#anyways urusei yatsura my beloved
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yumedoca · 1 year ago
And UY's third cour's final PV dropped.... which means it's time for me to share my thoughts!!
(And as usual. Ignore the shitty quality of the screenshots)
First up, I have to mention the fact that MAISONdes is doing the OP and ED again!! The new OP is 'Rock On*' feat. Hashimero, Meguru and the new ED is 'Raizakura' feat. 9Lana, SAKURAmoti. Here are the gorgeous album cover arts for both songs and oh my gosh, they are so precious!!
*It might either be 'Lock on' since the Japanese pronunciation for 'L' and 'R' sounds the same.
(Edit: Seems like it is 'Lock on' after all!!)
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As for my thoughts on the songs themselves, so far they sound great, but to form a proper opinion I need to hear the whole thing as well as see how it pairs with the visuals.
Now to the actual PV itself.. (Attention: Spoilers!!)
First up, as expected, there's a lot of new footage shown. Many of them are from the episodes shown in the previous PV which I've already discussed (go read it if you haven't, since this is technically a part 2) so I'm not going to talk about any episode shown previously unless it's new or specifically worth mentioning..
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First, I want to talk about the adaptation of the hilariously deceptive 'Lum becomes a cow' chapter. Let's be honest, this is hands down the funniest AtaLum chapter of all time and it looks like the remake is making the AtaLum moments in this one extra dramatic (they even added rain for more effect!) just so the final payoff would hit us in the most hilarious way possible (unless those bits are from something else but I doubt it). AtaLum enjoyers (me included) are being really well fed this cour, huh?
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I don't know where these and a few others come from (please tell me if you know!!). I'm guessing the fourth one might be from the chapter about Ryu's mom since it was already confirmed previously and the montage looks like a flashback with lot of beach vibes but I might be wrong. The Kotatsu Neko one might come from the Kitsune (fox) chapter with the photo and camera since I remember a similar scene which looks like that shot, but again I might be wrong. There are a few other scenes as well (Onsen-mark getting hit, Ten hanging from a tree and such). Maybe they're anime original scenes? Who knows, but we'll know sooner enough...
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That's really all I have to say anything new about the PV, everything else are chapters I've already pointed out. That aside I do have to give props to how absolutely gorgeous everything looks as well as the fluid animation. The above shot of Lum and Ten sleeping is so pretty!! There are others but there's too many to count and it's obvious which all they are. I also like how Inaba's bunny realm looks and I'm also in love with AtaLum's outfit colorings for their 'date' in the electric jungle arc, they're kinda caramel coded!! Speaking of AtaLum, the PV also showed a lot of their key moments which surprised me since I though they'd keep those a secret till the episode airs, but to be fair, it's only bits and it did end up making the PV a bit emotional.. :')
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(I had space for one more image till I hit Tumblr's limit so here, have an Inaba coming out of a trash can. He looks so proud of himself XD)
Anyways, that's all for now. This cour seems to be very AtaLum focused, to the point where the OP and ED album cover arts have both Lum and Ataru in it!! But it still has other fun storylines as well and I'm excited for all the episodes, may it be big or small. There's one week left and we'll probably get next weeks episode titles on Tuesday (as how it always is). One more week, here we go!!!
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misteria247 · 1 year ago
Okay enough about my personal beef opinions on a decades old vampire romance series that was a staple of my preteens/teenage years. Instead let's get into the nitty gritty of things that a lot of y'all keep me around for. Okay then! Onwards-! And beware spoilers ahead-!!!
I'd just gotten done watching episode 24 of Urusei Yatsura: All Stars, aka the first episode of season two. And my thoughts??
Ohmigosh I'd missed this cast of chaotic idiots so much.
Seeing Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, Mendo, Ten and the rest of the cast again after a year was so nice! I'd forgotten how much I adore these characters and their shenanigans with the weird and strange and it was like being greeted by an old friend that you haven't seen in literal ages. Also the opening, holy shit.
Maisondes once again serving us all some delicious fucking food. I adored the OP, like the beat, the music, the chaos and colors, it all just screamed Urusei Yatsura insanity. Plus the little Easter eggs in the PV, just fuck yessssssss I love that shit. I eat that shit up, please don't ever stop feeding me this David Productions I'm begging you. Now enough about the OP, onwards to the episodes!!!
The chewing gum episode, surprisingly fun-! I like how David Productions didn't start with anything too big story wise for the episode. Given how it's been a year since the first season of this series, it's nice that they gave us a run down of Urusei Yatsura in its lil introduction and within its first episode of the season. The chewing gum episode was like a ride in a way, reintroducing the characters and their personalities and their connections with one another as well as with the main protagonist Ataru and his special lady Lum. I had an absolute blast seeing them all interact and seeing the shenanigans that Ataru gets in to! Seeing my pathetic little meow meow being his usual flirtatious, yet Tsundere self made me stupidly happy. He's honestly such a fun character and seeing him get into trouble is always hilarious. Especially when paired with Lum. Speaking of Lum-
My darling, my babygirl, my angel-
Jokes aside, ohmigosh I missed her so much!! Seeing her and Ataru being the hilarious, slightly unhinged duo once again made me smile so much. They're just simply great! I especially love how not only did we got to see Ataru use his brain cell and be clever, but we got to see Lum do it too! Just watching Lum and Ataru have this battle of wit and trying to outsmart one another was hysterical. And the ending with Lum being so smug while Ataru is irritated that he was foiled, was simply comedic. And now, my biggest thoughts on the second part of the episode.
The language barrier episode.
This episode, good God it feed my Atalum needs well. Just seeing Ataru feeling guilty and yet trying to brush it off in his usual Tsundere way, when in reality he wants nothing more than to fix things with Lum. Just ohmigosh, it made me so stupidly soft. Like this episode showcased what makes Atalum so special and just how complicated it really is. You see how much Lum's presence has really grown on Ataru, how much he really notices the little things. Like keeping his windows open and unlocked because Lum uses them to get inside, or how he cried when he realized that Lum still didn't understand what he was saying. And yet in reality she did understand what he was saying. As soon as Ataru's arms were around her and holding her close and she saw his expression. Lum understood exactly what he was trying to say, language barrier be damned. Ataru and Lum understand one another so well it's just so fucking sweet.
Also side note-
Anyways that's really all I gotta say. I loved it, and I can't wait to see the rest of the season!
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deliciousgears · 7 years ago
Parents’ Day (Femslash February 2018)
Fandom: Urusei Yatsura
Pairing: Ryuunosuke/Shinobu
Prompt: Day 20 - Children
Summary: Years after the end of the series, Ryuunosuke visits her son at school during visiting day. It’s a day of uncomfortable reunions, hard truths, and unbreakable bonds being reasserted.
Word Count: 3915
Notes: Gah, this is another long one. But I really wanted to do something with my headcanons for the children of the UY characters, and when I read this prompt, all of this came out. I think there are some issues with it, but as it’s late and I have had little sleep, I guess I should leave it here.
"I can't believe you're going through with this..."
"Whaddya mean?" Ryuunosuke asked, walking in step behind her son Tohru. "You seriously think I'm going to skip Parents’ Day at your school? Seriously, what kind of mother do you take me for?"
Tohru said nothing, he just hunched over further and walked on. Just trying to shut her out again, like always. His short black hair, buzzed at the back and sides, rustled slightly in the wind.
Ryuunosuke furrowed her brows and followed behind her son. She didn't like it when he would clam up and ignore her, just going on his way like she didn't exist. She tried to be supportive, and she tried to be open, but it seemed sometimes that he had a brick wall around him that not even her father could get past, no matter how hard he tried.
So today, Ryuunosuke was going to try and make an effort to show interest in her son's school life. She had gotten herself a new suit, a nice dark blue three piece with the white shirt and the black tie, and a nice formal bra instead of the usual sports bra she relied upon for so long.
The suit was something that she was familiar with, if not exactly feminine. But then again, she wasn't feeling much like a dress today. But she put some blue eyeshadow and lipgloss on her face, just so people wouldn't think she was a man.
Ryuunosuke reached forward and tugged at Tohru's collar, making him stagger slightly. "Are you gonna keep giving me the silent treatment, or are you actually going to talk to me for once?"
Tohru just scowled at his mother, and jerked forward out of her grip. He started walking faster, hoping to outstrip her pace and get to school before she could.
Ryuunosuke groaned, and started running. She didn't want to deal with her son acting up again, not on what was supposed to be such an important day.
Shakkou Academy loomed up in front of the Fujinamis, the very picture of a modern Japanese high school. It was built in the years since Ryuunosuke had graduated from Tomobiki High, on the ashes of that very same school; the circumstances of its destruction on the graduation of the cursed Class 2-4 were never exactly known for sure, but what was known was that the old school had burned down to cinders, leaving little left but slightly singed students.
The Mendou family stepped in to build a replacement, which they hoped would cast off all of the bad memories and unfortunate incidents that had marred Tomobiki-cho for the longest time. But Ryuunosuke had heard the rumours of some strange force that seemed to inhabit the school, which seemed to entwine around the citizens of Tomobiki-cho.
The fact that her son shared the same class not only with the son of her beloved Shinobu, but also the son and daughter of Lum and Moroboshi Ataru, and even the son of Mendou Shutarou himself did not escape Ryuunosuke. She could tell that something strange was going on.
Tohru sped through the gates of the school, not even stopping to acknowledge Shinobu as she stood beside them. Shinobu was left staring after the boy in confusion, wondering why he was in such a hurry. And then she turned to see Ryuunosuke stop next to her, panting slightly, trying to catch her breath again.
"Ryuunosuke-kun..." Shinobu stepped up to Ryuunosuke, a smile on her face. "Good morning!" She looked over at Tohru, now beside the school entrance, double over and gasping for breath. "Have you and your son fallen out again?"
"Yeah..." Ryuunosuke said quietly. "Yeah, I guess so. I was looking forward to coming here today, and he's acting like I'm some millstone around his neck. He usually doesn't act like this. Not at the Hamachaya, anyway..."
Shinobu just shook her head. "Tohru-kun's always been a stubborn boy, Ryuunosuke-kun. Sometimes even I find it hard to get through to him." She looked back towards Tohru, making his way inside the school. "At least he's not going to care much about today. At least, not as much as you would."
"What, you're not looking forward to today?" Ryuunosuke gave Shinobu a funny look. "You don't want to see how well your son's doing in school?"
"Oh no, it's not Shiro I'm worried about!" Shinobu answered, a pensive look on her face. "I'm just dreading the other parents coming here."
Ryuunosuke wanted to ask Shinobu exactly what she meant by that, before a metallic thrum started to resound through the air. She looked up to see black clouds swirling in the sky, lightning shooting out in all directions. She shrank back slightly as she watched the black clouds swell and flash, turning into a strange vortex in the sky.
And then Ryuunosuke realised what Shinobu had meant. She didn't need to see the sleek, tiger-striped UFO burst out from the vortex, followed by a gleaming golden ship, and a spaceship shaped like a bone-white coloured horn. She only had to remember her own school days to understand the dread that Shinobu was feeling at that very moment.
Fujinami Tohru, on the other hand, just stared up at the sky and watched the procession of spaceships above him. As far as he was concerned, he just wanted to get everything over with as quickly and as peacefully as possible.
But the sudden weight of someone on his shoulders dashed all hopes of that happening.
"Toh-ru-kun!" The green-haired boy sang as he rested on Tohru's shoulders. "I saw you speeding in here and leaving your mom behind. You don't think you should go back and greet her properly?"
Tohru stayed perfectly still, his fists clenched at his sides. "Moroboshi. Get off my shoulders." He kept his gaze perfectly level, staring straight ahead. "Right now."
"Listen to him, Kokeru-kun!" A voice called out from beside him. Miyake Shiro was running up to the two boys, hoping to try and stave off any potential violence that would erupt. "He's already been upset all week about today, I don't want you adding to it!"
Moroboshi Kokeru just sighed and slipped off of Tohru's back. "Y'know, there's a lot of people who would kill to have me on their back, Tohru-kun..."
"Don't give him any ideas, Kokeru-kun!" Shiro said. "You should probably go find your mother now, before the bell rings." He ran up to Tohru's side, looking up at him through his straight-cut bangs of light hair. "And are you just going to ignore everyone for the rest of the day, Tohru-kun?"
"Yeah," Tohru answered without missing a beat, "that's the idea." He looked over at Tohru, putting on as tough as an expression as possible. "I don't want to deal with having my mother breathing down my neck all day. If I mess up, I'm never gonna live that down."
"Aren't you just holding yourself to an unreasonable standard?" Shiro asked softly. "It's not going to end up like that, trust me." He reached out and placed a hand on Tohru's shoulder. "Listen, we can go and greet our moms together, okay? You and me?"
For a moment, Tohru considered refusing, and just going down to his classroom. But Shiro was giving him that look again. The kind of caring, kind look that easily melted through any of Tohru's defences and left him unable to resist. Instead, Tohru hung his head low.
"Fine. We'll go and do whatever."
"Well, that's as good as an agreement we'll get," Kokeru said, looping his arm around one of Tohru's. Shiro took Tohru's other arm, and before he knew it, he was being frog marching back to Ryuunosuke and Shinobu at the gate.
Shinobu waved to Shiro as the three boys came closer, giving him a smile. "You look so handsome, Shiro-kun!" Then Shinobu went over to Tohru, who was looking rather uncomfortable as she smiled down at him. "And so do you, Tohru-kun!" She adjusted his uniform slightly, making sure everything was straight. "You'll make us proud today, won't you?"
Tohru was about to answer, when a strange and familiar sound reached his ears. It sounded like the weird noise Kokeru made when he flew, but it was higher, quicker, more light...
Kokeru turned around as he heard the noise, and raised his arm up high, looking up towards the sky behind him. "Hey Mom! We're right here! Come on down!"
Everyone else looked up to see Lum touch down in front of the three boys, Ryuunosuke and Shinobu. Every pair of eyes in the school courtyard, male and female, fixed on the oni princess as she stepped up to meet her son. She certainly cut a striking figure in a flattering tiger-skin cheongsam with the skirt coming up just above mid-thigh, and black stiletto heels. Her hair was done up in twin braids that twisted up behind her head into an elaborate bun.
Tohru barely had the chance to register Lum's arrival before he, Kokeru and Shiro were suddenly squished up against her in a vice-like hug that squeezed all the air out of his lungs. He couldn't even struggle to get out, because his arms were tangled up between his friends.
"I missed you boys so much!" Lum squealed as she squeezed the boys tighter to her. "And you look so handsome, too! You've grown so much!" If it wasn't for the special alloy weave in her dress, she might have accidentally given her a current of electricity as well.
"Take it easy, Lum!" Ryuunosuke said. "You just saw them last Friday!" She stepped forward to pull Tohru back by his collar, pulling him away from Lum's grasp. "You're gonna get weird stares again!"
Sure enough, some of the people around Lum were giving her funny looks. And the three boys and their mothers could tell that there was a lot of jealousy in the air surrounding them. Jealousy for Lum, still looking young and beautiful even as a mother. Or jealously for the boys, being given so much affection by such a beauty as Lum.
"Where's Ataru-kun?" Shinobu asked warily, moving slightly closer to Ryuunosuke on impulse. "I thought he would take the opportunity to come here to see his son at school..."
Lum's expression turned sour. "He's on some book tour again, across the city. And he said he was going to Remu-chan's piano recital tonight." She looked down at Kokeru. "It looks like it's just going to be your mother today, Kokeru..."
Kokeru just snorted, shrugging. "So what else is new?" He wriggled out of Lum's grip, and made his way to the school entrance.
Tohru and Shiro exchanged confused glances before running after Kokeru.
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu watched their kids run to catch up with their friend, before turning to Lum, whose smile was almost completely gone.
"You want to come along with us?" Ryuunosuke asked hesitantly. "I mean, I ain't exactly Moroboshi here, but..." Her words died in her throat as she looked up to see a familiar looking man striding up to them.
He looked as handsome as he ever was, growing into it like a steadfast oak tree. Dressed in a finely made black kimono and hakama, he looked like the very picture of a refined upper-class Japanese gentleman.
"Lum-san, it's been too long before I could see you again." Mendou Shutarou smiled as he stepped up to Lum. "Has Ataru left you behind to chase women once more? If he has, maybe I could provide you with an escort?"
Ryuunosuke stepped forward, narrowing her eyes. "She already has escorts, Mendou. Why don't you go blow your hot air somewhere else?"
Shinobu smoothly stepped up beside Lum, taking her hand gently. "What Ryuunosuke-san means to say," she said hurriedly, "is that we are perfectly able to provide Lum-san with an escort ourselves. Shouldn't you be seeing your son at the gate?"
"Why should he, when I'm right here?" Mendou Haruna asked as he stepped around his father, katana strapped to his side. He wore a crisp white version of the Shakko Academy uniform, much like her father did at Tomobiki High. Though in Haruna's case, Shakko Academy's uniform was a blazer, shirt and tie, instead of the more traditional gakuran of Tomobiki High.
He looked up at his father expectantly. "If you're done here, father, we can go ahead and head straight to class. Preferably as soon as possible."
"Of course," Shutarou answered. The two quickly turned around and headed straight for the school entrance, leaving Lum, Shinobu and Ryuunosuke standing at the gate once more.
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu looked between the receding backs of the Mendous, and then each other. Something about the Mendou kid was funny, but neither of them could place exactly what it was...
"Well, I think we've been standing here long enough," Lum said brightly, turning to Shinobu and Ryuunosuke. "Lets go in already, before we end up tardy!"
Inside Classroom 1-4, the air was thick with tension. Tohru could feel it as soon as he stepped inside, weighing down on him all the while. He cursed the fact that he was assigned a seat at the back row of the classroom, because that were the parents would usually stand.
Class Rep Fuko was at the front of the class, trying desperately to make sure that nothing would go wrong on her watch. But even she could feel the dread gathering in the air. After all, it was the first parents' visiting day for what many at Shakko Academy consider to be the next generation of those people.
Even Shiro, who liked to keep a smile on his face no matter what was going on, wasn't smiling so much at that moment. And Kokeru just seemed to be waiting for the whole thing to pass through so he could go on to something else.
The door opened, and the teacher strode in, striking a strong figure in his tiger-skin jumpsuit. He barked out the customary "Stand!" and "Bow!" as he put his text book on the desk. And then he looked straight ahead, and his eyes fell on Lum.
And before he could even react, Lum suddenly shouted "Ten-chan!" gleefully, making everyone around her jump. "I didn't know you were teaching this class!"
Ten-chan, or Ten-sensei as most of his students called him, grimaced as his cousin Lum bounced up and down behind the students. He thought he could get through teaching his nephew without any incidents, but Lum blew through all of that in a flash. He looked over at Kokeru, noticed him smirking at hime, and grimaced even further.
Nevertheless, the lesson began. And surprisingly, it went smoothly from there. Even when Kokeru seemed interested in anything else other than the lesson, or when Tohru nearly knocked his chair back when standing up to answer a question. But nothing got interrupted, nothing exploded, and nobody was electrocuted or set on fire, so it was mostly a successful lesson.
As one, the students all rose up from their seats to leave Ten-sensei with their parents. Tohru gave his mother one last look before he trudged out of the classroom behind Shiro and Kokeru, heading to the cafeteria for lunch.
Ten leaned against his desk, rooting the assembled parents under his gaze. "So this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about your children and how they're doing, right?" He smirked as he crossed his arms. "But I'm wondering if that's the last thing in your mind right now."
Lum just huffed and raised her hand. "I want to know about my son..."
He looked over at Lum, still smirking. "Well, your son is actually testing pretty well, Lum-chan. He's sharp as a tack, for all I know." He paused for a moment as Lum's face lit up. "But he seems to be more interested in chasing girls around and sleeping than actually studying in class."
As Lum's face crumbled, he turned to look at Ryuunosuke. "Your son is doing okay, Ryuunosuke-san. He only got into three fights this last week. And at least he didn't start any of them." Ryuunosuke exhaled in relief, slumping a little against her seat.
"Your son's doing well too, Shinobu-san. Of course, he keeps hanging around Moroboshi and Fujinami. Maybe you should get him tutoring them or something?"
Shinobu gave Ten a funny look, before turning her focus to Ryuunosuke.
As Ten went on through the students, Shinobu leaned in close to Ryuunosuke and whispered in her ear. "Tohru is still getting into fights? How come?" She gripped Ryuunosuke's hand gently. "Are you having trouble with your son?"
Ryuunosuke looked up at Shinobu. "Nothing worse than usual." She squeezed Shinobu's hand gently. "'sides, with what Ten's telling me, he's kinda improved a bit, right?"
Shinobu rose to her feet. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?"
Lum turned to look at Shinobu and Ryuunosuke. "What's going on?"
Ryuunosuke rose up next to Shinobu. "It's okay." She mumbled as Shinobu turned to leave. "It's just something's just come up." Before Lum could even answer, Ryuunosuke and Shinobu quickly left the classroom.
Shinobu led Ryuunosuke to an empty music room, and sat herself in a corner, leaving her heels next to the piano. She looked up at Ryuunosuke with large, open eyes, urging her to come sit with her.
Ryuunosuke sat herself next to Shinobu awkwardly, leaning against the wall. "So what is it? What's eating at you?"
"I'm worried about you, Ryuunosuke..." Shinobu looked at her with helpless eyes. "I saw Tohru running away from you, and trying to avoid you, I hear he's been getting into fights... Is there something wrong at home?"
Ryuunosuke shook her head. "Nothing that you haven't already seen." She paused for a moment, then looked at Shinobu. "I mean it. I ain't fighting with Tohru or anything. It's just that..."
Shinobu pressed her fingertip to Ryuunosuke's lips. "Don't say anything else. I know you're telling the truth." She blushed, and let her finger drop down. "I know how hard it's been ever since Nagisa passed away. You had to raise Tohru by yourself, with only your father as an example of parenting..."
"I didn't raise Tohru by myself," Ryuunosuke said quickly, interrupting Shinobu. "You were there, helping me raise him. He looks up to you. He even called you Mom a couple of times..."
Shinobu blushed even further. "Oh please, don't mention that again. I bet that he probably doesn't hear the end of it from you."
Ryuunosuke shrugged. "Never really get the chance. I don't even see him around the Hamachaya lately." She caught the concerned look on Shinobu's face. "Is that a problem?"
Shinobu looked down at the floor in front of her. "I don't know. Maybe he just needs some space? I know that sitting around with all my old classmates made me want to scream after five minutes."
"What, like he just wants to be alone?" Ryuunosuke asked, curious.
"Well, I know it's kind of hard," Shinobu answered. "Don't you feel sometimes that you're kind of boxed in, living here in Tomobiki-cho with all your friends from high school, just spinning your wheels endlessly?"
"All the time," Ryuunosuke said. "And is that how you feel?"
Shinobu just nodded. "I've been feeling that way ever since before I graduated from high school." She looked up at Ryuunosuke. "You're pretty much one of the few reasons why I keep going. You, Tohru, Inaba and Shiro... Even Lum-san and Kokeru..." She shivered a little, pressing shoulder against Ryuunosuke's.
Ryuunosuke reached her arm around Shinobu's shoulders, pulling her close. "I know how you feel, Shinobu. I know how you feel..." She squeezed her gently. "Even after all these years..."
Shinobu smiled slightly, but said nothing. She knew what Ryuunosuke was trying to say. Instead she curled in close against her, closing her eyes.
Five minutes later, Lum burst into the music room, dragging Tohru behind her. "There you two are! I've been dragging this boy all around the school looking for you!"
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu stared at Lum for a moment, then exchanged exasperated glances. Then they both gave Lum a glare that could make even the toughest Oni flinch.
"What are you doing with my son?" Ryuunosuke asked, her gaze hotter than the inside of a burning kiln.
The fact that Lum barely seemed bothered by the looks of indignation spoke volumes about her. She just hauled Tohru up in front of her. "I wanted to make him apologise for all the trouble he'd been causing you, so I found him and brought him to you."
Ryuunosuke looked at her son for a moment. Tohru looked away, trying to avoid her face. Then she looked at Lum again. "Yeah, thanks for that. I needed to tell him a little something, too."
Tohru stepped forward, only turning back to give Lum a dirty look, before standing before Ryuunosuke. "I'm sorry that I have been avoiding you all week, and making you all worried and shit... And probably a couple of other things too."
Ryuunosuke smirked a little at Tohru's words, before turning fully to look at her son. "It's okay, Tohru. You've been a pretty good son, anyway. Even if you do keep fighting all the time." Her smirk grew even wider as Tohru flushed horribly and looked away. "Look, I know I tried to raise you the best I can. And I know that this place can get you down. I know how you feel."
She got to her feet, stepped towards her son. "I didn't raise you like my dad would, expecting an heir to the Hamachaya or anything like that. I wanted to raise you because I love you like a mother should. I raised you so you could have a happy life."
Tohru tried his best to look away, even though everyone could see the tears in his eyes from miles away. "Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew how to make it stop."
Shinobu got to her feet quickly. "You can't. You just have to ride it out. But we can do that together." She looked between Tohru, Ryuunosuke and Lum. "All of us can, together."
Ryuunosuke nodded. "You should listen to Shinobu. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what I would've ended up being." She reached out and grabbed Shinobu's hand tightly. "And I dunno what she would've done without me, either." She looked at Tohru seriously. "So what d'ya say? Together?"
After a moment, Tohru looked at his mother, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Yeah, together." He stepped forward towards her mother, bowing his head low. "Together."
"So does that mean that Tohru can call Shinobu 'Mom' now?" Lum asked innocently.
Tohru's head suddenly snapped up at Lum's question, his face flushed once more. He gave Lum a horrified look, before running out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him.
Lum just stared at the door Tohru dashed out of, her face full of confusion. "I thought he would have been happier about that."
Shinobu just laughed at Lum's reaction. "He's only a boy, Lum. He'll come around eventually."
Minutes later, Tohru collapsed into Class 1-4, panting heavily. Within minutes, Kokeru and Shiro were by his side, helping him to his desk.
"I heard Mom grabbed you and dragged you off," Kokeru said, concern in his voice. "What happened?"
"Nothing," Tohru said in between pants for breath. "I think me and Mom made up. Kind of?"
"That sounds great!" Shiro said. "Mom and Mom had been really worrying over you."
Tohru grimaced, blushing even further. "Dude, did you just call my Mom 'Mom'?"
Shiro sighed, shaking his head. "What else could I call her? I thought we were like brothers!"
Tohru sighed, and nodded. "Yeah... The way things are going, that's probably gonna be true."
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misteria247 · 3 years ago
Hi Gabrielle! 😄 I have five more questions for you. Q1: What are your thoughts on The Owl House (Disney cartoon series) and Star vs the Force of Evil? (Disney cartoon series) Q2: What are your thoughts on Inuyasha: Secret of the Cursed Mask (PS2 video game)? Q3: What are your thoughts on Ducktales 2017 (Disney cartoon series)? Q4: What are your thoughts on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 Nickelodeon cartoon series) Q5: What are your favorite Tmnt12 characters you admire? ~🦋
Oh hell yeah more questions!!! And again I'm so happy that you've stopped by once again Anon, always a pleasure to see you in my inbox!!
To answer your first question, I've never seen the Owl House but from what I've heard and seen via YouTube it looks extremely cool!! And ah Star vs. The Forces of Evil!! I'd only seen a few episodes of that show but it seemed really good! Also lowkey Star and Marco totally remind me a bit of Lum and Ataru from Urusei Yatsura, I mean a normal high school boy who ends up with a roommate with a girl that's out of this world??? Totally gives off that Urusei Yatsura vibes lol.
To answer your second question, I've never personally played the game myself but I've seen enough of it to think that it's pretty cool!
To answer your third question-
Ah basically I loved the series it was pretty damn good like omfg-!!!
To answer your fourth question, my thoughts on 2012 Tmnt......
Oh. My. God.
Literally one of my favorite Tmnt shows from my childhood aside from the 2003 version of them! I lowkey loved the story and the characters and ahhhhh it gave me so many damn feelings and it lowkey was a big part of my childhood.
To answer your fifth question, I've got a lot of characters from the 2012 series that I adore and admire but I think if I had to choose it'd probably be funnily enough Raphael. (I know shocking because I'm always going on about Leo or Donnie but hear me out-!)
Okay so I really admire 2012 Raph for many reasons, from his fierce loyalty to his family and his passion for fighting he's just an all around great character. But there's so many other reasons why I admire Raphael, I admire how when he fucks up badly he's pretty quick to try and fix his mistakes and learn from them. I admire how even though he's got a temper he does his best to keep it under control because he doesn't want to snap at his brothers. I love how Raph is a softie underneath his tough guy act and how he's gentle with animals such as Spike and Chompy. I admire how when things get tough and his brothers need him he's always there for them, whether it's offering comfort or fighting for them or just being there for them. Honestly 2012 Raph is a damn good character and as the series goes on he grows so much as a person and matures quite a bit. He's by far my favorite character that I admire lowkey.
Anyways I hope that these answers satisfied you Anon and thank you so much for stopping by!!!
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