#anyways. got more drawn out than i thought/too verbose formy own good sumtimes. but! enjoy i guess lol
plumsilk · 5 months
What would you do that is going too far but still JUST before the point of no return? I wanna hear how close you want to irl go before the word "permanant" really matters
honestly theres a lot i post on here that i prob wouldnt get into irl bc of triggers, sensory issues, etc… and permanence is a little subjective! but heres my take, idk if this is what ur asking for tho lol.
id love to explore knife play a bit? or choking out/breathplay, that flavor of impact/edge/pain. ive been curious about exploring being kind of no limits, to see what i can take w a partner. ive got um... some issues surrounding blood irl but! id prob try it w the right situation/person. i luv the mark making side of it too, i rmr being kind of! enamored by an ex scratching the fuck out of my back, it seems like a cool progression/next step in exploration to that.
intox has rly had a hold on me lately tho like someone i trust & everything taking advantage of my altered state. im kind of a lightweight (sometimes i think ? i dont really drink to get drunk much), or other drugs, within reason which.. neither here nor there... but like mostly thinking about having my trust manipulated & used against me is soo...
its about the power exchange its about the control, deception & planning! the execution! like fucking my perception of proximity & intimacy like that is veryy irjgoiejrfo <3 even w the physical side of other stuff i think it boils down to the permanently fucking w my mental state bc thats something i cant really like get out of.
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