#ao3 linkao3
baileys-3 · 10 months
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Sneak Peak (for more follow the link):
Lucy stands motionless in her flat for another minute or so, looking through the open door at the hallway outside her flat. Through the open door Chris has just stormed through. Her mind is whirling. What had that just been? Had he just acted like a five-year-old? Had she really asked for his playbook? Had he just left her flat in a huff? Had she really asked for his playbook? Had he just refused to talk about the reasons for the break-up?
She can't believe she asked for his playbook!
How stupid! Last night she did nothing but google ways to end a relationship painlessly. Then she was also practicing with Thorsen. And then all she can think of is this stupid and cruel Tim-Bradford-line? She shakes her head and is horrified at herself. But it can't be helped now.
She looks at the door. The open door. Standing in her own flat. Motionless. As if petrified and frozen. And then she storms towards the small table that stands next to the front door, grabs her key, and slams the door behind her. Clearly heart faster than brain. And before she knows it, she is standing in front of the LAPD headquarters. Only now does it occur to her that Tim might already be off work. She pulls into the car park in front of the building. She sees that there are still some empty spaces in front of the entrance. Which is because of the time of day. It is much less busy than during the day. And then she sees his truck parked in the Watch Commander parking spot. So, he's still there.
She parks, takes another quick look in the mirror, and makes her way to his office. Grey's office. She can see him from a distance. He is sitting at his desk, looking at something he is holding that she can't make out. The light in his office is dimmed. Only the lamp from his desk is burning. And when she sees him, those butterflies start flying again and a longing spread through her. A longing she has never had for any other man. She has such an incredible longing for him. She would love to spend every minute with him. To look at him. Listen to him. Touch him. All of it. At the same time. Uninterrupted.
As she stands in the doorway, he still hasn't noticed her. She knocks gently against the doorframe and the sound is almost a little loud in the silence of the room. He glances up.
"How's it going?" she asks.
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
First Kudos
So, I'm not new to fanfic.... I had plenty of stories years ago but took them to rework them... then life happened. This week I had time to go over them again and reuploaded again. Only that this time I didn't limit myselfto ffn, but put it on ao3 and others as well. And got first ao3 kudos today! Though it only has 1 chap so far and has few hits so far, but hopefully will improve with laters chaps.
submitted by /u/Jon_Riptide [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2B7afPQ
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
Long captivity and recovery fic wanted
I just finished rereading Dream seam, a Voltron ff on ao3 Linkao3(dream seam) And I also recently finished an ATLA one with Zuko and Hama who name I couldn't remember. A long time ago a read an FMA fic on ff.net. that I also don't remember the name of. They all had to do with long periods of captivity, sometimes brainwashing and a nice dose of ptsd. I love the recovery part and that plus the gettaway! It is important! I love the mix of angst and hurt with a nice dose of comfort and healing. So any recommendations? I'm not picky about the fandoms although I'm not in some, but if I don't need to know so much of the source material and its self explanatory I might read it anyway!
TLDR fics wanted with a long captivity, escape or rescue and then recovery.
submitted by /u/hypercell57 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/34C6dYo
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