#aob: demigod edition
orii-blogs-stuff · 30 days
More stuff about the Demigod au
So the Demigods go to their own school that is called Divine academy (thanks @insert-clever-username-1133 for the idea!) and it takes up hald of the Sov while the Royal academy takes up the other half as shown bellow:
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the map shows the duchy dorms and the Godly dorms in their duchy/godly colour, how do the godly dorms work? Say for example your parent is Angriff, God of war, since he's a subordinate of Lidenschaft, the demigod will go to the Leidenschaft/blue dorm. The Red dorm on the outer edge is Geduldh's dorm and that's where all the student's who's parents who aren't subordinates of the supreme couple or the Eternal five (well, four in this case) such as childen of apprentice gods or even Chaocipher.
The schools are connected at the large circle where the garden of beginings are (and a long corridor) where Nobles could get their schtappes and demigods could go talk to Erwaermen to get news from their godly parents, bet the tree gets lonely, so now he gets to talk to a bunch of students~ Aren't I so nice? :)
There are 2 aus I'm imagine:
Nobles fogot demigods exist and due to magic and the hall that connects the two sides of the schools get sealed up, only the connection to the garden of beginings remain but nobles and demigods dont go through the other's eist, also Nobles can't see pass the blue line cuz there's this heavy fog but the Demigods could see just fine
Demigods and Nobles co-exist and know of eachothers existance, and while plenty of nobles look down on the demigods for their commoner background, lines of communication are still open between the two groups and there's no heavy fog stopping the nobles from seeing the demigod side or any wall from stopping them from mingling
For the sake of this post, let's go with the second option where demigods are remembered.
The Leidenschaft and Dunkelfelger's dorms are very close so they have ditter atleast thrice a week (Where Leidenschaft dorm wins almost every single ditter).
The Cuococalura kids (and kids of Cuococalura's apprentices) all get together to make breakfast, lunch and dinner for all the Godly dorms.
Kunstzeal and Vulcanift (plus apprentice) kids are in charge of the decorations
and those whose parents are responcable for harvest and hunting and blooms and stuff grow the food or hunt feybeasts for the meals.
Demigod-nobles, who's mortal parents are nobles are expected to finish their studies as fast as possible and then spend atleast 2 days a week on the demigod side of the RA/DA.
Also, while plenty of nobles look down on the demigods for their commoner origins, plenty more nobles order their children to make demigod connects or to even marry a demigod because of their high mana capacity and high attributes and bits of their godly powers shine through in the next generation.
E.g. A Drewanchel archnoble or archduke candidate might be told to woo a child of Mestionora or those of Dunkelfelger might try their luck with someone from the Leidenschaft dorm or a child of Leidenschaft even.
Imagine Rozemyne, who isn't a demigod but people think she's a demigod anyways cuz of her uncanny resemblence to Mestionora and her love for books ends up in the DA: Rozemyne: I don't think I should be here... I'm in the wrong place.. Student: Nonsense! You're at the right place! Rozemyne: I'm really not- Student: hushes her shhh... It's ok... It can be very hard being away from your parents firstie... Would you like to read the book from our library? Rozemyne: Remembering how sylvester said she can't go to the library until everyone passes Nevermind! I'm in the right place! I'd love to read!
Also, fun little snippit between a Dunkelfelger Archnoble and their Child of Angriff Fiance:
DA: What should we do for our wedding? CAF: Well we must have a celebratory ditter to celebrate our engagement DA: Ofcourse Dear CAF: And our pre-marriage because it's commoner custom to celebrate becoming married by having a bachelor party with our friends and what better party than a ditter? DA: Couldn't have said it better! CAF: Then we shall have an after marriage ditter where all the guest will participate DA: Lovely idea~! Shall we have a honeymoon ditter? CAF: But ofcourse! But first, we must have a pre-honeymoon ditter so we could come to a decision on where to spend our honeymoon! DA: Swooning marry me already! CAF: Not before our engagement celebration ditter or our pre-marriage ditter!
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orii-blogs-stuff · 1 month
Got a new developing au I'd like to share with all of you.
Consider this: Demigods in Yurgenschmidt
So since the Gods are real, they're pretty bored in heaven doing work 24/7 so sometimes they would come downstairs to have a bit of 'fun' by hooking up with mortals leading to the existance of demigods.
During the Ancient times Demigods (and their mortal parents) would be reveared by the nobility of Yurgenschmidt (and commoners) due to them being divine-adjacent but as Yurgenschmidt became less and less religious that stopped happening and those demigods at the royal academy would get eye-rolled at cuz them passing all their subjects on the first day? Must be because their mommy or daddy is a God who gave them a power boost, not because of their own intellegance or anything.
So the demigod population at the RA slowly decreased and decreased until there were none left and the knowledge of Demigods existing decreased and deacreased until no noble remembered what demigods were or that they exist.
in modern times, most (if not all) the Demigods are born from God/Commoner mortal unions and is kept a secret from the Nobility that there's a thriving demigod population in each Duchy. The commoners know that there are Gods and that they exist because it's quite common to hear a very wealthy man/woman visiting the commoners neighbours or an Aunts or brothers, lavishing them with gifts and when the aunt becomes pregnant the rich man/woman leaves and 9 months later the baby is born with super powers, or incase of a guy, the rich man/woman leaves and then 9 months later there's a knock at the door, no one's outside except for a sleeping baby who looks like a mix between the commoner and the rich man/woman.
So, How do the demigods drain themselves of excess mana? They do so by partaking in their parents domains. Child of Unheilschneide? They make sure the water supply is kept pure from illness causing stuff and poisionous chemicals that may seep into the water. Children of Bluanfah and Efflorelume? Ensure good harvests, ofcourse, not everyone has such easy ways to partake in their parents domains and not build up an excess of mana in their systems. Since there'no wars, children of Angriff have to make due by protecting feilds from dangerous feybeasts or take down trombes. Children of Beischmacht might become expert seamstresses when it comes to making bed sheets or carving beds or know which herbs coul make one fertile or barren. It's how they differ from the devouring, the demigods have only 1 (very strong) attribute and enough mana to rival a zent or archduke candidate and don't need feystones to remove excess mana from themselves unlike the Nobility or the devouring.
So why do I think all the demigods would be from commoner parents? Simple. The Gods think Nobles are boring. Here me out: no hand-holding before marriage for Nobles while commoners are ok with kisses before engagement, with how stringent Nobles are about propriety, it's gonna be hard for God's to meet up with any Noble lovers they might want to take cuz if you don't have a proper introduction to said Nobles in Noble society, your probably gonna definatly get executed depending on how low status you are (and the Gods most definatlypretend to be low status Nobles cu everyone knows everyone in the high status nobles), also it must feel super weird when Nobles use their names as euphemisms, like, schuzaria be getting turned off because this mortal keeps referring to her private parts as 'geduldhs chalice', also Nobles are followed everywhere by their retainers, kinda hard to wisk their lovers away to a secluded spot.
I'm thinking the Demigods have their own school? Maybe? Do you guys think that's a good idea?
Also How do you guys think Rozemyne and Ferdinand would react to Demigods existing?
Feel free to add any of your headcannons in the comments or reblogs, I would love to hear what others think of this au.
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orii-blogs-stuff · 6 days
ok so I was reading a pjo fic when I suddenly came across this:
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And so I decided Mestionora does the same and then had the idea... what if Rozemyne was Ferdinand's and Mestionora's daughter?
Mestionora: *Casually strolls upto Ferdinand on his graduation day* Aubs+students+royalty: *Kneels* Ferdinand: *Confused af* Mestionora: remember that theisis you wrote for your magical tools final? *shows newborn rozemyne* that impressed me very much
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