#anyways. gay relationship starter kit:
clowndensation · 2 years
Louis giving will graham with that quote
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louis 🤝 will 🤝 jon: oh god, why am i alive? surely this monstrosity must have some greater purpose
lestat 🤝 hannibal 🤝 elias: babe you're overthinking this. the purpose of life is to have fun and be yourself :)
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gingerbravecookie · 2 years
it sure has been a year: cursor's kind of retrospective (or resume idk) on 2022
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happy new years everybody,, or new years eve depending on where you live at the time of reading this
I'll go straight to the point 2022 has been one of the most mixed bag of a year I've had since i have the memory
The start of the year was kinda cool honestly,, the weather in my country was great and i was starting to get new interests,, of course also expecting you know what games near the end of it,, going back to normal class was weird and tiring but i got to make new friends and recconect with old ones i hadn't talked to since the start of the pandemic,, i got to see the coolest fucking movie at the start of april and i loved it,, i had also met kit and joined pocket home and i met good people in there shout out to everyone,, the start of the year seemed pretty good
and then things started going downhill
for starters right at my birthday i started feeling kinda weird,, specially my nose felt funny,, the next day at school i was barely on my feet,, with my entire respiratory system in shambles,, with an awful fatigue and trembling every single moment,, i wanted to go to the nurse's office but i persisted due to having to show a cosplay i worked hard on that same day
long story short the next day arrived and i got positive for covid,, i spent two weeks at home
it didn't help that i missed multiple tests due to quarantine and had to do 5 the same day,, my stress level was on the god damn clouds
in that next month i caught colds and stuff way more easily but hey,, it was june!!! pride month!!! Gay month!!!! also i had finally decided to get into artfight and was ready to make refs for my oc's
Also i had made my very own server and got to meet cool people!!! shout out to kino,, harp and jaz
and then right before winter break started and got time to work on them and the event itself my knee snapped off
yes it did hurt like hell,, i went to the hospital and luckily i didn't need surgery but it was still awful,, i got out of the thing at 3 am and i couldn't even move
I spent the first few days of july on bed,, when i finally was able to barely walk again i got to do a few art fight attacks but then my family from the capital arrived and i couldn't access my laptop for two weeks,, i was pretty bummed out i barely got to do attacks AND that i had to be almost every single day to the doctor in order to heal my leg
also i joined ballcord and then maincord as my cookie run interest started coming back to me
anyways september came along and of course it was independence day for chile,, cool date tbh,, and i decided one of the most drastic meassures i took on my irl image,, i cut my hair
"what's the great deal with that" thing is i've had my hair pretty long and i didn't like cutting it at all,, but as i grew i pretty much realized i was growing out of it and it also became more tiring after it getting tangled everywhere,, best desicion of my life tbh it felt great
I got the funni squid game 3 as well
well i also continued getting sick as a downside of things,, which was weird as fuck since years prior i only got sick at least once a year
my school situation became worse every day,, my grades started lowering and to top that. i started getting bullied. again
i had been on that school since 10 fucking years and they still fucking bullied me,, none of the teachers did shit about it
my mom got an interview at school where they took account of my anger issues and fucking guess what happened there
after years and years of asking i finally got therapy
proper therapy as i had a meeting with one of them before and he just said i was a spoiled child lmao
so news!! I'm pretty much part of the autistic spectrum,, with very minor traits according to my therapist but yeah pretty much that
she's a cool person,, she really helps me and i mean that in a genuine way
my family. well,, they're trying,, our relationship has gone two sides and sometimes made me feel kinda shitty tbh,, anyways back to topic
even if my teacher knew about the bullying it still got worse and worse from heavy verbal abuse to almost physical attacks
the school said they would talk to the bullies and me to get to an agreement and then. never talked to me again
it would all come to a close in early november,, after i snapped in front of the whole class about it
i had a massive panic attack
i had to ask my mom to come get me early and i had to talk to the teachers where it turns out. they talked to the bitches but never to me.
if i had known that then i could have told them so they would actually stop
and then they started twisting the blame onto me for staying quiet when they didn't fucking tell me shit to start
anyways,, my mom decided i wouldn't go to that school again,, i have been home ever since,, we are hoping another school accepts me in the meantime
As of social media well. i have gotten into a few projects i want to really get through,, i still need to do owed art and i apologize for making it so late. i really really do
my first comic project,, a game (RPG maker Is a bitch sometimes btw) and of course my askblogs and au's,, I'll try to get them fully moving in 2023,, i really want for everyone to see what i have to tell storywise
also i hope i stop getting sicker lmao
i guess this Is going nowhere tbh,, kind of a long resume of the shit that happened to me this year and an excuse for why i barely post decent art and ideas here nowdays (sorry),, but hey at least i met cool people
thanks for sticking around Is pretty much what i have to say
2022 has been kind of a bitch,, here's to hoping 2023 Is at least a little bit better
happy new years everyone,, happy to still be here
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Let's ramble for starters...
I had thought about making a tumblr for a while now, mainly to use as a personal diary. Something I can look back on as my journey progresses and remember where I came from. Because that's important. You never appreciate where are if you can't look back on where you've been. I don't know who said that, someone much more inspirational than me. I suppose since I took this long to start my Tumblr, I'd better start from the beginning.
Let's start with the basics. My name is redacted. I am an Australian gay guy in his mid to late 30s. I have a wonderful partner of many years, a steady job and own my own house. I love Nintendo, Pokémon Go, comics and Marvel (Both the movies and the comics). 
Oh, one more tiny thing. I also love food. I love food more than I probably should, and let's be real. I've always loved food. I can remember loving food from a very early age. I love the taste of food, I love trying new food, I love socialising with people over food. I obviously love food too much, and this shows through my habits, my weekly food spend and most importantly my body.
My body has been ravaged by food all my life. I don't think there was ever a time that I was skinny or a regular weight. I was a chubby kid, who turned into a fat teenager, who turned into a morbidly obese adult. There's a fucking awful thing to be called. Morbidly Obese. It makes you feel like you are so disgustingly fat that you belong in a freakshow. Whoever coined that term, you are a cunt. Unfortunately, facts are facts America; I am morbidly obese. I currently weight 196kg (432 pounds for those not on the Metric system). I am currently the heaviest I have EVER weighed and I have myself to blame.
I don't think I remember a time as a kid or teenager when my mum (who is also a larger lady) wasn't on a diet or forcing me to be on a diet. They never lasted long, and some of my most prominent memories are my mum and I sneaking treats when we should be dieting. I remember hating the diets though. We would eat diet food that always had that artificial sweetener taste that I fucking hate and we would have super restrictive food intake. Although, it probably wasn't as restrictive as I remember it to be, but I just remember being REALLY hungry a lot of the time. 
I would cheat a lot on my diets. Sometimes, I would have a spoonful of milo to get that sugar hit I was craving, or a spoonful of peanut butter. Always spoonfuls of things, because you can't get caught for that. No-one keeps track of EXACTLY how much of something is in a jar, so if the spoonfuls are small enough you can absolutely get away with it. I remember that my mum used to pack me diet yoghurt in my school lunches, which of course I hated. So I used to trade them for nicer food with a kid at my school. I don't think we were even friends, so looking back I don't know if she had a body image issue and wanted diet food (Cause she wasn't big by any stretch) or maybe she just liked me. I guess I'll never know. The point is, I cheated. A lot. 
I remember always feeling like I was in a constant state of misery or shame. I'm sure I remember things way more intensely than they actually happened, but I guess they're the only memories I have. So I hate dieting. Always have, probably always will. When I became an independent adult, i.e - living out of home and earning my own money, I decided I didn't want to diet anymore. I wanted to enjoy my life. And I did. I spent over 10 years, basically eating what I wanted and doing what I wanted.
I remember when I was at home by myself one night, I cooked an Enchilada kit and then ate the whole thing. Those kits have 8 servings in them. So I ate 8 servings of Enchilada in one sitting. On eating the 6th or 7th enchilada I started to feel overfull, but I kept going. I've learned to hide any evidence of eating poorly by ingesting the evidence and that's what I did. When I finished the 8th enchilada, I felt so ill. My stomach was bloated like I've never felt before and was physically hurting. I actually thought I was going to burst my stomach and I was panicked and embarassed and sore. Turns out, your stomach can put up with a lot of torture from you. After a few hours, it righted itself. Needless to say, this is a moment that I remember with pure horror. I was so embarassed and I knew it was wrong, but I kept going. I kept eating whatever I wanted.
Now, anyone who isn't fat or has never been fat probably wont understand this, but I was a fairly healthy fat person. I could run if I wanted to (Though rarely did), my breathing was fine, I didn't have diabetes and my blood sugar and pressure were always normal measurements. All those things that they tell you will happen to you if you are a fatty. They didn't happen to me. My doctor would always say to me that I should lose weight, and that he wished he could tell me that I was unhealthy because of it to motivate me, but it just wasn't the case. I was able to live a fairly normal life. I mean, I still got the stares in public, the children whispering about me to their parents, I still felt uncomfortable on a plane (I'll come back to that another time >_>) and had trouble finding nice clothes that fit me, but more or less I lived a happy life.
When I was about 24 I think, I had my first real relationship. I had wanted a relationship for a while, but never had the guts to talk to anyone or ask them out. Truth be told, I probably didn't understand why they would want to go out with me. I was the exact opposite of what the world tells us we should want to be or be with. Just to be clear, because for some reason I need it stated I was not unfamiliar with the more carnal desires of life, just the relationship part, as a teenager I experimented with every person who was willing on the down low. Probably partly because of my shame with being gay at that age and partly with my shame of being fat. It doesn't really lend itself to self worth. Anyway, my first relationship. 
I was with a guy who I suspected at the time, but confirmed towards the end, was a chubby chaser. He liked bigger guys, and that worked for me at the time. He was attractive and we made it work for a good few years. We did the normal things; dated, moved in together, bought each other promise rings. I started to get REALLY comfortable and happy. And when I'm happy, I like to increase the happiness with my old friend food. I was in charge of cooking most nights, so we would usually have food that I liked; burgers, nachos, stir frys. We would go out for dinner at least 2-3 times a week. Couple that with the fact that I would buy lunch at work and lived a fairly sedentary lifestyle playing video games and understandably, my weight started to increase. 
This is when I started to become sneaky in my relationship too. I would come home from work early and cook myself a burger before dinner, or if I worked from home I would get a bunch of junk food and eat it all before my partner came home. If you are trying to figure out how much junk food that is, an example could be: A pack of donuts, a 2L coke, a bag of chips, a family packet of M&Ms and a packet of shapes. I don't remember when I got to this weight, but I think I was around the 150-160kg mark at this stage.
Looking back, I suspect that I had become too big, even for my chubby chaser boyfriend because he started to flirt with a guy at work, he told me it was harmless and meant nothing, but when I came home from work one day and they were in our apartment building's hot tub together I knew it wasn't nothing. Those were some of the hardest days of my life. I broke up with him on my birthday, when I could tell he just didn't care less about me anymore. He cried and made me feel bad about my decision, but by the next week he had started dating the guy he was flirting with. I was pretty heartbroken. Looking back, it's a sad memory but at the same time it worked out for the best, and also those two didn't last long so they can go fuck themselves XD.
The months after the breakup brought on a level of depression I had never felt before and I learned I have a VERY different reaction to depression than I expected, but I will add to this later.
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melsmemes · 6 years
things to ruin sentence starters - part three
an assortment of lyric starters from the compilation album things to ruin: the songs of joe iconis. some content may be triggering or nsfw. pronouns can be edited freely.
the whiskey song
son of a gun
❝ got my favorite comic book about a guy who’s hand’s a hook ❞ ❝ everything he feels he hurts ❞ ❝ i can sympathize ‘cause i’m not like other guys ❞ ❝ i’ve frequently been told my hand is hard to hold ❞ ❝ get close and i run ❞ ❝ i’m a son of a gun ❞ ❝ i think a chamber’s cracked ❞ ❝ i can’t feel, i just react ❞ ❝ when you hold me tight, hold me really tight ❞ ❝ hold me crazy tight ❞ ❝ i’ll panic and i’ll bite, freak out and i’ll fight, lash out and ignite ❞ ❝ i’m not a real man ❞ ❝ i wish my trigger could withstand the pressure of a gentle, hopeful hand ❞ ❝ even the most mild clutch is much too much ❞ ❝ such a touch would detonate explosions right on cue ❞ ❝ that’s just what i do, and that’s a frightening thought ❞ ❝ try to take it slow ❞ ❝ focus on the flow, it’s hard to focus though ❞ ❝ start feeling the choke, just ignore the joke ❞ ❝ she said she loved him, he attacked her ❞ ❝ i’m not a human ❞ ❝ bang bang, you’re done ❞
dodge ball
❝ i’m waiting for ___ to call my name ❞ ❝ ___’s sorta like a friend, well, enough to not pick me too close to the end ❞ ❝ before i know it, i’lll be chosen from the waiting line ❞ ❝ i’d like to get picked first, but up to third is fine ❞ ❝ anyway, i feel real good, this’ll go real well ❞ ❝ dodge ball’s great and dodge ball’s fun ❞ ❝ you never sweat ‘cause you never run ❞ ❝ i mean it’s not like i expected to get picked first ❞ ❝ i’m all not the worst ❞ ❝ it’s just get out of the way, hide so they don’t see, that’s real easy for me ❞ ❝ dodge ball’s...yeah...and dodge ball’s...um... ❞ ❝ it’s sorta cool, but it’s sorta dumb ❞ ❝ there’s only three of us left ❞ ❝ of the three i hope he sees that i’m the least lame ❞ ❝ i mean i know i’m weird and i fumble and choke ❞ ❝ that’s gotta count for something ❞ ❝ maybe i’ll pretend i’m sick and go to the nurse ❞ ❝ if i don’t stay, they’ll call me gay and that’ll be worse ❞ ❝ i wish i had study hall or that i’d run alone, would’ve skipped if i’d known ❞ ❝ i am scared, and i hate gym ❞ ❝ did he pick me ?  no... ❞ ❝ who said dodge ball was okay ? man, it wasn’t me ❞
albuquerque anyway
❝ my mom told me, is it true ? ❞ ❝ when school starts, what am i gonna do ? ❞ ❝ let’s go to the docks. if that seagull’s still there, we can hit it with rocks ❞ ❝ why are you leaving new jersey ? ❞ ❝ nah, i’m not crying, it’s just my dust allergy ❞ ❝ no, don’t think i care. i don’t care. man, i don’t care at all ❞ ❝ i’ve got other friends, and you’re not that special ❞ ❝ you ain’t shit to me, can’t you see ? ❞ ❝ where in hell is albuquerque anyway ? ❞ ❝ are you taking your car? are you taking your newt ? ❞ ❝ are you taking your half-jewish cousin who’s cute ? ❞ ❝ will you come to my party when i turn ten ?  will you visit a lot or never again ? ❞ ❝ remember the time you swallowed that penny ? ❞ ❝ remember the time you stole that microscope kit ? ❞ ❝ tomorrow my mom’s taking me to the zoo. i’ll buy a stuffed monkey and name it after you. if i do that when you leave, can i come too ? ❞ ❝ if the answer is no, then it’s no ❞
just means
❝ it’s not that i don’t like you, ‘cause i really really do ❞ ❝ you’re funny and smart, and you got shitloads of heart ❞ ❝ hell, i don’t deserve someone as cool as you ❞ ❝ just ‘cause i don’t wanna go on another date doesn’t mean that i don’t think that you’re totally great ❞ ❝ i’m just getting over a suckass relationship ❞ ❝ i wish that you’d stop crying ❞ ❝ the waiter’s sorta looking at us weird ❞ ❝ you’re taking this a bit too hard ❞ ❝ just because i don’t think that the two of us click, doesn’t mean you creep me out and make me physically sick ❞ ❝ i’m just through with guys in general ❞ ❝ so, like, i think i’m gonna go now ❞ ❝ i gotta get up at eleven tomorrow ❞ ❝ it was nice to meet you, tell ___ i said ‘hi’ ❞ ❝ it was wicked fun, really, i’m not gonna lie ❞ ❝ it’s not ‘cause you’re fat, or anything like that, no ❞ ❝ it’s not because of you that i decided to go ❞ ❝ just because i’m standing here and saying goodbye doesn’t mean that i don’t think you’re a super great guy ❞ ❝ it just means that i’m a lesbian ❞ ❝ i’m a big ole lesbian ! ❞
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years
Moral Alignment
My parents were watching some dumbass reality cop show and I got an idea lmao. So here’s a soul mate thing with Sam/Steve because I really don’t write them enough. This is basically just a long ass crack fic tbh.
Steve kind of hates being a cop. When he was a kid he had all these delusions about saving people and being a good person but all he does is deal with people being assholes and do a lot of running mostly. And the useless calls because some parent wants to teach their fucking kid a lesson. Ugh, if he never gets another one of those calls it’ll be too soon. At the moment he’s stuck patrolling around, which is literally doing nothing for a stupid amount of time but whatever. 
He’s driving down a darker street just to waste his own time when he notices a guy walking along the side of the road dancing a little to whatever is playing in the headphones he’s wearing. When he walks under a street light Steve’s eyebrows go up because wow that guy is hot.
So, like a complete moron, he pulls off to the side of the road where the guy is walking, noting that he’s pulled his headphones off and Steve asks for his name. Technically its something he can do not that he does it often because he thinks its mostly a waste of time but it works for him now. Or at least it does until the guy looks at him, going from somewhat confused to absolutely irritated in a matter of moments as he feels it too. 
That warm, pleasant feeling in the heart that indicates you’ve met your soul mate but there’s also the words, barring that. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” the guy says and Steve’s cheeks heat a little in embarrassment. He had always sort of hoped his words would be wrong but apparently he’s not so lucky. No one ever is but it’d be nice to cheat the system given his um... rocky start to things.
“I mean I’m not that bad...” he says in his own defense.
“‘Not that bad’? You just randomly stopped a man minding his own damn business to ask for his name and you have that nasty mustache,” he says.
Steve touches his face gently, “I busted my razor this morning and I haven’t had time to buy a new one,” he says. “And I only pulled over because I thought you were cute,” he adds, a little embarrassed.
His soul mate rolls his eyes and honestly its the most dramatic thing he’s ever seen and he knows Tony Stark personally. And Clint, for that matter. And Bucky. “You pulled me over because you think I’m attractive? You are a complete waste of my tax dollars,” he says, arms crossed in annoyance.
“I can’t even argue with that,” he mumbles. “I’m a shit cop. Also my name is Steve Rogers, and I still kind of want yours. For soul mate purposes, not cop purposes,” he clarifies.
“Sam Wilson. Are you always this easy to throw off guard? Because that seems like a bad trait for a cop,” he points out.
Steve sighs, “I am unflappable. I once had a woman throw actual turds and vomit at me and I was fine, everything worked itself out. But talking to people I find attractive? Never been good at it.” God knows how the hell he and Peggy managed a relationship when he constantly tripped over his words. She found it endearing until she met Angie but Steve thinks they’re a sweet couple. Very loving.
Sam squints, “and what, you never find the people you arrest attractive?” he asks.
Yeah, its happened. “Usually I have a partner with me so you know, he does stuff. Not much stuff, he’s a way worse cop than me. Once we were trying to deescalate a situation and he hid behind the trash cans with the civilians and left me to it. Thankfully raging drug addict with a gun is not my type.” Bucky though... should not be a cop. Usually Natasha sticks him on desk duty because his ability to organize paperwork is actually pretty good.
“Are there any not shit cops that you work with?” Sam asks, squinting again.
“Pretty much everyone but me and Bucky. Ever seen Brooklyn Nine Nine? We’re Hitchcock and Scully even though we both want to be Rosa or Holt. In that order.” They suck at the job mostly because they have no passion for it, which is what makes anyone good at their job, but now they’re kind of stuck with this so whatever. 
It pays the bills and sometimes Steve gets to rescue kittens from trees so that’s decent. That time he had to chase that one woman through a haunted house with his easily scared best friend and completely useless cop though is far less ‘decent’ as far as career choices go. Bucky damn well knew they were all fake, why did he keep screaming at the ghosts? And everyone thought they were wearing costumes. Fuck Halloween, Steve’s tired of being mistaken for a stripper gram.
“Hmm,” Sam mumbles. “Well, at least you don’t seem racist even if you’ve got all the makings of a ‘go back to your own country’ starter kit going on,” he says, waving an arm around at the car and his face. Steve so resents that but the mustache is a little much. When Natasha saw him this morning she told him he looked like he’d be willing to dry fuck a truck’s tailpipe and Bucky laughed so hard he almost choked to death on his donut.
“Did I really give off that racist of a vibe? I want to know because I don’t really want to give that vibe off,” he says seriously. He might hate being a cop but he doesn’t want to be intimidating either, especially not in a racist way. Though if anyone knew about the Princess Bubblegum and Marceline bobble heads in his car they’d probably not find him intimidating in any kind of fashion.
Sam gives him a look that indicates he’s 200% done with Steve and he really doesn’t know what he did aside from generally being a useless cop. “You pulled over because a black man was dancing around a little on the side of the road? I know I’ve got the rhythm of a drunk white girl grinding on some guy to ‘shake it off’ by Taylor Swift in a club but that’s not illegal,” he says.
Steve lets out a groan and drops his head to the steering wheel, ignoring the sharp ‘beep’ that sounds from the car. “Oh my god you thought I racially profiled you,” he mumbles.
“Bingo,” Sam says. “But... in your slight defense I’d arrest me if I witnessed that too,” he admits. “And also in your slight defense I guess I could have looked like someone you were trying to arrest.” He’s intentionally reaching but its sweet that he’s trying to let Steve off the hook especially since he out and out admitted to pulling him over because he thought he was cute.
He should probably find a new job. “So um. When we tell people how we met we’re telling them I heroically saved your life,” he says.
Sam snorts, “hell no, we’re telling them the truth- that your useless cop ass pulled me over to get my name because you thought I was cute and what were you even going to do after that?” he asks.
Steve winces again, “I didn’t think that far ahead, I was just hoping to strike up a conversation and get your number,” he admits.
“Alright honey, I’m taking pity on you because you are clearly a clueless, yet harmless, human being. Don’t hit on people in uniform, they’ll feel obligated to flirt back. What are you doing?” he asks and Steve lets out another groan.
“God damnit I am not usually this clueless, I swear. I think I might have sensed the soul mate thing because I’m not this stupid normally.” Jesus, he can’t believe he hadn’t thought of that. Thankfully Sam is the brains of this operation of god knows where this would go.
Bucky grins, enthused by Steve’s utter embarrassment regarding how he met his soul mate. “Natasha!” he calls, “come here, Steve’s got his best ‘dumb gay slut’ moment yet and it involves his soul mate!” And it’ll probably be his last so he’s pleased that this one is a damn good one.
Natasha immediately sticks her head out of her office, “on a scale of Clint and Phil meeting to you and Tony meeting how good is it?” she asks.
“Better than me and Tony, for sure,” he says and Nat grins, plodding over immediately. Yeah, he would too if the story was better than that time Bucky met Tony literally falling out of the sky and using Bucky as a cushion. He pities Tony for having the noise he made permanently tattooed on his body. Its worse than that noise in that song by Imagine Dragons- Radioactive- after breathing in the chemicals. The good news is that Steve finally topped his ridiculous story with his own.
He explains to Natasha what happened and from start to finish its a damn ride. Natasha snickers, considering Sam for a moment and the man is brave because he stares back. Sometimes when they have trouble getting confessions they send in Nat and most people are so scared they give up basically five seconds into her stare down. “So,” she says, “where do you fit in the Moral Alignment Test?” she asks.
Steve gives Sam a panicked look because this is a trick question- they all made up their own types years ago but Sam just smirks. “I’m chaotic asshole,” he says and Steve’s eyebrows fly up as Bucky gasps.
“You’re my mortal enemy. I’m lawful scared,” he says.
Sam squints at him for a moment before he turns to Steve, “I hope you don’t like this one much because I hate him already. Where do you sit on the alignment?” he asks Steve, who sighs.
“One, that’s the best friend I told you about. The Scully to my Hitchcock even though he’d rather be the Scully to my Mulder. Actually he’d be Mulder. Anyways I’ve been told I’m lawful super slut,” he mumbles, obviously hoping that would get lost in the rest.
Sam snorts, “guess that explains you ‘dumb gay slut’ reputation. Actually, you know what, pulling over to question me because you thought I was hot gave you away. And your lawful scared best friend needs to go,” he adds.
“Don’t be rude, I became a cop so I can arrest annoying people and you’re getting on my nerves,” Bucky tells him.
“How’s that going for you?” Sam asks, deadpan.
“See any annoying people around here?” he asks and from the look on Steve’s face he’s just pulled an Icarus, except he’d flying into the sun, not too close to it.
“I see you,” Sam says, power bombing him verbally through the precinct floor. Well, ok. He set himself up for that.
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lindeaewen-a · 7 years
Posting my rules here as a mobile friendly version for mobile users before I mess about with the code.
Note: Please don’t be discouraged by anything in my rules that sounds harsh or mean. To be able to have a positive experience writing together, both parties should be assertive about what does and doesn’t make them comfortable and happy. These rules are subject to change as I feel the need to update them.
A Quick Warning
This, as well as all of my other roleplay blogs, is canon divergent, unintentionally in some places, but mostly by my own design. None of the characters I am currently writing are entirely straight. This is just because of my own opinions on the legendarium, especially pertaining to Elven culture. If you aren’t comfortable interacting with characters that are or have been in same-sex relationships, I don’t recommend following this blog. 
Don’t hesitate to IM me if you need/want to talk about anything, whether it pertains to our threads or not. I find that the best written relationships that my muses have are the one with muns who don’t mind talking about them OOC, because that generally leads to countless hours of plotting, speculating, and headcanoning events that fill in the gaps between our threads.
Memes and Starters
All memes reblogged can be found in this tag, and all open starters are here. Don’t hesitate to send one if you’d like to write with me; I’ve found that this is the best way to get going writing with someone. Also, if you’d like to do a thread, I prefer to plot things out OOC beforehand. 
No Godmodding, Metagaming, etc.
Please refrain from godmodding (controlling my character through your writing) or metagaming (assuming that your character knows everything about mine) when we are writing together. Lindir is light in weight and doesn’t have particularly developed self-defense skills, so picking him up and things like that aren’t an issue as long as you are writing the actions of your character, and not the actions of mine. 
I’m always open to crossovers, group verses, and the like. Generally, crossovers with other fandoms work out well in my modern verse(s). I do prefer to have basic familiarity of crossover fandoms, however, and currently the list of fandoms other than Tolkien I am comfortable with are limited to Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts, DCTV (The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl only), and possibly some Marvel and Doctor Who (modern verse interactions work best for this). Exclusive verses are also available for mutuals. Verses page is coming soon.
This is a semi-private (that is, I don’t write with everyone but I am open to roleplaying with new people) blog. See this post for more details and reasoning on this on this policy.
Formatting and Icons
I tend not to format past the most basic things for neatness using X-Kit, although you may see an icon every now and again (all of which I make myself). If you need me to format in a particular way (for our threads only) don’t hesitate to ask. I am fine with any formatting, but if you are going to use icons, please make sure that the largest dimension is no larger than 200px. If your primary face claim is an animated character, I ask that you provide a real person as an alternative if we are writing together. To be able to write well, I need to be able to visualise the scenes, and my brain just can’t do this with animated characters.
Triggers and Tagging
There is some potentially triggering content on this blog, and I try to catch all of the things I can think of. If there’s something you need tagged, please let me know. For now the triggers that have come up in threads and are/will be tagged are as follows: panic tw, panic attack tw, death tw, abuse tw, child abuse tw, past abuse tw, blood tw, torture tw.
There will be some sexual/nudity NSFW on this blog, which I try my absolute best to tag. (If I forget to tag something or reblog something that I don’t think is necessarily sexual but you would like tagged, send me an ask or an IM; it isn’t an issue.) I don’t write smut here, but there are some threads that involve scenes leading up to sex. For this reason, I ask that you don’t follow me if you’re under the age of thirteen, because the thought of someone that young reading my NSFW disturbs me and you shouldn’t be on tumblr anyways.
About Pages
Firstly, please read mine - my Lindir is heavily headcanon based. Secondly, regardless of whether you are an OC or canon, I do prefer that you have clear rules and an about page for your muse(s) so that I am able to get a feel for your version of them before writing. I’m unlikely to follow or write with you if there is no easily accessed information about your characters on your blog. I am very selective about fandomless OCs, multi-muses with characters from multiple fandoms, and crossover interactions that I don’t already have verses for.
First, the usual about ship forcing. Please don’t assume that we are shipping unless we’ve explicitly talked about it OOC. Unrequited feelings are fine. Shipping guides for each of my muses are coming soon. We must be comfortable talking to each other OOC to ship together; this is essential in building something realistic and meaningful. Lindir is bisexual in the canon verse, but he’s much more likely to engage in friends-with-benefits type relationships than in romantic relationships. In most third age verses, Lindir has or has had some sort of (usually quite intense) feelings for Elrond at some point, which is something to bear in mind. In the modern verse, Lindir is gay and because I usually play him at around 30 years old, he’s secure about his identity as a gay man, and therefore I will only ship modern Lindir with male-identifying characters.
How long it takes me to reply to something varies based on several factors. It could be anything from twenty minutes to three weeks. I tend to reply in order of what I’m most excited about and what is easiest to write in response to in that moment. If you’re wondering about the state of your reply, please IM me and ask directly, but please don’t constantly pester me for it. This makes me hesitant to reply to anything and really ruins writing for me. Do be aware of the fact that 
Things I Won’t Do
Reblog Karma: generally I try to send things in before reblogging memes if at all possible, and also send things to people who reblog memes from me if I can, but I don’t expect the same from anyone, and I will never enforce reblog karma or allow anyone to force it onto me.
Certain characters: OC children of Elrond and/or Celebrian are a no, especially the secret/neglected ones; Other OC siblings or children of characters that have established canon families (for example, we know who all of Feanor’s children were); characters created with the intent of shipping with a certain canon character that I play (e.g. OC wives of Glorfindel); most wives of Thranduil/mothers of Legolas; and most cisswapped/genderbent characters other than Ainur. 
Comply with LaCE: I choose to reject most parts of LaCE. I will still write with LaCE compliant blogs because it’s rarely an issue unless our characters are married, courting, or having sex. I do not believe Elves are immune to desire, and any references about Men being lesser because of their lust will be lost on all of my characters. I do think that different groups of Elves have different attitudes towards sex, marriage, and general affection, though, and this may come across in my writing.
Mpreg: Unless your character is a trans man, or there is some sort of magic or advanced technology involved that provides another reason for a male character to have the physical means to conceive and birth a child realistically within the boundaries of their universe, I am not interested in writing about male pregnancy. I also am unlikely to ever write in any A/B/O verses.
Incest: this is a difficult one because of all of the incest in the source material (i.e. Elrond is the fourth cousin of his own grandchildren; Aragorn and Arwen are first cousins a bunch of times removed), so it’s a case by case basis for the most part. Since my version of Lindir is only related to my portrayal of his brother on nerevoite and to other NPCs on this blog, it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have to worry about accidentally writing an incestuous relationship for him.
Sexualization of children: Firstly, I will not write with, follow, or talk OOC with anyone who writes pedophilic relationships; has a character or themselves have pedophillic thoughts, desires or tendencies; or who condones pedophilia in any other way. In terms of older children, even though I do understand that many young teenagers do have sexual desires, please refrain from describing graphic sex that involves anyone under the age of 16 or sex that involves an adult and a minor.
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