#anyways ty for this ask lol i cant sleep (anxiety yayyy) so this was a nice distraction
princekirijo ยท 4 days
Here's a random question that popped into my head: How does Riku regard Minato/Minako? Since Mitsuru and Yukari probably have photos of them in photo albums, Riku probably saw them, got curious and asked about them. How much would Mitsuru and Yukari tell him about them and how would Riku react?
Well thank you I love random questions :3
OK so two things.
1. Everything I say is subject to change here. I actually feel like this should be in my blog bio LMAO I am forever changing bits and pieces of Captain's lore and story. I have accepted that this is just part of the creative process and I want to put time into this silly AU so uh yeah. Take everything I say with a pinch of salt.
2. The actual answer:
Well... They're actually both alive for this AU ๐Ÿ˜ธ In Captain Minato and Kotone (my preferred names for them) are twins (surname Arisato) and as I said they are both alive and well :] I still haven't really thought of an explanation as to WHY its just the twins surviving the Great Seal is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine in Persona fics so i decided to include it here :]
Persona Protagonists are interesting for me because each of them have their own established personality but I do think there's a bit of room to throw in your own interpretation too! Particularly because of having the multiple dialogue options. At least that's how I personally do things. Because of this, I do find it difficult to nail down exactly how I would incorporate them both into the AU, and subsequently their relationship with Riku (I'll admit this is actually true for a lot of SEES hence why I barely mention it).
However I think I can at least say this - Riku definitely looks up to both of them as really cool figures in his life, he admires their natural leadership skills for one. The three of them have something in common - each of them are really good at masking how they're actually feeling - Minato has his "I don't care attitude", Kotone has this cheerful polite persona (which is also very much a mask) and Riku has his whole bravado look at me thing going on. And the former two are very very good at seeing past the latter's BS LOL.
As for how much Riku actually knows, he does know a fair bit of what happened during the events of P3. Just not the whole death living inside Kotone/Minato + them somewhat dying to seal away Nyx thing. Yeah that's a story he isn't gonna understand for a WHILE (unless you wanna count CATT AU)
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