Headcanon Sasha and nicollo (they are alive in this Au)
Nicollo always cook for Sasha.ALWAYS
She just need to say "i am hungry" and pouf a pretty hot food are waiting for her
Sasha adore to hig him from behind(specially when he cooks)
Nicollo hate everyone of her species exept her of course.
He "appreciate" jean and Connie only cause they are Sasha's best friends. other than that he doesn't care about them
Sasha usually invite him to eat with her family.
Sasha forgived Gabi for almost killing her she is just a kid after all.
But Nicollo doesn't have the same opinion...he wouls always give her the dirty eyes and pull Sasha away from her (what if this child hurt her again?)
When they fought Nicollo way to applogize is to give her food.
And Sasha way to appologize is to hig him and put her face in the crock of his neck whispering an "i am sorry "
They are the greenest couple of all the time.
Their marriage was perfect(with a lot of food of course)
Nicollo's love langage is food of course.
And sasha's love langage is physical touch or a lot of compliments
They don't really get jealous. Exept for Nicollo's . it's rare but still he get jealous that Sasha hang out with connie or Jean more than him.
But they still love each others a lot.
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sukirichi · 4 years
Museum Dates with Porco
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Modern AU  — Art Museum ver!
(had to make this headcanon because I had a fic idea for him and it included him going on a museum date with the reader :D)
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To be honest, he’s not really into art that much, but after finding out you liked paintings and seeing the stories and meanings behind it, it was his idea to get you two tickets.
He’d be SOOO shy like I hc Porco is a cocky ass, but he’d definitely be mushy around his SO (especially when they’re at that stage of not confessing yet)
He’d try his best to look good that day, slicked back hair and wearing your favourite perfume
Ofc he’s going to bring flowers for you
The smile on your face as you light up, bringing the flowers up to your nose to smell it, oh it’s going to make him WEAK in the knees
He’d be a little surprised that even though you both are polar opposites, the sense of style is the same. You’re both dressed very casually and comfortably but still stylish that expresses yourselves
Let’s be real here, he doesn’t really understand the whole jazz behind paintings
He thinks they look good and knows it takes a lot of talent and effort to do one, but he’s just not that into it
Seeing you admiring them though?
That’s a different story
The way you’d just stop and stare at the paintings, a small smile on your face, an unreadable look in your eyes
He’d fall for you even harder
He couldn’t even believe that you actually agreed to go out with him that day, since he was never good at expressing himself and worried that maybe he hadn’t properly gotten his feelings across
But you’re there with him, and suddenly he doesn’t have any complaints about how “boring” looking at the paintings were because it’s never boring when it’s with you
Cliche but,,,he’d only have eyes for you the whole time, he’d glance maybe once or twice at the artwork but that’s it lol
When you explain something to him about the painting, he’d be humming and nodding in agreement, but really he’s too focused on the way your lips move or how you’d clasp your hands in excitement while telling him all about it
He can’t believe how precious you are – and he finds it even more admirable that you’re able to connect with art pieces in a deeper, different level
But you keep running away or dashing to a piece that you’d been dying to see
He’d stretch his hand out to reach you but you’d move before he can do anything, so he’ll play it cool by pretending to brush his hair or something
When you go, “What’s wrong?” after seeing his flushed face, he’d be like
“Oh, nothing. You were saying?”
You’d shrug it off and just light up all over again, but cmon, HAVE MERCY FOR THIS PRECIOUS BOY
You guys reach the department or hall with more solemn artefacts (maybe something about the war or just gruesome or melancholic messages) and he’s astounded by how you pay respect to those dark times
Porco would inch closer to you, finally getting the courage to place a hand on your shoulder and rub it gently
Finally, he sees something he’s familiar about
Shyly, he tells you about what he knows about that painting, and when you turn to him looking like he just handed you the stars, this man would BLUSHHH
Overall, going to an art museum date with Porco would be very romantic and sweet!
Even though he has a tendency to be an ass to everyone, he’s really gentle and respectful with you. I mean, he finds all these boring, but he legit spent two hours in art museum with you listening to you rant about everything
It’s going to be difficult for him to listen to every word since he’s more distracted with your presence and enthusiasm, but that slight pinch in his brow lets you know he’s trying his best
Of course he also wants to impress you, so he did a little research beforehand (he gave up trying to know a LOT about the themes after 15 minutes, it’s just not his thing lol) but you’re surprised he knows a thing or two about the historical backgrounds of some things
After that, Porco buys you an umbrella with a painting you liked as its design from the museum’s shop
He’s not always good with his words, so please appreciate everything this man does for you, he’s really trying his best
He knows he can be crude sometimes – most of the time – so he tends to hold himself back when it comes to being verbally affectionate
Instead, he’ll show it through touches and spending time with you, investing in your hobbies and always being a good listener
But he also doesn’t miss the opportunity to tease you when you turn into a blabbering mess when you get excited over a certain piece. He can’t help himself, he’ll just lean forward and pinch your cheeks because you’re so darn cute like that
Once you’ve gotten closer and established a more official relationship, you can bet this man will SPOIL you
An art gallery out of town? He got you tickets.
An art exhibit by a foreign artist you support? He’s busy with his thesis but he’ll still make the time to drive you there or pick you up afterwards, never forgetting to provide you your daily dose of kisses
The next art museum date you guys have, he’s not that shy anymore
He’ll hold your hand, rub his calloused thumbs against the pad of your palms, and sniffing your hair because your shampoo smells so good
He’s TOUCHY for sure, but never to the point PDA becomes uncomfortable for others
But he’s really going to want you close to him all the time
Porco likes to party, but he’s actually not into too much noise or clamour, especially when he’s with you
You’re like the sweet breath of fresh air in his life and he wants to treasure everything with you. The next museum dates with him would include lots of hand holding, and him telling YOU about something you told him regarding that piece
And when you beam up at him, surprised that he remembered, it makes his chest swell with pride
If he’s not holding your hand, he’s got an arm wrapped around your waist
But if you’re eager to see something, you’d drag him inside a room and he’d just laugh while you light up like a little kid
IDK WHY but for some reason I can see you guys sharing scarves because most museums are really cold, and this gives him more of an excuse to be closer to you
I can really see this scene very well, where you guys are just staring at this piece you both like (you like it for art and philosophical reasons, but Porco will like it more because of sentimental reasons that involves you) and you place your head on his shoulder, his breath softly tickling your skin
The tranquillity of that moment and just being with your SO really calms you both down
He couldn’t be any more thankful in that moment, he’s extremely glad he met you
Then, as you’re too busy admiring the artwork, you’d feel Porco’s gaze on you, his eyes are literally SHINING with love and appreciation for you
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please comment/like/reblog  — let me know what you think! I’m new to writing HC’s but I’m sooo in love with all the bois rn, I might do a Museum Date ver with all of them <3
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Aot with a crackhead reader
Sorry for the wait I was kinda goin thru it but I do be vibin now doe😳
• they actually have no idea what you’re talking about
•it’s like you’re speaking a different language to them
•Armin has nearly cried like 4 time because he was so concerned
•one time you overworked yourself too hard and walked up Jean and Marco
•then you threw up the peace sign
•and then just fucking
•passed out
•Marco was trying to carry you and get you help
•Jean was too preoccupied laughing at how bizarre that was
•Connie and Sasha are confused but they got the spirit
•just by spending a few hours with you they already know the ‘this is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smellin-‘ phone call off by heart
•they can’t stop repeating it
•Bertholt just smiles and nods despite having no idea what you’re talking about
I can’t write anymore cause I be like: no thoughts head empty
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peachy-ikasa · 6 years
who let me post on here man- lOOK AT THAT,, eREN AS A MODEL!?!
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artist: unaaaap
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gravitylfallsldown · 3 years
I want a future where girlboss mikasa kills pedophiles is that too much to ask for
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slitdollz · 3 years
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- helloo everyone ^^ i just opened my account so im nervous, im trying to learn tumblr lol @-@ and my native language is not English actually im a Turkish, im looking at the translation :3 forgive me if I make mistakes <3
- You can write me your requests without hesitation, I will try to do all of them :3
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gravitylfallsldown · 3 years
The uprising arc is probably the best arc in all of snk i feel like the whole ackerman clan was just sidelined for the main story(which is fine it isnt the main story afterall) but like its so rich and for that information to just be delivered in like 1.5 episodes of thenanime and like a FEW chapters of the manga is such a disservice to mikasa and levi. Im so upset rn
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