#anyways. see y'all in a bit we'll liveblog it all
r1ngfinger · 2 months
ohhhhhhh okay. yeah okay it's time to brwak out the hgss games .
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Okay that sucks
(I was here when the Tommy Buck scene was happening since I was a few minutes behind, after that bit at the end I came back here lol)
But phew it's just a sprain :))
I need not see that o.o
Yeah really love character wise that Maddie is reacting like this
Exactly do NOT do it again o.o
Awww Maddie gets it :'((
OOF yeah that sucks xdd I know the feeling too
Not quite as strong as that but yeah
LOL dyed her hair and wanted to change her name o.o
Yeeeah you would've looked desperate xd
"Stop acting like one" SLFKGHFJKDS LOL
Gosh <3
Oop police station :((
Ayy happy to see him :)
Aww yeah she's happy to see you anyway :)
LOL that's how I felt xD
Okayy okayy
:'OO YAYY staying here and community service!!!!
Awww that's so good :')))
Lol not the grounding I'm sure that'll be rough but you know xD good overall :')
OOPE Eddie o.o?
Oh hey Tommy :)!
LOL yeah his apartment is nice xD
Yeeah they noticed xd
Don't deny ittt Buuuck xdd
Aww yeah love Buck owning that :'))
Turns out he wasn't denying lol
It is nice of them (well Tommy but yk) to apologize :'))
Nah Eddie's not angry :')) that's good <33
Yeah he can have multiple friends xD
I swear if he says it seems like they're in love or he thinks they are lol
AWW yeah and Chris too :'DD
He talks about Buck 🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺
That's basically saying they're in love lol
Buck do you not realize how sus that is xD
Just. all your jealousy lol
But yeah it's not about you Buck lol
Aww yeah of the 118 :'/?
Yeeah :'(( :') poor guy <3
Yeah it really is like a family :') <3
I don't think they realize how rare that is :'/
Why are you guys standing so close together slfkdhs
Little gay xD
Awww it wasn't that he was thinking of switching :'o :'D aww good <33
Yeah lol you are pretty cool xD
The static was great slfkdjs
(here's where I originally started typing when it happened but I'd been paying attention and not liveblogging for a minute there lol)
OKAY I've now finished and I'll go back to the rest of that scene
Sorry had to pause to scream and go insane to myself anyway
And Eddie too of course but we'll come to that later
My gosh
YESSSS y'all oh my gosh o.o
Listen I want him to be with Eddie but y'all I'm okay with this right now SLFLGJDS
And yes LOL call Eddie xD
While he's in drugs dlfkfshdk
Buck's FAAAACE!!!!
Oh my gosh
I know it's the end of the episode but I don't want it to be
Oh my gosh
The perfect ending scene
I'm losing it
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scoups4lyfe · 8 months
How are things going in the new year?
Howdy! :]]
Sorry for responding to this so late, I've been busy :P.
Anyways -- to recap what I've been up to:
I moved all the way to the other side of the United States from where I used to live, finally got a full-time job, which works me until 6/7:30pm 5 god awful days a week, I finally ran out of all my meds a few weeks ago and now I need to find a new primary care doctor to get me a referral to a psychiatrist so that I can get my prescriptions again, and I caught my roommates cold/sickness so now I'm sick 🤡.....
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All in all, I've been okay. No major depressive episodes, no mania --yet. Which is good. I've been in a bit of a slump this last week, ever since I got this stupid fkin COLD D:<
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But otherwise, I've been fine.
I think I plan on getting back into liveblogging some time in February. I can't promise anything sooner because I haven't even finished my January goals yet
But yeah, I've missed liveblogging and sharing my thoughts on random nonsense lol. So maybe I'll just post random things until I start liveblogging again, idk, we'll see. >:33
Have y'all been well? 🥺 I missed you guys 🥺🥺🥺
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Continued Liveblogging ep 6 & 7
Oooooooo more Doubashi flashbacks!
I wish we knew for sure which one of them won their race!
Doubashi says that Kaburagi caught up at the end but it's still unclear.
Doubashi is just so happy that he got to lead his teaming the final sprint though! All he felt was joy! Good for him!
You know it's not my ship but I'm rooting for Doubashi.
Danchiku will absolutely win. But I'm rooting for Doubashi anyway. He can like a Kouhai. As a treat.
Yuuto wasn't a Creep until this very moment?
What gives?
I know he developed a shining piece of admiration for Onoda last time but like..... This seems a bit much.
I'm gonna chalk it up as a fluke.
I love that I love that Izumida and Yukinari's repaired dynamic leads to fun things! They cause so much mayhem together! 💖
I couldn't care less about Kyoto Fushimi y'all. 😤🙄😒
OOF Naruko hit Ashikiba right where it hurt and he didn't even mean it nasty!
Poor Ashikiba. He especially wouldn't want that poked at in front of Teshima and Yuki. 💔😭
So here's my thingm we're sort of on the final leg of the 3rd days race. Because the finish line is in the mountains at the end of a climb.
We're on Episode 7.
How is this going to keep going for 19 episodes??? (Including this one)
Yes ABSOLUTELY put your arms around both of their shoulders and hold bith of their hands!
You can have it all and be the 2nd/3rd year OT3 after this race!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Amazing!!! 10/10 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖
Teshima that Pressure is called True Love! 💖 Get with it babe!
IzuYuki hours!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖😭😭😭😭😭
He praised him in the most meaningful way augh!!!! 😫💖
Oh they kinda retconned their history a bit but I'm a HUGE fan of these changes and these moments so WOOOOO!!!!!
U was gonna make an apostles joke but his back muscles are Fabian. 😞
Hmmmmmmmmm the retcon to take away Onoda's Mountain Ace position is a bit odd.
It makes for interesting plot currently though.
But like it kind of invalidates his promises to race Manami if he was never gonna be the Mountain Ace? Idk.
I guess we'll see. They're obviously still going to have their race because the whole series is built around it.
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silvermuffins · 8 months
Okay so. Here we go! God I am. So checking hyped. Oh man. I can barely make myself get started. Little bit nervous since the person whose liveblogs made me want to do the same follows me now (hi!) but eeeeeeeeeeee
Y'all gotta understand p3 made me who I am. It has been personality-defining in several ways for ten years. I have rarely felt quite as loved as the day the announcement leaked and like four different people independently came to me like Letty did you see
In the true spirit of Akihiko Sanada, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS
Okay let's dive in,,,,,
New theme song! I'm gonna miss the toast but i will give this a chance.
New visuals, stellar ones, really driving in that shit's fucked
Idk how that poll is gonna end so I'll start with just Some Thoughts at a time and then we'll see where we're going
Oh shit difficulty... Let's do normal to start. Fuck no I am not doing merciless. But I want some challenge.
Oh the opening movie is a little different....and they're letting me play already!
They are doing my boy right so far,,,, but yukari may take some getting used to. Also they pronounce iwatodai different and that will DEFINITEly take getting used to. Definitely some iykyk in there.
I am examining EVERYTHING. My guy walks fast tho goddamn. Can no longer run with hands in pockets. RIP hand/pockets.
If y'all could hear the noises I am making,,,,
Shit do I have to enter the name in eastern order or is western fine? /Google/ Reddit says western! Minato Arisato walks again.
They did that contract-with-spooky-child scene pretty well despite it not still being an anime cutscene. I can accept it.
Oh she didn't point the gun at me this time. Which is less dramatic but DOES make more sense overall. I can accept it.
Once again the Noises I am making. Y'all. I am living. Checked in on that poll, so far one big post later on is winning so I'll keep at it for now!
How does this rewind thing work exactly...? Is it for like, if I fuck up a social link?
Menu looks like diving into water. All my water associations for Minato have been justified. Got he's so beautiful I'm gonna cry. "My reflection looks tired" yeah I bet it does you depresso espresso you.
Apparently there is or will be dlc of some sort! I will almost certainly obtain it.
Starting school! Wow they expanded that cutscene. Eeeeeeee. Yes I like this. It feels like home got a fresh coat of paint. It's gonna take me forever to get anything done. God. I'm. Okay give me a little while to just run around doing nonsense.
VOICED SOCIAL LINKS CONFIRMED it already was but I'm thrilled anyway
My boy is already curious about sewing. Don't worry, Minty, we will be spending so much time with a certain someone. Ooh, seems he has a decent sense of smell... Aha, there a certain someone is! So very French...
Okay, game, you win, I'll make progress. Hi, Toriumi, yes I have a tragic backstory.
Minato just `why are people keep talking to me`. Suck it up boy we're gonna meet EVERYBODY.
New VA for Junpei is great so far. I'm so glad. The previous one was a case of how truly unfortunate it is that garbage people can be good at things. But so far, the characters are sounding great!
Yukari you are not subtle. Here I am trying to cover for you and you just give Junpei the wrong idea.
"No one takes rumors seriously, anyway." Stares directly into the camera. Stares in P2 familiarity. Stares. I do not remember if this line was in the original but S T A R E S.
Getting junpei's two cents on everything and. God it makes me so happy every time a familiar song kicks in.
Doodedoo, 'splorin.
Mmkay back to the dorm. We can actually explore the kitchen? Fridge space? Can't use the kitchen yet? DO I GET TO MAKE COOKING MINTY A REALITY?
I don't have tons of commentary right now that isn't best expressed as a bunch of vague satisfied noises and squeals in a higher range than the human ear can detect. Or by wiggling furiously, which doesn't come across well in text. Know that I am wiggling furiously. Everyone looks so good. Everyone sounds so good. I'm so happy.
Okay so it's not fully fully voiced. But still! So happy.
I know it's just Like This but the game just railroading me slightly feels like AGH STOP TAKING AN HOUR TO DO ANYTHING well stop having do much to examine them (please don't stop)
Ikutsuki is here! And oh his voice,,,,,
Weeps in playing as IC as possible demanding skipping a question. Ah well. I know how I interpret my boy and that brings me joy.
Time for stuff to get creepy! Eeeeeeee. Guys I cannot wait for how they're going to show some of the freakier things. ...oh well. This cutscene with the guy going all gloopy and collapsing definitely loses a little something by being in-game rather than fully animated. Damn the way they showed it in the original was so much scarier. Ah well, can't win 'em all, I guess.
Aaaaaa is that Yukino being referenced on TV? Was she on Who's Who before? Yukino <3
It's tiiiiime for the first full moon. Come on, Reload, you can't drop the ball on this one...! Come on, wow me! Blow me away!
Oh hey justification that sleep is probably less effective during the dark hour to go along with the standard stamina drain. Neat! Love getting my head canons confirmed. That said, also enough room for other interpretations. You love to see it.
Really like this just collapsing on the bed thing. Shaking it up! Ftr it's like super creepy that they have a camera and what looks like fucking heart monitor on Minato. But I am here for the creepy. And there goes the attack and Akihiko getting hurt and Yukari sent to escape with me.
Ohhhh please let me swap weapons around. Don't lock me into just swords. I want hammer.
I know it's all panic and scary RN but that kind of just makes it hilarious that I can still examine everything. Poor Yukari just dealing with Minato not being freaked at all.
HNNNNNN THEY DID NOT FUMBLE. I didn't think they would because like, out of everything, they've gotta get the Awakening right! But still! Hoodamn!
Oooh so the tutorial mara DID split off as scraps of the Magician! Huh so this is the battle interface...ngl I kinda miss the revolver menu, that was good shit. And now we go splat.
One week later,
Backstory storytime with Yukari! I am a protagonist and thus a designated therapist. I am absolutely the person to pay your parental issues on. Never mind that Persona 2 firmly established the existence of actual therapists in this universe.
God. I'm gonna cry. My beautiful boy,,,,, I missed this so much. I'm a goddamn broken record. I said numerous times that I'm completely incapable of being normal about this. Fuck I'm tearing up.
Yes, Junpei. An upset stomach. That's definitely what kept me out of school for a week.
Mr. Ono just wants to talk about his special interest and he is so valid. Please tell me everything about samurai.
Real talk there had to be so many rumors and gossip about Minato. New transfer student - already a hot topic. Walks to school with Yukari on his first day, to stir the pot. After like three days he's suddenly absent for a week. Like, there's no way people didn't talk, right?
??? THAT's new. "Twilight Shard" on my bed making me feel like Legend of Zelda came to visit. Unless that's what we're calling plumes of dusk now.
I think they've given Ikutsuki even more puns. I join the team with very little convincing because supernatural danger isn't something to be leery of at all.
Nor are spooky little boys no one else can see who appear to me in the middle of the night bearing cryptic warnings of impending doom. I give him a good ol' doudemoii and go back to sleep.
Junpei joins the team! We support a guy willing to admit he was crying on the ground.
Trying to remember to report what's actually happening in the game, too. Don't wanna assume everybody is already familiar. I do wanna convince anyone who isn't to become familiar though. Anyway yes Junpei this is a thing we don't talk about. Except when we do, out in public.
Ooooh please don't fumble this bit! Tartar sauce! I am almost through the intro! ...wait I don't think THIS happened before? What's going on? Why are we delayed? ...oh. Oh that's, uh, bad. So for those who don't know, death and suicide are major topics of discussion in this game. You have been warned.
People jumping onto the tracks is not something I recall though... Maybe they're just driving in Apathy Syndrome as a major problem? Or I just plain forgot since, y'know, ten years. But I have reviewed since then... Junpei I would love to secret late night menu with you but we have an intro to get through.
Okay! Tartarus! ...they could have made that weirder. Less euclidean. But I can accept it. Wheeee dungeon crawling time! Oh fuck the menu is so stylish. I love it. Okay, time to kill things. Oooh, Tartarus looks good! Hate-love how it almost looks like it's breathing or something, real uncanny. Love the falling black feathers.
I wonder if they're keeping the condition system... I guess I'll find out! Oh, All Our Attacks are so nice.... We get finishing touches! Done and dusted! ....shuffle time doesn't do any shuffling anymore? Ohhh I guess Twilight Fragments are basically keys...
Doodedoo more tutorials. Someday I'll be free. I am getting kinda tired though...
Drags Junpei all over town to examine everything. Meanwhile the bgm sings "my life will turn out to be so cruel"...yeah because Junpei stops me from going to every restaurant. Hm, based on these police station offerings, I think I might be stuck with just swords, which is a little bit bullshit. Unless versatility is something I unlock later?
Come to think of it, Kurosawa probably has a heck of a story, if he knows shit's fucky but not what's going on... What are these personal connections of his? And how did the kirijo group get in touch with him?
....wait what's this about only the track and field team accepting new members? I know it makes the most sense, but I wanna swim! Are they going to force-track me?
Hm... I thiiiink I'm gonna just study in the library. I have no money to put toward anything else, and if things are the same academics is a bitch to max out.
It is now 3 am and my head hurts, so I'm gonna wrap it up here for tonight!
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Abbott Elementary Episode 4: Smoking!! I lowkey forgot Abbott aired last night till I saw a clip of it on YouTube earlier, I believe lol. I watched it earlier today and did not liveblog it, but I'm here to talk about it a bit now!
Not much though, because it's late and I had a show tonight, and more tomorrow and Saturday lol.
The fact that they were discouraging substances while all actively using substances is hilarious xDDD It's not where I was expecting that to go lol! Idk what I was expecting, but not that xD
I'm glad it really talked about how broken the system is. I hope that kid doesn't get suspended <3.
Also the jokes the kids made about their vices were wild 💀. That dust bowl was out of control XDD Iconic all around though lol
I'm glad Jacob decided to give up vaping lol, good for him :') <3. Out of all of them his was honestly the most actually harmful lol.
Even though I don't love the detail that he vapes (mostly because you'd think being against it would be one of his many liberal policies lol), I really love that it brought back that smoking comment from the pilot!! Also I can totally spin this into a vices from deep anxiety thing which is lovely lol. Also the air bit was hilarious xD
Anyway they're all idiots but I do love them all lol <33
Also Janine was wild with that teacher lol 💀. I do think there were some things she was right about (like. the literal education parts lol) but dang girl xD love that the sub did not care at all lol
Unrelated but I love Jacob immediately blaming Morton for the smoking lol xD
Anyway seeing them all being chill at the end was great xD. Like Barbara trying the oil, Jacob quitting, etc lol. Good for them :).
This episode caught me off guard a bit, especially since I don't use substances, but I kinda like that, once again! This season is really throwing me off my game in the best way possible - we all need to be made uncomfortable sometimes to learn stuff :). This episode it wasn't too much, because I don't disrespect anyone who uses drugs (of the safe kind), but since I don't it's still a view into the other side.
Also Gregory's was so him xD. Honestly all of them lol - Janine's makes so much sense in hindsight (also Gregory's comment to her about like "Did you smoke last night" 💀 XDD iconic lol), Melissa's (and her smoking background - which by the way, the comments about that were funny too lol) made sense, Barbara's was- yeah xD, her lol, we basically already knew about Ava xD. And of course Jacob's is a callback lol! And it does kinda make sense for him, even if I thought he would know. I mean hey, we do things we know are bad all the time lol, and nobody can resist everything. Also I think I'm in partial denial because I don't want him to have gone through what it puts you through lol xD. Anyway, they were all super accurate :D.
I loved this episode!! I thought it was really great and I'm so excited for the next one :D. I am also utterly terrified :). Help me please :'). The title and description are scaring me and I swear to goodness they better be a mislead. I think they probably are but still xD.
Don't break them up please I need them lol
Also I'll just pretend it never happened anyway xD
Oh dang I probably won't be able to see that episode live either- eh we'll deal with that later.
So yeah! I loved the episode :D. I thought it was really great and super interesting :). I'm excited for the next one!
This has been my review for. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 4: Smoking
It was really good :)). I'm really excited to see the next one but y'all I am so scared lol.
I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 5: Breakup
See you guys then!!!
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Promo time!!
:OOOO MARVIN???!?!!?
O.O Clearing his name??
Hmm why?
YUP o.o xdd
Ohhh noo
WAIT O.O that's going all the way through 😬😬😳
HER J U G U L A R ಠ⁠Oಠ????
Did it perfectly plug it or something????
Ohhh gosh o.o
Yeah there's barely any blood :OO but they don't know why o.o
Y'all that is crazy xdd
But back to Mateo, did he commit the crimes or smth?? And that's why he could lose everything?? I'm so confused 😭😳
I remember seeing something about Mateo dealing with Marvin and saw the subtitles of the first few seconds of the promo when it popped up on my recommended and played a bit muted sometime last week but dang o.o
I was more like :OOO :DD Marvin?? and I can't even remember if I knew it was bad xD I think I skimmed the outside description while looking the episodes up but dang o.o
Anyway WHAT 😳😳😬!!???!?!??
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!!! It was SO hilarious :D XDD. There were serious moments, but it was funny like, 80-85% of the time XDD wonderful lol. I liked how even though there were definitely people the storylines focused on (and different levels within that), we still got to see everyone today :DD. That was really nice 🥰🥰. I was hoping we'd get to see Carlos (since it's not always a guarantee) so even though it was only for a bit I'm glad we did :D. And we only saw Paul and Marjan for a few scenes but they were still there :)). Anyway! Great storylines all around :)).
Now it's time for the individual parts!
By the way, since the new episode is tonight this probably won't be very long :). But also, I have less to say on the more humorous episodes anyway lol, so it works out
Paul and Marjan! Didn't see much of them but they were wonderful for what we did. Their strategy of trying to get donations XD Or at least, what we saw, of Marjan talking about the gunshot XD. Y'all crazy 😭 xD. Anyway! I love her :)). And of course! I love him <3. And they were great at their jobs!
Judd and Grace! That first scene XDD. Hilarious lol. They were, as always, adorable 🥰🥰. Also Grace helping out TNT with beating Paragon to the call was gold XDDD. I love her so much lol. Speaking of, she was great at her job, as always :)). Judd was also wonderful at his job :D. And back to that first scene, Judd talking sports with the rich guy xD amazing. I love him lol <333.
Mateo! NANTEO MOMENTSSS 🥰🥰. And I'm sure we'll get more next episode too :D. Quick note on that while we're on Mateo: I am scared o.o ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. Anyway xD. His whole thing with not actually having read the book and then trying to was great lol xD 🥰. I love him :DD. Also, he was great at his job :)). Lastly, it was fun seeing him throughout storylines - man was just around to hear it lol xD.
Nancy! My girlll :DD. Again, Nanteo momentsss 🥰🥰🥰❤️!! She was also just kinda Around for several parts of Owen's storyline, which I just found funny XD. Also, my girl was fighting for her life against Paragon 😭😭. Seriously though, she had the most insults out of the bunch xD. Honestly a slay though lol. I love her 🥰. And of course, she was amazingat her job :D. I do have to say though, the bloody bus was ridiculous XD. In a good way, but still lol.
TK and Carlos! We didn't see much of Carlos this episode, but he was lovely 🥰. Why was he telling the story of his kidnapping XDD 😭😭😭. That was so out of pocket lol. Hilarious though, especially with TK jumping in about the stalker xD. Anyway, I'm sure Carlos was great at his job lol. I love him 🥰. As for TK, if Nancy was insulting people the most with the Paragon situation, he was the most tired XD. Something would happen and my man would just siiiiigh XD. Lovely, lol. Also I just have to mention (though I did in my liveblog) him immediately running in after the explosion :'). Speaking of, he was amazing at his job! I love him :DD.
Tommy! She was great this episode lol :)). While actually in the field, up till the end, she was very respectful, but nooot any other time XD. So with Nancy as the insulter and TK as the sigher, I think Tommy would be the polite but fed up one lol. I'm sure they were all equally frustrated but my girl was going off whenever she wasn't being polite XD. Anyway lol, she was of course amazing at her job 🥰. And I am SO GLAD Paragon ended up getting sued in the end >:DD. As they deserve 😌. But yeah, she slayed this episode 🥰🥰. I love her <33.
Owen! He was great this episode xD. I don't care THAT much about Owen's love life, but it's always hilarious so I'm cool with it lol. But I did like the consistent characterization in the fact that this man repeatedly puts his foot in his mouth when it comes to women lol. But specifically something he thinks is true and decides to immediately confront them about xdd. Honestly though, even though I was pretty sure she was just being nice, I can kind of see where he was coming from. Again though, my man didn't need to shout it out xD. Anyway, the scene of the 126 finding out was HILARIOUS lol XDD. It's the fact that none of them even seemed that shocked xD. Like, they were invested, but they were kind just like "this tracks, of course it happens to Owen" XD. Anyway, I do hope Owen and this lady (I don't remember her name) work out though :)). Not just for the money lol, I just think Owen deserves to chill romantically for a little while lol. Also I loved his interactions with Matoe :D. I love him :). Owen, that is xD. And, he was great at his job 🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was absolutely hilarious XD. Seriously, there were barely any serious parts, and most of those weren't even that serious lol. But even though I love me some angst and serious stuff, I really loved the comedy of this episode xD. Especially since it looks like the next one, while it'll have comedy (how can you have something involving Mateo and Marvin and not have it be funny), will have some serious parts o.o. I'm excited though! Scared too, but excited xD. Anyway, I loved both main storylines and all the other little ones as well this episode :)). It was just a really fun episode :D 🥰🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm a bit nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 10: Sellouts
It was amazing! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, even if I am a bit scared. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 11: Double Trouble
See you next week!
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