool after the rain the night prior and I used it as an opportunity to think things over a little more clearly. Tavi has always been a man of action over words and seeing as he’s not the biggest fan of any emotion unless it's the joy from his adrenaline rushes, it could have been his way of telling me that things were over. 
As I walked into the compound everyone’s attention fell onto me and it started to make me feel a little uncomfortable. “What’s up?” I hesitantly asked. There was a collective pause as everyone looked at each other and seemed to come to the same conclusion. After a few more moments of silence there was a general murmur of 'nothing' before everyone went back to what they were doing before I walked in. Giving my head a shake I head off to my room in the complex for a quick shower and a change of clothes. 
As hours, days and several games passed, Tavi seemed to have been avoiding me as much as possible. When we're placed on the same team he only talked to me when he needed to and without any of his normal banter. The drastic change didn't go unnoticed by fans and media alike and they were all asking the same question, 'what happened to Apex's speediest couple.' 
There happened to be a duo game today and I was hoping and praying that I got anyone, but Tavi. At this point I'd gladly trade him for Caustic if I could, or listen to Revenant talk about how many different ways he would kill me if I failed to help him win a game, but alas the odds weren't in my favor as the list of partners popped up. 
Today's game also happened to be a charity game where everyone got to pay to pick a theme. Which just so happened to be 'beach day'. Walking over to my dresser I start digging through the bathing suits I have when a knock sounds at my door before it opens. I turn to come face to face with Loba in a striking red bikini and a matching sheer tied cover across her hips. 
"Hello beautiful, I decided you need my help getting back at lover boy after what happened." She stated as she walked over and hip checked me away from the drawer I was previously digging through. "Me, I need to get back at Tavi? Are we sure this isn't to take your mind off your failing relationship with Valk?" I question as Loba pulls out bikinis and one piece alike shaking her head at each one before chucking it to a random corner. Instead of answering me she finishes going through the drawer and produces a pair of black side corset bikini bottoms with a scrunched but and a black bikini top with green fishnet on the cups and extra long strings that wrap around the torso. "Wear this with some strappy black sandals." Is all she says before exiting my room, still avoiding my questions.
Getting on the dropship half an hour later I'm greeted by wolf whistles from the majority of the male population. I just roll my eyes and head over to Fuse and Bloodhound. "Think you can run in those flip flops Walter?" I question, to which he replies with a full bellied laugh. "If I need ta run I'll ditch the shoes." He replies and Hound shakes their head in dismay. Giving them a once over I realized that they decided to sport a full body surf suit. 
Drop ship reached its destination: 'King's Canyon'.  The metallic female voice announced above us as a holographic map appeared in the center of the drop ship. My wrist gear lights up as my earpiece buzzes to life with Octane's voice "let's land over here." I glanced down to see that he decided on the Market. "Sure, just don't die too quick," I ok and walk towards one of the pads that'll lower for the jump. 
Seconds later I'm soaring down to the building and taking notice of the 6 other teams that land nearby. Hitting the ground running I'm quick to grab the first gun I see. A Mozambique and a CAR thinking fast, I rush up the steps in front of me and into the room on my left. In the room I find a set of syringes and a shield battery. Walking in a bit further I spot a Sentinel which I'm quick to swap for the Mozambique. Just as I get ready to leave the room Tavi’s voice is in my ears again, "enemy trap here." A quick glance tells me it's right outside the corner of my room, just before the stairs. "Thanks." I say before the line goes dead.
Sighing I walk out the other door and right into an enemy. The guy is stalky at best with no real discernible features due to the strange mask he wore. "Enemy attacking." I just barely shout into my coms before the guy lifts me off the ground by my neck. I grapple around trying to get my hands on one of my guns while simultaneously trying to land a kick on the male so he'll drop me. A rapid succession of fire and the guy drops me and falls down to shield himself with the knock down. 
Before I can register what happened I'm dragged back into the room I just left so I can regain my breath. I stand up just in time to see Tavi’s green trunks and bare back as he ducks out the door and back into the fights happening all around us. It's been months and he's still this cold to me? I don't think there's a chance to save any of this. I think to myself as I head back into the fray just in time to save him from getting a Mastiff shot to the back from Caustic. 
After the fighting finished off in Market we quickly moved to rotate to Pit in a quick succession of fights and little to no talking. Taking cover in the building near Pit we take a moment to breathe as I look at the feed. "Four squads left." I inform Octane, only to be met yet again with silence. At this point I can't hold it anymore.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, causing Tavi to jolt and spin so he was facing me. "We have one little fucking fight and you just up and leave me. No explanation, no chances to make things right, nothing. You left me in the damn rain to find my own way back all because you couldn't take what I was saying. Pathetic for the man who chooses to risk his life for people's entertainment-" Octane held up his hands and started to try and speak up "-no you've had your chance to speak, to try and make things right. This is my time to speak and you're going to stand there and fucking listen-" my rant gets cut off by a siren and bombs. Needing to get the anger out in a more constructive way (and to hide my frustrated tears)  I rushed out of the building and into the fray. 
I open fire at Gibraltar, my vision red and blood list rushing through my veins, I failed to hear Octane's warning or notice Rampart approaching with Sheila at the ready. The next thing I knew everything was black. 
Waking up I find myself in the medbay on the ship. I groaned and let my head fall back onto the pillow just as the door to the room opened. “Chica?” his familiar voice called out to me. I know that he knows I’m awake, but I honestly don’t feel like talking to him at the moment. “Go away Octavio.” I state as I turn onto my side facing away from the door. “Back to the first name, damn you must be really hurt.” in that sentence something inside me just snaps. Sitting up I turn and glare at the green haired devil “Hurt?” I questioned, “Hurt you say, I must be hurt?” I rhetorically asked again. “It’s not like my boyfriend had left me in a park absolutely confused as to if he broke up with me or not, all because he couldn’t stand what I was saying. Or could it be that AFTER all of that he gave me the cold shoulder for MONTHS with no reason, nothing, not even telling me if he just needed space for a while to sort things out. So, yeah, maybe just maybe I AM HURTING LIKE HELL.” I ranted. During the outburst I had unknowingly gotten up from the bed and stalked Tavi into a corner. Before either one of us could say something further, Ajay walked into the room. “I was just coming in to check up on (y/n), but since you’re here O we also need ta talk.” Ajay interjected into the tensed silence. 
As Ajay talked to Tavi, she checked out my injuries that were having some difficulties healing after the match. I just tuned them out wondering if the woman wrapping my torso with clean dressings will still be talking to the guy I’m avoiding for me to run back to my room or take him away with her so, I didn’t have to continue the inevitable conversation pertaining to the current strain in whatever relationship we have. I was silently praying to Bloodhound's old gods all the while. Once Ajay was finished with me, she stated that I had to stay in medbay until we got back to the compound. 
Once Ajay was gone I kept my eyes pointedly on my lap. “We really need to talk this out since you seem to be all in your head about it.” Before I could snap back Octane pushed forward not giving me an opportunity, “I know I stranded you there, but it was only momentarily. You were gone before I came back for you. Yes i didn't like what you were saying, was it the truth,” he shrugs noncommittally “maybe, I don't know for sure. Pops hasn't been answering any questions I ask about that night. When I got back to the compound everyone was telling me to give you space and that you'd come to me when you were ready. I wanted to apologize, completely out of character I know. I've been trying to figure out who I can trust and how much I can give back in return. What I learned is that I don't like fighting with you, nor do I like being able to talk to you or hold you. Do you think you could forgive me for my foolishness?” I decided to sit there and truly think over what Tavi said before replying, “I think it'll take more than just this and that we'll have to reestablish our trust in each other, eventually yes i think i can.”
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babiebomsmasterlist · 1 year ago
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For all your Apex needs!
Would I give them Head?
Reader insert Fics
Fics with Ocs
Character Fics
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marsbar17 · 1 year ago
Hello! Do you have any Bloodhound × Reader headcanons? 👀
I'm going to assume that the reader is another legend in the apex games btw
• Bloodhound didn't reach out to you when you first joined, but that was normal
• The other legends assured you that they were cold with everyone, preferring to keep to themselves
• Your first match together, a duos on King's Canyon, you got to really see how their abilities worked and there was something wildly alluring about it
• There wasn't a lot of speaking between you two, more just observing each other's skills up close for the first time
• After winning that game, the games put you together more often, and through shared curiosity of each other, you got closer
• "You are very interesting, félagi fighter." "I could say the same about you, Hound."
• You started spending more time around them, they wouldn't reach out to hangout with you but they didn't push you away when you showed up at their door
• The line between platonic and romantic was sort of blurry, and neither of you could remember when supportive pats on the back and fistbumps turned into soft holding of your waist or them calling you 'elskan'
• It wasn't until one of the other legends pointed it out jokingly that you both realized you loved each other
• Dating them comes easy, since it felt like you already were
• Their love language is words of affirmation and quality time
• They always make sure you know that you are the most divine thing in the world to them, their gift from the allfather
• I can see them taking you into the woods to go hunting
• Just the two of you in silence, enjoying the sounds of the forest and feeling like the rest of the world doesn't exist
• Life feels easier with them, the pressure from the apex games and the syndicate seems to disappear when you're in their arms
• When you aren't on a team on the games, you seek each other out, competing to see who can kill the other first in a gory game of tag
• Sometimes they just follow you, and you've gotten better at seeing the signs of them, slight rustling of leaves or a crow nearby
• Everytime you're downed at their hands, they make sure to finish you off properly, never letting you bleed out in pain
• "Have I told you how pretty you look like this, elskan?" "Many times, but say it again, please."
• They'd lift your chin up with two fingers, unclasping their mask to give you a lingering kiss before the bullet rips through your body
《NSFW》 (with no specified genitals)
• If they're topping, it's full of praise and worship
• It's either vanilla, or really kinky
• Slight blood kink, bondage, maybe a bit of pet play, very much praise and worship or your body
• No matter what you look like, they think you're beautiful
• "Watching you take me like this, it's hard to control myself, elskan."
• Their favorite positions when topping are doggy and riding, although mating press is a good one
• They groan and let out small moans, but they're aren't very loud
• They're more focused on your pleasure than their own, making sure you like everything they do and that you always cum before they do
• They love eating you out/sucking you off, tasting you turns them on so much, same with the other way around
• Tug at their hair when they're in between your thighs and they will literally growl against you
• Overstimulation, either top or bottom, love seeing you cry and twitch from overwhelming pleasure, and they also love being reduced to a whimpering mess as you make them cum over and over again
• In terms of them being the bottom, they whine and whimper a lot
• Even as a bottom, they love riding
• Will literally grab your hands and drag them to their hips so you can hold them
• Pull their haaaaiiirrrrr
• Just a bit on pain, like pulling their hair or gripping their hips hard enough to leave bruises, gets them to cum so much faster
• Mutters your name over and over, worshipping you and making sure your name is etched in their brain while they cum
• Loves it when you leave your mark on them, it's completely covered by their heavy uniform but just the thought of it being there is enough for them
• Aftercare consists of a lot of cuddling and praise, both ways
Thank you for your patience! I've been doing stuff for my mental health recently and it's taking a lot of time out of my days (therapy 3 days a week is insane dawg) but I love doing this!
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ibiggiecheese · 2 years ago
If u do tag me😘(i am foaming at the mouth)
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stardusted-arrow · 2 years ago
Bloodhound x Reader Imagine ~
Notes: Pre-Apex Games, takes place in the Outlands, reader + Bloodhound are young adults on a hunting trip that feels like more. Fluffy, first date kind of vibes. Indulging myself into daydreaming about ✨them✨
Warnings: Animal death
- You’re the blacksmiths kid, which means you and Bloodhound go way back. You were able to get a lot of practice with blade care thanks to Artur’s near obsession with taking care of his axe. He always brought Bloodhound with him though the two of you spoke very little.
- One day, your parent agreed to a barter- a new skinning blade for a hunting lesson with Artur. You weren’t too keen at first, until finding out you weren’t the only student going on the hunt.
- You showed up to their cabin, and Bloodhound answered the door. The hunter held in a giggle at how overprepared you came. Multiple blades hung from your belt and at least three bags worth of supplies were strapped to your back.
- “Come here, child,” Artur helped get you ready, leaving you with one good hunting knife. “It’s only for a sun cycle, we’re not going to be out there for ages.”
- You and the duo trudged along in the snow for hours, and little was spoken beyond how to pick up animal tracks, the ethics behind a good hunt, and where to strike your game. You listened to Artur closely, unaware of the eyes that stayed glued to you.
- Finally, a deer came into view, which tugged Bloodhound’s gaze from you. They readied their bow and arrow with such speed, you could only blink in awe at the sight. They whispered a small prayer to the gods before releasing the string, and the deer fell into the snow.
- Once back at the village, you quickly found out that processing the hunt was your least favorite part of the ordeal. Though, you did gain a newfound appreciation for all that went into efficient hunting practices.
- Artur left for a moment to gather more storage for the deer’s yield, which left you and Bloodhound alone for a moment.
- You couldn’t help but become extremely aware of your posture, and the breaths you took. Bloodhound’s goggles hid their gaze, but you could feel it on you. You let the silence seep in, however your magnetism to them did all the talking.
- “I suppose you’ll have to teach me to craft a blade the next time you have a chance, now that you’ve learned the basics of a hunt,” they said, accent thick and a small smile on their face.
- You nodded, unaware as to why their voice made your chest feel tight. “I suppose you’re right. It’ll be much warmer than going out into the snow, thank the gods.” You returned their smile, resisting the urge to fiddle with your dagger.
- “I think I’d like to try forging an axe like Artur’s. Or perhaps throwing knives.” Bloodhound mused, standing from their seat to add more wood to the fire in the shed.
- You couldn’t suppress the sound of your chuckle. “Throwing knives? And how would you use those?” The practicality of such weapons seemed dubious to you.
- Bloodhound crouched by the fire, hands outstretched. “Hunting. Or maybe just throwing them at a tree to see if I can get them to stick,” they were sure it would be the latter.
- “I could fashion some targets to help with those endeavors,” you offered, looking out to the fire and Bloodhound for some moments.
- It didn’t really click that they were looking back, but that didn’t stop you from gazing upon him wordlessly. You’d seen them so many times at the forgery, though today felt like so much more and you weren’t sure why. ‘It’s just hunting,’ you kept thinking to yourself.
- Neither was Bloodhound. All they knew is that they wanted to do this again, whatever ‘this’ was.
- Artur returned with more casks for the deer meat, its hide already on the drying rack. “Come here, Y/N. Let me show you where to make the cuts.”
- After the processing was finished, Artur handed you a satchet worth of meat. “You did well. Don’t be shy about coming on more hunting trips with us.” You nodded at the man, thanking him for his time and patience. “Bloodhound, walk them home please.”
- They helped you carry the abundance of supplies you had brought over, and the two of you trudged through the icy snow under the moonlight. You glanced over at them a few times during the trek, which didn’t go unnoticed by Bloodhound.
- The only sounds were your footsteps, you weren’t sure if you liked the silence between you and them.
- “I do hope you come back out with us again. It was nice having someone else’s ear talked off by Artur for once,” they said, looking over at you with a grin, “I’m only slightly kidding.”
- You returned their grin, shaking your head a little, “Artur talks little when compared to my parent, just you wait.” Bloodhound looked at you with a mouth slightly agape, and you wondered if they would renounce their want to learn how to forge metal.
- They asked you about your family, and your reply was quick- having very little relatives. You found a sense of understanding when they shared the same experience. And then conversation found its way back to the damn throwing knives.
- You were back to your cabin in what felt like seconds, and thanked Bloodhound yet again for their help.
- “Let me set these things down for you, at least,” they looked down at the multitude of supplies strapped to them. “You packed at least a months worth of supply, Y/N.”
- You narrowed your eyes at them, before opening the door to your home “Better prepared than not,” you said, helping them inside after kicking the snow off your boots.
- Once everything was settled into the table and chair space in the entrance room, you found yourself staring at Bloodhound wordlessly again. They did the same.
- Your chest tightened yet again, and you weren’t sure why. Bloodhound just couldn’t tear their eyes away.
- “I’ll.. see you soon.” You finally said, a tentative smile finding its way to your lips.
- “You will.” They replied, still unmoving. Gods, seconds seemed to pass like they were minutes.
- “Goodnight, Bloodhound.” you said softly, stepping towards them. They didn’t move, feeling their stomach flip at your closer proximity. Silence befell you once more.
-“.. and to you, Y/N.” They gently replied, backing up and out of the door slowly. Once they were out though, they picked up pace swiftly- as though the further they got, the more they could breathe.
- You watched them disappear into the night, smiling softly. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
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gogotti · 2 years ago
Bloodhound x reader nsfw, similar to the caustic fic w orgasm denial I LOVE YOUR WORK PLS
This took forever and I'm so sorry, but life hit me with the "let's change the subject" bat, and I lost interest in Apex for a hot ass minute. but anyways
Warnings: none really but the fic includes NSFW, orgasm denial, gender-neutral reader, no mention of Bloodhound's genitals, (which is also what made this fic take so long cause it took me forever to realize I could just do that.)
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You looked over at Bloodhound as you stepped outside, a mischievous grin coming to your face almost immediately. They had been training all day, which wasn't uncommon, and you coming out to join them wasn't unusual either. You enjoyed watching them practice. It allowed you to stare at their muscles, which gave you plenty of material for those long seasons they were away busy with the games. Normally, you would sit by and watch, but with how well they'd been doing in the games, you figured it was time for a well-deserved break. You sat on a stump nearby and watched as Hound released their last arrow from the Bocek, landing what you counted to be their 4th bullseye. You smiled and spoke up, watching that red tint from their eyes slowly fade as they registered your voice.
“You should teach me to be as well off with a bow as you are.”
They walked over, touching your forehead with their mask as a kiss, and grabbed another bow they had prepared and handed it to you. Their eyes squinted slightly, meaning they were smiling at you behind the mask. “I would be honored, Elska.”
You stood and walked with them to the small patch of off-colored grass and huffed at it. Hound noticed and spoke, “I will get to placing the stone on this spot soon enough. For now, we practice.” You laughed, “Don't you think you need a break? You stand in this spot so much that the grass isn't green anymore.” They shook their head, and you already knew what they were going to say, so you simply sighed, feigning defeat for your request.
They positioned themselves behind you and you pressed yourself as close to their chest as possible, hearing a sudden inhale from them in response. You knew that showing interest in their training and hobbies made them very happy, so you already had a bit of a headstart, but you had a trick up your sleeve and you couldn't help but smirk at the thought of their excitement when you showed it off.
Thankfully Hound didn't notice as they continued positioning you in proper archery form, answering each question you asked, even if some had self-explanatory answers. You made sure to drag on the explanation part so you could let your plan slowly unfold, and you acted innocent when they would stop explaining to take a breath because your subtle grinding against them was doing much more than you originally anticipated.
When they had finally explained everything they thought necessary, you were allowed to shoot your first arrow. You pretended to struggle a bit before releasing arrow after arrow, each landing smack-dab in the center. You turned, a giant smile on your face as you watched Hound’s eyes flick from you to the target and back. You knew they were feeling something now as they stuttered a bit before letting out a breathy, “Wow, Elska.”
They stood frozen in their spot as you approached them, letting the bow gently rest on the ground. You place your hands on their chest and smile at them, “So, I think we should take a break. I am exhausted after all that training.”
They didn't respond, instead, they let you guide them to the stump you were sitting on earlier and stood in front of you. You leaned up and kissed their mask once, then moved down to their neck, kissing and nipping at all of the skin there. You let your hand trail downward and into their pants, letting them grind down onto your palm and you smiled at the muffled huffs coming from their mask.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?
They let out a muffled, “Mhm”, and you smiled, leaning away from their neck to see their face for a moment. You were glad that you did because as soon as you made eye contact with them you watched their eyes roll to the back of their head and their body twitch toward you. You watched as they started to grind down harder, eventually grabbing onto you and pulling you closer.
They whined, “Please, Elska…”, and they looked at you desperately. You knew they were close, but you weren't ready for this to end yet, especially since it just started. You didn't realize how pent-up they had been, so your previous grinding had done much, much more than you had thought. You slowly began to pull your hand away as they got closer to cumming and they quickly caught on, grabbing your hand and holding it in their strong grip.
“Elska, I need this please.” They continued to grind down onto your hand, but you kept pulling away. You were worried that they were gonna cum before you had your fun, so you forcefully pulled your hand away, watching Hound go limp with defeat. Hound practically growled at the lack of contact and slowly turned it into a whine because of the denial. They looked up at you, and you knew they had tears in their eyes, so you kissed the top of their head.
“I wanna have fun too Houndy, but I promise you'll get to cum once I have. Okay?”
You smiled at them, and they couldn't do anything but mumble an “Okay..” and follow you into the cabin you shared.
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