#anyways. this pic just reminded me of that meme 😂
provokedgoalie · 2 years
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Here’s my official Disney Hercules/Disney Villains/Hades merch haul (so far lol)
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You guys already saw these but here’s the Sega Disney Villain Mystery Prize plush and a limited edition flexing Hades medallion pin lol
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These are 2 Hades Funko pops I have (left: regular glow-in-the-dark Hades, right: throne Hades) and a 25th Hercules Anniversary Christmas ornament of Hades and baby Herc
also btw I bought 2 Funko pops because the glow-in-the-dark one has a defect with the hair in the back (I think it was attached wrong so there’s like a weird gap in the back), also you need a UV light to make the Funko pop glow in the dark and that basically only works if I have the light from my window shining on it (and I’m a hermit that hates light so I never have my curtains open 😂 honestly thinking about putting it in my car as a dashboard ornament and then buying the “chessboard Hades” Funko pop to replace that one in my room lol
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This is the $50 Hercules blanket I mentioned before that I got from the Disney store on my birthday last year lol, it’s really comfy and soft and I actually slept with it last night because it got cold in my room lol
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A Hades T-shirt (also got it last year for my birthday at the Disney store lol)
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You all know I have Horn of Plenty and the book from the Disney Villains book series (also the book sleeve came with random scratches and stuff on it when I got it so that kinda sucks and makes it look dirty but oh well lmao) lol, but I also have a Disney villains coloring book (actually thinking about getting some more Disney villain coloring books! There’s a color by numbers one that I really want to buy!)
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These are actually pictures I got from a 2023 Disney Villains calendar I got for Christmas in 2022 lol. I literally only wanted it for these pics specifically because I just love them so much! Actually, the “I bring the fire” one was actually for the month of March (which is my birth month lol)!
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I believe this was my very first Disney loungefly bag and wallet set of Hades! I actually currently use this one when I travel lol! I just love how gorgeous Hades looks 😍 also whenever I go out and people are like “omg I love your bag!” I have to resist the urge to be completely honest and say “Thanks! I’m in love with him! He’s my fictional husband!” 😂 but instead I’m just like “Haha! Thanks! I just love Hades and I’m obsessed with him!” 😂 it’s literally that meme like “They don’t know I’m in love with a fictional character” 🤣
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I think this was 2nd set I bought? I just ADORE the flowers around Hades! I got it because it just instantly reminded me of Hades and Persephone lol! They also didn’t have a matching wallet so I got one that kinda matched. I know the quote on the wallet is hard to read because of the lighting, but it says “NO PLACE FOR FAIRY TALES” lol (there’s actually another Disney villains bag with Hades with flowers on it and I wanna buy that one too 😂)
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And then my 3rd loungefly set lol! I love this one too because it has 3 pockets and it’s glow-in-the-dark! (I like to use this one around Halloween lol idk why I just think it looks cooler for some reason). My only thing about this set is that the wallet is small and doesn’t have a coin pouch, so there’s no place to put my change. I’ll have to find a cute coin purse to go with it lol.
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And last, but certainly not least, my collection of the Hades comics! I just love the way Hades looks in all of these!!! 😍💙
Anyways, that’s it lol! I also have fan made merch (mainly stickers but also other stuff) of Hades, but I thought I’d just show you guys the official Disney ones. I’ll certainly be adding more to this collection, so stay tuned for more lol! 😁
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eksentrismi · 23 days
I saw your latest drawings. And D A M N... For some reason, I remembered the Russian cartoon from the 90s "Captain Pronin". xD This is a very surreal and meme cartoon-a parody of American action films of those years. I think your art style is PERFECT for the style of this cartoon! *winking*
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WOAHHHH, THAT ART STYLE IS SO FREAKING COOL!!! Angular sharp linearts and harsh animated styles, my beloveds <333 Thanks for sharing these pics with me, lol. Never heard of that animated series before, but it seems really interesting!
Also haha, you're right, some of my older arts do remind me too of that art style somehow 😂
Anyways, really random, but here's few more really old doodles that I found from my archives!! Been feeling sort of nostalgic today + I love to look at my old arts sometimes just to both look at the improvement and also to cringe at them, lmao
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I just saw previously unseen photo of tz at a cafe (tdl blog) and lemme just say, can I tell Z off a lil' bit? (lovingly lol 😊) Z, girl, why are you always glued to your phone? Whether it's a date night or dinner with friends. What's so urgent all the time 🤨 lmao? She's literally with the phone in her hands in like half (if not more) of the fan pics from restaurants and cafes. Manners-wise it's just not very polite (🧐 don't do this irl folks, it looks like you don't care about the people around you or you're bored). And doing this on a one-on-one date is straight up criminal. C'mon, Z. Stop reading what the tomdayers are tweeting😂, look up and look at the people around you. Enjoy the moment, smell roses (or dishes lol), enjoy the company. Tweets, fans, business and whatever can wait. And friendly reminder to y'all too, pls put your phone away when you hang out with friends or loved ones unless you're a trader or a doctor on call. In other cases, even a phone lying screen down on the table creates not the best vibe. People around you may feel that they are less important to you at the moment🥲. I know it's kinda basic but so many people keep forgetting about it. Including our miss Z (again, and again, and again)☺️
Lol 👀 😄
This probably should have been saved for "Confession Corner Sunday" Anon so you won't get ppl judging you and jumping down your throat for saying this lol 😅
You chose to die today? Okay, I see.... you chose to die today lol 😆
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But no, you're entitled to your own opinion, and that's fine! 😊
You do have a point lol... 👀
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I actually agree with you lol. What they call "phubbing" (snubbing someone you're actually in person with because you're on your phone) is VERY popular these days. Z isn't the only one. I think we ALL have been guilty of doing it at least ONCE in our lives. I know I sure have! 😅
But you're right, these days, while out with friends, (ESPECIALLY out to EAT), I try to give the people (or person) I'm with, my FULL, undivided attention. I've actually cut first dates off mid-date cuz the guy was to busy on his phone. 🙄😒
To me, that's just RUDE. It's one thing if you're a couple that's been together forever (like Tomdaya), but when we're on a first date??? Naww dude, you're gonna have to give me your full, undivided attention. And I'm not just talking about someone who got an emergency text from work or from a family member or smthg. I'm talking about constantly checking your phone periodically throughout the dinner. 🥴 It's just rude (imo) when ppl don't give you eye contact, or act like you're not even important enough to be given the common courtesy of their time, and the ppl or things on their phones are more important than you.
It's an epidemic Anon.... Z isn't the only one who does it. But she probably DOES get a lot of work related things most of the time. 👀 It's funny cuz a while back there was some tea that I spilled on my blog about Jacdaya that was told to me, and many ppl thought it was false lol, but the fact that the girl stated that Z was on her phone and JE got mad at her for it made me think it was probably true cuz Z IS on her phone a lot lol 😆
JE had some nerve to talk though... cuz ANYTIME I would see them out together, he'd ALWAYS be on his phone while with her! 🥴 I always felt he really wasn't all that into her for that very reason. 🙄 They were new in the rlshp too. It's different imo if you've been dating so long that you're practically a married couple rofl 🤣
Anyway, in Z's defense, she doesn't do it all the time. She's probably just looking up memes rofl. We have to recognize that it is a global problem I'm afraid, and unfortunately, some ppl don't even realize they have a problem! 🥴
This is another reason why I highly encourage just unplugging for a while every now and then. Be in the PRESENT MOMENT.
I'm constantly working on it too Anon! Ngl lol 😆
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wolfieonice · 2 years
I'm proud of you for having the strength to leave skating twitter for good 😂 I left for like a year and a half, but my interest in skating has rekindled a bit recently so I have started to browse FS twitter again here and there thinking I can just see some nice pics and memes but nah, I just keep getting reminded why I left lmao. Anyways, I'm here because we were mutuals back in the day (tho we never really interacted much) so I looked you up to see if you were still active because you were like one of the few people in the fandom who actually made it enjoyable! You were pretty funny, friendly, and your opinions about skating were well thought out and even when you had negative opinions, you stated them in a reasonable way and never got hateful about it. Glad you've moved on though, it's inspiring me to also log out for good and not let myself get sucked back into toxic fandom nonsense lmao
Hello anon! What a coincidence that I logged on this account for the first time in ages and I find your ask! Thank you for the nice words, whenever I think back to my twitter era I cringe a little bit but it's nice to know I was a positive presence at least to some. I don't think I will ever come back to that kind of way of enjoying fs even though I sometimes watch it on tv when I have time. Fandom can be demanding and toxic and I don't have the time or energy (and will) to put up with that "lifestyle" anymore. I'm glad I inspired you too to move away from it, my life and mental health improved so much and I'm doing fine now, hope it is the same for you. 🌻
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