#anyways we got fired form thst job bc we were starting to influence her kid
lemonlovemeanslove · 10 months
The more I think about it the more upset I get at how badly I was treated by my first employer. She was such a racist piece of shit. A UNBELIEVABLE controlling mother, unbelievably (Gilmore girls being her favoriteeeee show is so on the nose it feels like parody) all she did was look down on the middle east, the culture, it's people, the religion. Every aspect was mocked and belittled in her oh so annoying I'm a well educated English white woman voice.
So I grew up in the middle east right, THIS is my home, and here, in my home, throwing away good food isn't just frowned upon, it's a pretty big fucking sin. And I was the baby sitter for her kid right (who had ZERO friends btw bc her mother isolated her and spoiled her to the point where no other child could stand her company) and she was about the throw away a ice cream we just got bc she didn't want it anymore and I go to stop her, and tell her well now we shouldn't throw away food like that it's wasteful, you don't have that must left. It's not like I was gonna force her to eat it I just wanted her to stop and think about it, about wasting food and what it means, which she very obviously hadent been taught to do, and this psycho mother grabs it from her hand and tosses it in the trash, then goes to preach "well I've raised my kid not to treat her own body like a trash can blablabla" And I give this bitch a are you fucking serious look bc NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES AGO she looked at one of the cleaning crews that were washing the pavement and sighs and goes "these people" are so irresponsible and WASTEFUL don't they care about the environment smh smh. And I was like well...they have to clean it, we all need it to be clean bc we all need to use it and its not like they control how much water is being used like it's a bit much to demand which pisses her of right bc how dare u question me little brown child. Any fucking ways this also serves as example 12531 of how white people will cry about "environmental activism" before they ever check their own rasism (the irony here what with the connections of white supremacy and environmentalism is so obvious I don't really have to point it out but still)
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