#anyways x 2. today was my mom's birthday and i made a really cute chocolate cake. i don't usually go for just choccy but it's her fav so.
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months ago
somehow this week is 3 hours long and these little pockets of time i have to scroll and be silly are being consumed with chess. i'm afraid i am developing a new (old) hobby.
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jj-iz-bae · 5 years ago
Don't tell me not to worry
Word count: 1722 words
Requested by @sunwardsss : Can you do comfort 38 and 43 for Chase please? 38: “I’m in the hospital.”43: “You don’t have to sleep here just because I got admitted.”
Pairings: Chase Stokes x Reader; Chase Stokes x Rudy Pankow; Rudy Pankow x platonic!reader
Warnings: Hospitals,seizures,Fluff,bad spelling and grammar
Note from author: so this is actually based on a seizure episode I had. It only happend one time and was caused by strep throat which triggered a reaction in the auto immune disorder (the disorder basically is that instead of my immune system attacking the virus or illness, my immune system attacks my brain causing all sorts of weird things to happen. When I was younger only strep throat triggered a "flare" of increased symptoms ie ocd,anxiety,age regression,mood swings,foggy brain and other things. Sadly the disorder has developed so that I flare with any illness, not just strep) ANYWAYS 😂 I hope you enjoy this Fluff with a tiny pinch of angst. Just a tiny bit if you squint. Ace is my nickname for Chase and I've used it in other blurbs. I just think it's cute. Kinda like how I call Rudy Panky🙃
Chase was wrapping up a day on set, shoving all his belongings into a backpack. He slung the backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his keys ,leaving his casting trailer when his phone started ringing. He just realized he hadn’t heard from you all day. Seeing your name flash across the screen, he stopped in his tracks and answered. “Hey baby girl! I haven’t heard from you all day!” Chase exclaimed as he started to kick a rock around with his foot. “Sorry Ace. Please don’t freak out.I’m totally fine now but I'm in the hospital.” you explained slowly. Chase’s eyes grew large as he starred jogging to his car. "Don't tell me not to worry baby! Where are you? What happened?" Chase asked as he reached his car and fumbled with the keys, trying to move quickly in his panicked state. He swore under his breath as he dropped his keys and put you on speaker phone while he picked up his keys. You heard the rustling on the other end of the phone and grew nervous. "Chase! Babe are you OK? Calm down I promise I'm OK!" Rudy just so happened to be walking to his car when he heard your voice and saw Chase cursing at his car keys. "Hey dude! What's going on? You OK?" Rudy asked as he walked over to Chase. "Rudy! Y/n's in the hospital and I need to...I just can't.." Chase stuttered. Rudy grabbed the keys out of his hands. "I'll drive. You just talk to her." Rudy threw his stuff in the back of Chase's car as he hopped into the drivers seat and Chase ran around to the passenger seat. "OK sorry babe. Rudy is driving cause you're freaking me out. What happened?" Chase asked, running his hand through his wavy hair as Rudy pulled out of the set parking lot. "Thanks for taking care of him Rudy! I swear I'm fine! I'm at St. Marcus hospital. I think it's pretty close to town." Rudy picked up his phone and pulled up directions on his GPS before placing his phone in the cup holder so he could see the map. "No problem hun! Now tell us what happened before Chase pulls his hair out." Rudy answered ."Yeah you're scaring the shit out of me,Baby girl." Chase let out a breathy giggle.
"OK. Well I had my mom over and we were just hanging out watching TV and everything went black. Everything sounded echoey and I tried to open my eyes but it was like i had no control. I started convulsing and got sick. Mom called an ambulance and they brought me to the ER. The Er sent me here so I've been in the ambulance twice today!" You sighs. Chase nervously picked at his lips. "So what does that mean? Like did they run any tests yet?" Chase asked as Rudy broke a few traffic laws to get him to you quicker. "They have me hooked up to all these monitors and I'm going for an MRI tomorrow. The doctor said I most likely had a seizure." You explained as you looked at all the wires and iv lines covering your body. Chase let out a breathe that he didn't know he was holding. "OK baby. We will figure this out! Rudy, how far away are we?" Chase looked over at the blonde with red eyes, on the verge of tears. "It's right up here on the left." Rudy mumbled as he leaned over the steering wheel to make sure it was clear to turn. "OK babe. We just pulled into the parking lot. Where do I go?" Chase asked as he unbuckled his seat belt. "I'm on the 7th floor room 54." You said yawning. Rudy pulled up to the main entrance and stopped the car. "Go ahead man. I'll park the car and meet you up there." Rudy explained as Chase gave him a quick hug and jumped out of the car and jogged to the entrance. "OK I'm getting in the elevator now. Ill see you in 2 seconds OK? I'll be right there!" Chase babbled on as he put the phone up to his ear, taking it off speaker. "So how was work?" You asked trying to distract him a little. "Y/n as much as I wanna tell you about my day, I can't remember shit right now." Chase smirked as you hummed in response.
The elevator dinged and Chase got off the elevator and walked up to the nurses station. He put his phone on his shoulder so he wouldn't look rude for not giving the nurse his full attention. "Hello miss! My girlfriend is here somewhere. Room 54. Her name is y/f/n y/l/n. I can give you her birthday if you want to verify I'm not some weirdo." Chase said talking a mile a minute. The nurse just smiled and got up from her desk. "You must be Chase! She told us you were coming! Said you'd be the tall surfer guy with the chocolate brown eyes. Follow me." The nurse smiled before walking down the hall with Chase on her heels. She got to a door and knocked lightly before opening it. "Hey y/n! Surfer boy is here!" The nurse giggled as Chase walked through the door and the nurse closed it behind him. You were laying in the hospital bed with leads attached to your chest and stomach. You also had an iv in her arm and a couple stickers with wires on her head. Upon seeing Chase, you total lost all your composure and started sobbing. Chase rushed over to your side and gently hugged you close. "It's OK baby. I'm here. I've got you." Chase cooed as tears started to run down his face. You scooted over on the bed making room for Chase to lay down. He carefully made sure all the leads were out of the way and nothing was being pulled before tucking you into his chest. " It was so scary! I didn't know what was happening or why." You sniffed as you snuggled into his chest. "Shhhh. It's OK now. It's over. You're here now ad we will figure out what happened and why. Just relax baby." Chase cooed as he rubbed your back. A soft knock made you jump in your sleepy state. Chase said come in before kissing the top of your head, noticing the jolt of your body at the sudden noise. Rudy entered the room with Chase's backpack on his shoulder. "Hey y/n. How you feeling, sweetheart?" Rudy asked in a soft voice as he crouches down next to the bed. "I'm exhausted and confused as to what happened but I feel ok. Thank you for making sure Ace got here OK. I really appreciate it." You said while reaching out to grab Rudy's hand. "No problem at all! JD is coming to pick me up so Chase's car is here." Rudy explained before putting Chase's backpack down. "I thought you might want your bag." Rudy nods to Chase as he stands up. "Thanks man. I owe you one." Chase bumped his fist to Rudy's. "No you don't! You would have done the same for me. You rest up OK y/n? Don't let this guys puppy energy keep you up." Rudy said pointing between the two of you, which made you let out a small chuckle. "He smells like the ocean and is warm. I think I'll have no trouble falling asleep." You mumbles as you snuggles into Chase's chest again. Chase smirks ,holding you close. Rudy's phone dings and he waves good bye so he doesn't disturb the half asleep girl on Chase's chest.
You awoke from your nap to Chase still at your side. You smile up at him. "Sorry I fell asleep on you. You didn't have to stay." Chase opened his eyes lazily, drawing shapes on your arm with his finger. "No way am I leaving you baby. But since you're awake now. I really need to pee." Chase chuckled as he slowly scooted off the bed and walked to the bathroom on the other side of the room. You turned on the TV and sat up a little, looking at the screens and wires all around you. Chase came out of the bathroom, tossing a paper towel into the trash bin, before grabbing his bag from next to the bed. He pulled out his charger and plugged your phone in before putting it down on the table next to you.As he placed the bag down and sat next to you on the bed, a nurse knocked and entered the room. "Hey you two! I have extra sheets and blankets for you! This chair fold out into a lounger so you both don't have to smush together all night." The nurse explained as she sat the extra blankets and linen on the chair. "Thank you so much!" Chase beamed as the nurse came over to your bed side to check all your vitals. "Is there anything I should look for overnight?" Chase asked the nurse."Well if she has any convulsions or gets sick, press this call button." The nurse said pointing to the red button on the wall. "Other than that, if anything has you worried press the button and we will come make sure everything is OK." The nurse smiled as she finished getting your blood pressure and typed the vitals into her laptop before leaving the room. Chase got up from his seat on the bed and opened up the lounger chair, putting on the different sheets ad blankets. "You know, you don't have to sleep here just because I was admitted." You smile watching his basically throw blankets round until he was satisfied. He came and laid down next to you again before pecking your lips. "I told you ,baby. I'm here with you for everything. We'll figure this out together." Chase cooed as he pulled you closer and watched SpongeBob with you on his chest, running his ringers through your hair. "I love you, Ace." You said before kissing his hand. "I love you more,Baby girl."
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*photo cred to pintrest*
@afterglowsb-tch13 @cherryobx @sunwardsss @yourlocalauthor @starkeymarkey @k-k0129 @royalpogue @ilovejjmaybank @beatement-l @miniatureauthorpartyspy @bxmaaa @allielozoya @shawnsthighs @i-love-scott-mccall @lilbabyharrys @dannii-li
Comment tag list on any of my writing to be added❤️
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jungcupid-archive · 6 years ago
i dare you (to never let me go)
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pairing: jungkook x jimin               jungkook x taehyung (subplot)
summary:  and after all that had passed, jungkook would always be pulled back to jimin. he didn’t know why, maybe it was fate (or maybe it was his 9-year-old daughter).
chapter: 2/?
a/n: this story (along with some others) is also available on ao3 (user: we_are_bulletproof)
    “Daddy, it’s almost my birthday, why can’t you just give it to me now?” Mina said, exasperated. She glared at her father as he got ready for work. Jungkook finished buttoning up his shirt and tucked it in from the back.
    “Sweetheart, you ask every year,” Jungkook said in his I’m-a-reasonable-parent-I-swear voice, “and I say no every year. You know the rules. No birthday, no letter.”
    He fiddled with his tie one last time and gave himself a once-over before picking up his briefcase and turning around. Mina stood on his mattress, arms folded across her chest in defiance.
    “You’re the worst,” Mina wrinkled her nose in distaste and let herself fall onto the bed, bouncing from the impact a couple of times before jumping onto the floor. Jungkook mentally mourned the loss of his perfectly made bed.
    “Oh, most definitely,” Jungkook said, nodding sagely and exiting his room with Mina in his wake. “But… would the worst take his daughter out to Cheesy Cheesecakes a whole day before her birthday? Probably not. There go my plans for tonight, I guess.”
    Mina’s slow trudge down the stairs suddenly came to a stop. Jungkook looked over his shoulder to find her pointing an accusatory finger at him, “That’s emotional blackmail.”
    Jungkook blew out a breath of disbelief and fixed his cuffs nonchalantly, “So is calling me, and I quote, ‘the worst’, just so you can guilt me into giving you your letter early. Do you really think I can be bought that easily?”
    Mina paused for a moment while Jungkook flicked his eyes to the clock to make sure he wasn’t running late. She slowly followed him to the kitchen and climbed up the counter to sit on it.
    “Father dear,” she started, batting her eyelashes innocently, “you know I didn’t really mean that.”
    Jungkook snorted while rinsing his apple and then took a bite, barely stopping himself from cursing when some of the juice squirted onto his shirt.
    “Anyways,” Jungkook waved the apple around Mina for emphasis, “Since you’re not up for it, might as well take my other daughter.”
    Mina’s eyebrows narrowed in suspicion, “You don’t have another daughter.” Jungkook tutted while shaking his head and took another large bite of the apple.
    “Oh, but I do. Her name is Jimin and she has pretty brown eyes and she would never, ever think of opening up her birthday presents a day early.”
    “My name is Jimin!”
    “I thought your name was Mina?” Jungkook scratched his head, pretending to be confused and threw his apple core out. Mina hopped off the counter (almost making Jungkook scream because that’s a high drop) and sighed, loud and dramatic.
    “Daddy, do we really have to go over this again? You always called me Min or Min-ah or Minnie or something that wasn’t Jimin so I told you to just call me Mina, which is a prettier name than Jimin anyways!”
    Jungkook’s eyes softened and he smiled, “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll take you after I get home, deal?”
    Mina grinned triumphantly and she practically pushed Jungkook out the door, “Deal! Hurry up and go to work so that you can come home!”
    “Alright. Hey, SLUG K!” Jungkook barely managed to remind Mina before she shut the door. He heard a muffled “SLUG K!” from inside and, once he’d heard Mina turn the lock, Jungkook left.
    This whole single parent thing, it wasn’t easy. Especially when he had to leave Mina alone at home. Granted, it was usually only for a few minutes before his Mom arrived and took care of her until she left to go to school, but still, a guy worried. SLUG K had originated from Stay Locked Until Grandma Knocks, just a way for to remind Mina to stay safe.
    Sometimes, he wished Mina would just stay in bed like a normal kid until she was woken up to get ready for school, but then his mornings wouldn’t be so entertaining. Besides, she’d told him that she liked watching him get ready and pretending to be his assistant. He’d had a good laugh at that.
    “Assistant?” He’d told her, “Please, you’re going to be the Boss.”
    It seemed like just yesterday Mina was crawling on the floor towards him, and now here she was, dancer extraordinaire in the 3rd grade, already making him so proud at such a young age and – no, he was not  going to cry on the bus.
    “…so I told you to just call me Mina, which is a prettier name than Jimin anyways!”
    It had been Jungkook’s fault, the changing of names. After Taehyung passed, Jungkook couldn’t stop hearing his last request over and over again, constantly. He found it harder and harder to say his daughter’s name, and eventually when Mina was 6 years old, she’d asked him to just stop calling her that altogether (not that he did often).
    There hadn’t been a legal name change involved though, so Jungkook had grown accustomed to the many “your daughter calls herself something completely different than her legal name, is this normal and do we need to fix it” phone calls from her teachers. Those were always fun to answer. Yeah, because Jungkook just loved to be subtly told he wasn’t being a responsible parent.
    Jungkook got off at his stop and straightened his tie, clearing his head of any thoughts. Today, he’d have to be especially focused if he wanted to make it back in time to treat his daughter.
    God, the joys of being an architect.
    Mina sat on the swings and lazily kicked herself back and forth a couple of times before coming to a slow swing. Her Grandma, Hyejung, was sitting on a nearby park bench, looking up from her book every so often to ensure that Mina was alive and well. She watched as Mina waved to get her attention and nodded when her granddaughter pointed to one of the nearby structures and started walking there. It was a cute little thing, a small picnic table perfect for kids Mina’s age sheltered by a blue roof. There weren’t any walls, just 4 poles to keep it upright so Hyejung had no trouble looking in.
    Hyejung checked her phone for any texts from Jungkook and sighed when the saw the time. He was an hour late. Sometimes, she wondered if he needed to have the image of a clock imprinted onto his retina. He always ran late for the most important events. Hyejung put her phone down beside her and had just started chapter 4 of her book when she heard footsteps fast approaching. She snapped her book shut and swiveled her head towards the noise, rolling her eyes when she saw it was Jungkook. The boy was running towards her at full speed with what seemed to be a bouquet of roses and a box of some kind. She shook her head in disbelief and stood up, waiting until Jungkook had reached her.
    “Is… she… upset?” Jungkook asked between breaths, doubled over and breathing heavy. Hyejung slapped her son’s back, making him jump upright. “Mom!”
    “What do you think? Of course she’s upset. Go to her. Now.” Hyejung sat back down on the bench and observed Jungkook approach Mina cautiously, she let out a chuckle despite herself. Some things never changed.
    Mina was practically boring holes into the table with her intense gaze. Jungkook felt a chill run down his spine but he cleared the throat and put on a brave face, nonetheless. He started with the box of chocolates, rattling it in front of Mina’s nose only for her to turn her head the other way. Jungkook coughed uncomfortably and placed the box on the table, bringing out his bouquet of roses instead. Mina took one look and scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Jungkook sighed heavily and threw the bouquet onto the table as well. He maneuvered himself into the little structure and tucked his long legs into the picnic table somehow.
    “So, I was a little late-”
    “A little?!”
    “Okay, I was an hour late,” Jungkook admitted sheepishly, “But only because I couldn’t leave!” Mr. Monkey didn’t let me go and when he did, I stopped to pick up all these gifts-”
    “None of which I vibed with, by the way.”
    Jungkook stifled a laugh despite himself. Teaching his daughter what “vibe” meant had been the only good parenting choice he’d ever made. He quickly composed his expression when Mina stared at him accusingly.
    “Okay but hear me out. I got you something really special!” Jungkook fished for something inside of his blazer and pulled out a black snapback with MINA printed on top in bright, neon yellow letters. “You vibe with this, right?”
    Mina tried staying grumpy, but Jungkook could tell from the shine in her eyes that she was about to burst from excitement. He slowly waved the snapback in front of her face, chanting her name until she finally broke out into a smile and grabbed it, shoving it onto her head.
    “You’re forgiven! Mr. Monkey should get fired!” Jungkook grinned and pulled the snapback down over Mina’s eyes, delighted to find that it fit perfectly.
    Mr. Monkey was Jungkook’s boss. Or, the unfortunate name Mina had given him when Jungkook had brought her in to his firm once for take-your-kid-to-work day. She’d heard him singing as they passed by his office and had asked with her innocent 6-year-old face if monkeys were allowed to be kept inside the building. Jungkook had pulled Mina away as quickly as possible, trying not to collapse from holding in his laughter.
    Mina was rambling about how she couldn’t believe Jungkook had gotten her the hat and how she’d been asking for ages and I can finally twin with my friends in hip-hop class! until Jungkook interrupted her with a laugh.
    “Alright, alright, not that I heard a thank you  or anything-” this prompted Mina to lean over and peck Jungkook’s cheek in thanks, “-but you’re welcome. Now get up, little Jeon. Cheesy Cheesecakes awaits!”
    Jungkook somehow got out of the picnic table without losing any limbs and was busy dusting himself off when he heard a soft, “Little Jeon-Kim” from behind him. Jungkook did a mental face-palm and chastised himself for being so stupid. He squatted down to look at Mina, who was still sitting on the bench, a lot more somber than before.
    “Of course, baby,” Jungkook said softly, pulling her closer to him to give her a kiss on her forehead. “How could I ever forget? You’re just as much Kim as you are Jeon.” He stood up and took Mina’s hand in his own.
    “Come on, Grandma’s waiting.”
    Jungkook felt awful, to say the least. It was one day before her birthday, one day before the letter. Of course she’d be feeling a little more sentimental, of course she didn’t want to hear her dad practically claim that, for a moment, he’d forgotten about his husband. Stupid, stupid, Jungkook. It had just slipped out, but that didn’t excuse the reaction it had incited.
    Feels strange to get used to being without you, Taehyung, he thought, who would’ve thought I was capable of that?
    Mina seemed to have lost some of the spring in her step and when they reached Hyejung, she surprised him by saying, “Let’s go home. I don’t feel like going to Cheesy Cheesecakes.”
    Something withered even further inside of Jungkook. Hyejung frowned, “Mina, you’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
    “Mom, it’s fine. We’ll go tomorrow, okay?” Jungkook swiped at her nose affectionately and relaxed when she giggled. Hyejung nodded and relieved Jungkook of the chocolate and flowers.
    “I’ll just assume my lovely son has not completely forgotten me and decided to buy me these out of the blue,” Hyejung looked pointedly at Jungkook, to which he just shrugged and replied, “Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
    Jungkook stepped out of the way when his mother tried swatting him with the flowers, an impish grin on his face.
    “You’re lucky you’re cute, Jeon Jungkook,” Hyejung warned, looking extremely non-threatening with her glasses slipping down her nose.
    “No, he’s lucky I’m cute,” Mina chimed in happily, shrieking when Jungkook went in to tickle her. Hyejung smiled and bid them both goodbye, promising to be at their place early tomorrow for Mina’s birthday. Jungkook waited until she was out of his line of sight to lift Mina up onto the bench and offer his back to her.
    “Daddy’s Back, now open for service,” Jungkook stated professionally. Mina hopped on and pinched Jungkook’s cheeks with her fingers. “As always, navigation will be operated by the pulling of the cheek. Keep your arms and legs on the ride at all times and enjoy!”
    Mina yelled with glee as Jungkook started jogging towards their house which, fortunately for Jungkook’s legs, wasn’t too far.
    “Okay, teeth?”
    Mina clicked her teeth together as she showed Jungkook.
    “A little small, but clean,” Jungkook said, poking Mina in the belly. She poked him back and handed him her toothbrush, sitting on the toilet lid while staring at her feet.
    “Daddy, I want to paint my nails. Can I practice on you first so that I can do it on myself later?” Mina wriggled her toes, looking at them as if they were the most interesting things in the world. Jungkook propped Mina’s toothbrush in its holder and wiped the counter carefully so that no water remained.
    “Sure,” he replied, tapping her head to signal he was about to turn the lights off. She walked out of the washroom and leaned against the wall. “Although, if you want, I can just paint them for you.”
    Mina slipped her hand into Jungkook’s as he closed the door and headed to her room, “You know how to paint nails? But you’re a boy!”
    “So I can’t have nice nails?” Jungkook put a hand to his chest dramatically, “I’m truly hurt, Ms. Mina.”
    The pair of them entered Mina’s room and Jungkook immediately sank into the large beanbag chair, flipping the desk lamp on as Mina climbed into his lap. It was routine at this point, reading to her every night before bed. But tonight, she stopped Jungkook before he could reach for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and just lay her head on his chest instead. Before Jungkook could ask if she wanted to read something else (like Naruto, which he’d been wanting to re-read for a while now), she spoke.
    “Was it because of Daddy?” Mina asked, voice still exuding energy. Jungkook stroked her hair, thinking back to another time. Another Jimin. No, it hadn’t been Taehyung who taught him how to paint his nails.
    “A friend taught me, a long time ago. Your Daddy refused to let me paint his nails, something about having to work in a lab and blah blah blah.”
    Mina looked up at Jungkook and rolled her eyes, “You always talk about him as if he was the worst.”
    “Oh, he definitely was,” Jungkook stated factually, “hair too soft, eyes too kind, brain too hard-wired for logic, heart too big, He didn’t want any tattoos or piercings, and he could never figure out the meanings behind my paintings. He was definitely the worst. I mean, can you believe I married a Chemistry professor?”
    “What’s a Keh-miss-tree? It doesn’t make any sense for it to be a type of tree… is it a school thing?”
    Jungkook held Mina’s head as he let out a soft light so as not to jostle it. “You’re right, it’s not a tree, sweetheart. C-h-e-m-i-s-t-r-y. It’s a branch – no, that’s misleading – a part of Science that you’ll learn more about in High School. In fact, Tae tutored me quite often in Chemistry during my first year of University. He was just 2 years older than me but he was nearly done his Master’s degree. This is going to make me look so inferior but, when we graduated from University, Taehyung had his PhD and I only had my Bachelor’s. He was a smart kid. Like I said, the worst.”
    “I like it when you talk about him,” Mina said in a small voice. Her breathing was growing steadier and Jungkook could see that she’d closed her eyes. “Sometimes I miss him even though I only have some fuzzy memories of him. He was the one who picked me, right? When I was adopted?” Jungkook hummed in affirmation.
    “He’d love to see me now,” Mina mumbled into Jungkook’s shirt.
    Oh, he would. Mina had grown into such a wonderful little girl. He was only 29, and yet he had so much to be thankful for already. Occasionally, he’d curse the universe for taking away one of the biggest sources of happiness in his life, but he knew that he’d lucked out in the end. It was hard watching Mina take so many firsts without Taehyung around to celebrate with. Mina’s first steps had been witnessed by Taehyung, but not her first dance performance, or the first time she won an award at school, or the first time she brought home a Father’s Day card.
    But Jungkook had been there, and for Mina, thankfully, it was enough.
    Jungkook carefully reached for a blanket and threw it over the two of them, not confident enough to put Mina in bed without waking her up.
    His mom called him sometimes, telling him how Mina would benefit from a second parent. Maybe a woman, this time. How their family could feel a lot more whole that way. But it was all half-hearted, because Hyejung knew Jungkook could never want that. Not a completely new relationship, not now. Besides, he’d always told her, Mina did have the presence of Taehyung in her life, in a way that even Jungkook didn’t.
    Mina had Taehyung’s letters.
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diyunho · 8 years ago
The Joker x Reader - “The Promise” Part 2
The Joker never saw it coming; he left his guard down for a moment and it all went to pieces. Nothing to hold on to now except his son and the memory of you. But maybe there is something else that won’t let him go either…
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Read Part 1 here: http://diyunho.tumblr.com/post/164072432286/the-joker-x-reader-the-promise
“You’re my prisoner for the night,” you would hold his hands above his head. “I’m not gonna let you go anywhere,” and you kissed his neck painfully slow.
“I don’t wanna go anywhere,” J would growl, admitting to the truth. “Unless Kase wakes up, crying…but we can always start all over, hm?”
“Ohhh, I don’t mind that,” you whispered in his ear and backed up on top of him just enough to take your lacy nightgown off. “Don’t look at my stretchmarks, ok?” you used to plead, self-conscious about them.
“ Stretchmarks? Nahhhh…” J would trace them on your tummy. “These are battle wounds, Y/N. And you’ve clearly won the battle: we have a very cute baby.”
“He is cute, huh?” you would giggle, tossing the garment somewhere behind you.
“Yeah, thanks to me,” The Joker used to taunt, pinching your thigh. “Obviously.”
“Are you calling me ugly?” you frowned, slapping his chest.
“Nope… you’re a very pretty girl, but don’t tell anybody. I don’t want someone to steal you away.”
“Wow, did you just say that loud?” you let your head fall on his shoulder, laughing.
“No, I didn’t,” The Joker would pucker his lips, antagonized he actually uttered such words. “You’re hearing things, Y/N.”
“Probably; I’m getting old,” and you reached over to kiss him, smiling.
That smile of yours…
“Daddy, daddy…” the shy voice wakes him up. “Daddy, you’re talking in your sleep,” his son touches his arm, placing a small plate on the side of the bed.
J blinks, reality settling in. Sometimes he doesn’t want to wake up. At all. He wants to dream about you, uninterrupted; at least that.
“Hey, kid…,” he moves up on the pillows, yawning.
“I made you breakfast,” Kase shows him the plate with some burned toast and a bit of grape jelly on top.
“That’s nice…” The Joker sighs. “Did you eat?”
“U-hum, Frosty brought a lot of food over.”
He always does. All the henchmen take turns to make sure nothing is missing from the penthouse. They are a bunch of jerks, but they know the kid needs food and J told them to take care of it so they obey. Their boss is out of it, even more than before; God knows for how long, and they all feel they are walking on eggshells. The King of Gotham is lost since you were murdered 4 months ago.
He has no idea on how to be a parent on his own. You were the one that seemed to know more than him about that kind of stuff. He is just… somehow winging it. And it makes him even more enraged since you are not there to help. It’s not that he is neglecting his child; it’s more like he is trying to ignore him. Why? Because Kase reminds The Joker of you. He struggles with his demons so much there is no room for too much more.
“You like it?” the boy inquires with big eyes, nervous to hear the reply.
“It’s so good,” J sadly smiles taking a bite of the extra crunchy bread. “I don’t remember having such a perfect breakfast in a while.”
Kase snickers and bites on his nails, watching his father munch on that “yummy” food he made.
“Mommy says I have to take care of you; you don’t eat enough.”
The Joker can’t swallow that last bite.
“Please stop talking like this, yes?” he messes his son’s hair, frowning.
“Daddy…” the little one hesitantly gets up on the bed, sitting on J’s knees. “Are you going to say it?”
“Say what?”
“Happy Birthday,” Kase sulks, sliding up his father’s knees even more. “It’s my birthday today.”
“Shit,” J closes his eyes, tossing the plate on the night stand.
He completely forgot. Definitely not winning the Father of The Year award.
“Happy Birthday, kid!” he pulls the boy in his arms and kisses his temple. “How old are you now?”
“Six,” the quiet answer is fast to follow.
“That’s right, I knew that. You’re growing so fast… Your mom would have…” and he stops, sensing that ache biting at his chest, sharp blades cutting through his heart. A deep breath, then silence for a few seconds. “Anyway, we’ll do something, alright? And I will get you anything you want.”
Kase gasps, suddenly full of energy.
“Really?! Really daddy?”
“Yes, we’ll both take a shower and get ready, then we can go.”
“Yayy!!! Yayyyyy!!!! “ the kid leaves his father’s lap, jumping up and down on the bed.
J finds himself smirking, immersed in his child’s excited outburst.
“Thank you, daddy! You’re the best!!!” he shouts, gives The Joker a kiss on the cheek and runs screaming towards the master bathroom.
You’re the best… J mumbles, finally getting out of bed. What does that even mean?…
He’s been moping around for so long he finds it hard to get ready and leave the penthouse. As he takes a shower and his son is in the other bathtub taking a bath, he seriously contemplates cancelling the birthday plans. But something won’t let him.
“I’m done, daddy! I’m going to get dressed!” Kase announces and J peeks from behind the heavy shower curtain.
“I’ll be done soon too. We’ll dress the same, OK?”
“Hooraaaayyy!!!!” J hears the door being slammed and stomping up the staircase.
The two of them have a lot of matching outfits. Since today is a special day, might as well wear one.
– You would get so emotional when you saw both wearing identical clothes.
“Look at my handsome boys! If I die right now, I would die happy,” and you got teary, making The Joker roll his eyes.
“So much drama for nothing, Princess.”
Kase would cover his mouth with his hands, giggling when his father winked at him, grinning at your silly reaction.
“What would you know about that?” you sniffled, wiping your eyes, feeling so overwhelmed when J squeezed you in his arms, kissing you so you would shut up.
“I know enough,“ he would purr in your ear. “Want me to prove it tonight, after the kid goes to sleep?” the low tone unexpectedly got you all lightheaded.
“Yes, prove it, “you breathed on his lips and Kase would run over, pulling on your dress.
“Mommy, I want a kiss too!”
J grunts at the painful memory as he buttons up his son’s purple shirt.
“Does something hurt, daddy?” the little boy asks, seeing the painful grimace on The Joker’s face.
“No, nothing…” and he gets up, being done with the task. “ I think we look dashing,” he distracts his boy from the real issue. Or is he distracting himself?
He notices Kase staring at him, then to his left, then back to him again. And suddenly the little one bursts into tears, crying so hard it scares The Joker.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” J bends one knee to kneel in front of his son. “What is it?” he cups his face, actually worried.
Kase keeps on staring to The Joker’s left again, not being able to quit bawling.
“No, I-I don’t wanna tell him that…” he seems to be answering to someone else’s question.
“Hey, knock it out! What’s going on, hm?”
“Mommy…” and his son takes a deep breath, whimpering and trying to talk. “Mommy says you should get a new girlfriend. She doesn’t mind; she understands. I-I…” and the crying intensifies so badly the little face gets super red. “…I don’t want another moommmyyy!!! I want MY mommy!!!” and he charges at his father’s neck, hugging him so tight it makes the Joker cringe. “P-please daaaddyyy, I don’t want another mommy!!!” Kase keeps on begging, unaware of his father’s own heartache.
J can’t move. Where is this coming from?! He wants to get mad like he usually does when his son says things like that, but it’s almost as he can’t find the strength to do it.
“Ssssttt, stop crying. You‘re not getting a new mom, alright?” The Joker surprisingly goes another route in order to calm his child’s hysterical behavior. “ Who the hell had time to even think about that?” he mutters the last sentence mostly to himself. “Hey, look at me,” he continues to caress his son’s back. “You can’t cry on your birthday, that’s the rule. Do we understand each other?”
“Y-yes…” the small body shakes in his arms, finally letting go.
“We need to clean you up now; your face is a mess. It’s ok, you’re not getting another mom, alright?”
“U-hum,” the 6 year old agrees, feeling better since his father reassured him. “You promise daddy?”
“Yeah, brat, I promise,” J is fast to answer because the strange episode needs to stop.
“Mommy says she loves you,” Kase pecks his star tattoo, sniffling, then goes inside the bathroom, turning on the water in the sink so he can wash his face.
The Joker can’t even get up yet; he feels so drained and exhausted. He can’t understand why Kase continues to talk like that. J refuses to acknowledge the obvious: that THERE IS something happening with his kid. The stuff he says sometimes…Things he couldn’t possibly know about.
“I’m done, daddy,” and that makes The King of Gotham to finally get up on his feet.
– J took his son to different toy stores owned by people he does business with. Some of them use the upfront venture for money laundering, some conduct less than legal affairs behind closed doors. No matter. Just one word from The Prince of Crime and the chosen location closes under 10 minutes. Like somebody would dare saying no to him.
Kase runs all over the place, picking toys he likes to take back to the penthouse.
“Daddy, can I have this one too?” he barely pushes the huge box with a tank inside in front of J. “ Sure, whatever you want, as many as you want,” a bored Joker answers, absent minded. He is sitting on a lather couch, displeased with the color. The pile of toys next to him is getting bigger and bigger.
The cake resting on a glass table nearby has 6 candles waiting to be lit. J ordered Frost to bring it over here, since “Rascal’s ” is the last stop for the day. Kase takes the mini-silver jacket off, tired from all the hard work he’s been doing and crawls in his father’s lap.
“That’s it,” he huffs, bouncing his legs, impatiently eyeballing his favorite chocolate cake.
“Are you sure?” J double checks, leaning over to light up the candles.
“Yes,” he rubs his eyes, getting ready to blow the flames.
“Make a wish,” The Joker urges, wanting to head back home soon.
His son innocent request strikes a chord within J:
“I want my mommy back,” and he blows in the candles, the flickering lights dancing in frenzy before disappearing in thin air.
“Great job, kid!” he gets praised and they are both silent before the cake gets cut. Kase gets a piece and J doesn’t want any. He didn’t have anything today except that toast in the morning, yet he’s not hungry. No appetite since you’ve been gone.
“Here, Daddy,” the little boy offers a bite to his father and J nods a no.
“You eat it, I’m fine.”
“Huh?” he glances over The Joker’s shoulder, carefully listening. “Mommy says you should eat, she doesn’t like it you’re skinnier.”
“Not again…” the complaint is following the remark. “Can you take a break from this? I really don’t want to put up with your…”, J is shouting without realizing it.
“Mommy doesn’t like it when you yell at me…” Kase interrupts, startled.
“YOUR MOM IS DEAD!!! Do you hear me? SHE’S DEAD! Why are you pushing me, hm?” The Joker yanks the plate from his son’s hand, slamming it on the floor. “ Shut up! And don’t cry either! We’re going home! No toys!!!” he yanks the little hand away, furious again, incapable of controlling his temper.
The poor kid can hardly keep up with his father, trying so hard not to cry because he’s afraid J will get angrier.
“Daddy…daddy…” Kase pleads and The Joker snaps at him one more time.
“What?! What is it now?!”
“Mommy says that if you don’t stop, she’ll hate you even if she said she never will,” and tears follow while J slows down then halts. “My hand hurts,” Kase sobs and J releases his strong grip, the words making him aware of what he’s doing.
Fuck, he thinks, trying to cool down.
Why is he taking it on his kid? Probably because there is nobody else around. No you, no one else to tell what’s going on inside his head. That uncanny feeling he lost something he can never get back becomes stronger with each passing day. The restlessness is unbearable, the pain ever growing. He misses you so much it physically hurts most of the time. That’s why he finds it hard to even get out of bed. All he wants is to be left alone.
He’s a goddamned lunatic, completely gone and lost for the world, just like that old Arkham report stated. Why pretend to be something else? And yet…
He gazes at the small child without seeing anything.
“Daddy, are you mad at me?” Kase hugs his legs, getting him out of trance.
The Joker lifts his son up, carrying him in his arms towards the exit.
“No, I’m not. How’s your hand?” he grumbles, kissing the tiny fingers.
“Doesn’t hurt anymore,” the boy admits, already forgetting about it. There is nothing more he wants than his father’s attention. Since your death, J seems so far away, in his own world. Kase needs somebody to take care of him; he’s just 6. It doesn’t matter that the infamous Joker is his dad, the kid loves him regardless. To a child, his parents are the center of the universe. And right now, The Joker is the only one feeling up that space.
Certainly not winning the Father of The Year award.
“Frost will bring all the toys and the cake to the house, OK?” J makes amendments, almost out of there. “Can you…can you tell your mom not to hate me?” he suddenly articulates, mostly on a whim.
“I don’t have to, daddy. She can hear you,” Kase smiles, not crying anymore.
That smile of his…
– J got so many more presents for his son. He watched Kase open all of them, and that crazy laugh of his finally echoed in the Penthouse after so long. But when the night comes, all alone with his devils again, tossing and turning, unable to rest until he takes his sleeping pills. But they take about 15 minutes to kick in.
He’s facing your side of the bed, sensing Kase against his body behind him. His son really wanted to sleep in there and J didn’t object. He has to make up for being so out of control right on his kid’s birthday.
The Joker gets under the sheets, just like he used to when you were there, anxious to share plans and secrets with his girl but she’s not there. He whispers anyway.
“I was thinking to plan a heist in 2 months or so. What do you think? Should I go sooner? I really don’t feel like it, because I miss you…” and he brings your pillow to his chest. “I don’t feel like doing anything…”
No answer, of course.
“Daddy,” Kase stretches, half asleep, snuggling more towards his father.
“Mommy says she loves you.”
“You’re just dreaming…” J extends his arm behind to hold Kase close to him, not getting pissed for once.
“She’s right there,” his son lifts his head up from the pillows, eyes almost closed, pointing towards your usual spot. “Can’t you see her?” and the little one sighs, falling asleep again.
“No, I can’t see anything, “ he answers, smelling your perfume on the fabric. J always freshens up the scent from the tiny vial you kept on the night stand.
The eyelids are getting heavy, the medicine reacting in his body.
He feels a tender pressure on his lips, just like a soft kiss.
“Hey, handsome,” he hears your voice.
“Hey pretty girl,” he mutters, waking up for a moment.
He opens his eyes, so used to dream about you and losing the connection. The Joker shifts so he can wrap his arms around Kase, almost dozing off again.
“Tell your dad I love him,” he faintly discerns. “ Honey, wake up. Tell your dad I love him.”
Kase yawns, gently shaking his father.
“Daddy…mommy says she loves you.”
“I know, I heard it,” he replies, not realizing what he’s saying. The medication is strong, makes one totally out of it. “Tell her I love her too.”
“She can hear you, dad,” his son repositions himself in his father’s arms, tired since he keeps on being woken up.
“That’s good, I want her to know…” and the last trace of consciousness is lost, enslaved by the effects of the medicine.
“She knows,” his son buries his face in J’s t-shirt, even if his dad can’t hear him anymore.“And she says she’ll always come back because she promised.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years ago
How many syllables does your first name consist of? Three.
Do you know someone who is allergic to chocolate? No. I know two people who don’t like it, though. Do you know someone who has asthma? Yeah. Have you worn a dress [casual, formal, etc] within the past week? Nope. What is the most controversial thing youv'e done? I don’t know if I’ve done anything considered “controversial.” Not that I’m aware of, anyway. I suppose it’s possible.
When was the last time you saw the last person you kissed? Not since last year around this time. Is that person your significant other? No. Who texts you more: your guy or girl friends? My parents. ha. Last person you talked to on the phone and what was it about? My mom. I was asking her if she could pick up my medicine on her way home from work. Who was the last person that said comforting words to you? My mom. Are you comfortable with where you are right now? I’m comfortable in my bed, yes. In life, no. I also don’t care much the city I live in. Got any plans today? Just chasing after our puppy, ha. We adopted a 4 month old puppy this past Tuesday. She’s a Labrador/German Shepherd mix. This is my first experience with a puppy, and she’s a handful. lol. She’s really like a toddler running around wanting to get into things. She’s also teething, so she likes to chew on stuff. And nibble on us. Is there someone else you’d like to be right now? Someone healthy, happy, and doing something with their life. Were you born in an odd or even numbered year? An odd year. Did you drive anywhere at all today? I don’t drive, but no I haven’t gone anywhere so far today. It’s 2:50AM. Which of your parents did you see last? My mom before she went to bed. My dad had gone to bed already earlier. Describe your current outfit: Pjs. Other than interviews, do you ever “dress to impress”? If I’m going somewhere that you would dress up at like a wedding, or special event. Are you currently listening to music? Nope. When was the last time you got really nervous? Probably prior to my doctor appointment last week. Do you have any older siblings? Yes, I have an older brother. Are you the youngest in your family? Nope. I’m the middle kid. Do you fill out your own surveys or do you think it’s just weird? I don’t make surveys. What was the first thing you ate today? So far, nothing. Where did you buy the shoes you last wore? My dad got them for me for Christmas. What was the last thing you randomly thought about? Things related to my dog. Last disappointment? Myself. Do you still talk to the person you first kissed? No. Have you ever had one of those elementary-school boy/girlfriends? No. Did you seriously believe that the opposite sex had cooties back then? I actually don’t recall ever going through that phase. Do you live in the United States? If not, where? Yes. Did you take a nap today? I probably will. I haven’t been getting much sleep lately. Like, less than the already short amount I normally get. Do you collect anything? Giraffes and books. <<<< I also have a large collection of giraffe things. Does your computer have a webcam? Yes. What does your desktop look like? It’s a photo of Alexander Skarsgard with two dogs. It was a photo shoot photo, but to me it looks very candid and cute. Name something random in your car: I don’t have a car seeing how I don’t drive. What’s your cell phone ringtone? "Lost Boy” by Ruth B. I’ve had that for over a year now. I want to change it, but I don’t know what to change it to. Have you ever made your own ringtones? Yes, plenty of times back in the day. Last person you held hands with? My mom. When was your last haircut? Like over a year ago. I could use a little trim. Did you hang out with any friends yesterday? No. Are there people you regularly hang out with like a sort of unspoken ritual? I used to, but it hasn’t been like that for almost 2 years. I haven’t seen anyone outside of family since last September. What are three things you and your best friend have in common? 1. We have our favorite shows we both like to watch.
2. We both love to read.
3. We like a lot of the same music.
What was the last piece of fruit you ate? What about vegetable? I.... don’t remember. :X Last veggie was potatoes. Do you own anything with a touch-screen? My iPhone. Have you ever disliked your sibling’s significant other? No. What is the last song you listened to? Whatever was playing on the radio the other day. Whose birthday did you last celebrate? My dad’s. If you could have dinner with any two people, who would it be? Just Alexander Skarsgård. ;) Have you ever been come up to by a model scout? Hahahah no. Has a stranger of the opposite sex ever complimented you? Yeah. What is your favorite food and drink? Chicken tenders and coffee. When is the next time you’re traveling out of state? I have no idea. Is your city prone to natural disasters? Nope. The only good thing about it. Has your least favorite color ever been your favorite? No. Has your favorite color ever been your least favorite? One of ‘em, yeah. Who in your family do you tell the most to? My mom. Have you traveled outside the country? Where to? Mexico. When is the last time you went to sleep smiling? I don’t think I ever have. Do you help out around the house often? I try and do what I can. Do you have any homework to be done? Nope. Thankfully, I am done with school. When is the last time you wore a dress? When my aunt and I went to see a Broadway performance last month. Will you have a Valentine this year? I did not. Is there anyone in the room with you right now? My dog, Leia. How many people have you kissed in your life? Three. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? Strawberry. Are you excited for winter to end? It’s summer and I want it to be over. Now. What have you done today? So far, I’ve read/studied a chapter in the Bible, took care of my dog, and now doing this survey. Do you like Kanye West? I like a few of his songs, yeah. Are you mad at anyone right now? No, just a general annoyance at life. <<<< Same. Do you kiss on the first date? I’m not opposed to it. If things are going well and it feels right, then sure. What’s your favorite restaurant? This Mexican restaurant here in town.
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hoshalicious · 7 years ago
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soulmate au in which if you have a song stuck in your head, it means your soulmate is singing that song out loud
okay so you started to have these symptoms ever since you were like 15
at first, your friends were thinking that maybe you didn’t have a soulmate since you didn’t have anything different than you should have, like a tattoo or a clock on your wrist or anything that could represent you having a soulmate
but then one day during your first year of high school, there are times you keep getting songs that you don’t recognize in your head
whether it was korean, english, chinese, you name it
so during the time when you were taking your biology notes, you were humming this one english song and your foreign friend got surprised
she speaks english, so you humming to elliott yamin was really something suspicious
you explained to her that you don’t know who yamin is, nor you know the song, and she became so conFUSED
the next day, you thought everything went back to normal, although you sung this korean song that was stuck in your head that lasted for about a week
and this happened for a while
i mean like,,,a vERY LONG TIME
you keep getting random songs stuck in your head and it was driving you crazy
even your american-korean friend had to explain what the songs were called if she knew
okay so
skip into about 5 years later, and you were now in college with an acting major, and you were getting used to the random music stuck into your head 
you had to keep searching up the lyrics of the songs you don’t recognize, and some of them either don’t exist or wouldn’t just pop up
some did exist, like this one time this song by javier was stuck in your head for like a few days
and a couple of songs were actually really interesting you, and your friends would ask you how tf did you find all of these songs
now the ones that didn’t exist confused you to the mAx
you keep having this beautiful song stuck in your head, the lyrics were so touching and the rhythm was very smooth.
you keep thinking that your soulmate is a composer, which is really interesting
but you don’t know any composers you recognize, so you were still disappointed in yourself
your american friend is now into k-pop, which she explained that there are some groups that actually compose songs such as bts’s rm & suga and seventeen’s woozi
but you doubt that your soulmate would be an idol
like there’s no way in hELL that a korean idol,,would be,,your soulmate,,
one day, you went over to her house, and you explained that on your way, you were listening to monsta x’s ‘beautiful’ in your head, and of course, she was all crazy for this group
she also told you that got7 is gonna be on v-live in a few minutes, so y’all decided to blast up monsta x before it started
now the both of you were singing it wholeheartedly, to where your friend’s mom told y’all to calm down
after the song ended, your friend received a notification that they’re live now, and she was so eXCITED FOR THIS
she opened the app, and you two were enjoying the members’ presence
only bambam, jackson, and youngjae were displayed on the screen but then later on, the whole group came
you have not known this group, so she had to explain who is who and how got7 is so diverse
“so he’s bambam, he’s thai, jackson is chinese and mark is american”
a fan asked a question about any song recommendations, and youngjae replied,
“oh, there’s this song stuck in my head, i recommend you ‘beautiful’ by monsta x. it’s been on my mind for just today!”
and you and your friend were SHOOK
but you keep pointing out that it’s just a coincidence. there was no way that an idol would be your soulmate, you were freaking tf OUT
youngjae also announced that he JUST made a song he composed called “trauma” today, and immediately you looked him up on soundcloud
he goes by ARS, which completely confused you for a little while
you started to listen to it, and for some reason you already know the lyrics to the song ssjjdjdf
your friend was getting so emotional and excited because your soulmate?? is possibly youngjae??
but you wanted to make sure,,,just in case,,you know,, if that’s true,,
“you know there was this one song i had in my head,,but idk if it’s not been released yet,,,”
“they’re having a comeback soon, spoil me.”
so you decided to remember the lyrics of the song (just right), and your friend,,wow she was acting crazy today
so the following week, you and your friend were waiting for that comeback at her house
it was to the point where you had to spend the night
the release time hits, and your friend is over here who’s keeps refreshing jyp entertainment’s youtube page
and you’re like ‘omg omg what if this song on my head IS this song’ while the music video popped up
so your friend explains to you who mark and jackson are
and when youngjae appeared, you legit came in singing his part like 1.5 seconds later
she looked at you with a bright expression and was all like “what the FUCK”
y’all are not even focusing on the music video anymore because you both are  s c r e a m i n g  your asses off
psst psst while you were asleep, your friend decided to direct message him on his instagram whether he will read it or not
she probably messaged something like “hey look, my friend for some reason keeps remembering your parts of the songs she does not recognize; just last week she was singing monsta x and you told ahgases that you had that song stuck in your head”
ofc in a polite way lol
and legit like 2 days later, she received a notification on her instagram
and guess who it’s from
you’re right
choi youngjae
he responded “..did they sing troye sivan yesterday bc jackson told me about his music. it was stuck in my head this whole day.”
she had to text you and you replied with “lmao yeah, how did you know?” and she had never felt so happy in her entire life
luckily, college was over for the day, and she dashed to you as soon as your classes were over
she handed you the phone and told you to read it
you were a blushing mess, and you just couldn’t believe that a gorgeous idol is your soulmate
after that, you kept looking at photoshoots of him
or videos about him, and you actually think that he’s really adorable
meanwhile your friend is @ her room, unbelievably talking to youngjae
lmao she had set you up to meet him
she told you that she wanted you to help her plan a birthday party for her 7-year old brother
of course you, obliged and you started to get dressed and walk your way to a café since she was already there to grab a hot chocolate in the morning
she even told you to dress and look nicely, which you really didn’t know why, but you did anyways lmao
on your way, you were singing to got7′s the confession song, since you were getting into the group
when you arrived there, you didn’t see her anywhere. the place isn’t that crowded
you see this guy walking up to you with this mask on
and when he pulled it down, he reveals his face
being youngjae
“were you singing the confession song on the way here?”
“oh MY GOD” you immediately blush and fan yourself as you’re still figuring out wtf is happening here
“i wAS”
youngjae is over there just lightly chuckling as he didn’t want the other people hearing him
“i’ve heard that you’re my soulmate. it’s finally nice to meet you, i’m choi youngjae!”
“nice to meet you too! my name is y/n l/n!”
you both grabbed a seat, and you both asked for your orders
you felt so nervous, and you don’t know what to do
you both talked like you’ve known each other for the longest time due to y’all’s taste of music, and it really made you two all happy and warm inside
he explained that he does compose, and updates them into his soundcloud, as well as your friend texting him the night of their comeback
he even talked about how your friend was so shook about you knowing his part in just right, even though it has released just last week
you both even talked about the music you two have been listening to for the past 5 years, and it was that time when youngjae was ranting about how much he loved listening to your music, and it felt like it inspired him to write more songs
he made you feel have butterflies in your stomach and you were such a cute mess™
an hour later, your acting instructor asked you and your class to be there around 1pm, and of course it was almost time to go
you were extremely disappointed that you had to go, but youngjae insisted driving you there to your college
you immediately thank him as you offered him to pay.
little did you know that he already paid lmao he was sneaky
but anyways
as he dropped you off, you kissed him in the cheek before you got off the car
and wow his face was pRICELESS
he was getting shy what a cute man
you apologized,,,because your mother used to take you to school and,,it just happened
he was also happy that it happened tho
he waved you a goodbye, and drove off as you placed your hands on your pockets
you felt something in one of your hoodie pockets, and you started to take it out as you were kind of freaking out
and it was a slip of paper, with a number written there
it was youngjae’s number, and you smiled widely
you saved the number into your contacts and you walked in school as your cheeks were hurting from smiling
you had a really good time with him, and you hope something like that happens again
he was such a polite and kind person
and you’re so happy that he is your soulmate
abi; may 8th, 2018
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