maryannhqs · 7 years
Maryann: I swear the next person to bring up Win is getting yelled at
Maryann: is that clear?
Maryann: ... you weren't going to mention him were you
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taylorlebeau · 7 years
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“These look delicious, are they for me?” Taylor doesn’t really care for an answer, moving instead to grab a cookie and bite into it paying the other little mind.
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jackscnlang-blog · 7 years
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"what do you want?” jackson asked, his tone conveying annoyance- he didn’t have time for silly conversations, and quite frankly he just didn’t want to talk to anyone. letting out a sigh he placed his book flat on the table in front of him, as he slowly folded his arms across his chest before, finally looking up at the figure standing in front of him. “and please, make it fast, i don’t have all day,” he added, his eyes narrowing as he waited for them to get on with whatever they felt the need to say.
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asgardianisms · 7 years
( learn about kaz here !! )
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“it’s NOT mine.” too many long moments had passed, and kaz had grown well and truly tired of the watching pair of eyes that she could feel to her side. her words were nothing but a dark mutter, coupled with the sudden, rough yank of her sleeves over bloodied knuckles and a blatant ignoring of the small smear of the same across one cheek, the one that just happened to be facing them. fired up brown eyes fixed on the floor, teeth tearing into her bottom lip, she paused, considered, and then added, finally, “not all of it, anyway.”
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delaneyxl · 7 years
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“So I finally had the chance to go out and get a new menorah,” Delaney spoke, finding herself in a rare good mood. “And with it I’m officially ready for Hanukkah,” Granted the holiday didn’t start until her birthday but the rare feeling of excitement was getting the best of her.
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asgardsladysif · 7 years
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A natural warrior, Sif hadn’t hesitated in joining those able in trying to figure out who was responsible for the recent attack. With experience such as hers, however, she also knew when it was time to take a moment or two to oneself. It would not do if everyone wore themselves out - what use would they be then? So it was that she found herself in a quiet corner of the library, book in hand. Hearing another approach, she glanced up, flashing them a smile in greeting. “Were you looking for me?”
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ofmentalisms-blog · 7 years
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PEOPLE WATCHING,  as weird at is seemed it was a peculiar hobby of peter’s. there was an odd satisfaction he got from analysing strangers and coming up with theories about their lives.  theories that he could almost guarantee were correct.  ‘ i got another one for ya! ’  excited smile on his face, he turned to the person in his passenger seat.  ‘ my twelve o’clock.  buff guy in the tank top & sandals.  recently divorced or separated from his wife probably due to his heavy smoking and/or alcoholism. ’  smugness overcame him as he sat back in the seat of his car.  ‘ that makes six now. told you this would be fun! ’
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bluemutandis · 7 years
[ sms ]: open.
FAHIMA: is a severed head a delightful christmas present?
FAHIMA: asking 4 a friend
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sammyrcgers · 7 years
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“Well It’s nice to know someone around here is working,” Sam noted with a smile noticing the other sat at one of the study room tables. “though you are allowed a break y’know,” he noted half teasingly coming to stand in front of them.
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izzyrosebarnes · 7 years
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“If you’re here to ask me what the winter show is going to be, then I can save you the trouble; you’ll find out when everyone else does.” 
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maryannhqs · 7 years
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The last few days had been completely hectic, what with the attack that had followed after thanksgiving, the moving to a new school and the many trips to the hospital. Mare had done her best to stay out of people’s way and lend a hand where she needed, but in the end she had just been left useless. “Hey,” She greeted the other, voice gentle. “Is there anything you wanted a hand with? You moved in okay?”
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adrianabarton · 7 years
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“Okay, so I might have a bit of an obsession with Stranger Things. But who can blame me? It’s is the best thing that has happened to humanity since smartphones were invented. And the cast, oh my god the cast! I need a Steve or two for myself, though.”
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babyparkerhqs · 7 years
“So i may have a spare ticket to go see the new star wars movie tomorrow,” Ems told the other, a rare smile filling her features. “What do you think of doing me a favour and coming with me?” Her brow raises as she asks the question. The girl crossing her arms about her chest. “I promise you’ll be free of me for at least a week after,”
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ofmysticisms · 7 years
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“Look,” Stephen looked over at the other, a sort of unimpressed gaze framing his features. “If I could magic the school back together I would but even I have limits to my powers alright,”
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oficemans-blog · 7 years
It had been much too long since the last time he’d walked down these familiar corridors, somehow it felt strange that they would end up back here. As one of the professors who knew the place the best, he’d been asked to help direct people in the right direction if they needed the help. “You know, I never thought that I’d be back here, but I guess it was a good thing this place was still intact.” He commented as he helped the person to their destination.
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tcmmybarnes-blog · 7 years
Tommy should have been in gym class. Well, Age of Heroes’ version of gym. Instead of running around outside playing football or soccer, he would have been sparring with a punching bag or another student and honestly-- he really couldn’t be bothered. So instead, he was dozing in the locker room, laying across one of the benches. The noise of the door opening and closing woke him up though and he grunted, opening his eyes and sighing. “Do you mind? Tryin’ to nap here.” 
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